This is. This is. Right. More about this and then we're here for a while so I was just not really that story is the prices were one of them inspired to think about this right we're going to start. It's very loud very just so no questions till after everyone's finished. OK All right so we are our task was to introduce everyone to the objectives of this class sixteen class sessions three hours of peace. It was hard to the still globalisation and twenty minutes but we get our butts and our approach was to approach this task the way we approached the last which was by dividing it into our seven learning objectives. So without further the first learning outcome first learning outcome was to understand interlacing just when the concept of globalisation and citizenship sought to define globalization. There are many competing and calm complimentary definitions of globalization. Sections of globalisation whether it's cultural globalization economic integration. We looked at all of them. The three main conflicts that were the conflict between globalization versus Americanization globalization is often conflated with Americanization since the end of World War two. American culture has been consumed across the globe and free market you can economics and liberal democracies have also been adopted across the globe another conflict was the nation state versus the ideal in the end this is a more recent revelation and is particularly prevalent in Europe but as political power has shifted upwards it is now being concentrated into organizations that are above the nation state which are these intergovernmental intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental or. Three competing ideas. Ideologies of globalization you look at where those shadow Anderson sausage shadow of the news of the dual dynamic of globalization and to the citizenship. Anderson presented the notion of imagine communities that barriers are created and can be broken down and Sausan presented the notion that everybody repositioning citizenship week in relationship between the state and the people. It's going to come with the analyzing the effects it is impossible. It's only its own. The premise for this is you have to understand people citizenship is it because there are people with civil citizenship existing people who will say that it's not actually a real concept it's not to me the interplay between those two it's all the same lies and it is looking elsewhere that cosmopolitanism the idea of the world citizens or somebody who is a citizen of the global community is the more the school thought the more bills to support citizenship and turn this of this kind of into this is that it means that we're you know part of our communities and Terry. And we're more separate and it's kind of divisive. I mean it's kind of I think it's going to editorialize he admits it was divisive on his uteri but it's just a way that we looked at the same possible solution is the one that supports the human is really just citizenship is just deals with that piece but more than that from most of the reporters like Dr King to do these interviews discusses how there are different areas of humanities in the study in general social science data science and humanities that kind of reflect the same embody the same conflicts between communitarianism because of all of this is that you see in Google's citizenship. That is that we see these different people in each of these different areas of study that don't necessarily collaborative work or work together. They'd rather kind of be more separated and divided and communitarian where we probably ought to kind of period suggested by these two authors is that we should work together in order to explore. Well suppose it's just sort of a part of your face. I think that each author has told us what we can do with this similar drives in your talents. This is one way in which you get to that there is rather communitarianism of a pulse is reflected in other areas of this divine forces. This is a definition of attention so the only possible society should articulate that is that society decides what is a good thing to do. That's important because the implication is that one city or one culture can decide what its people should do and that may be different in other cities or public polls and it's just that a person who's primary just would have a different more supersedes that of their so it's more involved with what is the right thing to do around the world. So this is kind of a moral I'm an accident morally with the topic here that it doesn't really matter where you're from. That's what this offensive is and also it's kind of expected. More to give an account of all it's more that your history. Looks like this it's like this. This is about immigration. This is one of the three of the issues. It's very telling. So this is the bit about immigration. There is a serious side which says that immigrants who are committed you know the problems of Europe and the causes of the borders are kind of like sand not really physical and not really as big of a deal as we'd like to see a lot of you know that is a really small. OK Let's talk about how this kind of traditional concept from the Right right right right yes. Aargh. Which are very very common or. It's analyzed and how they've worked and whether that's actually whether their activities are actually good from this presentation by large organizations to promote generally higher education etc for their own interests specifically I can think it would be working for its objectives or for example certain economic liberalization or the work they do it looks like this deals with immigration and how almost a paradox I want to call it hurts more paradoxical aspects of European immigration law so that you might begin to think this is kind of what I expected from a puzzle for the crux of the paradox here is that you have on the one hand the International Order of the kind of power to higher authority the discovery people. That's exactly the kind of had a look at and this is kind of this is a start. This is a government in which people from different racial background now expect. Protection is this. It's a kind of criticism of the goals and I think our concepts very freely before understanding it's accepted definition understanding their relationship. OK OK OK So very very constructive.