Thanks below for inviting me. Thanks yeah despite the fact that I grew up in the Midwest I do not like this weather at all. So this is our Parker building just to show you that we get some cash from that guy too so today I'm going to try to keep things fairly general so I know this is a very diverse audience and so one of the main things that we're interested in my lab is how the brain can repair itself after damage and of course that's related to the mechanisms that it uses during development as well so we study normal development as well as plasticity and responses that the brain has to injuries or or other insults and of course as you probably realize we're all quite good at damaging our heads. So we've heard a lot of news about C.T.E. in football players lately and by the way that happens in soccer players too. Soldiers little kids are always trying to kill themselves and then we do these crazy sports like that or that and then even if you don't do any of those things if you would drive in Atlanta you're doing this. So lots of ways we can injure our heads the difficulty being that when you go into the hospital with a head injury basically what they do is they stop the bleeding and then tell you well we'll just have to wait and see how things turn out don't you think that's a little primitive in this era of modern that it's and so we ought to be able to have a better response to head injuries than waiting for the brain to do most of the work in healing itself so we're trying to understand how the brain does that so that we could harness those mechanisms and improve therapeutic approaches. So how do we choose a model system for traumatic brain injury has to be a system that we can manipulate fairly easily and in my laboratory we actually use three different model systems we use the hamster when we're interested in looking at the retina Colicchio or projection so from the retina to the visual mid-brain we use ferrets when we want to do cortical physiology because trying to do cortical physiology in rodents is a bit of a challenge so we like to avoid that and then if we're forced into using knockouts and transgenic then we. Grudgingly use my eyes which are a lot harder to do physiology and. So we use these three models and today I'm going to talk entirely about the hamster and the mice. Results So how can we manipulate sensory pathways or alter their development in a way or injure them so that we can study these mechanisms of repair Well we could just put a lot of extra and put and see if the brain knows how to accommodate that extra And but that's a question that's more related to Lucian Arey. Hypotheses about the brain but we do sort of increase the input and one of the approaches that I'll show you today and I'll explain that a little better in a moment. We also can decrease the amount of input so a large proportion of the lab right now is studying the effects of sensory deprivation. Or we could rewire the inputs so we can rearrange inputs in relation to their targets and that's work that. I would like to talk about except I haven't got anything new on that for the last four or five years I haven't yet found a student who wants to do the thirty six hour recording sessions. The volunteers. The student that work is in Philadelphia now doing her post-doc you to. She was a beast. So you're probably familiar with a slide that looks something like this showing you how sensory information can be arranged topographically. This is the most common figure that you might see in a medical neuro science textbook showing you how the. Body's surface your skin surface and the receptors in your skin are represented along your son out of sensory cortex so there is a two dimensional representation so that the sensory information in your brain there is also a two dimensional representation of visual information and that's what we're going to be concentrating on today. In particular the model that I'm going to talk about was. Coming out of work really done by Roger Sperry you may remember him as the split brain patient guy he won a Nobel Prize for that work but he did this work as well in the one nine hundred sixty S. where he turned the eye of a frog upside down cut the optic nerve and let the optic nerve regenerate because frogs can do stuff like that we can't we'd like to know why not but at any rate what Sperry noted was that the optic nerve even though the eye was upside down it grew back to the same location in the mid brand where it used to be so he used the idea of chemical attraction and pre specified information to to develop this chemo affinity hypothesis and so as a result this was a behavioral experiment so he didn't know it was going on. In the brain but the frog was unable to catch its dinner because if there was a fly here it would always look for it down there because the eye was upside down but the connections hadn't changed you know what Sperry didn't realize as perhaps perhaps he has one of those type A guys you know Nobel Prize winner and he didn't have the patience to wait to see what the long term effects of that was so he had no idea that the frogs would eventually correct that situation because they want to eat so the brain has a pretty strong motivation to correct its conic to be based on the information that it's getting and its world and it took John Schmidt who's a professor at SUNY Albany who started doing this work and similar manipulation such as the ones I've shown here to show that the system can regulate itself so I think I probably can't I don't know maybe I can so. We see here the retina and we have put supposed to be a green a red and a black. Sun coming here. They're making their topographic projection into the optic tectum. Of for example a goldfish or a frog similar idea so they each have a particular domain and then this region in the tectum would be paying attention to the region of visual space that this part of the retina is looking at what John Schmidt showed was that if you ablate half of the tectum and this is in an adult because it's a frog or fish you can do these kinds of things with those guys. You notice now that this green one doesn't have its normal target. The red ones kind of dancing on the edge of not having any place to go but what happens. Is that we get a compression of the projection a compression of the topographic map so nice that that happens in the so-called lower vertebrates. But in fact it also and this was the coverage of my Ph D. advisor Barbara Finley It also occurs in mammals if we do it early enough. And so we use neonatal hamsters because as you can see they're streamlet immaturity birth although apparently they can talk this guy's really got a lot to say here but they're very immature It only takes about fifteen and a half days to make a hamster. So that's a lot faster than most other animals also they're mammals so the idea is that we can get access to very early developmental stages. Compared to what we could do in other animals like cats and primates which were the model systems of the day and looking at the visual system. And as a result then we can get access to the visual projections from the eye before they have made all their connections within the brain. So maybe in this developing system. We could get this compression to occur and in fact it does. So just to give you a little orientation here I'll try to. Be equal opportunity with the screens here. So here is a general projection from the I into. The visual ballast lateral nucleus or the superior to us which is the visual mid-brain. L.G.M. projects into visual cortex visual cortex projects back disappear you're collecting lists so that's just the general anatomical picture here. And if we look at the doors of ventral. Nasal temporal axis of the retina those are really represented within the tectum to produce that topographic map. So if we were to do on electrophysiology experiment which is the way we have approached this experiment I'll tell you about we can and that's the tightest hamster or mouse or any other animal we should so choose but those are the ones where using we can put an electrode in the superior Kyllikki lists by the way superior optic tectum those are the same thing but it's called superior colicky listen mammals and not fishes frogs reptiles for some reason that I don't understand that's the same thing so if we were to move our electrode along to different locations in the Tech them we would find that we would get a progressively different location of the visual field that it was representing there now if we remove half of. This Earth in these really mature animals. We find the same thing the map has now scrunched itself down on to the smaller target. Now originally this was supposed to produce a situation this was the plan that Barbara and I had that this was going to produce a situation where we have the same amount of information in the retina but it's converging onto a smaller space so any individual cell within that target seems perfectly logical to conclude that each cell is going to have to represent more visual space. And we were really interested in doing that because there was a huge debate in that day about whether receptive field properties such as orientation tuning accept or access to were built from specified parallel pathways or from convergence of different inputs so that was the big debate and we were going to answer it. And I was very upset to find in fact that. Even though we're representing twice as much input on half as much target. Individual neurons in the superior are still looking at the same amount of visual space. So they have repaired themselves to keep the size of receptive fields the same. And of course I was really upset not realizing that this was even cooler than what we had planned to have happen in the first place so graduate students if you find that you get the opposite of what you expected Do not despair it can lead to an entire career. So if it had not. Made that correction right the cost of increasing receptive field sizes and a topographically amount projection would be to alter acuity so that it would look more like that so you would have a much fuzzier view of the world than you might think well for a hamster what difference does it make but it could in fact make a difference and we're in the process now of doing some behavioral experiments to check their perceptual ability and it looks like they really are and paired in their escape behavior so they don't escape as well from a looming stimulus coming from above which for a hamster you know that's likely to be a raptor predator and they need to they need to be able to escape quickly because those guys move pretty quickly too OK So that led us then to ask this question how do they do that right how do you get a preservation of receptive field size even though you've got this increase in convergence of the two populations and so we propose that perhaps the and I'm da receptor which has some special properties that I'll tell you about might be able to tell the the cells in this the period colicky lists how much visual information that is how much space they were representing and then be able to prune down the projections enough to keep the receptive field properties the same So our hypothesis was that any day receptor activity is necessary to control the convergence at that level of the single neuron so it's very important that we make single unit recordings rather than multi unit or field potential recordings. So we blocked M.D.A. receptors and compared results in normal animals and animals with the come pression manipulation which I will call see what I decide to call that today. When you know how you have lab lingo and you have a little abbreviations for manipulations you do and you go talk to an audience and have no idea what you're talking about so we could call it lesions or we could call it a reduced size superior call it let's let's let's go with that. And so that we're going to ask say the receptive field sizes as we did before just to give you a little bit of background because it's such a broad audience we can generally go when we're looking at activities role in shaping conic to beauty we can generally go with the maxim that if you use a projection it's going to get stronger if you don't use a projection from and put to target it's going to get weaker and you might lose it and so we can build up our brain power. With practice Similarly the way you use your muscles in the gym to build up are we could have the unfortunate opposite result. And this really happens apparently because it happened to Homer. So here's a little diagram to show you what I mean here so here's our retina and we have a visual stimulus that's going to move across the retina that is going to cause firing in a group of neurons that represent that location and different neurons represent the next location and so forth so we'll have a wave of activity traveling across the retina as a stimulus moves from one side to the other early on development you see that any individual target cell can get input from many different acts on. And then later on in development it refines such that it has a smaller receptive field. And the reason that happens is because the target is looking for correlations and activity so these two are firing together in time so that leaves us two or three. Fire together wire together that you may have heard in your class. And so since these two are coincidentally active they're going to consolidate their connections on to this. And likewise it would lose the connection with that one because it's not simultaneous but these two are similarly active and so forth. So the M.D.A. receptor work and this may be a review for you but end of day receptors work in a number of special fashions so there glutamate receptor is you don't have an M D A in your body because that's a drug that's just the thing that we use to recognise and day receptors but it is a type of glutamate receptor like the Amber receptor which passes sodium but an M.B.A. receptors pass sodium and calcium and calcium feeds into SECOND MESSENGER processes that can influence the stability and the strength of that's enough. The other special thing about an M.B.A. receptor is is that they are not able to open their poor at their resting potential because there's the magnesium I am that's stuck in there stuck in the poor and so we can't get sodium and. Calcium into that channel rusting potential. However if we can excite this post in after terminal some other way to deep polarized the. Neuron a little bit now we have some of these polarized nation the magnesium ion is spelled now we can pass calcium sodium through the M.D.A. receptor the calcium leads us the second messenger pathways that can influence the stability of the soon to make a long story short but the idea is that this is a coincidence detector because you have to first want the polarisation and then shortly thereafter another one. So just like classical conditioning when you need to associate an unconditioned stimulus on a condition stimulus this one. Receptor allows the post an uptick neuron to distinguish the level of Cofidis of different inputs that are competing for its attention. OK So again we're going to manipulate those and M D A. And test the hypothesis that they're necessary for refining and receptive fields after that manipulation most of what I'm going to show today is not original data because I want to give you a lot of information so it's going to be lotsa graphs and stuff so I'll try to not make it too boring but so here's the process so we're going to a large receptive field so we're going to refine them down in the separate collect as the hamster or a mouse the receptive fields of individual neurons are fairly large much much larger than they would be in visual cortex about ten degrees in diameter and as I told you when we do this manipulation of partially lesion ing the tact. Lab lingo forward is P.T. for partial tectum then the receptive field size is maintained. If we block the M.D.A. receptor during development with a slow release polymer that's deadly leaking this antagonist of an M D A receptors. Then we find that that blocks the normal refinements of the receptive field so our receptive fields are bigger by about fifty percent. If we come by in that with the lesion so we lesion them at birth and we block an N.D.A. receptor as we find of course that it blocks the normal refinement but it also blocks the capacity of the system to compensate for the loss of target to shoot when they were set to fields get even larger because of that increase convergence from the retina in the reduced. And then you know you always do the control study last right because those are the boring studies so this is the inactive isomer of the drug and thank goodness it didn't show anything. So those Then important control with. P.V. The Levo form of the drug isn't active. So a little ball and stick diagram here to illustrate what we've done this is my idea of a computational nerve science model. So early in development we've got a projection from disappear collect this right if we record from this is where I need a fishing pole and not a pointer if we were cord from the second neuron and super going to see it gets three different inputs right so it's receptive field diameter is going to be three different diameters of retinal neurons normally during development that would refine the thing we end up with two inputs instead of three so that will be the receptive field size of the individual neurons sharper and it acuity what we found in the in the case where we reduced the tectum by about half. So we went from a four cell to cell Tekton in my diagram we get overlap as we would initially. But the individual axons reduce the size of their Arbor. And selectively project alternative targets so that they have a chance to find target space so it's kind of like a game of musical chairs with axons if they don't find it's here they die it's a more severe penalty then at the birthday parties. And you know as this has to happen a very specific way it still has to select for two adjacent inputs it can take that one and that one about one and that one because then the receptive field size will be larger so there is some way to filter that through and we propose that it was due to that and I'm David Souter so we block the M.D.A. receptors in a normal animal full size. We maintain that early state forever. If we combine that with a partial ablation of the tact we went from a four cell tectum to a to sell tectum in this. Pathetic model here then you see that we get an even further increase in receptive field size because we block the normally Fineman as well as blocking the compensation for the damage. So our results then support the hypothesis that and it receptor activity is necessary for not only the normal refining process which was already known a number of other systems but also for compensating for that lesion. So receptive field size is one aspect of the properties of the target cells and superior colicky list but those neurons also have other special properties that allow the animal to conduct its life. For a frog of course that includes catching moving objects that was what Sperry's frogs had trouble with so they need to know something about the objects that they're looking at they need to have object recognition ability and so for a frog that can often just be something as simple as knowing how big and how quickly the target is moving to identify it as a particular kind of of prey item that might be tasty and the same is true of rodents who will often identify moving objects so even though we have maintained a receptive field size maybe we can go back to our original question and address whether convergence from the retina is playing a role in the size and velocity tuning of these neurons. So remember that this is our manipulation. And we're going to ask Was that an M.B.A. receptor blockade combined with the partial lesion of the tech to affect stimulus size and velocity tuning we thought certainly it would because we were thinking that target cells it's not just one target cell that defines direction and velocity because the stimulus is moving. And so you have to compare from one cell to the next and from one cell to the next there's going to be more information from the retina represented so we thought certainly this is going to change velocity tuning and it would likely change size tuning too because of the difference in representation of adjacent target cells. How. Ever to make that story quite short it had absolutely no effect so not only. Was stimulus. Was receptive field size maintained after the lesion. Although not after the end of the a receptor blockade but stimulus size and stimulus philosophy tuning was resistant not only to the lesion but it was also resistant to the M.T.A. receptor block so that anything we could throw at this system it just fixed itself everything just stays the same so keeps its acuity it keeps its size tuning it keeps its philosophy tuning we were getting a little frustrated that there's just nothing we can do to purge this system it is so robust to any kind of manipulation and on the one hand that's very interesting but it wasn't what we were trying to do. So we never did answer that convergence question we got into this idea of how inhibitory. Neurons can often be recruited to compensate for changes in excited Torrie convergence so we've got all this extra information coming in from the right to a given area of the target these this is a little bit hard to explain so bear with me about if if I were to pass a light stimulus through the center of a receptive field. Here is our center right here of a receptive field I get a really strong response if I move that stimulus a little to the side I would eventually not get a response anymore because I would be outside of the receptive field well we wouldn't want to probe inhibitory connections and because we're recording extracellular Lee We don't know anything about inhibition except how it affects excitation So if we have excitation and inhibition going on simultaneously we should see a decrease in excitation from our electrode that's outside of that neuron. So what we do is we take the stimulus that's in the center and we add another stimulus. And assaye what's called surround inhibition so superior Colicchio cells unlike cells in. The valley miss like a really small receptive fields and they have a lot of inhibition throughout their receptive field so we as. Another stimulus then there it's going to inhibit the response to the first one and as we move that second. Stimulus away from the center of the receptive field the influence of the inhibition on this response is going to decrease and in fact in the normal animals the black lines here if falls off pretty rapidly but then it plateaus out what we found in the animals that had been treated with the M.D.A. receptor blockade is that the boundaries of inhibition were extended perhaps to correct for that excess of excitation and we're proposing and I won't go into it today but we have built some models. When I had an engineering post stuck in the lab. Over the OP who is now a tenured professor at U.C. Riverside made some models of how this increased inhibition could fix the signal the size of a lawsuit tuning and it worked out really nicely so we're thinking that this change and have a Tory connectivity is a general means through which plasticity can occur that was previously unappreciated and most people think about neurons being excited to worry toward each other rather than and have a Tory about inhibition shapes responses and it seems to be very important later on in postnatal development when excited Tory connections have already been established there seems to be some indication from our results and others that the inhibitory plasticity is a little more flexible later in life. And so our results were that the inhibition is changing its configuration and that may compensate for the increased receptive field size and be maintaining size and velocity tuning. So the system can be very flexible in accommodating changes to its inputs and outputs and that's one way that it preserves function in addition to changing the arbor size. OK but that didn't tell us you know it told us how resistant the system was to manipulation but it didn't tell us how the. Compensation process at the very beginning the compensation for the lesion was actually happening. And in the meantime after we did this earlier work and I started my own and we started getting more into the system so I did a post-doc completely out of this area MIT talking about that work today the Fair Work started there. But we wanted to address the the molecular basis of this situation so we know that there are two basic steps in refining the projection from the retina and to its target structures one of those steps is is directed by molecular gradients so the initial formation the gross topography of the projection is set up based on molecular cues so that when we started this work we didn't know what they were but in the mid ninety's they were identified as repulsive acts on guidance factors called Efron's and their receptor is the F. receptor. Which doesn't start with an F. it's ph. And so we were reasoning that if you need this gradient of repulsion to set up the a national projection may be it's the case that when we injure. The guidance molecules change their configuration and there are what tells the map to compress on that smaller fragment and so we wanted to combine. The ablation of the partial ablation with the map compression and asked say in a descriptive study for what happens to those Efron's and their receptor. This work was done by a couple post-docs in my lab may do and Chang and by a very talented student who was a masters student at the time pretty much directed this project as a talk to. Now let me give you some introduction here so if we have our Efren a to simplify the story they're going to be a lot again today although they can actually act as both which is really irritating but there's just amazing molecules very well studied in cancer research so there are guiding invasion of for example blood vessels into tumors so the eye for an A is are located in the target there from a lot and here are. Two high post here your grading gradient. There receptor those which are located in the retina and on the X. on terminals are in the opposite configuration because it's a repulsive interaction so the high a receptor expressing region and temporal retina. Doesn't like the back of the tact because it's very inhibited area can detect how inhibitory that is because the receptor level is high so it prefers to be here where there is not so much about why again whereas where there receptor is low those are tolerant of the higher law levels and then intervening steps you can imagine to set up the entire projection. So that was what we knew going in. We did express in studies and hamsters they'd already been done in mice because we wanted to do hamster physiology and most physiology it was easier we found the same thing in the hamsters that we did in the mice and this is a lateral view of the brain so this is cortex here that's up down nose tail cerebellum there you may recognize this is the tectum from there to there that's in fair click Elice. Early in development you see that these yellow areas are showing the M.R.I. and they expression pattern of the friend one of the friends called a five it's very high and coddle it's a period color Phillis later in development a it starts to decline but still higher caudal and then by two three weeks of age it's kind of going away because it's not really needed there anymore so perhaps it's not produced for some reason it's downright delayed. That's an interesting question and itself but we don't know the answer. So to set up the hypothesis then what we're testing. With this descriptive study we're going to look at how the expression pattern of the Efron's in the target changes as a result of removing part of the target structure and there's two possibilities right if we just cut off the gradient right there then we would get this situation we go from yellow to pink but not all the way to Red. If the gradient compresses which was our hypothesis because we're thinking the compression of this gradient would cause the projection from the retina to compress on the smaller fragment then we would see the slope of the gradient gets steeper so it go all the way from yellow to read but in a smaller distance. This is kind of an ugly figure but that's what we found so here's a normal superior colicky this you see the high F. or label there this one is I had a different mood that day so it was blue and green instead of red and yellow. And here we have our smaller tact. Superior this was leavin on the day of birth these are now. Five animals I believe and we see that the high F. or an expression is still there but that peak has moved forward still at the back of this a period but the spirit Coco says smaller in these damaged tectum animals and you maybe see from the arrows here the front and the back of the tectum So it's roughly trying to make roughly fifty percent lesions you can actually remove about seventy percent of the Superior to look listen you wouldn't know it from the way the animals behave and in fact the system compensates with receptive field size up until about that point you go beyond that and it starts to lose it but then it loses it in a really intelligent way it starts to represent only things here and sacrifices what's there you remember that these are your eyes have their eyes on the side of their head so their visual field is like this. So gradients are steeper just to give you an idea again about the hypothesis. So if this is our normal map see looking at the levels of F. or in a five and this is just a cartoon and it's not meant to be real but opposed to us see locations of Pyrrhic a little suffocation from the front to the back is about two millimeters in length. In the normal animal So if this is our slope of the gradient if we had just cut off the gradient and reduced the size of the tectum by half from two millimeters to one million the. And nothing change we would expect the gradient to look like that it would never get up to that high level if I have process this was correct then we would expect the gradient to get steeper. So it would go all the way up to the same level but in one millimeter instead of two. And that is in fact what we found so here are a plot of the slopes across development normal animals and black damaged and white and this is the slope so the change and are an expression over the map location we get deeper each age. In the leaves and the animals so that supports the hypothesis that the changing configuration of the molecular signals can direct the compression. On to the smaller target but it's only a correlation. So this is where I got dragged kicking and screaming into using mites and when I say I I mean the Royal I. So my very talented team. Was able to develop the mouse recording we had to make a number of modifications because they're a little bit smaller. At all stages of life but it wasn't too bad I'm. Told you about so just to remind you of the results of the Corella to the experiment was that the gradient goes from yellow to RAD but in the smaller distance and we also found I'm not going to show you the data because then I want to keep it here forever but the gradient of receptor seems to compress in response so this happens a day later than the compression of the law again so we see the receptor gradient changing and I say about a day later we only looked at twenty four hour period so for all I know it only takes an hour that we need to run that down that's one of the things we're doing now. OK so now we want to know. Whether those friends are causal from compression and so we have to knock them out so if change after an expression is necessary for a map compression then if we knock out the friends it should be impossible for the gradient to compress. So it worked in knockout animals that's why there's little mouse at the top there now. And we did the same electrophysiology experiment. And the normal animals of course they had the data already we took although not in mice so we had to repeat the entire thing in my normal life we then took the normal my. Ablated the back half of the tectum same as we had done in the stairs and indeed this was pretty fortunate they also compress their mouth so it's not just a hamster thing and that's important because mice take longer to develop so even though we're looking at an animal that takes more than fifteen and a half days to hatch we still can't get that compression so it's still early enough in the in the development of that optic nerve growth to do that. And so we're hypothesising is that in the effort in a knockout animals that instead of getting this compression they're going to have any effort and so that's why this is a yellow or pink anymore we're not going to get the compression and we'll still only map half of the tech. So here we can go a millimeter with our recording electrode and see the entire projection onto that target we're proposing that in the knockout animals we're just basically whacking off the map and half we're only representing half the visual field. So here's where we get and this really complicated pictures that I've never presented to an audience before so see how this goes. We are working with rather incredibly famous competition on earth scientists by the name of David Wilshaw in Scotland we have all these computational people in town including many of my own and Satish and nobody's interested in sensory systems. No I don't mind going to Scotland it's a lovely place. But the thing about David as he has been fascinated with this question of all of his life so I called him up like you don't know me but I think you could really help me with this he's like yes. So we actually met at the European our science meeting in Copenhagen and he developed a way for us to statistically analyze to visualize the. Form of the map so let me orient you here so these are just normal animals wild type mice. I think this on you can see pretty well so as we move our electrode across the tectum from front to back and from medial to lateral we get nice even progressions a visual field location so we're see how in this map of the visual world the. Tactile locations are very ordered right there's a very neat a graphic projection. We can also represent. And we know that the same thing happens in the animals with ablations are we even though the Tech them is half as big we compress the map so we still get entire visual field represented on the smaller space so these graphs just show our recording locations so we made three. Series of penetrations along the poster axis. Of the severe. And these maps are how David represented actual visual field location and you'll see that these maps are mostly blue with occasional little red lines the red lines mean that there are some topographic messiness there so in the normal maps they look pretty good also the time they have very little red in there it's a very you know it's not linear but it's biology why would it be linear so it's a life representation of the visual orbital expanded in the front and the. Reduced. As I said we know that the map compresses so we would expect it to look roughly the same except that our electrode positions are going to end where the lesions started so this one was. Not quite half one in a little bit millimeter and we try to shoot for one but it's difficult to get it exactly right but again you see that these maps look quite normal. If anything even less disorder and that map which is interesting. Now we had a number of options to pick from. In terms of the mice that we could use how much time do I have. OK. That's good so we initially got these super duper everything knocked out from David Feld Haim at U.C. Santa Cruz and just you know for the students edification I was asking for these knockout mice that David felt time developed and at the time his house was being bombed by animal rights activists and they had to throw their child out the window to escape. And he was injured his wife and child were not but that slowed down the mouse shipment a little bit. So eventually they got these mice and they're shipped. There several different Efren A's so they're shipped is eight to a three knocked out a three as far as we know isn't involved in the two is a little bit involved in this poverty a five is the major one and they're heterozygous for a five. And so if we cross them we can get wild type a five heterozygous a five or a triple knockout. And. The wild type a five then would be double knock out the other eight to a three knockout but a five is still supposedly OK. And you'll see that the results look quite different. So it looks like we're not able to project very far with our recording electrode even though we're going the same distance. We're not able to represent all the visual field locations now you're familiar with these drawings you see that on there you see that they're pretty messed up. Even though a five is wild type in these guys. And it looks like they're certainly having trouble mapping the back half of the tectum or even the front half in some cases there's a lot of variability so we don't quite know what to make about. And these are just the normal guys. Right so what about the reduced tectum monthly C M particular that they're not matching for the most part they're there they get a little bit of representation and. But mostly they're only making half amount so we expected them to be massed up into poverty that was already known because these animals were used for topographic map ing that's why they were created but no one of them had overstudied the role of friends in the come Prussian topographic map city so these double knock outs are kind of interesting So then we got another strain where it was just a five knocked out. Hoping to get a more consistent picture and we got these from. Birth who wasn't firebombed and so we got them right away. Here's the normal I mean not lesion animals with no for an A five to to PA graphy can be a disaster or it can be fairly normal interesting variability. If we reduce the size of the tack them so we leave it in the back half of the tech and the birth these are recordings that see if they will get to go as far because there's not as much tech done before run off and. With these guys we occasionally get mapping the back of the tectum and sometimes we don't but the topography is quite variable and Hamas stuff it is so this is why I didn't want to work on my. Now the triple knockouts. Have to be equal opportunity so the triple knock outs as we expected. They're topographic maps are a disaster I mean you can put your electrode at the front of the tectum you get a field here you move it just a tiny bit two hundred microns in your back there are already moving a little bit more now you're here right so it's just really crazy so if you look at David Plotz here you see how the topography is a complete disaster. And we're really on able to even know what either we get a compression of the map or not because there's no math so those animals weren't especially useful. And so we were unable to calculate them out slope with the triple knockouts because they were just too crazy there really was no map and we're thinking well the axons because they don't know where they are they have no idea that there is some part of the tucked in that's missing so they just go wherever and the entire. Retina might go to the target but there's no way for it to distinguish which part of the target it should end up in because it doesn't have the signals that tell it to get there what David is most interested is that you can get little bits of orderliness in these projections and he's wondering is that Are those the axons that are special maybe there's a special kind because of course there's lots of different accents or maybe there's different being than cells that are more successful in surviving this sort of manipulation but so with the absence of the T.K.O. where we could not map the slope. Please see the. Slope of the map So here's our regular guys right so the slope of the map is about here. And the wild type animals that have the ablation the slope has to get steeper to get all the retina represented there but if we do the statistics we see that in every one of the knockouts excepting the T.K.O. where we can't calculate the slope of the match because there is no match. They are having a problem some more than others with compressing. And increasing the slope of the projection and I haven't done the statistics yet for the. Meeting so I couldn't quite get it done for you guys but it's going to be interesting so if we actually look at. The slopes. Here's our normal animals with all of the data and there is our lesion animals wild so much steeper there they are here and the different. Types are mapping somewhere in the middle there we thought well that could be due to the fact that we didn't leave them all the same but the groups don't distinguishably differently in size so they're all roughly half OK So that supports the causal connection then that we do interfere with compression of the map if we don't have the friends it's definitely not clean data so we're going to have fun trying to sort out exactly what's going on in that suggests a lot of further experiments but just to summarize then I've told you how activity dependent mechanisms through an M D A receptor is can compensate and preserve stimulus. Tuning so response properties. The compression requires at least effort and maybe some other factor that help gets some normal topography but if we knock out those genes then we don't get the compression so we have to find the number of different factors that allow us to understand what makin those are used by this very simple projection to preserve function in the face of rather challenging damages removing half of the structure. So just acknowledge all the different people that were involved then I think I can reach that high but we have our many collaborators here I didn't get to talk about it but Josh since it's just. Transgenic mice that have different populations of ganglion cells labelled with G.F.P. so we can start to look at differences between types of gangland cells and how well they survive this manipulation. To the correlation study you telling me was the bees to not only to ferret recordings but pioneer the map recordings as well to Vollmer was working with her he's now a post-doc and Larry trusts. You David not as my current student and a number of different postdocs and my very first student not Dylan across go who was not involved in these projects but. We now have funding from. And us stuff we did have funding from and I. And a number of other organizations the brains and behavior program and the Center for behavioral neuroscience Georgia State provides money for us to do this work when we can't get any funding but now we have some funding so we get to proceed. And with that I'll finish and take any questions that you have THANK YOU THANK YOU. Thank you. So there has been one group that looked at their production from cortex back to attack them in these knockouts but not in a lesion scenario. We didn't record from the road. So we don't know but that's a really interesting question and it's a little challenging to record from the written amount you can routinely do it in frogs for example but difficult in a mammal sorry. We don't know exactly it seems to be expressed not only in the tech the target cells themselves but in the extracellular matrix and that may be because it's created but there hasn't been a lot of biology done on that in the visual system there's been a lot of work done on it cancer systems but I don't there imagine that it would be the same. Yes. They were all in us the ties with love to find a student who wants to do the work to develop the way behaving properly. So the way that we're kind of lucky compared to. People who are working in monkeys or carnivores and that in the rodents we can use an anesthetic called your thing which we think of as a plastic wrap right but it's also an anesthetic and it suppresses all the different neurotransmitter systems fairly evenly so we don't have the same problems like we would with ketamine selecting selectively depressing and I'm da receptors but still it would be much better to do this and in a way preparation. Thanks for that question others. I I have no idea because we have not recorded from the inhibitory neurons directly would have to do that and slices. There's been plenty of recording from the very large inhibitory neurons in serval cortex as I'm sure you know but in Superior I don't know that there's been very many people that in slices have recorded from the inhibitory And that's something that I really would like to do because I'd like to see me even just to look at them morphologically how they're changing in the scenario they should be changing morphologically and that would be something that's fairly easy to address we just haven't done it. Thanks that's a good question. Yeah. So. Well could depends what you compare it to yeah they're much bigger than visual cortex but they're small enough that we call them bug detectors. Well they won and they get to that base mall or so they go into the dorsal stream they would get larger. So I mean. This. So we don't know because we haven't recorded there but judging just what happens in the tact you can break the system by removing about three quarters of the target not before so presumably all that compressed information is being piped up through the dorsal stream and along the ventral stream to operate in stimulus localization then an object recognition such as it is in a hamster.