But think of the United States negatively impact our environment more than any other industry. Statistics show that building is use thirty nine percent of all energy use thirty eight percent of the C O two emissions and over forty percent of raw material use. Now these impacts can be lessened. And that involves selecting materials that reduce the negative or that reduce the impact on the environment. And the depletion on or nubile resources. Sustainability also has to do with the whole construction process as a whole and this rich this research focuses on optimizing all the decisions by at every stage of the project and by every team member. So this includes better communication and coordination between the architects engineers construction facility management team. According to the National been standard building information modeling is a digital representation of the physical and functional characteristics of a facility. It offers a single point of reference for all the parties to get accurate and consistent data about a building there are many different programs then programs out there. Google Sketchup is the simplest program but as you can see still produces very detailed results. Rev IT architecture that is the program. I've used throughout my research because I'm most familiar with it through my classes as well as the ability for for this program to be manipulated by the user the amount of information that can be stored of objects and the detail that it offers them as is throughout every stage of the project from the initial you know idea through mechanical and structure design all the way out in the field for the contractor sees as a working forty model. Now. Leadership in Energy environmental design better known as lead this. This was developed by the United States Green Building Council in the mid ninety's. It's become the accepted third party rating system for sustainable buildings lead for new construction outlines five key areas that make a building healthier for the occupants and more environmentally friendly and you can see those on the left side. So over this research I decided to focus on the points within these categories that involved a material selection. So these include roofing materials and any materials reuse from previous buildings. Pre or post consumer recycled content regional and rapidly renewable materials. So this this. My this right here is the proposed method of integrating this lead system with in a rather model currently After all my research I found no tool that directly measures the lead points in the bin. But even though all the architects and engineers and construction management companies are using both these systems they haven't actually found out a way to put it together. So I don't see why you and you know naturally. Document and make decisions of lead in a rabbit or other bin system. If you see that lead toolbar on the left you would. Those buttons would take you to all the information that you need to know about testing the applicable credits. So when a model or starts out using a been program. They're starting a project and they enter all of the basic project information. So the information I found is going to be necessary for accounting week credits are the location of the project occupancy numbers whether that be residents of it's a residential project peaked. In users or full time equivalent given. And also the materials cost estimate materials cost estimate is used in almost all of the material point equations. That a model a bit model uses is made up of unique objects that are part of families all of these objects have attached to them. Element properties and the name information model. So it's very easy to add parameters into an object and the ones that I've added for lead are the filler reflectance index. This is something for everything in paving materials the manufacture and vendor location name. The recycled content percentage of the cost of the of the material in the lead credits which applies. So I'm not going to go through a few examples. Just to show you how this program would actually work the first one is relatively simple. It's for materials and resources credits six rapidly renewable materials. The tool would search through all of the objects in the model and find the lead credit line that's that's called rapidly renewable. And another point to mention here is read it does automatic quantity take offs. So as long as even at a cost into the object parameters. It can give you a cost of all the material happily renewable Tira materials in your building so divide this by that total materials cost and for this credit if that number is at least two and a half percent than it achieves that lead credit. Another point important part to mention about lead application is there is a very specific documentation process that goes along with this. If you remember that lead toolbar that we had on the left side of the screen when you click the materials and resources credit six it will take you to this window. This box to give you all gives the all the information they need to know the total cost of materials you currently have in your building. And the percentage of the total materials costs and whether or not you have met that credit in any example are exemplary points that you can achieve. If you have got some metal button. It takes you to this graph and this graph gives you exactly what is needed for the application process in this case that is the material description manufacture and materials costs and now this craft can easily be uploaded online. So the online application form and you've done some points also asked for drawings to be submitted. So if you hit the show button it'll take you to the revenue floor plans of ation sections three D. views and highlight all the instances where the rapidly renewable materials are found in this case that's the bamboo flooring and we poured cotton the tree. The second example regional materials. It's adding another parameter to the element which is the manufacture and vendor location for material to be regional It must be. Manufactured and purchased within five hundred miles of the project site so search all those parameters look at the City of your projects site compare it with the city of the of those two companies and if it qualifies as under five hundred miles it will sum up the cost. Divide that by the total materials costs and once again tell you whether that percentage gives you the lead credit or you're aiming for. This thirty sample is a little different from the previous two because the tools doing some geometrical calculations as well. The first requires you to look into all the families of reefing material and calculate the slope for that was here for that plane. If that roof plane also meets the solar reflectance index which is one of those element properties then. And it will be a qualifying material. That must calculate the root surface area of the call fine. Roof materials and divide that by the total roofing area. Now what I've shown you here is only a small portion of the available the possibilities available by compain combining been mainly design and keep in mind it's just you know. It's just a concept at this point there are a tool actually working on Reddit hasn't been designed yet but my tools just there to show you how it would work and the benefits for the sustainable building movement. I think the soil could be realized with coordination. But with rabbit advancing their object library allowing more calculations to be made within the system in we also to make sure every party every part of the team project team is on board with using the rabbit model as a single source of information. But the most important outcome I want you to leave with is the the dementor the optimization dimension of this tool it been model allows all of the project team members to adjust the building throughout the whole project stage so they can the architects engineers construction of selling managers can look at the current owner needs the cost limitations and the desired leave and lead certification level and they can decide make the best decisions and will cut down on costs avoid litigation and help with the scheduling. So I think for this tool to advance. It would need to be tested in the field on real project run some simulations and get feedback from the project team members to see the benefits of the tool. I've also like to see more lead credits analyzed with the tool. I just focus my work on material but there are tons more credits that we can analyze. And the favor will be published at the two thousand and nine A.S.C. international workshop in June. If you have any questions for me. Yes. I mean there are. Knots on my head but if you like the U.S. Green Building Council does all the studies for this and the lead. I mean it's just taken off every government building now has to be Earth is going to have to be lead now so it definitely saves a lot and so this is just the already doing all those environmentally smart things this is just a way to optimize the team work fast track it. And we. More it's OK. That when I showed you the all the lead points. It's for a sub for materials and resources. So these are the five main categories and under each of these categories there are different different credits so that was credits six of them rapidly renewable materials. They get you points and as you get more points your building. Is either it starts with a certified level to certified lead then it goes silver or gold platinum and you know as the percentages of points go up. So you're trying to get to that to your desire. Desire level. United States Green Building Council. Lead That is the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. This is this program that they developed to is just a way to measure how these buildings are became becoming sis. Anabelle saving energy. Not using non-renewal sources water efficiency. Yeah that would be sustainable sites and the heat island effect. Rabbit that is just one of the bin programs. It's a very popular one made by Autodesk S.S. the name of the program which you. Lead to get out of the. US So as the total number of points. It's so it's a project is trying to reach this point. So you can you know way. How much you want to cost and whether it's worth it to you to use these materials and get those points which we thought it was always. Yeah. It would. It can be. I mean that wasn't my focus but it is definitely a possibility too because there are a quantity takeoff which produces the final estimate of the building available in the the Rev It program. So I mean that would be a whole different study is actually looking comparing those costs. And yes you know one. You know. Well you know I mean right now this is very conceptual in Photoshop. So we would have to explore this more and you know I know nothing about computer science or programming so it would definitely have to be working with Autodesk too and you know there's ways of doing some parts of the lead stay. Days on end rather they do energy analysis and solar studies which is part of it but it just doesn't actually show you. Whether you're teaching these points that still you know outside calculations male calculations. So I can see I mean I see the future of them wanting to combine them because lead. It's also the future. Every buildings. You know going to have to meet some standard. So that I have to combine them eventually. Yes yes. I hope I'm graduating actually so I don't know where I'm working at but hopefully with my work I can continue studying this or handed down to other college of architecture students to keep working on right well thank you.