This one. So if. Thank you. OK. And we go. Thank you. It's always a mistake to detach the microphone and give it to the person who introduces you. Thank you to a guy for the introduction. It's a real pleasure to be here. Back at Georgia Tech. I used to visit quite often in the early one nine hundred ninety S. late one nine hundred eighty S. and one of the real pleasures was running into John Ford or having dinner with Joe talk I said he was a real character. Certainly a very very perceptive scientist and. I do feel it's a real privilege to be here given a seminar in his honor. Now the title of the told is a little strange because I originally sent target I. Our normal title you might say any mediately said. Back to me and said This isn't sexy enough. It's not until forward. Enough. And so I came up with this title by thinking about some of the famous Joe Ford quotations. For example Joe said God does play dice for the dice are loaded. Joe obviously was it was a an expert in a pioneer in not just chaos but also the field of quantum calles. And Joel concluded from his studies of the. There are no current mop. A classical math in that in fact quantum mechanics is intrinsically incomplete because in fact when you look at a classical system which is chaotic then it is impossible to reproduce that behavior use in quantum mechanics. Now I don't work in quantum calles I work in classical chaos and quantum mechanics so my talk is not actually about quantum calles but it is comes in two parts. It's about applications of chaos theory in understanding the structure of the bells and in particular the formation of binary objects in the Kuyper belt and also it's about quantum mechanics so it's not quantum chaos it's chaos and want to mechanics is essentially two separate subjects. So I can't do justice to quantum chaos in the same way that Joe would. So I decided to organize the seminar around. Joe Ford quotations for which he was very famous and well known here is the one I alluded to a region where you are God does play dice. The interesting thing about this school Taishan is that he says. God plays dice with the dice are loaded and the main objective of physics is to find out by what rules they were loaded and I think this. Joel up because he had a real curiosity about how nature works and he wasn't satisfied with just coming up with an answer. He really wanted to get to the bottom of this very philosophical questions. Determinism calles in the solar system chaos in the universe. This quotation I like very much. He says thus far we have cascade else in the traditional role as villain and certainly when we think of chaos. We think of it in a relatively negative sense because naturally we're inclined to to look for order and there's a feeling that if something is chaotic. It really is destructive. It is it is a villain and so Joel talked to Kelsey's be in that cast in the role of a villain but he said. Yet when controlled the villain the scales becomes gentle. Useful even and chanting. Chaos can therefore provide us with a virtual soul display of exciting variety a richness of choice a core new Copia of opportunity this is classic Joe Ford. I mean I can almost hear him say I'm sure. So I can utter in these words. But that there is more to this than just. Colton Joe because Joe recognized that chaos provides a lot of flexibility for us to control systems and one of the things that I want to try to get across to him I told is in fact chaos in the solar system is left. It's fingerprint on various aspects of the the solar system in particular aspects having to do with the belt. Now. Rather than speak for himself. So how do I do I have just a. Told you. Yeah. Which is this. I know you're taking a break. So we need to adjust the volume here. OK. So what it is. So this is this is an amazing. Into which language. Google lease. OK OK. So Joe says you know calles his from another planet and he's the ordained if I'm journalist of of chaos and so what I want to talk to you about today is chaos in the solar system. And in particular how what Joel spoke of his being in the Oneness chaos in fact him be an organizing principle in the formation of certain structures in. In our solar system. Now the Kuyper belt is often referred to as the the from Tier the third part of the solar system it's way out beyond Neptune and Pluto which obviously is no longer a planet Pluto discovered in one nine hundred thirty. Then there was a hiatus until about one nine hundred seventy eight when Sharon which is Pluto is moon was was discovered and since that time with with the Hubble Space Telescope and ground based astronomy something like seventy thousand or more objects have been found in the transit union part of the solar system. Well so what I mean these things just rocks orbit in the sun. What's the big deal. Well it turns out that something like ten percent of these objects in the belt are actually binary is. Now binary is very important in astronomy much of what we know about stars is because most stars in the galaxy in the universe are actually binary. And if you know that an object is a binary you can figure out these orbit. You can figure out the total mass and so a lot of. Information is is extractable by looking at binary objects so it's a real godsend in a sense that the Kuyper belt contains so many binary is the camper belt is thought to be a primordial remnant of the solar system. That is essentially pristine. So the objects in the binary in the in the Kuyper belt. Tell us about conditions in the early solar system and they also provide sort of a next very mental test bed for thinking about theories of how the solar system originated. Now at one time people thought that our solar system was typical but with all of the planets that have been. It's covered over the past few years it's becoming clear that solar systems come in many many different flavors and in fact. Ours is is quite remarkable. And so any insight that we can get into the origin of the solar system is obviously very important. Now the finding in the something like you know ten percent of the objects in the Kiper belt binary is is is quite remarkable. Here we're looking at the different populations of the belt objects as a function of distance from the sun most of the binary is found in this region just beyond Pluto as objects be on Pluto's orbit and so the classical part of the Kuyper belt is here at about forty to forty five astronomical units from the Sun There is also a region where Pluto inhabits which is known as the three to resonance in this region. There is a resonance between Neptune and objects in there in and Pluto. So it turns out the the distribution of binary is in the Kuyper belt is quite different between the classical region and the three to resonance which is something that I want to talk about a little later. So here is a is a blowup of what was shown before and what what is being illustrated are the distribution of binary is in the Kuyper belt is a function of distance from the sun and also as a function of their eccentricity So the eccentricity is essentially how cigar shaped the orbit is and one of the interesting and remarkable findings is that many of the objects in the Kuyper belt which are binary is consist of bodies which are similarly sized to each other. So if we think about the earth the moon for example as being a binary. The earth is very very much larger than it is is the moon and in fact the center of mass of the Earth moon system resides in the. Actually in the earth. But in distinction to this another binary is in the solar system. It turns out that in the Kiper belt the binary partners are roughly equal sized and that provides a clue as to their origin. So if we compare the. Physical and orbital properties of binary as in the type of belt to other binary is in the solar system we can actually see that there are some quite striking differences. So in particular if we have some generic binary A is the semi-major axis essentially the distance between the two binary partners and we think about the radius of the primary to the radius of the secondary It turns out that in. For example the main belt of the asteroid belt the main belt or near earth asteroids. There is a big disparity in size between the primary and the secondary. And that suggests a collision all origin for these things. So if you have a collision between two particles for example a planet and the earth which is thought to produce the moon then use that there is quite a big science discrepancy or disparity between the two objects. If you look at the trams Neptunian are the capable binary is in fact the radius of the primary to the radius of the second tree is quite large. So these things are roughly equal sized which implies that they had a known coalitional origin. So you can plot these things in you know various ways but however you do it. It turns out that capable of binary is quite distinct from other population. Binary as in the solar system. It also turns out that the distance between the particles which constitute the binary a very large in comparison to binary is which have a collision old. Origin. Another strike in feature of by news in the belt is that the eccentricity of the mutual orbit so as these things go around the sun the basically following a relatively circular heliocentric orbit but is the orbit each other then the eccentricity is quite large much larger than is is found in other parts of the solar system. So here is an example of one such binary This is an actual observation this is two thousand and seventy why for thirty and the this is between these two bodies is on the order of twenty one thousand kilometers so this is a very wide binary given the fact that the objects themselves are only on the order of around one hundred kilometers in diameter. So you have relatively small bodies which are orbiting each other at very very large distance. OK So one of the issues when when people discovered a large fraction of binary is in the old was what is the origin. I would these things form and so we decided to look at this problem fairly simplistically by fits thinking about having two body is and the sun in the context of the circular restricted three body problem. So this is you know obviously one of the oldest problems in in physics where you have the sun a planet or another particle orbiting the sun on a circular orbit and then. We have a third body. The idea is that the the in the circular restricted three body problem is that the planet is confined to a circular orbit and it is unaffected by the motion of the third body. If you go to a non-inertial frame that is rotating with the mean motion of the planet around the sun then the circular restricted three body problem emerges. So the idea is to think about the formation of binary as in the caper belt basically using the circular restricted three body problem. Now. One of the difficulties in dealing with this system is that. There is no potential energy surface. Because when you go to the non-inertial frame then it turns out that you have a non conserved. I get a momentum in the problem. And a way to deal with that is rather than writing down Tony and directly in terms of my mentor if we write the Hamiltonian down in terms of. Velocities. Then you come up with what is called a surface of zero velocity so the expression for the energy looks like a quadratic form in philosophy as. Plus this term here and this surface looks like this. So you have in this problem. Several equilibrium points so we have a warm L two and L three which are subtle points. And you also have two maxima. Which are located here and here and actually at these mikes similar reside the Trojan asteroids which are two groups of asteroids that along the same orbit as Jupiter in the solar system. OK so here in this problem. This serves as our effective potential energy surface although it is not a potential energy surface. Strictly speaking because it is obtained by setting the velocity is equal to zero. Here is a three dimensional picture of this region that resides between L one and L two and this is called the hills fear. So in the three body problem for example the Earth Moon Sun system the hill sphere is the region in which the gravitational attraction of say the earth. And the moon is more important than the part about it is more important than the perturbation from the Sun So even though both the Earth and the moon are orbiting the sun within the hill sphere. It is the local gravitational attraction which is dominant but the sun obviously cannot be there collected and so the sun can be treated as a part of beige and inside this region. So for example in the case of the earth and the Moon the Moon is about. On an orbit which is about thirty percent of the Earth Moon Hill sphere. OK so in trying to understand the origin of binary objects in the. Kuyper belt then any model has to explain. The fact that the secondary and primary members of the binary have roughly equal masses. It also has to explain the origin of the moderate eccentricity So the eccentricity of the mutual orbit is neither very low or very large it's somewhere in between and also the very very large. So the major axes of these systems. So there are several components are several. Features of type of belt. Binary which a formation model has to us to explain. OK so how do these things form while they're been various. Theories put forward including one for you to write in feeling in two thousand and two essentially the idea behind this model is that you have. A collision between two particles within the hill sphere of a larger body these two things come together collide and marriage and form a binary. There are other formation models involved in. Very similar mechanisms where whereby two particles become gravitationally entangled and eventually form a binary. Now one of the one of the issues is if you have two two particles which come together then clearly they have enough energy to break up and so there has to be some dissipative mechanism by which these these binary can be stabilized. My guess is. OK so we were lucky in. Capture mechanisms in the solar system and in particular the role of payoffs in capture. So what this movie will show is the structure of face to face as a function of energy. So here is a second through the surface of zero velocity. And this is what a plank or a surface a section looks like at this energy so what the movie will show is as a function of energy how face to face makes a transition from regular motion to too chaotic motion. So here the energy is increasing. Now what you notice is that this island here which corresponds to retrograde orbits is still stable whereas the other island which corresponds to progress orbits has disappeared. But the main thing to notice is that. As a function of energy. You have interspersed regions of regular motion and Cayle So here is regular motion but right in this region. We have a thin layer of Cale's which will turn out to be important for the formation of these objects. So here is is how we can visualize the face space in the three body Hill problem or in the restricted three body problem essentially you have three kinds of motion. We have regular motion which is. So this is a point or a sort of section here we have a periodic orbit and surrounding these periodic orbits. We have as I periodic orbits are K. am I so this is regular motion. We also have a scattering reach him. So if particles started out with initial conditions in the scattering region. Essentially they immediately leave the hills fear. But at the interface between regular and chaotic motion. We have a thin layer of Cale's. Now as a function of energy the shape of these islands changes but nevertheless this structure itself is robust over much of the energy region of interest. Namely that we have regular motion separated from a very fast got free motion by chaotic orbits. Now what happens is that if a particle becomes cult up in one of these chaotic regions. Then you can actually find form. A transience binary in this case. So here we have two particles which are orbiting in the sun. They've. Scattered off each other but they've done Sol such that they're in one of these chaotic regions. And these chaotic regions are sticky in the sense that two particles which come together. It's like a resonance in atomic physics will orbit each other for a very long time. But if you just wait long enough then eventually the particle will escape from the chaotic layer and the binary will will break up. Now these K K M regions correspond to regular motion but there is no way for two particles to actually enter into the regular region. So two particles that come together. Become. And meshed in this this chaotic layer and they can live for a very long time but eventually the binary will break up. So our idea was that in essence the. Chaotic Lehrer's are the glue. That allows a binary to form temporarily. And during the time the transience binary is an existence then there can be some other dissipative mechanism which sucks energy out of the system and puts the binary into one of these regular retunes. If you are just in the very fast scanner in parts of the hill sphere. Then the binary can only live for maybe ten or twenty years. It's a very unstable SR But if you get caught up in one of these chaotic regions. Then in fact the binary can live for obits of ten thousand years or more in the copper belt. So the idea is that you have binary formation where the two particles are caught up in a chaotic region. And then there is another mechanism in this case we propose that. Scantron by another particle will actually extract some energy and Kohls the binary to become stable. So here we have an example of a transients binary orbit which is caught up in one of these chaotic regions another particle comes in and scatters this particle may or may not stabilize the binary in principle it can also destabilize it but a certain fraction of. Intruder particles will extract some energy and push the binary from a chaotic orbit to a regular orbit. So here we're plot in the radius of the two particles which are initially. Part of a transients or a chaotic binary the intruder particle comes in and leaves and you see the transition from regular motion to relatively from chaotic motion to relatively regular periodic motion. Now Rachel we came interested in this problem from the point of view of chemical dynamics and transition state theory. So here. What I'm showing is. The two subtle points wall and L two in the restricted three body problem. And here we have particles which started out in the unstable money fault of the transition state and here particles in the stable part of the transition state. So these are trajectories whose initial conditions are such that when I run the movie. These will as scape. Rolls these particles will actually enter into the hill sphere and you can see that many of them survive for very very long times. So they immediately are scape. So these initial conditions are randomly chosen but correspond to binary which transiently formed and which you know live for many many periods inside of the whole sphere. Now if we increase the energy then in that case were high above the subtle points then the behavior is qualitatively the same but even at this very high energy source somewhere up here on the energy surface. You can see that some initial conditions correspond to binary which live for a very very long time. So again this started in the stable part of the money for old. And what's being shown are initial conditions each one of these initial conditions corresponds to a binary sort of some of these particles a living for a very very long time sir. Well we're going to come to that. OK I'm going to. I mean so right now I'm just describing the simulations that we did. So our hour of sort of. STARTING POINT was that perhaps chaos is the mechanism that extends the lifetime of the of a binary sufficiently long enough that it can be stabilized. So we did the simulations I mean a fairly straightforward calculation we identified initial conditions which can actually penetrate inside the hills here and we found that the probability of capture of a binary in fact depended very much on the mass ratio which was a completely unexpected finding. So we didn't build this into the simulation. We simply. Didn't want classical Monte Carlo simulations in the circular restricted three body problem and looked at the probability of forming a binary which was stabilized very intruder scattering. And here the probability is quite different for if the binary partners have equal masses as compared to the case where they have very different masses. So this was luck because you know we didn't. Build or even expect to have any dependence upon the mass of the of the binary partners. And in fact in the whole problem. The mass ratio of the two to two partners can be scaled out of the problem. So there is no dependence upon mass ratio in the whole problem itself. But when we take the whole problem and fire intruders at the binary we find that. If the prototype binary partners have roughly equal amounts. There is a significant improvement in Capture probabilities. So this was something that came up and expectantly. And so obviously we wanted to understand you know what is the origin of this effect. So here I'm just showing the result of our simulation. Here is the eccentricity of the stabilized binary versus the seven major axis as a function of the as a fraction of the radius of the hill sphere the yellow points are for cases where the binary partners have roughly equal mass ratio or equal mass ratio and the turquoise forms are when there is a big difference in mass between the two particles. So we found that. The eccentricity is that of predicted by this model namely OK also assisted capture with the chaos. I was transients binary to form which is then stabilized certainly comparable to observation and to be more observations since then we find moderate eccentricity is an Also we find semi major axes which are in the in the observe range. But then the question that was just announced is what is responsible for the mass ratio effect. Why is it that binary partners which have roughly the same mass stabilized preferentially. Well. So are scenario is that we have a quasar you've been around binary which is formed and then include a particle sconces from the system and may extract some energy there by stabilizing the system so we look to the residence time for Include of particles inside the hills fear. And it turns out that in the scattering region of phase space. Intruders. Scatter into and out of the whole sphere very quickly. So there is a natural separation in time scale between the mutual orbital period of the transience binary. And an intruder particle which is scattered from it. So the intruder comes in and leaves very very quickly. So we made an approximation and A about it. Separation of time scales and said since the intruder particle spends relatively little time inside of the hill sphere. Let's throw out the sun and assume the the but I'm sorry orbit even though in the long time. It is chaotic because it is caught up in one of these regions very close to a regular part of free space overworn or two periods the themes to follow are relatively periodic orbits. So by throwing out the sun we can now reduce this problem to the elliptic restricted three body problem. Elliptic because the binary partners in general won't be following a circular orbit will be following an elliptical one. And so just so here's the intruder we just sort of comes in does its thing and leaves either stabilizes or destabilize a system but it's there for a relatively short period of time. Now in study of the elliptic restricted three body problem we can no longer use plunker a surface of section because the the humble tone is explicitly dependent upon time so we can't we can't use. Poincaré serves as a section so we we use something called the fast enough indicator which is one of the many calles indicators which people developed. So here it would take in a conventional crank or a sort of piece of section in the circular restricted three body problem and just. There's a calibration We're comparing the map that the fastly up and off indicator generates for the same system and you can see there's a very nice correspondence between regular and chaotic regions and it's the chaotic see that is surrounding this regular region which is important in in this mechanism. And I notice that the the this is like an island the beach is essentially chaotic but then if you're outside of this region. You have fast scattering So these are the three different parts of a space. And we love to turn in this model this idiotic model we learnt how the structure of face to face changes as a function of. The eccentricity of the binary orbits and also as a function of the mass ratio of the two partners. And it turns out that if you if you take mass ratios which are close to one as a here and here and mass very shells which are quite different from each other then face space looks very different and so this is where we postulated that the Mass Effect is coming from namely how effective is the intruder stabilize in the transition vinery. Now if you look at this one the mass ratio is one the eccentricity is zero. So the binary is assumed to be following a circular orbit. There's a lot of Cale's. These yellow regions correspond to chaos and here we have regular regions and so anybody Noory. We live in in this region. When an intruder approaches it. The probability is that the intruder will become caught up in this sea of Cale's In other words it will spend a lot of time inside the hills fear. Because it takes a long time for these. Chaotic orbits to exit from the hills fear. So if you think about trying to stabilize one of these frog gyal binary systems. The longer the intruder spends in close proximity to the binary then the more chances that it's going to actually break the binary up and destabilize it because if it doesn't destabilize it the first time it'll maybe destabilize it the second time of the third time etc So what you want in order to stabilize one of these transients binary is is essentially to have a face to face where. You don't have much chaos. So even though chaos is responsible for the formation of the binary in the first place in terms of stabilization of the binary subsequently you want to have. Essentially only scattering rather than chaos because otherwise the you know the intruder will come in. Because so much of face space is chaotic the intruder will spend all of time sort of glued to the binary. And eventually will end up destabilizing it and it turns out that that for these conditions to be met. You need to have mass ratio olds of the binary partners which are close to unity and also moderate eccentricities of the binary orbits. So in a sense chaos is is playing two roles. It is initially responsible for the formation of one of these transients binary objects but. It is also responsible for the stabilization mechanism due to intruders scattering. Now in the last few years people have discovered a very very large binary is in the caper belled so the binary is that I were talking about. Up until this point are essentially in this region so here is the mutual orbit semi major axis as a fraction of the hill sphere and here is the inclination or the tilt the binary orbit makes through a central to the plane of the solar system and in in the last few years people discovered sort of these humongous. Binary objects which are very very much larger than the other population of binary as that was known up until that point in the Cape about. So our model it turns out here is here is a mountain result of a Monte Carlo simulation where we're sure in slightly different way of. Depicting the orbital elements here is this is essentially inclination and this is the result of our simulation so we find by including dynamical friction in addition to intrude a scattering in our model that we can produce binary as we each have seven major axes which are comparable to two goals actually observe so I don't know if you can see here but the green points correspond to several of these very wide binary and we get a distribution which is certainly consistent with those. So our model predicts the preference for equal mass partners in Bahrain or is it predicts that predicts eccentricity is which are comparable to two goals observed as well. The same in major axes. Recently many many binary is of been discovered and it turns out that in the three to resonance in the solar system in fact there is only one known wide binary that has been found in the three to resonance. And so the question arises is this Kelso system capture model is it consistent with new observations namely that very few binary is or in this case just one binary has been discovered in the three to resonance. So the three to resonance is a resonance with Neptune and so we can imagine that Neptune is a periodic perturbation which is operating on our transience binary is. And it also turns out that the that orbits in the three to resonance are on a fairly eccentric Helio centric orbit so we have two promises to play with one is that there is the periodic kick from Neptune and the other is the eccentricity of the heliocentric orbit. So here we look at the. Sun. Plus a binary This is a structure for a space using something which is very similar to the fastly happen off indicator this is the make no chaos indicator and here we have chaotic regions and the stable regions a show on. In blue. It turns out that if you add net two into the mix and also change the eccentricity of the heliocentric orbit. Then the chaotic. Region of face space. Remember that the chaotic region of face space is is the brown and in particular the place where binary has become captured is that the interface between the regular regions of the chaotic or the far scattered regions the size of this region shrinks appreciably. So that means that there is much less opportunity for transients binary is to form. If you allow. Neptune to to to kick the hell problem especially if you have. Relatively large eccentricity. So recently there have been and body simulations reported by this group in Japan. So our calculations are essentially just the. Three three body problem the circular restricted three body problem where the whole problem in these simulations something like ninety thousand particles were integrated and the conclusion of this paper that just came out last here is that Kay also sisted capture emerges naturally from the simulation. So one of the things we were clearly concerned about is that it's such a simple model the circular restricted three body problem is that going to survive intact when you put in many many more particles and it turns out it's the that it does. OK so our conclusions are that. As Joel said calles can be both villainous and during So in the formation of binary as in the belt chaos essentially has a twin role. It is responsible for the formation of these transients binary is but also it has a villainous role in the sense that when it comes to stabilization by scattering of a fourth body then the amount of chaos which is present in the problem is really a determinant for the physical properties of the binary. So the chaos assisted capture model explains the roughly equal mass ratio holes the size of the orbits of the eccentricity is and it also makes predictions specific predictions about the ratio of retrograde to pro-grade binary is in the Kiper belt. And this is one of the. Testable predictions of the theory. People are trying to determine the sense there in the sense of knowing of a mentor and whether you know the ratio of binary to pro-grade orbits in. We also predict that in the three to resonance. There will be fewer binarism in the rest of the the character belt. OK So observing campaigns are underway to to really sort of look at the detailed predictions of our model so we'll see what happens. OK I think in view of the time I'm going to just skip to the end. And not talk about this. So. So this is a very nice. Quotation from Joe. Or wait for George to finish but I think I think this sums up just Joe's curiosity. Says he's. Chairman thinks he does mathematics the math department thinks it's astronomy. There are even stronger ones who believe in physics but Joe himself liked to do whatever he liked to do. OK. And these are some of the people who've worked on these problems and students and post-docs the observing campaign to look at the ratio of pro-grade to retrograde orbits is done in collaboration with Daniel restaurant for the observatory to Paris and also theoreticians Annalyn Metra in Belgium and Audrey compare in Belgium. And also at this point I'd like to thank her guy for inviting me and. This is his birthday year. And so I'll turn it over to the chair.