Good afternoon everybody. Again my name is root and the subject of my study was called the calibration of an insecure pressure measurement system using different interface materials and was conducted by myself along with some assistance from Robert kissed the bird and musical glare. So in the fitting of a prosthesis to an amputee the socket is usually considered one of the most important components in that process. He says because it's the one component that's actually interacting directly with the residual limb and so there are certain parts of the anatomy where the pressure is more sensitive than other areas and there are other parts there and I mean that is more tolerable to pressure and knowing these areas is very important to how we fit our stock into the patients. If you look here in this diagram we can see the trans to the N.P.T. Here are the places that are more tolerable to say to pressure things such as the medial to Bill flares and along with the teller tendon with you look at the other pressure sensitive areas or more the bony prominences such as the distal end of the tibia and the feet below the head. So if you don't get these things right. You going to have poor socket fit and they are going to cause pain discomfort to the patient as well as possible skin condition problems such as I'll Servatius that could occur and overall you might reduce some of the stability in your socket. So currently in clinical practice we evaluate on prosthetic fit based on a lot of qualitative measures such as the practitioners personal past experience or perhaps the feedback from the patient as well as using visual cues such as the coloration of the skin. In a study in two thousand and he mentioned that it's important for practitioners to move away from this kind of qualitative national and system something that's more quantitative so that we can obtain better understanding of interface pressures have an objective evaluation of prosthetic design in function and hopefully in the future we can advance our socket designs and have a better understanding of prosthetic biomechanics. So one such system that allows for the quantity of measurement of pressure systems inside the socket is the tech scans of socket system it's in socket pressure mapping that is based off of four sensing resistive technology or at us are and basically you have. As you have two very thin milers sheets that sandwiched in between pressure sensitive resist of AIM and the sink is arranged in sort of a matrix form and wherever the rows and columns intersect and creates a sensitive area they can detect pressure and they call these sand cells. So when you apply pressure to the sense cell a century. You're creating a change in resistance that results in a change pressure that we see. For the ninety eight eleven A.M. model for Texas and they have ninety six individual sense cells for detecting pressure and the next rating is about twenty five P.S.I.I. or hundred seventy point far for killer Pascals this system only measures normal forces not sure. So according to tech scans manual they say the calibration should be done best to mimic whatever environment you're going to be testing in and some considerations you need to look at are the temperature that you need testing in the surface curvature how long you'd be collecting your data on the pressure that you're applying and as well. The material interface and I want to focus mostly on the material and from here is a diagram of a cross-section of a socket sensor and if you look here. The areas that are more rounded that's actually where the intersection between the rows and columns occurs and that's where the four sensing resistance and gives the depression areas here that's then an active area so it doesn't actually sense pressure it's like a valley. So if you had an infinitely complex material that was applied to the surface of the sensor and you apply the load to it essentially that material can follow the pattern of your sensor sheet and fill in the gaps in the hills and valleys in your sensor. And so with this you can see that some of the load is experience in the active sensing areas and some of the load is also experienced in that in active areas. Not be taken to religious smartly compliant and you apply a load to it you can see that the material also conforms slightly to the hills and valleys of the sensor. But it doesn't fill in quite as much as an active area as the infinitely compliant material does so with this condition. You have more force of acting on the active areas as opposed to the infinitely compliant stage. Now you take this to the next level. You look at a completely non compliant material basically it's bridging across the entire sensor in the even. Actually an active areas. So all the load is essentially on to the active sensing areas. So there directly from this diagram you can see that for this condition you would have higher load output or measurements from the sensor using a non-compliant material versus a blind material. In the lot of the studies that I read up on using the sensors a lot of the calibration that were performed performed without using the material interface to be tested in later on. So essentially they calibrated the sensor without a material and then they stuck inside some one socket that may have used the liner or prosthetic sock or some other material interface in one thousand nine hundred eight why did a study on using ensure pressure measurement system and he found that the sensor output highly depended on. The contacts surface hardness and so I wanted to evaluate this using it in shoot in socket pressure measurement system using sockets Cers. So the first step to valuating the differences in calibration with materials was to first fabricate and validate a calibrated that could accommodate not only of the dimensions of the F. socket sensors. But could also accommodate to the different material thicknesses that I would be testing the pressure system also needs to be able to apply a uniform pressure across the sensor and had said within at least one hundred seventy two point four killer Pascals which is the max and rating of the sensor. So for the calibration I want to be able to determine what the fact of the pressure output would have been if I calibrated with the material without the material. And so I want to quantify the effect for the following prosthetic materials that are used very commonly in such as prosthetic socks liners silicone liners and polyethylene form probably no purpose is purely from. So here's a mock up of my test equipment that I used as Actually I have a top board in the bottom for the air comes in to here and inflates the pressure bladder Superman of your thing and the pressure is measured using the gauge when your thing bladder inflates it compresses on the material where the sensor replace either on top or below. And over here we have various height plastic spacers that are used an integer. Depending on how thick my material is going to be. To validate the calibrator I also wanted to make sure that across the board where the sensor was going to be placed that the pressure was going to be even so I stuck four different guys a resistance transducers on the bottom of the board one of the Center at the corner on different edges to see if the pressure distribution was even across the board. So I bought it calibrated using the four resistors are transducers at four different levels of pressure at zero twenty point seven thirty four point five forty eight point three kill of ask Els and I compare that to the input pressure that was supplied by the air compressor using a sample T. test with P. less than zero point zero five. In terms of checking the differences in calibration with the material without a material I did everything at the same pressure level of one hundred three point four killer Pascals which translates to fifteen P.S. I. And I have three separate conditions the first condition is my control condition and here I am calibrating the sensor with no material and then test them in also with no material and so this is sort of the baseline for comparison across the other conditions. The second thing I did was I compared calibration of the sensor with no material and then following that I'm testing the same sensor using the material and I broke that down to measuring two different things. I put the sensor both on top of the material and I also checked the sensor when I was below the material and this is sort of simulating a situation if you're putting the sensor between the liner in the skin versus if you're putting the sensor between the socket and the liner. The final condition that I tested was calibrating the sensor with the material interface of interest and testing with the same material and so I'm expecting here to have more accurate results are similar to the control because you're actually calibrating to the same environment as your testing and again as with the sub with the sensor being above the material and also below the material. And collecting the data for three trials of fifty herds and then I compare the pressure values to the control using the sample to test again and. So here are the results of a team from the validation of my high calibrator on the Y. axis you see the pressure and kill of Pascals on the X. axis you can see. With the color bars the four different transducers there were on the board board and you can see at the zero Pascal level. When I put it. Zero kilo Pascals as in such a weight and put any pressure in my pressure sensors were giving me outputs there are lower than zero and they're all consistently lower than zero Same thing with all the other pressure is what I put in twenty point seven thirty four point five to forty eight point three as an input pressure all four of my sensors were still reading lower than the pressure that was imported and it was consistent in the same four sensors. So looking at the values of the differences between the input pressure and the pressure detected by the friends do series. You can see on average the pressure measurement for the four sensors was roughly one point one kill of ask for the input pressure with a standard deviation of point four eight. Here are the results from the calibration experiments that I did again on the Y. axis you have your pressure value in Cope ask Els and on the X. axis you have the control vs the different types of materials that I tested so breaking up the issue here. The four bars here the first two bars are the material commission a where I calibrated without material interface and then I tested it with material and the last two bars the green in the purple are the conditions where I calibrated and tested with the same material interface the first bar being the sensor above in the second bar being the sensor below the material is interested in. So I am putting Again as I mention one hundred in three point four color Pascals and that's the line that was the kind of the target to go for but the control I ended up getting only one hundred one point five killer Pascals which is under reading about to kill a Pascal's from the can from the input which is kind of consistent to what I saw when I validated my calibrated it in the Reading a little bit lower than expected for the other materials you can see that if you calibrate without the material interface you're looking at the tend to have lower pressure values and if you calibrate it with material that you investigating and for their own for the most part the. One that had the same statistical differences were the ones that had calibration with no material with the sensor below and you can see that with the asterix for the gel three millimeter the gel six millimeter the P. light and the silicone the P.I. was the one thing the kind of stuck out for me didn't really matter if you calibrated with or without material it seemed like it was long as the sensor was below the material. It had very high output for sense for the sensors which were about one hundred points above till past bells. So it seemed like my control was lower than my input pressure which was again as I mentioned consistent to what I saw with the validation of my calibrator this may have been as a result of the way the the pressure transfer of the pressure gauge was read. There is an inherent poster minus point five P.S. I error within the pressure gauges and their read and a lot of digital and so there might have been some reading errors for that. And possibly from the inputs of the output there is some air loss as well. We do find the US moving in difference was showing the pressure output for calibration when there was no material and the sensor was tested below the material and this made them because of the difference in the material stiffness you have in this clip calibration environment vs what you have from your test garment. In terms of comparison between the materials themselves I think the drama between the materials are very similar to each other so we didn't really see too many significances between that except for the for the pure light liner the show kind of inconsistent results studied by June in one thousand nine hundred eight. Also found that when they tested a transducer using pure light they had overshot some of the pressure values that they had and so the also had very one over estimation of how much pressure was going on. And so this might have been because of the income press ability and the stiffness of the material as I mentioned earlier when you have a hard surface or hard incompressible material that's noncompliant you tend to have higher pressure values because it's not filling in the in. The nonsense it is in Africa is near sensor. So some of the limitations in the study the pressure gauges and mention was analog and had an inherent error to it. The materials that I use may not have had a perfectly consistent uniform distribution because of the material they get is not going to be perfect and the equipment that I had I put the pressure transducers on the top surface of the bottom plate and they may not have been exactly flush trying to get the most part as I could but there's always going to be armed factions with that I also examined one pressure level at the fifteen P.S. I with might be interesting to see what differences you get if you have higher or lower primaries and the drain in the loading I noticed that when you lower the pressure sensors for a certain amount of time if you kept lowering it. The pressure would rise until as they did offer a certain point. So there is some drift going on and this was also noticed by Poliakoff and Texaco manuals and so they recommend that you hold it for at least thirty to sixty seconds. But when you were to material in there. Sometimes you get differences in how long at the old before you get a consistent result. And there's no real data out there in terms of how long and how much you can use the sensors for so for to avoid what we can't really tell because we don't know how long they're used. So in the future be kind of interesting the salmon again as I mentioned different pressure levels to see if there's a difference if you have higher or lower pressures be interesting to see also in the more clinical setting like in the socket to look at curve surfaces and a dynamic and condition when your load is sickly so you can look at history says and professor that. So in conclusion when you're calibrating the sensor without a material and then you test it with the material and you have the sensor below you going to get a test sophistic Lee different results. So it's recommended in any case to calibrate it with material as. The same if you're that going to be using a test environment for accuracy. I like to think the following people will talk with Williams who works at tech scan for providing me the sensors and forgive me of the advice on how to use them. Mark pickin for his advice and how he's using clinic to get a call blared Robert his number for there is a provision during this project. ROBERT down for not providing me with some of the materials and that information on the materials. Dr Stevens beagle Jonathan jars and the rest of the kitty a staff for letting me use their facilities to build my calibrator. And to give me advice on pressure sensors and finally to duck if he says no for system that is tickle advice. Is my reference or any questions. Yes. Part of this research was possibly he's right. So you know you want when you get your money he speculated boy boy it's whether the sensors would be placed correctly. Yes You know they start right now as I mentioned with this there are many factors that affect the calibration accuracy of this things like temperature on the surface curvature. And as well. The material interface Ideally I'd like to see this being applied where they can calibrate directly within the socket and that way you take care of all the variables all at once for right now we don't have the information for all these little pieces in terms of how they affect the calibration. So that's kind of why I'm doing this research is that I have a component of that information so ideally I kind of like the way they do in shoe measurements where they put sensors directly underneath the installs of their shoes and they can put their body weight on it you can load that and using the information from the person's body weight and knowing all the commissions that are going to be used in testing you can get much more accurate results and calibrate and so in the end. Hopefully you can do the same thing with this only instead of doing it with a calibrating you can do it within the socket using their weight. As a role in the. Work. You're right. Right. And. I do believe the both components are relevant in terms of affecting the residual limb and terms of pain and discomfort so share is definitely a component own terms of skin breakdown but I believe that when you have something digging into you. That's going to be irritating as well. And right now we don't have actual values to know how much we can tolerate in terms of that pressure for your skin in forevers soft tissue muscle fat all those because there's confined for a patient to know how much we can endure. We don't have data on that. So with we can gather data using pressure systems like this to know. Well the Hertz of this P.S.I.I. for this type of body composition we can use that to help guide for our pressure off our stock of designs in the future. And. Right. Yeah. But. Yes.