Heard of. About fifty miles away from our site. Also I've heard this deficit. Spending projects more than. Six bucks in the hole so existing. For among others. But also a life who remind the future of science is not only a child. Entering the room it's also a scientific telling. The Israelis. And it. Does only through a large set of conclusions from. Relation based on experience the results of a computer of activities like. Direct. Others. There are also other brainchild. There are many. Theories. And today we have the pleasure of. Professor Richard. Member and former director of the group for studies. Well The Guardian and on the record last night this particular model of course there are over six. Now that share a good part. Of Texas at Austin. And he has a major contribution. To this next one which transport you really. Know your mother. If you have to I think that's the leading expert in this field. It's just. Important and challenging problems thank you. But really delicious day talking to colleagues in the department and learning about exciting thing going here really really great great experience. This is just saying to someone this is a talk not about things I've done but about things I've heard and that's a come down and kind of a said change in my life so I will see if I cope with it or if I start sobbing in the middle of it. It really is a news report so I'm telling you I'm going to tell you what's going on in fusion nowadays in the in the U.S. fusion program and it will be my own. Perspective and on the theorist so it's probably a distorted might be a distorted perspective. So that's. What it's about actually this outline is incomplete there's also. The numbering is funny to this from going to start out with a short course in fusion much I hope doesn't insult people but just a few slides how fusion supposed to work up magnetic fusion is supposed to work and then there's this survey and there's this comment I have of. This comment that. Area. Plasma Physics as I think most of you know is a very exciting dynamic area of research or a growing area of research especially proud of my astrophysics and pasta physics is actually quite delicious and. I wish you know I resisted the temptation to put in five slides about the excitement of plasma physics. Fusion. Physics is. A part of plasma physics and you can judge at the end of the talk how exciting you think it is but of course the fusion program is more and more being dominated by engineering issues and by large scale simulation. So I'm going to give you this survey and then I hope that there's some time to talk about more fun things to very specific concrete interesting initiatives going on in the program. And here's the short course that I advertised so again forgive me if this is insulting but this is a plot of stored energy in an atomic nucleus as a function of nuclear mass and the punchline which you probably all know is that everything wants to be iron and iron is the real. Equilibrium state have a nucleus somewhere in the vicinity of iron. And when you get heavier elements there's more energy free energy available and similarly lighter elements have free energy available but there's a disparity between the two the amount of energy. Available and. Nuclei that are too small is huge compared to the amount stored in nuclei that are too large and that's why usually starts to look interesting. So that. Stored energy all has to do with the nuclear force which is very short range as you know strongly attractive. Light elements want to join want to fuse with each other get to a lower energy state but they have to contend with the cool force the these are nuclei all nuclei are positively charged. And so they repel each other before they know about how much they're going to like each other OK and that's that what's called the barrier. And to overcome that barrier requires an enormous energy they have to be approaching I have a D.N.A. T. here that's a Deuteronomy and a try time to isotopes of hydrogen that most easily Hughes. They have to approach each other at huge speeds in order to get past this barrier the repulsive Coolum force. And when you get nuclei or atoms that at the necessary energies on hundred million degrees. You don't have an ordinary gas anymore the electrons are completely unbound from the nuclei. And so you have a gas of of ions the nuclei and lecture on separate independent gases Well not really independent but very they interact with each other but they no longer are bound as they're no longer bound into atoms and that gives rise to a very dynamic. State of matter. Called plasma. And you know it's in the fluorescent lights in this room stars are made out of plasma most of interstellar. Space is plasma. And. Lightning is Pozner OK so what we need to do. Is hold this very hot plasma together long enough for appreciable number of fusion reactions take place and that's the challenge. Of fusion energy. You could also say well. They they have mass these nuclei They're massive and therefore they can't separate from each other instantaneously because of that mass So if we just crammed together and then let them expand maybe they will not expand fast enough. To prevent fusion that requires streaming high density that's how a nuclear explosive works you cram these nuclei together. At such high density that appreciable fusion reactions take over just because inertia prevents them from separating themselves just ordinary you know that's called inertial confinement it's really a strange name it's not confining at all but the nurture holds them together a long long enough for a fusion and that's the program that you've probably heard of the National Ignition Facility at Livermore the. I C F program inertial confinement fusion program my interests of have always been in magnetic confinement and that's the story of which is on this slide and now you know the sun is a ball of plasma and you know that the energy the sun comes from fusion so I somehow it shouldn't be all that hard the way the sun manages to confine and keep the nuclei close enough to each other to fuse is through gravity the sun is really really big and it's so big that the gravitational force provides the confinement and soon as you see this fear you know that you've got. A radio force. That's holding it together and that's how the sun manages to do its job but the reason I showed this picture is that there's a little thing there that's not spherical. Structure there and that structure. Magnetic confinement that's a centrally a little dipole field and eating from one spot and being sucked up into a neighboring one the little dipole field lines come out of the sun and go back in and those lines are lit up and visible because they're loaded with plasma and you can see what's happening the plasma particles are swirling gyrating around the field lines they can't get off the field lines because that's what one part on a charged particle is in the Merced in the magnetic field it gyrates around the field lines so particles and that's really the whole point of this talk this is this is a token in the sense this is a magnetic confinement device right here OK So you see a big gravitational confinement device which on Fortunately won't fit on the surface of the earth and you see a magnetic confinement device which might fit on the surface of the year. So what's the key to magnetic confinement now in this picture the blue lines are supposed to be magnetic field lines so there's a magnetic field line and the little red thirty the rebel red swirl there helix is a charged particle gyrating around the field line and you see that that charge particle can't go marching off out of the picture because it's trapped on the field on just as I said right to gyrate around the field line so all I have to do is cover that surface with magnetic field lines and any particle impinging on that surface from the inside will be stuck there and can't get past it because it will have to do this little dance of this guy's doing. And so the key to magnetic confinement is to have a. As. A closed surface covered by magnetic field lines any surface covered by magnetic field lines it's. Well the magnetic surface and so the whole key to magnetic confinement fusion is a closed magnetic surface. Now you want to do a little bit better than just having one so the idea is to have a sequence of concentric nested magnetic surfaces each one inside the other and particles will have a very hard time getting out. The will come back to the fact that they can get out anyway will come back to that OK but the first thing is OK that now we know what we need to do we need to construct a close magnetic surface and that question comes up against an interesting point of topology So here's the so-called magnetic bottle once again the particle can't get out of the bottle but notice that this spiral for example there's a problem because the field lines seem to want to meet at the top and there's no way for them to do that. There can't be a field and know they are a place where the magnetic field vanishes because as soon as the magnetic field vanishes there's nothing to keep the particles inside the bottle there was a stream right out. So obviously we chose the wrong way to draw these lines well let's try a different way I'm not going to drag this out you see when you do it this way something funny is going to go wrong at the top again and at the bottom and similarly here you can't do it and this is a famous theorem it's credited often to prank array and they can mathematician tell me no really somebody else did it first but it's the fixed point theorem Anyway it says that you can't cover a surface with a smooth vector field unless that surface is a tourist. So that's why all the confinement devices start to Royal. And they can't you know it has to be a real Taurus It can't have any extra handles on it it has to be top of logically equivalent to a coffee cup. So you see there's no problem at all in a Taurus I could have the field lines in the short way and that I'm going around that short way is called Pole loyal and I'm just telling you that not that you need to know it but I'm likely divine mistakes a little later in the talk because I'm so used to it so that means going around the short way or you could also wrap felines around the long way that's called toroidal toroidal poloi. And that is are two ways easy ways to cover the donut with I get a clear line to make a close magnetic surface no problem at all the way it's done in the token MacTel can act as you probably know is a Russian word because it was the first very successful device of this sort the way it's a combination of those two the feel of line here is blue and it you see that it's polite a component indicated here in green and the Troika component so it turns out for reasons I. Don't have time to get into. To do a combination of the two that's how it's open mike works. OK So of course I've oversimplified and here are the main oversimplifications the particles will bang into each other every once in a while and when they do that there's a strong electric field that breaks this pretty picture I've been giving and they jump from one field line to another and they do that Brownian random walk so it gives gives rise to diffusion and it's quick calculation shows that that diffusion rate is so slow as to be utterly harmless no problem OK there was slowly build the fuse but wait too slowly to interfere with fusion. You may remember from your in M. class that when the magnetic field lines are curved and particles gyrate around them in addition to following the field lines which is their lowest order motion they. Also drift slowly across from the field lines and that turns out to be something that's easily handled So long story it gives modestly enhanced losses but again no problem because in the third but there really is a problem obviously this would have been solved a long time ago and that's fluctuating electric fields often on substantial length scales are not tiny microscopic length scale of the truth fields of much bigger than that. And they give rise to a more serious heat lost very serious heat loss which I'll talk about more later on. But the punchline of all that punchline is the right word. The important point to take home from all that is you know what With a little problems they still work tocome X. actually work. So here's a picture this is fusion power produced logarithmic and this is linear years so you can see this is a few years old this picture and these are all devices most of them in the US there's Alka Torah which Cristo mentioned the three D. which he also mentioned T.F.T. are which achieved. Something very close to fusion power out equaling electric power in and jet which came even closer. To the latest you have to write this to jet is in color one in England and T F T R's in Princeton and you can tell the slide was made at Princeton from the relative positioning of those two squares I know that call them disputes. And there's eater there. And sort of looks like we don't have all have far to go and in fact that's my belief either is designed very much along the line. Of these two devices and also the Japanese J T sixty you it's a very conservative design it tries to minimize novelty and just makes things bigger. OK So so I know what you're supposed to say yeah it looks like these things work. On all say that together. Groups. There's either. I hope I have all the participants and they're the big the big participants I put them on a separate line or the European Union or Japan they're paying. I think thirty per cent apiece. Since no one in the audience knows I should have said that with full confidence. They're paying a much bigger chunk then these other people who are paying ten percent I think it's down to seven percent of peace now and the big thing to notice here is that there's a person you see the person. There so it's a huge gadget and if there's time I'll come back and talk about that hugeness. OK we're through with the short course in the future. And so what's going on in U.S. fusion research and this is the simple supposedly the news part of the tour. And I think there are four things going on first and by far foremost is either there are a large fraction of the U.S. investment in fusion research these days is either related. And the best way to get your grand funded if you're doing fusion physics is to say this is very pertinent to either and just say that louder than the person at the neighboring institution. The third and by the way I don't mean to denigrate that a lot of very interesting science is coming out of trying to address and we'll talk about that a little bit OK. Looking ahead of eager eater doesn't look like a very. Attractive power source. Who do some historical event but it may not get the utility industry excited so let's see if we can find a way to build something that's much more desirable cheaper simpler more efficient and so that's a second thrust some of that has to do with just what they call the advanced hokum act making token Macs work better and some of that has to do with giving up on the top and I trying a different screen third item is a wall interaction mixture of physics and engineering but not a lot and a certain amount of pasta physics and the fourth is fusion power technology I want to say a few words about each of the so eager so first of all it or I don't one so it has to succeed the program is over if you're fails. And as I mentioned the good science comes out of that desperate need OK so you should write shouldn't be. Devalued. The big things and either and I'm going to go over this quickly because I don't think it will mean much to most of you there are there are things called Age localized modes or local instabilities that occur just near the token I favor the plasma as close to the wall and they look like they could be very harmful in a neater environment we've got to figure out what they're coming what's making them happen and how to turn them off there are things called destructions which we need to understand better. This is a little bit and tried the second bullet here alpha particles the ash D T fusion reactions when that do Kerryman tritium fuse they form a helium nucleus helium is a great thing it's actually in demand it's expensive so it's great to have your ASH product expensive but if until it gets out of the device it's going to act as a. Damper on fusion reactions number one and number two it there are these are very fast very high energy. Particles the alpha particles. Alpha particles are helium nuclei they're very energetic and you have this energetic species in Europe and it turns out that can be a source of instability so there's a lot of people worrying about that and working on understanding that and the next bullet is also kind of interesting that either environment will have lots of neutrons and that. Neutrons interact with diagnostics so these diagnostics the plasma the fusion program has been using for years all of a sudden are subject to a bath of of neutrons and also high energy particles and and you can't use the same old diagnostic you've got to rebuild them redesign them and in some cases really rethink them very in a very deep way. And when you the last item is that you have a now you have a different nonlinear system you have a non-linear system where the heat is supplied by the system itself and it's at the rate that it wants to supply heat as opposed to and at the present time people outside with their hands on controls knobs and switches are providing the heat input in eater that will be out of their control and the there's a possibility of new types of nominee your behavior second of my four topics is performance enhancement. Either will operate in pulses My recollection is one hundred seconds when I say my recollection I think you should take that to mean seventy five percent confidence. I think it's a hundred second one hundred second pulses and then. I think a minute in between or so it's going to be like that that's no way for a come on that's no way for a power source to act it gets really really hot and then it cools down for a few minutes and gets really really hot and it cools and the thermal stresses are awful and utility engineers see this they either laugh or get sick or walk out of the room or something I think so people are saying hey we can we can get around that we can make it up operate in steady state or at least very long much longer posts. Maybe I'll skip the rest of that. Then you can say well this whole token mac thing help them actually are great for making a hot plasma and she even fusion conditions they have done that more essentially So they're great for that but maybe they're not the right way to make a power generating thing. And this is really kind of fun stuff there are ways to make devices that are intrinsically steady state no pulsing or on one hundred second pulse you turn it on like a fluorescent light just turn on leave the room OK you can do that in principle and. There's another point that gets me back to this previous slide. The the there are two parts of the magnetic field a political part of the true part it turns out when you when you study this carefully you find that all the real confinement. Is coming from the political part the toroidal part is there to shrink gyro radio to make the charity is small and that don't ask me why I mean don't we can't don't have time to get into this makes things more stable so the Troy will feel which is a huge investment in dollars big big bucks in these corals and putting in their superconducting and driving hundreds of thousands of amperes through. Bux there and all that's doing is stabilizing things all the confinement is coming from this field I'm dragging this out to wrong but it would be really cool so it looks like a quality a clue just another word a clue to looks like a bad design and there are ways to get rid of the field which people would love to try I find this a very exciting part of the program but it's being starved to death and I mean when I say starved to death I mean literally to death. Nowadays. Plasma wall interaction. So this is as you can imagine a big deal I don't know if I want to get into it I mentioned already the edge logo a lot localised this is a big effort. Physics component are fifty percent. People call it kitchen there's six but there's some actually some interesting physics issues in it and it's a huge thing how does the possum a come to terms with the wall if there's time on I may come back and say. More about it this last item is kind of interesting enough that I didn't have time. And then I think this is the last of my four topics maybe I will say. This is a major topic and it's mostly engineering but it's kind of exciting that this is now on the horizon fusion power so we've got to confront things that always in the past we thought were indefinitely postponed but eaters saying No you've got to think about these things right now in fact it's probably too late you should have been thinking about them for five years already so. How do you get the alpha particles out the ash out how good is the how do you design the system so that the heat being generated doesn't damage the walls. Or the. Those neutrons. And furthermore tritium is not something you trivially find the only way you're going to happen after trying to keep the fusion reactor going it's five greeting pretty and there's a simple reaction. Where it looks neutron and lithium gives you tritium and that that that's no problem in principle but and in engineering point if you How are you going to keep reading that tritium and you know introducing it into the reactor This one is sort of seventy five percent solved maybe getting the power out you know I get into that can't resist this last bullet because it has this great. Word in it Rami So when you want to show that you've got real engineering credentials you just look for a chance to get the word Rami into your conversation and you're in. So that sense reliability availability maintainability inspect ability. Rami. OK What about theory say a few words about fusion theory. This is probably more more interest to insiders but there was a period a very exciting period in the sixty's before my time of exploration and innovation. Tool development what I want to. Emphasize here is something that started in the eighty's and it had mostly to do with better diagnostics and interesting story all of a sudden gradually but becoming visible in the eighty's there were diagnostics sophisticated enough and sensitive enough to actually test theories and it was wonderful I mean the effect on the field was very visible and very profound and made it made theory much more fun and exciting and all of a sudden we I'm serious with physicist were designing models and making. And the problem is the fusion plasmas in these token active vices were following those predictions I'm talking about you know five or ten percent accuracy they were really doing just what the theory said they would do sometimes better than five or ten percent and in fact. The devices were controlled. By. Software that had built into them theories real theoretical physics fluid dynamics stuff so it was very cool what's happening most recently I would say from about the year two thousand is an emphasis on large scale simulations I would say a field day for. That sort of. Science. This is a big saw I'd. Go over it quickly what is simulation for it Well traditionally the real point of simulation was to help you in the concept of development that's what theory is really about theory tries to identify the key points of key concepts maybe it has to introduce new definitions. That. All of which are tools to understand what's going on and the traditional goals I think of simulation were to help in that. Effort the conceptual development often using relatively simple models and but with eater and the cost of the eater and the importance of eater. The goal is now very ambitious and it's to actually predict the evolution of an eater discharge one of these hundred second things to predict what's going to happen putting all the wall interactions and the plasma physics. All together. In a hugely complicated code and the core of the inner means the interior part of the plasma and the edge and this is a big big deal and I think for people doing it it's a. Very exciting. Deal. I didn't make it to the my two initiatives and that's good and there's twenty five minutes left or even more because I started ten after. OK. So I'm going to actually talk about two specific and that's there are questions on the first part specific. Things that are going on. Which I find both find interesting both of which I find interesting so let me just be the first is a. Something that I've only been peripherally involved with and insufficient Fusion hybrid and it's politically controversial but who cares we're just going to talk about the physics and the second thing I've been much more involved in is I so far more confinement We'll talk about that OK I'm just so happy that I got to where I am and in this time. So this. Georgia Tech has a program parallel to the one of about to describe and the idea is to say let me tell you the idea. The real problem with Fusion the reason people it's so easy to make jokes about the fusion program you know it's always twenty years away or whatever is that it's first step is so huge almost every other technological advance starts out with a very small thing that kind of works and that shows that there's a real idea that when you make a little bit bigger a little bit better and it develops into something very important at some point early in that process industry catches on gets interested and invests OK and that's been classic example is the steam engine steam engine started out as a device to pump water out of mines out of coal mines and board it would collect in there and waste you know the two. Areas and they would have a donkey in the mine going around in a circle driving a pump to get the water out and this steam engine was much better than them than the darky and he didn't go to the bathroom for one thing OK so it was a huge improvement and that's how the steam engine started out and it was a small step and that's what fusion has always lacked that first small step the first step to a fusion is always this enormous thing you can't make a little token back OK It just doesn't work because your diffusion losses will always be. Fusion OK. So so it has this huge first step and it's the whole field has been third and by the size of that first step from the beginning and what's Well I think is cool about this is that here's an example of a relatively small first step what you do is you say yeah it's very hard to get it's as hard as you saw ether is big. To make a power station out of fusion but it's not hard to make lots of neutrons out of fusion we can do that right now lots of neutrons and you know what neutrons can be very useful things in particular you can take the wastes the waste product of a fission reactor these are away some of which will last for thousands of years. And be very hazardous for thousands of years you can take those waste and wash them in a bath of neutrons and guess what they do that thousands of years. Nuclear DK In ten years. OK you wash them in neutrons you can you can take story I'm Which is not visible not appropriate for fission reaction the ordinary isotope of authority and wash it in neutrons and produce highly fissionable material and you can do those things it turns out for complicated reasons. And when I say complicated reasons what I really mean is reasons I never bothered to figure out you can do all of that without proliferation dangers and that is it's a it's a very safe thing it's something you wouldn't worry about. Evil people getting ahold of it turns out to be very easy to control OK so I mention this quantity Q. which is the ratio of the fusion power out of the electric power into the power of that heat and power in to keep it going. Either is shooting for Q equals ten. And will probably make it real workable powerplant would like to have Q. equals fifty if you ask and Nero tell you he will he will say I even think that's accessible but but that's years off OK that's years off Q. equals wrong we're basically there we've done it we've got Q point seven point eight already. Done so that's what and that's all you would ask of this to make this path of neutrons you don't have superconducting corals you have copper corals. And you might change the game for fission and of course vision is very unpopular now but this this is an example of something that can make it more popular because all of a sudden you have a solution to the waste problem. Short of Yucca Mountain. Those of you know about the Yucca Mountain Dew that are. So this is a group my cock sure thirst white ash Mahajan. And I want you who have been the main workers behind this developing this this is what it looks like there's the person and it's it's much it's a tiny fraction of the course I mean a tiny fraction of the cost of ear. It's a fusion reactor there it is right there surrounded by I'm not actually surrounded by here and here you can see is a. Blanket and then through that blanket you would either put. Vision waste but you're not going to get. The toxified What is the word I want they're going to get pushed down to. Relatively harmless levels or third floor in which you're going to turn into this simple material and there's a very simple way you can remove the fusion core and replace it when you need to service things to replace it. And I hope I said that there's a competing similarly motivated proposal coming from Georgia Tech come your nuclear engineering department I think. Now here's either again and there's this gadget that I'm talking about so you see the scale size. The difference in scale and there's an even bigger difference in cost and it's. Based on technologies already underdeveloped and it's tries to be very simple and straightforward in operation. There is a. There is one piece of physics here that's interesting I mean just take a moment to talk about. That's my culture it's there by the way. Why didn't people for a long time ago say hey let's make. A Q. equals one small token back just for fun just as for example university experiment and the reason is that if you're really going to get to Q. equals one that means you're producing lots of fusion power. And something this small you're going to have a huge amount of heat the neutrons can you know you can shield the neutrons but the heat a huge amount of heat is going to be impinging on this wall and the wall will simply corrode erode away from this enormous heat load. All token Max nowadays in order to control ash removeable and to have a knob to control how much plasma is in the machine what's called the diverter and what you do is you take the outer field lines they're in pink here and you divert them so that the outer ones instead of being and closing the plasma go off in a new direction and hit a metal plate and. You see that happening this looks conventional here I'll tell you what's new about it in a minute but so far this could be just a conventional what's called a diverter diverter is a little plate you extract from fear lines the outermost class after the plasma has diffused across this separate checks it follows these outer feeder lines and hits that plate you've concentrated all the heat load in that area which is means that you protected the wall and you've also gained control over over the plaza but of course what's going to happen to that plate and the answer is this if this were a conventional diverter and this device was producing equals one that much fusion plate would be vaporized OK And you'd be in bed trouble and what. My country ruther and his colleagues there's a big idea there's a very clever way. Which would be take we explain to spread these field lines these felines are not just going the way they say they're also moving in the third dimension the troika way all the way around and that's done in a very subtle clever way so that by the time and during that whole long trip that the postman makes royally on those field lines it's radiatively cooling it's radiating like mad and cyclotron radiation and getting colder and colder to. By the time it hits the plate it's an accuracy. That's the big idea it's a single technical idea very difficult but they've done it and there's no question that they've done it and that's what makes a small such a small scale on reactor possible I guess I've said all that here. When I say they've done it they have only done it numerically by simulation but it's been sufficiently convincing that the major new mac at column laboratory in England is installing Mr Berger and in fact the community as more of us acknowledge that this will work I personally have no doubt about it at all it's were based on very simple physics it's a complicated design but this basic idea is very simple and so. There's very little question about the viability of this and as I said it's being installed at column I think the time scale for that to be seen is less than a year now. OK So I think I've said most of this you reduce the volume. Of nuclear waste you don't have to build one of these for every fission reactor for every twenty Vision reactors you have one of these gadgets the compact neutron source. And you could also I said do. Fuel breeding and I haven't you're trusting me on this or maybe you're not but there's a long complicated argument that shows that and with regard to the proliferation this is very safe very attractive from that point of view. But that's the end of that story is coming to my second. Physics topic and my last topic anyway that's the the compact neutron source. OK So there's a long tradition in the field to fusion physics saying that we can't do thermodynamics of course because these are systems far from equilibrium and thermodynamics only pertains to equilibrium systems so if you're going to study. And and magnetic and time and forget about equilibrium the story goes on to say in the equilibrium state everything is happening the diffusion has taken place and all the gradients are smoothed out and this wonderful confined plasma has spread itself over the universe. So that's the standard. Dogma and people believe that sounds kind of plausible I guess and with the result that there's almost no permanent damage in. Physics and magnetic communion physics. But it's wrong OK it's wrong I mean it's true that eventually. If you go to the longest possible time scale you know all the neutrons will it be Kate away or or whatever OK the thermodynamics says and say there's some holy thing called an equilibrium state and we know exactly what it is all thermodynamics says is that there are things that happen fact that there are some things that happen faster than others. When the fast things are mixing from the first things are mixing then on a slower time scale we will see a mixed system a mixed system means a system that has found its most probable state. And as soon as the system find its most probable state in the thermodynamical crank everything works perfectly and all you required for that is a separation of time scales a fast thing that mixes and a slower thing which is a time scale of interest. Going in a mix and there's never an equilibrium state in any absolute sense but put a glass of water on the table. OK And we all see the say well the water is going to evaporate until the vapor pressure exists in the dogma that's it but eventually you're not waiting long enough if you wait long enough the glass evaporates. But that's a much slower time scale and exactly. The reason thermodynamics works is because the separation of time scales OK I'm I'm going on too long about that so that's the slight. But as a result of this solely prejudice. We haven't been taking advantage of very powerful methods of physics so let's look for an equilibrium distribution in this sense it is on the sense that there's a fast thing and we're looking for things that occur much more slowly by the way that separation of time scales is absolutely common. Base of in fusion science separate things that are much faster and things are not that's why the fusion simulation program and start challenging separation of time scales is great if you're an analytical theorists and it's a nightmare if you're a numerical scientist. Separation times goes very common so I'm getting into stuff here which was started by Peter Cato a friend of mine and collaborator on this so I want to make sure I mention his name right away so I write down. Kinetic equation familiar to some of you have done the will kinetic theory for distribution function which on some slower time scale is changing slowly so there's no D.F.T. T. term and on the right hand side it's a collision OPERATOR And you can take the went out collision operator whatever your favorite collision operator is. Both face P. is the momentum and is the. Relativistic energy and what. Peter Cato did was to say is there an interesting solution that's confined that's confined and which both sides of this equation vanish. If the right hand side vanishes collision only equilibrium has just means that it's as messy as it can be collisions can make it any messier and if a left hand side vanishes it's a kinetic equilibrium and I spelled equilibrium wrong both times and no one has ever given a talk with slides without misspelling something but I thought I was going to be that. OK So to be a collision of equilibrium you have to be a little Lawrence scalar depending only on collision and variance. And in the local fluid rest rain you have to be an actual Boltzmann. I'm counting on your having some course of making those statements and there it is where the beautiful thing here capital you there it is capital you is the four vector velocity fluid velocity not the microscopic the fluid velocity. Little Piggy is the microscopic prosody the actual velocity of a particle and this capital D. is the fluid velocity and and capital P. is the canonical momentum the combination of the ordinary months and the. DOCTOR potential together here. And right. If you go to the rest frame you see that this is exactly a Maxwell in the rest frame that's capital U. is just one the D. is zero so all you get is the zero component of capital T. and that's just the plus the zero component of that which is the electrostatic potential that is exactly a Maxwell Boltzmann distribute. So Peter had a smart idea. He wrote it very differently Well that's why I don't go into any more details than that. OK Well Peter Knight went through the and some details and by the way it's not quite as wonderful as I'm saying but let's let's pretend it is it's more fun to camp but it's close to his wonderful is what I'm saying OK so. She really. Here we are OK So there's a little mix up there but it's not important. This is. OK let me just see if there's more. It's OK so so as I said we went through. When you go through this yeah I can do it from here this is cool so you noticed that when you do this you find that in the restaurant this is a Maxwellian but in the lab frame in the frame of the system of the confining system it's got this philosophy. And it's easy to calculate the velocity v and that's what this later slide shows. And that's what it turns out to be zeta is the toroidal going all the angle going around the long way so what turns out it turns out that this. That we've constructed have these wonderful properties. And this is where the kinetic equilibrium to I'm sorry so I told you that it had to be a drifting Maxwellian to be a collision only equilibrium to be kinetic only equilibrium what you find is the velocity must be precisely that philosophy and what it is it's velocity so the donut is rotating about its vertical axis the whole plasma is rotating not quite rigidly this well rigidly in a sense this capital R. is the major radius the distance from the. Center of the donor outwards. Here's the down and here's the center of the donut and R.. Is that distance. And you find that if the rotation rate if he is given by that expression where the rotation rate is given by this expression I guess the hope the notation to N. is the density five is the electrostatic potential if that's true then. I do mention Peter K. a good for me then indeed you find out that the distribution makes the left hand side of the equation vanish also it's an exact kinetic equilibrium so we have an exact solution and so we mark of zero so unusual implies a physics and exact solution to a kinetic equation and it's quite simple it has to rotate at a prescribed rate. And we're where there. Then you ask is it confined. To be confined it has to have zero density at some finite radius or at least exponentially small radius this is the paper Peter and I wrote together about this what a long time ago. We get in these things never real tokamak Plasmas do spin toroidal e not a precise they are alot of you but they do spin shortly I'll tell you why they're not approach shots they are velocity and but they're never relativistic in effort to vote Asians we do much like to be Rhoda So we did a. Non-relativistic limit and what you find. It's an insurer. Calculation in requiring Kweisi neutrality that the local density be the same as the local electron density is that the density varies in this way. Maybe this is getting a little bit complicated for me to explain in detail but there is one point here this is first time it's appeared on Fortunately side is the Poil flux and it's a measure of radius so I think of. It's an exact thing but it's Think of it as a measure of not this radius. But that radius the radius from the. Inside the radius in the plural cross-section. And the whole point of this. Expression is that the density becomes exponentially small as Psion creases So there's an exponential fall off of the density with a minor radius. I want to go back to the slide now. And just for just for this picture and here's the picture that yeah. It's significant Yeah. Sorry I'm a little bit what's significant. Yes. Is the absence of a temperature gradient here. And OK Now usually the temperature gradient is a great big thing after all at the wall the plasma supposed to have some temperature close to that of the wall temperature in the center it's supposed to be one hundred million degrees OK so the temperature gradient is a huge. Thing. It's in easy observation and it's because of that huge temperature gradient that all. Are turbulent and unstable OK it's exactly putting a pot of water on the stove not exactly. You're just generating so much heat that the and we requiring imposing such a steep temperature gradient that the heat has to get out through turbulent convection. If this is observed in the sun the sun he conduction in the sun is largely from turbulent conduction and for the similar reasons there's no temperature gradient here this gadget has a flat temperature profile that's what we call it I still thermal It has a five temperature profile and you would say that's ridiculous that means that the you're asking this wall to withstand one hundred million degrees but I hope you see the point. If I can find the point the point is that by the time you get to the wall there's no density left yes the temperature is still very high it should be in theory it's absolutely flat out tell you why I gave it a little curvature here but but there's no density there's no plasma there. There's exponentially little plasma there OK so you can have a flat temperature profile. If you have a sufficiently deep density profile Exactly and that's the that's the cool thing about this I mean the question about this is this have anything to do with the real world and that's still a question but I tend to think it does and I'll tell you why and it tells us that we were all along making a mistake to thinking we had to bring the temperature down before you reach the wall you don't have to bring the temperature down before you reach the wall if the density is already very well so that's part of what come out comes out of this OK if back. It was so here this summarizes what we thought I found. There's a unique you can't there's very few free parameters once you say that you must have like both the kinetic equilibrium and a collusion an equilibrium everything else is fixed it turns out that what's really coming out is that you have to have constant chemical potential I won't go there though and so would I So it's I still thermal confinement based on an exponentially reduced wall content. And then here's the last point. Good that I that I was in this regard that I want to bring up there is a gadget. Following this theory I printed L.T. X. and it has an additional property of a lithium liner let's not talk about that but it has a nearly flat temperature profile and in fact its temperature profile looks like the one in that slide I showed you a minute ago just at the very end occurs on a little bit that's why I used that because that's where the L.T. X. looks like so this is been done and guess what it's very stable and has remarkably good confinement properties it's small and it's under-diagnosed because nobody can afford to buy diagnostics for it and it may even now have been terminated because eater Smalling everything up but there's no question about this there's lots of lots of data on L.T. X. and L.T. X. looks a lot like what I've been telling you so that there's reason to think this is all real OK So this is my summary slide. The US fusion reef search program really is very different from what it was five or so years ago there's an eager focus which is exciting and stimulating forces us to look at hard questions some of which turn out to be very interesting but it's also constraining. And it's hurting other parts of the program and involves a mix of science and technology not all of which is aimed at either but it is looking beyond eater and. I hope the two physics ideas I showed you. Make the point that exploration and innovation are still important parts of the fusion programme and which continues to thrive on creative thinking I think that's probably my last slide it is indeed thank you so much for your attention. OK so the name is still beguiled some people believe what the metal of choice now is or stand out exterior and don't ask me to go expand on that that's correct yes arsenic still has it has its sufficiently robust for this yes. Yes So. You are supposed to come on line and I have in my slide it said two thousand and twenty that came from a car from somebody I know who is involved I recently saw a need or publication that said Twenty nine hundred that's for turning it on. And what Crystal said was accurate it's been postponed several times the cost is increased by several factors. I will say that it my information. Mation is that it's more on track now than it used to be and maybe we're not going to see another and in cost increase. It's what I'm to been told. Yes. You know it was. A good question so we're not you know ASCO or any existing organization it was. What was called the eater council and they had many meetings some of which were quite bitter and but they were just people in the U.S. fusion who got the U.S. representative was at that time deputy secretary secretary of energy. And a good question so it was a less formal thing than what you're describing just people getting together and ironing out these agreements and then not an easy process. Yeah. Let's let's look at the sure. Maybe this is the slow yes it must be right. This is a very technical thing but it's actually quite scary. Localized modes and general stability of it are the point is we there are things called disruptions for example which occur on present day devices and so what but eater would be an electromagnetic pulse of serious proportions and so either is designed to only take I don't know three destructions a year or something some finite number and we better make sure we know exactly how to avoid them I'm sort of agreeing with you but I'm saying that this one that might look relatively harmless It's not at all harmless the second that I think is less scary for me I that's where the diverter does it and everybody seems like it will work. I don't know. This is just money here I think just have to put I have to redesign diagnostics but if that's just money and you know I'm the usual good technological thinking. Know what to say about this last item except I expected to be kind of interesting no I don't see any of these. Things. That's right you're absolutely right to say that I don't want to sound overconfident but people have thought about that for so long and done so much work on that and they simply say yes well and they simply say yes we can handle the heat load. And and the reason I believe that is that eater could turn up its parameters considerably good you bet raise this point it could look much sexier in terms of Q. except that they can accept the heat load so it's the dealing with the heat load that has nailed them I can recall Sten I think it's ten. They could out. Because they they don't have confidence in their ability to deal with the heat load of a higher level so that's a constraint. But I think it's something that's pretty well understood I don't think there's a lot of mystery to it whereas these guys much less well understood. Yes. It would definitely be. A. Token amount compared to the initial Yes I think we have this discussion I had so many discussions today forgot to whom I said what So the I'm going to say something bad about. Inertial confinement fusion Now first of all inertial confront a fusion has three motivations number one is defense we can talk about that sometime if you want or now if you want but number one has a big defense thing it was based on the basis of national defense that it was originally funded number two simulating in the laboratory at the at the site astrophysical conditions and interiors of stars collecting Jets things like that can be simulated at these very high energies that the National Ignition Facility will produce And number three fusion energy and I can't comment on the first of those objectives I think the second one is reasonably plausible of all expensive but plausible and the third one I don't think it's plausible and the reason I don't think I have that feeling about the energy application. Is that is this you have a little capsule you hit it with ninety six light lasers it implodes and indeed it pop it going to explode like it's a fusion firecracker so it's a. Firecracker size hydrogen bomb. The amount of energy electrical energy. Electrical energy you get from that pop is thirty five cents is worth thirty five cents on the market. OK so you have to make this caps on if you know about the capsules but they have multiple layers they have plastics and they had high using materials and they had to tearing which are all in the layers inside this sphere. You've got a pop and you've got to build it. Clean out the ash left over very important to the next one pop and you've got to do all that for thirty five for less than thirty five cents a pop. And of story. So but in terms of achieving Q equals one or Q equals five or whatever it's likely that and I that the National Commission facility will win that and that's great. Because But but in terms of making a reactor you'll be asked about a reactor on the grid that will power the grid I I don't I don't see that. Because of what I just said. Is. There. Just. I think the real field exciting field for theoretical Pozen physics. Now. Is astrophysics but but there are foreign challenges and in fusion physics Well the sort of on the slide I would say would be really exciting to figure out. These things and also the possible wall interaction which. Is sort of here. So there are exciting challenges and infusion but in terms of positives six I would say the most fun appealing. Just lie in posture astrophysics. I think that most of the the most interesting things we see in in the astrophysical world have a central plasma physics component and I think that they could be treated by this if instigated methods developed in the fusion program much better than the way they're being treated now. Thank you.