So it's a reply sure to weapon Professor Ken Brown with us today. Got his bachelor's degree in chemistry at University of Puget Sound and then his Ph D. also in chemistry at U.C. Berkeley to the post back at MIT before coming to Georgia Tech starting here in two thousand and seven where he's currently an associate professor in chemistry and biochemistry although not for long as can be moving starting next semester to go to the patent route to conjugate at Duke University joining the huge influx of Georgia Tech faculty to that that part of the world so we certainly wish you were very. Candid when a number of words come out of the more recent ones. Being appointed as a kindly fellow in two thousand and thirteen his research he's one of those rare. Researchers whose whose work spans both experimental and theoretical work and I think we'll hear some of that today Bradley in the areas of traps and quantum computing so I'm going to turn it over to Ken. Thanks David thanks for the opportunity to talk and tell us a little bit about quantum computing and Miami. With all talks to try to transfer information so if you have questions about anything at any time stop me happy to talk about it talk about it offline. So. When you think about. Computational resources spent in the US A good place for a lot of scientific competition is done is the Department of Energy This is kind of a plot from two thousand and eleven showing how the computational resources of the Department of Energy are spent and you'll notice these big. Which are calculations that only make sense if you include quantum mechanical. Arms and most importantly these two guys here materials in chemistry I really about calculating the quantum mechanical way functions of electrons that's all that's going on so what's the problem with electrons so in one nine hundred twenty nine Drac knew that we knew everything there is to know about electrons there are simple particle they have a simple spin charge easy interaction with corms law but he also noted that even though these laws are simple they lead to questions which are much too complicated to be soluble. And he then goes on to think about ways to do approximations and in fact a lot of our technological development as a society has been as computers get larger I believe to solve complicated chemical material problems gets better which allows us to make better computers which then kind of feeds naturally of itself but it's Want to take a second to talk a little bit about like why is this problem hard. So the basic idea of a quantum chemistry problem is you have a bunch of nuclei which are fixed in space and then you ask wish I put these electrons. So it doesn't seem too bad the electron should of course float around the nuclei and all we have to do is minimize the shooter equation find the ground state we function for some given him will Tony and which gives us this minimal ground state energy. Now. There are simple rules really simple rules right so electrons move electrons repel each other electrons are attracted to nuclei. Then there's a kind of a weird rule which is that electrons have to have different addresses the public schools in principle and so in some sense the problem is how do we choose these addresses like what what would select trans go where. And so. One way to make the problem solvable is to start with addresses we understand so we kind of know how electrons arrange themselves and it happens so what we do is we just pick atomic orbitals as possible addresses for the electrons to set. And then what we want to do is we want to basically asked the Hamiltonian can really be thought of as equation which governs how electrons change addresses so there are two parts the first part which contains the kinetic energy and the attraction to nuclei it basically says an electron will change its address from say K. to Jane. That's it kind of just a hopping of the electrons around. The second term which is about electrons repelling each other says the two electrons and two addresses because you know I don't know you kind of think of them as bad neighbors right there if they live next to each other they prefer to live further away from each other and so of one of the neighbors tries to move closer you might indeed move down next house so these are these electrons repelling each other and that's it that's the whole problem and that's why Drac said basically the problem solved. Now what is the solution to the problem is pretty challenging so there's some good news and so the good news is that the problem size if you think about it in terms of the number of addresses or spin or bottles is pretty small it's just and the four and squared. The bad news is the possible number of configurations is basically the number of addresses choose the number of electrons which is exponential in the number of addresses which is usually linearly proportional to the number of electrons. And so this is a huge configuration space and this is where the quantum mechanics. Rears its ugly head and says that the ground state is actually some c reposition over over potentially all possible ways to configure these electrons. That means I have an exponential number of these coefficients I need to keep track of if I wanted to directly map the the state of the molecule Now the good news mixed news so to speak is that many molecules actually are will describe by only a few configurations and that's why when people use things like density functional theory or Hartree Fokker like simple Catholic cluster methods you can get really good answers for some problems the bad news is some. Things such is often catalyst in say high temperature superconductors they. Need many of these configurations and as a result we have a hard time we have a OK time if experimentalist brings us a good catalyst we have an OK time using these theory to try to explain how it works we have a very hard time predicting catalyst like I can't go to my computer in like crank through a bunch of catalysts and have and have a high certainty that the catalyst will work in a lab all right and so the way I think about this is basically. Classical computer requires an exponential number of electrons to store all of those coefficients to represent only an electrons. A molecule on the other hand somehow uses an electron it's represent an electrons which is clearly just as intelligent but it's kind of an interesting point of the gap between nature and the way we do these competitions. So Richard Feynman had this disruptive idea in the eighty's. Which is why not build the computer out of quantum mechanical pieces that would break this is symmetry. Now in the eighty's. Classical computers were not so good so it's hard to imagine building a quantum computer but it was a provocative idea and no one cared no one cared maybe two or three people cared everyone else was like you know physicists get all they have crazy ideas we just forget about it. But then in the mid ninety's Peter sure who is a mathematician it Bell Laboratories. He showed that if you wanted to so you had a large number N. which is the product of two primes and you want to give in and find one of these primes and then you get the other one basically for free. And it turns out the methods we have to do that are not that different from what you learned in grade school it does divide by three is divided by five no. But it turns out of if you had a quantum computer you could actually factor this number quickly there's a polynomial algorithm exponentially faster than the best known classical approach. And this is important because this one way function so if I have P. and I can get Q. right but I have and it's very hard for me to find P. and Q. is one of the ways that we keep the Internet's. If they're encryption OK And so as soon as this happened everybody cared mostly spies right because they want to break codes may be thieves who want to steal your bank account. And we but what I like about it is that unlike fine mins idea which is which is a which is a grand idea of I have a quantum computing device which allows me to simulate other quantum systems Peter shore is ideas mathematically very direct It's like you have these steps you put these steps together and what's nice is if you take those steps and you apply them first a system of electrons and then two electrons within a molecule you find that you get a linear scaling in the number of quantum bits that you need to the spatial basis functions which are these addresses and so even with a modestly sized quantum computer of a few thousand quantum bits you can start doing pretty much exact calculations on molecules which will never be able to be exactly calculated using classical computers and so the way I think about that is again classical The computer is the exponential number of electrons to represent and electrons molecules use and to represent N. and a quantum computer basically uses a linear number of electrons try presenting the analytics. Right. So now how do you build these things so I just like to remind people that. You know we did not always have possible computers that we have some choice of bits it's like in one hundred B.C. we use gears we actually use gears for the next basically two thousand years. Then in the one nine hundred forty S. We shifted over to this vacuum tube type technology. In this period where there were functioning large vacuum tube computers which you could argue won World War two. The first transistor was also made and this first transistor which you can see example of it Bell Labs you know is about the size of a Coke can and now we get to you know closer to today this is just a picture of my laptop so. So quantum bits we have the same choices so we have you can represent it the physical system into any physical system that will hold quantum information and these are not all possible examples these are just some examples. A lot of the early work in quantum computing was done using an M R because due to the utility of an M R for understanding chemicals it already had sufficient control electronics that you could directly map these quantum albums onto this device but it has some quite probable criminals ation. And I would say at the moment the two kind of leading contenders are superconductors and atomic ions but if you saw the cement from Microsoft yesterday about quantum computing there's hope for these future Meyer on a kind of pieces but there is great work in photons neutral atoms and quantum dots. So what do we need so we need something to care. The information some kind of quantum bit. We need to be able to manipulate that it to single cubic Gates. We need to able to do conditional operations these to keep the gates. Allow us to do logic. We need to be able to measure the outcome of our experiment and then we need some way to connect many many cubits and I would say at the moment these. Parts here for superconductors and I and are well understood and the focus technologically is thinking about this problem how do we start to put together many of these pieces. So the problem is any quantum system that we can talk to you. Other things can talk to you and typically it's something boring like the air conditioning in your lab sometimes it can be you can see the magnetic field of the MARTA moving as your quantum bit it's really good. And in the end of the day there are always these quantum effects of vacuum fluctuations which will always create some errors errors errors are unavoidable and when I think about my quantum information work I really think about it in the context of always trying to improve reliability and so these are just different ways you can imagine improving reliability of the software and firmware level thinking about algorithms in architectures that are better some kind of open loop feedback closed loop back and then better hardware like can we make hardware that's there when I am a clear kinetically protected from noise. And can we make hardware which is compatible with this closed loop control. So today I'm going to really briefly just talk about surface like should I entraps and then I'm going to explain. How quantum error correction works. And then talk about a recent experiment we we did in collaboration with the research Maryland on quantum error detection. All right so here's this list of criteria so the cubits are going to be the internal internal states of Iowans this is a picture of single atomic I and strapped to my lab here at Georgia Tech Kelso my aunt's one cubit gates are done by laser microwaves to keep the gates are done by lasers Mike waves are cool and reported the measurement is through the fluorescents of the eye and you can see they're quite bright in currently scale ability this kind of two main ideas the one idea is you basically have a C.C.D. chip of truths which you that you have it a chip with many electrodes and you shuttle the ions around like a charged couple device sort of thing the other one is you have a small quantum register which is then in tangle with other quantum registered via photon interconnect OK. So laser cooled ions the basic important thing is that you can scatter many many many photons and so even though the apparatus is at room temperature the ions themselves can be. At a Millikan even down to like five micro Calvin. You just need a ANY we choose ions that are simple to understand because we don't know how to solve every And so we we pick ions that have a single electron in the valence shell and then off that transition we can measure this for us since we've done some work in my lab pushing towards being able to do this with molecular ions that's a totally different topic. The iron trap. Which has been used all kinds of mass spectroscopy analysis many of you probably use an eye on trial for some aspect what it does is the ions are held by D.C. confining potentials acting. Axially and then radially is held by this flipping and flopping oscillating field and so the eye and can't move fast enough it can't find its way out of this trap. So in. Motivated by this idea of this scalable C.C.D. type architecture for ions John Cheever really in this boulder. Realized you could cut you could imagine cutting the select trode and faulting the trap onto a plane and when you do that you now can build these traps in two dimensions and actually make any layout that you would like so here is just a movie of that from. The folks. There is the forward trap these ions are sitting there you cut that top electrode plane you flatten it out and the ions continue to float above the surface. Here's a movie. That I took with Rob Clark sitting there back in two thousand and five I think of these are just dust particles so the other beautiful thing about a surface Alectryon trap is you can I interrupt work for anything that I have to work for atoms so we just trap these polystyrene beads you see they float through here we can control which way they go. And in the key thing is they float above the surface. But the surface is totally the trap itself is defined by the electrodes in the plane. So the last ten years or so so. If you're doing the. Charged couple device architecture or if you're doing photon interconnects in both cases here you definitely need these kind of serious traps for the photon interconnects you kind of need it because you want to get your band with Photon connections high enough so you need a place to store Iowans and shift them around. As part of this work so it's been great in the last ten years is that there's been tremendous progress and how these junctions have been made. This is a nice picture of a similar cross junction from here at G T R I where ions can be shifted a crossed we print them now their risk printed using kind of typical C mass technology of metals and insulators. Here's an example of that from my student true who use the clean room facilities here. I guess before this building to make a small spherical mirror in these traps by etching here into the silicon layer and then just building the trap on top and what I loved about this is the rest of the process didn't really change the only part of the process that needed tweaked up was figuring out how to get a very good smooth surface here and then here you can see how it works right there is a silicon chip and then metals. Insulator metal layers this is a very there are many more layers of metal insulation now but in two thousand Levon this was the state of the air and what's great is we can take the single atomic ion and we could shuttle it over this Mir And then here you can see the reflection this is one atom and the reflection of one atom and it's an important step towards building a device which has enough scalable points that you can do measurement everywhere what's great is I mean there are many different places making these kind of chips Here's a chip that we got from Sandia National Laboratories and this is an image in our laboratory of a single atom moving up the arm of this chip and we've been able to show that we can move ions through these junctions without causing too much heating which is really critical for then laying out this whole process. So what I like to say is humans humans are pretty good at making things and three D. really good at making things and tutti So in two dimensions we can take these traps and start to add in. All kinds of different features we can add injunctions we can add in places that improve a measurement and then I'm going to talk about it we can also add in control of Tronics two to directly apply the single into cubic it's we need what's great is really a global community of people working on the surface traps. We for the last ten years of actually had a standard so people can make traps anywhere and send the trap in the standard package to anywhere else. It's been quite good. All right so now I'm going to start to shift gears to Eric direction. And. The SO Remember the goal is. The goal is we want to try to solve a chemistry problem I can't solve today right I don't want to solve a chemistry problem that I can solve today so one chemistry problem we can't solve is we don't understand exactly how bacteria which fixate nitrogen to ammonia we don't exactly understand how. Their enzymes work so we know that there's this complex here. Of iron in the lived in the sulfides where the action takes place but we don't know what action we don't know exactly what happens there and we can't really simulate this so the group at Microsoft the quantum architecture but Microsoft. In collaboration with E.T.H.. Tried to see how many gates would it take on a quantum computer to actually just simulate this piece here and they calculate this number of ten to the fifteen Gates roughly. Which is a lot of gates but when you think about how many gates are in your classical computation it's not crazy and the problem is the best current error rate for doing Gates in quantum devices is tied to the minus three on average averaged over all gets it. So that means we can basically only do with thousand gates so how are we going to get from a thousand gates to ten to fifteen kids. So well first what can you do with a thousand kids so there is actually very recently this nice Nature paper from the superconducting group at I.B.M. wherry with a thousand gates you can get there closer to one hundred gates you can get a really good measurement of the grounds if I did. In. Lithium hydride things already start to go kind of goofy So these black points are the experiments and this green fuzz here is the theory of how they expect their experiments to work because they know their experiments have noise right so we know like I'd like the community knows there is noise and knows where it is but it kind of also shows you that we need to really suppress this noise to get very accurate answers so this is a very beautiful experiment is the first time people have done a quantum chemistry calculation with three atoms on a quantum computer small quantum computer. But it also shows I think that the real necessity of getting these areas down. So we have kind of two ways to do things and so one is we can imagine let's just get the controls really good like let's just make these get the lasers perfect the microwave is perfect Let's then add control theory on top and my group actually done a lot of that So this is a kind of a review article about some of the work we've done a single Cuba control very recently my student James loan there should be a one here yes seventeen o eight looked at a new way to do to keep the control which is indeed work in the laboratory but we're still limited by technical noise and if we could get rid of the technical noise so if we get below the technical noise. Yet we expect for ions kind of an error ten to the minus six. Which is still rate we need nine orders of magnitude to get to something with ten to fifteen gates so what we really need is some way to reduce the. Air which I think of kind of algorithm production of entropy through quantum or. So I think of the control situation is sort of a quick segue to the Three Little Pigs story if you're not familiar we can talk about it later so ideally we'd like a cube it would be like a brick house right and then the bad wolf comes in bounces off the house take a saved everybody's happy. Now the problem is we only have these straw Cupid's and the wolf comes in each the pig. It's not so good for us so still straw is much cheaper than bricks. So so this is not what happens when kids story but you can imagine the strong house pig was like well just build a bunch of strong houses. And as long as I move from house to house pretty regularly when the work comes in you'll probably snag a house that I'm not at. If I can repair these houses right faster than the wolf is destroying them and still save money versus making brick houses it's a much better way to do things. So. So quantum error correction error correction generically works like that. So in classical era correction the simplest example is majority voting. And so you can imagine if I wanted to send a message of one bit I just send it three times and I always say this is like talking to my grandmother on the phone right Blake coming over anyway so the problem is. There's two problems so the first thing is if I measure the value of these bits quantum mechanically it'll collapse me to some classical state which will be bad. This copying this this basically is an example also of copying right so we need to make a backup of your computer as effectively the simplest error correcting code you just copy the data so in quantum mechanics we can't copy and we can't stop to measure the data because then we would lose the advantage. Yet we basically would lose the advantage of the quantum machine. So instead what we do is we ask a different question which is we measure the subspace. So here if you think of this is again three day Bers you could ask these neighbors like do you agree with your neighbor Yeah yeah Greg and when they agree with their neighbors you know there's no air but you actually don't know what the data is you don't know if it's zero you don't know if it's the one you just know they agree now here this neighbor in the middle disagrees with the neighbors on both sides and so you can tell that neighbor they should change their mind without getting any sense of what the neighbor things that part still hidden to you. And that allows you to keep the quantum superposition you need for the speed up. Without but still being able to measure the errors so the way you meant instead of measuring the data and comparing the data you just you set up a way to measure the errors. Now quantum mechanically there are two types of errors that you can have a bit flip in a facelift. And that basically means we need to classical codes and we can further concatenate these codes to suppress the air so that brings us to a key concept which is the threshold and so this is an example of concatenated codes a calculation we did here but the point is here is the physical error rate this red line and then below some threshold and this threshold will depend on all kinds of things. You can use you can find a family of codes they can suppress that air. As low as you like it to go right Sue The plan is we make the physical errors good as we can and then we use the fact there's a family of codes of different distance to lower that aired down to the ten to the minus fifteen we need. And I guess I should point out that actually to break people's bank accounts you only need about ten to the twelve gates. So you can just focus on that if you want. All right so in the early ninety's. People took classical era correcting codes they made quite America codes. And then the problem was when they tried to figure out how good the gates had to be to meet this threshold they had to be good to say a part per million to about one hundred perfectly. And it was. I'm an optimist so that seems possible to me but it's like it's kind of at the edge right if this was like a part per trillion that maybe we'd say OK forget it like we these codes are going to help. Now people thought well you know there are other ways to protect information not just through codes like so if you think about a magnetic hard drive or like a cassette tape. It's it's controlled by actually the physical interaction of a magnet. And so people said well can we make a quantum harddrive if we make a system whose physical interaction preserves that information. And the bad news the good news was yes the bad news was that required basically the system to be four dimensional if it wasn't four dimensional there would be some error that would act like a string. Which would ruin your memory in the same way that if you have only a one dimensional magnet it's also not there manically still right you need higher dimensions. But what's incredible is this idea. Could be coupled with some ideas about quantum Eric rection I mean it was a start is a quantum. Move to this idea back to your question idea where resin different Harrington showed in two thousand and six that you basically say use your quantum computer to simulate a two D. version of this hard drive but with feedback where why. Ching in fixing things and what they found is that you could then do quantum computation to arbitrary precision if the underlying gates were only good to one percent. And that I think is when companies etc started to really pay attention because I don't really need my cubits to be that good my kids are already better than this so this actually earlier this month I organized a workshop on quite America action quantum Fourth International Conference on quantum era corruption at the University of Maryland Corgan I was with Jake Taylor. And we are sponsored by the University of Maryland and NIST to the. These joint centers visit to sponsored by Georgia Tech through this nice Center for Research and all the beating heart disease sponsored by the government labs or television sciences sponsored by Microsoft right Northrop Grumman and then these two companies are getting and I and Q. which are startup quantum computing companies. Right now there is a ton of jobs for people who know about quantum computers how to build them quite American action. And I think if you yet I wait if you're interested in changing directions think about changing the structure. Yet But what I want to point out actually just to come back to is that this we all think that we need this quantum era correction to make these computers actually do something useful. All right so back to hardware so ions if you have say seven ions you can imagine implementing one of the smallest quantum error correcting codes one of the codes that was devised in the early ninety's and this is the least the basic operations of including the state were done in two thousand and fourteen in minor blood scrip in spoke. But what's neat about a chain of violence is that even though the ions are in a linear chain the connection between the eye and because it's through the normal modes of motion. It's basically a fully connected graph so if I want to change quantum error correcting code I just basically change the firmware but not the hardware up to up to some sort of size. And so now. So this this is been a big current Big direction of what we've been doing in the group. I'm only going to talk about this quantum err detection code an experiment we did with University of Maryland but we recently had this nice paper showing how if you take into account physical errors you can make better codes but most of you likely and then we have a paper which should be out soon on the archive talking about how to implement the surface code which is the code which has this one percent error. Threshold the smallest instance which doesn't have that good of pseudo threshold using I introduce which is kind of our. I would say three year plan. All right so. If you think about. So if you think back about this. The three big code if I think about. Vastly question about agreement between neighbors I don't care if they're plus or minus right I just care that they agree and that this is easy to. So Izzy asked one guy are you plus or minus into Z S basically say are you both Plus are you both minus and if you're not there's a switch so these check operators look for the parity of bits of these four bits and this check operator looks for the phase parity of those four bits which is hard to explain but it's the quantum kind of the quantum analog of that bit flip and so then there are these four logical operators corresponding to measuring in the classical computer basis or measuring in the. In this rotated kind of quantum basis and this for Keep it up for a cubit checks are the basis of many ways to build quantum of character acting codes. So let's say I want to prepare the logical zero state what I can do is I can start with all of my bits just in a zero state and then I apply the sequence of operations. But there can be errors and these errors will also be propagated through these two cubic things leading to possible Q.B. errors so. So here if we forget about the errors the state that I get here is either all of the states are in zero or all the states are in one and this is sometimes referred to as a short and her cats to it's like the cat is alive or the cat is dead and if I measure any bit of information I completely collapse to everybody's dead or everybody's alive. Now this stupid error what it will do is it will flip these last two bits and if I think of my logical cubit space what I see is the second logical cube it is flipped but the first logical cube it has been preserved so it turns out that for this code if there are errors in the gates if there are errors in the gates right it's not a channel. Yet if there are errors in the gates then I can only preserve one of these coupons and so what I do is I build my check operators in a way where that single cubits preserved. And all of the errors accumulate kind of on the other cute So yes that single Cuban air here can lead to a two Cuban air here which is equivalent to a logical error on that second will keep it. And so this organization of these. Said the organization of how these circuits look is is actually related to work my student you to me to did when she was an intern at Microsoft. And there's been a similar work on the stabilizers from the I.B.M. superconducting group and what I'm going to talk to you now with our experiments is on the archive and should be published in Science advances you know this month. So what's the hardware look like at the University of Maryland who you collaborating with where you have these you have a big laser that comes through there's a multichannel A.O.M. which allows you to then interact with indeed digital ions and there's a multichannel P.M.T. which then allows you to measure the states of these guys. Here they have kind of one percent fidelity on the measurement. When you measure over all of these different states what you find is that you don't quite get it. You don't just get the product of these single Keep measurements and the reason is there's classical crosstalk in that photon counter and so if the if the one channel goes off there's a higher probability that one of its neighboring channels can go off. Sue what's nice is that secondary error that would occur. Happens in a way where distance to code can still suppress that underlying detection or. So we do this we prepare the state zero logical zero and this is all of the states written like right the binary state is now transformed to just a number. We should only get basically population and zero in thirty we see there's some air the fidelity is quite good and if we look at these two cubits So the one cubit which we've built in this way which is fault tolerant. We see that ninety eight percent of the time. It's correct. Almost on a side time. But the point three percent of the time it goes bad We're as the cubit which is we've made a kind of sacrificial you see that it fills much higher right is filled closer to the two percent right and this is really. So we also do this by by doing adding a check and you see basically the same plots that the cube it the sacrificial cube it fails at two percent which is kind of the error rate of the gates and the good cube it fills at a rate of point five percent or so. Now it's only an error detection code so that means we don't have enough information to correct we only have enough information to throw out the runs we know we're bad. Right we don't. Write we still keep runs that are bad but we threw out the ones where we've been heralded to know that they in fact have gone incorrectly and that means there is some loss in kind of data rate because we end up throwing the ones that are bad but the ones that get through we know in fact are good. So here is the physical error rate of the physical cubits. This yellow curve is the area eight of the cubit which is fault tolerant which we've set up so that no single gate error will destroy it and here is the error curve for the sort of more sacrificial cubit and. Hey this plot is really good news and because some sense it's boring it more or less matches like our theoretical guess of what should happen. But in terms of building an era corrected circuit that's incredibly good news because the thing that the quantum error correction theorist are most worried about is that there is some unknown correlated errors that we aren't accounting for and at least in the small system there are no surprise unknown errors which means there is no there still remains no in principle reason why we can't make these logical keep it's large enough to make the error sufficiently small. Let me just check the time. I've done it's OK so I just briefly there's some cost. So if I have. So. For every error correcting code. There is some limit on the number of steps that I can take and some don't this is basically number of gates a number of gates is the number of cubits times the number of competition steps and as I increase my error correcting code I can get to the point where the algorithm that I want to do. Will succeed right so if I have no error correction not much works as I increase the air correction I get to the point where succes. So one of. My first papers here at Georgia Tech was the question of What if the what if the N.S.A. is already built a factoring quantum computer. And they get tired of factoring everything and they give it to you to do science like what kind of science can you do and so this curve here corresponds to one level of error correction two levels of Eric direction three levels of error correction for those that are correction and these Dagen allows here tell you how much air correction you need to succeed at what you're doing. And the first thing is it depends a lot on how you do the algorithm so this is the right the way to do sure is algorithm that takes more cubits and less steps of course you could use less cubits and more steps but it turns out the amount of error correction you need becomes really tough so what we did is we just looked at a simple magnet model and what's nice is that the you can see the linear. That the cost only goes literally like you hope but the amount of time step seem quite long when you do the air correction. And so we spend a lot of time with other people to feel particularly Fred chunkier Chicago and Margaret Manu see at Princeton. Thinking about. How can we actually calculate what's the real cost of doing these things and in that process not only our team but many many teams around the world at Microsoft elsewhere realize the all of these numbers are just. You know we haven't had the years of optimizing that we've had for classical algorithms so better compilation shifted all of this to the yeah all this the left by a factor of a thousand with no change in the number of keep it's and better sub routines and end up costing a little more cubits but basically ship there's another factor of one hundred and we don't think that we're near that limit yet and so I actually think there's a lot of opportunity in for a long time to feel had people working on quantum algorithms people working on devices and there was so much space in between that there is very little information flow and many missing instructions and we're moving into an area now where there is good reason to work on things like technologically where correction and better ways to do these optimizations and as I mentioned before there is like a growing industrial effort Microsoft working on my on a cube it's Google and I.B.M. working on super doctors and we've got to reconsider the actors into working on a super good actors and so I could actors and Kubrick and ions. I think. I hope that I've convinced you that it's kind of an exciting time to do quantum computing that they were reaching the point where quantum era correction is really right on the horizon and once that errors of these quantum bits drop sufficiently low I think it will revolutionize the way that we calculate the properties of materials and chemistry and with that I'd like to just thank the sponsors National Science Foundation and our research office. I arpa. The humble foundation for a fellowship. This is the group and we do other stuff we work a lot on called Molecular ions and we have some new project on sorting cells using surface electrode ion traps. And I said thanks for attention thanks. But. Well an. So tell you the one optimist thing and then I'll switch to the other side so the one optimist thing is that right now we don't have a device and so when people calculate how many gates you need and how many cubits you need. We actually the whatever the. The feel of the character of the field is be pessimistic so you like people try to prove rigorous balance they say there's a rigorous bound between these two operators right and if you think about how we actually do calculations of molecules on a classical computer we all know D.F.T. will fail sometime we all know we all use D.F.T. all the time and then when it fails we don't get upset but it's like OK I guess I move to the next program and so the optimist in me things once we have working hardware all those numbers will come down right so in that Microsoft paper for nitrogen is you need on the order of two thousand logical cubits which means good and you need about ten of the fifteen gates so you need basically two thousand logical cubits that fail at a rate of ten to the minus fifteen. Now if an ion traps we could hit ten to the minus six physical cubits then I would only need. I basically need three hundred fifty. Three hundred fifty physical cubits to logical cubit which would be a great deal. The Microsoft is working on these my on a cubit which don't exist yet but they think if they did exist they would have an error of ten to the minus eight and so they'd be able to do this transformation at about a factor of. Yet you know basically seven they need seven logical keepers of what he was. However if we're stuck in areas that are close to only ten of the minus three. Then we're going to need thousands of logical cubit that thousands of physical keep it. And that's. That's the question right so. We're still. Yeah. I would say there when there were one to two years away from one hundred like machines that can really use one hundred physical keep it. I really think the challenge in the field from my perspective is really skill ability like how do I then take this hundred cubits put them into blocks and make a thousand cubits. And whether that turns out to be you know that's. You know coming from like a scientist background we always think of that as like someone else will scale stuff up later it's fine but of course that's a really hard problem. It will take some. Sort. Of that that's really. What it is. For the space station. What is the off yeah so so we used to Iran's calcium and you to be mine so in callously my on on is the electron in the sorbitol Basically the ground state of calcium and off is where you show the electron into this deal orbital Sisson optical keep it. For you terbium on and off. Is basically the nucleus of your terbium and so we off so it's a hyper fine state but off it is the lower state and on is the upper right. So. Yeah in the same for each area so so for atomic ions we always detect by for us since But what we use is the on and off states different. Yeah yeah. And so the nice thing I mean the nice thing about C.U. terbium ions is hyper find States don't decay in a time scale which is relevant to us. The hyper finances you terbium also have a clock state which means they're relatively insensitive to magnetic field fluctuations so with with. Yes Actually with not that much work you can get a. Kind of Q State like the oscillations you can do relative to the decay of it of of. You have a million without much work and you can do better by adding magnetic shielding and all this comes. From what.