So I mean the deeper research at the college in this is our fourth and final research form for the the year we've had a great success in sort of having this new format where what we want to do is bring together researchers from different parts of the college to to share their work they're doing a common or are overarching theme and the theme for today is energy climate and the built environment we have four speakers they'll each speak for about seven minutes and then we want to leave time for discussion and questions and answers and discussion with the audience so we're trying to very hard to leave time for that which is why we're trying to get started on time so I'll do a brief bio of each of our speakers and then we will will start so our first speaker is the current who actually organized the panel for this research form He's the director of the Center for spatial planning analytics in the Allies ation and a professor in the school sitting regional planning to pass coeditor of The Journal of planning education research I had the privilege of being his coeditor of with that journal for which he also won earlier at the Chester we're wrapping award for best article he was awarded the marketer professorship by the German National Science Foundation in two thousand and seven to conduct research in visualizing unstructured data He's the author of three books and over one hundred journal articles on topics ranging from sustainable urban systems to spatial planning analytics to housing and transportation. So our next speaker is Godfried are going pro he's a full professor in the School of Architecture and directed director of the high performance building Lab He's also the associate editor of two scientific journals and has published over two hundred refereed papers and several books he's been the advisor of thirty five lucky Ph D. dissertation students in air. It is a building performance simulation knowledge management building path ology sustainability urban energy systems uncertainty and risk analysis. Perry Yang is an associate professor in the school City Regional Planning and as well as in architecture he is a joint appointment and he's also the director of the eco urban lab in the cholesterol chair professor of you and P. Institute at tone she University His work focuses on promoting ecological and the performance of cities through urban design is won several international competitions including the two thousand and nine World Games park title. And then substituting for Professor Brian Stone is his Ph D. student Evan Mellon who are grateful that he can stand in for Brian so this there from the school is a regional planning and they're researching energy. Issues for cities in the urban crime climate lab Evan is also managing the Georgia Tech climate network identical action of temperature sensors spread throughout Georgia Tech in the Atlanta metro region to study experience microbes to study various microclimates and the greater Atlanta Urban Heat Island So with that I will leave it for Super Bowl to get a start. Well good morning thank you all for coming it's good to see you all. This I believe is the time I'm coming to speak at the forums for done my. Fair share I hope. That today we're going to talk about energy climate and the built environment and the reason for the forum is not to present extensive volumes of work that we're doing but to trigger discussion and to trigger some ideas that you can get involved in so what you're going to see are just vignettes of some of our work we were. To keep them short about seven to ten minutes at the most and then we'll leave a lot of time for discussion but you can ask us questions so let's get started the big question that I have been looking at and that and I guess several of the other faculty members will also talk about this this how this structure has been form mediate energy use and greenhouse gas emissions so how we build our cities how we build our buildings and that map in terms of how much energy they're going to demand and and that's the is essence of the kind of planning we do we want to plan so that our cities energy efficient. And the reason I have those icons at the bottom is because these that drive the main drive of energy use and the first driver obviously is people and that's the one that's the hardest to model so we remodel all kinds of other drivers of energy but human behavior is the part that gets the most difficult to model and that has the largest variation in terms of energy use We'll talk a lot about buildings and how much and what are the effective factors the tools by which we make buildings more energy efficient of course transportation is a big driver of energy urban form talk about that a bit and then climate of course matters in terms of how much energy is used in the environment. So all of the other questions that. We want to talk about and this is these are all open questions and yet still have a thriving literature on each one of those dozen different patterns of development lead to different demands for energy so compact versus sprawl development doesn't matter. Our energy used in what we do energy demands vary in the urban regions so what are the areas that have higher demands on energy than other areas does compact urban growth lead to energy savings so we have had a lot of discussion about compact growth and the question has been does it lead to energy saving and there are two ways to that and we can talk about that in a moment as well so. As you can see. The top pick here the big. Umbrella issue in planning has been compact cities and apparently compact cities are supposed to believe are all kinds of sustainable benefits sustainability and resilience benefits right and this paper are compact cities are desirable planning gold was a highly cited paper in Journal of American Planning. Association first published early one nine hundred ninety S. and it was published together whip this other paper which is called is Los Angeles style sprawl desirable. Which was written by Professor rejiggering and this was a debate between whether compact fifty's actually matter and that debate is still continuing by the way. So what is the current conceptual model for this. Form and that we develop so when you have new construction obviously that means that the density of that area will change it will probably become higher density and there is a lot of literature which suggests that if you have high density then the travel energy is reduced because people now travel shorter distances between origins and destination and therefore have a negative sign on V.M.P. which means Reiko miles traveled so hired. One city lower Vaiko miles traveled and that also has an impact on energy use if you are traveling less than you are using less energy in your car's right but when you change density you also change the built form and the build form can change in ways by which you need different types of materials that they used in the building so instead of having wood you might now need steel and concrete to build high rise structures right those are the highest density structures now concrete and steel are very energy intensive materials so going to higher density you may be reducing transportation energy but now you're using materials that are sucking in a lot of energy to build and me can construct. OK so it also changes our land use bad. And these materials used in construction can change the micro climate which Evan is going to talk about that is it might also give us heat island effect if you have higher temperatures in these areas and given that you have heat island effect in these high density density environment you will need more heating. More cooling which will require more energy so we have this kind of balance between density and sprawl So where does the boss deficient urban form reside and that's the driving area of scholarship right now. So what we have nor much more about is how density impact energy and transportation. And this is a very old paper by a human and the rich shows that you know as urban density goes goes up. Energy used in travel actually go down and it's a very clear. Graph as you can see Houston is on top you know very low density very high use of patrol per capita and then you have Hong Kong at the other end but then the question is is this pattern more a function of density or price and if you notice. US cities are also cheaper in terms of fuel so you get very cheap fuel and therefore they tend to use cars more so this is another question that is out there is it density or is it price increase the price of gas would Houston then become more like Toronto or Brussels or even Tokyo we don't know that right. And there is some literature this is another study which was also done by Newman and Ken would be where they were trying to suggest that how well the city is does not really determine. Energy use so. So you have all these different debates going on in the literature trying to figure out how travel energy is related to density and urban form. And now I'm just going to show you some vignettes of some of the work we have done and I'm not going to explain all the theory behind it and methods and what I'm going to do with show you some images and let you formed or on whether compact cities and world areas have more energy use or not so this is. A research that we had conducted for two years funded by the strap Strategic Energy Institute where we looked at energy use in commercial buildings in residential areas and in transportation and we combined them all together. And this is the combined for residential and travel energy and you can see the areas that have red areas that have high energy use for residential and travel and the green areas have low and this gives you the pattern of energy use in the metro area. We did a similar study for Phoenix and in Phoenix we actually didn't want you to get no study over ten years Bierria and the pattern is quite similar you see the suburban areas red which is higher energy use while the central areas have low energy use a lot of publications you're welcome to you know look up our publications we've But. If if I could only. So this is a site which has all our publications all the cord that we use we have a lot of cord that is on get to estimate energy use we have some visualisation that you can see and the publications so you fleas go and check out this site it's called geospatial Dot got tagged slash S. for Strategic Energy Institute and this will give you more background on the research I'm talking about so with that I'm going to stop and we'll take some questions after the panel it's completed and I'm going to hand it over to fried bro. OK. OK You look we're sure. This. Well good morning everybody so my my talk will be on how to build models for urban and that you models and totally focus in on the modeling perspective so that means also that I will be pretty academic. As far as you can be academic in seven minutes. And show you some of the work that we've done in constructing large scales models so the first question you would ask is Why are we doing that in the first place. And here is the point we're not doing it for energy efficiency if you want to know how energy efficient a city is you measure it we don't need models for that although models are still helpful if you want to make changes but I meant so many different things happening in cities in the energy supply in cities that other things are becoming much more important especially the distributed nature of how we produce and consume energy and that goes from the typical suspects solar wind combined heat power demand response and of course energy efficiency interventions gets even more interesting if you look at how electric vehicles are going to play an ever more important role in that whole mix of energy consumers especially when you talk about how did vehicle. To house. Communication will take place as well as the vehicle to grid and it should be clear that all of you sitting here that are still driving a combustion car it may well be that will be your last combustion car ever because I think I believe the ones that predict that by twenty twenty five we will all drive electric vehicles and imagine just what that will mean for the total energy picture in a city you're driving possibly would a full battery into the city which collectively is a bigger energy provider. Than any of the other sources in the city so then the question becomes how do we make good use of that. And so to transactive energy models that are currently being considered which totally quill create a new energy economy are the ones that really drive our research we want to be ready with our models to to optimize that future so make the right decisions now in terms of where you invest your money and what provisions you make for different. Situations and then of course and you see how it gets more and more important and energy efficiency kind of fades out and is being replaced by resilience so everything is not about. How do we can become more resilient locally supported and how do we support that in with the right decisions baking now and energy co-ops and all of the community based initiatives for that. So all our models if they want to be prepared for that situation. Have to be nimble scalable. Competition the efficient because you are going to do some large scale optimization so as a general picture this is what we have to the left you see the traditional energy producers. With the grid and how we service and are still and other consumers but to the right you see how we are slowly creating new. Communities that have their own way of arranging the matching between what they consume and what they produce in energy. So the challenges for that are really that we get we have to capture the dynamics at the right level of Hall all of these these components work together we have to think about how do we put a central or maybe distributive component in a city to manage all of that and do that on almost like on a minute to minute basis. And then impart important ever increasing more important part of that how do you map whatever you are arranging in the city in terms of new ways of communicating and sharing energy resources how do you translate that in an energy in an economic model. And you've all reading the books about block chain and and link to all the cryptocurrency hype that that you're obviously aware of I guess. Block chain has many uses and I think one of the major uses that I see talked a lot about and where the leaders in the field are already working on actual solutions is of course Mark change. So we're economically speaking we're talking about how high the Menge anality control problem that we're trying to solve. And but before we are going to do to talk about how we solve these models how we exercise with them the first have to answer the question well how do you create a model with. So many buildings you know if you do it on the city scale you have thousands and thousands of buildings how easy will it be to construct such a model and then we are all on our wish list can you make it simple competition efficiently efficient and scalable to scale ability is of course the big issue. So quickly. How do you instantiate an urban model it is not that. Automatic you know because you can say I have. Like Perry is going to show I guess for the whole of Manhattan where we work together on a project forty five thousand buildings how do you get them into a model so basically it's still one building at a time then you look at how buildings in vicinity do something to each other in terms of shading and microclimate factors then you model all the other energy pursue MURS for which we have enough components available in in shareware so we don't have to do too much work on that then we hook it all up and then we coast simulate the whole thing. Easy enough but that's step one is actually a nasty one how do you get forty five thousand buildings into a fool city model. Well you start from the information you have which is not a whole lot but the best information resource. And that's how we of course relate to show versus work is the G.I.S.. There's not a lot in there but but but something and it leaves a lot open so you still don't know full. The full range of data that you need to model the building but you have to think to start with then all the things that you don't know just because it's not captured. You have to somehow defaulted or make an order good guess about that data and. One of the things we worked a lot on is how do you do that better how do you make from that information that you haven't a G.I.S. What do you do to a command that would order information and come up with a whole city mall that is representative of the reality. And so the orange. Additions here that you see is looks actually very quite simple but is one of the main things we have been doing and getting a lot of headache about so you look at whatever data is there order available they. Accept Yes maybe for some buildings you have a full bin model for other builders you know nothing except. The total energy use in the year and you do something magic dare to come up with how the different parameters that you don't know how they would vary and we do that in a statistical sense and then we randomize all that information into the reduced order model for each building separately the way we do that is is some some secret sauce that we have introduced in this generating these large scale city models. But for now you will do you will end up with models that are not correct for every individual building but are pretty correct for the on sample and that's usually what you want. A little bit about well how do you you see a lot of these studies done in the same way that they use some clunky High Fidelity model like energy plus and if there's one thing that my students know that we do not want to do is follow that path because it's a highly over engineer it not efficient and. As I said highly clunky model. So our. Our other academic question was can you use a simpler model. Like a reduced or the model which we call a P.C. in our jargon energy performance calculator. Can you get away with that having a really nimble model by using a P.C. for each building at a time but not suffer the consequences of this simplification and so we asked a very simple question. Can you. Use this reduced order model without sacrificing accuracy and so we asked the question. And answered it in the following way if we can show that the unknowns. Introduced in the model because you don't know that much about the buildings if these are much larger than the uncertainty caused by your model reduction kind of course the answer is yes so in general we don't say it B.C. is OK and we usually do that with. Statistical analysis is doing a lot of magic there and then you see for instance that that error with the arrow coming from the model is fairly minor compared to all the other sensitivities that you have in the model for all stemming from things that you did not know so if the model doesn't add much to that why not use a simpler model. And we are publishing papers about that where we engage in long ongoing discussion with people to say why using such a over engineered model when you when it only is amounts to shooting yourself in the foot so one of our students that is full featured test on all the other available modeling that it's and not surprisingly he came card came up with the fact that his own model has all these nice check marks in all the features. So he was one of the lucky students that graduate. Of course I think I have to go into really overdrive mode I will skip this and show you just a couple of overview slides of things we did so here you see once we have this model. Creating all these buildings creating their connectivity creating comic to fifty to the other prosumer in the whole urban setting we of course can create either a peer to peer controlled network or come up with some gods I super control agent and both both methods are being deployed in in India industry and here you see how over the years since twenty twelfth we have been working on this field and every couple of years to comes a student that finds a nice additional. Deepening of the way we're modeling to this one interesting thing there is this one. Developed a directed graph some of you may may find that attractive where we've developed a directed graph between all the different components. We applied that to Manhattan we did it in a smart community in California where the question was How can you Where do you invest in this community to make the best use of all the resources you have. You can look at the results in the season as we did that to see how with I've only thirty seconds necessary how you push your actual energy used to periods the red period is the period where you do not want energy use so we showed that with the right interventions in this community you can have most of your energy used in the period that you can have it where it's much cheaper. We did a resiliency study on the Florida community what it what it challenge was can we. The bridge at a forty eight hour power outage you all remember the pictures from the Miami nursing home last year were people were subjected to forty plus Celsius for a couple of days so how do you create a community where these critical. Services can be bridged for forty eight hours last light. Just to show that it's also been translated into simple models that can be used by students in class we asked who it is to do. Something on Atlanta communities where they manage the how electric vehicles will be used in the future just to create optimal. Xchange an optimal resiliency of certain Atlanta communities. OK Thank you. For the way is it. For you. To follow through presentation a lot of talk about. How we skated up from puting to city again into how we design for that so to do get that two different idea one on the one hand urban design. OK an energy performance. There was a we poll we learned from I.P.C.C. interim government panel climate change about urban energy system talk about as it is possible to fail to see the forest for the tree it is possible to fail the theory that did it for the buildings and we have some early attempt to do get there. An energy issue from Georgia Tech years ago we did a studio work to do that energy mapping for urban form and structure and the world was exhibited in one hundred years Centennial meeting at MIT for American school of architecture with similar med one square kilometer seven City Manhattan seven Cisco Chicago Tokyo Shanghai then Coover as and so on to understand then city distribution then you structure energy consumption carbon emission installed or again from the rooftop below the approach we used was pretty simple we tried to build there may be hundreds even thousands of building within that one square kilometer so we can possibly model a few thousand and we used to produce three just highlight it. To look at and scare it up educate them to get on the one hand energy consumption it on the other hand so to gain an energy production industry how far away are we from net zero carbon emission and we realized urban energy is far more than the Asian individual building company so that I have a chance to road this up to write this article with energy engineer editor in chief or apply energy and we realize that we have entirely different vocabulary between urban design and a just system and modeling we took a system from different perspective engineered to get optimization efficiency of system urban design a dress quality issue and we recognize city our complex system but it's more than designing energy efficient machine like city so we're going to get performance in the FROM way into. Tended to get high efficiency low cost. Better performance but urban design and looking to space are a form of city and their linkage to heal human value and purposes and we see design entirely in a different way for example we do get more optimisation of a system of energy service or come figuration up component system urbanization or a different question about how mind the current urban system be changes. By proposing projecting or turn it urban form and building systems and we have pretty much pretty scripted you know as a designer we are sometimes pretty term in synthesize and compromised amounts they holder and I like to highlight to question for this panel number one context matter how we scatter from building to city level community level and the second question how do we design for them so when we try to skate it up as free also mention what property would emerge when we move from finest get building system to broader terror that we need to focus on the heat transfer from indoor and outdoor and local climate and other relationship building systems and we are also interested in how much energy as the middle aged it can we achieve when urban system in nature how much Sunday wind biomass can be acquired in cities and so on so that article. That we published jointly with my students they've been trying to look at energy in urban design strategy Manhattan for years the Manhattan got Sandy hurricane and frogging issue two thousand. Help in the event of Hurricane Sandy there months traded in the billet urban spaces structure to respond to. An expected shocked by. The flooding blackout and other effects of the storm so how do we turn herbalists form and structure to be resilient when it was not designed to be resilient a century ago there was Manhattan greed there was layout from early in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century. And there was some idea about climate and energy issue embedded in that period of time for example New York City has the first zoning ordinance in one thousand seventeen. Going to guideline regulation one of them is. That with the Roe versus building high to ensure you get even television the lighting in the context of conjuration high density environment and they still are very important today or around the world seeing approaching high they will use that ratio to make sure that quality but we argue this in step vision to understand the dynamic problem so this dark of the free also mention. The engine on shading micro climate and occupancy scheduling to understand the internal process on the one hand which urban puting energy use so to again and to understand how much. Beauty Energy can be serious the plight. Renewable that lead to energy resilient when there's a blackout issues and I like to kind of conclude by this second case very quickly about design question how do we design for urban energy systems that is a proposition about how we should move from design for sites. Symphony by using analysis for supporting these ideas to hopefully desired side to see design is a key variable in the modern process and we have an example working with this need to pursue who we desire near zero energy this tree across ten square kilometer territories that we have of this process motto from physical modeling performance model to change model how to design for them and understand their impact. So we used that process model and we realized it's impossible to model such a complex setting that a few kilometer wide parity so we have this kind of problem simplify problem to two to three variable for example how do layout of urban green from A to meter hundred twenty meter two hundred forty meter you have different block size and different density and how do you lay out your open space and how do you concentrate your density using parametric is that I understand the implication out energy comes sumption carbon emission and so to again and that's so simple we couldn't possibly use that to design a city price though we come by to pick up a pencil to draw and to come with some concept of the end to say the centralization scenario complex it is in there and we think that proposition we can operate parametric designed to produce thousands of option to measure the energy consumption so let's don't lose more pieces of that and we have other mother human experience human come for water that to be integrated by those like. So that result problem about designing urban scarcely. The process motto do not lead to the generation of high performance cities I we need to integrate. From system perspective and the relationship between form making and energy optimization is to be made and we argue that these life face how do we design for that remain to be the most critical component as you constitute that contrast interval bourbon energy modeling process you. Good morning everybody. So I'll try to keep my talk short sweet and local and I tell you mostly about a project that we're doing right here on campus called the Georgia Tech climate network. And we who this is auto advancing. Let's let's not do that. And see if this works so in the urban climate lab or mostly looking at the Urban Heat Island which you might be familiar with it's often characterized as this kind of blob of heat over the middle of a city that's that's quite homogenously and it's a result of built materials in the urban environment soaking up the sun warming up and then very slowly releasing that heat through the day and night and not only does that exacerbate extreme urban temperatures during the daytime but it keeps those high temperature sustain through the night as well and that caused a lot of problems for public health. But what we're finding is that this is kind of an outdated idea of what the urban heat island really looks like so not only is it caused by built materials and urban form and also anthropogenic heat that is heat from humans so to bring it back to energy we also find that not only is the urban heat island causing higher temperatures which means more air conditioning is hubris said but that air conditioning is also pumping waste heat back into the urban environment and studies show that can increase our local temperatures as much as two degrees so energy is a really important component here as well but we're finding that the city doesn't really look like this the urban heat island is not just one block it's actually very specific to small microclimates that are specific to the build materials in the context in which those microclimates might be found and so that is what we study in the Georgia Tech climate network right here on campus I brought some props. It was the one of these on campus this is this is one of our sensors that we have several of them out. There now for calibration right now but they're usually out there. We're looking to analyze the thermal environments of microclimates on. Campus we it's operated by. By myself and by the urban climate lab we have forty four total sites only thirty three of those are on campus but we have a lever twelve they're deployed in the metro area to study the greater urban heat island in the Atlanta metro region so the sensors that we're using measure temperature and relative humidity above. They're at two meter height that is human scale and they have a seventy five days of logging before we go out and manually collect all the data ourselves. And so this is a map this is a little bit outdated we've added to this since this map was created but this gives you a general idea of the distribution that we have in the types of microclimates that we're looking into so we have impervious surfaces vegetated pathways paved pathways a couple rooftops and some bridges that we're monitoring. And so I'm going to show you some of the results that we got from the summer of two thousand and seventeen this is June July and August the warm season. This is showing summer urban heat island intensity in maximum temperatures that is the average daily maximum temperature at each of these sites minus a control site that we have far outside the city in a rural area and this is showing that the average daily maximum can reach as high as about. The way about seven degrees above the real reference just on campus alone. And a low of about one and a half to Greece is showing about a five and a half degree swing between our cooler areas and our warmer areas just on campus alone this is entirely within the context of that kind of blob of the Atlanta metro urban heat island join that microclimates are quite significant Now what I want to point out here is take a look at the the fifth Street Bridge and the tenth Street Bridge These are two bridges that were monitoring when we moved to minimum temperatures this is a range of only two to four degrees above the rule of reference we see quite a difference in these two bridges and that's because the face. Bridge if you ever walked on is heavily vegetated this creates an entirely different microclimate even though they're both bridges over the same highway the vegetation has quite an effect. And so this is an example of these two bridges the tenth Street Bridge image from Google Maps Now there's a sun flare in this image to really bring that image home as about seventy nine point nine degrees on average over the summer. The the green infrastructure that we put into the fifth Street Bridge has seventy eight point six degrees on average and that may not look like much but this is average across the entire summer that means routinely it is that much cooler than the tenth Street Bridge. Let me know another metric that we like to look at is hot days where we look at all ninety two days of that summer and we count how many days each site has a maximum temperature above the ninetieth percentile for the city of Atlanta so that means it's hot even by Atlanta standards and we're finding that summer we had a range between seven and fifty six days above that threshold temperature which means that if you live in an area that looks a lot like that on the bottom right where it's heavily vegetated as compared to one on the top right that is very urban you're experiencing a fundamentally different summer even if you're living very close together. And so the image on the left is of course some of our volleyball courts it's one of the hottest places on campus but it's entirely paved there's no vegetation there's no canopy and that had fifty three days above the threshold of the quad ampitheater where we put a lot of trees even in an urban canyon surrounded by buildings but it's full of tree canopy that had only seven days above the threshold temperature So these this really shows the influence of the microclimate on how your summer really feels to you. And so we took this is step further to study the types of land cover that contribute to the urban heat island in these microclimates and so using a dataset from the planning space management and our very own georgia tech tree inventory we found the influence of. Different land cover types on temperature for all of our sites within one hundred feet and we found this is a table that shows just the significant variables that came out of the regression that we ran but this is really just a snapshot of the urban heat island we're seeing that the minimum temperatures are being sustained by the built environment streets sidewalks and buildings and we're finding that the average in the maximum temperature and the hot days are all being influenced much more strongly by tree canopy so from a policy perspective as urban planners we're starting to find that the landscaping is really not doing that much for us but the canopy is doing quite a bit and so we would then probably recommend that as you're designing your sites you should probably have a lot of trees. So the Georgia Tech climate network is continuing to develop over time. We are currently working with smart connected cities on a small grant. We're trying to adapt wind sensor capability that we can be measuring that as well this is a picture of a prototype wind sensor they're developing for us and possibly connect them to wife I we're also working with the U.S. Forest Service to study the influence of particular trees not just canopy to environments but what do the trees really do for us in the types and also we're focusing on Georgia Tech is a living laboratory so we're expanding our network every year and we're really looking into public awareness and education we're working on time. So you're going to start seeing the Science Show up that actually tell people what these sensors are and what they do so that the students can learn more about what the microclimates are really doing on campus thanks very much to check out our website to follow up on this and other projects and feel free to email me with any further questions. If you like. You know. Sampling. So this is the time when you get to us the question. About any of the things that you have seen or something that's related. Yet. She says it's. Like. This is. This. Was. You know. All right now let me read. It. He's been doing this longer than anyone else they know. So so that I can interpret the question of what I do better now than I did forty years ago. I was definitely much smarter then. Well you know if I relate a question to my own field. The whole idea that we don't have to be smart grid. We're now that can be you know morphed into many different apologies for. Energy transactions that wasn't there forty years ago so in my narrow area of how we are evolving from work once was a directly provided supervised way of so. Plying energy to know in a pro sharing community. That is of course tremendous change and our models have to reflect that and so in that sense nothing of the work that I my colleagues were doing forty years ago actually is actually relevant to what we have now it has been a total change and if I can make one additional comment on that which I had on the sly but in their. Moving fast drill that I was I of course didn't tell half of what I was supposed to. The connection between the electrical engineering groups and the type of research that they are doing and the work that we're doing doing in our field on creating better models for cities and edgy typologies in cities that in itself is a very interesting area which also didn't exist ease didn't talk to us and we didn't talk to ease because we had nothing to talk about but now when we are developing models and eager eyes have to actually implement them a very interesting interface exists because they make the circuitry that basically has to do what our clever model stylus but they don't run our models because they don't have the computing power to do that so I may call that great models OK so they do very simple. Mapping some of our models when they actually have to implement it and that is a very we do a big project with Oak Ridge National Lab exactly on that topic so I see I see no things from that period appearing in my field only new things. And I. Like them right. I mean. I'm. Human. And. OK. So I think about the next. Country. I think is the next. I just want to add one more thing. As planners there was little discussion of energy and greenhouse gas emissions still about the early one nine hundred ninety S. when climate change came into our vocabulary and climate change actually instigated a lot of collaboration lot of multi-disciplinary research that led to a lot of the models that we see now in our in our literature in our journals prior to early one nine hundred ninety S. there were only very few sporadic work scholarly work on energy and the built environment in planning literature but since then because of climate change it's become you know there's a profusion of literature on that. I will add on the topic of models that in there been climate lab we use the models quite a bit for scenario development and so we kind of run these test scenarios to see you how will a certain policy perform or how could be expected to perform and I will say I've been to a lot of conferences full of people who are making tools for planners. And they don't talk to a single planner in the developing process and so it's something that I would like to push in terms of how does this discourse happen that we really should be having these these kinds of forums like this where we can really be talking back and forth about what are your needs how can we actually meet those needs and make sure that the tools that are developing could actually be reasonably run by a planner so that's that's my two cents on that. Right. So this question is on how we're using the data from the tech climate network to influence planning at Georgia Tech and so far. I haven't seen too much concretely get adopted. But it is certainly influencing the types of environment that we're trying to create and so we're seeing a lot of tree planting on campus and we're helping to show just what the impact is of those trees and so we're trying to fit them in more places where we can. Now we have had a lot of these plantings planned for a very long time and planning can be a very slow process so I have not yet seen exactly how it will be used for specific examples but we do meet routinely with capital planning a space management and we share with them our findings and they they're trying to use them where they can. We are not collecting any but Georgia Tech is and so we're hoping to combine some of those there's a project that might come together in terms of measuring infiltration rates on campus into their cisterns we might try to use that as well to match up with a green infrastructure. So we're kind of chasing them at the moment in terms of us trying to measure what is already is part of the plans so for example one of the hot spots on campus is right there in the middle and some of you may know that's a parking lot now but will very soon be our eco commons so we're excited to get some some nice before and after data there in the same location and we hope that would influence further removal of parking lots in the future. Last. Word out for. Me. And then the question about campus life. Can laugh about it because it existed can we can modify that a lot of variable we and is that right there better be how did you know there was this in the plan from the beginning you know release date with your existence and can we have the unity of those variables from the beginning or it is you know you don't know that your detect is going to be having a presence. And. You. Feel it in. Your own Well you know your life you see. Will be with the feeling legacy. You can only say so. The only. Question is why you can place. Your hand all of this. Is there and there were. Also you know you hear. It you know because I think. They might cause more and. More. Like this there's more loss. There you. See. You but you're. So good that's that's very important an interesting observation because it's such a tribe in debate in the literature about the value of compact. Cities and you've rightly pointed out that existing environments have to be taken into consideration and what a lot of de forward thinking planners are now talking about are centric cities that is you now have sprawl development but how do you make these prong areas are more. Centric in the sense that you bring in more mixed use you bring in a little bit more density and and you connect them in ways that transit can actually operate so it's now becoming much more of a design solution where you're allowing transit to connect all these far flung areas which are themselves getting more dense. So that's the kind of design solutions I'm seeing and I'm sure Barry is also looking at those kinds of solutions. Richard yet have them and. Usable. For you and you want it. I think is a question about you know. The. Criminal process. Here. Are. Many.