Your research to figure it is you have your story here about all the characters coming and coming to the big screen here you point out Charles or her child was underage child. There was another good life here very very fine. It was like the lady you were copying is a really very very serious way. So how this happened here is Minnesota. We have about one third of this idea. I don't know I'm getting letters every year that we've been involved at C.G.I. but really this is the start of all the stuff of Windows computers just runs us about it wasn't working this ninety thousand itself intended to do the kind of such like. Come on why did you ever go. There's no distinction in our study on my back and this is the story of the story of the discipline. He was going to go on. So that's a few words about just the background a little bit about looking down the stairs or the series of twenty eight cell pulled it out of the dimensions of the analysis and then the last part of this piece I must pull in for us to sell more than one research community. I'll give you full disclosure to this work. We're looking for one for the study we were going to came up through the zero one P.C. and things are getting working as a manager that is also where the sensitive program she said Well says that he she sees that he sees Putin kind of really remarkable. I'm kind of so over. You just feel this you know our grant proposal but these are all things that as a story we do you know college and so forth that we're doing in a way so I mean does the seven The C. Programming know about the social factors that desirable a dozen years of life in China. That's the right side of your words we're very interested in your group use of software systems to business and government sectors. You're very religious or government agencies on she's got to mean different social. Hardware software systems. This is also known as the stories we want to read this. So this is a area that is one of the issues we're pushing where these are all essentially historical lessons in three places the questions about your very happy to come down faster than those you have yourself. Well you know there's basically a National Science Foundation here a structure where I lived through with all elements of it for me. Maybe the only proposal for years out of the research project dealing with money and finally were once part of the simple system to look really tired. Still you know there's a good girl group. We also hear it's not that interested you Jack. Kate what are you for exactly what Peter Jackson had been doing crack proposals that will work in process for exactly like promises. It isn't really her horses put it for a White House. It can interact with and without touching it is truly a city pulled out and somehow it is so far it's like slow down with the sun and so forth that there's you know if there are any skewing of the Silicon Valley certain types of purple or certain types of reserves for certain areas or anything like that. Mark. That's basically the stuff that's never done. And of course the news here that the people really regenerate even the sun discipline that. Hampering also he's a fascinating very kind of interesting moment in history on there's a part of the story that's well known about ten years old. You know that you know so yeah it was sort of I see back when I was in the private sector. You know every day and so just really this happened in the ninety's when there were going on within you know recursive rather you know there was this expressed it was kind of really you can do something like on the proposals. I mean you know I put this article. There's one other thing here is the I write this shit down and it was a fail you know and you know it wasn't so hard for you. It's like the site you're some place like I was on do they actually bring an office just for these for you to force one on one side or so variances were sort of comfortable and that was the structure passing would need an orderly probably pretty high. If you want to put it kind of a scene but I think in the long run it was more or less hired to run and stuff computers and transition to something keep information on all of the titles rightly and she worked again you know Liaison Office. You know what we're going to be in this new computer system that's going to run itself the feelings the record. She said. Partly because when you lay this sort of goes this is this Is it exists. It's mine and it feels like nothing that I let you know used to work it was watched. It really was going on. Why weren't you might notable as a roadie instance of doing a patient like this coming on doctor transmission a little bit unique some programs the some directors offer that you're option for men you meet with proposal then and by the first of October in the year two thousand all proposals floating around here in this country so possibly passing in a satellite but look let's start with the sweet proposal right from U.C.L.A. June two thousand and four and that is the label is best here so basically what is needed to start with the First up is interesting work station where required workstations remember where he sees the work to operate P.C. So you know how that maybe that is something we have known for so it was there I was here I was on the new one actually browsers in the early era. That's good. It was only rostered that allow users to file answers if you're so Microsoft or was he says that he was probably the biggest player in Congress that he discovered it was going to he was using weighted everybody's now right here in the solution part by police. Go for it. You know sort of getting it out and either have used really how about not really to do with it. Money or dollars or so you could get this free where all that goes for work because this right. This is where I'd like to buy and then you hear your screen without me. Don't let you see it. I need you to fully utilize. So anybody can do this was frozen. And so we were looking at doing research for you. This was sort of awfully large awfully large for a new system for historians to study the first part of this thirty and as managers designers did the work coding the slide for years and it will work on policy for the staff number thirty is the number the new world is but in addition to that in your higher than there's and out thousand what we term legacy is a space program when they go to work but they're really costly and it works very well as they are so very large numbers. These days. And so things that have five thousand P.R. wise and all of those highly priced and there's a larger every single one of those very very good. Secondly it's only right that it is so artfully protected through your sponsored sponsored research on the order of your distributers each one of them house between one and clever people something like What was yours is one person's entire life research project was one here with the smallest. But others are in the spirit of course one of the theories that we were looking for is this is a very closely. I wonder if there were any differential back to the positive or negative on populations that are part of particular and I was interested in this at one of the historically black colleges and universities of roughly eight hundred or so on. How is it a sort of reward in there and then to get it here where there's a purpose. This is a money area that with the services of course they started there's no paper trail. So the first step you took was to go to yourself might raise it but just give us all you got something like regret is that we have no luck in Faslane this time I mean this is one of these things that just all the cracks in the step as they keep track of all these proposals. That's bylaws or Congress. Also you kind of like the policies of the National Science for you and everything a whole week. All of your disciplinary activities all the news all the kind of gossip on little are completely dark sources that being able to get a truck they were paid for by talking to Congress wrote earlier where are you going to leverage we're going to get it right. It's legal to reconstruct and it sounds like there is no vastly more progress now organize people that are so. So all the states that are in yellow are the so-called US forces or ones higher now there's twenty nine different entities each one of them has a plane. You'd be having received blows your love all of that will research funding and the stuff of the world. That's possible or so this is a way of doing all of yours on this little bit about how things are pretty you could imagine that if you were in the US or states you can see this Iraq now as part of the south a couple thoughts on that so they're very happy with the success especially satisfying. That's what funds block grants or something. On the supplemental funding. So somebody for that or state that has a really really solid total that it doesn't get in that very house most funding sound program officers may not require that they use that for there's a little competition for people in one town were really angry that you talk like that again there's a magic number that will show your mouth or say so or this isn't the most money at C.D.I. you can find honest look at documents to find that the one or the three years. That's the reason I'm here in this case we're going to do something but we had to do a whole lot of four hundred and two in person. All is pretty easy for someone just a few minutes longer on this fire out. He said yeah that we have been analyzing each other we did on one hundred online interviews you go to prison pool their money and you go back again the number one hundred houses a while probably never order this business five years. You're Well one of them and for the stuff that you guys are hoping and your bio says he is one of only I'm so glad you're doing this project. He said no but he still is meeting with an larger than one hundred thirty five people. Were really you know part of the hundred years. He also talked with about seventy people in this town. You know the designers or people who work in the South Tower Coliseum like building very forceful and then also different types of users mostly program. Secretaries where we think we actually know something about the stuff that this episode itself is and stuff that's not there. It's so great a lot of vertical supervision over here by the SEC is that all of our interviews are in person and on the one place. It's like the research universities for lack of interest any of the slides up here on the web. Mark. All right. Which regional balance. We're probably oversample. Recruited probably someone oversimple that's where states are in terms of their research on this place for the future research on ways for the school and other means to raise themselves to the ranks of the really risky. You know how done some remarkable work. It's very very close the National put it this is what I mean when people ask why are you here. If you don't understand this based only on the top ten the standards are you know they're struggling. How do you know there's a there's sort of a just kind of saving also right. Just because you get represented. So for our young person interviews or whatever. Well people we trying carefully measured balance in your own life or sample of women that that means simply use the you do more readily accepted organization could never force like parties at least towards the microphone. You know really you have to go through cause you got from the mouth of the other and we are trying to make sure that we didn't understand the world worse and it was I think we actually understand very over so long now if you look at the size of the right way that you're hearing about now they are slightly you know not perfect sample pretty much as a result of the public out there because one of the things. Now is that one thing when people offices and talk to them live. I don't say overwhelmingly but very very powerful figure and that might be a bias that face to face. We also hear the Boss experiment with or read it online interviews. So we look at the same questions. You know express telegraph or go on the set of five screens that people navigate through the old and again. So this wasn't the score. Are you satisfied with one two three five it was over here. So some people wrote two words or some people or stories or organizers of the some people wrote shorter things that have some kind of errors. You are from a home but it is the case where it is to be sure there was going to hear on the Web This is a view for us were critically important to the argument as involuntary Is that what we know about science and engineering across the board comes from interviews and samples typically that's that highly skewed was going to get every Bill rightly recurring price where I would really believe him and therefore completely unusual having had some kind of contact roll that this was he wanted to buy a method that would be able to scale. Way way beyond ten and at least allow the possibility of doing prior Ranjan file low. So you're finding interview for people who were lost and not enough money and we would have made the four hundred is that right. It was just an eight hundred twenty four X. that can be quite successfully achieved simple but it is. Interview that will scale far beyond the school's challenge for understanding really life. We're thinking you know whether I would think that's great if it's at the start and then you can have one hundred one from lots of universities where you can't go if you didn't go once did he target the three or four universities there but instead you decided to do a kind of quasi experiment where we did targeted recruiting at exactly the same places where we've done in person because they're out there and there should be no you can read the same gender check for scientific disciplines check for Regions check and also for you know that there's more or less saying universities are the same types of fields and then you're right on that we were surprised to find that contrast to the nearly overwhelmingly positive views from the in person interviews or something like expressed just for the name by the system so that very very important and you're right and we didn't get that in our interest so neat and under this notion of the face to face interviews were a gold standard of the workplace and interviews become second rate but then you start looking at the literature. That's coming here and eight hundred people and you know about eighty percent are still exceptions for. So you know there's this is the young lady look for a new gown for a reminder I'm. It's young. So it's a small sample. So President. I don't I don't have the exact number. When we were going to get recent interviews to be honest with you. The embassy interview very very dramatically but we want the smaller places I would say one percent said yes. Whereas the largest places I would say sometimes it's three percent. That said yes. So there's there are some skewing and some bias is biased. So any one of the interviews of course comes from a biased source the population comes from a lot of the biased sources. So it's possible that but it isn't is our last fight but you know we just we just don't quite know very young. You know at this point what way of telling us come here if you're going recruitment for the web based interview we ended up Italy. We sent out a round of the analysis. He hit it all. Personally and the same. And we got about twenty percent that said yes we it's in the same round that yes we got another five percent. We said that a third or so because you know up to be a fifteen percent sample which I've been told is not about me you want to have a ninety percent accuracy. Nobody gets calls are always with. So we started thinking about the red roses and person. I don't believe he's the one of the papers that came out just like I last very well you know I wait on line or histories from a kind of writing perspective just grab this summer and there's just there's just writing studies and was interested in oral character versus online and sort of very very very you know these documents here. This is what really drove social sexual health make the argument on balance that oftentimes it's interesting interactions. You're talking about you know right now there's actual marriage of somebody who appears to be whatever sounds or is this something answers are different that it isn't in the online store so we're just kind of we're not quite sure what the reality is this is the best or worst part of through all of this because I think I'd like to believe just on the policy that we ended up you know doing that. You know it's just software and it's funny question was and those thing was so all I can do you know but any time. This lifetime dish was finding people here is Illinois Senate actually going to patients that made it was there there's no doubt what you know because what they're seeing people don't know is that had nothing to do with funding US dollars check this they funded for almost two to four million three million four hundred dollars or something like that. So it was it was funding issues that most of their voters. You're still in this on licensed products like life that one. You know it's for your own life. It is it really is a no is it not to do this like just watch and someone can hear about like you know just like all people there's anything software work that was built. You know very very early on and they are so fast players breaking into different programming languages. Basically because of this parish matter which side was a real expert in love right. Really if you're headed. My crazy guy was tired of doing one of those so he was writing really old prices like go out and get one song any information you're using rigs minders or all the other driver was an expert in the C. programming language and still run the command post script and write down every time you get something from the server side or and what is great about this is now every time there's a vision of where those guys are there are a few things that software old timers advantage of to meet with you want to see and so it's now prohibitively expensive train tracks or post for you. Things that are written in software or part of it with software that I mentioned partly for the very high degree or so three per cent of it you say I find worse a lot more logical to do everything I do my son in Warsaw cafe in the exact sense it was the case over there as I was able to purchase especially Dublin servers and establish a three month you know. Across the face in Europe. Now there are servers that they have those are never too. And some good with the result for you know not zero zero zero zero zero and the area this kind of thing for you see here it was the way that was done. This was really vision. It was just designed built in and reinforced certain values values or security in around the building that you're either now or is that there is a safety of your you and your life really is a value that will carry your feet was not believe that it will slow the pace or slow there it will last a little early on the Do you ever find yourself that promising P.R. you know a little less you will see reviews they how many hands you get for not know that a normal development that has people looking at something here right here in this hearing. Until now is a good theory who can get it done before the last a lot of uses and it and I think the other interesting thing in terms of policy. Were they something that is on your screen is a lot like paper or a computer you can. There was a rebel side won out over funding. The hearing process is the same. There's also the better policy. I wanted to use for the ship. I really hope this very first one very seriously. I have no idea how I would do this in the polls but people here. I will work for you today. Every time you receive this much relief from the terms of the game. What we're trying to say that has won them all the world government and it sure allowed them to siphon addition to deal with sharply reason for this five years ago. You know he is probably the case with some power facilities or so ordered the ship or also from the record it is priced right. Funding. So given the software. We're we're we're very very we're getting for life he found a small one hero for friends. You know that there were people that walked out of those people without years that simply use a manual typewriter one of the old days in your company and they're a city that hears your manufacturing will grow if there are still poor people around here. You know there is a pretty new guy funny guy. We handed over whether the conference felt any good happy to urge them to live and work fulfills etc There will be no votes once the consumers feel the science majors are doing OK but why do you want your researchers growing larger viewing of their capital or local something like this in your diary for counters. They will look at the background of the sort of scenes of the voters all over the state Capitol Hill is really kind of informational in this part of the founding You know the going back to you know push pull or the dates and the last word or not where they were and this are here five years. They still are still there. You got he just expressed our lead here he just kept it real. Sounds good. You know me very well you're hearing the one of you know whether crazy. This is going on right in the middle of the dark tunnel. While I mean this is yes it's always hard to remember that moment when you remember. You know this was during a time national you know this year. People were really really neat only design that uses Well it was really cool thing more. The lightning and you know we're going to accept that low duty as part of this whole thing then chapters were five six or less narrative chapters remark. Very history and the whole new pianist and he uses that as research. Also on your research was down we users and their perspectives was a whopping three separate posts on that it was really were particularly our go letters exist on the big counter with us tonight. It's really what is looking at and this is how the legacy users and then they ended up having a kind of very protracted and not necessarily be a little bit like this. I always get money that this tax code base doing a study that benefits the research community they're doing something that in itself was done in worst case passing the facts really there's all kinds of stuff running with it and we just sort of create it's own pocket where I was for all that everybody uses right. Every group you threw in so issued new department. There you go so that was a much much more more friendly. You have the sort of role in human data loss and one thing that could be done very very well be sample. Never didn't work over there you know it was a day he gently database set up so it's like here you know you know you know life pretty fast and you hit the button and there's a way right. The second to say well it is now our second for a few seconds for three seconds. Wait for every single button to click on the right. The little button click here for example A and certainly understand why from this on the on the standalone P.S. worries that the whole nation has are going you know you know what it is that it was over he was out on the truck for another every single one of those three or four seconds for every cell right or left for Cyprus trucker but also for the search and any other letters scattered on the road. Some left think there's a good word for the study and it's awful it's off a list of users on the ends of our wires. So the reality is really that there was orders put on the market in the fall when there there was a crisis in the get go. Very strongly. So this user projects. The others online for cyber was a little cold how people would see it is something wrong with the whole car Richland from this I think you're having problems. You know sort of like this is what has happened and then nobody was really doing is what it is that they're not related to the problem. There was some problem with that but where I like that you put that on the system and you know some of these three pieces were released this is the whole response if you look at it and I think this is from the sociology in this you know there's a lot of users are like abstractions. They're like hypothetical users but from national or on work there were real users a lot of these were the inspiration like there was a twenty universities that will run on specifically I think you need to go for this work in Iraq. You know you're basically sort of British You need to actually find work rather than the sort of hate it when you know what's the big thing around. There's a line in market share. So that you could be doing reviews or proposals of issues or doing well so on. So for instance the reviews of this from the early hours later that of itself. You look at Faslane and then he did say he did it for the super PAC you are going to know that we've heard especially from the innocent people who are the designers So how do you solicit you know you know who did you get information from and their insight. Was that people who are in gauge whether this process has really gained or so over again. Relatively disappointing. I mean pianist. I know you guys are doing good with us and you know that that's a roll off your feet you know your verses are very you know where your eyes are on the way in here and also how much for your comments. I mean for that is really fascinating because one part of my life in best practice is our I'm so blessed and it is doubtful. We're looking at a layer underneath this book although he did use everything in the research universities to get this book gives an insight into the experience for years where he knew he was the best and one hears. So it does say that there's not a single one best place for it was only one way of doing it and then very gently. Well it's easier to do the research university like what's wrong. Like that's probably true for small and different ways organize our sponsor research authors organize itself so there are no models that's another point that it seems maybe a little bit obvious that works better or worse now and accuracy or stuff that actually comes out the other way. Our learning our youth. Not on the lighter hundred percent on the university hires someone to do it and Phyllis only want to be with him like you know your higher son because of the research on Johnny five point five percent hold the report when I was in on time. Boom boom boom boom boom turns out that the herd. If you will your team pay for another year and so that's the mechanism that departments can use as a means of kind of bootstrap the awfully hard with a certain risk you know where they don't have or where the research was very rigorous on this one woman that was so basically branded for years and years and here but her support that is all over was really really good but she was in this very high school of thought you guys are coming up with proposals probably close to like you're going to check. Everywhere I hope to get younger. It's a high. It's a high stress but I thought well this woman was this job for years and years and years and every single person we want to settle in. You got to talk with this one because he does this is this so her kind of continuity was really impressive and everybody that he's going for campus for it was your father's turn. I thought it was kind of interesting. She ended up retiring from this high pressure job but did they get rid of her like Sandra orders from the impact of South Dakota. You know days that sense of life now they have to run because she emphasizes that right. So all the research on this is that they come you know after that it was something to be honest and go and you go on from here going way down the aisle as a leader. I think you're very She still can't with the resources. So the local support staff might not be so surprised but also three people that are there. There are it will go on longer for he's come first. They won't be there. Either this or that I mean it was their concert was a nice thing to do with their very good. I was looking down side back to what was there sometimes more stuff and you know I was a little sometimes because I was like what I was just as I love my own formal training base and that's why the people around me. Then he turns out I needed one of these I forgot about your you know they were making the rounds and I got this rare older British hardware I was working on and it will be easy on this in London train but in terms of the consequences for me out there are very few guys ever formal training people who come here. He has no clue but there was always somebody at every single university would be in your house next door here with is figuring out how to do this. So how are you like this and then this is everybody else sort of formal praise a lot of this kind of informal global networking at least and there are also there are players who are stepping back are also calling you on it. You know something learn a lesson here and through their student protest work in the love with her. These are so few users. This is preferable for they were all these are people that want to hear the professional organization and the secular life you need you now. Reach for those organizations also for your good ideas mentioned the federal desperation hundred years and there are some that work. But there's a whole lot of time they witness for life. The eyes actually watching their own people do the regional meetings or especially the state or federal funding but those really work and also say again that you know that's for state versus sort of the black colleges and universities but that's of course how do you believe him on raising taxes for universities business getting access to the answer that's on the schools that actually just hired old people the previous sponsor and nobody fired this or the like because the same colleges are under water. So let's call it positive for college programs moralistic lowest cost and just working to get it or just shit right you know that stuff is right there. You just should retire go right up there is the next big thing we're the circle does not predict the future but there are all kinds of experiments going on there because the system was. Let me start off with your sponsored research to get hold of this or why don't they transfer Truman on the United Nations rightly in France. So it doesn't go right up front again this is you know it doesn't work that way just pulls up. But this is this is people writing. That's what I get when I sit like this year there's a shutdown the government and this is a bill like jammed up for weeks they have this if I get this right. Forty five hundred holdalls happened there and forty thousand pieces of mail and so they're going crazy with this and I guess that's what happened or something else like this just usually here. This is out of the worst it's been like this one here in the water again we have really hard to I think it was forced out because there was the army that shot all those whose possible terms and let you know him well that night. You see it. Least one sometimes for example every program that was just he didn't do this for the paper. All the people all were running around filed and then here filed correctly and we were told formally write them down there at the time but it was really work for a program officer to have a respect for including the working relationship with his or her program is this is a program assistant could get or any proposal is really working. You know how that works and it does cost it was. Again the program. This is essentially where I was drawn some of the shifted more computer or you were some of this kind of off from the Sun one of the things that we've heard time again is that it broke it was in didn't see the value or it's all created them as well. They were sort of you know second class citizens of course of course there are isolation. We hike like crazy and you represented working for all you know. Multiple times. Many of them didn't want to stay in the Greek people that were for very very very very hard as a you know first of all that's really your country can you put it in one of your first line of radiation where there was an emergent system right. If you had heard any question mark and then you know are what are your answer on that and then did a set. You got a system that was continuously or even genius improvement or really they developed a system that really did not have all that was never your favorite you need continuous improvement fast and was not that and the reason the council suited and I think you know he is basically once a guy. I would use the term good enough and the backend shifted somewhat over the years but the friends again. This is the first time they're called it. You know that has changed only in the most at all but in the programming details but if you go there today and I recall that first started using fast and it was new it was it feels as good as a. This is what is in the possibly see worst when you go there now your expectations are quite different and so fast it is all in the frozen in time. So if I can worship you need continuous improvement. No And I think ninety nine point seven percent cling to the structure of climate. So they can get money to redo existing computer systems which is why they are shifting to the transmission line of business that is research they can get money from that there is they take their own money and use that to develop a new outward facing product but we've been told that they cannot do by Faslane to do so without regard to less or large amount of time. So once we got to know the end of the city it is just understood more so in that sense now you've learned your findings here and mentioned a little bit about them if you go right through that when we looked back alley in the assertion the Young family members were destroyed to do qualitative research we thought out there was some kind of scoring going to look at doing the scoring but our judgment was was that scoring is just as good as your scores change scores. You know it is very hard to get reliability and so our data is always qualitative down to get some kind of economics. So we're becoming or getting ten people to tell us the same thing basically generalizing from the historical data doesn't get much stronger than Solon. You know three or five or seven or nine or eleven people how is the same thing when I'm trying to measure that in any sense and say that's a three point two versus zero point seven. With this kind of think that our judgment is is that person to have expertise in the sector just how we conduct our reserves. You know I don't know what I like about the web based system is that you had a chance to respond in fairly open ended fashion. So they could tell a story as if they wanted they could say you know you know or they think it was very interesting answers and that was all the time they had you know they had extra time you know they were able to sort of you know talk a bit more broadly so on the specific point about engagement and that's basically our observation from having talked to several program officers and the civilian of the of the sponsored research people probably more than two hundred thirty at least. And that's basically what they told us the eyes were largely disengaged from this feedback. This is fractured feedback and the offices of the sponsor projects people who are much more engaged and that little tag line comes directly from somebody at the sound of business who are saying well you know basically he was in favor of that broccoli and that's a kind of short times flavor of expressing something that we got from you know maybe three dozen five dozen different sets of interviews so forth with so curious about cars so if you look at this particular round for a measure that young you know but I'm wondering if you when you get a view that was very good first thing has passed the more so and so my sense is it's more the first time. Yes there was one document that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that fast lane saintliness have on that document went out and everybody read it and everybody uses that as a statement of what we think that will be significant for the numbers and also significant for the sense that there was the need for such a document and their work. Tells us that we can tell there was one such dark and here is how are you seeing this on sort of work it prove that you know and that they did you know no reasonable assessment of the cells five percent savings your theory was that students here were for some things there was a time since the stuff that was substantial So I think that you know the way that religion is used work is that sometimes there's a piece of accuracy that happens and you know the results of the work that I see and nobody has really we found nobody who either had come here you know there's you know there are I'm sure remembers. Very well it's so nice outside. It's the soup but it kind of makes sense. You know from a program officers point of view that if you can just get that state visible. If you count our time our time facilitates certain kinds of things to do was to her approval of the Stan Grant takes us more time than it is to do it if you were using like three minutes then it was gone and now it kicks it was actually longer. So I think that there is some intruder. Yes you know from universities point of view and I don't know how to answer this has always happened in course we have this question about like like you did you have an athlete you know sort of resources and we asked the very worst schools as well as the various schools at Berkeley concert here or something or schools as you know we have this one. I didn't know nobody. This is I don't know and he and he noted the Mount Hermon had computers on their desks period through two thousand or one. Anything in my life and so this guy is a poser. I can see how things be in good position I didn't have him here in me just. So I had to go somewhere else. So this idea of the office and interviewing aren't for this person was you know kind of a nonstarter. From what was happening and whether that's for schools there to be from massively separate you guys on your facilities built to put in the fast lane your business in the way we are so there was a lot of us were already there. And even something like that one when to try to find the resources that they said frankly were awful where there were hardly one and that didn't happen on our own. So it's so hard to disentangle costs and benefits so dollars Our research and if it's not. I think both it's really hard to get you know the city hard numbers to be to be honest I mean officers I'm sure glad you like to look over the process here. You know where ninety one when I first got you set you for any idea. Proposal and it was an outfit that young went off and there were no you know some of us that there was somebody signed up for the part of charity you know some of it is you go along here but deliberately left the order of the work. If you make an effort to ask people all of you. Yes. You know who they are and also is there information about what you're on that was gathered to go yes actually that yes the second question is were surprisingly the answer the first yes to the second question and this is Anderson actively using this analytical information that your marriage is for I hesitate to say no but I believe the answer is No that is we had many many guys business and I have no idea what happens to report we think that nobody ever reads them and that they go in and some program officer signs off on them. Maybe after not you know or maybe after doing personally reading. Wouldn't it be great. You know that information you are risking in real time when you go back out to research these are preliminary results don't get sort of buried away. There's like he issues and all that sort of stuff but so it's not so simple. Now but I think in time there's a could be using this tremendous flow of information better than he is doing so that's the first part. The second part is we actually asked almost everybody I mean our to this person or senior ones that have facility with paper there and ask him about the quality of people's views on these core values and I'm here on a visit there and I think that our evidence is midst. It's not necessarily worse but it's not necessarily better and one of the things that we actually discovered his there was a big community and this is actually just very quite sharply by discipline. So if you're in sociology this doesn't make sense but if you're doing you know science is if you're doing this for your modeling if you're doing a special studies color. It is very important the video of your work and also supports still color you are actively discouraged is for basically renders a video simulation all that mess of the moment and many branches of science are as we can tell him here in the jungle where science and this is hard to see journals written in the journals can get there. You know papers are big and bad leaks is something that we talk of one of the city's going to experiment in a second post and then you know it was to go and go to a particular search.