Yes. Yeah. That's right. Yeah. OK. It really is a pleasure to be back here. It's it's fun to see familiar faces and buildings and some unfamiliar ones as well. And both categories and I feel a bit like an archaeologist because the students were. Were really excited to learn that I was here when the shuttle mural went up on the S.P.S. wall and so I feel like I'm shedding light on ancient history. For the students but it's been a great visit so far so right I'll talk to you today about a project that I have been working on for some time to test gravity by the technique of literally as arranging and so just as a motivation. If you do a google search for quantum gravity you get a picture like this and if that's not a cry for help. I don't know what is so you know there's a problem in physics a core problem that two of the pillars of physics gravity as expressed by generality and quantum mechanics are fundamentally incompatible and efforts to bring those two things together. Tend to introduce scalar fields and make for measurable effects like violations of the equivalence principle of time variation of gravitational constants and it's also true that the dark sector and physics dark energy dark matter are based on a framework of generality of a T. as our fabric for understanding cosmology and so cosmology is sort of built on the general T.V. framework. If we don't have that part right things like dark matter dark energy especially could be misinterpretations of. Of gravity at large scales. So it's something we certainly ought to test. Gravity is the weakest of the fundamental forces despite its apparent strength in our daily lives and so we really should subjected to the. Toughest test that we can so testing gravity and looking for General Timothy is not a new pursuit. In fact when Einstein. Developed his theory of general to Vittie he already understood that there were three experimental domains in which this might be tested this idea might be tested The first is the Perry hellion advance of mercury in simple terms the elliptical orbit of Mercury. Well process around and point to different parts of the sky over time and it's a very small effect forty three arcseconds percent tree and in fact dwarfed by the Newtonian facts there are other things that put torques on Mercury's orbit but it had been understood as long as since I think the eight hundred fifty S. that Mercury's orbit had this anomalous procession. And it was an outstanding mystery in physics in fact it was one of the first motivations for what I would call searches of dark matter. It was thought that interior planet to mercury which they called Vulcan was perturbing mercury in moving the orbit around and so there were a lot of concentrated surface. In the last part of the seventeenth century looking for one thousand sentry I was get that backwards looking for this planet Vulcan nobody ever found it but it was the first time when an anomaly in gravity was pinned on dark matter. So that's kind of a lesson we should pay attention to but Einstein calculated what his general to be theories should produce on Mercury's orbit as early as nine hundred fifteen and right off the page fell forty three arc seconds for Sentry the exact anomaly that had been sought for many decades and it's said that he had heart palpitations he was so excited to see this result come off the page and now it's been tested to very high precision the deflection of light near the sun. This was a famous test of relativity that Sir Arthur Eddington a mountain expedition to look to take photographs of the sky during an eclipse and compare to photographs of the same region without the sun present to see the stars that are revealed when the sun is blocked moving and this is an exaggerated scale in the sense that the sun's disk is half a degree across and here is a scale in degrees and where the stars were that they were able to to photograph and then on a different scale an expanded scale in arcseconds it shows the deflection measured for each of these stars and so you'll notice that the ones that are closer to the sun are deflected more but they tend to be deflected away from the sun. This is something that even Newton would have predicted to happen but Newton's. Prediction would have been exactly half that of General to a T. but I'm Stein imposed a sort of curvature on space that Newton did not have half of this effect you might say is the equivalence principle photons are just particles in their following trajectories. But the other half is from the curvature of space and so. Edington showed that you know this effect did happen at the scale that I predicted and that was a big news event. It took till nine hundred sixty to realize the third classic test of general a T.V. that clocks run slower deep in a gravitational field. It took technology to catch up but it's interesting to note that without understanding and appreciating this the G.P.S. constellation would under really fail to give you predicted positions on earth after an hour or so important is this gravitational redshift. So it's actually every time you drive somewhere in your car you have G.P.S. It's using general to Vittie at some level. So that's pretty interesting. Now in the lunar orbit. There are a number of ways that we can look at gravity and you know in general terms you can just appreciate that the moon's orbit is a very clean dynamical system. If you go for billions of years without any friction or drag or things like this. Having serious effects on on its dynamics. So right now. Lynn arranging provides the best test of the various aspects of gravity it test the equivalence principle that two objects fall the same in a gravitational field these two objects of the earth and the moon falling toward the sun in a solar orbit to an acceleration difference of a part in ten of thirteen. So that's a position. Experiment. And I'll talk more about that in a bit it test the time rate of the gravitational constant to better than a part in ten of the twelve per year so that means and think about this. Kuzma logically the universe is ten to the ten years old ten billion years old. Roughly. So if gravity has changed. If the gravitational constant has changed by less important. Ten of the twelve in the last year then it's changed by less than a percent over the age of the universe. If today's rate is representative of past history. So that's interesting because of you know magnetism is the origin of this thing called frame dragging is something that also the lunar orbit is sensitive to this is the thing that Gravity Probe B.. Attempted to measure and got a twenty percent result Well our long literally is arranging has had a point one percent. Constraint on this physics. Geodetic procession one of our squared force law also things that lunar ranging has the best limits on. And the project that I'll describe in a little bit is aiming for a factor of ten improvement on all of these physical effects. So let me tell you a little bit more about the weak equivalence principle and it comes in to flip side of the equivalence principle which comes into flavors. What is the weak flavor which is really a composition dependence. Of acceleration due to gravity based on the sort of nuclear constituents of. The material and you could say that it probes all energies but gravity itself so if you think about what makes up the mass of brick. It's got you know electromagnetic forces that are contributing it's got kinetic energy of all the particles in the nucleus. So it's got strong nuclear forces it's got weak nuclear forces those are all playing a role but it's not really bound gravitationally gravitational energy is a negligible fraction of laboratory scale objects something like a part in ten of the twenty seven mass is due to gravitational binding energy. I'm not held together gravitationally. But once you get to astronomical size bodies. You get to test what's called the strong equivalence principle where you're measuring gravitational energy at so. Off and so the energy of assembly of the earth the gravitational energy sort of embodied in the formation of the Earth is about a half of a part per billion. Of the Earth's total mass energy. So that's still a small number but it's a lot better than the ten to the minus twenty seven the laboratory scale objects and so we can ask the question does this type of mass this gravitational self energy have gravitational properties does it itself gravitate if you have a lump of self energy does it feel gravitational force. Does it have inertial forces that hard to push it around and so the earth has part of its mass energy budget in this form of self energy and we can ask how gravity is pulling and pushing on on gravity and that gets out on a very non-linear aspect of gravity itself interaction. So it turns out that literally laser ranging provides the very best way to test this piece of physics and just to sort of flesh it out a little bit. If you'd like to see it in this form this half of a part per billion comes from integrating the mutual interaction gravitational potential between any two mass elements in the earth. So if you do a sort of double integration over over the volume. You're obviously going to end up with something that has you know two powers of the mass one power of radius and some numerical factor which is pretty close to one and you can express the gravitational to inertial ratio for the earth. Which is if the equivalence principle is satisfied is identity it's one always but you can express any deviation from that as some one minus parameter. Times this self energy fraction. OK so this would be. Sort of describing the. Degree to which equivalence principle is is broken as a function of the fractional self energy in the object and for the lunar orbit that makes a thirteen metre difference or polarization of the moon's orbit. And that means if A does one in the interpretation of being one either. Plus or minus one would mean that either the self energy has no inertial properties so it doesn't take anything to push it around or it has no gravitational properties and it doesn't gravitational attract So those are the extremes but anywhere in between. You'll see some potential range signal and this is what let's learn arranging to test the strong qualms principle to reasonably high precision and just to put that in picture if the equivalence principle is violated so let's imagine that we do have a violation. So that gravitational inertial mass are not equal and let's say that all of that will cause earth and moon to fall toward the sun at different rates. It's important to realize that the moon is not orbiting the Earth. Contrary to what you might think it's orbiting the sun and there's a real reason I say that which is that the moon is beyond the realm where Earth gravity dominates once you're forty Earth radio from the center of the earth solar gravity dominates in the moon is sixty and you know well beyond forty Earth radio. So it's really in a solar orbit with a strong earth. You know. Perturbation and so what would happen is Earth and Moon would fall at different rates and it would look like a polarization of the lunar orbit. So think of it this way. Let's pretend the earth has greater inertial mass than gravitational mass and let's pretend Meanwhile that the moon is normal equal amounts of inertia gravitational So that means the Earth. You might think of it. It's sluggish to move a target to push it. Harder to push it around than it should be or you could say that it's got weak gravitational coupling Either way or the same it's going to take an orbit. That's exteriors. To the average orbit of the moon as the moon sort of weaves around the Earth's orbit and so from our perspective on earth that would look like the moon is pushed the moon's orbit is pushed toward the sun. So that's where you get this thirteen meter. Polarization signal and there's a maybe better pictorial representation of this that showed up in the newspaper at one point. So Earth's orbit is this thick blue line the Moon's orbit we and actually one of the consequences of the moon being in a solar orbit is if you drew this to scale this part of the orbit would never be convex pointing toward the sun it's always concave But of course then you wouldn't be able to see it very easily on the page. But the moon's average orbit is this dotted line and then the an equivalence principle violation. Those two separate and there's a signal that we can measure. So literally is arranging has been around for a long time since the Apollo astronauts first put reflectors on the moon in one thousand nine hundred eighty nine. We've been able to send laser signals to it and get a round trip travel time and early on we had something like twenty centimeter range precision which is pretty good. It started before that it was two hundred meters. We knew how far the moon was two hundred meters suddenly it collapsed by three orders of magnitude and that was using a large telescope a two point seven meter telescope. But older technology. And one nine hundred seventy S. laser technology question. Yes I do and I'll show you some pictures of it. In the mid eighty's a transition actually away from the big telescope back to small telescopes. But. With much better technology detector and laser technology and the effort I'll describe I should put some more points on this. This was an early slide is down sort of another order of magnitude really by going back to the big telescope. That's all we really did. So the project is called Apollo and we're looking for order of magnitude improvements in this range perception by using a large telescope back to the telescope. Shooting twenty pulses per second which is a higher rate than other efforts. The best latest detector technology we can get our hands on we are able to gather multiple photons per shot which sounds pretty pathetic but it's actually a radically new regime for this experiment and were intent on integrating the experiment in the US is that sort of diverged over the years of the people collecting the data weren't themselves doing the analysis and so were that's not a great way to do science. And so we also came up with I think the best acronym we're using the Apache point Observatory the technique is Lunar Laser ranging all you have to do is demote the R. and come up with a no you have Apollo and NASA can't help but fund that and then N.S.F. fortunately has come in as a roughly equal partner. So it's a collaboration that started at the University of Washington with Eric out of Berger Christopher Stubbs and myself and then we've sort of scattered to different institutions and is also involved he's the I would say the grandfather of literally is arranging he's the first one back in one nine hundred sixty S. maybe sixty eight who realized that you could test general to Vittie and the equivalence principle using the moon and he communicated this to Bob Dickey at Princeton and actually by by figuring out which airplane barbecue was going to be on and he purchased a ticket on the same. Flight and he said it wasn't hard to recognize the physicists who got on the plane and he sat next to them and told him about this and Bob Dickey was very impressed and sort of accelerated the installation of reflectors on the moon. So in fact here we are Apollo eleven the very first lunar landing and there's already a reflector there that they built they designed and built in six months. We can't do anything like that these days. Doesn't seem six months isn't enough time to even submit a grant proposal. So here's the reflector That's Buzz Aldrin and he's installing a seismometer and Neil Armstrong is taking the picture and what these things are our collections little arrays of quarter keep prisms solid pieces of glass. With mutually perpendicular back surfaces have the property that light entering will rattle off all three surfaces in urgent exactly opposite the direction it came in. So it's like a crystal Ector something that seems like exactly back the way from which it came and so Apollo eleven and fourteen each have one hundred ten by ten array. These are thirty eight millimeter one and a half inch. Cubes corner cubes the Apollo fifteen array has three three hundred of those. Devices So it's a bit larger. Where are they on the moon the Apollo reflectors are here Apollo eleven fourteen and fifteen Apollo twelve didn't land one Apollo thirteen had trouble and didn't land on the moon but Apollo fourteen or fifteen completed the The installation of these reflectors and you need at least three to make this project work if you measure the distance to one reflector from the earth. You could theoretically pivot the moon about that fixed point measurement and you don't know where the center of mass is and that's what you care about as soon as you measure two points you can rotate the moon about those two fixed points but you still have ambiguity. About where the center mass is the third one locks the orientation boom you've got the center. You've eliminated the degrees of freedom. All the same the Russians played to and landed a. An unmanned lander rover. Here on Luna seventeen mission and another one here on the Luna twenty one mission and they're comparable these two are comparable in performance to the three These two are comparable in performance to the smaller of the two Apollo arrays. OK so how does it work. I. At one point developed a nice animation. To show what goes on. So aside from being slowed down in the scale being wrong. Well OK there's one thing that's right about this. There are fifty pulses in route at any given time for our experiment we shoot twenty pulses per second. It takes two and a half seconds to get to the moon and come back. So it's about fifty en route. So we launch from the telescope and immediately the atmosphere starts verging the beam. At one arcsecond let's say that's about the atmospheric. Turbulence level and so at the time by the time it gets to the moon one arcsecond is two kilometers across most of the light is lost on the lunar soil goes. Of course there's no sound in space. And then the light that's lucky enough about one out of thirty million of our photons manages to find the reflector. And then that spreads by diffraction from the corner cubes at maybe characteristic seven arc seconds or so and so it's maybe fifteen kilometers across of the earth and so most of it doesn't hit our telescope and it's roughly comparable factor of a part in thirty million makes it so it's like if you went. It's like winning the lottery to actually hit a photon. Here one in thirty million chance. But what if you won the lottery and they called you up and said there's a one in thirty million chance the money will make it to your bank account but we get to play the lottery a lot with ten to the seven hundred photons per shot. And so that even the odds for us and by the time it's all said and done we get something like one photon per pulse on a good night. So our detector and our laser. It's at five thirty two so same as this laser pointer. Here's the telescope three and a half meter telescope our laser is actually in this box and there are some people for scale. If you've heard of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey that was taken from an adjacent telescope at the same peak in southern New Mexico. So this is a very high elevation site with good atmospheric seeing good image quality flexibly scheduled. So we usually get one hour blocks of time every few nights maybe eight or ten chunks out of the month and the whole point is for us to map the shape of the Moon's orbit so as long as we're sampling along that curve and get several and weather knocks us out of maybe forty percent of our nights thirty forty percent. As long as we get several points around we're OK. At the in the laser boxes a two foot by four foot section of laser bench. We have this neodymium AG laser that's point by flashlamps it's cavity down to frequency doubled to five thirty two nanometers I like to say don't trust the font trust the laser pointer. That's the real color. It's about one hundred pico second pulse with which is physically about this long in space about an inch or so. Post it twenty times a second. It's got Therefore one hundred milligrams per post gives it about a to what average power and if you divide hundred Milledge rolls by ninety one hundred seconds. You get one gigawatt So that's it's a nuclear power plant for one hundred because seconds. We expand the beam to three and a half meters to fill the aperture so it's less of an eye hazard to people in the Dome or Tele or sorry pilots planes are attracted like Mas to this thing. It's also less damaging to the optics it doesn't thermal heat them it doesn't ruin the telescope for subsequent observers we use a an avalanche photodiode array is the detector. It's an array in our case four by four. Sixteen elements each thirty microns in diameter. We've upgraded to a forty Micron damager. Detector and these are one hundred microns apart. Now the advantage of that is we have lots of buckets to collect any photons if we have multiple photon multiple photon hit when we're lucky. We have we spread it out. We make our point spread function or are focused image kind of. Spread out across these tech the tech tears. So we're not susceptible to first photon bias. If you think about an avalanche photodiode detector the first photon that text makes an avalanche and once you've got an avalanche going you can throw a snowball into the avalanche nobody cares. It's just there's avalanches in progress. So you could bias your measurement to early the earliest photon you detect and that's a danger we need to be able to detect multiple photons and know when they came in so that helps here the other thing it helps is that we have spatial information because we make or putting this is the focal plane if we had a single element detector and we lost the signal we don't know which way to move to hunt it but in this case as if we start losing the signal it's going to pile up perfectly in one corner and we know which way to move the telescope so it's much more efficient. We might not. A lot of dead space here between the elements but we put a lens a little ray in front and so we recover the fill factor. Every photon that would be headed for a square around this element gets channeled onto that element. Just some pictures there's the laser box mounted permanently on the telescope. We call the Utah box for reasons I'll let you discover this is our phone booth which one of our more nerdy associates is started calling the Tardis. Then we have a corner cube prism that's mounted to the secondary mirror which you can't see here. Very well but it's another one of these corner cube prisms that returns light back from the direction came and that's very important because that gives us a what we call our for do show measurement of when the light left the telescope and we detected by the same exact optical path detector electronics etc at the single photon level. So we have a start time basically for our travel to the moon. This is lighting up the telescope mirror with their laser beam. Again let's see how close the that's pretty close color match. Here's a basically giant laser pointer shooting at the moon. And so we get really strong returns compared especially compared to what came before this is time on the wall clock that's four minutes of time. This is how far off. We are from our predicted round trip time. So we have a prediction a model that tells us how far we expect it. How long it. We expect it to go take to go to the moon and come back these points are background. Photons and then we see a very bright. Thick line. Those are the returns from the reflector we see here's the Apollo fifteen reflector Here's Apollo eleven. You can see that one is fat and one is then and it's because these reflectors are physically. Tilting as a function of what's called libration how the moon is oriented exactly it's plus or minus seven degrees in both axes and so in general there is in your corner in a far corner. So even if you know precisely its orientation a laser pulse hits it some light comes back early some light comes back later that spreads the pulse out in time and you can see that the physically larger arrays spread to return more than the physically smaller a Ray I like to write down this is the measurement representative measurement from this series of photons. That's how many millimeters of the moon at that moment with an error bar. So there are. You know I'm generally an advocate of low perception math and calculation in order of magnitude estimates but there is a time and place for digit. Yeah. Up here. Yeah good I that is because we have entered detector photons that penetrate beyond the depletion region. Create a photo electron that doesn't have an electric field to tear tell it where to go and there's a random walk for a while diffusion until it happens to hit the electric field that drives it into the multiplication region. So we get late avalanches and you can see the tail here. I should also mention this is from our local corner cube. So this is what our system does. And then this everything else is what the reflector does to it but this asymmetric tail is just a feature of our detectors. Yeah. Yeah. This one Apollo eleven is closer to the physical center so it is going to have a smaller number more on that particular night these were both taken on the same night. Now this number will change from three hundred fifty six to four hundred seven depending on where. Where the moon is and it's a let the whore bit. And even over the course of an hour as the Earth rotates at four hundred meters per second. That number can change quite rapidly as well. So the geometry has a large role on the actual number. So this only has meaning when it's associate with a particular timestamp OK sort of a closer look at the corner cube and its mathematical model and then if we can Vall that with the trap a zoid which is the mathematical function you'd expect from a rectangular array that's tilted the pole shape turns into a generally a trap as OID and you can evolve it with a theoretical trap as odd that we expect on that night and you get this blue curve that fits very nicely the broad. Run poles from the reflector and just sort of pictorially as as you tilt the moon different orientations you get different trap a Zoids in we see a good match. We basically I can tell you. Even if nobody had told me that dimensions of this reflector over time I could have said it's about a metre wide by point six meters this way and it's oriented within about a degree of the nominal mean Earth positions of the astronauts did a good job orienting it and nobody can convince me that the lunar landings were faked. It doesn't work on me. OK So this is just raw fast we broke all the previous records by roughly a factor of seventy in terms of our photon return rate and I've been bragging about you know photon for shot level that's compared to you know. Sort of one every five hundred pulses. For. Sorry that's when every fifty. That's the best that Texas has done. And typically it's more like one out of every five hundred. So we can also operate at full moon which is important for several reasons one of which is that the equivalence principle signal is maximized at full moon. If you think about this polarization of the Moon's orbit toward or away from the sun that signal is maximum at full a new moon. So it's really nice to be of operate a full moon we can't operate at new moon the sun is a major scourge for us. So this is sort of our data accumulation rate sort of steadily ramping up on the different are flatters Apollo thirteen fourteen eleven in the two Soviet reflectors more on that later uncertainties per night perf Lector are typically a few millimeters. Now bear in mind that previous experiments were typically one really two or three centimeters. So even off this chart so all of our measurements are quite high precision. And it's really just because we're getting tons of photons. It's just beating down the statistics. Our average median nightly range error is about one and a half millimeters. Skip that slice not terribly important. We are working very hard on the model of development right now you have to model everything that can influence the Earthman range to make sense of the measurements and that includes not only obviously some relativistic gravity model for how the solar system works and in body kind of mechanical. Dynamical system but these are not point masses that are they are finite masses that have shape and the Earth and Moon torque each other in the sun torques the bulge of the earth in the bulge of the moon and that leads to rotational dynamics and if we could measure to the centers of these objects that would be great but we're on the surfaces so we have to understand. The. Tilt and orientation. And there are lots of things that can displace the site a high pressure atmospheric system comes in and it loads the crust down it's a lot of mass locally and it pushes the crust down a few millimeters in groundwater after heavy rains the area can be depressed by a few millimeters and even ocean loading in New Mexico where this telescope is water piling up on the California coast pushes down the region and off that New Mexico sinks a little bit too. So there are all kinds of things like that that we have to model. And we we know a lot of the facts that we haven't yet include in the model so we basically have our work cut out for us. I like to put it in Rumsfeld terms these are the known knowns we also have a list of known unknowns and then we are scared of the unknown unknowns. But anyway that that's just a point that we got a lot of things to work on in the model and if you're a little miffed by that. Keep in mind that the science signals were after a very well defined discrete frequencies and most of these things are broadband influences and so it helps to do a good job modeling them and good sampling but it's not likely to mimic the physics that we're after. Now one thing we are doing that. I think is kind of. Nice is. We've got a superconducting of emitter installed at the site and it's a levitating niobium sphere at liquid helium temperatures that is so sensitive to gravity that if you raise the thing one millimeter it senses that gravity is weaker because you're farther from the center of the earth. And we can use that to characterize the tides measure the vertical displacements of the crust. And I really like it because we're using gravity as a tool in a. Experiment to test gravity so it's not circular don't worry about that but here's For example a month. Of Time series of raw data. These are not massaged this is not a model these blue points make up the raw data. You see the lunisolar tides here that are roughly correspond with a half meter amplitude of vertical motion of the site to the tides. Obviously we need to take care of that. When you have something sense of like this you see some fun things like one day I saw the grimmer signal have three steps of unequal size in a span of a few minutes and. I called the observatory to say has anything been happening there are moving any big masses around for instance to do anybody to big Brito for lunch and it turns out they say yeah we have these three big concrete blocks that we store basically right under where your groove emitter sits on the other side of this wall and we use it once a year to do low test the crane to make sure the crane is capable of carrying heavy loads without busting before we pick up an expensive telescope mirror for instance. And so I can tell which one they move first they move the one that's farthest from our. Remember first and then this one in the one that's closest made the biggest step and then the next day I saw them come back in. But we can also see that asymmetric you know gravitationally asymmetric telescope dome as it moves around a different as Miss We see a gravitational influence from that and things like after some of the big earthquakes. On the Earth we see the earth in this breathing mode the whole earth rings in this sort of spherically symmetric breathing mode at a twenty minute interval. So I've learned a lot about geo physics by having this thing around. Let's see this is part of a time series of the grad. Signal The blue is after you subtract a tidal signal and most of that is loading most of it's from Ocean loading but you can see that we now have data to tell us what winning is looking like and after we model the loading we're left with a red trace. And some of the jumps in the red tracer from that telescope down moving the discreet discontinuous pieces. We also have near the site precision G.P.S. installation. So we can see how the site is moving over time we can see a North drift in East drift in a vertical I don't know what you call that but it's big. It's many millimeters we should know about this and so this is something that you know we might rely somewhat on models but we also feel as experimental is much better having measurements on what the site is doing OK let me tell you about one little story and let me ask what's the usual stop time for. OK so one story about a surprise that we had which is we always expect one hundred percent from anything we expected the reflectors to operate as if they were new. But what we got instead was something like a ten percent performance that did dept drop down to one percent during full moon. And we somewhat jokingly started calling it the full moon curse and we thought it was just low number sampling we you know some werewolf is causing problems or whatever but it stopped being funny anymore after a while it was always there and so this is a plot of a lunar phase so full moon is right here and the return string from our reflector on a logarithmic scale we see why variety of conditions were very sensitive to the atmospheric conditions. But there's a big hole around full moon where we never get. One photon for shot. And that you know has held up over time and it's not just that we're have a high background level yes the background does go up a full moon but the signal is coming down and signal to noise suffers but it's really a drop in signal strength not just signal to noise and you can see it. I'll skip the top and you can see it in the early literally as arranging record in the early seventy's. There's not much of a dip here full moon but by the late seventies to the eighty's we started to see something cut in sort of a factor three. CUT HERE IN OUR stuff that's maybe a factor of ten or fifteen. So it's appeared to get worse over time. And so. What we believe to be wrong with it is that there was a thermal problem likely from dust and the idea is that normally light comes into the corner Cuban reflects out with barely any loss. OK there's a little bit of surface reflection here but this is total internal reflection. It's perfect should be perfect but if you put dust on the front surface. Now you have to traverse that front surface twice and you get a pretty significant dimming But what's worse is that for Moon these arrays are placed so they point at the Earth at full moon the sun is basically right behind the earth. So the sun is shining right down these sort of recessed cavities and when you put light on to this dark dust you heat it up and it turns not red hot but Power Point is only so good but you heat it up and you create thermal gradients within the corner. Q And when you have a thermal gradient the refractive index now depends on temperature and so you have a refractive index radiant so it's hot near the surface cool near the tip and for. Light paths that go deep into the corner. Q. they experience a cool route and travel through more quickly because the refractive index is as low or near the surface for exterior rays you stay near the surface and warmer material and you get retarded or delayed because it's a slower path in the what what that means is you send a plane wave in but what comes out has a spherical wave front and stay verging And so you're losing light and so the signal intensity drops down when these corner cubes are exposed to to light. We did a lot of modeling of corner cubes these are models and these are laboratory experiments in my lab for just checking that we can model the diffraction patterns. There's the total diffraction pattern from a corner Q When these are horizontal and vertical polarization come ponens So we try to understand that well enough so we can understand what happened to that diffraction pattern as you tilted it and what happened is you crank up a thermal gradient within the corner. Q. And we found that it only takes about a four degree. Kelvin difference between the surface and the vertex to actually destroy the central radiance of the return. So that's not big the moon goes up and down between you know two fifty one hundred fifty to three hundred fifty Kelvin about. And so that's a huge range a little residual of four degrees of thermal imbalance not hard to comprehend. And we had this great opportunity to test this idea when the moon crossed. Through the Earth's shadow. It's a celestial light switch turn off the Sun see what happens. And here's a nice pictures that resulted. If nothing else I would have been happy with the pictures but this actually spot is from our laser beam hitting a high band of clouds the actual target we're aiming for is about here. But it hit some clouds and reflected in the real laser went all the way to its target. I wish it were that easy to see the thing hitting the moon but it's just not so here's what I expect as the illumination goes down and comes back up. We expect that the hot front face will cool off as it radiates to space becomes a cold front face and then it goes back to hot when the sun comes back and so hot face cold face and as zero crossing as it transitions from being thermally heated to the main source of cooling and when it crosses through zero. We expect the signal to get really good and then we expect that to happen again on the tail end so that that's a prediction. And here's the actual data from the eclipse these lines mark when the eclipse started and ended we get this nice peak and then a law so bad that we lost the signal and then after the light came back we saw another peak and this Grey Range is the historical range that we've always seen and we've never seen anything outside of this range and look how you know order of magnitude stronger signal. So we were pretty convinced that this has a thermal cause and we likely know why we had the last little fun bet is that we after forty years of not seeing this Lunokhod one the first were Soviet. Rover. We were able to find it. And you know its construction is a little bit different but it has a twin in Lunokhod too so there are we've been using Lunokhod two for decades successfully even though it's a weak reflector it's gotten weaker even weaker than the Apollo reflectors. We're still I would use it but nobody had found Lunokhod one and I'm going to give you the opportunity to find it. So somewhere on the slide which is. Less than or about a kilometer across lurks Lunokhod one and I'll give you a hint it looks like that. And I haven't covered it up. Anybody think this it. It's right here. It's the little thing that has a little piece of light in the shadows going after the last words craters have shadows going off to the right. So the light is clearly coming from this lower corner shining this way and this thing is sticking up and making a shadow going the other way. So the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter still going around the moon took some nice high resolution images of the surface and found this little point. And also got some good altimetry introduce surface so we had a good definition of where this thing was and within a month we had an opportunity to try to find this thing and we opened up our gate normally one hundred seconds is all we open our detectors eyes for we opened it for a little bit as wide as we could and we saw this thing right at the edge of our gate and that should always make you suspicious when you see something right on the edge of some instrumental transition but we changed the timing so the gate was a little bit later and later and later and this thing stood right out and was very strong we saw two thousand photons in this first eight minute run. And it was so strong I said to the press that. This thing has been silent for forty years it's got a lot to say after all that time which they like pretty well but really the best quote came from a colleague your discovery gives hope to all of us who lost something during the seventies and it works on so many levels. It definitely winds. Just a little cap is that as a side consequence working on this laser range and we're shooting lasers through the atmosphere and we do. I want to hit any pilots because that would not only likely shut us down it would shut down laser Guide Star adaptive optics programs at places like tech and Gemini and it's just bad news to hit an airplane. So the F.A.A. has been happy to have spotters human spotters watching the sky with a kill switch standing out in the cold blistering wind with bleary eyes in inattention they're still happy with it to have a kill switch to shut off the laser if they see an airplane come by and it's a hassle at a remote location to schedule spotters. I have found. So I developed with a colleague intellectual engineering at U.C.S.D. a phased array antenna that we could mount on the front of a telescope and using the ratio of a directional beam pattern to an more broadening pattern we can tell when an airplane is out in front and we're listening just to the transponder signals that it is issuing forth as ground stations and other aircraft interrogate and it just responds on the directionally we listen to the chatter and. It's a very nice or robust way to detect it through clouds light conditions don't matter. Never falls asleep never get believe. And we've installed it at Apache point to telescope and I'm right now in the process of building them for tech one Subaru in the two Gemini telescopes. And connect to has already started operating and has F.A.A. approval to not use spotters anymore so they're delighted. And this thing doesn't cost more than half a year's worth of spotter pay. So it will pay itself off it's my entire jobs program. I'm very proud of it. OK So there's a last lied so you know Apollo is a fairly new. Operation that is able to get millimeter range precision between Earth and moon and we expect that to give order magnitude gains in all those physics parameters that Lynn arranging is provided over the years and I didn't mention it but you know Lynn arranging is out in front of all the other techniques in these tests of relativity pulse our timing is a close second. Maybe a factor of ten behind. And it's possible that pulse or timing could leap in front of littering. But for now at least in arranging holds the front seat if we can get more out of the model. We will be able to. Put all of these tests of fundamental gravity. To good use. And so now we're doing a lot of grappling with the model we thought we could rely on other people to do that and it turns out you know the saying If you want something done right you do it yourself. So we're getting into that mode and we have had some nice surprises along the way to keep things interesting as we await the good science and I think I'll stop there. Thank you. Of the. I've heard those rumors. Right right. In fact you know there are definitely good opportunities to improve. The measurement because the dominant source of error in our measurement is that finite sized Ray and if we could have individual corner cubes that are sparsely position and resolve each one. So that we get more of a comb instead of a big mushy trap as oid. We would do far better and we would have an incentive to improve the ground. System right now if I make a laser post it's fifty pico seconds instead of one hundred I don't get anything from it. I would have to go down to two pico seconds before I got much benefit with the present arrays and that's kind of too far to push it. Would not be easy. So my ideas just have a bucket of almost like golf balls but. Corn cube prisms and just scatter and you don't care where they go you'll figure it out later. Some will point to Earth and some want so you could do it very simply and crudely of course if you're going there with a person you would do a proper job and but yeah there's a great opportunity and there are some new reflectors being designed. That would also help mitigate dust because that's something we know over the long term you have to contend with. I don't know if the Chinese are are amenable but I'm not on talking terms but I should ask. I know the guy who is the sort of lead developer of the next technology next generation reflectors I don't know if he's been talking to the Chinese or not I know he's got his thumb out and he. He wants to talk to anybody who's going so he's probably tried and maybe has been successful. I don't know. Well that's a good question. A longer wavelength would certainly be less sensitive to the dust Very well I think you know one thing we could do is just yank the frequency doubler out of our laser. And we'd have a double The wavelength sixty four. But the main problems with that for us would be a our silicon based detector is very crummy at sixty four. It's almost transparent to photons be it would become more of an eye hazard because it's invisible it would be hard to work with that. We would have twice as many photons. So there is one benefit but I've never been audacious enough to try it and infrared. That. It does it doesn't appear to be the data appear to show that it took a few decades to settle in and early on the Apollo fifteen array was worked fine through full moon with no dip and then that appeared to develop but it looks also like well I guess another data point the Texas Station early on ranged I think the Apollo fourteen while the astronauts were still on the moon and then did it again after they left and didn't see any difference. But there are mechanisms for moving dust around the surface of the moon electrostatic charging from photo line is ation by X. rays and U.V. from the sun can positively charge the Greens in then if they get dislodged from some other disturbance like micrometeorites they can loft around and move my best guess is that there's about a fifty percent fill factor of dust right now so to the eye it wouldn't look that bad. But that's enough to cause these are facts. So what we do it is tough. That's the toughest thing we have to do in a sense because we have a one arcsecond sized beam we need to point within one arcsecond before we see anything in our detector I didn't really say it's only one point four arcseconds Square. So it's also very tiny postage stamp on the sky. So what we do in practice is I've got a model of the moon that has it's sort of orientation at the time in our top a center correction depending on where we are and so it's also that crater so we point first at a crater. That's nearby or some physical feature a hill or something that stands out and we know where that is relative. The other so we move to that and get the telescope offsets and then we do a small move over. Now sometimes that the reflectors in the dark and that's a more challenging thing because you have to pick a crater. That's on the illuminated Crescent and then move over blind and you don't have any references. Once you're there but typically we're within one arcsecond so very small hunt pattern is enough to pick it up and most of the time we find it within the first minute. Once we found one. And we're locked into the sort of offsets we skip to the other one and we pick it right up. So that doesn't tend to be we hunt once per night and once we find one we can run the table. You know. Well there is a coherent back scatter phenomenon in the moon. So the full moon is actually forty percent brighter than one would predict. In fact I do have a slide that shows. Our own measurements of the lunar background. So there's a spike and you might not believe it because there are some other specks too but the moon. Does get forty percent brighter at full moon than it would be within about five degrees of full moon part of that is called Shadow hiding. You know you're not the sun is coming in. It's a male you're looking so you don't see the dark parts of shadows of of fluffy objects. But the other aspect is you do get this coherent back scatter in the crystals of you know it's basically class the moon is kind of obsidian glass and so you do get some of that but. Not to the not to the extent that we would expect any confusing signals. Partly because they're spread. We're hitting terrain that you know typically we're shooting at a section of the moon. That's Telt at relative to us. Only if we hit right in the middle is flat. So we're hitting something that's tilted and so our two kilometer beam comes back with a lot of you know spread in time and so it just looks like background. Yeah I think so. First of all both rovers moved around for maybe ten months on the moon during the lunar day when it had solar power and then they were parked at night and oriented toward the earth so that the reflector was facing Earth and they could get a signal back and so they did arrange to it several times while it was still moving around but there were no reported sightings of it after it had stopped. So one of the theories was it parked in the wrong orientation. I did run across one old Russian reference that said yeah in one thousand nine hundred five. We did see it. But the coordinates were never properly transmitted to the international scientific community in the West and so it sort of remained a secret little too was found just because we got lucky and found it just in a search but Lunokhod one wasn't found and it wasn't long after that that other reflector started appearing on the moon we knew where those were and people just stopped looking. And it's a hard it's hard enough to find one. Even when you know where it is especially the earlier laser ranging operations where you get maybe ten photons back in ten minutes. So it was just a hard game and only even with our much higher photon rate it was almost a lost cause to search a five kilometer region. And it's not but the beam with this two kilometers that's not hard to search spatially it's the temporal dimension that is the most limiting. Thank you.