OK Well it's a pleasure to be here. And tell you some fairly new results but have that have a fairly long history actually. For a lot of. People the early days of soft matter physics was sponsored in large part by NASA and so we had to find interesting experiments that we could do which I think we all did in those days I'm going to tell you about some that started about fifteen years ago but have evolved over the years and we have new results. And the main person who is doing all of this of course is Peter Lew who I'm sure everybody here knows. And so this is a really his recent results and this is talk where I also should acknowledge a whole bunch of people basically the crew on the International Space Station and you'll see what I mean when I show you the results so. Colloidal particles I probably don't have to tell everybody in this audience why we like to study them. The main reason for looking at them is that they're large and they're relatively slow and they're thermal equilibrium and so they explore phase space very simply because of. Thermal effects but they're large enough and slow enough that you can follow the individual particles and again the phase behavior is fairly well known if you have just. Particles with no interactions then packing constraints dictate the phase behavior. Buckley Prize this year was awarded for understanding packing constraints and particles among other things so they go through. An order. Disorder transition they crystallize and they can form crystal structures they can form glasses a large number of of interesting behaviors if you add an attractive interaction which can be done in a very simple way by adding. An inert polymer So you have exclusively repulsive interactions nevertheless because the because of entropic effects the exclusion of the. Polymer from the space between the colloidal particles leads to a weak attraction and you can control that attraction can both the link scale of the attraction and the depth of the attraction by controlling the concentration the size of the polymer you can get attractive colloidal particles. And when you have attractive chordal particles of phase be a viewer changes you get a very complex are much more complicated kind of behavior where you can get different types of phase separations into colored rich and colored poor regions these are series of calculated phase behaviors a function of both the concentration of the collards and the concentration of the polymers depending on the range of the interaction so this is the hard fear interaction this is the colloidal particles Here's the coexistence between the fluid in the solid This is Crystal and and you get these new. Types of behavior. Actually you also can get sort of hidden. Kinds of face separation as well depending where they are depending on the range of the interaction and a simple way of summarizing the sort of flows. States is to understand how the how delay tional curves. And if you plot then the volume fraction the interaction energy if you have very low volume fraction. But very very strong interaction then you get these fractal like structures and they can gel at arbitrarily small volume fractions because the mass of the structure is getting larger faster than the than the volume so they can expand overall volume interesting observation is if you go to. Relatively weak interactions you actually shift the glass transition to higher volume fractions that is you can make things unfreeze even though they would otherwise be frozen. In the. In in the case of in the absence of an interaction I won't talk about this I'm going to focus on this region where you can get different kinds of structures ultimately get delays and not an infinite attractions but at fairly weak attractions and as you control it as you watch what happens in here you control both the interaction and the volume fraction and you get this wealth of interesting behaviors basically you will get some kind of face separation the simplest type of face separation is either some spin notable or by notable kind of face separation and exactly where that occurs compared to where it freezes depends on the length of the interaction so as you go from a short range interaction to a longer range interaction it shifts the face separation down and you can cross over and you can see it rather than jelling the system you can actually see. The. A region where you can actually study the face separation this Jallow if I go back here in fact this gel is essentially like freezing. So it starts to spin notably composed but it's frozen instead. So the problem that that we are faced is even if you if you really carefully. Buoyancy match the particles and we're getting better and better at both buoyancy matching and. And Index matching you want to index match them so you can study them with some kind of optical technique you want to buoyancy match them so that they don't settle but certainly fifteen years ago we weren't as good at pointing matching now are fairly good but still not that good and eventually they will settle and so how do you avoid settling well you put them in microgravity So you go into low Earth orbit and you do experiments and space so we did some experiments from a historical perspective we did some of the experiments at the be at the beginning of this millennium in the early two thousand and we had a really beautiful. Piece of apparatus that several groups had samples and several groups use it was a light scattering apparatus Dave canal at U.C.S.B. was really the primary driver be behind the design so you can see that there were eight samples each sample fits on a big hemispherical lens and that lens focuses the light scattering onto. The screen where you can capture the light scattering with the C.C.D. you had examples you could spin the sample around and look at it and you had a little camera here just. To check when you. Mix the sample So this is a beautiful system it's soft you can melt the sample just by sharing it so you shake it up and you start your experiment and so we did some experiments and the person is really driving this is art Bailey who's now in Vancouver working a small company. He was doing the experiments and we set up to do light scattering and we had one sample that we thought would undergo Sparano the composition and in fact collecting the lights gathering data you saw exactly that you saw the characteristic peak that would develop and would grow that means it shifts this is a scattering function. Only average it would grow it would shift to longer and longer length scales as the. Characteristic length of this but no really composition set in and started the course and started to grow and you could scale all the data together in a way that was consistent with what you expect With been older composition but we had set this up to do really small and the light scattering but we found that really now that we were in space we had no effect of settling and things kept evolving much more than we expected so Art very cleverly adapted the experiment to something it was not meant to do and he would start the experiment with the light scattering and turn the whole. Turntable around one hundred eighty degrees to the camera and then take pictures of it and that's what the pictures were just meant to or the camera was just meant to to monitor the sample but in fact you turned out you could get really interesting science with it and so these are a series of image. I'll show you over the course of about a day and a half. Where you can see this been notably composition this is I think it's pioneer has so or pi centimeters by centimeters so this is really macroscopic face separation in fact if you watch it right to the end you can see that it completely face separates you can learn lots of interesting physics here it's wetting the surfaces you expect that because the particles are slightly more attractive to a flat surface so you can see it what's the surface and you can see the effects of surface tension you can see all the effects of Spin Boldak composition so now you can really follow this all the way along and you can plot say that peak of the scattering vector as a function of time over many decades of time and it all actually fits very nicely to some theory. That you would that you could. See the behavior the interesting thing was that you know the characteristic length scale of the sample now is much larger but the initial length scale of this is still something of the order of a particle size the particle size is Micron So it's much larger than normally is but it's what you might expect and you're fairly far away from any critical point with this who we haven't really intended to be close to a critical point it was really at that time difficult to find exactly where the critical point was. Because we couldn't do the experiment so well on earth so. This inspired us to try and follow these this behavior even more and for that we needed longer periods of time if we wanted to move closer to the critical point because everything slowed. Down so. To move away from the shuttle also the shuttle went away didn't use this anymore instead we moved to the space station and there you could do experiments over quite long periods of time and so we put a sample together that had a series of different. Mixtures that would scan through or we tried to scan through the critical point to truly really trying to understand can we understand this they separation and something in a little bit more more detail and I thought this is the series of samples and it was in Iraq and we had a series of experiments that were planned but then. There was the one of the shuttle disasters and not only was it sort of a disaster for everything that. The fact that the the shuttle was lost but also it meant for about a year year and a half there was no ability to get things into the space station this it was no shuttles that were being were taken off but they came to us and said look these astronauts are there they have lots of time on their hands because there aren't any experiments there can you do anything but you have to do it without taking anything up what we had these samples there and so we looked around they gave us a list of all the equipment that they had and we found as a flashlight and there was a camera there was some. Sticky tape so we did some experiments you know what do you do is experimentalist you have to do experiments this is the ultimate of doing experiments so this is my fault this is early days you can see the samples there's a flashlight held together with with tape and he's just taking pictures of it but you know you can go a long way just doing this you know that was a necessity as a mother and. So we did this we could follow the link scale here is the A series of pictures these are different samples this is the time and you know you. Is Like many days and different they separate you can start to build up a bit of a phase behavior and this really gave us confidence that we could even with the samples that we have actually learned some interesting physics so slowly we went through the the equipment was there and we automated the expound we find a way to put a timer on and we could hold this down with a little bit more than thinking tape but still the sticky tape holding the whole experiment together so it's automated like this. And OK so then we could do a scan of of experiments through this and then the astronauts still had to. Set things up get things going and they were very diligent they enjoyed working on this this is Dan Tani who did this sample and he was ready to do it and so you don't believe me that we're in microgravity Well Harry is setting up the experiment the experiments are actually on the roof so. He's the truth which is always so we can see it is there up or down where you don't know. But he's careful so he sees that there's some dirt on the Lambs so you want to have dirt on the lands of what you have to do you have to go down and you have to go to where you keep your lens cleaners right so well they happen to be next door so off you go to your lands clean earth. And. You have a handy set of lands cleaners don't bump your head. You get the lens cleaners where are they they are. And now you have back come back and then isn't this the way you clean your lenses all the time when you do experiments I mean these guys the amazing thing is that you know they actually did a really good job and this is not what they normally do but they're very inventive and Peter got VERY got to know all of them very well so all the lists of people he's friendly with. So they did these experiments. And this is a series of images that they took over many days. You'll notice I have a little arrow sometimes all the time saying G. and G. is micro G. but there is still an average direction of G. because you are going around the circle and you shouldn't believe me because you don't see any collapse but I'll prove to you that there is a G. eventually but you see this is the same kind of face separation so. Well those of you out here's a repeat those of you who know Peter will understand that things didn't happen as fast as some people work but eventually he got around to analyzing the data it was actually a fairly difficult analysis because the samples weren't fixed it was still you know wiggling wobbling you're taking pictures every few hours but everything would move a bit so things would shake. And so we had to first remove all the spatial drift and then he did a lot of image analysis he corrected for the background so you can start seeing better contrast you can remove all the effects of dust and now you can see really very clearly and you can get now really good data from experiments like this and really understand something about the behavior of the face separation. And so here's the thing I'm imaging the analyzing it now you can just pick out the length scale by doing a two dimensional for your transform averaging or intentionally averaging and you can see the link scale grow and you plot the growth of the late scale this is the growth of the length scale that was measured originally just by these hand cameras these three points now we can do a much better job and you can see you get beautiful data this is the linear growth in the only times that you're looking at the data are repeatable you do it several times you get exactly the same behavior so now Peter said well let's really try to understand the physics of what's going on so the first thing that he did was if you go back and we understand how the attractive interaction works it works because of the polymer but the polar itself is somewhat flexible its radius actually depends somewhat on concentration that's not normally accounted for in all of the simple theoretical work but Peter went. To fry Brewer and work with book Hard really renowned classic like the classical light scatter and did they did very very careful measurements of the radius of gyration with static light scattering of the polymer as a function of concentration to try and really sort out what the effects of concentration were and then he worked with the manual as a sack a rally at in Rome who did simulations using exactly the same parameters that we had in the experiment and really tried to determine what the phase diagram is but now since we absolutely understand what the. Behavior of the poller is you. Can put this all in terms of an interaction potential that doesn't depend just on the length of the polymer and you can straighten everything out and make it look like the kind of phase diagram that you're more used to seeing where everything is been accounted for this is now a combination of all of these experiments and some simulations it's very very flat at the bottom so the very difficult to reach the critical point we still work not with say the really beautiful types of experiments that Arjun and others do where they can change the volume fraction by changing the particle size by making slight temperature depends here to change the volume fraction just make a new sample. And as inventive as these people were making things work in space it's actually fairly difficult to put a new sample to take a new sample every time you want to so we're limited to the number of samples that we could use and how close to the critical point nevertheless we got much closer and we could start seeing a really interesting type of behavior now you can see that we scale things the way you really want to how close you are to the critical point and really try to understand it. We then sent more samples up so these samples were not poignancy matched it was easier for technical reasons if you have ever tried to send something in space and you realize how difficult it is to get all the approvals it was easier to not send buoyancy match samples at first because not all the fluids were approved but eventually we said look we really want to make sure there's no buoyancy effects. And so we buoyancy match them and so now these are really perfectly pointed. Match and in this case you can start seeing even new behaviors and that's shown by this growth of the of the the peak and what you see this is the linear behavior and I didn't mention it but what you saw with the full car with the original behaviors at long times the growth becomes linear and that's just the standard coarsening of the. Of the spin oldie composition is basically where surface tension is pulling it in and fighting the Scott City However if you now really go to long times in the sample gets. Much larger and you are closer to the critical point you start to see different behaviors so this is the lier a game and now you really start to see some turn over some deviation of this behavior and as best we can tell right now and we're still trying to really sort this out by comparing two different simulations as best we can tell this is actually a behavior that is predicted by some simulations by my Kates and it suggests that there is some inertial of facts because you are really so far away from the critical point and this by the way this behavior is supposed to be a slow power law of two thirds This is now plotted linearly but if you plot this logarithmically and subtract off where you see this crossover you actually see something that has this two thirds slope and you see this quite persistently you can see of a riot of different samples all of them behave in the same way except the sample that is closest to the critical point and we can come really quite close to or we did. Come quite close to the critical point there you see really what I think is qualitatively different behavior I'll show you. That here this is coursing now it looks more or less like what you see but eventually. It seems to really break up. And no longer become connected but rather have these disconnected regions I am still trying to figure out what is really going on but my intuition right now is that the surface tension the fluctuations of the surface tension are really large scale there. Of order. A millimeter and I think that these fluctuations are just starting to tear it apart but that's just my own intuition we're still truly trying to work out what's happening but as you get close to the critical point you see really qualitatively different behavior it still starts to move exhibit this deviation of of the behavior but now you really can barely see it and this is over a very very long period of time I did a simple calculation I just wanted to make sure that it's not the effects of gravity I just took it. The the normal gravity or the reduction of gravity as assumed some buoyancy matching but not huge amounts of pointing matching and you would have to go to huge length scales before you would have gravitational effects all I did was I balance gravitational forces with surface tension or or. Plus pressure stresses to ask whether that might be causing this ice so I really don't think it's gravitational effects even at this. And we did a series of different experiments and I can just show you some of the kinds of phase behavior that we would see. This is just. Looking not exactly at the critical point now these are buoyancy match as well as we can to really be able to look at this this is just looking at as a function of the concentration of the polymer remember as you get closer as you go down and concentration you get to the point where the interaction is his weaker and so you'll see behavior that that is closer to the phase transition but now we explored a series of them so if we start here these concentrations don't mean anything until you convert them to the interaction or just that's OK because I can show you the qualitative behavior we can convert them but you can see you will see immediately just from the behavior that that you observe what the nature of the of the structure is so here this one is where you get the same kind of spin oldie composition that we were seeing before it's all just play this and this looks exactly like we were seeing before this been notably composition So this is this intermediate value. So if we go even closer to the. Even lower concentration here we weren't really close we're not really near the critical point so we're off to the side of the critical point but in this case we see really very different behavior and this is now over four months and you can see it takes it really takes forever and it's not really clear that you have a connected by continuous region instead it almost looks like you have a little drop so this sort of implies we're not really sure of this the the analysis is still going on that sort of implies this my. B. Actually by noting the composition rather than spinal the composition that's really close to the. Critical point so you have these things right in the middle in between of them in between them you could imagine that you would you would see this if you go up in concentration here. Then you see face separation but now this is an attractive interaction and what I hinted that but didn't really emphasize is that the sample sticks to the walls the reason six of the walls by the way is simply that. Surface is more favorable for the depletion interaction than a spherical surface so there's a slightly stronger interaction with the walls but it's not that high so in this case you get the attraction but the sample the bonds from the wall. And so now you see Cinna rhesus it just collapses in on itself it's not held in place this is over four weeks here's the same thing over seven weeks ago remember I told you there's gravity and you didn't believe me because it's microgravity this is a bubble. Watch the bubble see it does appear I can measure gravity perfectly by measuring the velocity of the motion of the bubble this is another sample that center Riis's that the bond from the wall. As we go up interaction energy then we see other a fact. So this is the more common thing if you would go to a stronger interaction with shorter range that is fairly widely studied that's where you get delays and well if you go to a stronger interaction with longer range you can get a frozen state which essentially gels and that's shown here. So now you see this been all the composition but eventually it just stops and Jelf. And it just it won't change anymore maybe over here changes to the bit. And then finally if you go to even larger interaction you get you're starting to put push the particles because they're attractive you're pushing them together fairly strongly but still it's a relatively Leake interaction so now you push them together enough that if you watch you see the speckles you see you're actually forming colloidal crystals as you push them together so now the interaction is enough to drive the particles into the range where they'll begin to crystallize for this particular interaction before the interactions were not enough they weren't driving the particles close enough together that they could start to crystallize now they do so you have a whole wealth of different types of behavior that you can assets now. The unfortunate thing of course is that the experiments are relatively simple to do but relatively difficult to to get to. And so you're limited or we're limited in the number of things that we can actually measure OK with that. Let me stop to leave some time for questions and thank you for your attention thank you.