I would like to wish you all of a good afternoon and thank you very much for coming. Before I start this is the first time that I'm presenting in front of such a large audience in such a large hall so one thing. This place looks really scary from down here and it's not half as scary for mob which is where I've spent most of my five years. So not having said I like to share some of the results that got recently published in advance functional materials on tunable crew salinity in politics and typhoon and how that impacts George transport. Before I began I think it's very important to put things in perspective and show you where organic electronic stands in the timeline for the evolution of electronics so electronics as we know it began with the. I guess the fact that materials can conduct charges across distances and this was done by Stephen Grey and seventeen twenty seven. When he discovered that using packing wire suspended on threads that you can get charges to conduct. So the timeline for electronics has been punctuated by very important monumental events. I like to point out nine hundred forty seven which is when the point contact understood was invented by a body in Britain and shortly. This is followed up very closely in nine hundred seventy six by the discovery of conduct of Indian polymers in polyethylene again by three people he entered a cover. At University of Pennsylvania. And this marked a very monumental achievement more so because of the fact that up until nine hundred seventy six polymers were known more for their insulating properties and not really for the conducting properties but you fast forward into the present two thousand level and you can see that the achievements of nine hundred forty seven and nine hundred seventy six. They're ubiquitous especially the achievements of nine hundred forty seven. We're surrounded by products microprocessors they drive our lives. Organic electronics is not there yet but it's getting that at breakneck speeds so cannot cause plastics all ourselves. Three dimensional organic light emitting diode with displays these are all shining examples of the success stories of organic electronics info. My phone. This is a Samsung captivate a really crappy phone but the display is amazing. It's an organic light emitting diode base display to really nice display. These are all reasons why. Organic electronics is here to stay. So organic electronics is inevitably going to draw comparisons with inorganic electronics but there are some distinct advantages that are offered by a graphic electronics. So one of the major selling points of organic electronics is the fact that you can literally make conductive inks that you can print onto larger circuits using loaded or processing. This enables a wide variety of applications other ways not accessible to conventional inorganic technology. Stuff like flexible flexible displays flexible circuitry the term plastic electronics comes because you can literally print these circuits onto plastic substrates so all this is possible because so the question to be answered. Now is what is the science behind all these materials that enables all these wonderful applications so. I'm going to start my talk by introducing organic semiconductors one of the science of organic semiconductors. I'm going to use pallets we have seen as a model material. It has been the object of my affection for the past three years and I'm going to use that as a model system to explain properties in general. I'm going to follow that up with a very brief introduction to the physics of charge transport. In organic semiconductors because I think it's very important to understand how judges move in these materials to appreciate some of the results. And I'm going to follow that up with some of the pertinent results in the paper where I'm going to show you how we can create ordered because using our recent radiation of solutions. So you have a wide variety of organic semiconductors out there you have molecular semiconductors small molecules like fantasy in dependency and you have conjugated polymers like politics and. If you notice all of them have one very important quality one very important thing in common which is the presence of count. And that is what is responsible for all the interesting op electronic properties that this class of materials conjugated materials are displayed. So what exactly is conjugation so conjugation is nothing but the presence of a network of carbon atoms with alternating single and double bonds across which the pilot drawn can be localized and it is this fundamental phenomenon that is at the heart of all the optical and electronic properties these materials are displayed. So I'm going to focus my attention primarily on between H.T. The concepts. Hopefully translate into other materials as well. So what exactly is. So essentially what it is is it consists of two very important but contrasting components and I say that because you have a bag one which I would label the electronic component and that holds the conjugated part of the molecule and that is what is responsible for most of the electronic an optical properties and then you have these Alka side chains whose sole purpose is to impart solid billeted to the system because the main chain by itself is intractable. So the sort ability is demonstrated in this picture here. This is a solution of P three H.T. in chloroform that I prepared in my lab. It shows that it's perfectly homogeneous not solid military issues. This is also one of the major driving forces and one of the major selling points of organic electronics because you can you can make conductive inks that I was telling you about in the very first slide and this is what is used for literally printing your circuits. So the key question now is if you want to understand charge transport at the microscopic level. You have to understand how these molecules back at the microscopic level. So if I make a film of them or do you make it using spin coating but you have a variety of other methods that can be used. What is the film look like in the solid state. So people have done actually diffraction studies of P.T.S.D. and they've sort of come to the conclusion that between the facts and what is known as known as a level of fashion and what that means is you have stacking of the polymer genes along one axis and you have laminar stacking between the sides and along the other axis. This is very important. Microscopic droughts transport because if you take a look at movement of charges at the molecular level. They can either move along the backbone and they can move between the backbone and that's the so-called by stacking direction or they can move between the side chains. Not for the purposes of this presentation. We're going to ignore the movement of carriers along the side James and it's not it's not an outrageous claim because that insulating So it's highly unlikely that that's going to dominate John's transport. So looking at the remaining two modes of transport. So you have to transport along a single column a chain which is the in truck chain. Transport or you have transport between polymer genes which is into chain transport. But if you take a look at the molecular dimensions you and I'm I'm going to focus mainly on microscopic transport because the devices that I primarily used to characterize the firms are organic feel effect on distance and I require charges to move across distances that are several tens of microns. So given that and comparing that with more likely dimensions of a single problem a chain. It is highly unlikely that interchange or transport although it's important if you want to. It's not going to dominate microscopic judge transport so that like that that basically leaves us with movement of Guardians between polymer chains or interchange transport and that's what I'm going to focus my attention on. But before I move on. I'd like to introduce the concept of mobility. So when I when I'm actually testing a transistor the values that I actually get out of it is the field effect mobility and all that is that it's giving me an idea of how easily the ideas are actually moving across a certain distance in my phone. So now that I'm fully giving you an introduction to the materials involved in organic electronics. What is it that dictates the mobility. So for that to explain that I'm going to invoke democracy electron transfer theory because at the microscopic level. The movement of charges is nothing but a full on assisted hop and this hopping transport is very analogous to self exchange redux reaction that model that was originally my. Really. Marcus and who came up with the Marcus equation. So if you take a look at the Marcus equation. There are two very important parameters that dictate the hopping rate and hopping it's going to determine the mobility. Firstly it's longer a longer the organization energy. And I'm not really going to go into details of what lambda is but it will suffice to say at this point there is a measure of the extent of interest in ordering the can to the configurational character of a single problem. What I'm going to focus my attention on right now is we re is the interchange transfer or transfer integral and what we tell you is for example when you have just transferred taking place from one conjugated segment which is to another conjugated segment. The the probability of the drawn dition depends upon the electronic overlap between those two states and we basically quantifies what that transition probability is it's the transfer integral. But very importantly from the point of view of the stock we is very intricately linked with the crystal quality of my film the microstructure which is why I and a lot of other people have focused on understanding what exactly is that all of micro structure in charge transport because it controls we the people of done a wide variety of studies identifying different parameters in P. three H.T. that can control the microstructure for example people have explored the role of visual regularity how you attach the sightings to the backbone. Polamalu it can make a big difference to the microstructure and just transfer and thus charge transport. We ourselves have done quite a bit of work especially Dr Morman. Where we explored not only the final microstructure of the films and how it impacts microstructure and transport. But how does microstructure evolve in the first place. So all these studies. Have have have have you learned a lot of useful information but a couple of key questions still remain unanswered. Or at least they're not fully answered yet. So one is what is the exact role of microstructure What is the exact dependence of microstructure of Judge transport on microstructure is. A one to one correspondence. We don't know yet. But in order to answer the first question another question must be answered. How do you do in the microstructure because if you're not able to radio microstructure How do you draw correlations. This is when we chanced upon a very interesting phenomenon in our lab and this is purely purely accidental but it is a good accident because it gave me the paper on the award. So. That's nice. But what I basically noticed was you take a solution of P.T.S.D. employer reform and I figured that I wanted to make a homogeneous solution. And I routinely. During my master's work at routinely used or Sonic Youth radiation to disperse carbon nanotubes and solvent so I thought why not use the same technique here. But when I actually applied that technique the solutions of between H.T. which are orange the pristine solution the orange and color. It started changing color within five minutes. And I was really surprised by this because I wasn't expecting this color change but more importantly from the point of view of organic electronics what I noticed was when I made transistors from these two different solutions the the mobility of the transistor of the of the transistor made from this solution was routinely hundred forty higher than the mobility of the transistor or pain from the or in solution without or sonic radiation. So this basically piqued my interest so a couple of very important questions popped into my head one. Why is that a color change. So in order to investigate the color change. We're talking about color and conjugated materials you want to start with spectroscopy which is what I did so I have I have you have the solution state as well as a solid state of spectra of. Solutions and phones before and after our sonic radiation and I want to draw your attention to two very particular features in the solution state. So the development of these vibrant excite bands as a result of the recent occasion is what I believe is causing the color change but more importantly from the point of view of solid state structure the order in charge transport. If you look at corresponding features in the solid state you lot is that one the absorption maximum of the Solid State of the film obtained from the radio. Good solutions is better quickly shifted and that tells me that I have mentioned clean radiation and the mentioned clean resolution and done is is resulting in increased molecular order as is evident by the zero zero Browning transition which is more intense in the film which has been trying to get it would have been obtained from Sun a good solution. So to cut the story short what absorption spectra is telling me is arsenic in radiation is indeed creating ordered because in the solution state would survive the casting process and a manifest in the final film and this could possibly contain evidence as to why I am seeing the mobility increase in the first place. But before I explain the defect in charge transport I did raise the concept of to an ability. So let's explore that a little bit more. So when I will actually repeat the same experiment but this time I started reading these on occasion time. What I found as the vibrant features don't actually increase abruptly. But it's more like an evolution these features evolve as a function of radiation time and this is also mirrored in the development of the zero zero peak intensities in the solid state all this is telling me is increased on occasion time results in increased formation of molecular aggregates and solution and increase molecule in order in the solid state cause and effect. Now all this is well and fine you know I'm claiming that through absorption spectroscopy we are seeing increased molecular order but this remains indirect evidence which is when I decided to take it one step further and see what happens in my F.M. scans. So when I ran F.M. atomic force microscope in these out of phase images stopping would face images I saw that for the films of pain from pristine solutions and thirty seconds on a good solutions. They are pretty much featureless which is sort of expected because chloroform is a highly volatile solvent. But if you look at the the film from one minute onwards you start seeing the development of these crystal lights. I'm going to put Crystal Light on court I'll come back to that but you can clearly see the effect of sanitation as you increase on occasion time it's lead. Two more and more. None of crystal or none of the below structures being incorporated in the other ways amorphous filled with increased concentration. So so far everything everything seems to be agreeing with the evolution of ironic features in absorption spectra but I have no evidence that these none of the below structures are actually chrysolite So this is what I decided to run X. ray diffraction and X. ray diffraction basically showed me a remarkable almost a one to one correspondence between the between the development of these Not a fabulous Crystal Light and the evolution of the one zero zero peak intensity inexorably which basically told me that indeed the molecular order in the film is increasing as a result of increasing competition of these not a fiber in an otherwise amorphous firm so combining the results of X. R.T.F.M. and absorption spectra we have a nice picture forming that of as I mentioned earlier ordered precursors in the solution state which are getting transferred in the solid state so now I have reason to believe. Why I am getting the increase in mobility. But I was more excited by the fact that going by simply by the intensity that I'm getting after ten minutes the radiation. I was expecting the abilities that are going to be through the roof I was really excited by this because you can imagine that this is a very simple technique for increasing mobility in organic semiconductors which remains the top of interest but when I actually measured the mobility as using field effect on this. I was in for a little bit of a disappointment because if you notice the initial period of Sonic a should I do see the hundred fold increase in the feel effect mobility as expected but beyond about one to three minutes. There's an apparent saturation of the mobility which wasn't expected especially given the fact that the way Browning features the features in the F.M. the features in X. are to continue to evolve beyond one to three minutes. So this to me contains enough evidence that you're seeing a population type drugs transport now percolation type drugs transport is very common in composites in fact when I used to make composites and B.M.'s populations are very common. Things like you do you increase your loading concentration and beyond a certain point you see a sharp jump in the conduct of a day and beyond that there's absolutely no change very similar behavior. Only this time I'm talking about fuel effect mobility. So let's take a look as to why why the system behaving this way. This is when I decided to explore the fears images that I've got a little bit in more deeper fashion when I notice that the films actually consist of a multi-phase morphology and I'm specifically talking about a disordered phase because I ordered phase and ordered phase and my definitions of these different phases the based on what is the polymer Gene conformation within these phases. So for example in a disordered phase you want to have a significant amount of twist between the Typhon units and that's what the straps conjugation and that in turn disrupts into molecule packing. So basically what F.M. is telling me is you have a significant portion of the disordered and the cause I ordered phases. Even when you're developing. Even when you develop a significant amount of chrysolite you still have a very large fraction the matrix is still mostly amorphous of course I ordered and what we proposed in the paper was as long as you have this distribution of ordered and disordered phases. You're always going to see a scenario where no matter how much you increase your crystal limited by it is going to become independent at a certain point because you're charged transport to your disordered segment is what is going to dominate microscopic transport. So I like to conclude my talk by raising some of the highlights of this work primarily hopefully I've demonstrated that are just sound is a very facile method of incorporating order in the film but more importantly from a scientific point of view it represents a very simple technique to study charge transport microstructure correlations because you can literally do in the microstructure and have many more data points to actually draw correlations with looking at the big picture. I think there's a whole new area within organic electronics that has not been explored extensively understanding polymer interactions with the solvent environment. Instead of actually trying to alter the microstructure after the film's been formed. What about inducing ordered structures in the solutions state before the films forming. So this is something that needs to be worked on taking advantage of polymer processing and seeing how that affects the structure of the film. And the corresponding properties. And if you want to extend if you want to sort of get a holistic understanding of this complex correlation between microstructure and George transport. I feel that we need to conduct experiments at all and scales starting from the nano scale understanding how the charges move in the molecule while and expand and combining that with experiments that allow the domination of charge transport in the middle scale and the macro scale which is what I'm doing and it's only by a combination of all these three experiments that we can fully understand this correlation. With that I'd like to acknowledge though all my co-authors especially my advisor. Dr college from chemistry they have been absolutely fantastic. I'd also like to thank the Ziegler family and the Department for the absolute on. And for the support that they've given me over the years and for the fellowship and the various funding agencies for the money. I'd like to thank you very much for your attention I'd be more than happy to answer any questions you have. Yeah. So this is a question that I get asked often whenever I present as well. So I guess what we have. I went to some papers on understanding. One of the effects of our resigning creation and one of the papers I came across was. Aggregation of proteins using I just want to get radiation and I think very similar again in the mechanisms might be at play here as well. So what I believe is happening is you can speak of addition process that. That is actually happening in the solution when you apply Alderson to get radiation and apply the show to the bottom of genes. It causes the bottom of genes to open up and then that's what I feel is going on in the system as well but having said that I think Elsa presented this work at Air Force Research Labs and one of the people there they proposed something very interesting that maybe the pressure that is there in the system when you have acoustic of EDITION that's that's causing the problem of genes to sort of collapse into each other and that might also be a reason why you see this by stacking because of our recent to get radiation. Yes been quoting here. Why. I'm going to say nor because in all the films that I've measured like in some cases when I've done the F.M.. If you if you if you and I certain sections of the film. It's very easy to imagine that there's some alignment but I think the process itself is isotropic So I would say that I don't think there's any alignment in any one direction you're talking about alignment of the Nano fibers themselves. No I don't think I've seen that. No no no I'm actually sonic eating the solution. And it's been coding. Yeah. Or that's a good question. So I've done this experiment with with with Jeff and silent and all three of them basically they show a more rapid response to sonic ation than chloroform. So I believe what's going on in terms of the McCann ism is it's a it depends in a very complex manner on the solid validity of the polymer in the given. And so if it's for example if I'm using fat as I lean or D.H. or which are relatively poor solvent compared to chloroform for P three H.T. It accelerates the aggregation process in fact when I did the experiment with Xylene. It formed a gel within two minutes completely press of a data. At the same time and I used other solvents like a lot of benzene. Benzene I see absolutely no effect of this phenomenon. So I'm guessing there's some complex interplay between Soul ability and this custody of the solvent as well. What assumption. When I mean I guess the effects of moisture and oxygen on Georgetown's not trying to transport but on the performance but amateurs of organic feel effect on the sort of very commonly studied we still don't understand what exactly is happening in terms of the mechanics them how exactly oxygen is participating. But these experiments were conducted in error. And I've done the same experiments in a glove box without any oxygen or moisture the mobility is unchanged but there's another but I'm going to call the threshold age which tells you what world age. What the blade get wordage your device is actually turning on that is dramatically shifted. If you do it in ambient atmosphere. But I don't think the mobility is affected. Sure. Sure. Actually all these all these results that have shown your the universal and the heat sort of accident opposite manner compared to are just on a good idea. In fact I've done some experiments but I've taken a solution of chloroform and the water bought in the sanitation tool. I heated that up. So if ice. Sonic it using a heart that I would not see an effect of all this on occasion that tells me that thermal energy is acting against so on occasion for some reason. But all these processes the development of the why running features Crystal in a dream ability to completely reversible if I heat them. I can recover all the original properties. Well I mean Petri actually. I would say that the sort of it's not the state of the art anymore. So people have come up with more improved designs and I guess the limit that I've seen for Paul a medic materials right now as of two thousand and eleven. It's almost hit the one. It's about once I mean a scrap of world second so I would say even for sonic it would be three H.D. for this particular P three H.D. it's still like an order to two orders of magnitude lower than what the current state of the art is but I've used a different variety of the three H.D. with a with a higher. And I've managed to hit point one which is the highest I've seen. I'm pretty sure it does but I'm using a bench top and I don't have the flexibility to change the frequency on the power but I'm pretty sure that the frequency and the intensity would definitely impact the acoustic of addition process which is what I believe is the heart of everything but. I would imagine if I did take a guess that changing the frequency or changing the intensity would accelerate or decelerate the process but I don't think it will change the phenomenon as such it is definitely possible yes that's definitely worth looking into. That's a great point. Thank you.