It's quite real pleasure to see. Michael yourself with dancing just because of the still photos of your life and your five years of life on Earth. First and apart from that has received very numerous awards three or four categories for your time for the company before and also as the recipient of the National Medal of Science thousand for you. Graciously agreed to come down here and give a park that we are very very happy to hear. Thank you for your talk on the actual transport across the seas. Well there's nothing I like better than the seeing my colleagues and their students and what I missed most in retirement is I don't have much contact the students anymore. That's really the major joy of a professor's life I think so. What I have now is to felt that watch more troublesome still is. If you can believe. But it's a pleasure to be here and I've been very pleasantly surprised by how nice a place this city is and hellfire institution. I think this is my first actual trip of any significance to this area and I find it very attractive. Now. By way of background for this talk. When we finished writing the transport book. We almost had to start everything from scratch. We had done nothing else for three years except write the book. Feed the family a few things like this. And so I decided that I would work into areas that were familiar. I had taken a fair amount of biological courses starting of course with. Bio chemistry and I wanted fires or separations in the head of my attic field. And so I said I'll work on separations because I like your mistakes making good guesses. And I'll write a book biology from my knowledge of transport phenomena. Well separations went just about as expected but I finally realized very slowly and relatively recently that the world of biology has not really maturity. What do you beyond what was there period of my one nine hundred seventy five book and it's become almost a session with me to follow this and what I'm going to do today is to try to give you some feeling for what I have seen as useful in biology and this can be useful several different ways. First of all if you're teaching chemical engineering you need a realistic examples and there are too many chemical processes that are only imperfectly available to professors. But the living body. Even though many simple creatures is every bit as complex as a chemical play it but more so and it really has to pretty much the same rules. So one of them going to start out with the same so. Police samples would show that the optimization. Of biological transport processes is surprisingly similar to that of chemical plants. So you are learning things that would be useful as for the students and they actually get out in the chemical plant. And some of those parallels are extremely strong. The second thing is that there are many many good problems in biology both of the research level and its job level and they're very sophisticated in fact the best examples of complexity theory. Have I think always been biological so you can go about as far as you want. In a short some of the hour. I can only give one simple example but it shows I think where you can start. And last of all but that lot of important. You learn an awful lot about your own body which is potentially extremely useful. I think most people do not adequately care for their health and. This is the biggest asset any of us has you can't do anything else whether it's Gulf or whatever but health. You certainly can't be an engineer and you will learn I think if you study biology of ways to protect your health and to improve your life. Generally I mean a five for of eighty five last Saturday and I still feel about as good as I felt when I came to Wisconsin. In one nine hundred fifty three until I start trying to compete with younger people that visit some sort of changes but basically you can improve your health care market remarkably well and understanding how the body works is a good good good place to start. So this is I think a very practical subject. And it's. OK. Now go on how the living systems look. First of all complexity is normal. I think there is no significant biological problem. But it's an exceedingly complex in nature. And have to start with that understanding and that means you have to do what a welcome grad world says start with a mystery and convert it to a real puzzle but this is what all professionals do engineers medical doctors even politicians. A lot. I don't usually give that much credit. All of your problems are way to difficult to solve any complete sense. So you have to make an approximation which you hope will be useful. So much of this talk will just be showing you what kind of approximations have proven to be useful and what kind of tricks you can play. And I claim that he wants to can dominate. Professor bird and I are still very good friends were always just on the edge of violent place because we see everything differently. No matter whether it is including transport to meet transport phenomena or what you're use when you have reduced the problem to some kind of a simple puzzle that cannot be put in question form. But the important thing is to get there. That's what I think is the most important and much of this talk will involve getting there. And I guess that's it. My favorite quote here is from on report car eight and this guy was a competitor of Einstein in a sense and really physicist at about the same age and he wrote a book which I picked up and the first chapter proofs of one plus one equals two. So this is a mathematician who's very very fussy about logic but he's the guy that made this quote and I think we have to remember this. We're always artists. And we shouldn't forget this. OK now. Why transport phenomena important to biologists and we can start by looking at this. Generally speaking it's felt at the genes that the very center of this picture or the hereditary material that takes us from generation to generation. So this could be called a real human some senses and let's have to be fed and by products have to be sent out and so there are four major organs that connect with the external world. That's the lungs. The. Kidneys the gut and the skin and they are connected by the blood circulation which is the next ring. Which also connects to the recessional fluid which surrounds the cells. So list as one mass and pranced put reaction problems and I think you could say that the operation of the body as opposed to the transmission to the next generation is primarily a transport reaction from them. And that's my reason for talking about it here now. So let's start with the overview and then work out of the details. And this is a place in graft here which shows the basal metabolic rate for a variety of animals these are land animals mammals for particular I think they're all mammals if you're actually as a function of body mass. And you can see that they group and roughly straight line but a lot of scatter and the viral video a booster metabolic rate. Varies with approximately the two thirds power of body mass actually is the coding to this particular equation is point six eight six. Well actually I haven't researched our paper in this myself with two costers this is purely in purple and nobody really knows why you get this. In any detail. However the literature is first of explanations mother books holds water a careful examination. People merely answer. And whenever you know the answer you can think of all sorts of explanations but none of them is really reliable. The reason that this doesn't go up over sort of one is because as animals get bigger. They need more structural with your such as bones which are that metabolic reactive and so the syrup is always less than one but there are two this and the reason for the specific shape has to do with the demands of the active organs the brain. The kidneys liver. Most of the major active organs and the brain takes approximately one third the pens and who you look. Talk to are the metabolic energy of the body so brain work really does hire you. That's pretty important and what I have always been a puzzled by is how about I don't have a brain roughly one tenth the size of mine relative to body weight but they are smart me every day. Clearly you see them more effectively. OK So listen. Everyone at the macroscopic side. That was taken over. If you why are we there we are at the microscopic Sun site. This is a picture of this picture of you carry out Excel that is a cell for higher organism. And it's a sketch when it shows an awful lot of complexity and so much of this is convert it is concerned with who was defeated and reaction. I guess that's pretty obvious. The usual way to conjure Yeah which converts the energy potential of your food into within us and try to floss. Mostly the energy source the body uses for almost all metabolic processes. These blue lines are. I guess. Or are we well you can see see when there's a microtubule up here and these are used for more mechanical support. But they're also road tracks. And they're a little engine the same your body filled up here like to move back and forth using A.T.V.'s the energy source and then it can drag metabolites or whatever resin. OK Now these are very sensitive the size and one difference between most biologists and people like myself. Is it like to know how much energy is required and basically the energy required to control anyone Aziz with a few percent is more of a location is dependent on the fourth power of the size of the object in inversely so big objects are very easy to control and mitochondria are a classic example the one I think is most clear here. Well as well when this individual molecules can take the entire metabolic atmospheres of all of the cell. So you can't you can't control the positions of small items by a method like this you have to the pen. Membranes which will prevent them from moving from where you don't want them or you want them to where you might not like them. So membranes are inside the cells are very important parts of the transport reaction system then you have to have first. Objects which were primitive pranced for between cell a bit of course still boundaries and that's also a complex transport problem. So we're really dealing at all levels. Was transport reactions. Kinetics and throat and having For that matter. OK No loops. We are now. If you don't believe that we're primary transport systems this young lady will pretty much prove it. This comes my French dictionary by the way it's the prettiest picture I've seen of this but you can see that the blood vessels are extremely prominent and know what I want to emphasize here is that this diagram which is the sort of diagram you find in medical books is too complex by far to deal with this is really a mystery. So to do something with it and you can simplify it this way by taking the organs and the major mode vessels and drawing a diagram which is much like the diagrams you see for processes in classic chemical engineering. Now the question is How good are the is and what approximations you have to make and what are the costs of the approximation. So let's talk a little bit about that but if you get out of the details level. This is a second section from the the gray matter of the brain. Showing what are called called tissue cylinders about each capillary and the body is built primarily. Bundles of reactive tissue in these critical few soldiers and their size so that the transport is permissible and. In you can see that now here is the oxygen to be consumed and you can see it become. Lower and lower as you go across this this capillary bed. So there again is a classic problem in that mass transport. Now you have another problem with you don't see much outside of biology. And that is that. These parallel systems. Look to be I'm connected. This operation to anyone who have social skill and there isn't the panelists. That's not quite true. And so when you can find and more recently three dimensional That was the same as transferred which take this cross diffusion and do and do it help and then not available recently sources. You can't possibly keep your tissues irrigated at the same time so they go on and off and there's a transport of activity around the body which doesn't seem to get much attention I would have a whole a whole file full of notes. So we're dealing with really complex systems in detail that are really much time dependent. But very often you can ignore that and so what you have to do is to adjust your the the the the accuracy of your model to go through most of your model to what you want to know and more than almost any other subject. You should never ask for more than you need because they'll be terribly expensive if not impossible to get you out of making compromises. And that's part of the art. OK no. The next thing we'll do Lou. Is the systematic simplification. Since you can't do. Even the simplest modeling. Of biological systems but taking advantage of all known simplification is possible. You have to do something which I should have put in the last slide actually but we'll get. Probably I think well a radical back. Now all of you here must know. A lot about C S T R's and plan for react to this because they're used in our undergraduate courses repeatedly and everybody knows that their response to a statement put is very different from the truth. This is the plan for reactor nothing comes out. Until all of it comes out. For a really see S.T.R. is exponential decay and so look for different. And much is made about difference in books of reaction engineering for example. But you can't deal with that level of detail because you can't get that much information. So you have to ask yourself how sensitive are the models to the fluid conditions in the system that's the first question we have to do answer. Now if you have instead of a tracer coming in a time zero. If you have a tracer which is coming in with the caning input then you have a very different situation and outies zero is the time constant for the decay of the input signal which is now. Shown here then for the C S T R. You have. First a Who little bit of a rise and then it's exponential drop off this is a this is a summary of all plot here by that and for the plug floor reactor. It looks. I should have been up when a bit of C S C S T R is here and that it has the exponential very fast. Flow coming up and then down. Well there are very different if the. If the resonance time is. Has the same value as the decay constant then these two. Structures in a very very different responses. But if the the K. constant is one is ten times the residents tying so is very slow then you can't tell the difference between these two is that we'll hear a very short times and they are usually insignificant by Al biologically. The exception is cancer treatment where the cancer drugs are certain acts like. That even a short exposure could have a major effect. But for most most Act locations. When you go to your doctor and you're asked to he asked you to put in a pill. So every So what he always that isn't true. So you're out in this region where there is no observable. So like to pretty between one one model and the other and so we have a very big simplification possible. Now we can go to right first medical application he mother Alice and this probably is sitting now next to a dial US machine. Which is taking your blood and washing it against the dialysis solution which is supposed to look like what the standpoint of slow molecules like salt and so forth. OK. And she's going to be violence for some hours and the question is how would you model this in the matter of this you lose. Is this one. I'm a left is the actual could be and in her case this kidney is not working. She's suffering from should the inferior and. This filter probably isn't working. Here's this however flow system for recovery of nutrients. That's probably not working. And so it's replaced by a dial icer and most of the equipment here is just control equipment because you'd be very careful to get the dial said concentrations correct. OK now how are you going to model that the answer is that you will rule but only through time constants so. All right. I guess that's OK. Now. Your bottle them for each tissue compartment. Such as the ones and. Any part of the body. The gut or whatever. By a thorough course. Pharmacokinetics diagram shown here at the left. And he would now all wrapped. The kidneys into a single single compartment. But her trunk. The upper body the sweet and so forth and each one of these. It was soon perfect mixing and you assume that the fluid coming in through the blood remains in equilibrium with the entire tissue but that's far from correct. But is very simple and so you can treat it with a very simple ordinary differential equation. And we were in the previous life. It is a very accurate picture of what's happening on the time scales of interest not for very short times but for the times of interest in dialysis. And so whenever you go to a doctor and he says you want to take a pill every six hours this is what he's assuming. Now the question that's question is does it work. This is the Obama plan that if you lose all her of the tissue fluid the body arms legs from the works. And the red C S T R. We love the blood into another C S T R. And the bio riser is treated very simply and I don't think I need to go into that any detail and that's it. And I have a differential equations describing this. Are extremely simple first order a linear differential equations with constant coefficients. And it's easy to get a solution. And this works just as well as a more elaborate model. Not because it's an accurate picture of what's happening but because the time constants are such that doesn't make any difference. Now almost was first set up by two chemical engineers. I can brush off when you probably know by reputation is written a lot of books that a lot. Very important work died recently and bike by Bob Dedrick and I each work closely with him and so an awful lot of analyses of the body transition analyses are made on the basis of the simple model which may involve raw compartments in some cases but there are based on the. On the insensitivity to details. And their work. Here is a test of correctly modeling frightening being one of the. Metabolic quotas you want to get rid of the dots here show actual data. The line is of is a part of this equation. Made from the first. Bits here and extrapolate and you can see no departure. The service is very successful. And if you are dealing with a body. You have to take advantage of all those simplifications you can. And this one is a good. OK now. This is very difficult to get across to the medical profession by the way. Fortunately they don't control what I was a Senator Smith So this is no longer coming up but one of the things I was happy to involved with was. One of the and the fallen. Just on campus. I would Weinstein of I helped set up the first of what I was the center and I tried to make it practical he wanted perfection and I said this is good enough. If I may even but it's much easier than that would look and pretty successful the reason it works is because the K. constant zero is longer than the time of the observer and that's more about the residence times in the of the different parts OK. So let's go beyond that. Here is a bright color assess. Records pro. Sesi in the. In the body. And it shows us the ten reactions here. The star ending up was A.T.P.. This is a way of getting and the potential energy from. All the sugar in the form of others that can be used by the body for carrying out any kinds of reactions it may wish to do. And now here are all of these really these these equations. Well only only three of them are slow. Also the three mentioned in red. And those are also the control room reactions that could have an effect on the behavior of the system the kinetics for only others. So fast but they can be considered instantaneous. Now this is about not just by the blind operation of evolutionary processes. It's a simplified the behavior of the system and. If I talk to people like Harmon radiance and the others and the rest of Russian engineering. This is what's actually done and engineering practice solar body is using the same general approach as is used as is used by us from competent chemical engineers and this all depends just on time scale separation. This becomes very important. And under physiological conditions which means conditions are good health. And separation of time scales is the norm. OK now suppose for diabetic as I am. Now The Times feels not separate and the equations are very numerous you but here you are you're a patient and a diabetic diet and diabetes patient is his own or her own total control lesion except twice a year you go see your diet but tell it is so you have to make sure the stations yourself in the really gotta something. This because it's very difficult. This takes a big factor big part of my life. And you have to decide now how you're going to handle it. And so you've got to make your own simplifications. And. These are all be there for me by the way a little this is this is normal normal patients. If you're given a shot of radioactive sugar so you can follow it's concentration of the body it first. After the first order. This is going to save a lot of clot. If you look at the diabetic patient Life me it's not so very slowly and rather a regularly. OK so there isn't any such thing as time scale separation here a lot of things are happening pretty much in the same time. And so you have to save yourself well I got to do something. And so by the way the vibe a Tele just will not be very helpful here. Well so well you should exercise. And you should take your pills but that's as far as they go. And so as an engineer I said to myself OK exercise ran. What time. How much it will give me any any information on this. You've got it. You're on your own and said And by the way I've never published this because I don't have any any status in the diabetes just community and my own able to tell a just who is the best in medicine and a close personal friend by thousands have been going there for many years. That's my understanding this. And said. But while I followed was this after breakfast. The blood sugar has to first get into the bloodstream and then it rises and reaches a peak and if you don't exercise at all to stay right there for many hours. That's because you're diabetic and you don't have any any good mechanism for getting rid of that sugar but most of the sugar has already gone where it belongs. That doesn't show from the side but it's true. So you really have to get rid of maybe ten percent. And that's part of her lung. So how do you get rid of the ten percent. Well it turns out the exercise will do it. And now imperfectly I found how much exercise and I do about I use it with a little bit longer because I'll start with morning first thing and it's awful hard to get out of bed. If you want to get up early but. It's a this is a similar longers all about all wait maybe two three hours and then I'll take my dog for a hike. And I'm not always figured out. I've looked at the pass around the village and sure enough down comes a blood sugar and here's a week. Of trials which is perfectly normal high breakfast here for example up on some points for going to stay. It will stay there forever if I don't exercise for that hour or so and then I take the exercise brew down and comes this is for a full day by the way so as over simplified a bit. It's right down now in the normal zone. You're supposed to be eighty one hundred twenty milligrams for what is it milligrams for the cubic centimeter I guess it is. Yeah. Anyhow. So here's day one they two these three they four and so forth. This thing I forgot to test and so we have to this is real do this and then this day I couldn't take one of the major pills but Foreman because I had some other medical test which will interfere. So I hope I'm going with the blood sugar and I came down again with the exercise but if you look at this carefully you'll see that my exercise has a bigger effect on the drop of blood sugar than the best pill metformin. OK. Now and we're looking at is a very simple case of a surge change. At the end of the digestion period then all of your excess sugar is in your blood which is a very small volume. You've got to bring it down and it turns out that there's a perfectly normal way for this to get to be used. And this is it. A By the way it took me literally years to find this. Because if you look up I could be this lecture size. You will get back the statement. There are thirty five thousand picture ever references which one do you want. So you just can't find it. Horrible. I finally found a book of diabetes which had this diagram. And this shows that this is glucose concentrations a function of time before traction of your muscles. Plus insulin insulin alone contraction alone. So what that says is that contraction of the major muscles acts almost exactly like insulin. OK. And that of the once you see this then you can find the literature and I really found I think a half a dozen articles that all said the same thing that I stopped working because they thought I knew what I was going. And the rest of us have to worry about now. But if you just resting no exercise this is where you sit. All right now. This is the mechanism. This helpful to me only mechanism in this case it turns out that muscle cells can only use insulin. If a carrier. Group for. Some can get up to the edge of the cell and then picks up the sugar and brings it back again. The body is pretty complicated and it's Hearns out that exercise brings is good for carriers just like insulin does. It's very close to an elegy. So it works. All right now. I've suggested this to several friends who are diabetic. Everyone has been successful. I said to my TED so I might even say but tell us about this and she says Well you're very lucky I said Luck has nothing to do with this is a very simple operation but she's a typical conservative. DOCTOR And she's not sure. But it does work. And the moral here I think is that if you had actually killed everybody in this room and you have a chronic disease problem for goodness sakes do your own checking. You will if you follow really established procedure and it's not working well. There may be a better possibility readily available now I have great respect for my diet but tell it just and yet this is something she can't understand because it involves kinetics She's very good at a lot of other things and so we need more chemical engineering types of in medicine and then they're slowly coming. But there are a lot of problems which are much more easily handled. If you know a little chemical engineering know I'm to the point to take insulin as well though I have two more time constants to worry about. So I'm starting a process here but basically you can do a lot for yourself. So there is a practical reason for being involved. OK not a surfer been talking about time constants. Which are essentially operating independently the next step is ratios of time constants. There are a lot of these. And this one shows. The mass transfer effect of this. Of the various vessels in the body and the purpose of this is the Find out which vessels can actually transfer oxygen. So the shoot. I just spent a lot of work on and I've been physiology in there. It's a matter of getting rid of nitrogen. OK so which are the transfer vessels which are not well if you look at the radius the lengths of the Lost City. And then. This funny term which is just a ratio of time constants. That's all it is. It's a ratio all of the royal residence time is diffusion time. That's all. And if you look at books like the transport book and all others like it almost all the graphs. Have as the abscissa. Ratios of time constants. OK well if you go down from there. Your a back up to being a kid when this is for dogs by the way Sol small dogs look at that look at the big difference point zero zero zero zero three up to. Ninety ninety four for the chaplain. This is actually. I got it upside down. This is the residence time available compared to the diffusion time. So the capillaries. Have a great surplus of transfer capacity but that's because the blood has to be actually to fathom the body's reaction from the blood to the surrounding tissue so they should be and you can see a little design we are to go from this plane oxygen carriers to three groups of vessels which have a large ratios that right back to the small ones. So we're very well designed. And then point of fact the terminal arteries. I mean there are three olds in the venue also not very effective for oxygen transfer you know. The next question they ask you is. He transferred. I'm going to skip most of the fish problem. But I don't want. I like to ask my students. Why are fish cold weather and the answer is very simple. I don't think I have that slight listed for today but basically he transfer is many times faster than mass transfer. And saw most of the heat transfer can take place in these other vessels around here and the oxygen concentration in water very small and so by the time we were pulled out the oxygen available to the to the animal. If you rather go brought the temperature down of seawater temperature. And you can see that very clearly here. Now that's a good start. But then the question is how about these fast tuna the big tuna or the make or sharks they actually are warm blooded It is probable that some lighter stories at least were warm blooded how do we do this. Well as the what comes from the body towards the gills it passes through this region here and there he transfers quite effective but mass transfer isn't. And so they can transfer the heat from their muscles back to the returning blood from the gills. But are losing much oxygen because oxygen France first much slower so your Mother Nature isn't really something pretty nice. Also this is a simple enough change all you have to do is rearrange the intermediate vessels so called treats and that's that proof possible for many different species but are you going to see how long it takes for a fish to reach this point only a few fish can do this. So you're winning something about the dynamics of evolution here too and all can be explained terms of time constant ratios. I don't know very well this is just a heat transfer equipment that we have to go. Who is it OK so let's go next to him. Were actions and appearances and it was once the job as shown here. We've all seen the effect of Inspector charts I expect the order is the effect of this here. And this is some kind of a parameter. Now it's useful to you as measurable quantities. And so what he has here for this parameter for what use is the observed reaction very prudent mass for to be the catalyst power as a whole this is a specific surface squared. This is the concentration at the outer boundary of the of the of the of the pill power. And this is the effect of diffusion coefficient that's just as a ratio of the fusion reaction time. OK now all commercial catalysts and all biological systems test. For within this yellow rectangle with a ratio of time constants is very close to unity. And that's true for. Zero sort of reactions first order reactions and even second order reactions. And the song. We behave very much like the world is and chemical process that this is a very useful graph obviously and that tells you when we are losing the same measures. And also once again we found that the interesting case is when the two time constants are very close to each other. I remember when I was doing my sr for fifty years this is a problem in chemical engineering now a great deal of difficulty with this because we had no way to optimize and we didn't know what kind of ratios to use and of course only believe she was a computer but you have to start. Somewhere and starting with a ratio of one is a fast way to get the answer both biologically am. In the chemical systems but we don't need this turns out so the mechanisms of pressure are very important for the point that when the end. OK. The other thing we can do is subset assess as consecutive reactions and very often. That's important because the intermediate reaction maybe some of Amec we are in favor and here goes to show us the probability higher objects complex. You can see a beautiful this is designed. Nobody has brought such a thing for biological reaction so my knowledge of what I could of course be wrong and there are even less that when all this is this is a case of people intermediate we don't really need that one. But this is the electron transport chain. And this is extremely interesting because to make a T.P. higher energy source you have to go by small steps and these steps are shown here with hydrogen ions being transferred across at each step. This is an extremely sophisticated system. And right here is a secret to much of what has required for energy transformation or energy transfer. Going from potential energy to A.T.P. very sophisticated and it's the reasonable work. If step is to only take use for a short part of the way and there's a book by a given that you are. In the set of references. Yeah all of this is a scribe very well in equations the second book. He's a really really good job. OK now. The other. Ratio of reaction times. This is a stormy or flying. This is the strewn about over. It's the right time constant the direction of our from swimming or words of flapping time constant and we're really close to one this for the BIA something's. Not on that early on with slides are being translated properly but the story about bird is close to one for the rabbit travel of insects birds or fish. And it starts with dragon flies when sharks same number. Nobody knows quite why yet. But there's a lot of similarity between species. This is perhaps the most interesting case. I've come across. Now if they want to get scared or angry then you go faster but this is their design point so to speak for the novel behavior. So once again. To interaction time constants and when they're about equal. That's when the operation has had a stormy level. OK well we can't keep going on this on time but the interesting thing here is that when I was member has nothing to do with this. We tend to be obsessed with one's number but the protection is independent of Reynolds number that's what gives of the movement. OK. So you can go by the classic history of our fuel rods when Runnels sold the first signs of turbulence and little bit more useful for example if you can believe in a device that would fall over the. The locus waras forms in Australia or the Middle East or whatever because you know how fast they should go and it's pretty easy to design them. OK well. Next we go to another aspect of simplification which has already. Ramifications. I was talking it was one of you today talking about Brownian motion. And I was transported Cortez from the emotion probably displayed. But now I suppose you are dependent on finding your own food. To see your one hundred Gaz over when you suddenly find that the primary space is this continuous. Most of the most of the this is not a physical space. Most of the physical space doesn't have any food in it and it will have a time where the food will be but you there will be a loss of K.. Well you should use Brownian motion if it turns out that all of the animals that have been tested. Well the case of albatrosses is up to this kind of and don't but the ones that most of them been tested in the US let's call them and let me walk and eleven rock has a different proportion a larger proportion of lung jumps. And so badly motion sort of looks like this lady walks look sort of like this. Now I don't have as many dogs in the My life is one way or another if you watch a dog. It will rebel the past one hundred yards then it will go back around nearby for a while checks to things and then runs out again and but it is obviously it was him something much like a levee wall. You know why don't we bring this up because I claim that the development of new technologies. Has a strong similarity here. The brain is a problem here is that the prime of their space has been really an equal distribution of what you want. And this is a very simple three dimensional parameters base. But the case is of interest to me and I mentioned some of you today in the biotechnology downstream processing of therapeutic proteins. The basic. Well of course. For Separation is one fabric I'm a tiger. If you're the other. I'll quit with the car chromatography columns are very high pressure. Very expensive packings but they're percolation rates. So really it's kind of a nightmare from the standpoint of a like an obviously oriented chemical engineer. There are several. And they're expensive and most of the time most of the home is either empty or are serving as a once were and they're very expensive reservoirs and of course them to have doing anything. So what has been done of the industry is to build better and better commander graphic columns and three years ago I gave a lecture at zero zero zero separations conference and pointed this out and then just real people suddenly realize that they've been falling for a very bad strategy really Prather space is very uneven and the girls don't buy mine of populations from one hundred feet to something better is impossible. You have to make them go up. And if you look at the history of technology. It's been characterized by slow steady but limited progress. And that every now and then some genius life. Well Henry Ford for example or what Einstein is a physicist in a big help. And if you want to do something really important. Instead of this person you're on the immediate neighborhood of existing technology. You're probably best off making jumps and this requires a and and a voluntary act of creativity. And we're very poor at this and well and with the US was in this dust from infancy. They are around the turn of the last century. We were very very rare in the scale of automobile producers then Henry Ford made his big jump by making cars cheap and between the first and second world wars we kind of took over the car industry. After World War two We got fat and lazy and made small improvements. The Japanese made better cars and they almost put us out of business and right now more than half the cars sold in the U.S. from a elsewhere. And this is primarily because we lost our creativity takes courage to make a big jump and a lot of hard work. We don't understand basically it's a creativity a very effectively. But you know we have to make them and that with Chinese are getting the same thing not cars so much. But you can see them developing improved technology or making big jumps because they're hungry. And we were hungry between World Wars one and two. Now I think the chemical engineering profession is really not doing a very good job and I mean the stream jet was not there were too fat and lazy and it's too easy to follow everybody else. And Detroit not helpful is climbing out and they are making some big jumps I guess their cars have been improved substantially. But I'm not adverse in buying a car. So that's what you say to me. OK But this this kind of says quite a bit of this site has four engine Your dear. And it's showing the person free in France conditions they're following a liver you want very closely. And it's and it's and also optimize lobby walk you can decide what the best printers are and they're known and they work. OK now we're going to try something else. We're going to look at evolution of for a bit now and we're going to ask ourselves is what kind of parameter space is available there and have to start now we're going to go back almost six hundred million years I think what we're seeing here is the. Time and since the present in there is six hundred million years back here. Here we are here and what we're seeing here is the concentration of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the air. Let's look at carbon dioxide. It used to be very high. This is this is twenty one percent for example twenty fifteen the level of carbon dioxide was higher than the level of oxygen right now. OK so. I guess I object to people exaggerating no matter what the cause. And I would say the people worried about global warming are correct but they are not giving you a straight story. And the I would not bring up I think because of the burn up when it was much much higher. On the other hand if it happens fast would have been just fast enough to survive and we could very well be wiped out and a lot of other species good as well. But let's look at the facts for one next one is oxygen. And you can see that oxygen has gone. This is the present and it's going up and down and up and down is going to as high as thirty percent. This is about the time the dinosaurs appeared and. This was when the first most older animals appeared and. The and we now hail. Oxygen supply systems lungs which reflect their origins. When the first small animals came around. They were small and the oxygen concentrations were high and only have is centered channels from their skiing into their interior just pure diffusion across those channels that works fine but it won't take you very far. And so no insects are bigger than what you know or more of it's just a goose crabs a lot of others are small here and their activity is limited. Then we came along. That is mammals came along somewhere. Long in here but oxygen levels were very high. And we developed very inefficient lungs. Along. Excellent from the same point of stability because rule changes over a breath but they're not very good if you need to get a lot of oxygen. Then the dinosaurs came out. Well we know about it because I got these backwards. But anyway the diet and the science is the dinosaurs came a lot of the time of low oxygen. And so they have very efficient lungs. Now it's clear from a lot of reasons like a lot of data that birds. And I use or I might be a dinosaur or offspring from dinosaurs they have a lot of great similarities including their loans they have the ones of dinosaurs. And that's what I said in my life in the world but put around. We're as we have great problems getting up Mount Everest. While we doing that. Well actually the supplies and all the rest of it right at least we're flying right over the mountains with no difficulty at all and you know nobody we don't know but no no species have been able to go from one to the other because it's too big a jump and evolution works best with small jobs. So you can see in these different kinds of oxygenation systems. The difficulty of making big jumps in evolutionary processes and so in a way we're right saying that people who don't don't. To move with the times are dinosaurs except they happen to have the better lungs. OK now that we're going to look at some of this. I'm going to look at a different problem now. The question I'm addressing now is what are the differences between biological systems and conventional systems. And the answer is very interesting. I'm going to start with trees because trees put a ladder up. From their trunks. So they're clowns and what they're what they're doing. They're bringing water from their roots in it in contact with common oxide from the air and from that they're producing oxygen and sugar. OK now a treat can be hundreds of feet high and how do we pull the water up its paws or use law and the other hand. When you get up here just before you get to the leaves. Leap for the pressure the water is highly negative but negative ten atmospheres in this case or more. Now what is the negative pressure mean you would find was the transport local welding will be or anybody else. What does it mean. I mean what was under tension. OK So this is a the show's an ordinary pop starting our feeling pressure is almost positive here we are with a tree and wait a minute this is this is this is us our pumps and this is the tree. Now. That's all very well and good. For the oil for so use less oil is working fine. But the bubbly conditions are very different. The pressures are largely negative and told us. To. And then you have to ask yourself what's going on between the top of the water stem in the air. Now here I couldn't get much done this last week and it's runs out to the bottom as I have only very reluctantly agreed that there are negative pressures. That's that was first discovered many years ago but wasn't accepted until very recently and there not been creature is very awkward and the boundary can stop here is not stated clearly anything I have found yet. So you have a problem and. I remember once Bob Byrd and I had a big discussion a start up a saying Isn't that marvelous that so much of the world this is my body three equations. I said Bob how about Bobby conditions in the equations of state. They're also very important and so easy to forget the only difference here is the boundary conditions. It's well this sells you what's the problem. I guess that's what I have here. So here it here is the system. I gave this talk let's live to talk in Turkey. That's a long go because they have a lot of problems with trees drying out but this diagram shows what's happening. Water enters the room. It's just quite ordinary diffusion messing something special. Then the water comes up the trunk and here it is evaporated along with the what was it with the input of carbon dioxide. And we have to look a little bit at this foundry condition now. And if this is really interesting Be well we'll have someone date on that shortly I think unless I know too much. OK so here it is. This may not be true. This is what I've taken from the recent literature and I think it's correct but I haven't finished the literature search so you must be careful interpret ing this. But basically at the top of the SAFF stem is a series of very very tiny capillaries so tiny. That the capillary forces enough to bring a lot of the way up and it is a negative pressure below but outside of the normal pressure and the SO here we have capillary forces and then at the boundary. There has to be a probably condition that the log of the air is equal a lot of the water. Plus pressure of the water and it turns out that the this determining factor is the activity of the air. This will not. Work at high humanity but low humidity. The further driving force is greater than the hybrid manic requirements as a same reason that you can drive a car for of twenty miles on a small amount of gasoline for the reason that when weather comes up about reforms. It actually drops in temperature my back peroration but I was in a jeans from the fall in the. Potential Energy. And so here we see some orders of magnitude coming in but this is somewhat speculatively I did the slide just a day or so before and now I have some literature searching to do but if that's what we correct. So here's possibility is not I'll modify body prevention of gas formation in the in the stems and with a better condition that we don't use. Now it turns out that very often the water column steps and apparently makes nuff noise you can hear it. And the other hand there are only pair mechanisms and there are lots and lots of. Cept. In parallel and so what works. So that Mother Nature has solved the problem the chemical engineers can't can't can't meet. We always use positive pressures. So when you go into the fuel the biology the rooms hold but there are little differences in the operating conditions and that's where that one of the best in the parts of this business. OK now. That's the question of leaf structures. The problem of the leaf of interest here is working carbon dioxide and water vapor together. So if you can produce sugars and oxygen. And so the use always have. Where the open air is appear at the top. I think. Here it is right here. And they have a spongy structure. So the water vapor can come up in the C O two thing come down and. Their structure is determined to provide a balance if possible between the C O two and the water vapor. And if you look at the samples of Lisa Q gardens for example you can tell the carbon dioxide tension in the air when the sample for me by the number of such pores and they will we will change very rapidly. So here we see a really close matching of two different processes or a process which is actually. You can actually if you look at it you can actually see is at least Obama in the cold and you can determine what the conditions were way back. My problem. The first year or so this is one of the ways people actually find out what happened earlier today is you know some of the storm are so brilliant they're very impressive. It's. And here we don't have any genes at all because they still model have boundaries which are sensitive to humidity. Now you believe they're close and conserve water. What conditions they open up so that only. The weather and probably outside can be very interesting example which has been going on. Well for hundreds of millions of years. And it's a fast dynamics actually. OK. Now this is how long this works and this shows. A sketch of twenty three on the generations and this is a picture of the net. Now and these are they all rely now here. Which is what weatherman's transfer takes place every rescue now this is so well designed that only in the very bottom of the street. I will be alive present which I actually have yes exchange. With the body and this is to a first analysis a proud fractal. It's a space filling factor. A For Actonel and it was first first described by Ben more about. Mandelbrot in his book. Fractal nature of which when you put a price on nature the world or something like this so very very interesting for. Now if you want an accurate picture. But of course you can improve on this in a spot quite fractal After all we have a one hundred eleven here in the backbone of my class. So there are some differences but that's a first approximation and if you have more interim moment more detail you heard you can find that as well. Now you can also find. What happens to the deposition of particles. One of my students did the first definitive. Calculation on this one because there's a tendency for big particles before out where are we here and then they're pulled back up by nucleus but some particles can get further down and one way to get drugs is by deposition in the airways. And here again the design is really very impressive. OK. I think I should stop pretty soon. I'm sorry I didn't carry it away. I'll do some of these out. OK here's what I want to give. And I'll stop. OK sirens are very interesting because they normally live as free flowing amoeba. But when they get hungry hungry enough they change their medical tabel ism and they form. Aggregates which then turn into a tiny plant the plant forms spores we stand this first and the spores go out. And give the organism a chance to grow somewhere else. You know that's the one example of complexity I want to use because it's pretty straightforward to discuss and there it is now. So the signal for distress is the formation of cyclic and then ice and model phosphate when that comes out it tells them to begin to aggregate. And this is a picture of the aggregation taking place and thing up with something like this. OK so here's a case a complex little storm form of foremost lumps there form patterns. OK And this is the pairing they get through just before a million to form stocks. That's as far as we're going to go and the reason I brought this is because the simulations Hubbard made here. What's one of my dogs clearly not that I have or well let me just say that basically those rows those structures will be predicted mathematically by a person I think of MIT actually so you can find these structures. And this its problem. Behavior for all for a living systems they go for a uniform concentration to form discrete. And and reproducible Peris So that's a case of complexity which works and with nervous former blood vessels similar things happen but they're a little complex is just a way to do them to describe them. Therefore what you're like this but that's the that's the door to my field is replace and that time I have a big companion. The nice thing about dogs is you give them what you're in they don't even know that there are things from time I'm afraid I'd rather live with the. Yeah. Well. Absolutely. If I didn't even have processes anymore to me. The trouble is that I have no. Credibility as an idealist expert. So I have been trying to. To publish it. But as but the her story is complete and everything I say backs it up. I have my experience backs the beautifully and friends of mine and my son's friends and so forth. I'm trying to say I want to try that is surprised that he finds it works. But it should work because we know no mechanism. And are the two places that the sugar is stored in the river and in the large muscles and the soul. You can't you can't just won't do anything for the liver but you have an awful lot of muscles especially in the leg where you're walking. So it doesn't work. There's no question about it. And saying to him is now doing a systematic study U.W. which I think will be more more detailed but it has to work. Why. Because. Sure because if you exercise right away. You will saturate the muscles and them and not the rest of the body not not the not the. The liver for example you first want to have a good words with well anyhow. And then once it's stabilized. Then you can take care. Of course while I'm out this left by activating the G.'s the pool for transporters. That does make a difference but it's very simple chemical engineering. And. Well I also have an artificial heart valve and. It's real for relations and my cardiologist is no better than my diabetic Tele just. He says and works for you. Well Craig. I'm doing is behaving better. And I guess I can. Emphasize strongly enough that if you have a serious medical problem these are two of my three you can do a lot for yourself. And I've actually been able to room drop my heartbeat to quite normal level. Just by careful limping a little more complicated than the diabetes because I don't I don't want to hit you with that when it's not quite as well. The fine but it works and you're all well enough educated here to see this is all very simple stuff. It's. I think we're doing something we used to accuse the Germans of doing. Classic classic quip is the operation was a total success but the patient unfortunately died. And we're doing a lot of very high quality science but if you're an individual once roomful of your health. It's not clear how you can do that you have to look a little deeper. And the diabetes case is very clear cut. And I think there's no doubt it will work and I think it's saying thank you will not be published whether these days. The hard problems are a little more complicated but I brought my heart of the control as well it's. In the last analysis we're responsible for ourselves. Now they do follow my doctor's advice and the school beyond the. And I think this is something everybody in this room can do. It's. Now I always took my medication along with the exercise. I'm careful to get enough rest and all the rest of it but he has to work. Is not no mystery at all. Now you have to decide how much exercise you need. And if you're going to be successful you have to do something you enjoy and I love love taking my dog for a walk. So for me that's the way to go which you do. Bicycling or whatever you want to do. You've got to fit it into your life or it becomes unbearable burden but you can do an awful lot. Of the information is really easier. So. Yeah. So. OK. Well it's turns out that was enough for me. However if you actually size to watch your sugar go up. I forgot to mention that because if you put your body under enough stress you get group colds producing horrible ns which will raise your blood sugar. So if you can exercise a lot but that has to be a separate act activity and you have to you have to do let yourself. I live a pretty sedentary life outside my morning walks with my dog. So that's all I had to do. But. There's no big mystery here. There are a lot of equations which are which you couldn't possibly evaluate. But just a few time constants will tell you most of what you need to know. It's and now I forgot. Beyond that. So I don't make enough insulin anymore and has less type choose only. Can't use it. Type ones don't make it in. You get to my age you get a little bit of both like it's much more complicated than working on that now all I can say is I'm making progress slow is all we have a lot of time constants. And it's kind of hard to do that but. I think I was born on the left and I'm convinced responsible for ourselves and doctors can help but you guys are women or whatever. I'm someone face you're the right sort of modern living but you are you really are responsible for yourselves and you can do a lot. And I want so many people by early. One of my wife's best friends was married to an engineer working for the Physical Sciences Lab was diabetic paid no attention to it. And he died early typical diabetic death. Excuse for this but he had to get up early. Take your pills and I think you can see that if you've got to go to work. You've got to get up fairly early in order to wait an hour to have. You have to get a little work and so I mean a very unusual lifestyle and you know often he mails from your three o'clock in the morning. This is better than being sick and dying early. It's all. Possibly the last question for you to sign up to most of us. So you're. We can be friends. Well known because they were hidden in this lecture but I was using them. More than you might think. But basically I used to teach the men a senior mass transfer course and I think this would be an excellent substitute for. But everybody has their problems. And I don't want to be all dogmatic about this but basically if you will follow the norms that I've been making for myself. The student has to do a lot of thinking but. I believe that the model too much her plug and not enough thinking. No. You have the classes and we had big classes but I found that I got very good results by meeting with the students for two or three hours once a week. That I could do that well maybe half a dozen students. But I could do that. Three times a week because I was doing any work for preparation the lectures already been preparing they could see I'm. So I think a redistribution of time is very much in order by the in the students all loves us that was very popular. And I think I think a step professor standing up reproducing a book on the blackboard. Is not an efficient way to teach. And that's one reason I retired early want to do something else misses the something else. I'm working on. Still I think our teaching methods are kind of antiquated and not really very effective. Though it is. If you have thirty five students in front of your. Suburb or do the crossword puzzle a summer texting or. Listening to. Well if you're talking to a while on sex. They're part of the discussion. So more or. Have a lot of people. All text. Yes Yes Actually they were very enthusiastic. And I never had that we were really. To a.