Hi My name is Natalie fan and I just graduated from Georgia Tech with bachelor's environmental engineering and I'm currently working in Dr average and Dr plats that in. Mechanical and biomedical engineering. And today I will be talking to you about the morphological and mechanical behavior of fibrin clots in healthy diabetic and sickle cell anemia and disease states. This is just an overview of what I'll be talking to you about today. I'll give you a brief background about the two diseases I'm going to address in those being diabetes and sickle cell disease and I'll give you a quick overview of the thrombosis mechanism that occurs and then the objectives of this experiment the experimental protocol that we use to obtain these objectives. Using confocal imaging and fiber Nala Cis and then experimental results conclusion and some future work. I'm sure all of you are familiar with diabetes. It's very common in the U.S. over two million people are newly diagnosed with it every year. There are two types of diabetes type one which is insulin. Deficient diabetes which occurs when your pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin to break down the glucose and then type two is when your body becomes resistant to insulin and this is what I will be focusing on. So essentially what happens is your stomach digests your food and then now you have these glucose particles and then. The insulin that's produced isn't being. Your body's now become resistant to it. So it's not responding to the insulin and therefore your glucose is unable to get transported into necessary tissues and cells. So then you have this large accumulation of glucose in your blood stream. The other disease that I'll be talking about is sickle cell disease. This is a hereditary blood disorder that causes the point mutation in the amino acid known as glue to make acid and this is a hydra. Of Phillip amino acid and it gets replaced by baling which is hydrophobic and then due to this change. We get this what's called what's known as signalling because the hydrophobic parts want to aggregate together and shield themselves away from the water that's in your blood. So then this sickle in cause is a lot of problems. Now you don't have enough oxygen being delivered to your tissues and then you have these blood cell conglomerations forming which is a problem for your blood vessels because now you have these aggregations of cells jamming up blood flow. And then this is the initiation of the human static response which is the clotting mechanism that occurs in your body. So you have your normal blood vessel and then when there's injury to the endothelial lining of your blood vessel. There are three main steps that occur. Your body can starts constricting the injured vessel that way to reduce blood flow to that area and then platelets are activated to create this platelet plug. And then lastly which is the key point of this the research I've done is the fiber network that forms. And then essentially you have this blood clot. So this is the coagulation cascade in normal healthy conditions the formation of fibrin which is the network that brings in all your platelets and your red blood cells to form this blood clot your main. Proteins of interest are going to be fiber in engine thrombin and factor thirteen and then plasma so fibrin engine gets activated by thrombin to form fibrin and then with the presence of fibrin calcium and thrombin then factor thirteen becomes activated to come in and form cross links in this network to stabilise your fiber network and then on the flip side we have plays Minaj in which gets activated by the presence of fibrin and this comes in and breaks down the fiber network when you don't need your class anymore. And this process is known as fiber Nala surface. So in normal healthy patients the thrombus cascade is a homeostatic process. Meaning the fiber image an activation and fiber in polymerization is in balance is at an equilibrium with the fiber Nol asis. However in these two disease states in diabetes and sickle cell patients have an increased risk of developing hyper thrombotic complications such as strokes and other cardiovascular diseases and this is a result of an imbalance in the system. So now we have hyper coagulation and hypo fiber analysis. So now in these two disease states we are going to have an increased concentration of fiber in engine therefore that requires an increase in the thrombin levels in order to politicize. This fibrinogen the fibrin. And then in the Lysis States. There's going to be a decrease in the plasma concentrations. So in diabetes. What happens is as I mentioned before this. In diabetes your blood vessels are now. They have an increased concentration in blood glucose. So this glucose has a really high affinity for lysine residues that are present on your cyber an engine and plies Minaj and so what happens is this is all floating around in your blood and then your glucose molecules are going to bind to all of these lysine sites and that is going to inhibit proper activation by thrombin and inhibit proper cross-linking so then your body thinks there's not enough fiber fibrinogen being sent to this injury site so what it does is it'll increase fibrin engine concentration and that's where your hyper coagulation factors come in and then with plows Minaj and it also has a bunch of lysine sites that glucose likes to bind to so it binds to all these PIs Minaj insights that are required for plasma in activation. But now we have less PIs manage and being activated. So in sickle cell disease a similar scenario occurs where we have increased fiber and engine concentration which then again triggers the increase strawman generation and then a decrease concentration of anti-coagulation proteins like plasma. However the mechanisms behind these changes are unknown. And then in addition to the protein changes we also have the coagulation of Sickle red blood cells. Yes. So the objectives of my research was to simulate these clotting conditions under in an in vitro state and then to use confocal microscopy to analyze the clot structures in these disease states and then by using confocal microscopy were able to maintain the native state of these proteins and. Cells. And then also with confocal my cost be we were able to determine a fiber Narcisse rate for the diabetic. Disease state when compared to normal healthy patients. So this is just a brief overview of the protocol I use I basically had a glass slide and I made a chamber. Made out of two layers of double sided tape and then pulling my eyes to the fiber and clot which is just mixing the fiber in engine the thrombin and the factor thirteen together and then. Covering it up. Sealing two sides to prevent the clot from drying out. Yeah and then so that I use that same protocol for all the disease states and then for the glycated method I would incubate the fiber engine in a glucose solution for forty eight hours before I pull in arise it. And for the Sickle Cell simulation. I would try to I put in red blood cells and sickle red blood cells. So for the fiber Narcisse protocol. It was a similar method. Except for instead of sealing the two sides I left that open and just let the clots and in a moist condition that way when I was ready to image I could just inject the plasma in and then you would get through with like. A camera or something to make it a uniform distribution throughout the club. And this is just a fast forwarded video of the fiber knowledge service when you're looking at it in the can focal microscope. The action this was taken in real time and it took about three minutes and this was sped up to about twenty times the speed just for the sake of presentation purposes. And here are some representative images of the confocal microscopy. Of the glycated Klotz these two images A.M.B. show the normal class with and without factor thirteen and as you can see it's a home. It's a homogenous distribution of the fibers the pores within the clots are larger and then the fibers are longer as a result of proper activation and. Cross-linking. And then these bottom two images show the glycated clots within without factor thirteen and as you can see that there's a significantly higher fiber density and then there are smaller and fewer pores within the clot and then all the fiber strands are also shorter. Which leads us to think that there's. The fiber imaging was not properly activated or. Processing. And here the confocal microscopy images of the sickle cell the clock image A Here is the healthy. Clot with normal concentrations of. Fibrin and normal concentration in normal red blood cells so as you can see there is a mom. Of the fibrin as well as the red blood cells and then Image be here is sickle cell the fibrin clot with sickle red blood cells and as you can see the fiber network is not imagine it. We have clusters of both the fibers and the red blood cells and then lots of voids where there is just nothing. So from a fiber Nala sis images I was able to come up with a rate to determine the fiber Narcisse for diabetic patients. I just took one of the real time images of the clots and then set an area and then using the video I could figure out how much time it took for the plasma and to degrade the set area and then I used a one way a nova and a to keep Kramer's test with a. P. value of point zero five to determine statistical significance. These are the results of that analysis as you can see here. Down here are the average. Lysis rates for normal fibrin with two hundred milligrams per mil of plasma in which is found in normal healthy patients and then the fifty micrograms per mil is what's been found in diabetic patients. So the blue here is the normal fibrin with. Normal plasma in concentrations and then that I found to be statistically different from the results of the glycated fiber in with fifty micrograms per mil of plasma. However there didn't seem to be any sort of. Significant difference between the normal and the Gleick a. Fibrin with both with two hundred micrograms per mil of plasma and there also wasn't any difference between the glycated fibrin with normal and. Decreased plasma concentrations. In conclusion the. We found that the Sickle Cell clots are not homogenous as evident by a lot of red blood cell aggregation and conglomeration of the fiber in network. The fiber in clot structure of diabetic clots have were as you saw were a lot more dense less porous and. The fibers don't seem to have been activated or crossed think correctly. As a result of the altered structure and plasma in concentrations in diabetic patients the glycated clots are more resistant to fiber Nala Cis than in normal healthy patients. And this study was unique in the because of the experimental methods used because again as I said the confocal imaging allowed. Real time. The landing to capture real time data while allowing the proteins in cells to stay in their native state so they didn't have to be fixed or anything like that. Some future work. I'm looking at doing is to quantify the fiber Nala cysts of sickle cell clots and then also to quantify the fibrin and red blood cell distribution in normal and sickle cell disease states. That way we can see. If the we can try and see if it's the fibrin or if it's the cells that are causing the conglomerations and then we also want to look at how the R.B.C. stiffness. Because sickle cell has different. Cells. So the cells have different stiffness is than in normal healthy patients and then how that affects the clot and I sat should be. I'll be happy to take any questions. Thank you. A lot of women would love it while we would have to I think we're looking at using. Acoustic. Like an acoustic ultrasound to determine that and see based on. I think how much. Sound would pass through would and would determine year a year density as well as the stiffness of the blood cells. So these are all systems which you will be using my only system or mimic you know what. Yeah. There might be so. But yeah definitely. I think we would definitely find. Different results because again maybe the flow would impact the license rate or something but just for the purpose of this experiment we wanted. To create a visual and quantify like the license rates and then especially with sickle cell disease. There have been very few studies done on clotting in sickle cell. So I wasn't even able to find any sort of images. Of sickle cell and clotting so that was just but this experiment was for. Thank you very much. Thank.