It's always a pleasure. The only work I am well OK So join the faculty at a wonderful career so but also it's all yours. Thank you Bob. So to introductory things first of all about torch tech and its influence on my career. Not only did I have a fantastic experience here is a student that prepared me for a lot of things in life it's been a huge influence on me through my career because of what Bob and his colleagues have created here at Georgia Tech has been an incredible inspiration to all of us in the field. I came up through the ranks as a junior faculty member had some hard times and Bob was always there to talk to fact we stimulate the field pick you up when you're on your way and I think all of you here are very blessed to be here. It's also been fantastic to see the incredible growth bioengineering here at Georgia Tech who was very little research here I think it was odd at one other person really had research labs when I was a student. Here and it was a chemical engineering and it was no bioengineering so you should feel extremely proud of what you have here now and also mention I've been very fortunate to have some Georgia Tech students work in my lab at MIT so most recently who's here in the audience material science students but in are you some work at a fantastic job less recently but very prominently on the Platte really came in and shook things up an arm's length will stem cell laughter and it's terrific to see him doing so well here I can finally get it right. He's doing great. It's just really great to be back with the CAN'T of the mind is not on the. How about that you want to live. Where. And the second thing is about the talk I'm going to get today and the work. The scope of work that's going to be presented. I'm presenting some things I've never talked about in a seminar and I in fact got data emailed to me last night from one of the post docs and with a lot of goings on this week the site visit some of you know about for the S.T.C. I've been spending a lot of time with Bob in various locations around the country over the past week repairing first site visit I had to channel one of my colleagues who couldn't be there. So the talk is not quite as polished as I normally like to have it but I really want to talk about this work because it brings out some issues of signalling and how we control receptors and tissue engineering and I know there are some people in the audience who are brilliant. Tristen some of these may be a lot of facts. So even though it's not completely polished I felt it would be really fun to talk about this. So please don't hesitate to wave if there's something that's not really clear. And so my job. We had to do a lot of basic by material science protein engineering as you'll see today with an eye on some clinical applications and three of them are listed here. Thank you to the folks who came yesterday to talk about the last topic which is a very new topic for our lab and the. Title of my talks a little esoteric and another way to think about it is far very much a mass six in the sense that we want to tame signaling by this incredibly important family of quote fact a receptor is the E.G.F. our family and I'll introduce them to you are going to get used to one of Motier So there's clear members of this family will go through their properties a little later and for tissue engineering purposes and little recently for us. Possibly for cancer therapeutics we have a tremendous centrists and controlling spatial localization of the receptor activation and so all you have that is the theme throughout the talk a primary motivation when we started going on and this is some going to cover some things that Mani worked on in our lab is a collaboration with an orthopedic surgeon George Marshall at the Cleveland Clinic. This is one of his patients the patient had a huge tumor taken out and typically Now there's a replacement process where you put a cadaver bone in and so you can see that fixed here graves over the past approximately eight to ten years of our cooperation and then to come up with alternatives to these kind of cadaver bone class by integrating both macroscopic scaffold approaches with microscopic approaches to control the local microenvironment of the cells so that you could combine some source of ostrich an Excel. With the graft and put it in and have it heal and the Osteogenesis so. That most of interest. If you were just fresh purified Asper it's going to give a little background on this just to set the stage of why we got interested in these problems. Perceptor dimer sation So one approached. To healing by one's bone healing wounds is to take instead you know right now if any of you has anybody ever had an autograph of bone like from the hip hip. So now they typically will take autographed the bone from the hip which has it's your harvesting that bone actually has it's own huge morbidity issues. So there's a cost to a way for now with physicians who are trying to use marijuana that can be aspirated interrupted police instead of actually taking the bone out they just harvest Mayo and George has optimized methods to do this and to operate a pulley so the gist of it is that when you harvest marrow about one in thirty thousand of the nucleated cells have properties a very only Aust your partners and maybe true stem cells so there's a mix of cells in the aspirants that can go on to form that cartilage and bone and for today we're interested in this. OK And I'm being very careful to call these projects under cells and not strictly stem cells but you always get a mix of the assets we do do not guarantee stem this despite the popular use in the literature and Conall stem cell as a term. It's been shown that if you take that marrow and pass it over a graft bone etc shown very quickly here there's actually machine now that does this. So you pass it over the crap the stem cells can be selected and this can be enhanced by Moon healing and so has been big interested in this idea that passing the scaffolding a couple of them. He's use are shown here by mechanisms not well understood you can enhance the pretender cell concentration and prevalence in these graphs and this is work that's been published. So we've been interested in figuring out how to do this and how to actually use it in the clinic. You don't always have to understand everything before it's useful in the clinic right. And it's OK and so together we've worked on building scaffolds to can entrap these cells working together with their company that has commercialize this three D. printing process to make scaffold. So we designed a scaffold set would we hope trap cells and in fact showed that the scaffold that we designed will track trap these connective tissue pretenders as well as demon analyzed bone matrix and as we think about translating these things into a clinic so there's an issue of this microenvironment if we're going into a really large defect where there aren't that many stem cells. We may need every stem cell to do a huge job. So the problem we face is that different patients have different problems to stem cells so these are the same exact number of nucleated cells from five different patients that are plated in what's called a colony Asser So you plate the marrow half a million nucleated cells the cells that attach and form colonies are the ones that are believed to be the projector so you can see the incredible diversity in problem and so this this patient has very few and this patient has a conciliate of them. OK And again you can see they had originated in colonies another area of interest in the lab not want to talk about today is building a better colony assayers OK So the challenge is now these cells are going to go into this really hostile microenvironment right there's all kind of pock circuits filled with cytokines and so my slot is cut off but with that it's filled with cytokines if you have access to stem cells like if you're doing a transplant in a mass. You might put in one hundred times more cells than you need. So you see up down rows. OK even though maybe a lot of the cells are killed but in a human defect that's why you may only have close to the number you actually minimally need. So we have to worry about whether some of these cells are going to be killed. So we started thinking about ways that we could influence the different steps in this process and in particular if we look at the stem cell opportunity are going to come from Excel and not known about different factors that act. Different stages of development. OK And in particular the morphogenetic proteins have a widely used now in the clinic to facilitate bone healing and spinal fusion in factual repair and a few other applications tired hormones used also to stimulate. Process. But these really drive it to point a committee progenitors and they don't necessarily cause political ation of those pretenders. And so we draw up a hypothesis is that maybe approaches in these large defects have not been successful because we drive premature differentiation What if we go further back and try to drive political ation of this compartment and yet also influence downstream processes. So there's a number of factors known to act here. One of them. Interestingly it's happened on grass factor it's signalling by E.T.F. receptor is involved in many stages of bone development and homeostasis in healing. So as boring as many people think you have perceptive is first growth factor discovered there we have it as an interesting molecule So our question is can we stimulate the survival. And growth of. These cells that we transplant using each. It's attractive. It's been around a long time and we know a lot about it but it's never really been developed into a successful clinical product and part of that you know is we started thinking about this many years ago so I think you know rather didn't Johnson and Johnson or anybody actually ever have a clinical product and come to that and then it. It turns out there is actually a commercial product. If you inject soluble E.T.F. into sheep it circulates with a half life of a couple of days and the sheep when the hymn grows out. It's very thin and you can actually pull the wool off the sheep as you see here and in Australia kids on the farm kids want to stay on the sheep shearing is very skilled So having this is actually a now commercially viable operation in Australia. There's also if you go on e-bay. Google E.T.F. you can find these facial anti-aging products they cost like two hundred dollars for a little while you can barely see and says F.D.A. doesn't prove that these right but I'm eighty five and I use these products. So you can decide for yourself. OK So hypothesis so we went back and we looked at so let's look at physiology of each after supper. There was a law against it for this particular super scepter it's for those of you not familiar with it. It's got an extra cellular domain the pines one of several a trans membrane domain and then enter Sigler domain the transmit signals will come into this part. More later. And so it activates it's a receptor Tyrus in kinase that initiates several cascades of signaling through its Tyrus in kind a stem main So we asked the question you know most of the audience actually are somehow restrained in the extracellular matrix and may actually signal in a more tethered fashion than in a cycle fashion so we started thinking about this concept of delivering from the Matrix and this brought in some to design issues because the E.G.F. Perceptor have to die more eyes in order to signal and there is some controversy still remaining but the evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of the receptor kind of system Mainz needing to come together to foster to initiate hospitalization Cascades. So there's been crystal structures published of the extracellular domain in complex with the like and this happens to be teaching at Alpha and so one could imagine tethering this molecule via its terminus there's only one primary me. To a substrate and so we initially decided to do this using polyethylene oxide very simple approach and space the so that we could get clustering dimer sation of the receptor so and work that actually did over. Contributed to during his stay since we designed a polymer system that would let us present little costers E.G.F. receptor on the surface or other like hands shown schematically here hydrophobic backbone polyethylene oxide side chains. When you cast these on a surface they make the same my interpenetrating discs. So you can make little clusters of Y. Ganz by mixing modified polymer with an unmodified polymer and couple in here. So you can get a structure like that. And so then if we want to examine how this affects M.S. C.S. We could speculate that it will initiate signaling cascades because he finds that the surface dimer station occurs and then typically the receptor Mike and I are in the side toast and traffic through intracellular compartments. But signalling is initiated at a service of the cell so you have E.T.F. Perceptor Don lies here and there she ating several different signalling Cascades P I three kinase. And we'll see gamma which involved a motel ot So one question we speculate is maybe tethered yet would actually act better than soluble in protecting cells against proud signals so tethered E.T.F. would stimulate the receptor protect against protest signals because the signals tend to be preferentially on the membrane. And so it worked. That didn't fan did in her thesis. We looked at whether to tell that he had had any effect on protecting cells in the kind of environment they would experience. So these are primarily human mesenchymal stem cells we get ourselves from facility he's now in Texas. These are very low passage passage through your passage for cells but there was a stem cell maelstrom of cells will call them. So no treatment if we add fast like you have we kill the cells but if the cells are cultured in the present. That E.G.F. in fact they look protected and quantifying this if we look at the percent of cells that are dead. This is the control so very little cell death. OK add this Gand pro-inflammatory a protest cytokine and you see a lot of cells die. Sorry but you have actually potentiates this and this we think may be due to interruption of adequate bloops we're investigating that now but tethered. Protects against that cell death so that it's interesting there's an important way we might influence the survival of these cells and so we went on and asked well doesn't enhance Komi formation and here this is again from giving us work to showing plaiting cells early on soluble E.T.F. compared to tether tethered actually enhances adhesion probably through a localized actin Plimer station going through and last coherent pathway for those of you who read the signalling stuff but you can see dramatically in advance of this and it's actually dependent on activation of the erk signaling cascade we showed so the knickknack can Tonio in his thesis work investigated whether primary cells colony formation for Melo plated would be enhanced by the smaller kill and in fact what we found looking at different substrates an environment where there is only absorbed. Serum proteins one where we use a synthetic R G D that has the synergy site from five or not. Ten were fiber nets in itself. So those were three it he said backgrounds and now we add tethered E.G.F. and in each case we see color information is enhanced so with out with have an E.T.F.. With with tethered or fiber Nekton interestingly soluble E.T.F. inhibited compared to the control room or for fiber necked and so there are all effects on these cells and another suit in the lab rather well as he just a friend of his thesis went on to say let's see if we can develop ways to put these on scaffolds that are clinically. Used. So the company that's commercial is three dimensional printing three the other has a line of products based on Tri calcium phosphate and this is just showing pictures of it so they do really well in the clinic and this is one substrate we have vision using either alone or in combination with a polymer so little working with some undergraduates in the lab developed an approach to tether each to the substrate will talk more about the protein engineering later in the talk but the con conceptual part here we use Project display to identify a peptide sequence that binds with very high finity to try calcium phosphate and this is just some data showing that there's a specific binding and then E.T.F. is here and you can just view this for now as a spacer OK So he's got this he puts the scaffold in a solution of this molecule it absorbs on the surface and now we've got tethered OK so if there's no binding the main you don't get binding so here there are specific binding here. There's none so it's pretty tightly immobilized on the surface and this is just showing the construct there's you do Fosse display. We've got a consensus sequence shown here using several different kinds of substrates for screening so this is a manuscript that's in preparation from Lou Alvarez's they says OK so now we take scaffolds treated with tethered. And look at the effects of this on primary stem cell. Plus relation and so what we see is that in this just looking at a number of cells. What we see is by day seven. This isn't serum containing media so you've got all kind of growth factors there and even in serum containing medium. You can see there's a tremendous increase in cell number at this early time point and even at fourteen days they are statistically significant increase and also in serum for medium we can see that these enhanced survival of the cells and Manu has a couple of papers that came out that also investigate further. Signalling properties of tethered E.G.F. in our original format. And I'm sure he's talked about those here but the basic question comes up putting up on the surface in this way we wouldn't expect it necessarily to be close enough to time arrives very efficiently. So there's a stochastic presentation on this or near stochastic so we can ask the question is this really acting through an E.T.F. receptor we can inhibit the Perceptor combination in aggregate effects I just showed you. So it will convince just acting through E.T.F. receptor but is it acting through homo dimer sation is really the question because we would predict that you know that wouldn't really be that much completely correctly positioned to hold on to my so now we're getting in to this question why would we get the signal so let's go back and look more carefully at the E.G.F. receptor family I have a couple of slides in sequence to take you through because it's a little bit complex and I took a picture out of the literature and let me take you through it. So there are four family members the studies showing raggy ends for the family members. It's showing the receptors and the billions kinds of dimer sation they can ensue downstream signaling pathways and transcription control and influence these things so it's a comprehensive one thing it's a comprehensive picture. OK so what you see here if we plow it up is that E.G.F. Perceptor can hetero timelines it can have a time arise shown here but it can also had a hard time arising notably put it right. OK. Are they actually. Famous. That you talked to was going on and for so if anybody has heard of Herceptin the entire breast cancer drug it targets her to go to is overexpressed a memory tumor cells and so it's a very potent signaling and it and her two does not have a lot of cancer her two has to partner with someone or two has to join up with each Yeah Perceptor one of the other ones and it maps to join up with the Perceptor can also join the sky. So it has to partner someone to signal an E.T.F. receptor can heterodyne arise. So miserable stem cells have zero two and they have her three because they don't have. There's another guy or they don't have her for her. So they have all of the siblings or potential partners that you could imagine are present in a messy. So it's entirely conceivable that R M S C S When they bind one of America's E.T.F. groups. Ron Americans Yep they're making these kind of header timers and these are very potent signalling for survival. So that could be what's happening on the scaffold so I just showed you. OK so we could then say that more American each office acting through these heterodyne hours and it raises a question what if we don't want those head or dollars to form actually what if we would imagine in cancer cells keeping her or two from joining up with her one if we could put her two out of the party by forcing these two receptors to homo Dom arise. OK So that's one interesting thing so no other words here again just showing a little cleaner. We've got. E.G.F. receptor her to head a time or each after sector home. Three had a timer and showing her three so this is in a C.S. and then they cross talk with immigrants we bind E.G.F. each He has very high affinity for each you have Perceptor not so much for her three. And if we want to completely manipulate this entire family we can look at my dance for her of three. OK Her three can also heterodyne more eyes with her to go to doesn't have a walk in that supposed to be a blind. So the regular end is a molecule that binds here. OK so if we really think about manipulating this system we might also be able to keep her own three hundred two head of a dime or some form with basically agree with the scheme is exclude her to keep her two from coming to the party. So this is schematic. So if we come back. Now we can say we want to control this time or station and how could we do that. So the idea is could we take a cell that expresses multiple receptors. If we could it not America we have no control over the diners nation partners but now let's make a bad we don't like and let's make a tether the two together and now can we buy us time or station so that we only get a particular receptor pair. OK now you can imagine this may not work because you may get these to act just like a lot of a lot like than one might find in the other thing is free. There's a lot of things that can happen so we have to test it. So we've made a family of these timers and I'll show you how to moment and show you some data. So we you know we're so perceptive we have E.T.F. know Raglan our main two players and then we can make various combinations like in timers if you have a regular right on a regular line and theoretically at least drive different kinds of time or station. Hopefully to the exclusion of the header timers we don't care reform. OK in order to design these there was a fair amount of protein engineering that new album had stayed in this was in collaboration with Richard Lee who said Brigham and Women's and weekend starting with the. Crystal structure thinking about these many design issues going in and looking at the structure of the molecules so this is each yap showing the three bonds. There's a lot of information in the literature about each act Perceptor interacting with its live hands because it is such an important system and so we know what will likely happen if we manipulate the various ins they're not really part involve much binding and we also know a lot about the affinities so we could go in and say it's probably OK to manipulate either the C. or in Terminus and in fact we went in and showed it doesn't really matter. You can manipulate these so we designed a fast cycle so since we had a smirk at combinations this wouldn't necessarily be what we do use in the clinic but it made it very easy to do an experiment. There's a so this is the essential design shown here a quote unquote main is used to link two different dance together the square where the main was published. It's got a very low pick a mole or binding affinity and we believe that there is a very high affinity and we make these like and so now we have the square clear of the main and here we can actually link something to it that would let us stick this on the surface and actually we could do that. We could do a biotin we could do that the binding protein etc So this is a place that we can stick it to the surface or we can use it and so I will form so this is simply the design of the constructs of the quilt call are held together. This is a spacer region designed by Bob Sauer slab that is persistent to produce a segregationist so that we can keep that intact. OK So we go into we characterized as a person we do we make the slide Hansen ask are the right hands in there want to be a long form similar to those that are the native you know that the thing that you would buy from protect you know a collaborative research this is E.T.F. that you buy this is are like can we do the same thing with regular And and when and in every case. We can activate these are he were cells which have approximately the same number of each epicenter and her to about fifty thousand and seven seventh's have her three in her poor predominantly with some Her two. So we can activate with all of the individual components and inhibit this with an inhibitor of the E.T.F. or separate or specific. OK So these are just prove to us that these are active then we can go a way to characterize this finding we did a whole lot of different kinds of assayers so simply showing one which is a binding two to a surface and we get about an eight peak or more affinity isothermal titration calorimetry experiments verify this sort of number of different be a core. Measurement very high affinity finding So at the concentrations we would use them they were sent to all time highs which very very little pre like and. We have what I want to finish up to talk with these two things some phenotypic data that has gotten so excited about this as well as some signaling data that are starting to explain the phenotypic data and supporting our idea that we are saying time or station of these receptors with these like hands. OK And we predominately have used actually three cell types once not shown here these stem cells. What's notable about them they have very few. Number of receptors so about ten thousand E.T.F. receptors a few her to this is work. Manu characterized during his see his posts. They do have her three but know her for M C F seven cells are a very widely used breast cancer cell line and they express a lot of her three and her four and very little Perceptor or her two and her three and hope for harder to characterize American just because religions but this is what they do we also not shown had as you saw a moment ago you see no cells. He will. Cells are and also primary cells so he will cells for cervical there were actually very close widely use outline and they have each year for such her and her to place so let's just look at some phenotypic data and. So searing pretty culture a Muslim commits stem cell line. It's more to life with a church human race and culture over twenty three days and so these are it's true that more lies a church helps is pro-survival and inhibits some of the atomic pathways. So even when you don't add these are plated in serum allowed to establish from one day in serum that we take the same amount. So there are cells that survive even know their played a high density they'll survive these are really pretty tough cells. OK if we add E.G.F. there's actually the quantitative data show that there's not quite as good survival of these cells as Count little bit hard to see here but there's a little bit worse actually than here and that could be because E.G.F. may be inhibiting adequate loops that are pro-survival we have special talked about this with Manu interesting a lot of the E.G.F. Perceptor hundred time or. You see really terrible So in fact very few cells survive so there's some huge difference between these guys. OK the regular one is you know manna from heaven for these guys you could see their credibly able to survive in the presence in Iraq in one and both really interesting only her three doesn't have a kind. So it can't act by itself but when it had time arises with her too it sends a very very strong signal through the whole K.T. pathway. So this is consistent with what we would expect from a pro-survival signaling. This homo timer. Ahead ahead of a time or an E.T.F. and Raglan also pro-survival But interestingly So this is native New regulated. This is the time or very poor survival. OK These results are actually what we would predict based on if we first thing E.G.F. homo diverse we get more survival because we've taken her two out of the party and her two was a more potent pro-survival signalling here. If we've taken her three out of the party her three shutting it off again we get poor survival. So it actually is consistent with what we expect. It another very important phenotype both for tissue regeneration of cancer is migration and we follow this a number of ways. One is just simpler to do my creation experiments random some motel O.T. which you can follow with time lapse video of my cross Skippy. This is an image that shows taken by Kevin Coren as some are YOU student from U.T. Austin in collaboration with Edgar Sanchez who's currently writing his thesis proposal in my group and so what we have here is we have you can see these cells so this is a single field and this shows the trace of where the cell wanders during the twelve hours we have serve it so the cell starts here of Wanderers here the cell starts here wanders over here and there's then there's various things that can happen the cell can divide it could die it can wander off the screen a few percent of cells have these kind of weird events and we take them out they don't. Statistically change the migration analysis that we did. Because so we can do these kind of experiments on a lot of cells and this is a little bit faint but. The tracks didn't show up. So while E.T.F. has pretty much the behavior that was shown here had the tracks are not showing up so well so you can see these guys are very very active but when we have the regular to regular in the cells are just spinning spinning around in their little things and I have for some reason on the screen. We're not really seeing it. If we summarize their different migration behaviors and do spike a lot of hands. So essentially some cells probably go anywhere they spend in circles or they just are not mo tile and this is observed particularly with the sly games here then phenotypes or the cells move really fast and really persistent or observed in other conditions. OK now I'm going to try to yes show you some data not not a very pretty sad but one way. There's a lot of different ways to interpret migration data and we are sorting through how to compare different modes but one way is to say what fraction of your initial population moved total. More than fifty microns from where it started and so if we look there and this is the concentration of the various live dance. If there is nothing there just by happenstance about half the cells move fifty microns that's just by happenstance I have to be fifty percent. If we have E.G. half. There's an interesting kind of slightly by face of behavior it's similar to not but then we start to inhibit migration here. The head of time or I mean sorry the homo time are tremendous. At first it inhibits at low concentrations there's a tremendous by phasing effect where it's very stimulatory here and then comes back down the regular and. Is inhibitory at low concentration starts to stimulate as we go higher and higher and the whole no diamond though completely opposite behavior so this is this is an irregular and this is the homo dimer it's essentially shutting we think shutting off signalling and so. The point of the side is to show you that quantitative effects are very different when we have a monologue in versus a time or like and so we can monitor here dimer here really opposite effect of what might be going on. OK And then another kind of asked say is Kim attacks a Cinna Transmetal assaye So this was not me some stem cells. This is a that has traditionally been known as suppressed cancer when it's actually a melanoma line and this was from Jepson got that single slab he has supposed to express themselves so that her two hundred three had or timers are very potent for immigration so they're doing that a static cancer cells and if they've got models and now if we take these cells and set them up in a chemo tactics experiment where they're undergoing chemo taxes to regen which is something they normally Rob to do they live to migrate to the regular end and we add a constant concentration about time or to post sides of the the assaye we can see that regular in the regular one and. So there should be at the time of prostration when there's nothing. You get. These are actually dime a concentration here in this city. So when there's nothing you get really great migration but the regular regular and hard piece are with a tactic agent added So these were arts remark on trails he got cut off your sister to rag on got cut off. So this was with No no. Right on presence so this is our control. There's no queue Metaxas essentially if we add now than the regular And we get chemo taxes that we talked about why can't the regular rag on how much time or completely shuts it off. So it's consistent with our hypothesis. Now that might that be happening in fact we are now going to start looking at signalling for example activation as measured by Fosco arc we can see a regular on activates arc. OK And it does. Dependent manner by Bill in America when. Very modest activation and if you go to higher concentrations it shuts it off. So this is completely consistent with the view that with so I mean these homo timers of one three three doesn't have a kind of a so the how much time was just sit there they can't do anything and so nothing happens. OK that actually could be very good for cancer cells. OK So let's think about an experiment in these M.C.F. seven cells which actually have all of the family members notably they have her three and her force we're going to have to do a kind of tricky experiment with this. To observe it. Again on her three hundred on her shouldn't signal but the regular and binds to both her three and her four. So in this experiment we're going to do some controls where we block the whole floor access by using just an antibody that binds to her for OK so we're going to if we add. These don't signal this one signal. OK. This would signal but this wouldn't signal. Now what for our farmers can. So we can block that if we add anti her forces we have anti before we knock this out and this is silent. Anyway so we should be able to block. OK So we do the experiment. Here there's nothing added here we add an anti to rag on anybody to block her for we put in our law again. OK So then we put in our by mail and right in line and when we stimulate with no regular OK so if everything is hunky dory and regular because the cells to signal right. OK but if the Babylon is inhibiting we'll see a DOS dependent inhibition OK So in fact again this is just showing a native irregular and you stimulate. It's highly stimulated again they have both for three or four so this is completely expected. OK now if we do this experiment. OK we we add we stimulate. You know we add either plus or minus the any body. We then put out by Vaillant like India and then we stimulate with a regular one and this is a dose response would be a lot of doses no regular and is able to stimulate these cells case and rego is doing great group great. And now as we add continue to add this higher and higher concentrations of by the law again we shut off again. And so this is if we inhibit her through our if we don't inhibit her for more. And this is kind of expected you would rather just looks like in these cells. We are in fact shutting off this axis of signaling and in fact it causes the cells to undergo a photo system we do in a photo SAS a percent just dead cells. When we go in and again look at a phenotype So this is actually pretty exciting because it offers an opportunity different way and who would think to shut off the signaling by this terrible amount of cancer. If you've got the supposed three hundred two hundred timer solution that's causing a lot of problems. Anybody therapies are very difficult because any problems are big and they actually have a hard time getting into Murs But we're finding with this. These are very small. Molecules So there's potentially a lot of therapeutic potential you know who would think you have a wide and from what you're trying to shut off to shut it off. So my lab is in a cancer lab we're working with some other labs now to pursue this. OK just to finish up real quick on the M.S. see the signaling is sort of the same story I focus there on her three hundred one hundred two timers again we can control the signaling or drive the you know the signaling data. In terms of. If we have by they want E.T.F. we can get those responses are relative increase relative to one of pale an E.T.F. receptor phosphorylation but we see a decrease in her too so the signaling data shows a shift into each after Sept her that we'd expect. OK so what I tried to do today is present you a motivation for why we go down this path of this protein engineering looking at receptor dynamics. So initial data that this could be very interesting way manipulate this receptor family and I'll close with when I go see garden it's really nice photos of the complexity of this pathway all the way from. Production of the live hands by shedding pretty little shedding from the cell surface finding timers ation and effectors can even be clearly influencing all these pap place. What I hope we've done is not only about things that may be useful in the clinic translation therapeutics but also as tools to help us sort out what some of the signalling pathways are in that you have Perceptor system. I had tried to mention everyone involved in the work which really was lose bias or it was mainly the mark of him. Seymour who was from E.P. F.L.G. problem only swore it sent him over to do his masters and Linda Stockdale's her technician who makes a lot of the Palmers Edgar Sanchez did the video tracking and eggers on there twice I guess you do a lot of work but yeah he did do a lot of work actually actual. Undergraduates. You know I want to hear. We have two tracks yeah maybe we can give him one of both tracks. OK so one to share with you. Just some facts about this family and we have the answering questions. Thank you. OK so what I'm trying. We try to see what we're doing not right now part of it is you know different research projects take on a life of their own the molecular stem cells have so few that trying to do the initial attempts to do that was not very successful. So it met bringing up some of these cancer cell lines where there is a higher receptor expression level so we're in the process of doing that in particular because they have a biotin linkage site so you can put that on so Robin prince who unfortunately her name's not here. She did the same attacks experiment she's just doing a short term post-op to sort out those issues. So we're in the process of doing that those experiments can see where they can have a lot of artifacts so it's tricky to get them from work that we should be a particular cause we had that robins in and that's actually one of her projects right now is to actually get that another thing we're doing in this part of the S.T.C. is we're labeling both of them with. Floors that are non fluorescent and then become for us when they bind in this is probably in per jali so that we can actually measure the binding by increasing porosity upon binding of the likeness of we just got a post-op to start on that these methods to prove the physical sociate are really. The key to get to work as you. The really tricky to get more. OK. And I'm happy to say I'm talking firmly to anybody. Afterward. Yeah. That we haven't we haven't done that we really based on our space are like off from work that we had done with the system and what we thought was effective the facts on the docket to be went back to the Post stock that we had with Barbara's lab. She's got a method that we really want to do is NOT have them joined by the quote but actually have them as one protein if you express just one protein no you get a giant mess because the three bites you know each has three dots you get a lot of blood. So you can do those you can make each one separately and Reigate them and this is just not stuff I do in my lab but probably Imperioli slab. So she's going to rub neither of us are going to do any of this Andrew is going to do it all and he was going to do exactly that make a series something quite systematic and during spacing them so we have a single molecule. Probably a little clearly resistant space or that we could do exactly what you said yes and those people are interesting. I tend to be you know there's a fine line between doing a lot of bio physics and focusing on the phenotype so that this is by physics it's not that hard to do and that we should do so well the great question. Of course. We haven't we haven't the experience like that. I think partly I tend not to think about activate you say have to be an active bodies. We used to have two to five very frequently to inhibit body why can't you have Perceptor effect have some data showing that we can have the effect we see with diamond use of five. You mean like I guess we could you know you could do the same thing with a herd herd but we have we haven't done that. I'm not sure what it was what it would say exactly. But yeah yeah. That was a solution. And I wasn't none of the final stuff none of the time a work was tethered and I'm six one five. OK So there's a lot of play after the first of all in solution we get so solution. Things can be internalized what I what we haven't done yet or done a very good job of with there that I would show here is look at receptor traffic. So if you give us all you pull them regulate the receptor because it's internalized and degraded. If you get tethered that it turns out you don't completely shut it off because this takes place against a background like so the front now has to understand how and why. And this is about as a little terrified all of the cells are definitely yeah right like it's now some of the upper life is a signal from the surface primarily expression that when someone gets so nervous. My belief the hypothesis is they're doing some help. Now can't lie. So here goes. Why was this. When was that really the efforts of her family this year not as a problem but the big picture is it probably changes the dynamics of availability or separate the surface and there allow signalling so that your kids get a service. You're also heard to her one head or a time or trafficked way more slowly than her once so you're keeping it at the surface is one explanation. You keep Perceptor surface and you have so it's all your it's hard to have lost it. You know there's a lot of ways ties it and we're you know we have a point I want to make but there's a lot less of me in the system. We're building tools that will let us dissect out some of these facts. OK And the other question I think we should give Linda another hand print it.