It was a very probably calculus just a professor in the department of chemistry and biochemistry here in Georgia Tech come to receive his Ph D. in the chemistry for pointers are a University of British are a series of American imports it gets better. I could be subject to the postdoctoral researcher for short time Stanford of the Laboratory of the exhibit was world class for so he's got an excellent pedigree and then he spent some time in Minnesota actually in the University of Arizona during Georgia Tech. He had a separate board a plane trip for Georgia Tech. He has American Society for mass spectrometry research award if you want to reach forty first class publications three happens in an excellent trajectory for the most important thing about from up from that was like urge you to Google his name modified hottie professor that I know of you have such a distinction in the mission for a very impressive Electoral right. So I'm not going to ask if this is how supplements the grid is just new wrapping molecules. But anyway. Today it's a real privilege to introduce for the one that enabling me a spectrum of technologies for your mix of our Thanks Jeff. So carefully look at my funding line at the very end and you may find some I'm going to be a Web site talking about. And that's the first thing the Pops How do people in my name and it's not my phone. But anyways if it's something from stand for that has a lot of free time. And so it's a real pleasure to be here and see enough friends here in the audience and it's a real challenge to show you what we're doing in any light that. Appreciate. And as a see me if you know my group or my students. I feel very proud of working with them. It's there it's a very dynamic group where a small group they get a lot of things done and that's the way I like to define it and we have more ideas than ours in the day and we collaborate with a lot of talented people on campus. So I'm going to going to go through the start. I'm going to show you what we do with different people there are groups on campus and rather than giving you a pretty and nice picture. I wanted to show you the challenges. Indeed these fields and. I guess you're tired of seeing talks that you know feet. So well and there are no challenges no unanswered questions is not going to be the case in these times. So if you're sitting in the silence I assume that you have some sort of interest for the world systems and that that could be system set approach scientific research as a general thing or it could be some sort of systems biology environmental systems biomedical systems but what's common to all these points from our perspective and a little cannister must be trying to trace is that all these systems disciplines rely on something that I like to call system analytics which is the ability of look at the system to Michoud the system seem time and space and how they evolve over certain experiments and. Certain mentally ticks it's a disciplined I likely find and because conditions for many other subdisciplines for example genomics I would say it's the first systems and only takes field if they're throughput feel that it's really dedicated they're looking at genomes in large scales in very large numbers and many many gifted people in this campus are working on a general mix. To maybe your fields are proteomic summit our law makes projects I wouldn't say so you know it's a fairly mature feel now. Depending on how to define where the proteomic started but I would say that broadly it exploded in the last ten years. And so at the same with a low mix and middle of it is not so easily find these days and it's. It's the best word that you will see coming up in most conferences now so people have moved from genomics to proteomics to meet our longings and who knows what the Next on NEXT will be but the common thread of all these topics is that we're looking at systems and we're looking at making measurements accurate measurements of these systems in very high throughput manner. So just because they love to the fine things before we jump into and what is proteomics Well M. the classic view of proteomics it's the that it includes the an indication and quantification of proteins but it's not only that that's just what I like to call called brainless proteomics OK So just like the classic crunch sample after some pull proteomics but it also involves determining the localisation of proteins how their money file how they interact with the final idea of determining their function and I think that picture is much better than any finish and so I always loved this picture in and there are many differences between the Department of genetics and biochemistry and the Cylon department of genomics and proteomics and decided. Of course this is not a hippie ish scientist longer hair looks cool like sitting on but the main difference though it's the type of tools that these two studies start using reinsert with a cane we see very nice activities but it's going to fish one protein at the time. The scientists here is fishing with a crane. So it's going to fish a bunch of protein study time and that's really the change between proteomics and protein biochemistry that doesn't mean that this approach is not useful and we have to rely on these techniques at some point. So these are really complimentary approaches and proteomics the subtle enough. It's an acronym reach field. So if you've ever tried to get into a field of preventing So you've been reading papers for the first time that you face is this type of things workflows. Acronyms am and there are many ways of doing proteomics but the simplest way of identifying of identifying a propane is by digesting that protein and then we must pick from a tree on the protein fragments identifying the masses and then doing a database search. So from its initial times. Proteomics is a very disciplined that depends heavily on a chemical instrumentation and be computational power and this too can read together so that to be unique or odd proteomics the techniques that are used are not new for many a few techniques like Molly like Electra spray little face suppression techniques legal chromatography and so on and many different search algorithms say it's very hard to keep track of their infinite number of soft protein search algorithms are out there but these were close have been shown to be really successful in the N.T. fine and comparing the the. Quantity of proteins in different systems and from it alone makes I have a hard time with this line. It's hard to find and I agree on all definition of meat. Our long experience and even agree on the name of the field. Some people calling it our law makes capital going it up or no means am I would use the word Metabo no makes when we're doing quantitative experiments but the basic idea is that in a bit meet our long economy there were no me to explain why looking at their comprehensive on quantitative analysis of all neat double lights in a system in a given system and that could be done to understand the system to understand how the system changes to investigate new drugs or to for example do that. No C C And that's one of the things that we are doing. I'm going to show you that in a second. What it really boils down to is that if we want to do genomics proteomics from a double nomics right we're going to need some sort of new tools and that feedback between new tools and new fields. It's actually very hard. It's not that new questions generate returns but some some new tools in able to answer questions that we didn't you think they were possible before so this is really a two way relationship between the field questions hundred tools and the tools are not only experimental like the ones I'm going to show you are also computational So it's really a two way relationship. And this is just I promise I have no author rights or licensing rights on this book but it's just a book that I really like and I some of you may have some time to read it. Maybe take my. That to work you could try to read this book it's called Thing knowledge. It's a ten Interesting theory it's a modern philosopher who basically says that. Scientific Instruments have knowledge and instantly in themselves they contain knowledge. It's not the knowledge they generate but it's a way of transmitting knowledge and it's sometimes regarded as a lower form of knowledge but acknowledging themselves and it's a really interesting and he gives a few examples but for example I think we all agree that the human genome we know you can have sequenced the. Without a D.N.A. sequence are OK and nanotechnology will be passed on without powerful microscopes and so on so that that really points out that that synergies and between instrumentation methodology tools and scientific questions coming from all the old mixed fields and so what's our scientific machinery what I want to write about surely works on developing machinery or developing tools and methods but what are those methods as you know already. And there's one more that we can get rid off and that's mass spectrometry we do a lot of work with Master trauma tree and must become a tree. It's basically a simple way of measuring it's a molecular scale it's a way of measuring the math situation of molecules and the way you do that easily manipulate molecules with electrical and magnetic fields and you can move them around and you commission arrival times you can make sure frequencies of motion but the bottom line is that you want to measure in Massachusetts ratio of those molecules with very high accuracy. Maybe with four or five different places in. But that's only one component of a picture and I wish it was so simple but in order to do must be a trauma to First you need aisles and aisles are basically gas space molecules would have to have some sort of charge. And whether or not gas a science that are normally policed by some type of ion source. And the coupling of ion sources to two different must be common to techniques is one of the main topics in my lab and sometimes I and sources are you know less than ideal. So you can overload any given ion source like the same only or electricity very easily. And by overloading I mean that the response of these Aryan sources is not going to be represented. Even if it's in the sample you're going to get it in less than accurate picture it's like having a digital camera with very low resolution and that's a situation that you really don't want to be if you're going to be looking at a very complex system you want to have the highest resolution digital camera. So the limiting factor it's not the camera but your ability to look at the right picture and so sometimes we do liquid face separations and one of the most popular liquid face abrasions is H B N C that we'll probably seventy percent of you use in the lab and then I'll show you some experiments that use H B N C. But even H B L C Sometimes it's not sufficient to solve very complex samples. Let's say let's take one of the most complex challenges in systems and then it takes it's looking at human serum samples. Hundreds of thousands of compounds. It's not even you know even with these very sophisticated instrumentation may not be sufficient to to analyze that type of sample so we've been investigating some additional They mentions of separation for example doing separations in the gut space after the I assert are formed. OK And that's a that's a new topic in my lab we've been working on that for the last three years more or less as many of you know we end up with a massive data file. And that's only data but contains very little information at that point and we really want to see what's relevant information in that data and that there are many ways of doing dad that we normally apply some fairly simple kinematic techniques and mostly for selecting which features from these data sets are relevant to answer different questions. So when my students do is to put all this to work and you know I just draw the nice lives. So let's move on and let me let me tell you what we're doing in terms of looking at different types of foreign sources and I know source are clearly the bottleneck in the in these type of problems they're not. You know not to be underestimated in We'd like to focus and they be expensive instrumentation but the bottleneck now is system and it exists really look different types of power. And sources and that's been reflected for many many years he must become a true community and. People have looked at the Ryan sources for the last two decades and that really tells you that this and this is an important problem. And you're probably most familiar with Electress pray and Malia and station those two techniques actually were given the Nobel Prize and to create an arc of formality and to your friend for electors Brae in two thousand and two because it was the first time that you could look at proteins a large problem and see the grass face without breaking them apart and that really changed the field in the last fifteen years we can do things that we couldn't do before but those are only do most famous topics there are many other topics and my lab is working on different things. We're working on imaging techniques we're working on doing Molly and I will say pressure. We're working on a whole new set of techniques called and in the spectrometry. So that we're working on U.I. and sources it's clearly an important topic. You may have heard of things like Selby which is the role of the related technique. So this is a feel that most very very fast. If you look at the spacing between these arrows. It's actually not a linear line so it's are created faster and faster and faster and I keep updating the slide every month on health basically So the more the basic technique that most labs use is called the Electress brain and illustrates not a new phenomenon. Although it was recognized with a Nobel Prize you know you know two electors waste known maybe four hundred years and it's basically a process where you take a liquid sample and you make it flow through in the name of steel needle and you apply high voltage and it's real and when you apply high voltage. These the end of the liquid dismissed because basically the forms to produce charge droplets that are generated into the space between the needle and they must become Mr and as the distributor ejected this is call it. Taylor crown here distributor ejected they are forced to flow by this electrical field against the current of gas and then they dissolve eight force by this country a kind of gas they loose solvent. And then the surface charge increases because you're you keep the same charge on a smaller surface area and that some point that produces the droplets to explode and produced smaller droplets and so on. So once around finally produce a diesel they did Iris. And would you get into the musty commentaries Aryans that can be analyzed by spectrometry it's a very elegant process but by no means it's a very simple process and believe me the mechanisms are not completely fully understand yet there's a lot of work but there are some things that are not agreed on there are many theories. And you know this is really the fundamentals of how electricity works but. The way we do we like to spray in the lab between very very simple instrumentation and this is what I like to call it before your morning coffee. Electra's play experiment. It's. Not very difficult. OK so you can do it like this pain fifteen minutes you basically maybe like your sample of this and maybe lights or and on top of that maybe essential process you apply high voltage you're charging to those droplets and you're shooting those charged troublous into the elite of a mass spectrometer and this you know it. Normally it's a heated capillary. If he did so you can increase the salvation and what you get at the exit of the scapula are normally aisles. However some people seem to drink coffee much earlier than our group so in about three years ago M. A group a producer with a cook's group which has been leading the fuel of my spectrometry for maybe thirty years and decided that how about doing Electra sprain a different way. How about Valentino doing it the way we were doing it before and shooting the droplets into the cutlery we could maybe just point the Electress prey at a solid sample and then those droplets would basically bounce off your sample and then dissolve part of that sample and go into Electress brain in that way you could do solids analysis without having to you persist your sample in a way you don't have to solve it. You're doing. It's like a miniature extraction basically and that one point and this technique it's called the suction Electra sparingly sation So this is Electra spray and it's a shame but it's a disruption process what you're doing is you're basically. Serving molecules from a solid sample after the droplets flow into in a spectrometer and we use this technique quite everything in my lab and I'll show you a different and different applications but there are some papers already out there trying to understand in the any section make any sense. How does this even method works good Most agreed with a law or process that people believe it's basically that this droplets create a very thin film of liquid on the sample and there is one extraction so components have been extracted into liquid solid extraction and components are being extracted into this film and then the droplets coming from the spray are this large in this film and part of those molecules on the liquid are being traced into a mass spectrometer so this is really an interesting paper in chemical communications last year that shows some simulations on how Dessie works and has some some interesting results. I'll show you some of our work also using these type of simulations for the Fed to find sources in a minute. So our one of our first experiments we would best see was to see what we could do for themselves for proteomics and we collaborated with a good money manager North Carolina State and we took our this line source. And we started shooting at proteins to pass it on plates. So this was a very simple experiment this was remember this is a new technology. So you want to start with simple questions. So say you know can we see proteins can we are nice. Proteins if they are solid and deposit it on a plate and the answer is yes. And depending on the double mastectomy that you. You have on the side you can get a very highly solution must look at the best resolving power in this case twenty thousand. If it's so high that it allows allows you to separate the different items in the different isotopes. So it's this is a very high performance by spectrometer But this same technique can be applied to low power lower performance instruments. So the nice of the nice idea is that all these systems and extols are molecule and you can combine them depending on what you're planning on doing. But the answer was yes we can get very very good will. In a very short period of time we can restart in all three seconds and you know we started dreaming what can you do with this type of thing can we use it to read micrograms can we you know you name it. So the possibilities are a really open I mean there's a lot to do and in this is this is very active field you will see lots of papers and conferences coming out on this there was a watch up last year on this and these topics and other things that we do with this in my lab so M. and this is one of those projects that basically you get involved with even without thinking. So this was a project that we said Sure we'll just help you are good examples you know in the beginning that this was five years ago and now it's become one of the the most active projects in the lab and what we do we use def see this is there a photo of it. Of Ed our first desk the source of this with this was probably three years old now and you are you see you are shooting at something here and this is something it's a pharmaceutical tablet. OK so you can take you know a solid sample and sure some pull the surface or work from that sample very quickly and then the droplets bounce off the sample and are collected by the vacuum and the potential different going into the mass spectrometer and the particular service that we've been looking at are anti-malarials And the reason why and I didn't know of this they have to admit is that there's a very large market of fake drugs out there and very very large in and the scale is actually not very well known because it's so large and nobody has the the ability of looking at this in detail but this is a picture of a fake tablet and you know in tablet and you can see that the copies are not perfect but they're pretty good. So if you're buying these as a cheap product and you really want to save money you make in the brain the wrong wrong medicine and what is important. Well because drug quality really relates to our ability to prevent disease. So it's not only about diagnosing the season understanding disease but also and preventing disease and sometimes preventing disease is just the cheapest way to go about this rather than having to diagnose a disease so M. it's not only are the tablets are are counterfeit socially packaging so they fake drugs. Really come with fake holograms to and one of us are very very very good. I would dare you to come to our lab and tell me which ones are fakes and we transfer real they're extremely good so this is not your cheap. Fake anti-malarial he said these are extremely good. So you have to do some sort of chemical analysis of you can for example take your your suspicious tablet put it in case they set up on a fake. Will show sometimes nothing sometimes some peaks and a gentleman will show the real active ingredient. OK so this experiment takes two or three seconds and the advantage of these it's almost like a systems forensics advantage where you have you can look at. As many things in very large scale so we get three hundred samples we can run them in one morning. OK we don't have to tell you. OK. Call me in two months and I'm going to be done with the samples that sort of response time is not acceptable anymore. So we have lots of results on these but I don't want to spend too much time on this and we have focused on this type of molecule very very actively and this actually dose in a group at Berkeley that is being synthesize in these molecule using some you know actually microorganisms for them. This is the Artemisinin believe it it's one of the latest generation anti-malarials And these are the only anti-malarials that are effective in Southeast Asia at this point. So this drugs it's you know we don't have anything else except for these drugs to treat malaria. In those those regions of the planet so presetting these many thing is critical and the best way to generate resistance against many things nice to administer low quality drugs to people so that's why the relationship between preventing disease and looking at low quality drugs is so critical and and we can detect these of course you seem decedent the problem. I don't know if you can see it because it's pretty low but the signal to noise ratio in the spectrum is not so good and there are lots of other picks. Right. What are those well those other bits are fragments. I mean what I told you there are a source of should we serve the identity of your sample not create artifacts and in this case this he struck me. One thing this molecule because it's not stocked enough that the survey from process is pretty hard. So we say saying well maybe we can finally do some chemistry not so much the signing of machines and if you look at this molecule it's very interesting because it has this in the peroxide group here and what we found is that if you take a leading role kill I mean and you bind you make a chemical reaction and you've made bear with this and with this group you get a known prevailing complex and that novel in companies actually much more stable than the molecule itself. And I apologize. This is super This is light but that's what happens when you have strains that do a lot of work. But what you get now is you get you know these very intense signals for only the complex of a definitely different means. So this is a way of the doing a reaction in that this is prey so it's a dynamic chemical reaction you put in the Unlike you I mean in the spray it reacts with the surface of the sample its own sick complex and it's injected directly into the into the mass spectrometer in very it so it's really one step process and we've done extensive experiments with these but I don't want to overwhelm you with these so other other things that we're working on right now is looking at other drugs that could be counterfeited in a global scale and I wonder we're looking at this this disc molecule here this is a year which is an anti-retrovirals Tamiflu. It was used for bird flu and as you know many governments state governments individuals have been stockpiling Tamiflu because they were not because scared of a potential influenza pandemic. So we said well can we do these type of chemical reactions you know that's the spray and the answer is yes we can couple these are certainly the molecule with different crown eaters and those Crown eaters react very nicely to give you just one peek. No fragmentation. So the Senate. No it's an additional very few cation off. Is this the right molecule and it's the right drug and we've been recently when I say recently I say office last night. Ok this I got this from at midnight. Working with the sherry group in K.. History tamales complexes. OK And we're very excited because we've come knowledge the stability of these complexes and the theory seems to match what we're seeing with the experiments you guys face an insanity experiments that So this is a really project ongoing right now. So let me slightly go back now to our systems biology questions. What else can we do we said Well high throughput measurements. One one clear high throughput measurement could make sure lots of samples and those samples could be anything you want the other high throughput measurement will be the one sample by measuring many positions of trust. If you can so spatially we solve measurements not not simply many samples but one sample with many measurements and we've been using this to do imaging experiments. So if you keep yourself break. Fixed and then you move your sample you can obtain a mass spectrum from each position. And then you can process each one of us must pick try and you can plot. You can make an image which is through the color plot of the intensity of the finance. OK In this case where we did clearly were looking for seed funding when we did this experiment we did the G.T. logo and we do it with permanent marker on a piece of paper. It has to be digital right important if you're going to be talking to me straight to administration we do it with permanent marker and then we imaged. And it's a low resolution image we're very quickly at one millimeter spacing because we don't have any software to process it data but it gives you a flavor of what can be done and you can do a very nice imaging experiment some people have shown for example imaging of brain slices with this technique. Is So there's a lot to be done with Jesse in terms of spatial measurements. If you're interesting in looking at all the groups involved in this technology go to the October issue of the overall seven issue of chemical engineering units and you will see a lot of the best C. and what they do with their C. and some other techniques this it's only one of these group of techniques called and been much spectrometry It's called them in because it happens in the open air. No enclosures it's really disappointing nothing that prevents you from looking at very different samples. In this actually picture in our lab. We're looking at three hundred miles with a different technique this is a thing we call the DART It's a now it's a commercial name and we're working on right now it's really understanding how this type of blast my base techniques work and you'll see down here at the same movie of the table simulations that we're doing. Just to show you know how this step of the structure things work how they heat out and so on. So I don't have time to show you all the details about this just want to give you a flavor of how fast this field is moving we can also in some simulations to understand if you put some for some different places. How sensitive these methods are OK You see for example it. If you put it right in front of this aisle source. Most of your material is blown away. This is the must become a very light. Doesn't work. OK So more complicated and it seems OK getting the best sensitivity that's why I never say Sure I mean the samples will have been ready after lunch. Some things are challenging. OK so. I think I'd bombard you with things or die and sources. So what else do we do well. I tell you that we do a lot of work with separation Thank you. Metrics and one of the sensor we are heavily involved with the McDonnell lab and really working very hard. Is to find a way of using these type of high throughput approaches for medical diagnoses and that we've been working very heavily and trying to find in metabolic diagnostic pattern for ovarian cancer. So what we're really looking at is not a protein biomarkers that's something that probably you know a hundred groups working on but looking at metabolites and the reason why we think that Metabolife are a better way of the notion of an cancer is because first of all they're easier to detect that's a key point go after what's easy to detect in lower concentrations and we work in about these for a year they need to see if a person is released early stages of ovarian cancer we have a different metabolic pattern. Can you measure all the metabolites at the same time. And then tell me if these parents that you see are different and you would see. For a person it's healthy. So it's a very very difficult question as you know. And the process. It's fairly complicated from the experimental point of view but it basically boils down to taking assume sample and some if you some preparation steps in this case we can get rid of any sample preparation steps and doing a little chromatography separation and then followed up by much spectrometry. And this is a special type of mustard trauma too which is highly solution must be trauma tree so it's possible you can identify metabolites. And then we do a lot of camel metrics on these datasets to see which differences are just biological and which differences are really caused by the seas and. The amount of data used by the sighted with metal since it's extremely high. So this is just an eight this is a single H B N C run in a single H B N C When you can take up to. You know three thousand metabolites OK and my student is the pasted the H B L C chromatograph and it was this long. You know it's a three hour long chromatograph and this is for each peak you're looking at the mass spec to for each peak and this is I don't think I'm going to go into this but this is a type of the you get. It. It's basically delineation all day that we can see hyphenate in this. And you get retention time on this our system as to church and the success but look at how rich. This is just one serious sample how rich this is there's so much information. And the question is Are any of these metabolites under or over explain what's going on. And as you can see we don't know the identity and we're just talking about peaks at this point. OK so the second challenge is OK does Pixie's differentially you know. Express the detective. Is this relevant to the seasonality I want it isn't our lives so we heavily rely on many can all metrics tools to do this so we take this broad data. And we train we train the genetic algorithms to select which peaks are actually important and which bits are not so important and when I say important these can be said. Subset of peaks from the crowd around differentiate between a controlled person and the animal and the patient with ovarian cancer or not and we let the computer try these and you know thousands and thousands of times until the classification are basically slowly goes down until you end up with a subset of. Of peaks in these chromatically on that it's much better for diagnosing cancer and let me show some results and these results are already old M.. But this is the first sample said that we tried this about twenty four samples and that we were trying to see if we could by this approach you could distinguish between ovarian cancer and control samples and this is a decision stressful here and all the samples are ovarian cancer serum samples and these are all controls us. And as you see there no misclassification no false positives or false negatives happening. And so this is very promising. So after we did this maybe three months ago now we just finished a study with seventy samples and we get the same performance. So it's a very promising tool really to look at the look at your diagnosis and disease. What's not good about this is that it's not very fast. OK it's already a two or three hour long H.P.L.C. run. So it's less than ideal in that sense. So there's still challenges but you know we're making progress and I don't know if you notice when I was showing you this blog here and basically this part of it came out of I was completely saturated you have a lot of the from molecules that are basically looking at the same retention time. That's telling you that even though we wait for three hours we use the best column. There is separation it's not perfect so you only thing that you can do is you could do for example a Bill mentioned chromatography right. Add a second axis of Commodore appeal it's a strong gardyn exchange people do that in person or makes or but the problem with that is that it makes things much slower admission and chromatography experiment takes about ten hours or you could use what we use which is a gasp a separation technique which is. Happens in English take on talent scale and this is a technique that is called mobility spectrometry and it's place basically after the iron stores so molecules separating the chromatographic crown him are iron eyes they further separate into this. Drift chamber I'm going to show you in a second. And then they're mass analyzed and then with that you really need very very complex algorithms to distinguish was important in this data. So I wanted to you know to face the dark. I wanted to show you what we're doing in terms of glass face separations. And I am ability to actually believe it or not it's the most popular analytical technique. There is there are fifty thousand I'm not released I'm an event deployed in the world every time you go through to the airport there are two or three hour immobility instruments sitting right there and I am already dismissed they started you know basically been developed for chemical warfare lead to action in there in the field. So that's the way people expect me to workfare biological warfare and you know you can help portable units handheld units and you may have gone through one of these if you have a strong accent like I do I always go through this portal. Right. Just in case they put the price that they work in a lab that has a lot of chemicals so sometimes they do get some positives but what's basically happened if you go through this. Portal they blow away any part because that you may have on your clothes and those particles go into an I am really spectrometer OK and they are going to spectrometer if it's small enough that you can have it in there get bandages that you don't need that there is no need for a vacuum pump that you have to maintain. OK there are some I mean what we did mention is that you struck him but this issue is on your show you hear all and atmospheric pressure separations and there are some new technology and I am not going to be that allows you to separate viruses. For example if you want to separate viruses you can't you can separate make adult particles you can using a movie spectrometer There's a company in Minnesota called the side that makes these beautiful instrumentals for separating micro Mark Ryans that's what they call it but. In how this our immobility work. Remember this is a separation stage that we're going to put in between and now our own source and our master dramaturg and this is basically you know you have to have some sort of I A source in this case it's an electro spray and such but it could be anything. Could be a mole the source. And then I and so injected into this drift you. And there's a potential gradient going down here so I use our force to flow this way. But also you inject in counterflow inject the drift gas. So then there's a discourse of the effect where Alice are you know slow down. Depending on their shape. Not just their mass. It's like a glass vase electrophoresis basically So what you're doing is you're separating things based on Mars mass but also based on size and that's a unique advantage because remember that it must become a there won't be able to distinguish the nice summers. So if you want distinguishing isomers let's say Guy counts. This is the type of tool that you really want to use and then you have to have some sort of the text or the simplest for it sort of It Takes A It's just the plate make sure the current of the eye is killing the plate but you could put in a spectrum of the here. OK And then you will get separation and then must become any detection. This is what we call a stand alone and mobility separation and I am not really has a huge history at Georgia Tech. This is the first one of the first group cells ever reported and this was this is very humbling because I was negative three years old. This is the judges of knowledge in March of one nine hundred sixty seven physically parliament and. And they reported this first design for how to make a name mobility instrument and basically starting actually what's being used for the last thirty years. OK So there's a little bit of a garbage like a forty year gap since this and we started working but very interesting that this happened on the street. OK so sometimes you know. It's very high and it depends on the pressure it's about in. Four hundred volts percent meter. You know that depends on the pressure you explained about from a straight question. It's very high because you're really pushing your ions to flow through a very thick guys that said that's an important point. So this is the one that we didn't. And we said well can we do something different or are we going to do the one thousand nine hundred seventy thousand and one of the problem of this design. You probably notice that there are different rings and those rings are metal rings connected by resistors to generate a gradient downhill. By the grain is then going to be perfectly going to be more like a stair step right with a sign. So what we decided to do is we started to say well can we use a new materials for these and there's a company that at the same point was was basically studying to to manufacture this type of monolithic drift to use this is the glass tube and it's a glass tube that has resisted coating in it so you can apply voltage at the beginning and at the end and you have a perfectly homogeneous electrical field downstream ready to tell you it's a glass tube. But it's conductive more semiconductor. So on and but the rest is basically the same it's a nano spray ion source here in a little dissertation chamber to get rid of the solvent and then annihilate ions when you get to this day. You open and close is great and then you let them separate. And when asked they which they take to you measure the current or you measure of the mass with a mass spectrometer so this is very similar to time of flight experiment that you do must pick trauma to me with the difference that this is done and the atmospheric pressure. So there's an additional separation force which is that is constantly of these guys this is really not much spectrometry but it's used in combination with mass spec. So this is going to be a long time to be a lot of collaboration with the streets company and you know we're just now showing our first results but to give you a flavor of what the separation looks like it's if you like I don't show you this axis here. This could be an H.P. and see trace right looks very similar big big big. Nothing new. What's very different is that. The axis here it's in the millisecond time scale. So you can do your hour long H.P.L.C. separation and then you have another dimension. It's admitted they mentioned where you can separate things in the millisecond time scale and the mass spectrometer works in the microsecond time scale. So it needs milliseconds microseconds all the things can go work in concert. Then you can get the multi-dimensional separation. So M.. And this is just a very simple molecule I mean we're using research been researching with our hydrogen molecule it's the simplest molecule we use from aspect. We do everything we said it's just a drug molecule nothing interesting about it but. This is not a perfect technique and the problem with the spectra here is that most of the sample has been lost because of the way this process work. Works. So I tell you a young audience comes to come to the gate you open and close the gate and you open and close it was a very short period of time about four hundred microseconds. And then you wait. And you let the audience fly towards the detector they fly four hundred milliseconds. And then we're not they all reach they take their you open and you close the gate again. But while you're waiting in here all the Iranians are lost. So you spend four or four years purifying the protein and then we lose ninety nine point nine percent of the ion so the ion source is not acceptable. It works except all cells were trying to they were trying to improve the duty cycle of the system and that means the percentage of usage of the ions How do you do that well open and close the gate much faster. Right and the type of gating sequences that where it is starting to use now are basically decent. Fully random sequences. But they're not random. They look random Your opening and closing these gave me a random fashion but you know exactly what the sequence looks like and then you detect a signal at the end and you do a deconvolution process of the signal and you can read your spectrum so this is an approach that for example is used in women microscopy Romanise in very low intensities in phenomenon strong you have to use some sort of multiplexing technique to increase. This signals. Same thing in a mobility and people for example that Pacific Northwest. National Labs are doing this from a spectrometry very very interesting and hard topic as well trying to work as fast as we can on this matter just to show you what you discuss to offer in the blue line is basically a low they loot sample running the conventional mode where you open and you close your gate and you wait the red line behind it. It's the multiplex experiment and you can clearly see that there's again a signal to noise ratio. So we're working on these type of things right now and i already has more to offer than just a separation. I told it can actually separate isomers And I think that a challenge from a spectrum of trees to move from you know it wasn't it moves they say from atomic mass spectrometry to molecular and then to structural aspects monitoring how we get structural information and you can I am mobility the mobility of Finighan actually depends also on the cross-section of the ion so you can separate things based on shape and you can calculate I am or will it is one of the only ways of calculating it an experimental crocks cross-section. So just to show an experiment that where we did. If you take a complex What's this in Iran complex and we're looking at this see there are four and complex this and that. And by separating them by immobility and if you look at their league and complex with the middle. You get to pick here. But if you look at the free legal. And the full and it's actually lighter than the complex legal you see it big coming much later and it's actually wider and that's because the feeling on cross a larger cross-section. And so it takes longer to reach the end although demand is actually lowered. So these numbers actually explain mental numbers you can match those experimental cross sections to of molecular dynamic monitoring to try to understand the confirmation of this or you can in the US face him. So there's much more to him but we don't know just a separation they mentioned so I wanted to give you a flavor of that and with that I'm pretty much done. We have a new. It's not the Web site that Jeff was referring to but you know we put up a new website a few weeks a rower we can go on. Of course I'd like to thank my research group they do all this work. I just make the nice Powerpoint slides. Thank you. Of us. You know. They're going. Yeah. You are. So worse here but. Here's the deal you know this up to the optimization stage of the system is essentially they reach information and that's exactly the type of experience that we do. There so we said balance in sensitivity versus resolution in something someplace being versus you know spatial resolution and so on. So you can make the survey slow response separation engagement very high. We saw in power or you can make a very fast and just get partial resolution if you're going to have a high reception power must pick at the end. You know you need a partial separation so many things to gain there. But yeah very good point. And we've done this experience a different flow rates and you see the eyes moving back and forth as you would expect. Work every single year. We don't know the peaks. At this point we I mean we know some of them they're mostly bits. I mean the mass range. It's up to two thousand more like in a more C. But most of the relevant ones actually do. No five hundred. So these are really small molecules and we have identified maybe seventy percent of them using our good mass measurements and that our research is and. I would say that most of them are some sort of leap. You know and those are very abundant too that's why we're only taking them. You can always big deeper into this type of signal so you have your work sitting thresholds to how many books you want to detect and things it's very complicated when you're looking at the big race and on signals but even with these major components and this is the pattern of our twenty peaks. We seem to get very good miscommunication between the groups. Then we see finders on your question. You see the different stages of a brain cancer. The X. excellent point. The eight emails me constantly are these type of things and I I appreciate that there are questions we're really scratching the surface. OK So the first crude experiment did say ovarian cancer control. But as you know that's not sufficient. You have two different stages of cancer. So we would like to see if there is also a possibility of doing this type of morning where you have three or four classes and distinguish between that and the data will be the same but the challenge. You know it's much more challenging to distinguish smaller differences. I can I CAN WE ARE VERY SOON some effects that in those cluster plots some of the earlier in cancer samples actually cluster slightly different than the other ones. The problem is that you don't want to make it generalize. You know assumption that these were trying to happen it's very hard to get really ovarian cancer samples. And then you can make a generalized you know conclusion because you don't have any samples and then you don't have any samples because you don't have a method to detect them but you can detect the method because you know how the early samples. If that makes any sense but you see what I'm saying it's. A catch twenty two for the early summer is that we did the detective we can distinguish them from a normal IP because we're pulling them apart. We gather a number of late stage samples we don't know yet but hopefully you know maybe in a year I can answer that. Users will do so because they're all of you or will say no it's not the same no. So if you just figure something you do have something simple like a P.C.A. you see sub clusters and the point is that each patient has said they reach clinical history and to which extent that legal history relates to the class about your scene it's very hard to tell even we know we have. Almost eighty samples now and it's hard to really know if those clusters are real or not. And but we do see some clustering and I'm very careful about drawing any biological conclusions from them at this point but I think that if you kept increasing the sampling. You would you would see more important effects results would say you know we would love to do that we would love to do that and some of the one of the problems with that is that you're always sample limited in the amount of. A tissue that you get and that reflects on how sensitive your measurements are so we use normally something like four hundred micro leaders of serum for doing one of these measurements and. I'm not so sure we can do is make the same type of measurements just from tissue in. With the current instrumentation that we have in the lab and you may need something more sensitive to rules but it's very important. You know to that type of correlation. Frank I know you have a question. I think yes.