Good. The second finals of the night were worth having the board of the car in their records or another. There's no fear of Muslims if you know the U.S. based on the right. Believe me. Everyone thank you for your time walking to team to board his final senior design presentation by means of an astronomy. I'm joined by true to tell of your tell each and we'll be every presenters today we're also going by the rest of our team Jason Yet you'll be talking about. There's an emergent behavior. I just figured we'd like to take this opportunity to thank our faculty advisor Dr Gupta for all his help. Throughout the semester. Thank you. Lot. So let's dive right in their product. What your body doesn't remember but it is a Japanese company that has a headquarters in Gainesville Georgia. They specialize in manufacturing agricultural natural equipment. So in order to manufacture this equipment they need parts from suppliers of all across the United States. So I think you see on this map they have suppliers look at across the United States and the different colors represent the different modes of transportation and suppliers so T.L. represents a mode of transportation a Ford truck load. So any supplier that ship with a full truckload of would be green L.T.L. represents less than a full truckload and unassigned represents a supplier remoted transportation hasn't been determined before. So at the moment your body has for information for three months in advance what that means is it gives them a lot of flexibility when they're trying to decide this is a large shipment what motivation or the supplier schedule because that data for three months and they have approximately thirty shipments coming in. And these shipments can be classified into two different areas. So there's a direct route and there's a consolidated So as you can see from this example I direct route would be any route the comes directly from the supplier to supplier in this case and would go directly to Cuba and get for the same same applies to supplier B. shipment directly from supplier be coming into Cuba. Now the difference between this and a consolidated right would be the shipment starts a supplier the truck travels over to supplier he once it gets to be takes a shipment from B. printed onto the same truck and then carries on from B. to Cuba. So that would be consolidated So the problem there for our team type of the beginning of this project was redox in the transportation cost. So we noticed two areas for improvement two areas where we could realize improvement and be serious with one that the mode of transportation at the moment is not a value that consists of regular you know so Viber transportation again I mean that's a truckload full throttle so that was one of the areas where we we thought improvement could be our realized and the second thing was the rights currently consolidated but are being done so madly So we felt that if we made this system more systematic and used a program to do it. We could realize a lot more savings that they are doing so. Currently so I deliver walls. Based on the problem where we're going to give our clients about open source tool that assigns a transportation modes. But does it on a weekly basis. So like I mentioned earlier they don't assign transportation modes regularly enough. So our program is going to do this on a weekly basis and tell them where the supplier should be L.T.L. T.L. so and so forth. Consolidation right so our program will also tell our client about what route. Each shipping should take. So whether it should be direct or whether it should be consolidated so we'll tell them that on a weekly basis to value guidance based on running our program on a start. Into our program. There's a cost savings of the. That would point three percent on a weekly basis. So this is an example of the order information that a program takes in. So I get this order information is currently available to our clients again it will be convenient for a time to use our program because they're already have all this data because it is new people and so the different attributes so we look at our supplier ID which is again a unique identifier for use of the here. The zip code is what we used to determine where the location of the supplier is the weight is again the ship the shipping weight in pounds force but is it is a unit that our clients who are use to distinguish between the Ferrari and trucks a specific shipment could only have like say five corresponds out of the total twenty six four spots from here it is again the volume of each ship and measured in meters Q. and A delivery date is the date by which each shipment needs to arrive about Capote I'm not going to pass it on to Kelly to talk about the methodology. But if you are not. So your approach to our problem is can be separated into three separate phases. Our first base is Route generation in this space we generate every combination of possible routes for to get a problem during this phase. It's possible to generate over a billion different routes after this phase and move on to our second phase which is Route production. There are just basically apply different constraints that could better supply the bus along with natural constraints as truck capacity and we eliminate these routes down to orders of about the next we do move on to our third phase which is our opposition model at this point will run are a couple of thousand routes and put them into the oxidation model and this model will generate our solution for a given week so we have an example of a chart of course by using across a week for suppliers the maximum out for spots on a truck is twenty six. So there's three different possible methods of consolidating around our first that it is. Consolidating on a single day across different suppliers our second method is consolidating across different days on a single supplier now in this battle when you consolidate across different days. You assume that the earliest date will be when the shipment goes in and are therefore consolidation is actually a combination of the previous two where we consolidate across suppliers and days. So now it is on into around Option Base. We have several different constraints and the one you see here is one of geographic constraints. So we went through all the suppliers. I proposed and separated them into ten different groups. The reason why we separated this is if we try running to two hundred suppliers in our problem. It will end up taking a few days to actually broaden the model by separating into groups we actually cut down from a couple of days of proton down to two hours at maximal. So we think we base these groups off of the locations relative to other suppliers along with locations relative to major highways. So if you direct your attention to the north east of the U.S. in the group that's five. You can actually see that this is an example of how all the suppliers run across the major highway that runs down the East Coast. Our second Geographic constraint is one of route direction. So we ensure that any route that we run if it happens to be North Dakota it must head southbound and any route South Dakota. That's had northbound we didn't want into our capacity constraints. There's a limited amount of space that we can we have to truck to be our supplies. So the three concerting factors are weight. All you an area which is four slots and now we do get into our cost constraints. So there are two different methods of calculating cost for. The voters run time. So we have a lasting trouble or cost that we can calculate from taking the four inputs the origins of code the destinations of the weight of a given shipment and the date that the shipment must arrive after both this is then put into a website that could go to users to receive estimates of what the L.T.L. shipment would be at that time the second way of calculating cost is there are a truckload costs. This is based off of the distances of the routes right. We take but the we take a mileage rate that voter has that and we multiplied to the distance along with adding a seventy five dollars stoppage B. for each additional stop made on the route along with multiplying it by the National Fuel cost. Now now four routes of only one supplier will calculate both the L.T.L. routes and cost and the cost for routes of more than one supplier will calculate only the truck costs. So in order to use this as a constraint will look at each supplier on each individual day and take all the routes that touch that supplier on that day and eliminate all routes greater than the average and then after this. We are able to eliminate down from an order of magnitude of a billion routes down to six thousand to five thousand pounds. Now passed off to Drew for the next steps. So we started with more than billion rounds and then removed the rads was rather not visible to our I have about six thousand routes these six thousand routes I've taken them have that input or optimization model along with their cost the optimization model outputs the total transportation cost. This is minimized at this point and the optimal set of grounds. When it says yes then it should be chosen the next I am the optimist. Equation refers to the rug and the C.I. reference to the cost of the eyebrows the optimization equation price to minimize the term transportation costs as you can see here and there's still by ensuring that each shipment has been picked up as we think that only once the decision will extract is binary meaning that it's either one episode or not is chosen or zero and their route is not chosen the output of the optimization model. Now needs to be checked for compatibility of routes amongst themselves a pair of trousers said to be incompatible. If he leads to other teams in the sequence of I Will of shipments and K.M.'s. So take for example Subway has any shipping since you have a Monday Tuesday and Wednesday. Do you Route one. So I beez Westminster Venice for sure and one Monday which is incompatible with Route two because these wins this event as a landing before beast used to ship and now this is an example of a compatible routes and to eliminate this from happening and to ensure the sequence of what I love to menses maintain we generate our program generates constraints dynamically to a way this from happening. So in this case I constrain will be generated and the model will be redone with this constraint to make sure these two routes are not chosen at the same time to summarise the optimization process we take a set of inputs which is made up of feasible routes and their corresponding cost and these actors the interest of the optimization model which outputs the optimal routes along with it all minimised past the output of the optimization model vendors check for compatibility of routes of the routes and compatible with each other they constrains that dynamically generated and then wonders really run with these constraints. Now this continues to happen. I'm till all the routes are compatible with each other and this point the model is there to be solved. Here's an example of how our model consolidates shipments across days and suppliers for four years an example of for showing that for four different suppliers A.B.C. and the cell supplier be in seeing how their shipments for Monday picked up by a T.L. product and as yet drug respectively the green frog represents the T.L. through whereas the red for a presence at the end for on Monday itself the struck from software B. then continues as a black day and then picks up its Mondays Tuesdays and Wednesdays shipment they are going to continue on its way to campaign on Wednesday so glad the ships it's Wednesday shipment as a want to transportation to came in short on this graph and the cost for the three weeks up there that we received from my client and these are the orders of course which the arc of the thing with YOU HAD TO has happened for I find in the past three weeks when I want to was run for the same three weeks the fun pass savings were eleven person which is approximately fourteen thousand for week one twenty three per cent for week two which is approximately thirty thousand and two percent for week three Vince's two thousand approximately for deliverables will be given I primed and I sell macro around generation program which together solves the whole model the Excel macro the whites the data into four different into different groupings. And these groupings our initial looping through is fairly mentioned earlier which is the way of the suppliers into according to their location and your graphic goal location the ragin research program. Finds the optimal routes along with a total. Minimize cost and it does still by using an optimization over which is that we use currently So while there are hundreds of program is used to create it using Python and the optimization model that we use is created using the little bit our open source software is so our fans will not have to incur any implementation process both of these are really a local and did currently have excels on the computers to summarize the pope process we start with to tackle the problem of using the domestic Ambassador we start with generating all feasible routes and then who want to renew using those routes Mr and I have visible through certain certain certain actions the the visible routes are then taken as inputs to the optimization model with the outputs the total transportation cost along with the said optimal routes West should be chosen. I promise I found savings of eleven with the person for a week and. This is approximately five hundred thousand a year after I and has expressed their interest in implementing a program that's very measured from them and open to any questions that you guys may thank you so the question was when we refer to their regenerated constraints how to do change only this is an often strange solve or so. What happens is the model does run again the opposition models run time is less than a second. Once the routes are generated so we find that the running it isn't taxing on any resources or time. So it's rerun with the police were called pulling the one for example though where we were right on the report of the Let It Go. So the question was how do we take all the costs into account for our for our problem we did not take only costs into account. We spoke of codes talk about storage space usage for a high point cost and from what they told us they do have extra storage space for his overflow of inventory and as far as into the pipeline cost. We've found it to be minimally taxing since the the time line is only across two very days that the inventories at just three boxes of human development go on. So the question was how do we justify to constraints that we have applied as and you can take the total volume of the shipment and put it into told Boy that's a good question because all obviously all the shipments aren't liquid so you can't just pour it all in put truck. We actually along with our four spots constraints and our point constraints and the weight constraints. It creates you can essentially look at area you can. To look at four spots and You Tube it combining together a way of forming specific boxes that you can kind of just stack into the truck. So it's not just a calculation of the volume and going flat out it's kind of the integration of those three constraints those items are question. They're just one users were far less were they were wrong you repeat the question I think you said why are things where you go out. So it doesn't require twenty six. There are spots. It's a set maximum so we can't exceed the number of four spots. If we ever did that it would just cost them not to be able to fit all the shipment onto a truck. So it's in or goal of it's it's pretty integrated into our problem that we need to be constraints and be sure that's along the lines of where you're asking or not you know. So. Are you asking about supplier delivery. They're run times in the one zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero. I think I can answer that. So folks forgive let's say the shipment was originally scheduled for Tuesday and then I consolidation would do only what only considered Tuesday or immediately or it never considers a later date. So the shipment due on Thursday. First of many and there is is going to consider when they've used them and then there is their delivery date possible delays and I'm proud of that if I'm going to consider that while Codey uses industry standard trucks and especially for sponsors essentially term that only the boat uses in their practice it doesn't actually mean anything. You talk to any other company it's essentially I believe the actual number for what a horse farm represented was a four foot by four foot space and so after you split down those times. There's no truck that exhibits the results. It's not my kind of background experience of the person who's using this to look over here and what kind of training they need to be effective in getting a solution. So our product essentially has made it so that whoever has to run the program has to put as little effort into it as possible. The only points where they would need to apply. That's a bit of brainpower is the changing of the cost multiply. Or at least that previously we took the average of the cost of all the routes touching a certain suppliers and day but to go further into that we actually also multiply it with a archery multiplier that we set in the beginning of our user interface and this number has to be adjusted the pending on the number of combinations of routes created and this of course depends on several different factors as in the size of the shipments the number of suppliers there are shipping during his day. So this most part is to just constantly. So in terms of their running it to receive optimal efficiency is a little bit of a move around as Actually there is an errant out how if you're too low and there's an errant out you're too high so that number just needs to change and it will still present. So is the composer or from using it here are they are they a warehouse where her using this to the person who we believe to be using it is delicious. Or is the logistics planner ants. But then again any worker can use it as long as they have a computer. Through a.