Well in these kinds of forums you usually hear about some wonderful sources of new energy like solar cells and when. They're supposed to solve all the problems of the Lord and they do. Unfortunately I don't have very exciting news about. A brand new source of energy and my message is a little bit more about just being careful and using what you have a little bit more more efficiently. So I hope I can do for a. For some time this afternoon. So the big topic of today's talk is pathways to inherently efficient system wide thermal energy utilization. So there are many I direct is there I will be restricting myself to the energy. I will be restricting myself to utilization and although I will be talking about efficiency. It's a little bit different way of looking at efficiencies not individual components it systemwide energy efficiency. That's my focus. So. Let me just start out with with this just just about a week ago President Obama said that by twenty thirty five eighty percent of America's electorate that he will come from clean energy sources. And I was kind of falling off asleep watching T.V. at that time and when he said that I sort of you know you got a jolt and walk up and say well my God Or does that mean this is them achievable goal that sounds pretty ambitious. Is this a monolithic approach are we just going for clean energy sources. Is it a wise goal to just go for clean energy sources with the emphasis on sources are there other complementary of options that we can use. And what does clean energy mean. And I hope to address some of the things. In the next several slides. So here is the outline first of all I'll talk about how thermal energy is used and then I'll switch over to a slightly different topic of phase change heat and mass transfer because while we talk about policies and new ideas and so on. You need certain calm points and devices and systems to make those things happen and you need some of these fundamentals to make those out of them and then switch over to some novel applications of those those phenomena to be able to alter the thermal energy use landscape some of the examples that we go over miniaturizing conventional heat pumps maybe look at wearable cooling instead of cooling the whole room. Thermally activated absorption micro heat pumps adsorption heat pumps low grade waste heat recovery. I'll show you that there's plenty of low grade waste heat and what do we do with it. Megawatt scale energy harvesting and naval ships thermal management of electro chemical storage systems carbon capture and so after covering sort of on a fairly superficial way these different technologies. Then I'll try to give you some perspective of where I think things are going. And so there is a common slogan that we use in our lab. Every day I ask the students if they've been saving the world one heat exchanger at a time and so hopefully you will see some of that. So let me just tell you for since most of us are from campus where we are this is this is the love building. And we're across the railroad tracks so to speak. And we are in the combustion lab area in the narrow complex and so that's that's where we are. This is where the sustainable thermal systems lab is I see Team Luhan be. He works over there sometimes. And so on. So this is not new here and you enter the lab complex there and this is our lab billing and that's where most of the stuff that we're talking about happens. So in case you're interested in learning some more about what we do need to become visitors over there. We do some interesting things the lab that we have is different from most other labs I've seen Georgia Tech or really country wide we have big boilers at high pressures. Steam. Chil coolant supply wind tunnels that have controlled ambience and controlled humidity. We have multiple seams supply stations and by metal chambers that control the temperatures to very precise conditions a very very low temperature minus fifty five Celsius chiller and one hundred seventy five years old chiller that supplies cooling needs for the lab so with this we can have a lot of fun and I hope to share some of that fun today. So I told you that I will talk primarily about formal energy. And what this slide is supposed to show is that that's not a very restrictive approach in fact. It's in fact mostly thermal everything that you do is mostly thermal It may not look like it but if you look at the energy consumption or the primary world energy supply. And add up coal or oil and natural gas then. More than eighty percent of the world's energy supply starts thermally and then if you include nuclear which is also primarily a. And you can merge and you're looking at about eighty seven percent and many of the renewable energy sources also have to go through that thermal pathway. So when you start talking about thermal energy conversion as you've covered quite a quite a large scope of energy conversions. Another way to look at this and I'm sure you've seen this kind of a graph many times but what I'd like to point out is this is sort of the energy balance on the electricity balance of the USA fairly recent. This is the energy that goes in from various sources. This is the electricity that is generated. And look at the size of this bar this is all the conversion losses. So the electricity supply it is fourteen quads. Whereas the conversion primarily thermal to mechanical energy conversion losses are twenty seven. So what does that tell you two thirds of the energy that's applied for electricity conversion is probably way we're throwing away two thirds of that energy and only using one third. So our approach in our lab is not to look at more sources necessarily but to mine. What we already have reduced energy output is the way to look at it. Large inefficiencies are there in source to end user chains. As I just showed you. So rather than looking at supplying more if you if you save one penny of the end use because of that multiplication factor that I talked about you're saving several pennies of source energy. So our focus is on the left side of the equation. And in fact all of the energy savings measures are pretty easy to implement people just don't do it. And this directly also translates to reduced emissions and global climate change implications. So our philosophy is that energy supply should be driven really from the bottom up. How much do you need and then you add those all up to do the supply and so that's the philosophy is that. The research that we do. One other way to substantiate this is if you look at the primary energy input. OK for electricity generation coal gas nuclear renewable and other waste heat this is what you throw away. Now just flip your mind a little bit and say why not think of this waste not as something you throw away but as a source and then things start becoming quite interesting. So as I said before two thirds of our energy is rejected. Of course and quite a bit of this has to do with the car no second law efficiency laws we can't escape that. But what is that low value of the use of the temperature. That's where some of the innovations that we can bring about on the end use side. Provides a lot of promise and opportunities for design innovations. So we can still liberate Cardo but we have to find a different way to read our energy utilization to still follow him but get more out of it and reducing that two thirds of that rejected energy is the best carbon sequestration mechanism. So this is high grade energy this is low grade energy and we're going to focus on looking at ways to use this there's plenty of it is there's an abundant supply of this. So let's set the stage here and say suppose you are generating power then you're using that high grade portion of that combustible fuel. But you're throwing away the rest of it as we see on the other hand if your water heater at home is using natural gas. It's also burning something at very very high temperatures but you're only using it to heat water to about sixty degrees Celsius. And so you're throwing away all this availability and just to get a little bit of a lukewarm water. Instead if you find uses for that thermal energy. Across the entire temperature spectrum. Then you've you've you've used that initially combusted fuels. Much more efficiently and we're going to try to fill these bars and the rest of this lecture here. Just one more slide of that nature in today's Energy look like they should and if you have a process here you supply some energy and some of it goes to waste your supplies and energy and all of it goes to waste and so on and so for there are these large waste things that we throw away. On the other hand if you cascade the so that this waste stream supply is the next. And lose. And then this way stream supply and use then you sort of link these without that that amount that you're throwing away. So already you reduce the amount of input energy that's required. I have been talking about energy efficiency of an individual device yet. Now if you improve the energy efficiency of individual devices you can get some more. And then if you can also somehow account for the temporal variations in the energy. And move them out through energy storage technologies. And also account for. Concentrating the rebel locally diffuse energies from far away places to a concentrated location like that and then all you need to do is supply this much with that clean energy source. So if President Obama were talking about this rather than this. That goal would look much more achievable. And I think in this series last year and this year you have. Quite a bit about this. We are going to talk about from going from here to here. So that we have less need for energy to begin with. In my lab we look at a variety of these waste heat sources and we look at different pathways of converting them to something more useful. We look at adsorption technologies adds Ocean Technologies vapor compression and expansion electro chemical conversion and then what we are after is heating cooling covering some work and therefore electricity out of it energy storage and also carbon capture. So this is the framework in which our research is organized I mentioned several different technologies and one way to look at this is to just sort of do a screening analysis of how these different approaches might be useful at different temperatures scales. When you talk about waste heat all of the street and all heat is not created equal. There has to be a temperature associated with it and most of us chemists and little mirrors and mechanical engineers do have the concept of availability or X. or so on but if you look at sort of the different temperatures of Source Heat available if you were to take some microcode and exhaust there and use it for abs option cooling using a double effect you are actually multiplying that waste heat will ability to one point three. If you take for example truck exhaust or process plant waste heat and then do an organic ranking cycle or you couple it with them with a compressor and use that energy to drive a compressor then you can recover thirteen percent of the waste heat as work which is excellent energy conversion efficiencies and then you will add by a factor for me to get cooling out of that recovered work if you go to some generic commercial exhaust sources and. Abs ocean cooling these compliments you can get this kind of performance. We did a variety of these baseline cases and we said OK we'll actually treat one hundred twenty Celsius as high temperature waste heat. OK And then we'll put it through these different routes and you can get cooling you can get cooling using mechanical components you can get work. You can get a different kind of ranking cycle and get better match source and use and then you can also transform the heat. This is something that used to be talked about in the one nine hundred seventy S. and so on and hasn't been looked at that much but you can actually take heat and upgrade it to high temperature heat with it seems as high as forty seven for a pretty percent depending on what your source and temperatures are we even looked at low temperatures at ninety three and even went down to sixty Celsius heat and so can we do something with it and in fact we're able to do a lot of things with that if you arrange resources and things properly. So you can in the cover all of this heat and get some useful outputs out of it and so here is sort of a matrix a high level matrix of the end user is possible now of course you see a lot of these borders and a lot of cycles. How do you make this happen. Well when you start looking at the cycles that do these things then you really you notice that you need several heat exchange devices and so on. As you go to internal recuperation and you need more devices to do this you need more heat exchanger Well nobody wants to pay for those. First of all because they have large and secondly because they may be expensive but if we can make this happen. With micro scale heat or mass transfer technologies and so on and try to find it you know that it's. Stansell internally cooperation and the higher cycle efficiencies. Can be achieved even spite of the fact that they have large components in fact that's where engineers like us have the opportunity to contribute to this and somehow find high surface area as a low volumes and so on. So there's no shortage of these kinds of ideas I mean lots of wonderful ideas daya because people know how to actually make them work. Translation to implement the bill technology has lagged far behind. And usually the fundamental entire time and translated into. Manufacture will controllable and affordable complements hopefully by the end of palatable to show you some ways of making that happen. So let's look at this without if he were talking about small temperature differences we don't have that three thousand degrees F.. So any more. We have compressed that temperature spectrum and therefore we have to be able to do more with less delta T.. So if you look at the basic heat transfer equation of heat transfer equal to heat transfer the option time surface area that for T. the Delpy is small. Now therefore to achieve the same amount of you need either air. Therefore you must provide more a must increase and then you have to be able to use that that thirty more effectively you get high heat transfer coefficients and you also get high surface areas for low volumes and though this is very good. You can fit a lot of transfer surface area in small spaces and also the working fluid as many of the working people consider it had as well. Flammable or toxic or something like that and the less you do them the better. And when you go to the smaller companies you don't need such large inventor of the fluid. But to be able to do all of this you have to understand fundamentals of faith and you can amass transfer. Especially at the micro scales and so I'm going to both of you slide in in the next segment of the presentation to work on the fundamentals and then go back to applying them to develop complements and devices. So let's look at internal flows usually heat transfer is accomplished between and if you lose. I advice and if you are going on the other side of that device and if you look at small devices we do research on micro scale condensation boiling and so on in channels as small as this we're talking about something like that and one hundred microns one hundred microns or less is nothing fancy when you're talking about nanotechnology and so on but very few people have looked at these change boiling condensation and those phenomena at least and we're trying to get better understanding of the phenomena at all scales so we take some very good quality videos of those process in the condensation that. Mysterious very very small channels going to suck beneath their scales and you see that dip depending on the different conditions. It could be and could be. It could be wavy flows and so on and so forth and usually you find it as you go to the smaller scales. It's primarily this intermittent type of flow and you have to be able to model it because surface tension in fact made. And so that way the flow of the gravity dominated the flow goes away and that liquid move around and form this kind of a lot of behavior so that we look at modeling these things by saying that the pressure drop or that flow that providing that flow is composed of the pressure drop in the slot and the pressure drop and the fill in the bubble in the face and the pressure drop in the transitions because here Bill. It is slowing in the process and kind of goes around this and it has less cross-sectional area to go through. So there is some acceleration that happens and then it comes on the side and it be a bigger cross-section. And then we do that here you balance that this liquid and if and when we do all of that we are able to apportion. The pressure drop to these different phenomena and then we develop individual models for each of these and them and them and here then we are able to say OK this ocean of the pressure drop this data point happened because of the slug this happened because of the bubble and this is due to the transitions and we're going to start those kinds of models for circular and non-circular geometry if you cut out a wide range of macro scale. Channels that are used for these devices their ads before elections when you get some very poor agreement between the data and the model of our models are able to get you very very close even though we're talking about some very small channels and so we go for that not just qualitative and cities but to be able to actually track the whole of these bubbles in time so that we can directly compute to the public a lot at the end of the slip in the report and the liquid and would also be able to capture things like bubble collapse and you see eighty two. Bubbles and then they coalesce into this and we're able to model that and then we calculated actions because this is important in vivid in determining how much pressure drop and I'll keep That's what happens as this vapor and liquid mixture flows through and once you do that you can actually use that void fracture and create an as you are flowing through those channels. As an indicator of the flow. It can actually discriminate between the different flow of James and nation. So some of the fundamentals that we applied. I understand internal flows. But then there is the access to the post to reduce the thermal resistance. By an order of magnitude but you still left that external resistance. You may be able to take the heat from inside glued to the tube wall but you won't be able to put it beyond that because of that. Big problem of the stairs outside. So you have to focus on the outside to hear some representation of. Me outside of the tubes. If you look at a few I assume have had some fluid mechanics and so on. If you look at it. There is a temperature profile that said out of their concentration profile and there's a lot of people at most of that it looks at least as simple as laminate films but at the velocities increase there are waves that are fed up and then when you look at rope it's because if you've ever seen a really rock on a window it doesn't describe the flow of the land when the pressure on it flows or it accumulates and then it goes down because of different advancing into contact angles. So with those and then one day this phenomenon occurs there's an internally circulation too but when you put heat from inside and you're trying to transport it in here you have for these recent elections to and these are the numbers and concentration that are set up and then we go about looking at the flows that I'm going to film on the surface and that's all they don't know what happens when this is going out to banks falls from one to the next drop that formation elongate and. On that happened there needs to be accounted for. If you want to calculate the heat transfer better and then somehow design better components. So we see that there's a drop that that's falling from the first moment and then they'll be really be set up which was great and break up the remainder of the smaller problems and satellite both that I thought I had droplets and then when it falls. If you manage with a new company. It all gets churned up and so the concentration profiles are changing as it impacts and if you look at this in this sort of saddle wave pattern and sweeps away that previously. And you have to account for that too as the concentration profiles and temperature profile change and then sometimes for the rest of the surface tension effects. So we model a lot of the actually image analysis to see how much of the battle in those droplets so that we can model the heat in mass times for better. And what we hear that goes. I think about your brain showing. Thereby providing more possibilities and this is important in designing a compliment. And you will see in a couple of anybody trying to do experimental work and you know regime analysis we conducted independent computations of that same phenomenon without any knowledge of this and we were able to match them into the computation sixteen really well and all the phenomena you see in the experiments are captured here including the way for the public. Formation the long mission and so on and so forth. That's why we have this information and then. You can also catch heat in math class but it's because remember our objective is to transfer as much heat as possible across small going face and so it is in this case this happens to be a little bit of that water falling over a clue to you and you will notice that when the mood of the tube and then that concentration profile spreads out you can go from that highly concentrated action to my Fraction And here is the temperature is to be sure but if that here it is being cooled and it's going away from the cool tube so it warms up and then through that again. So we've dissolved the problem mentions and full blast. I am simulation and understand it and I'm going to and these are the kinds of insights we get if you feel if you try to float too much flow over these tubes or space that closely. Trying to stuff into the same same space then people believe any good. So you have to leave the trade off. You've got to form this bridge no heat is going anywhere. There's not much transfer surface area. So those kinds of design optimal geometries. So now with that background both internal and external flows we can look at. Devices that use that inside a very very simple example use household. It consists of a compressor and an indoor boiler and outlook oil and if you look carefully at the air conditioner and your house or apartment or or dorm. You'll see that they have friends. But they're much more efficient geometry it's a little now and look under the hood of your car you'll see these devices where there are parallel. And these little word friends. How did you get a certain level of combat from this to help you. It was decided by maybe a factor of two but then you're still trying to stop that from that it into the air which is the poor me. We looked at Mike for microchannel heat exchangers first but the heat from the president to a liquid and then you can enter and you're the first of chambers and so you see the president complaining packaging for everybody back and even said that anywhere and you're not transferring he was sent back and forth on the inside of the house to be out. And so that saves a lot in food pantry. In fact if we didn't charge somebody to do this by ten thousand conventional systems when you do things like that. Another example is the wearable cooling system that is driven by a small tank of fuel. We took a small model and holding it compressed using one of those four for a pedaling your bicycle and we converted that in the compressor and we coupled it here to this convention. So the person where they're going to get outside and they see the operator the best and there are evaporator coil and so on. It is the best and this will actually ran something like five miles per hour on and I'm going to help a lot of them and able to keep it cool. And something like this with a five kilobit on the system only five kilograms you get things out of the cooling. If you. Also do a lot of cross counterflow matching most of the top of the heat exchangers be crossed. If you had a couple of them to do it would you become innovative passages and produce very large in your soup. And the process in the form of the naming cycles by using conventional he might be able to drop that only so when it is across the expansion valve the amount of evaporation possible is only a start but if you lose everything if you know that you've been pulling down all the way here and then it expands down the pressure you get the entire the home for your operation so we've already a factor of two guys illustrated in this. So we do that in those kinds of compounds to reduce footprints and the. Heating and cooling effect effectively a lot about research in our lab has to do with some of the activated heat pumps. If you take a standard action cycle. Here's the evaporator So it expands and across these bottles it picks up your heat and then it's compressed and sent to the injection happens in an absorption cycle you replace that compressor which is a part that consumes electricity thermally driven system and now you have a wide variety of sources. And about here instead of compression you're actually boiling out of the solution. And if you go with them and then it is absorbed into that dilute solution coming back. The only here is a small pump which consumes less at that end of the electricity that have become present system work because they're pumping liquid instead of gas which is very difficult to do and. Doesn't use any thing that fluids and it uses any kind of weight that he might have so we found ways to make that happen with some innovative complements for example that inside that I showed you in turn and experiment I got some flows. Well used to design this microchannel tube. It's a five inch by inch tall here exchanger does all that they put into the solution so you drop dilute solution down this array and send up the array and have rated absorbed into that by your solution generating concentrated solution in the bottom and that heap of other than is taken away by coolant doobs So when you have this coolant blow up a very small channels the thermal resistance is negligible and on the outside because of the impact across the the tube or a then there is a lot of mixing that happens that the extra resistance goes down too. So with this residential air conditioning absorber Not only that but the same components. We have one other thing at the top can be used at the generator instead of having diluted down. It was then. Concentrated solution down and then as a fall down. In hot flew through that we lowered you sent through the two Senate boys off the refrigerator. At here. So from a manufacturer point of view the exact same geometry. Can be used to absolve evaporated condensed and so on. So you just make all the things and you have a heat pump and it can be packed into a very very small package and it only uses smooth tubes and so that's the kind of and fattening and they're there and the thing. So in the lab if you come. And I looked in he pond and this is taller than me but this is a full scale absorption test facility and nobody wants this in their backyard. OK if you want it going to be prone to course this is research so that we have a lot of action and so on but we have been able to bring this kind of a lot of. Absorption system down to want to do this and then we scale it up larger heat capacity is commercial air conditioning systems commercial stealers and so on on the other hand we brought it down to a very very small size still there actually built and Matt Damon who did his Ph D. with me a few years ago and they're both about that lad but he's sitting in the audience. He's the one who built this where if you may have seen this book. This is the basic that we use in our courses. We've built an entire heat pump in this. This compound and many say it's microtonal features and then you can see the outlines of those compound and so the evaporated the condenser the rectifier all of the things are built into this have to be built. We've tested it and we've demonstrated three hundred watts of cooling packet this small heat as a matter of course. So if you look at commercial you read. We believe that we can get something like four cubic feet a fridge and sixty pounds per refers in time for the end they're going to System State of the art in something like three times that rate of the article in the volume as well as the weight. So we we believe we can do this and this work is being funded by art. Right now and there are many possibilities with that that we can either think in terms of a very very small almost no air conditioning unit but zoned comfort across buildings or we can actually integrate that unit and that monolithic block that you see in different rooms or the ability to put in putting these radiant floors which are very comparable and very appreciative for heating and cooling and so the source would come in here. It would generate warm liquid for doing your heating and it will also generate cold liquid for doing your chilling so be that different alternatives be implementation of that meeting and we believe that if if we can come up with that model. We call that a model. Because if you can increase it decrease it in capacity by adding plates by changing the size of the each of them. And then it's a hobby because we can do cooling we can do heating and they also supply water heating for the house. So the entire energy needs of that house be put into the package and conventional systems use this amount of primary energy be we can do it means that by this time and went in the units therefore would cost this much to run we can decrease the operating cost this much. So we believe we can actually achieve fifty percent primary energy savings for all these functions by implementing something like this. So that's the savings in time and energy that the savings in operating cost and this will bring about a pattern of time shift in how people use energy for buildings right now to supply electricity you need this whole grid infrastructure from outside and possibly need some kind of. Talk to deliver gas or you need gas or oil or something like that you need a water heater. You need a furnace you need an outdoor unit and so on. Instead you could either use a microcode an exhaust or you can even use solar energy and with this model or thought of satisfy all the needs of the house in a small packet like that and it can use a little soft and lean like solar energy or a some kind of a gas main microbe and so on. This will achieve that need a lot less energy conversion. But I talked to you about when I started talking about the cascade of energy systems and this is what leads to that high primary energy efficiency. People think that micro scale technologies are only applicable for very very small things like over to small things a small thing. Now we've actually extrapolate the use of magnets down all the way to very very large just as we've we've developed systems that will do we keep recovery and vast naval ships they can do something like three hundred megawatts of thermal energy to propel the ship and all and all it's exhilarating is they need about one hundred watts of electricity demand a lot of electricity three hundred megawatts they throw away two hundred megawatts. If you use that to run a lift him up and then cooling it. Close to it and then he will to be able compression system cascading absorption and be able to pressure the systems then you can not only get regular cabin come for a type of cooling but then use this to bring the temperature down all the way to minus forty Celsius almost completely on that we need we've been able to show that we two hundred megawatts away at the meeting in. Ninety when I go it's cooling at five Celsius and in addition we can get fifteen minutes of water cooling at minus forty Celsius. That is we can get two hundred for we want to go out and we could then read one hundred forty megawatts of cooling and then later it would be three megawatt hours and we've also designed new systems question a cell that has been there for one hundred years. We are trying to come up with Channel. Technology so that we substitute the two bundle inside the large heat exchangers with the channel arrays where C O two and then inside it and water as a falling problem flows on the outside. This is the almost the perfect transfer situation where we have demonstrated that about forty minutes of water can be transferred across the Delta three of only three Celsius that you know that's so small and we we've actually built a scale model of that in our lab and we're doing experiments on water even operating films on these rectangular tube or a conditional bit aswell to vacuum as possible and this. And again using our little relation apparatus to see how the food was on this and now we're in the process of. Documenting the evaporation there's actually a rapid going on at the liquid falls it converts into water vapor and so on the. So this is filtering of water evaporation over these innovative geometries for those high flex fly high flux heat transfer systems. Now what if you don't want to go through all that complicated machinery when I showed you the purple compressors and so on. Earlier you want to do something very simple and very passive. Well we've moved that problem faster on these kinds of cycles. The waste heat will drive system and it's couple that cooling system so you're using waste you need to generate cooling. But there's a moment absorption system nothing there's just any director. And we're starting now to enable the source and ejector something that is this small where this fluid comes into is the. This fluid stream and that's what is running the system so we still do need a poem about now we are one of my students is looking at the tale of how the two face flow phenomena happens in the injectors. So it's a really bad system for that one to follow. The news of the electricity employed by ninety six percent here. What if you didn't even want to have a pump What do you if you were in the better and and the only had it made me to examine cow dung and stuff like that. How do you how do you use that and that's all you have is your energy source. Well this is a system that Dr Shelton was in the audience. What on for many many years and we are picking up where he left off and the beauty of this is this here not only does. Your option system but it is also functioning at the pump this lift is what is used and the whole thing operates at one pressure. So we're doing detail modeling of this bubble palm so all you need is to heat it and it will do with the fluid system. There is a carrier gas there is an abhorrent and there is a refrigerant and that bubble which were shown in the previous year and it gets run into this cycle so that you're getting completely passive cooling. So we envision it is to be used for things like portable and every day there is portable medicine carrying units and so on where there's no grid no no no electrical infrastructure. We're also looking at the adsorption systems now in the chemical engineering department here the A lot of that adoption work that goes on but it has to do with carbon capture we're doing ads options for heating and cooling where the bad you heat the bad it generates the refrigerant you get rid of that heat through the condenser. And then you reverse the phase and you get the heat in and here's where your cooling happens. So we're modeling this both at three levels at the system level at the device level and at the particle level. So you go through those phases first we look at what working pairs might be good for different temperature ranges. So we want to beauties of these kinds of systems is that they are very adaptable to different waste heat temperature. So if you have one set of temperatures if you have time away from the church and you're trying to achieve this. Then you can match. How much cooling can be done by a certain amount of the scale in the bed. If you have a different kind of a working fluid pair silica gel and water and you have a different amount so we do selection of pairs. We do system level modeling it's a bad process. So the cooling happens intermittently so we model that again these are all driven and then the bad optimization is a big deal because unlike fluid flow systems you want to transfer the heat from the coupling fluid inside the Refuse to the bed. And so conventional heat that's what you want to put a lot of surface area and lot of tubes and so on but then you're eating the space available for putting the bed me here and also parasitic losses increase because that tube has to be heated and cooled in every phase of the cycle. So we do multi dimensional optimization including the particle and interpret. Levels and we plot the cooperation of performance over a wide range of these. We are helping Professor Choros in the came into power and do the thermal management of the carbon capture system essentially what happens is that the C O two is sent over the. Functionalized fibers and then you have a couple include through this and we're trying to do the heat management and that adds fuel to is absorbed and then the next day that is the dog and so you collect it there for future Seaquest ration. So finally I'd like to thank you will be the last few slides where I've shown you a variety of technology is available low grade and as you all the way down to sixty Celsius we can use we have done a story and I have named Alex Ratner and he laboriously went through the entire USA a map of the USA and found where all the coal fired power plants for and basically impact energy utilization and mass of the U.S. and what we have demonstrated with this is that there is forty eight years of available waste heat and forty nine percent of the primary and primary energy in this now this is not what electricity generation. This is the entire energy balance for all uses. And we've got it. If I had the potential to reduce primary energy demand. So for everywhere in the U.S. we found what the source of that it was and what we could do with the first map this out found where the most concentrated energy wastage places are now. Sometimes you can when you look at a map like this you can get the wrong idea of course and people need states are the populations are very low so the energy consumption density per person becomes high and there are neighboring states who might be using the electricity from the state but they were just looking at the at the zipcode of the power play. And in doing this. So where we found ways to be found a imagining and use. So we said OK where thermal high grade thermal energy this is this amount is currently being used you scarpered when you throw away this kind of heat then you can use that for residential air sea sixty five percent of all the initial thing that happens in the U.S. can be satisfied by that which is thrown away right now. And so on and so forth. Each temperature band we found uses for that and what we find is that at that point away all space and water heating can be can be accounted for all process leading leads less than one hundred years in the country to be accounted for and sixty five percent of residential air conditioning can be accounted for. If we really raise the energy use patterns in the country. Another way to look at this is this is the current. I. And we can first party create the power and this is where the savings are and now the energy use picture changes. So quite often you hear. Well you know if you start using less energy you start living like those those those poor countries that don't have clothes and don't have air conditioning and so on. Well that may be true down here this is a graph of the annual per capita electricity use versus the Human Development Index which is the U.N. measure of of quality of life shall we say if you put it in the US there is a steep dependence here. But beyond that it flattens out if you look at the the Spanish people or the Italians they're going to be doing something like this and the U.S. and Canada are consuming energy where we're here for all times and some of this is because of the geography. And the weather patterns and so on. But there's considerable scope for reducing the energy intensity but still maintaining the same quality of life and not suffering much by decreasing it. And so our challenge as engineers is to come up with invasion of that will drive it down this way so that the US is consuming less energy and still maintaining the quality of life and breakthroughs technological innovations implementation of existing and underutilized technology all of it can help us in that direction so that energy prosperity environment dilemma can be solved if you look at it this way. So I applied to show you today that energy and climate change and this actually present opportunities for us and increase their energy costs in fact favor capital in Europe because Europe and so on are getting better for technology you can you can affect lifestyles but not the quality of life by going to these better types of systems and hopefully you saw that it wasn't just green washing and so on but I was showing you some practical solutions to this most of the energy available in the thermal form and we have to do dishes leak up Levy towards this along that temperature spectrum in my mind because I'm a transfer engineer the ideal world for me is a perfectly glide matched set of contraflow he changes that's about the best you can do. And of course the very certain he mass transfer of the micro scale says he's driving our work and our message is don't deploy that new jewel unless you've absolutely. Used up that already deployed jewel as much as possible and one way to look at that is this. Which way would you like to consume energy in this way or this way. What would be sustainable energy advocate and for industry. This is a viable mechanism because you get multiple uses from one combustor to fuel and then industry gets so many different products and processes to sell and then I want a business opportunity is there too. So these are the students my current group of students that are helping me do this research. I thank you for coming out on a rainy day like this and that I can build my presentation here.