READEME.txt %%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Introduction %% %%%%%%%%%%%% This dataset contains the Trait, Behavioral and Neurophysiological data collected by R. Michael Winters as part of his dissertation "Empathic Effects of Auditory Heartbeats: A Neurophysiological Investigation," completed May 2020 at the Georgia Institute of Technology. %%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Contents %% %%%%%%%%%%%% ./Raw Data There are 27 folders, one for each of the participants who completed the experiment. Inside of each folder are two files: 1) *.CSV - All data associated with the stimulus presentation, and participant responses (RMETChange, FeelingStrength). Each trial contained an associated example from the RMET with either no heartbeats (Visual-Only), no visual (Audio-Only), fast heartbeats (Audio-Visual Fast), or slow heartbeats (Audio-Visual Slow). 2) *.XDF - All data associated with the neurophysiological responses (EEG, ECG, Markers) There is also a README.txt if there was any technical problems, or other important metadata associated with a particular session. ./Metadata 1) Qualtrics-Responses.csv - A CSV containing the responses to the qualtrics surveys distributed to each participant 2) RME Arousal_Valence.csv - A CSV containin the associated "arousal" of each image. This was used to create the "Congruent" and "Incongruent" Audio-Visual groups. 3) RMET-Answers.csv - A CSV presenting the four choices for each associated image in the RMET and the "Correct" answer. allDataTable.mat A matlab data table containing all of the data associated with the experiment. Note that I am unsure if this includes the Neurophysiological data as well or just the behavioral data. %%%%%%%%%%% %% %% More Information %% %%%%%%%%%%%% A summary of the research including example stimuli can be found on this padlet: As of 2/18/22, there are two major documents summarizing the research: * Dissertation: * CHI 2020: Thank you for your interest in this research!