[00:00:05.06] All. [00:00:05.18] [00:00:06.18] Of. [00:00:07.07] [00:00:08.22] You stop your holy church for protection here because it [00:00:13.12] [00:00:13.12] is a well regarded it will kill it sure. [00:00:18.05] [00:00:19.17] Isn't one of your special what should be here for a lot of reasons. [00:00:23.09] [00:00:24.15] But one of the reasons is just there's only all of them I think for it is ill we [00:00:31.08] [00:00:31.08] continue to stoop to God's people who come back from this lecture is a little bit [00:00:36.13] [00:00:36.13] we didn't hear you it was great to see see what he is here this is just life. [00:00:42.13] [00:00:46.08] As it is go the garden was a was a very wishful educator and it was huge and [00:00:54.14] [00:00:54.14] it was it was here recently hears of it or worse yet [00:01:00.08] [00:01:00.08] we still teach that it is for for this good St We are all over [00:01:05.15] [00:01:05.15] the stooges of the worst is over this is just part of [00:01:10.07] [00:01:10.07] the legacy that God has let your school on along with the slush [00:01:16.01] [00:01:16.01] the drug is also a new kind of British or [00:01:21.00] [00:01:21.00] detection or ruse on going through his history this is. [00:01:24.16] [00:01:26.05] There also this here is the it is this it is the list in own. [00:01:34.13] [00:01:35.16] Doug Ellis is to hear from this we will hear from the earliest to do. [00:01:40.06] [00:01:41.20] Has been formed to preserve the lay seeds or is the lectures. [00:01:46.03] [00:01:47.06] Of the history were or is there that's another there's another [00:01:51.15] [00:01:51.15] last part of George Will's I'm sure he has a and goes it. [00:01:56.11] [00:01:57.13] Alone and this lecture was to bring in notable may ask you to salute orders. [00:02:05.20] [00:02:08.03] To roll over the real world is understood every year with 3 or [00:02:13.11] [00:02:13.11] so it's always it's always ready as if it were just [00:02:18.06] [00:02:18.06] make sure that we have at least want to use you know more lectures and just. [00:02:22.21] [00:02:23.21] Ensure the morsels are on the traditional own. [00:02:29.08] [00:02:30.15] You know Nick I want to make a special welcome to have yellers in the audience. [00:02:36.21] [00:02:38.23] And also hear some of your. [00:02:40.18] [00:02:42.02] Own This is also his lecture is also part of the reason in City's public [00:02:47.09] [00:02:47.09] program that we've all razors he hears you know I knew that kind of leadership and [00:02:54.01] [00:02:54.01] racial overtone jewels this is episode 30 of that lecture [00:02:59.08] [00:02:59.08] if you decided to combine it because the emission of the movies of the city is [00:03:04.05] [00:03:04.05] larger series in the you know yellowish [00:03:08.15] [00:03:08.15] just kind of heavy other in a lot of 300 words these 2 murders so [00:03:13.10] [00:03:13.10] we're having to really make a little earth alone this is the 2nd serious [00:03:18.22] [00:03:18.22] 2nd here this series of mission is going to great program to expose [00:03:24.03] [00:03:24.03] our students to all sorts of thinkers You're a new story to some rescue [00:03:29.06] [00:03:29.06] mission stations use their own you know one of the biggest you will foundation for [00:03:34.13] [00:03:34.13] that series of do so for this program years in. [00:03:40.00] [00:03:41.03] And here is a good great [00:03:43.23] [00:03:43.23] kind of edition to expose your suit is the people who it was be exposed. [00:03:48.21] [00:03:50.15] This part of that series this book there's a part of this that comes and [00:03:54.23] [00:03:54.23] others know that this luxury is a carcass but previously today well if you [00:04:01.04] [00:04:01.04] were still in there it is a park as a leader that will own cars for [00:04:06.12] [00:04:06.12] mission if they want to use for coordinated series the last few years [00:04:11.20] [00:04:11.20] in history that it continues on so what they do know. [00:04:17.05] [00:04:18.20] How we're going to name just a few of it is that we. [00:04:21.20] [00:04:23.12] Hope that you can hear the gold in the right questions [00:04:27.19] [00:04:27.19] they will be said to learn you. [00:04:30.06] [00:04:30.06] Real trying to deliver the kind of. [00:04:31.21] [00:04:33.06] Ordinary charade The question is if you like sure own so. [00:04:37.21] [00:04:38.22] Here are a rebel should get out of this issue or else agree to [00:04:44.09] [00:04:44.09] a go to go you got rid of you does sleight of s l t o. [00:04:50.21] [00:04:52.02] O God come. [00:04:53.06] [00:04:54.16] And put it in this 76 if that's all you have in Europe and it is very. [00:05:01.14] [00:05:03.01] Ugly and it is the way we did it a lot of questions through this process that has [00:05:08.04] [00:05:08.04] raised a lot of so anyway as a whole to go to q. [00:05:13.06] [00:05:13.06] and a a few people here to lecture in their own moderates. [00:05:16.18] [00:05:18.10] Ok you know what introduce our speaker of the 8 or so [00:05:22.05] [00:05:22.05] will soon the worst of all is a list of architects in the Founder [00:05:27.07] [00:05:27.07] is under order of the lining of bases in the Cisco [00:05:32.11] [00:05:32.11] own if it still works I know that it is for there are so. [00:05:37.06] [00:05:38.08] Small for related projects so I did the what [00:05:43.12] [00:05:43.12] I could tell from the other ball is that they really do we didn't for [00:05:48.19] [00:05:48.19] they very quickly started his really good rest of us own. [00:05:54.21] [00:05:55.23] They did hear a living in there in their output from the beginning of the for us or [00:06:00.12] [00:06:00.12] even to in competitions and even this only thing a cell phone or [00:06:04.12] [00:06:04.12] a project should be given to generated and test ideas of and [00:06:09.13] [00:06:09.13] they were very handily placed and more projects for the rest of us. [00:06:14.03] [00:06:15.17] But for all your projects in cases of clauses or [00:06:19.20] [00:06:19.20] whatever roads infrastructure university or campuses very used to [00:06:25.00] [00:06:25.00] help us in those who got full science own their real. [00:06:30.06] [00:06:30.06] It was short highly they do. [00:06:32.01] [00:06:33.08] All of this for has been in existence for 12 years is. [00:06:36.16] [00:06:37.22] Over here 1st of all a build up of all the supplies that includes weight [00:06:43.12] [00:06:43.12] of Joey who will only run a slight risk of a quarter of a morning on [00:06:48.12] [00:06:48.12] the use of the earth's surface a skill but [00:06:52.12] [00:06:52.12] they've also the lower the overall of the putting work of the city of all told [00:06:57.21] [00:06:57.21] a city or several It's several of it is easy and [00:07:01.14] [00:07:01.14] simple Sisko pleaded or students are still the servants are still possible [00:07:06.21] [00:07:06.21] coalition other part of the worst in the region or support. [00:07:11.07] [00:07:12.12] The firm has numerous awards of of anybody worse than Hey Boston Chicago and [00:07:19.10] [00:07:19.10] California and they are just so you know what is good or service of course [00:07:24.15] [00:07:24.15] the whole received by sure some religious organization over us in [00:07:29.18] [00:07:29.18] university and his ministry was good workers are sure over the g.s.t. [00:07:34.20] [00:07:34.20] of or so at least your media book or so. [00:07:38.07] [00:07:49.16] Let's continue. [00:07:50.13] [00:07:56.06] Our. [00:07:56.18] [00:07:57.20] Series thanks for coming on using it when it goes to your right. [00:08:02.12] [00:08:04.10] Or you get a whole new group of people called Rule. [00:08:07.17] [00:08:08.18] They did say something in a very real way to. [00:08:11.08] [00:08:12.09] Come through here times no good jokes about incident guys are. [00:08:16.20] [00:08:18.02] Coming. [00:08:18.14] [00:08:20.05] Out of Service and think he's going to just discard. [00:08:24.07] [00:08:25.08] Interest or indication come camisa. [00:08:28.12] [00:08:30.00] In. And. [00:08:30.14] [00:08:32.05] I just really appreciated that she's come and see the. [00:08:35.19] [00:08:36.22] School. [00:08:37.10] [00:08:39.03] Play with this this lecture series in this small world of design that just aren't [00:08:44.13] [00:08:44.13] many where she's serious folks on this earth texture [00:08:47.18] [00:08:47.18] it's your community it's true story detention its expertise to the world. [00:08:52.08] [00:08:53.08] And so this series really stands out. [00:08:56.00] [00:08:57.23] For its significance and [00:08:59.11] [00:08:59.11] you know the profession that also it's the academic discourse and. [00:09:03.06] [00:09:04.08] It's just so much good to try to look you know the best living legacy for [00:09:08.17] [00:09:08.17] the characters landscape architects and [00:09:10.15] [00:09:10.15] designers from around the world Peter Walker. [00:09:13.03] [00:09:15.05] Who's the George Arias case worked in a few suits through the. [00:09:20.06] [00:09:21.16] Company. [00:09:22.04] [00:09:23.14] I've never been there recently. [00:09:26.07] [00:09:27.12] And I had a chance to walk around the campus is beautiful. [00:09:31.19] [00:09:33.02] Even on a rainy day and [00:09:35.20] [00:09:35.20] I was struck by a couple things one just for kind of been here for me people. [00:09:40.21] [00:09:42.03] To go and present a school. [00:09:45.15] [00:09:46.16] And he was very sure person to hold their cases you know [00:09:51.14] [00:09:51.14] the one is the vertex rated by the lake and cheers and scientists. [00:09:56.11] [00:09:57.14] Do some work of a strong character. [00:09:59.12] [00:10:02.12] I do that every day actually I think really stands for. [00:10:05.12] [00:10:10.03] The Love did this 2 years just this and this is years of experimentation and [00:10:16.13] [00:10:16.13] it was great and really look see everybody and one day. [00:10:20.23] [00:10:22.08] And working in the studio. [00:10:23.18] [00:10:25.10] Digital technology has done one of the architectural [00:10:28.02] [00:10:28.02] design education which is made. [00:10:30.08] [00:10:30.08] Working virtually. [00:10:31.09] [00:10:32.12] Impossible and I just think that there's no replacement for just the code word and. [00:10:38.06] [00:10:39.10] Inspector has those really scary. [00:10:42.18] [00:10:44.06] And I mean this students those of you in the audience I love the studio and [00:10:49.18] [00:10:49.18] uses e.s.p.. [00:10:50.19] [00:10:51.20] And I'm going to everywhere man this both it was an interesting 10 [00:10:56.15] [00:10:56.15] minutes walk out I don't understand if you did it but. [00:11:01.07] [00:11:03.02] I really good ones because I also remember just one hand referred questions like How [00:11:10.12] [00:11:10.12] do I go from sitting in the seat actually doing projects that matter is to. [00:11:16.06] [00:11:17.07] Education to come here came that kind of 10 year. [00:11:22.16] [00:11:23.23] Mark in the furnace story. [00:11:26.08] [00:11:28.03] Eat it he actually did around a little 10 years for the 1st session or a start. [00:11:33.10] [00:11:34.21] So there's a good here to answer step back and [00:11:37.14] [00:11:37.14] just move here a prize he should have made from the far or. [00:11:41.23] [00:11:42.23] And just talk about the word in there usually for and the work. [00:11:47.00] [00:11:48.03] That we're doing today. [00:11:49.01] [00:11:52.02] So far as the end of the term for about for about 10 years [00:11:57.12] [00:11:57.12] we do the whole range of projects and that they on the left. [00:12:03.23] [00:12:05.02] Is a standard thing on the road since this could be a doer of skills into scene [00:12:10.01] [00:12:10.01] we're really not interested specializing more and [00:12:14.02] [00:12:14.02] attention of the century for for for profit to missions. [00:12:19.03] [00:12:20.23] You need cites programs clients. [00:12:23.04] [00:12:24.07] They get 3 great lessons about like why the question in your for but in. [00:12:30.04] [00:12:30.04] And there's a few reasons the one is not about an individual or [00:12:36.06] [00:12:36.06] the door gives up point. [00:12:37.17] [00:12:38.18] To Ms it's it's going to need a connotation of of the world and [00:12:44.10] [00:12:44.10] environments in the future captures what we do. [00:12:47.23] [00:12:49.21] Essentially by combining things that are alive and [00:12:52.20] [00:12:52.20] things their way and today we find ourselves in the end and. [00:12:57.15] [00:12:58.23] And the arc of human evolution environments in a crisis it's [00:13:04.01] [00:13:04.01] partly due to the unintended consequences of of not designing [00:13:08.23] [00:13:08.23] life in this totality and so limited for [00:13:13.02] [00:13:13.02] us simply to enable life just to be creased a complicated and [00:13:18.00] [00:13:18.00] technological world the turmoil maybe has its origins in the cities [00:13:23.10] [00:13:23.10] it became known in popular culture in the seventy's through science fiction [00:13:28.13] [00:13:28.13] is a theory you know the movies are always right they always eventually come true. [00:13:33.02] [00:13:34.09] And it was at the time ironically didn't design the nature. [00:13:39.07] [00:13:40.09] Of the book by him or maybe are sufficient The world is under tremendous [00:13:44.23] [00:13:44.23] strain from what sort of a superstitious resource consumptive in the world [00:13:50.03] [00:13:50.03] this often exercised by engineers and architects has really made a case for [00:13:55.07] [00:13:55.07] the agency believes good architecture pioneered a theory about methods for [00:14:00.12] [00:14:00.12] designing it a large scale partly multiple layers of information. [00:14:04.07] [00:14:05.15] And the tires radical idea but it was done in the air was the precursor [00:14:10.18] [00:14:10.18] to yes the dish stations are closed and I fully mature by [00:14:15.22] [00:14:15.22] it to be useful in talking about the challenges to the environment. [00:14:21.00] [00:14:23.04] And in taking it out into the engine here and into the hands of the designers. [00:14:27.16] [00:14:29.05] It has a connotation about restoring dish and sitting in for Farai for Harry or [00:14:34.20] [00:14:34.20] the managing growing emerging things that are alive things are made and [00:14:40.06] [00:14:40.06] Betty intelligence replacing it was. [00:14:43.13] [00:14:44.18] Completely replacing was function. [00:14:47.04] [00:14:48.11] The idea that you can you hated design a proxy or a situation for something [00:14:53.16] [00:14:53.16] that's impossible or to bring great joy it has a connotation of being projected [00:15:00.08] [00:15:00.08] super in a way past to be using the ability to form fire. [00:15:05.16] [00:15:06.18] Pro or is it really fair as. [00:15:10.12] [00:15:11.18] An ability to be equalizing force to shift the ability and and if it was. [00:15:19.12] [00:15:21.05] Is that assay to create a fund in case it played to a pleasure at scale [00:15:27.22] [00:15:27.22] it's that application technology at the smallest scales you can be acquired for [00:15:32.16] [00:15:32.16] Mass Effect and while you know these images and [00:15:35.15] [00:15:35.15] I love it because it talks about the use the human body. [00:15:38.20] [00:15:40.02] Example that a fish out of those things he said for or and is needed for a fee for. [00:15:46.06] [00:15:47.18] Our everyday lives give us that technology landscapes or inventions and [00:15:52.23] [00:15:52.23] it to me the better part of 20 years to take. [00:15:56.22] [00:16:00.09] So something about me I'm from India. [00:16:03.05] [00:16:04.09] My dad. [00:16:05.04] [00:16:05.04] I'm sorry Lumberville there grew up around the process just [00:16:09.11] [00:16:09.11] Aristide lumbered beat around the bush machinery all the time and [00:16:15.08] [00:16:15.08] really it was funny my understanding of where he is a group of us [00:16:21.09] [00:16:21.09] is reminding machines they were in dirt and [00:16:25.21] [00:16:25.21] this extract the raw materials from the forest rag [00:16:30.15] [00:16:30.15] cutting rows and relying on quid. [00:16:35.02] [00:16:37.00] That material was brought back to this this lumber mill where still was a kid and [00:16:42.18] [00:16:42.18] the process there is very methodical and [00:16:46.22] [00:16:46.22] process oriented was a broken down and [00:16:50.22] [00:16:50.22] so on Worsley known by machines were an invention of the mechanics. [00:16:55.22] [00:16:57.07] And that's the that's the goods are for [00:16:59.19] [00:16:59.19] my understanding of things gave every I thought their course a whole [00:17:05.03] [00:17:05.03] generation an extraction was normal and scare related tech and. [00:17:10.03] [00:17:12.15] That was in the end was severed his this is fine is this it was shot [00:17:17.19] [00:17:17.19] this is it was he was the blue or the shot on film with any enlarged camera. [00:17:23.04] [00:17:24.22] The camera was nearby but as I skirt Rishon sure there is one or. [00:17:29.13] [00:17:31.19] This it was the beginning of the environmental movement [00:17:34.22] [00:17:34.22] this is she was the revolution there's only one planet in that and [00:17:39.07] [00:17:39.07] that is to you know just a mass public knowledge that there is [00:17:44.04] [00:17:44.04] only one planet the atmospheres can swirling up above the earth. [00:17:47.09] [00:17:48.17] And you can only have half see the ground [00:17:51.05] [00:17:51.05] they said these were the end of our time in the time that I've been alive the world [00:17:55.19] [00:17:55.19] has really converted family of the world to a digital world is it. [00:18:00.09] [00:18:01.10] That's from the above the 80s to that shootout in. [00:18:05.06] [00:18:05.06] It started kind of it is it enough way and [00:18:08.12] [00:18:08.12] while we were all learning how to use him he's an individual basis. [00:18:13.06] [00:18:14.18] The world this is dish. [00:18:16.00] [00:18:17.03] It was in this unitized. [00:18:19.16] [00:18:21.13] Least it were kind of measured quantified it remove the sense [00:18:25.20] [00:18:26.20] resources more effectively efficiently or is it really isn't sprawl. [00:18:32.15] [00:18:33.15] Or kit capacity for already seeing operating became leader [00:18:38.14] [00:18:38.14] in greater care much freer Cassady from mission it were just managing. [00:18:43.04] [00:18:44.12] Our map behavior belief has become more and more granular Linsky can be sensed [00:18:50.04] [00:18:50.04] in in real time search for removal occasions we can tell when. [00:18:56.09] [00:18:57.10] The size of the missionary shelf is as it were breaking off the scale. [00:19:01.07] [00:19:02.17] We can systematize and remotely sense all over this networks and structure and [00:19:08.17] [00:19:08.17] landscapes are in our productivity was inserted by 24 of [00:19:15.07] [00:19:15.07] NASA released this it this is the Blackmore is it's you know [00:19:20.13] [00:19:20.13] it's a it's an image to use digitally shot multiple cameras maps of the load. [00:19:26.01] [00:19:27.05] And it ministers of view of the earth of the atmosphere you can clearly see [00:19:32.03] [00:19:32.03] what you need this is what's underneath here urbanized you know most of it. [00:19:37.01] [00:19:39.00] Ironically the etymology of the church came about 24. [00:19:43.01] [00:19:44.11] Or wish. [00:19:44.23] [00:19:47.03] This is a story that we had we had. [00:19:51.00] [00:19:52.15] The. [00:19:53.19] [00:19:53.19] Earliest of planet and sun and design today. [00:19:57.20] [00:20:00.05] And there was a that was happening really you know rapid. [00:20:03.12] [00:20:05.04] Rounds this is a basic condition where people with technology and [00:20:08.17] [00:20:08.17] environment are all colliding to extremes so [00:20:12.04] [00:20:12.04] when one says the merging in another sense there is in competition. [00:20:16.05] [00:20:17.19] So much my interest as a student. [00:20:21.11] [00:20:22.20] In place for it to really [00:20:25.06] [00:20:25.06] work at times to research the interest I was interested in this something and [00:20:30.06] [00:20:30.06] thing Taishan natural processes things like you know fire suppression. [00:20:34.18] [00:20:35.21] Or creation building beaches whole geologic Well geologic systems [00:20:43.23] [00:20:43.23] on the eastern seaboard civically this is migration and assisting species. [00:20:49.18] [00:20:51.04] Are going to be broken age old cycles or [00:20:55.12] [00:20:55.12] just removing species interested in them from one place to another because of human [00:21:00.00] [00:21:00.00] tension control flooding this is an agreement and then came in [00:21:05.10] [00:21:05.10] in order to begin to rebuild workers' scale systems and and so [00:21:11.13] [00:21:11.13] the ecological process cloud seeding of us from its you know our deficit vision. [00:21:19.03] [00:21:20.10] And the earth fishnet mating and these technologies since this time and [00:21:25.03] [00:21:25.03] just for a room ready to get in to the point where you can [00:21:29.10] [00:21:29.10] essentially sort of automate an entire She was. [00:21:31.19] [00:21:33.13] Right I was really interested in at the same from [00:21:38.07] [00:21:38.07] my interest in sort of mechanization automation. [00:21:42.01] [00:21:43.21] A different dimension. [00:21:45.11] [00:21:46.14] I'm still fascinated by this [00:21:48.23] [00:21:48.23] is a source of what was in the end when I was 10 years old this is a sculpture of. [00:21:52.18] [00:21:53.21] This on 2 legs I like this work is it's its complexity it's composed it's machine [00:21:59.12] [00:21:59.12] if it's controlled it's also chaotic really don't predictable as per the. [00:22:05.04] [00:22:06.06] There's purposes for it and she says that you don't. [00:22:08.20] [00:22:10.04] Think the new. [00:22:10.16] [00:22:11.20] Brain you go see is the lack of the entity in your reverence [00:22:16.23] [00:22:16.23] in scalar it creates spectacle in fear and [00:22:20.21] [00:22:20.21] I really think that there are always been fascinated. [00:22:24.14] [00:22:25.18] With landscapes of belief to do this and cage. [00:22:28.23] [00:22:30.08] You know reader. [00:22:31.18] [00:22:32.21] 3 or 6 months my graduate work was steady this canal and brutal forms can. [00:22:40.02] [00:22:41.11] You know this through this **** in [00:22:43.20] [00:22:43.20] mechanization technology is it really is the forces. [00:22:46.14] [00:22:48.06] Who were there were this really the time to sit here was interested in this [00:22:52.20] [00:22:52.20] kind of our guest said give it people. [00:22:54.23] [00:22:56.02] Movie for. [00:22:56.19] [00:22:57.20] Which is. [00:22:58.13] [00:23:00.01] Rarely the time. [00:23:00.23] [00:23:02.00] Because you know this sort of. [00:23:03.02] [00:23:04.06] Industrial Canal of the premise is that if you believe it may happen would be for [00:23:09.21] [00:23:09.21] him to be priced out they moved to Brooklyn this industrial canal and [00:23:14.08] [00:23:14.08] he would be fully parcel by parcel and [00:23:18.06] [00:23:18.06] it is a very short time people move to Brooklyn and [00:23:23.09] [00:23:23.09] in greater density and public space performance will be needed. [00:23:28.12] [00:23:30.03] I loved being a student and spent a long time there to build those. [00:23:35.09] [00:23:37.03] And with these 2 sites in one of the homes this giant ran and for [00:23:41.21] [00:23:41.21] it stored up plates in the garage underneath it all service was networked [00:23:48.02] [00:23:48.02] and I was really interested in how that could change and [00:23:53.12] [00:23:53.12] study all these different configurations for [00:23:55.13] [00:23:55.13] a house that was really interested you're rejecting a representation. [00:23:59.23] [00:24:01.03] And desperations for. [00:24:03.11] [00:24:06.03] There was a those there was looking at worst more device oriented and [00:24:10.20] [00:24:10.20] that works there was a Chinese **** that had the pose of the roof. [00:24:16.11] [00:24:17.12] And there was one of those no 2. [00:24:19.10] [00:24:21.02] There was a drug to read the minutes shorter and [00:24:25.18] [00:24:25.18] the train time shift and more was a big ramp for Story places are the. [00:24:31.21] [00:24:33.08] Mechanisms for screens that would provide these spaces and [00:24:37.02] [00:24:37.02] I was really interested in performance. [00:24:38.22] [00:24:40.19] And those like those like movement director work I think they were [00:24:45.20] [00:24:45.20] out of practice and fast forward through almost 10 years into 2009. [00:24:52.10] [00:24:54.12] It seems to be in time to go but if you if you knew you were very slow to go [00:25:01.08] [00:25:01.08] here's a snapshot of a story on the scariest gridded commision. [00:25:07.04] [00:25:09.23] And it be untrue as one of the county award there is a building [00:25:15.01] [00:25:15.01] tension about capitalism and harmony. [00:25:19.09] [00:25:20.15] And that tension especially if it is to regulations coming more and [00:25:26.03] [00:25:26.03] more visible early here again treated to the fire was transformative I think [00:25:32.11] [00:25:32.11] real wake up call you know entire city impacted a short period of time [00:25:38.07] [00:25:38.07] shrinky its population and in the end it hit. [00:25:44.18] [00:25:46.23] The society kind of have this there's a lot of tension. [00:25:50.04] [00:25:51.12] Or you know of the New York Times critic. [00:25:54.11] [00:25:55.15] Of his group or about the Earlier this week kind of cash or cash or [00:26:00.03] [00:26:00.03] it all whether you believe it has somebody driving a station where poser. [00:26:04.20] [00:26:06.03] Could be where the sun rises and [00:26:08.09] [00:26:08.09] it's this time the that there was a financial collapse. [00:26:12.03] [00:26:14.06] And I sort of ensured that the injured the idea of starting practice when [00:26:22.12] [00:26:22.12] this dynamic is this is really working and it has received. [00:26:27.07] [00:26:28.15] At that time it was a. [00:26:29.17] [00:26:30.19] Stimulus bill right $187000000000.00 being [00:26:35.20] [00:26:35.20] injected into the economy and this is supposed to stimulate all [00:26:41.00] [00:26:41.00] of you know in transforming the structure built environment show ready projects. [00:26:45.22] [00:26:47.11] This is not sure that the landscape architects. [00:26:49.23] [00:26:52.04] Very sad. [00:26:52.17] [00:26:54.01] It is super It is very very one day going and [00:26:59.12] [00:26:59.12] you know I'm starting a practice and I go out to. [00:27:03.04] [00:27:05.20] The city Richmond Bay Area for the for this to redo this this little park and [00:27:13.17] [00:27:13.17] 100 landscape architect show up to you and [00:27:19.12] [00:27:19.12] to to to survive designing this thing look at slipped up there is like. [00:27:24.02] [00:27:25.09] Work there's you can't tell anyone of that look for it all basically to see thing [00:27:30.23] [00:27:30.23] these terrorists range of science were the same materials and they. [00:27:36.18] [00:27:38.11] Gave me a sense that the practice had something different. [00:27:41.10] [00:27:42.23] And I did it and we were were I'm from the Bay Area and this is certainly [00:27:48.03] [00:27:48.03] true this is kind of overpopulation of landscape architects and it's for there's [00:27:52.13] [00:27:52.13] a lot of reasons it's because there's a lot of industries to force you to find it. [00:27:57.05] [00:27:58.07] And but [00:27:59.12] [00:27:59.12] there are largely in the in the business of service and right now there's a new. [00:28:05.08] [00:28:05.08] Really but California is a bellwether to many case but [00:28:11.09] [00:28:11.09] it has all of these pressures and they were visible more and more every day. [00:28:18.06] [00:28:20.08] And I was really sorry to focus on the right [00:28:25.11] [00:28:25.11] it was kind of firm and design practice to be operating in that territory which is [00:28:31.00] [00:28:31.00] just going to become more complex and it's going to spread across the country and [00:28:36.14] [00:28:36.14] I think many of the facts and phenomena with the scale. [00:28:40.20] [00:28:41.22] You do you can start to see there are areas that if you haven't been there to [00:28:46.21] [00:28:46.21] get out of fires worse for small cities in most of the cities every summer and. [00:28:52.12] [00:28:54.04] We have these invasive species. [00:28:56.09] [00:28:57.19] We have of that line beetle epidemic that's really impacting us here rather [00:29:03.16] [00:29:03.16] our beaches shows signs of early stress both in terms of both in these terms of [00:29:09.08] [00:29:09.08] also these troops that the fights between dollars and 9 dollars are for every. [00:29:15.19] [00:29:17.03] We have aging infrastructure is historical there but it almost broke 2 years ago [00:29:24.03] [00:29:24.03] we look back on this crisis here 400 miles of coastline a structure [00:29:30.12] [00:29:30.12] that is outdated under still for the future to see will rise. [00:29:36.12] [00:29:37.12] And so it's all these are all of these stresses. [00:29:40.06] [00:29:41.15] And measures all regions and I think they're serious things that [00:29:45.20] [00:29:45.20] I think they relate to other that from regions as well and [00:29:49.20] [00:29:49.20] see if the user of the plot of these order trends gets this. [00:29:55.02] [00:29:56.04] And. [00:29:56.16] [00:29:57.20] Feels at least into you know 9 still arguably just are sitting idle and [00:30:03.03] [00:30:03.03] not presenting itself and the expertise. [00:30:05.09] [00:30:05.09] Can engage this massive project to redesign here. [00:30:09.11] [00:30:10.21] And so. [00:30:11.10] [00:30:12.23] It is obvious that sort of life it all skill says is challenge [00:30:17.16] [00:30:17.16] hand that was designed for I want to hear. [00:30:21.20] [00:30:23.04] And it contemporary. [00:30:24.23] [00:30:26.01] So I literally serve a firm if you're a laptop in a cell phone [00:30:31.09] [00:30:31.09] this intensely focused on designing for contemporary issues it's. [00:30:36.01] [00:30:37.03] Like here is a response to urgent c.. [00:30:39.20] [00:30:40.22] Ends with a simple mandated able way and they really had no idea it work. [00:30:47.10] [00:30:48.21] And we started off in it at that time and there's nothing nothing really [00:30:53.20] [00:30:53.20] going on there with the building anything so we started off in a very experimental. [00:30:58.01] [00:31:03.10] Research is trying to do the projects we want to work on this is the scene he's [00:31:07.19] [00:31:07.19] here this is really the problem this is stuck up all of this is good none of [00:31:12.22] [00:31:12.22] these are usually previously as good architects use a 400 watt solar array [00:31:19.09] [00:31:19.09] that the feet of phosphorous coated wire this or a power's [00:31:24.16] [00:31:24.16] coated wires they live in a way and they kind of unfold over the street and [00:31:30.20] [00:31:30.20] gird kind of make this unduly traces go solar tureen [00:31:36.05] [00:31:36.05] it was the 1st record for it and it really set in Vision For [00:31:41.05] [00:31:41.05] me the way we saw the world and another small projects this is. [00:31:45.17] [00:31:46.19] Typical. [00:31:47.12] [00:31:49.03] San Francisco walk into the spring and [00:31:53.11] [00:31:53.11] it emerges from behind this residence it's got lots of [00:31:58.00] [00:31:58.00] interesting tastes like this screen the spring. [00:32:02.16] [00:32:04.02] Should was down through. [00:32:05.18] [00:32:05.18] A rumble and those series of rolls it goes into away. [00:32:09.01] [00:32:10.14] And there is shooting around in this house just the water. [00:32:13.22] [00:32:15.16] Is stimulating in fact. [00:32:17.02] [00:32:18.06] Urban Ecology. [00:32:19.15] [00:32:21.21] And I just say this concept in your skill and some of the work. [00:32:26.10] [00:32:27.13] We did another step Philip projects. [00:32:29.21] [00:32:30.23] This was a project for territory of any kind of multiply planting seeds to. [00:32:36.13] [00:32:38.06] Be created by creating for landscape this is a. [00:32:42.12] [00:32:43.15] Project and forcing her is. [00:32:46.20] [00:32:47.21] About looking at the sky because really no place for [00:32:51.05] [00:32:51.05] him is in this industry was canal. [00:32:53.06] [00:32:54.12] So it's a it's a big water bed it's near the fuel What are the logs with [00:32:59.13] [00:32:59.13] your bird and it was meant for the city to stimulate this common [00:33:05.04] [00:33:05.04] experience of staring at the sky airplanes this is the small project in [00:33:12.00] [00:33:12.00] suburban Washington d.c. here it was a guy giving one [00:33:16.23] [00:33:16.23] defense mechanisms from morning hours so one sided it spikes and [00:33:23.09] [00:33:23.09] then your patients system that we're back in so you can go inside and here. [00:33:27.06] [00:33:29.23] And this is a walk in the very British pool or for [00:33:33.10] [00:33:33.10] a Garden Festival basically a big air conditioner that anybody can walk through. [00:33:38.20] [00:33:39.22] The Sun. [00:33:40.11] [00:33:41.22] There's a residence where the I can't afford it's California desert and yet [00:33:49.16] [00:33:49.16] here was to catch it to raise the city and hold it until the through the diversity. [00:33:56.03] [00:33:57.10] And those are 303-0000 pounds sisters and and it makes this very pretty. [00:34:05.05] [00:34:05.05] For Boston here. [00:34:07.04] [00:34:08.22] And this is a project in Chicago this is a competition such errors [00:34:14.02] [00:34:14.02] come from the same smile a skyscraper in the recession came and [00:34:19.06] [00:34:19.06] left a 3 way door Holmgren said this is a. [00:34:23.04] [00:34:24.07] Bad year for or the special feature of the park who is. [00:34:28.23] [00:34:30.15] Basically as large steam Ranger. [00:34:33.14] [00:34:34.16] To late water wash He's a student in the sky [00:34:38.13] [00:34:38.13] made an earlier post article on this or. [00:34:41.13] [00:34:43.10] It is really doing a bike lanes in cities [00:34:49.22] [00:34:49.22] and students are fast and quickly and with a whole series of parts. [00:34:54.10] [00:34:55.16] Stickers and dots they have a brand unit and he has all the to it and [00:35:01.06] [00:35:01.06] he said good bye friends to these fast improvisational test. [00:35:05.06] [00:35:06.07] They were. [00:35:07.07] [00:35:08.13] Models of parts that were skilled all the opinion together. [00:35:11.17] [00:35:12.17] Or written on streets and bikes and should take days years to [00:35:17.23] [00:35:17.23] shoot somebody and implement the whole thing would pack up neatly into. [00:35:22.00] [00:35:24.17] This is the competition for. [00:35:26.08] [00:35:27.10] Sea level rises in just a bit. [00:35:29.06] [00:35:30.14] Before we really were married to this problem it was for I wanted a piece of [00:35:36.21] [00:35:36.21] luggage or structure to move said it more what it utility for moving money and [00:35:42.01] [00:35:42.01] all the economic benefits it could bring in that working entire estuary [00:35:48.04] [00:35:48.04] for for all these purposes and and. [00:35:52.02] [00:35:53.09] Thinking about an estuary is something that piece are designed in is [00:35:58.15] [00:35:58.15] ecological intent but also to. [00:36:01.05] [00:36:02.09] Be responsive to tour or. [00:36:05.06] [00:36:05.06] Disasters in history. [00:36:06.08] [00:36:08.00] And say. [00:36:08.12] [00:36:09.19] This is the only and or perspective ever done. [00:36:12.22] [00:36:15.18] This this interest. [00:36:17.19] [00:36:18.21] In the early stages or the firmest with experimentation and [00:36:25.02] [00:36:25.02] expanding and here what planet could mean isn't approached for [00:36:30.07] [00:36:30.07] this can't stand how scale or it could be this is it isn't any of the times. [00:36:36.20] [00:36:38.02] The Peace of God and [00:36:38.23] [00:36:38.23] working shared resources history of the white reverence and. [00:36:43.12] [00:36:44.13] This is a competition really Michael Jackson died about taking his [00:36:49.09] [00:36:49.09] entire music Carol and putting it in a sad way and [00:36:52.20] [00:36:52.20] here to the reaches of the earth in his public image was there for. [00:36:57.22] [00:37:00.22] Me when they had a period of time where we actually start to get clients and. [00:37:06.13] [00:37:08.01] Their larger more complex assignments and. [00:37:11.23] [00:37:13.13] This is a. [00:37:15.00] [00:37:15.00] Project in East Lansing Michigan and there's just parking garages there and [00:37:20.18] [00:37:20.18] so the contrary part Russia was just taking what they are creative they could [00:37:26.03] [00:37:26.03] concentrating it in to it to want cultural Bessel sort of park on top and [00:37:32.17] [00:37:32.17] the combination to bring in a brewery we have been working [00:37:37.23] [00:37:37.23] in now do this is fine and now do it's mostly London. [00:37:43.04] [00:37:44.06] Heard about it and you know about it it is. [00:37:47.08] [00:37:48.23] 16 miles right to free Coast it's the convergence of extreme beauty and [00:37:54.20] [00:37:54.20] extreme wealth. [00:37:55.13] [00:37:56.20] And we all kind of narrow these things got now. [00:38:00.00] [00:38:01.06] It's you know rare celebrity there's a burst grace and house yes. [00:38:05.11] [00:38:05.11] Exception. [00:38:06.05] [00:38:07.18] Now view is a is a peculiar. [00:38:10.10] [00:38:11.14] Territory here Rachael Kohn ops they are to chase people off beaches it's because. [00:38:19.04] [00:38:20.06] There's a fuzzy line between what is public and what is private. [00:38:24.23] [00:38:26.06] And these are all fake signs that people just put [00:38:31.02] [00:38:31.02] up to to carry it off the beaches and because this is most people's. [00:38:35.18] [00:38:37.05] Cancer with Pacific Ocean yet we believe in the because California is covered in [00:38:43.21] [00:38:43.21] sticker This phenomena is defined as very west and if that is for the public and [00:38:49.03] [00:38:49.03] addressed him as a private person it is always shifting to be working for [00:38:55.03] [00:38:55.03] or a plan for the state to penetrate their state and this is very [00:39:00.02] [00:39:00.02] often out of food and we've got NY Post access projects that [00:39:05.15] [00:39:05.15] are all different ways of ensuring that that warning between public and private. [00:39:10.09] [00:39:12.05] So there's kind of an even stronger kind of stranger than x. this one is. [00:39:17.01] [00:39:18.16] The figure should of or are that billionaires I really thought it was [00:39:22.23] [00:39:22.23] policy for the police test for me to use an interface to miles and miles of beaches [00:39:29.14] [00:39:29.14] boardwalk it's still perceive over eyes it's sort of sculpted into. [00:39:35.09] [00:39:37.23] The glove and protects the freeway [00:39:40.19] [00:39:40.19] it's most radical proposition is they say the public are. [00:39:45.06] [00:39:47.23] Pretty pretty they're better. [00:39:49.09] [00:39:50.11] This is a different kind of access this 8 is 25 feet wide [00:39:58.08] [00:39:58.08] it's about 60 feet deep it has a range of elevation change of air the tires are. [00:40:05.10] [00:40:05.10] The trophy is over a storm fight it's it's it's sort of [00:40:10.23] [00:40:10.23] I think in the us is everything about the California coastline [00:40:16.17] [00:40:16.17] that it's a place that everybody wants to be it's just it's just overcrowded So [00:40:21.11] [00:40:21.11] this is a device that appears that edge and for to have a presence felt [00:40:27.06] [00:40:27.06] in the public is kind of just walk through Cholesky device to experience the ocean. [00:40:32.05] [00:40:33.15] You're heard by a public utility to look at it early our generation [00:40:39.04] [00:40:39.04] these were safe freeway line. [00:40:42.06] [00:40:43.12] That reliant on technology called [00:40:47.11] [00:40:47.11] concentrated photovoltaic array There are scanners sun tracking. [00:40:51.01] [00:40:52.08] Solar device. [00:40:53.06] [00:40:54.07] You're going to have a study that means for 4 minutes and [00:40:58.18] [00:40:58.18] functional requirements of this will be industrial installations we've done a lot [00:41:03.07] [00:41:03.07] of correlations between that and just what the kind of nesting and reading is for [00:41:08.20] [00:41:08.20] California quail and always interested in finding on these correlations [00:41:14.11] [00:41:14.11] between the higher the natural and unnatural. [00:41:19.10] [00:41:21.06] And so. [00:41:21.21] [00:41:23.06] This is a. [00:41:23.21] [00:41:25.16] I think an interesting point or a leash also you're attracting the kind of [00:41:29.06] [00:41:29.06] working clients of issues that we that we want. [00:41:32.14] [00:41:34.13] In this early to build things and. [00:41:37.22] [00:41:39.18] This had unfolded before age opportunity and. [00:41:43.03] [00:41:44.20] Just emerging from the recession and this is a big piece of urban street furniture [00:41:50.16] [00:41:50.16] and industrial district and it's here Cisco and it's the face for [00:41:56.19] [00:41:56.19] a museum that's looking in the middle of work so there are hundreds of people just [00:42:00.03] [00:42:00.03] whiz by so was there is anyone I would say that it is to discuss. [00:42:05.05] [00:42:05.05] Fast it was green it changes colors the Flickers it is here dry bias to [00:42:10.20] [00:42:10.20] connect the end of trains and cars and then those sidewalks sorry it's you or [00:42:15.15] [00:42:15.15] the station and it's got you this super elite piece of code for [00:42:20.18] [00:42:20.18] richer armrests and he starts it just for the stools and symbols for directing [00:42:27.23] [00:42:27.23] people into the gift shop the premier of you know what advertisement was. [00:42:32.07] [00:42:34.08] And is really created this isn't unheard. [00:42:37.12] [00:42:38.20] Of in the guestroom room where there really one didn't exist before [00:42:43.14] [00:42:43.14] is under $60000.00 spent 3 in 3 parking spaces and [00:42:48.03] [00:42:48.03] it's true to get every value added every inch of it. [00:42:51.09] [00:42:53.00] But big club are good also if you can teach and persist and [00:42:57.03] [00:42:57.03] stress to city to that to this story. [00:42:59.14] [00:43:01.05] And in the opportunities there was very little to do. [00:43:05.00] [00:43:07.12] We go 1st to commercial projects just in 2011 this is down to California [00:43:14.19] [00:43:14.19] and if you're watching all of these or. [00:43:19.04] [00:43:20.04] And this is a lot going to walk the line building [00:43:23.21] [00:43:23.21] one of the only few places building offices. [00:43:26.06] [00:43:27.12] $60000.00 square foot with a roof braces hold a compliment of a minute easy for [00:43:32.19] [00:43:32.19] a truck to test but it also provides and creates heating up and rabbits inverses. [00:43:40.02] [00:43:41.09] Gets as you can get up and see their eyes and but it's also against the story [00:43:46.16] [00:43:46.16] your prices are going to have it on there's a lot of places designed for [00:43:51.19] [00:43:51.19] social interaction it really makes use of every every dish has [00:43:58.12] [00:43:58.12] this roof it actually interview for the job developer the other day. [00:44:03.06] [00:44:04.18] That. [00:44:05.15] [00:44:05.15] This morning that he actually you know he says the buildings [00:44:09.13] [00:44:09.13] are still very very rough there. [00:44:12.01] [00:44:13.23] Is a competition in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania if you are in Pittsburgh pool [00:44:19.07] [00:44:19.07] or city and this is right at the convergence is good. [00:44:22.05] [00:44:23.11] To reverse the order for the bridge and you can do those British of the tunnel [00:44:29.00] [00:44:29.00] You're in front of it and you're going underneath it it's just really. [00:44:33.03] [00:44:34.09] Kind of really the kinetic experience to hear what the competition is you expect [00:44:39.13] [00:44:39.13] extending down into the floor of the city with some intentions [00:44:45.14] [00:44:45.14] to really activating and remaking the street which had [00:44:50.23] [00:44:50.23] to fall into disrepair or dirty deck is. [00:44:55.14] [00:44:56.22] Just flat and so this is really one sunny and 21st century street from Billy face to [00:45:01.17] [00:45:01.17] building face enters a you know inserting open space into a rest of the city and [00:45:08.03] [00:45:08.03] a tactical maneuver that is designing safety savvy people in [00:45:13.08] [00:45:13.08] that culture there's a sculpture of walk that he's risking a series of. [00:45:19.05] [00:45:20.15] In a really nice destination that this this kind of important conference [00:45:25.22] [00:45:25.22] in Pittsburgh. [00:45:26.15] [00:45:27.22] This is where we are are kind of the design we're beginning to take on or. [00:45:33.11] [00:45:34.22] Just more serious commissions in the beginning to attract more interest. [00:45:39.17] [00:45:40.20] This is a pedestrian bridge and our uptake of morning. [00:45:45.00] [00:45:46.14] It stands the earliest I started although it was just over [00:45:51.13] [00:45:51.13] land as in the bay lands to the left just to be connected yesterday [00:45:56.18] [00:45:56.18] because there are something like 13 lanes of traffic here this is a bike and [00:46:01.00] [00:46:01.00] bridge that's just simply you know a senior is infrastructure is good at. [00:46:05.04] [00:46:05.04] People. [00:46:05.17] [00:46:07.02] And and the cultivators designed into it so there are bird tourists [00:46:13.01] [00:46:13.01] in the cafeteria the bridge there's a split between by East and headsets and [00:46:17.05] [00:46:17.05] the feeling you need to see the designed into it can spiral around [00:46:22.18] [00:46:22.18] this aerial view of the west and then and then land on the base I [00:46:29.03] [00:46:29.03] guess the public infrastructure it's got all sorts of variations him to find. [00:46:33.20] [00:46:35.09] Clean water system the. [00:46:36.22] [00:46:38.12] Supports of bathroom light stations and today the 1st seal over is still you [00:46:44.15] [00:46:44.15] know underneath all of the feel they get displaced in this yesterday he stripped [00:46:50.21] [00:46:50.21] all that off there's just material that any of a muddy waters that's. [00:46:56.02] [00:46:57.13] That's what attracts the bird birds to all the bands that were in his and so st So [00:47:03.17] [00:47:03.17] this is adapted for see other rivers as just and we'll just add water and [00:47:08.17] [00:47:08.17] over time this species direction will still be able to adapt and [00:47:13.13] [00:47:13.13] stimulate in the name. [00:47:15.14] [00:47:16.14] Because the relationships in your structure day. [00:47:20.18] [00:47:23.23] To day we're here. [00:47:25.05] [00:47:26.23] Scaling up to a larger opportunities more challenging grid Parsis. [00:47:33.14] [00:47:34.17] This is to East new headquarters. [00:47:37.17] [00:47:38.19] In Sudan to say. [00:47:39.19] [00:47:41.03] I signed something that said that he should be here [00:47:43.15] [00:47:43.15] in the rest of the project this is his papers. [00:47:46.06] [00:47:47.19] But it is it is a. [00:47:49.12] [00:47:51.12] $750000000.00 project a big piece of it is connected to the current binding bridge. [00:47:58.13] [00:47:59.14] And it has incredible amount of the condition in Congress. [00:48:05.05] [00:48:05.05] Urban sorry. [00:48:05.20] [00:48:07.06] We have a cultural for this is for [00:48:10.14] [00:48:10.14] a center of the earth water from San Francisco for the military base. [00:48:15.22] [00:48:17.03] It designed to keep people out to let people and to emerge and [00:48:21.15] [00:48:21.15] cultures around their city so. [00:48:23.00] [00:48:24.09] In their spirit they're going to treat her sleep on this whole site is really about [00:48:28.12] [00:48:28.12] reactivating its cultural potential in doing it in a very highly restrictive [00:48:34.06] [00:48:34.06] regulatory frame it's a national historic district in a national park. [00:48:40.12] [00:48:41.15] And serial This is. [00:48:43.08] [00:48:44.23] 7 years of work to really define the relationship between people and [00:48:50.19] [00:48:50.19] automobiles to reset all of this the way the say flows [00:48:56.17] [00:48:56.17] into every kind of a people and make it into work that's free oriented. [00:49:01.03] [00:49:03.12] It Down those people Jerry and Judy party for it. [00:49:06.21] [00:49:09.02] This is it for sure are going to lead to the tech sector is very strong and [00:49:16.19] [00:49:16.19] Silicon Valley is moving away from Silicon Valley and I asked for [00:49:22.02] [00:49:22.02] across the country is the cost of living and building their prices [00:49:27.22] [00:49:27.22] and this is about this tragic about the undoing. [00:49:31.12] [00:49:32.18] Of a bill centered way of thinking about work. [00:49:35.00] [00:49:36.02] Taking a parking lot to get into place for people there was. [00:49:40.11] [00:49:41.20] A very big mess in the middle of it the universal access [00:49:46.22] [00:49:46.22] to the campus is tied together by this network of words and [00:49:52.11] [00:49:52.11] the whole idea is centered around air conditioners so there's [00:49:57.20] [00:49:57.20] $10000000000.00 to go into structural grid sitting all the area units into these. [00:50:04.04] [00:50:05.07] Office goalies. [00:50:06.03] [00:50:07.05] This year in units produce a condensate stream on them sitting in [00:50:11.14] [00:50:11.14] a meeting bunch of engineers and are brought down to say so [00:50:16.10] [00:50:16.10] I think this is a $10000000000.00 water earth or that produces here and [00:50:21.20] [00:50:21.20] there so it goes from because we do good here there in the end it's [00:50:27.14] [00:50:27.14] a good thing you can transfer down to these programs and this here in a. [00:50:32.14] [00:50:34.08] Storm or. [00:50:35.02] [00:50:36.09] So look people don't know here that this is just a nice place to be [00:50:40.05] [00:50:40.05] it's really interesting if it's. [00:50:42.06] [00:50:43.22] Generous for portions there's a there's a storm or in a big meadow [00:50:49.19] [00:50:49.19] kind of as a perfect every day the connectivity of the campus is designed for [00:50:55.00] [00:50:55.00] bikes to be for gathering and social purposes guy. [00:50:59.23] [00:51:01.09] Walking quietly and steers or says. [00:51:05.00] [00:51:06.01] It saves a lot of. [00:51:06.23] [00:51:08.16] Existing existing trees but. [00:51:11.15] [00:51:12.22] I really think it's the end of the mechanism in the invention [00:51:16.04] [00:51:16.04] of the site itself is is. [00:51:19.07] [00:51:21.15] Was that rare. [00:51:22.11] [00:51:23.15] Original idea for creating a certain more powerful. [00:51:27.08] [00:51:29.07] Experience that everyone can relate to. [00:51:32.03] [00:51:33.21] And and this is a place you know asphalt and. [00:51:37.16] [00:51:39.01] If it were an environment kind of oriented towards here. [00:51:42.04] [00:51:43.19] And this suburban. [00:51:45.06] [00:51:47.14] This is sunny California in Sunnyvale is the town that is [00:51:52.05] [00:51:52.05] bookended by Google on one and apple on the other. [00:51:56.20] [00:51:57.23] Rules most powerful or richest companies in this is in the middle and [00:52:03.01] [00:52:03.01] this is actually good image from. [00:52:05.21] [00:52:05.21] Maybe about 10 years ago if you look really closely in the middle there's [00:52:09.18] [00:52:09.18] forgeries poking out of a shopping mall so [00:52:13.13] [00:52:13.13] those are those 4 or Sequoia trees you know shot the reason [00:52:19.02] [00:52:19.02] those are the lips to kill the small Sunnydale as it whole. [00:52:24.05] [00:52:25.10] Were there it whole generation just didn't think it had it down to. [00:52:29.12] [00:52:31.21] Our Were there if. [00:52:33.12] [00:52:34.16] It. [00:52:35.04] [00:52:36.04] Were the landscape architect it's kind of can be far different [00:52:41.00] [00:52:41.00] architects 2 different developers multiple characters and it's a premise about really [00:52:45.23] [00:52:45.23] really building that kind of social as well as are the very best of canal a city [00:52:52.14] [00:52:52.14] we started with not to destroy things and forms but [00:52:56.22] [00:52:56.22] with an idea about what modern life comprised of people he is. [00:53:01.23] [00:53:03.05] What these comment that it intruded into and [00:53:07.02] [00:53:07.02] then translate that into a lifestyle regional destination. [00:53:10.10] [00:53:11.14] We were just really talking about [00:53:14.13] [00:53:14.13] scripting people's experiences there everybody from. [00:53:17.13] [00:53:18.22] Every day if you live there you're a visitor and [00:53:23.01] [00:53:23.01] then it's kind of been scaled up to a 6 floor. [00:53:25.19] [00:53:28.17] Macy's project and the cities are really there are these 2 walks there will be a. [00:53:33.21] [00:53:35.03] Big public park it's meant to. [00:53:37.18] [00:53:39.05] Function as a new town square and it's got this or it worked all through feet [00:53:44.08] [00:53:44.08] of papers for River trees directly in the visitors' really composing that into. [00:53:50.22] [00:53:52.07] Another another life so that would be affordable through fear itself to [00:53:57.14] [00:53:57.14] get this would be around this post where will be you know the backdrop of retail. [00:54:04.23] [00:54:06.13] Next excuse uses there's a kind of. [00:54:10.04] [00:54:11.19] Hint ph d.. [00:54:13.15] [00:54:16.05] The name Major. [00:54:18.06] [00:54:19.23] This is Google clouds campus it's also the city jail. [00:54:22.23] [00:54:24.02] To use where the watch $6000.00 service for [00:54:29.01] [00:54:29.01] everyone and there's for the spaces inside. [00:54:32.07] [00:54:33.08] The all of these cases one giant mechanism for for [00:54:38.11] [00:54:38.11] minutes in them are storing water and then posting a very incredibly sophisticated. [00:54:45.05] [00:54:46.06] Program. [00:54:46.19] [00:54:48.03] Suit this one a variation of it says are cool Jim Curtis and it are. [00:54:54.05] [00:54:55.16] In. [00:54:56.04] [00:54:57.04] And it connects it to see there's this for [00:55:01.21] [00:55:02.21] it it makes the war system and program. [00:55:06.23] [00:55:09.02] Overlap with one another and really the emic weighs 33 dimensional. [00:55:14.23] [00:55:16.21] The water system is the machine bed in. [00:55:18.22] [00:55:19.23] The way that you go and circulate it supports [00:55:23.22] [00:55:23.22] the plant palette that's needed was entirely to stand there a valley. [00:55:28.23] [00:55:30.01] And if you haven't heard about it in these 2 campuses or. [00:55:35.10] [00:55:37.22] The paper and it's in. [00:55:40.23] [00:55:42.02] That's funny but they also have this kind of capacity to have people are fully [00:55:47.06] [00:55:47.06] restore ecological functions become very specific to their. [00:55:52.03] [00:55:53.12] 2 to the market and it's there all through this last factors and you design. [00:56:00.08] [00:56:01.18] Elements here to modify climate to make it comfortable so there's. [00:56:06.03] [00:56:06.03] Windscreens there's hears just lots of cafes and and [00:56:12.00] [00:56:12.00] the infrastructure market lines that he's year round in India and [00:56:17.08] [00:56:17.08] rape is just part of our attention in ways really. [00:56:21.22] [00:56:24.15] We've got. [00:56:25.03] [00:56:26.09] Several places where we just design a whole new chunk of the city and this is a. [00:56:30.04] [00:56:31.10] This is simple just go in there a corner working is going to last frontier city. [00:56:37.06] [00:56:38.10] Of India basin is a barrel size rare instances the water rights. [00:56:43.20] [00:56:45.00] That are completely until say there that this fish are actually on the so [00:56:50.00] [00:56:50.00] we don't leave. [00:56:50.18] [00:56:52.04] Me a city from. [00:56:53.13] [00:56:54.14] You know. [00:56:55.02] [00:56:56.03] The tired line. [00:56:56.23] [00:56:58.15] To this for a little. [00:57:00.01] [00:57:01.06] Bit wonderful fairly closely connected to this and [00:57:05.00] [00:57:05.00] next waters can use those industrial If you're in. [00:57:09.15] [00:57:10.17] The organisation of this around if it is the 1st [00:57:15.17] [00:57:15.17] serious you know the people losing their houses were messing around. [00:57:20.16] [00:57:21.20] Here and designing a city for the future and what really really so [00:57:26.21] [00:57:26.21] this project's got one of everything over 2000 is actually [00:57:31.23] [00:57:31.23] a Office component to it big for the sculpture for. [00:57:36.18] [00:57:38.01] And it's really. [00:57:39.21] [00:57:41.07] A unique aviation bed where you know that set far back [00:57:46.18] [00:57:46.18] a lot of natural processes are safe and [00:57:49.03] [00:57:49.03] rearrange those can flow through it a bit yesterday and oriented [00:57:54.09] [00:57:54.09] in priority environment where you're from a transit center to post streets that are. [00:57:59.09] [00:58:00.17] Are designed for [00:58:01.21] [00:58:01.21] people were actually looking at a very gross there that's sort of. [00:58:04.18] [00:58:06.04] Yes existence down. [00:58:08.05] [00:58:09.11] There most of it will be come where the shares were hit the streets and [00:58:14.20] [00:58:14.20] fire means driveways or are shared. [00:58:17.21] [00:58:18.23] And there could be public and [00:58:22.09] [00:58:22.09] community life can sort of unfold in the me places here [00:58:27.15] [00:58:27.15] with me is just directly Gage Park and this is really the issue all. [00:58:32.11] [00:58:33.19] West Coast and it's also just to finish the opportunity for a lift for [00:58:39.10] [00:58:39.10] to carry his formative role in shaping a piece of the new piece city. [00:58:45.02] [00:58:47.05] Probably the biggest very interesting he should be there for [00:58:51.14] [00:58:51.14] all developments for us here. [00:58:54.05] [00:58:55.07] Where the water systems are much more Express we know [00:59:00.13] [00:59:00.13] water will be going to waste or so it was released [00:59:05.16] [00:59:05.16] directly to the estuary so it's very good quality that robust stream [00:59:10.12] [00:59:10.12] infrastructure to the end it really sets up this thing in the Cantors [00:59:15.09] [00:59:15.09] years to Saudi people back into the post industrial sites. [00:59:20.14] [00:59:21.19] Received 46 to 96 inches of snow or [00:59:25.07] [00:59:25.07] ice in the next century so the whole area just been [00:59:29.07] [00:59:29.07] pretty you know designed to anticipate this level of change it will be a. [00:59:34.08] [00:59:35.12] Radical slow change that all of the. [00:59:37.16] [00:59:38.22] Infrastructure it especially the belief systems will still. [00:59:42.19] [00:59:44.03] Function as transfer. [00:59:45.11] [00:59:46.12] On. [00:59:47.00] [00:59:48.11] The larger scale. [00:59:49.14] [00:59:51.03] It's still the whole city we need this is a serious girl California and [00:59:56.04] [00:59:56.04] it's sitting over a county. [00:59:57.11] [00:59:59.21] We were invited to the national competition [01:00:03.01] [01:00:03.01] to target 2 of the rarest thing. [01:00:05.04] [01:00:05.04] As you go over as an area already dismissed in finding the city the place [01:00:10.03] [01:00:10.03] that needs help 1st there's a pretty complex analysis [01:00:14.11] [01:00:14.11] done of the whole day and we're right on [01:00:18.13] [01:00:18.13] the city center field yes of course here of 1st one because it was a. [01:00:23.12] [01:00:25.17] We'll see if you structural economic context it's one of the 4 cities for [01:00:30.06] [01:00:30.06] everything for us to get identifies and sleepy little amp living room. [01:00:35.10] [01:00:37.16] Today it is. [01:00:39.01] [01:00:40.07] It looks a lot like what a coastal cities [01:00:42.22] [01:00:42.22] is stacked in there's lots of uses it infrastructure of walking things in place [01:00:48.00] [01:00:48.00] there are water systems that are changing and there are many rooms. [01:00:53.01] [01:00:54.15] And there's interface of yesteryear bed there low this [01:00:59.10] [01:00:59.10] neighborhood this society it's on there and their housing stock in the city and [01:01:04.02] [01:01:04.02] communities there is in the interest it's [01:01:08.21] [01:01:08.21] the neediest mostly average living more or less and [01:01:13.11] [01:01:13.11] it's about the we're one of the workforce communities of the area. [01:01:18.16] [01:01:19.19] And. [01:01:20.07] [01:01:21.15] They will be almost immediately displaced people by some of these [01:01:26.05] [01:01:26.05] can feel your city areas of the middle where there are levee and [01:01:30.07] [01:01:30.07] pump system power outage the earthquake with direct fissions could. [01:01:35.14] [01:01:36.16] You change the city's 1st population for these are really complex problems [01:01:43.20] [01:01:43.20] I think in the face you look at Royce This is actually more common what [01:01:49.19] [01:01:49.19] is a small city do you see what the big cities are doing what is a small city to. [01:01:54.14] [01:01:55.18] The tendency to want to you know show the precincts where it's [01:02:00.11] [01:02:00.11] you started hearing solutions to and to do the old way that the. [01:02:05.22] [01:02:05.22] Approaches will continue to improve risk that are sure to become one day. [01:02:11.19] [01:02:13.08] And the problems there can teach the profound really have. [01:02:17.01] [01:02:19.06] To. [01:02:20.12] [01:02:20.12] Change so we started to talk about their approach to [01:02:27.15] [01:02:27.15] the people you know believes the latest in place living life here today versus. [01:02:33.16] [01:02:35.05] We didn't do this in an insulator where they really had a lot of he hit [01:02:41.02] [01:02:41.02] this is a toy he designed to explain the dynamics of crystal for the. [01:02:45.17] [01:02:47.13] 2 Orange people this also works the drinking game. [01:02:51.01] [01:02:52.23] We we made this kind of subversive public service [01:02:57.21] [01:02:57.21] ad that if you can't drive it isn't any good and talk about it civil rights [01:03:03.07] [01:03:03.07] this is the flow of it it's got the you know all of the. [01:03:07.07] [01:03:08.10] Key is that it's a big time communicator at sea level rise effects everyone [01:03:13.01] [01:03:13.01] in the end we had 5 catalyst projects to be. [01:03:16.16] [01:03:17.20] Related to this city as a way to begin to address their transformation [01:03:24.16] [01:03:24.16] versus is it to make a resilience of the community park to upgrade their [01:03:29.15] [01:03:29.15] soccer fields and to give them a big shift for community service but also. [01:03:34.15] [01:03:35.15] People you know that this is also levy and it's just. [01:03:38.01] [01:03:39.20] To pump stations multi benefit infrastructure projects and [01:03:45.02] [01:03:45.02] in an emergency response center. [01:03:47.16] [01:03:48.19] We designed a Moore's new reservoir housing which is also present or [01:03:55.01] [01:03:55.01] birthday parties is this what people Terry comes to and when they're here. [01:04:01.12] [01:04:02.16] And this large. [01:04:03.19] [01:04:04.20] New. [01:04:05.09] [01:04:05.09] Or how they would sponsor the creation. [01:04:08.00] [01:04:09.02] Of words to Mars. [01:04:10.09] [01:04:12.08] We. [01:04:12.21] [01:04:14.17] Search for design the worse settlements surger off their coast. [01:04:21.04] [01:04:22.21] Continue to perish mudslides in become a tourist destination. [01:04:27.19] [01:04:29.04] Place to study and research. [01:04:31.15] [01:04:32.16] Mercy technologies the insurance but also the destination the experience the water [01:04:39.13] [01:04:39.13] and the idea was that these countless projects that he started in the early [01:04:44.22] [01:04:44.22] days cancer initiatives that would grow together over time and [01:04:49.00] [01:04:49.00] in the end you could really add up to more easily city. [01:04:53.09] [01:04:54.15] One of the most efficient versions of a god was Ok but [01:04:57.07] [01:04:57.07] there's no room to News and. [01:04:59.08] [01:05:00.16] Summer and now sees. [01:05:02.12] [01:05:04.14] Begin to get them into corners and save the potential for [01:05:08.21] [01:05:08.21] change once it is to the city and external forces you know what I think [01:05:13.18] [01:05:13.18] force are going to change if it is suitable So this is example of. [01:05:17.07] [01:05:18.07] How we look at their big barks other auto dealerships and [01:05:23.00] [01:05:23.00] or industrial uses and it was this big composite of. [01:05:27.05] [01:05:28.06] Leases that are changing because of external characters transforming it really [01:05:34.01] [01:05:34.01] and this is this is led to you know thinking about the possibilities of. [01:05:39.10] [01:05:41.21] Getting entire city to get infrastructure change this thing [01:05:46.21] [01:05:46.21] that we really ill is a key position wife but also there's a physical. [01:05:51.21] [01:05:53.03] Education and to the scale of our city and [01:05:57.21] [01:05:57.21] probably the biggest leak in the process is to is thinking about. [01:06:03.21] [01:06:06.18] One city's. [01:06:07.14] [01:06:08.19] Position in. [01:06:09.16] [01:06:10.18] The economy will be trouble this shouldn't he said [01:06:15.15] [01:06:15.15] just individuals much interest in their. [01:06:19.13] [01:06:20.13] Futures but you. [01:06:22.02] [01:06:31.19] Got a little tiresome quest to lease and we have some shares that big. [01:06:37.14] [01:06:39.09] And we disagree here and there there's a there's too many questions to [01:06:44.05] [01:06:44.05] possibly answer although I'm going to take a my readers [01:06:49.03] [01:06:49.03] privilege to I don't I look at the last projects and go with [01:06:54.06] [01:06:54.06] is there is a suburban retrofit written large with climate change I love that [01:07:00.07] [01:07:00.07] you are one in Mali and find it here but you're actually also [01:07:06.00] [01:07:06.00] modeling from failures and it seems like in so many of your projects. [01:07:10.23] [01:07:12.04] Your it especially in that well you know you're looking at anticipating [01:07:17.17] [01:07:17.17] failure of parking the parking system the failure all of these [01:07:23.09] [01:07:23.09] previous infrastructures is that fair Ok categorize [01:07:29.15] [01:07:29.15] I mean yes everybody an optimistic person would get their [01:07:35.10] [01:07:35.10] number back and forth you know what you're not you should be on the jury office. [01:07:40.02] [01:07:41.14] You know. [01:07:42.03] [01:07:45.07] The you prefer often optimize one thing really world using everything. [01:07:52.02] [01:07:53.12] Would be trying to see you really should. [01:07:56.05] [01:07:58.04] You be sharing. [01:07:58.23] [01:08:02.03] Both of those the foundation seemingly irreconcilable. [01:08:05.09] [01:08:05.09] Things possibly come together for [01:08:08.08] [01:08:08.08] greater public use it was fair cultural stimulation. [01:08:13.07] [01:08:14.15] And. [01:08:15.03] [01:08:16.03] In a. [01:08:17.10] [01:08:19.16] Way to figure out is the invention that he or uniquely. [01:08:24.06] [01:08:28.00] Insults so much at least to want when the question to taste. [01:08:31.14] [01:08:33.06] Is also asking where that how do you balance your optimist but [01:08:37.22] [01:08:37.22] you're also you are finding that there's pressure placed. [01:08:40.20] [01:08:42.01] As an ecologically sensitive designer have to balance designing for [01:08:46.18] [01:08:46.18] the future and for restoration. [01:08:50.08] [01:08:55.13] And trying to shoot it so much that the one project the community work. [01:09:00.23] [01:09:05.18] For Everything is this Can straight through. [01:09:09.08] [01:09:10.23] To the negative side. [01:09:11.19] [01:09:14.14] I'm interested in creativity this is a force to kind of break through the. [01:09:19.18] [01:09:21.21] I balance this bridge to anything interesting because Sharia [01:09:28.21] [01:09:28.21] is everywhere so far so good in terms of the occupiers and in the car or into. [01:09:36.23] [01:09:39.04] The whiskey for Egyptians really function is this to have a kid. [01:09:43.17] [01:09:45.06] For life and. [01:09:45.22] [01:09:49.14] Then the just good looking. [01:09:51.10] [01:09:54.15] Out the couple of best films that are sort of asking people you know [01:09:59.15] [01:09:59.15] who are you designing for who it is by x. audience and [01:10:04.18] [01:10:04.18] some of these are getting at the questions of gentrification [01:10:08.19] [01:10:08.19] Are you really just isn't picturesque moments for Silicon Valley super wealthy. [01:10:12.21] [01:10:14.05] You know that there's a. [01:10:15.11] [01:10:16.13] There's a there's a will Yeah I did it correctly I think that sent out that. [01:10:21.03] [01:10:22.17] Clearly said it. [01:10:23.14] [01:10:24.14] Attention beyond that that this crack in there is landscape architecture is. [01:10:29.20] [01:10:31.04] Often considered in London here e in a sense that only the wealthy investors. [01:10:37.17] [01:10:38.23] So one qualifying or says I think this is this is true across a lot of. [01:10:45.07] [01:10:46.13] Terrorism just go over here more or the city of these predatory stations [01:10:53.02] [01:10:53.02] companies that were decision capacity they're there for you for [01:10:58.00] [01:10:58.00] the rest of his readers or the cities themselves they move a lot was. [01:11:03.15] [01:11:04.20] I. [01:11:05.08] [01:11:06.20] In there in the business or you know doing their business. [01:11:09.18] [01:11:10.23] To you know better use for their projects but that's not your primary concern so [01:11:17.09] [01:11:17.09] I find it is if we have a but there's a huge and you. [01:11:21.20] [01:11:23.15] Greater and greater kids do the work for sure that those 2 things can. [01:11:29.13] [01:11:31.10] Invest I think that will be [01:11:34.01] [01:11:34.01] bringing to projects that are heard at a set of these higher level. [01:11:38.08] [01:11:39.12] Of intelligence. [01:11:40.19] [01:11:46.12] There is a people best chance to get this or No doubt your practice practice a lot [01:11:51.04] [01:11:51.04] of one kind of straightforward Russia says they can describe [01:11:55.18] [01:11:55.18] the value ratio have process time to step on your budget [01:12:00.06] [01:12:00.06] how are starting to put this in research versus cancer versus representation. [01:12:05.07] [01:12:07.06] Tricky question because some projects that need a collision case these brothers in. [01:12:11.18] [01:12:13.07] Working in the decade and they can do. [01:12:16.02] [01:12:16.02] Or like this you draw something and then have it go off to him in person because he [01:12:21.02] [01:12:21.02] was sitting in their presence just for him to watch so there's that and then there's [01:12:26.07] [01:12:26.07] these companies that are in your 1st do business as a fur I like that here. [01:12:32.17] [01:12:33.18] I think critics who come here. [01:12:36.01] [01:12:37.14] And fish creature from soup to move. [01:12:40.06] [01:12:42.15] Are interested in machine gun design this week and you know tripping over like all. [01:12:47.13] [01:12:48.20] The things any project economist or sister talk about perky [01:12:53.20] [01:12:53.20] I mean here they say to me just like any job a good thing to do or you can do for. [01:13:00.09] [01:13:02.00] Muslims and so that's sort of also listening to another [01:13:07.01] [01:13:07.01] question that you showed us the arc of your career was there [01:13:12.07] [01:13:12.07] a certain event over time you know what is it he had the confidence [01:13:18.10] [01:13:18.10] to take on solving your vicious projects outside of the typical scope of. [01:13:23.06] [01:13:24.23] What Well Ok that. [01:13:26.17] [01:13:27.17] And that moment to say I'm going to start reaffirming that that moment and if. [01:13:31.18] [01:13:33.01] You are so great that I think I'm going. [01:13:34.16] [01:13:36.02] To work for somebody else. [01:13:37.07] [01:13:39.05] They can just. [01:13:39.18] [01:13:43.20] That's what has happened today. [01:13:45.09] [01:13:46.20] And I didn't really see the kind of firm or the kind you were as a she. [01:13:51.06] [01:13:53.04] Was so it's. [01:13:54.11] [01:13:55.13] Over to her. [01:13:57.07] [01:13:59.14] For her story. [01:14:00.20] [01:14:03.12] So what is here is nice for [01:14:06.02] [01:14:06.02] those coming out of school who would like to start a firm up to their acres [01:14:10.22] [01:14:10.22] they have to recognize that there was a pool that is right here either. [01:14:16.02] [01:14:16.02] Or in other place other starting place. [01:14:18.21] [01:14:19.21] I think if you started in just one school. [01:14:24.18] [01:14:25.21] It is much easier to be experienced sure it is. [01:14:29.16] [01:14:30.18] Just. [01:14:31.06] [01:14:32.10] Students who get to go there hearing and so it starts there and. [01:14:40.05] [01:14:41.13] And I think it's to sift through it or to kill a interested and. [01:14:48.09] [01:14:49.10] The focus is this is huge just sitting here here projectors. [01:14:54.23] [01:14:57.09] Still working. [01:14:58.00] [01:14:59.06] With people and. [01:14:59.18] [01:15:01.14] They say to me it is a hassle me years to boil down what I meant to research. [01:15:07.13] [01:15:10.09] Well the last bit is still suffer fools so [01:15:12.16] [01:15:12.16] it's late I don't know if you can get it down to 3 sentences or not and. [01:15:17.12] [01:15:20.06] What to see Khalidi neat to dish a guess [01:15:25.16] [01:15:25.16] as scientific to the scarcity you are doing our little community it really did [01:15:29.15] [01:15:29.15] it all in the natural are is probably interesting. [01:15:33.18] [01:15:36.07] I think this would be. [01:15:37.11] [01:15:38.14] A really good 2nd half a day early to think are interrelated but [01:15:43.07] [01:15:43.07] it's the this that. [01:15:46.12] [01:15:48.16] I think. [01:15:49.05] [01:15:50.19] Will because he is good in theory about the way goes [01:15:55.18] [01:15:55.18] a ship systems to know there's always the vertex. [01:15:58.23] [01:16:00.03] A so if he were there still needed if it were in my code sister roommate [01:16:05.17] [01:16:05.17] to get their taste that. [01:16:08.09] [01:16:09.17] Leadership. [01:16:10.07] [01:16:11.22] To do this it motivates all of the. [01:16:16.05] [01:16:16.05] Resources of the me Brigadiers. [01:16:19.04] [01:16:21.03] Really come with you know we get we just can't think of it separate [01:16:25.12] [01:16:25.12] from the infrastructure it is a very good there is no there is [01:16:30.00] [01:16:30.00] a relationship of sisterhood condition where so many forces say. [01:16:34.01] [01:16:36.08] Because the 60. [01:16:38.01] [01:16:40.02] Or. [01:16:40.14] [01:16:42.04] So if we rebuilt it as we readers are you see. [01:16:44.13] [01:16:46.11] Already call it he and for it with us or [01:16:50.19] [01:16:50.19] ecological imagination I don't mean we need [01:16:55.14] [01:16:55.14] to we inherently are really also Africa how to. [01:17:00.03] [01:17:01.07] Make use of technology and whether it's persisted as a percentage of devices that [01:17:07.04] [01:17:07.04] says Yeah Ok I would argue for you birds are taking your children eat the world. [01:17:13.23] [01:17:14.23] From a more American 2. [01:17:16.13] [01:17:19.13] Story you can be just. [01:17:21.17] [01:17:25.00] More soulful thank you very much. [01:17:27.01]