[00:00:10.18] professor I would like to welcome all of [00:00:16.16] [00:00:12.21] you to the fine Georgia Tech Iman series [00:00:19.07] [00:00:16.16] so our topic today is navigating [00:00:21.15] [00:00:19.07] community engagement sustainability and [00:00:23.05] [00:00:21.15] service-learning opportunities at [00:00:26.14] [00:00:23.05] Georgia Tech so we are pleased to have [00:00:29.05] [00:00:26.14] speakers with us today [00:00:31.16] [00:00:29.05] let me start by introducing Rebecca [00:00:34.10] [00:00:31.16] Watts how she is with the service [00:00:37.05] [00:00:34.10] and partnership specialist Santa course [00:00:41.14] [00:00:37.05] or that's one for Lawrence Lessig [00:00:41.14] [00:00:46.10] the project manager [00:00:49.12] [00:00:52.00] stromae my girl she's a director [00:00:57.01] [00:01:03.17] she's visited services [00:01:08.18] [00:01:22.08] [Applause] [00:01:25.11] [00:01:26.08] thank you all for being here on a very [00:01:31.17] [00:01:29.03] rainy morning we appreciate you coming [00:01:36.22] [00:01:31.17] out so our goal for today in keeping [00:01:40.15] [00:01:36.22] with the demystifying title of this [00:01:43.02] [00:01:40.15] panel series is to help you better [00:01:45.23] [00:01:43.02] understand the similarities and also [00:01:48.21] [00:01:45.23] differences between the office of campus [00:01:50.17] [00:01:48.21] sustainability the center for serve [00:01:52.20] [00:01:50.17] learners sustained and the office of [00:01:56.09] [00:01:52.20] civic engagement our work intersects in [00:01:58.18] [00:01:56.09] many many ways and we all offer [00:02:01.00] [00:01:58.18] opportunities for faculty and their [00:02:03.20] [00:02:01.00] students on campus and our goal today is [00:02:05.11] [00:02:03.20] to help you understand a little bit [00:02:08.10] [00:02:05.11] better what opportunities might make [00:02:11.03] [00:02:08.10] sense for you in terms of where to plug [00:02:14.22] [00:02:11.03] in so I'm going to begin with an [00:02:17.20] [00:02:14.22] overview of serve learn system and then [00:02:20.11] [00:02:17.20] Sarah Stroh maker is going to provide an [00:02:21.11] [00:02:20.11] over [00:02:24.02] [00:02:21.11] civic engagement and followed by Sara [00:02:26.20] [00:02:24.02] Neville will talk about office of campus [00:02:29.16] [00:02:26.20] sustainability and then Michael and Lily [00:02:32.00] [00:02:29.16] will share some of their experiences [00:02:34.23] [00:02:32.00] with these three offices and we felt in [00:02:38.06] [00:02:34.23] time for plenty of Q&A but if along the [00:02:42.00] [00:02:38.06] way at any point you have a clarifying [00:02:44.18] [00:02:42.00] question to ask please also feel free to [00:02:47.13] [00:02:44.18] raise your hand and stop us at any point [00:02:52.14] [00:02:47.13] so serve learn sustain it's part of [00:02:55.06] [00:02:52.14] undergraduate education and that's [00:02:58.19] [00:02:55.06] because Searle art system is the QEP or [00:03:01.11] [00:02:58.19] the quality enhancement plan for Georgia [00:03:03.20] [00:03:01.11] Tech and we're coming to the end of that [00:03:08.07] [00:03:03.20] five year cycle so since 2015 [00:03:11.08] [00:03:08.07] sir Clark System has been housed within [00:03:13.10] [00:03:11.08] the office of undergraduate education [00:03:16.12] [00:03:13.10] with the mission of offering students [00:03:18.22] [00:03:16.12] and all six colleges at Georgia Tech [00:03:21.13] [00:03:18.22] with opportunities both within the [00:03:23.22] [00:03:21.13] classroom and outside the classroom to [00:03:29.10] [00:03:23.22] partner with community members around [00:03:29.10] [00:03:30.04] and our ultimate goal is that through SL [00:03:35.19] [00:03:33.14] as students will learn to use the [00:03:37.02] [00:03:35.19] knowledge and skills that they're [00:03:39.13] [00:03:37.02] gaining here at Georgia to advance [00:03:41.22] [00:03:39.13] community sustainability both while [00:03:44.02] [00:03:41.22] they're here and in their future [00:03:45.06] [00:03:44.02] endeavors [00:03:48.18] [00:03:45.06] so how do we do that in three primary [00:03:52.01] [00:03:48.18] ways one is first we directly educate [00:03:56.10] [00:03:52.01] students so we created a series of core [00:03:59.14] [00:03:56.10] or foundational courses we also next [00:04:01.18] [00:03:59.14] year we'll have our first set of mini [00:04:04.22] [00:04:01.18] master courses and we also offer [00:04:07.10] [00:04:04.22] co-curricular courses that we call buzz [00:04:10.17] [00:04:07.10] courses so short term courses on [00:04:14.23] [00:04:10.17] particular topics in sustainability [00:04:17.19] [00:04:14.23] those have included in the past citizen [00:04:21.21] [00:04:17.19] science and social innovation at the [00:04:24.02] [00:04:21.21] same time we also work with faculty [00:04:26.08] [00:04:24.02] throughout the Institute [00:04:29.04] [00:04:26.08] again across all six colleges to help [00:04:31.23] [00:04:29.04] them integrate sustainability concepts [00:04:35.03] [00:04:31.23] into existing courses and identify [00:04:37.11] [00:04:35.03] community partners with whom they can [00:04:40.08] [00:04:37.11] connect the course material and offer [00:04:43.14] [00:04:40.08] students opportunities to engage with [00:04:45.10] [00:04:43.14] community partners and build those [00:04:48.17] [00:04:45.10] skills and then finally we also [00:04:51.09] [00:04:48.17] facilitate that work of the faculty [00:04:54.10] [00:04:51.09] connecting their courses by establishing [00:04:56.20] [00:04:54.10] those community partnerships ourselves [00:04:59.21] [00:04:56.20] and working to build relationships that [00:05:05.15] [00:04:59.21] over time will enable faculty to do [00:05:09.02] [00:05:05.15] everything from a small piece of [00:05:11.13] [00:05:09.02] community engagement like inviting a [00:05:15.07] [00:05:11.13] guest speaker to a class to designing an [00:05:17.23] [00:05:15.07] entire course that has a community [00:05:20.08] [00:05:17.23] partnership component like semester in [00:05:20.22] [00:05:20.08] the city [00:05:23.03] [00:05:20.22] in the school of history and sociology [00:05:26.15] [00:05:23.03] so those are the three primary ways that [00:05:30.12] [00:05:26.15] we operate and to give you a little more [00:05:33.08] [00:05:30.12] detail about how we engage faculty and [00:05:35.22] [00:05:33.08] how we support faculty we have a number [00:05:38.21] [00:05:35.22] of programs for doing that so more than [00:05:42.09] [00:05:38.21] 150 courses at Georgia Tech are formally [00:05:45.12] [00:05:42.09] affiliated with serve learn sustain so [00:05:47.12] [00:05:45.12] that means that the faculty member for [00:05:49.18] [00:05:47.12] that class has identified one of our [00:05:52.12] [00:05:49.18] learning objectives and sustainability [00:05:54.20] [00:05:52.12] that closely aligns with their course [00:05:58.04] [00:05:54.20] and they've worked with us to identify [00:06:01.19] [00:05:58.04] ways to strengthen that component of the [00:06:04.02] [00:06:01.19] course and also to bring in a community [00:06:07.09] [00:06:04.02] partnership element as I mentioned [00:06:10.02] [00:06:07.09] briefly before that includes capstone [00:06:13.03] [00:06:10.02] courses where students design a [00:06:16.05] [00:06:13.03] semester-long project that has a closed [00:06:19.20] [00:06:16.05] out sls component and in addition to [00:06:22.03] [00:06:19.20] helping identify the community partners [00:06:25.03] [00:06:22.03] for capstone projects we also identify a [00:06:28.00] [00:06:25.03] subject matter expert that makes it [00:06:30.17] [00:06:28.00] easier for a team say in mechanical [00:06:34.11] [00:06:30.17] engineering our isye to integrate [00:06:37.09] [00:06:34.11] something like a carbon footprint [00:06:40.12] [00:06:37.09] calculation into their capstone by [00:06:42.03] [00:06:40.12] adding that sub [00:06:45.06] [00:06:42.03] expert to their team we also have an [00:06:48.05] [00:06:45.06] online teaching toolkit with more than [00:06:51.04] [00:06:48.05] 50 teaching tools that faculty can use [00:06:54.03] [00:06:51.04] to to enhance the sustainability [00:06:57.06] [00:06:54.03] teaching in their course and then for [00:07:00.05] [00:06:57.06] faculty interested in a deeper dive we [00:07:03.01] [00:07:00.05] have a program called link courses which [00:07:07.05] [00:07:03.01] is a strategy for enhancing [00:07:09.23] [00:07:07.05] cross-disciplinary collaboration around [00:07:13.15] [00:07:09.23] sustainability themes so in summer we [00:07:16.00] [00:07:13.15] lead a series of linked courses during [00:07:18.21] [00:07:16.00] the Ignite summer program series around [00:07:20.23] [00:07:18.21] equitable and sustainable development [00:07:24.07] [00:07:20.23] usually in fall we have linked courses [00:07:27.16] [00:07:24.07] across disciplines and green [00:07:30.09] [00:07:27.16] infrastructure and water infrastructure [00:07:32.11] [00:07:30.09] and citizen science and then usually in [00:07:35.04] [00:07:32.11] spring we have linked courses focused on [00:07:39.01] [00:07:35.04] community health and in addition to [00:07:42.17] [00:07:39.01] those opportunities to engage faculty [00:07:44.06] [00:07:42.17] and sustainability [00:07:47.10] [00:07:44.06] community partnerships we also support a [00:07:49.20] [00:07:47.10] formal miner the sustainable cities [00:07:52.06] [00:07:49.20] miner in the School of City and regional [00:07:56.07] [00:07:52.06] planning we have a more flexible option [00:07:58.04] [00:07:56.07] for students you might find it difficult [00:08:00.02] [00:07:58.04] to incorporate a miner [00:08:02.13] [00:08:00.02] so the innovating for social impact [00:08:05.03] [00:08:02.13] program is for both undergraduate and [00:08:08.06] [00:08:05.03] graduate students interested in social [00:08:10.13] [00:08:08.06] entrepreneurship and they can fulfill [00:08:13.09] [00:08:10.13] that requirement with a combination of [00:08:15.22] [00:08:13.09] both curricular and co-curricular [00:08:19.06] [00:08:15.22] experiences including our buzz course [00:08:21.03] [00:08:19.06] including the end of the Social [00:08:24.04] [00:08:21.03] Innovation Challenge program and also [00:08:27.15] [00:08:24.04] including summer abroad opportunities so [00:08:29.22] [00:08:27.15] students who have really packed fall and [00:08:32.13] [00:08:29.22] spring semesters have found that helpful [00:08:35.13] [00:08:32.13] we also offer a summer internship [00:08:39.01] [00:08:35.13] program with our community partners and [00:08:42.15] [00:08:39.01] we find that so students can afford to [00:08:46.14] [00:08:42.15] spend a full 10-week period working [00:08:49.06] [00:08:46.14] full-time with a community partner and [00:08:51.17] [00:08:49.06] we include as part of that internship [00:08:56.03] [00:08:51.17] program pre experience and seminars [00:08:59.06] [00:08:56.03] during the process of the internship so [00:09:00.16] [00:08:59.06] students gain [00:09:03.03] [00:09:00.16] and skills about how to work effectively [00:09:07.03] [00:09:03.03] with community partners the link courses [00:09:09.13] [00:09:07.03] I already spoke about in addition to [00:09:12.09] [00:09:09.13] that we also offer events and workshops [00:09:15.04] [00:09:12.09] throughout the year related to community [00:09:17.14] [00:09:15.04] partnerships and sustainability and I'll [00:09:18.21] [00:09:17.14] speak to the RCE [00:09:22.03] [00:09:18.21] Greater Atlanta Greater Atlanta in just [00:09:25.07] [00:09:22.03] a moment but first I wanted to give you [00:09:28.05] [00:09:25.07] a sense of what kinds of Community [00:09:31.07] [00:09:28.05] Partners SLS how this faculty work with [00:09:33.21] [00:09:31.07] because civic engagement also works very [00:09:36.03] [00:09:33.21] closely with community partners as this [00:09:39.06] [00:09:36.03] campus sustainability so these are a [00:09:42.14] [00:09:39.06] sampling of some of our closest what we [00:09:46.07] [00:09:42.14] call signature partners who have worked [00:09:48.19] [00:09:46.07] with a number of courses all of them [00:09:52.23] [00:09:48.19] have also supported summer interns and [00:09:55.09] [00:09:52.23] most of these organizations also [00:09:58.16] [00:09:55.09] participate in the governance of SLS who [00:10:00.23] [00:09:58.16] are a partner Advisory Council and [00:10:03.10] [00:10:00.23] listed on the left there are the [00:10:06.03] [00:10:03.10] partnership principles that guide how we [00:10:08.21] [00:10:06.03] work with communities and also the [00:10:11.17] [00:10:08.21] teaching we do with students about how [00:10:13.09] [00:10:11.17] they can work most of [00:10:17.01] [00:10:13.09] with partners using an assets based as [00:10:19.14] [00:10:17.01] opposed to a deficits based approach [00:10:23.01] [00:10:19.14] helping community members identify what [00:10:25.05] [00:10:23.01] skills and resources they already have [00:10:29.12] [00:10:25.05] in the community and challenging that [00:10:32.06] [00:10:29.12] perspective that our students often [00:10:35.04] [00:10:32.06] bring to service-learning and community [00:10:38.01] [00:10:35.04] engagement that they have expertise that [00:10:40.07] [00:10:38.01] they want to share which is very [00:10:43.02] [00:10:40.07] well-intentioned but we encourage them [00:10:47.01] [00:10:43.02] to pursue those relationships as more of [00:10:50.12] [00:10:47.01] a partnership than a one-way transfer of [00:10:53.06] [00:10:50.12] expertise from them to a community [00:10:58.19] [00:10:53.06] partner and we do all of this to support [00:11:01.07] [00:10:58.19] student progress that were the four [00:11:04.23] [00:11:01.07] Institute wide learning objectives that [00:11:07.23] [00:11:04.23] were responsible for through the QEP to [00:11:10.20] [00:11:07.23] identify relationships among ecological [00:11:13.16] [00:11:10.20] social and economic systems to [00:11:16.02] [00:11:13.16] demonstrate the skills needed to work [00:11:17.18] [00:11:16.02] effectively in different types of [00:11:21.08] [00:11:17.18] communities to evaluate how various [00:11:22.09] [00:11:21.08] kinds of [00:11:24.23] [00:11:22.09] impact the sustainability of communities [00:11:28.13] [00:11:24.23] and finally to describe how their own [00:11:31.17] [00:11:28.13] discipline can contribute to making [00:11:35.11] [00:11:31.17] communities more sustainable the last [00:11:37.14] [00:11:35.11] thing I wanted to mention is one way [00:11:41.05] [00:11:37.14] that SLS supports student and faculty [00:11:44.11] [00:11:41.05] engagement and sustainability beyond our [00:11:49.13] [00:11:44.11] campus so in 2017 Georgia Tech's [00:11:52.06] [00:11:49.13] SLS together with Emory and Spelman [00:11:55.05] [00:11:52.06] College created the RCE Greater Atlanta [00:11:58.21] [00:11:55.05] which RC e stands for regional center of [00:12:01.14] [00:11:58.21] expertise on the United Nations [00:12:03.20] [00:12:01.14] sustainable development goals and [00:12:06.00] [00:12:03.20] through that RCE [00:12:09.09] [00:12:06.00] we're building a network of expertise [00:12:12.02] [00:12:09.09] around those sustainable development [00:12:15.13] [00:12:12.02] goals and identifying ways that folks in [00:12:18.14] [00:12:15.13] higher education our community partners [00:12:20.18] [00:12:18.14] our government partners our business [00:12:24.03] [00:12:20.18] partners and also youth at the college [00:12:26.13] [00:12:24.03] and the high school level can work [00:12:29.17] [00:12:26.13] together in ways that will leverage all [00:12:32.06] [00:12:29.17] of our effectiveness toward advancing [00:12:35.21] [00:12:32.06] education for sustainable development [00:12:38.18] [00:12:35.21] so our goal is to create really a [00:12:41.21] [00:12:38.18] community of practice beyond Georgia [00:12:44.12] [00:12:41.21] Tech throughout metro Atlanta where [00:12:46.19] [00:12:44.12] we're all advancing the kinds of goals [00:12:49.06] [00:12:46.19] that SLS is working on here at Georgia [00:12:53.19] [00:12:49.06] Tech thank you very much and with that [00:12:56.03] [00:12:53.19] I'm going to hand this over to Sarah [00:12:59.04] [00:12:56.03] Mayer to talk about civic engagement [00:13:01.16] [00:12:59.04] awesome well thank you again my name is [00:13:03.20] [00:13:01.16] Sarah Berger and the director of civic [00:13:06.04] [00:13:03.20] engagement and so yeah I'm just gonna [00:13:08.12] [00:13:06.04] provide a little bit of an overview so [00:13:10.12] [00:13:08.12] civic engagement is a department within [00:13:13.08] [00:13:10.12] the Division of Student Life and my [00:13:15.17] [00:13:13.08] office is that in these centers for [00:13:19.03] [00:13:15.17] student engagement so the work that I do [00:13:22.05] [00:13:19.03] and that civic engagement does is rooted [00:13:25.03] [00:13:22.05] deeply in student experience not just in [00:13:27.10] [00:13:25.03] providing experiences for students to [00:13:31.10] [00:13:27.10] participate in but largely probably 90% [00:13:34.17] [00:13:31.10] or more of the output from civic [00:13:36.18] [00:13:34.17] engagement is student developed [00:13:39.22] [00:13:36.18] student-led student facilitated and my [00:13:42.22] [00:13:39.22] role within civic engagement is largely [00:13:45.02] [00:13:42.22] advisory I'm advising different [00:13:47.17] [00:13:45.02] organizations I'm supporting and sort of [00:13:49.23] [00:13:47.17] encouraging programmatic efforts that [00:13:53.07] [00:13:49.23] are occurring but it's not me in my own [00:13:55.07] [00:13:53.07] role producing all of the things that [00:13:57.03] [00:13:55.07] I've talked about so just want to make [00:13:59.07] [00:13:57.03] that really clear the question is often [00:14:00.22] [00:13:59.07] asked is what we're doing serving [00:14:02.15] [00:14:00.22] students there's a lot of different ways [00:14:04.14] [00:14:02.15] that civic engagement and community [00:14:08.19] [00:14:04.14] service can show up and my focus and the [00:14:12.03] [00:14:08.19] way I decided how I put my energy is is [00:14:13.18] [00:14:12.03] this affecting students [00:14:15.11] [00:14:13.18] connected to students is an impact [00:14:17.09] [00:14:15.11] experience is it for the students so [00:14:19.08] [00:14:17.09] every single day that's what I'm [00:14:22.18] [00:14:19.08] thinking without so a lot of people [00:14:25.02] [00:14:22.18] don't recognize that civic engagement is [00:14:27.14] [00:14:25.02] a department within a student life but [00:14:30.17] [00:14:27.14] they probably know things that occur [00:14:33.10] [00:14:30.17] from this office so these are the three [00:14:35.23] [00:14:33.10] big organizations or programs that stem [00:14:38.14] [00:14:35.23] from civic engagement within student [00:14:40.21] [00:14:38.14] life the alternative service breaks is [00:14:42.13] [00:14:40.21] the first that I'll talk about this is a [00:14:45.08] [00:14:42.13] student organization that is developing [00:14:48.12] [00:14:45.08] longer service trip experiences that are [00:14:50.23] [00:14:48.12] immersive so we're traveling and doing [00:14:53.18] [00:14:50.23] both domestic and international service [00:14:56.01] [00:14:53.18] experiences with community partners and [00:14:58.15] [00:14:56.01] where we're staying on-site or near site [00:15:00.19] [00:14:58.15] we're really creating a connected [00:15:02.07] [00:15:00.19] experience for the students who are [00:15:05.21] [00:15:02.07] participating ase also invites faculty [00:15:09.20] [00:15:05.21] and staff advisors to serve on trips and [00:15:12.12] [00:15:09.20] we do trips during all of the major [00:15:15.04] [00:15:12.12] breaks so fall winter spring and then [00:15:15.17] [00:15:15.04] wandering [00:15:18.12] [00:15:15.17] summer as well and so yeah this is [00:15:19.23] [00:15:18.12] really cool and we'll talk about this a [00:15:21.14] [00:15:19.23] little bit later so I won't dig too much [00:15:24.18] [00:15:21.14] into it but and a really great [00:15:26.15] [00:15:24.18] opportunity for a lot of people to get [00:15:28.19] [00:15:26.15] connected to service around the world [00:15:31.08] [00:15:28.19] truly jump start is the next I'll talk [00:15:34.05] [00:15:31.08] about jump start is a long term service [00:15:37.03] [00:15:34.05] experience on campus and this is rooted [00:15:40.18] [00:15:37.03] in a national program so jump start has [00:15:43.16] [00:15:40.18] organizations and volunteer cords all [00:15:46.07] [00:15:43.16] over the country with the goal of [00:15:49.23] [00:15:46.07] entering into early education spaces [00:15:53.21] [00:15:49.23] preschools primarily in pre-k classrooms [00:15:56.08] [00:15:53.21] and volunteers go and work on literacy [00:15:59.05] [00:15:56.08] they work on just like social skills [00:16:01.03] [00:15:59.05] some of those types of things [00:16:03.05] [00:16:01.03] Jump Start is unique in that when [00:16:05.08] [00:16:03.05] volunteers sign up for this experience [00:16:07.12] [00:16:05.08] it is a year-long commitment as much as [00:16:09.21] [00:16:07.12] they can commit to that and for [00:16:12.20] [00:16:09.21] volunteers who opt into it if they serve [00:16:15.06] [00:16:12.20] 300 hours over the course of the year [00:16:18.02] [00:16:15.06] they are eligible through AmeriCorps to [00:16:21.02] [00:16:18.02] receive educational scholarship and the [00:16:22.06] [00:16:21.02] other thing that's unique is that [00:16:24.02] [00:16:22.06] students can participate in jumpstart [00:16:26.13] [00:16:24.02] truly as volunteers but there's also a [00:16:28.17] [00:16:26.13] partnership with federal work-study and [00:16:30.10] [00:16:28.17] so we have a number of students who are [00:16:32.18] [00:16:30.10] volunteers through jumpstart who are [00:16:34.18] [00:16:32.18] also able to take advantage of their [00:16:36.23] [00:16:34.18] financial aid packages and get paid [00:16:40.05] [00:16:36.23] you're part of that experience so it's a [00:16:41.23] [00:16:40.05] really unique way for people to be [00:16:44.11] [00:16:41.23] connected into the study they're going [00:16:47.03] [00:16:44.11] into the same spaces week after week to [00:16:49.16] [00:16:47.03] engage into the gene and connecting with [00:16:50.14] [00:16:49.16] kids in the air [00:16:52.12] [00:16:50.14] and just supporting literacy efforts [00:16:55.04] [00:16:52.12] within Atlanta and then move is the [00:16:57.11] [00:16:55.04] other organization that I'll speak about [00:17:00.22] [00:16:57.11] and move in sort of the umbrella [00:17:03.19] [00:17:00.22] volunteer organization on campus they [00:17:06.09] [00:17:03.19] are most focused on direct service [00:17:09.13] [00:17:06.09] experiences for campus and they function [00:17:12.05] [00:17:09.13] under a committee structure so I wrote [00:17:13.17] [00:17:12.05] them down to make sure I didn't miss any [00:17:16.21] [00:17:13.17] and so they have animal welfare hunger [00:17:19.01] [00:17:16.21] and homelessness medical assistance stem [00:17:20.23] [00:17:19.01] and education sustainability and then [00:17:22.22] [00:17:20.23] the special projects committee and these [00:17:24.08] [00:17:22.22] are made up of students who are [00:17:27.06] [00:17:24.08] interested in those topics and they are [00:17:30.02] [00:17:27.06] doing approximately monthly programming [00:17:32.18] [00:17:30.02] either going into the community and [00:17:34.14] [00:17:32.18] partnering with different community [00:17:36.11] [00:17:34.14] partners they might be doing tabling to [00:17:38.14] [00:17:36.11] raise awareness about issues connected [00:17:40.22] [00:17:38.14] to any of those themes and just really [00:17:42.20] [00:17:40.22] working on large scale initiatives to [00:17:44.18] [00:17:42.20] make sure that people have access to [00:17:47.04] [00:17:44.18] community service experiences where it [00:17:49.01] [00:17:47.04] might be like I know on this Saturday [00:17:51.03] [00:17:49.01] I'm free and move is doing something so [00:17:52.19] [00:17:51.03] let me go and participate and there's [00:17:55.19] [00:17:52.19] not a commitment for but those who opt [00:17:58.12] [00:17:55.19] in to have to stay connected for a long [00:18:01.00] [00:17:58.12] term volunteer experience if they can't [00:18:04.08] [00:18:01.00] or if they don't want to or whatever [00:18:06.18] [00:18:04.08] there are few other things that stem [00:18:08.13] [00:18:06.18] from civic engagement that aren't [00:18:10.10] [00:18:08.13] necessarily connected [00:18:12.21] [00:18:10.10] organizations they might be but there [00:18:14.13] [00:18:12.21] are large-scale events that we would [00:18:16.06] [00:18:14.13] consider kind of those key events or [00:18:19.02] [00:18:16.06] primary events so into the streets is [00:18:23.01] [00:18:19.02] our fall and day of service event and [00:18:24.17] [00:18:23.01] this is primarily geared towards [00:18:26.09] [00:18:24.17] first-year students to allow them a [00:18:29.13] [00:18:26.09] chance to get instantly uh explore what [00:18:31.08] [00:18:29.13] it means to be doing service while also [00:18:34.04] [00:18:31.08] being a Georgia Tech students and learn [00:18:37.04] [00:18:34.04] from some student leaders who are really [00:18:38.22] [00:18:37.04] connected to service to just understand [00:18:40.00] [00:18:38.22] what their options might be [00:18:43.07] [00:18:40.00] and so this has been we're coming up on [00:18:45.09] [00:18:43.07] what would be our 10th annual into the [00:18:48.06] [00:18:45.09] streets day of service event in the fall [00:18:50.16] [00:18:48.06] MLK Day of Service is another [00:18:52.17] [00:18:50.16] large-scale day of service event that [00:18:55.00] [00:18:52.17] gets organized as well and this is part [00:18:59.13] [00:18:55.00] of a larger programming calendar around [00:19:03.20] [00:18:59.13] MLK celebration on campus and this is [00:19:05.12] [00:19:03.20] where we've just finished our 10th [00:19:08.02] [00:19:05.12] annual MLK Day of Service as well and [00:19:10.09] [00:19:08.02] then community partner connections our [00:19:12.05] [00:19:10.09] community partners equalling volunteers [00:19:13.23] [00:19:12.05] showcasing we called it different things [00:19:17.05] [00:19:13.23] but we at least once per year bring [00:19:20.05] [00:19:17.05] several community partners to campus a [00:19:22.03] [00:19:20.05] lot of the chance to table to connect [00:19:23.21] [00:19:22.03] with students to connect with people who [00:19:25.13] [00:19:23.21] might be organising community service [00:19:27.15] [00:19:25.13] initiatives or want to get connected on [00:19:30.05] [00:19:27.15] an individual level so we did one in the [00:19:32.21] [00:19:30.05] fall and then move the organization is [00:19:35.19] [00:19:32.21] also organizing a large one for the end [00:19:37.08] [00:19:35.19] of February as well so we're really [00:19:39.15] [00:19:37.08] excited about that the other thing I did [00:19:40.06] [00:19:39.15] put in [00:19:42.17] [00:19:40.06] image up here for but that I want to [00:19:45.15] [00:19:42.17] speak to our some funding sources that [00:19:48.15] [00:19:45.15] civic engagement helps to oversee for [00:19:51.06] [00:19:48.15] students who are wanting to do some sort [00:19:52.23] [00:19:51.06] of community service experience [00:19:55.02] [00:19:52.23] initiative they want to put on an event [00:19:56.22] [00:19:55.02] but they don't have access to the funds [00:19:58.13] [00:19:56.22] that they need to make that happen so [00:20:01.21] [00:19:58.13] move manages a service grant application [00:20:05.21] [00:20:01.21] based where students either as them as [00:20:07.14] [00:20:05.21] individuals if it makes sense or on [00:20:09.08] [00:20:07.14] behalf of organizations and request [00:20:11.07] [00:20:09.08] money and then there's also the class of [00:20:14.15] [00:20:11.07] 1981 public service endowment fund which [00:20:17.10] [00:20:14.15] we also oversee so those two sources [00:20:20.01] [00:20:17.10] average out to about we have access to [00:20:22.05] [00:20:20.01] about $10,000 right now worth of funding [00:20:24.23] [00:20:22.05] that we can provide to community service [00:20:31.13] [00:20:24.23] oriented programming and shows so in all [00:20:33.19] [00:20:31.13] the things that we do no matter what [00:20:36.07] [00:20:33.19] organization it is or program it is I [00:20:38.07] [00:20:36.07] just wanted to share some of the values [00:20:41.02] [00:20:38.07] and practices that we hold that guide [00:20:42.23] [00:20:41.02] how we make decisions and how we make [00:20:45.09] [00:20:42.23] connections some of the language up here [00:20:46.16] [00:20:45.09] you see we've actually already talked [00:20:49.11] [00:20:46.16] about there's a lot of fundamental sort [00:20:52.08] [00:20:49.11] of believe in value in service work and [00:20:53.23] [00:20:52.08] community service work and understanding [00:20:55.09] [00:20:53.23] how to approach it in a way that's [00:20:57.02] [00:20:55.09] meaningful and impactful and not [00:20:59.04] [00:20:57.02] damaging to the communities that we [00:21:01.00] [00:20:59.04] would be interest insuring and serving [00:21:02.19] [00:21:01.00] so I won't go over all of these [00:21:05.18] [00:21:02.19] explicitly but I'll highlight a few of [00:21:06.15] [00:21:05.18] the things that I [00:21:09.17] [00:21:06.15] really are truly foundational for us and [00:21:12.02] [00:21:09.17] within civic engagement we acknowledge [00:21:13.15] [00:21:12.02] that there's a spectrum of social change [00:21:15.06] [00:21:13.15] so when we think about community service [00:21:17.22] [00:21:15.06] we often think of I need to go to a [00:21:21.07] [00:21:17.22] space and hands-on do service for that [00:21:23.22] [00:21:21.07] space otherwise it might not be service [00:21:25.09] [00:21:23.22] and what we understand and acknowledge [00:21:27.01] [00:21:25.09] is that communities need different [00:21:28.19] [00:21:27.01] things in different ways and there are [00:21:32.01] [00:21:28.19] many different opportunities to to serve [00:21:33.18] [00:21:32.01] and so drug service is a part of that [00:21:36.04] [00:21:33.18] philanthropy can be a piece of that [00:21:39.16] [00:21:36.04] advocacy is also one where you are sort [00:21:41.05] [00:21:39.16] of learning and understanding what [00:21:43.04] [00:21:41.05] communities might need and using your [00:21:47.16] [00:21:43.04] perhaps social capital or influence or [00:21:50.10] [00:21:47.16] just access to be able to educate others [00:21:52.11] [00:21:50.10] and encourage others to consider what [00:21:54.16] [00:21:52.11] those needs might be or what social [00:21:56.15] [00:21:54.16] issues might be affecting communities [00:21:58.15] [00:21:56.15] community development and community [00:22:01.12] [00:21:58.15] organizing are perhaps less known as [00:22:03.06] [00:22:01.12] part of a service experience but are [00:22:05.06] [00:22:03.06] also incredibly important in helping [00:22:07.02] [00:22:05.06] communities grow and thrive as those [00:22:10.08] [00:22:07.02] discussed and and I'll reiterate because [00:22:12.06] [00:22:10.08] it is truly that important fulfilling [00:22:13.22] [00:22:12.06] community needs as defined by the [00:22:18.03] [00:22:13.22] community is essential it is so true [00:22:20.21] [00:22:18.03] that we often think like wow I know what [00:22:23.17] [00:22:20.21] I can bring to this community and I want [00:22:25.19] [00:22:23.17] to help them I want to be able to make [00:22:28.05] [00:22:25.19] something better I want to create the [00:22:30.10] [00:22:28.05] thing that's going to make this space [00:22:34.22] [00:22:30.10] stronger but that is often done without [00:22:36.22] [00:22:34.22] understanding what communities need what [00:22:39.05] [00:22:36.22] they already have what they really want [00:22:40.20] [00:22:39.05] within their community [00:22:42.16] [00:22:40.20] and then adding to that so when we're [00:22:44.16] [00:22:42.16] thinking about an ASP trip or when we're [00:22:46.10] [00:22:44.16] thinking about a volunteer experience or [00:22:48.17] [00:22:46.10] or even forming a day of service and [00:22:50.23] [00:22:48.17] we're always letting our community [00:22:52.19] [00:22:50.23] partners guide the work that is going to [00:22:54.08] [00:22:52.19] be happening we are not entering that [00:22:56.03] [00:22:54.08] space think will help you but here's [00:22:58.11] [00:22:56.03] what we're going to do is the opposite [00:23:00.15] [00:22:58.11] every single time we're willing to bring [00:23:03.22] [00:23:00.15] people how can we best support you and [00:23:06.04] [00:23:03.22] serve you during the time that we're [00:23:07.10] [00:23:06.04] going to be with you whether that's an [00:23:12.05] [00:23:07.10] hour or five days so I wanted to do just [00:23:14.20] [00:23:12.05] a quick snapshot of some of the things [00:23:16.12] [00:23:14.20] that are connected to civic engagement [00:23:18.23] [00:23:16.12] on campus and just time where we act so [00:23:21.19] [00:23:18.23] far so including upcoming Spring Break [00:23:25.02] [00:23:21.19] trips will have about 117 students and [00:23:28.01] [00:23:25.02] 14 staff advisors who have been a part [00:23:30.09] [00:23:28.01] of AST experiences this year that [00:23:32.01] [00:23:30.09] doesn't include our summer experience [00:23:35.01] [00:23:32.01] over 8,000 dollars have been granted [00:23:36.16] [00:23:35.01] toward community service initiatives [00:23:39.04] [00:23:36.16] through those two grants or dominant [00:23:41.12] [00:23:39.04] funds that I've shared and jump start [00:23:43.15] [00:23:41.12] volunteers have grown exponentially was [00:23:44.19] [00:23:43.15] checking in with our volunteer [00:23:47.12] [00:23:44.19] coordinator who said last year they had [00:23:50.06] [00:23:47.12] a consistent three volunteers this year [00:23:52.21] [00:23:50.06] they have a consistent 26 volunteers who [00:23:54.00] [00:23:52.21] are going into the [00:23:57.16] [00:23:54.00] community and of those I didn't the [00:24:00.00] [00:23:57.16] exact number but we have several who [00:24:02.12] [00:24:00.00] have committed to the 300 service hours [00:24:04.22] [00:24:02.12] who are interested in trying to seek [00:24:06.03] [00:24:04.22] that educational grant through [00:24:08.07] [00:24:06.03] AmeriCorps and the number that we have [00:24:10.18] [00:24:08.07] is two hundred and thirteen percent [00:24:12.22] [00:24:10.18] above the goals set by the JumpStart [00:24:15.14] [00:24:12.22] program which is amazing in one year for [00:24:17.15] [00:24:15.14] the growth of that program to happen in [00:24:19.10] [00:24:17.15] the way that has is incredible and then [00:24:21.01] [00:24:19.10] so far we have developed service [00:24:34.15] [00:24:21.01] experiences community partners cities so [00:24:38.10] [00:24:34.15] with that I will pass along to Sara the [00:24:45.10] [00:24:38.10] next everyone my name is Darnell I work [00:24:47.01] [00:24:45.10] in our office of campus sustainability [00:24:49.18] [00:24:47.01] so before I get going Richard head of [00:24:54.18] [00:24:49.18] your staff or faculty okay student okay [00:24:59.00] [00:24:54.18] so I'm gonna separate a little bit um [00:25:01.03] [00:24:59.00] I'm gonna go for a little bit about our [00:25:02.18] [00:25:01.03] office but then also talk about the ways [00:25:05.12] [00:25:02.18] in which both of you groups can actually [00:25:08.13] [00:25:05.12] engage with our office [00:25:08.13] [00:25:08.18] so at the highest level at Georgia Tech [00:25:14.05] [00:25:11.07] its divided into two categories there's [00:25:16.01] [00:25:14.05] a research component and then there's [00:25:17.22] [00:25:16.01] admin and Finance and we sit directly [00:25:19.22] [00:25:17.22] under admin and Finance which means our [00:25:22.13] [00:25:19.22] office is really focused on Georgia Tech [00:25:25.01] [00:25:22.13] proper the physical spaces and the [00:25:27.12] [00:25:25.01] people who exist within them and so our [00:25:30.14] [00:25:27.12] work is about integrating sustainability [00:25:33.00] [00:25:30.14] practices into this course I'm sure [00:25:35.19] [00:25:33.00] Georgia Tech and we're a small office [00:25:38.17] [00:25:35.19] but we touch on a lot of departments [00:25:41.16] [00:25:38.17] within this the Institute focusing [00:25:44.06] [00:25:41.16] really on those things one providing [00:25:46.13] [00:25:44.06] strategic guidance so a lot of what we [00:25:49.05] [00:25:46.13] do is looking at big projects capital [00:25:51.20] [00:25:49.05] projects like our Campus Center that's [00:25:55.11] [00:25:51.20] coming online soon policy looking at our [00:25:57.14] [00:25:55.11] RFPs that are going out and ensuring [00:25:59.06] [00:25:57.14] that we have sustainability language [00:26:01.06] [00:25:59.06] integrated within them it's really [00:26:02.20] [00:26:01.06] looking at these things that have long [00:26:06.05] [00:26:02.20] term impacts and making sure that that [00:26:07.23] [00:26:06.05] they are reflecting the Institute's [00:26:10.09] [00:26:07.23] values and reflecting our commitment to [00:26:13.13] [00:26:10.09] sustainability within them we do also a [00:26:15.22] [00:26:13.13] lot of implementation in practice and so [00:26:18.09] [00:26:15.22] this is our piloting a lot of what we [00:26:20.23] [00:26:18.09] see on this campus starts off in small [00:26:24.15] [00:26:20.23] places and small offices one of the [00:26:26.02] [00:26:24.15] biggest things that we've been piloting [00:26:27.22] [00:26:26.02] around campus that you may all have [00:26:30.09] [00:26:27.22] noticed is compost so if you go over to [00:26:32.18] [00:26:30.09] our West Village dining hall you'll see [00:26:35.11] [00:26:32.18] compost that actually started with a [00:26:37.12] [00:26:35.11] small pilot project working with the [00:26:40.07] [00:26:37.12] former president Peterson's wife valve [00:26:43.09] [00:26:40.07] looking at one office building and now [00:26:45.15] [00:26:43.09] as we move forward to opening up [00:26:47.20] [00:26:45.15] that's going to be our biggest building [00:26:50.03] [00:26:47.20] there's actually a full-scale compost so [00:26:51.23] [00:26:50.03] it's it's demonstrating that we can do [00:26:53.15] [00:26:51.23] things that we know to be effective as [00:26:55.00] [00:26:53.15] it relates to sustainability of the [00:26:57.02] [00:26:55.00] small scale and then advocating for [00:27:00.03] [00:26:57.02] implementing them at a larger one we [00:27:01.16] [00:27:00.03] also do a lot of campus and student [00:27:02.19] [00:27:01.16] engagement which I'll talk about [00:27:04.15] [00:27:02.19] obviously the focus of why you're here [00:27:07.23] [00:27:04.15] today we handle sustainability reporting [00:27:09.20] [00:27:07.23] for the Institute as a whole so we [00:27:12.17] [00:27:09.20] report to Princeton Review right now [00:27:15.03] [00:27:12.17] we're working on the Stars reporting [00:27:17.07] [00:27:15.03] which is the gold star standard for [00:27:18.12] [00:27:17.07] University of reporting and [00:27:21.05] [00:27:18.12] sustainability and then also just [00:27:23.22] [00:27:21.05] telling our story more more broadly we [00:27:25.13] [00:27:23.22] have a lot of great stuff coming out of [00:27:27.18] [00:27:25.13] Georgia Tech as it relates the ability [00:27:30.00] [00:27:27.18] as it relates to other things and making [00:27:31.13] [00:27:30.00] sure that these stories are getting out [00:27:34.15] [00:27:31.13] there not only of the big things like [00:27:36.02] [00:27:34.15] the condita building for innovative [00:27:37.17] [00:27:36.02] sustainable design but also the small [00:27:40.16] [00:27:37.17] things like the employee who took the [00:27:42.20] [00:27:40.16] initiative to advance something in their [00:27:45.02] [00:27:42.20] department these are all things that [00:27:46.20] [00:27:45.02] really fundamentally shape public feel [00:27:49.09] [00:27:46.20] about Georgia Tech and it's important to [00:27:51.18] [00:27:49.09] us that we're getting them out into the [00:27:55.14] [00:27:51.18] world so I talked about our focus being [00:27:58.09] [00:27:55.14] on Georgia Tech proper but Georgia Tech [00:28:01.01] [00:27:58.09] proper as a place as a physical space is [00:28:04.06] [00:28:01.01] quite large but Allah comes were [00:28:06.20] [00:28:04.06] essentially a small city which means we [00:28:09.23] [00:28:06.20] use a lot of resources we have energy to [00:28:12.04] [00:28:09.23] heat and cool our buildings energy to [00:28:15.18] [00:28:12.04] power our research this is a huge one [00:28:18.09] [00:28:15.18] Georgia Tech utilizes a lot of resources [00:28:20.08] [00:28:18.09] and and believes that we should be [00:28:22.08] [00:28:20.08] utilizing and storing those resources in [00:28:24.13] [00:28:22.08] a sustainable way so I do like to just [00:28:26.02] [00:28:24.13] give you some context of what we're [00:28:27.18] [00:28:26.02] talking about just a building space [00:28:28.14] [00:28:27.18] alone [00:28:30.11] [00:28:28.14] million square feet of building space [00:28:33.21] [00:28:30.11] this is a really significant area in [00:28:35.17] [00:28:33.21] place that we're working in and trying [00:28:37.18] [00:28:35.17] to figure out ways in which we can [00:28:40.13] [00:28:37.18] reduce our impact on the environment yet [00:28:42.21] [00:28:40.13] looking at reducing energy or water or [00:28:44.20] [00:28:42.21] even you know more recently we've been [00:28:47.00] [00:28:44.20] focusing on the human experience as well [00:28:49.02] [00:28:47.00] we don't have time to go into it today [00:28:50.14] [00:28:49.02] but the continued building has really [00:28:53.00] [00:28:50.14] been focusing us to think about people [00:28:55.04] [00:28:53.00] in this space is important component of [00:28:57.03] [00:28:55.04] sustainability and how can we create [00:28:59.14] [00:28:57.03] spaces that make us more productive that [00:29:03.07] [00:28:59.14] make us happier all of these things are [00:29:08.18] [00:29:03.07] kind of the core focus of the so let me [00:29:10.02] [00:29:08.18] get into the how you guys can get [00:29:11.19] [00:29:10.02] involved because I would love to see [00:29:14.10] [00:29:11.19] your faces again I love you so I'm going [00:29:15.23] [00:29:14.10] to start first with our staff and [00:29:18.17] [00:29:15.23] faculty so really the main way to make [00:29:20.22] [00:29:18.17] program to which we engage staff and [00:29:22.08] [00:29:20.22] faculty right now is our work green [00:29:26.00] [00:29:22.08] program so work green is a certificate [00:29:28.13] [00:29:26.00] program of certification rather you go [00:29:30.21] [00:29:28.13] online or your office or department [00:29:33.20] [00:29:30.21] whatever scale you want to report and [00:29:35.04] [00:29:33.20] you go through a simple checklist of [00:29:36.20] [00:29:35.04] things that you do or don't do as it [00:29:39.10] [00:29:36.20] relates to sustainability the idea of [00:29:41.12] [00:29:39.10] being there that one you can reflect on [00:29:43.18] [00:29:41.12] your own practices to hopefully you Nick [00:29:46.07] [00:29:43.18] some information we do have resources [00:29:48.18] [00:29:46.07] for what you could be doing to continue [00:29:50.15] [00:29:48.18] to reduce your footprint your impact in [00:29:52.21] [00:29:50.15] your office and then once you've [00:29:54.23] [00:29:52.21] completed that certification online we [00:29:56.23] [00:29:54.23] actually have a work green mini grant [00:30:01.12] [00:29:56.23] program so we give offices up to $500 if [00:30:02.15] [00:30:01.12] you can make a really good argument [00:30:05.09] [00:30:02.15] we'll go even higher to implement [00:30:07.10] [00:30:05.09] practices in your office and contribute [00:30:08.10] [00:30:07.10] to the sustainability [00:30:10.13] [00:30:08.10] Georgia Tech so what does that look like [00:30:12.21] [00:30:10.13] we worked with strategic consulting they [00:30:14.08] [00:30:12.21] actually wanted to put plants in their [00:30:16.06] [00:30:14.08] office and then we had our eh nest [00:30:17.23] [00:30:16.06] department go in and do air quality [00:30:19.23] [00:30:17.23] testing to see if the plants had a [00:30:21.15] [00:30:19.23] measurable improvement on their air [00:30:25.19] [00:30:21.15] quality we've done now two gardens food [00:30:28.04] [00:30:25.19] producing gardens one of sweet ejek [00:30:30.23] [00:30:28.04] energy institute one at procurement you [00:30:32.13] [00:30:30.23] guys are over by procurement Oh check it [00:30:35.13] [00:30:32.13] out it's a really amazing space we've [00:30:37.23] [00:30:35.13] purchased water bottles most recently we [00:30:40.03] [00:30:37.23] worked with EDB and OEE to do a [00:30:43.03] [00:30:40.03] Styrofoam or cycling pilot program so [00:30:44.20] [00:30:43.03] under those buildings those are two lab [00:30:46.22] [00:30:44.20] buildings they get a lot of styrofoam [00:30:48.01] [00:30:46.22] for those of you who have been in the [00:30:49.16] [00:30:48.01] lab building we've actually been [00:30:51.17] [00:30:49.16] recycling that out of that space or over [00:30:53.13] [00:30:51.17] free mini graham so it's an opportunity [00:30:55.06] [00:30:53.13] to not only reflect on what you're doing [00:30:58.19] [00:30:55.06] and you know just revisit those things [00:31:00.07] [00:30:58.19] that you could be doing initially but [00:31:02.10] [00:31:00.07] also give real resources to make some [00:31:05.23] [00:31:02.10] changes in your office beyond that there [00:31:07.15] [00:31:05.23] we have events throughout the year so [00:31:09.12] [00:31:07.15] encourage you if you aren't already to [00:31:13.13] [00:31:09.12] get on our email list we have [00:31:16.10] [00:31:13.13] sustainable facilities forum every year [00:31:18.15] [00:31:16.10] we've got Earth Day coming up so we're [00:31:20.18] [00:31:18.15] going to do a week of events leading up [00:31:22.23] [00:31:20.18] to that you know we want to make sure [00:31:25.01] [00:31:22.23] that you all have a place to come learn [00:31:27.01] [00:31:25.01] about sustainability [00:31:32.01] [00:31:27.01] we're trying to provide them and then [00:31:35.20] [00:31:32.01] our students so more students we have [00:31:38.15] [00:31:35.20] two main programs and then I'll talk a [00:31:39.19] [00:31:38.15] little bit more about what everything [00:31:41.12] [00:31:39.19] else looks like so the two main programs [00:31:43.20] [00:31:41.12] we have essentially what we think of as [00:31:45.20] [00:31:43.20] an associate board to the office the [00:31:48.03] [00:31:45.20] student sustainability Advisory Council [00:31:50.06] [00:31:48.03] it's a group of students who apply every [00:31:53.04] [00:31:50.06] year this year which is over 30 and they [00:31:55.10] [00:31:53.04] are our student voice on all things [00:31:57.17] [00:31:55.10] related to sustainability at Georgia [00:32:00.08] [00:31:57.17] Tech so for example last year we were [00:32:02.06] [00:32:00.08] going through the dining RFP picking our [00:32:04.13] [00:32:02.06] new dining vendor the dining vendor has [00:32:06.16] [00:32:04.13] a really really significant contribution [00:32:08.14] [00:32:06.16] to sustainability not in Turkey not only [00:32:09.22] [00:32:08.14] in terms of what they're serving but [00:32:11.06] [00:32:09.22] also in terms of the waste that they [00:32:13.08] [00:32:11.06] produce so we work with our student [00:32:14.22] [00:32:13.08] group to make sure that their priorities [00:32:17.02] [00:32:14.22] were actually integrated into that RFP [00:32:20.06] [00:32:17.02] this year we've been doing a lot of work [00:32:24.07] [00:32:20.06] on waste so we've hired a consultant to [00:32:25.15] [00:32:24.07] actually come in and look at all of our [00:32:27.19] [00:32:25.15] waste practices on the campus with the [00:32:30.06] [00:32:27.19] goal of giving us with a goal of telling [00:32:31.21] [00:32:30.06] us what we need to do in order to become [00:32:34.02] [00:32:31.21] a zero waste campus and so we've been [00:32:35.16] [00:32:34.02] collecting the student feedback on that [00:32:37.14] [00:32:35.16] as well see what what their pain points [00:32:40.11] [00:32:37.14] are what they would like us to be [00:32:43.08] [00:32:40.11] another student program for those who [00:32:45.10] [00:32:43.08] are interested is actually a tour docent [00:32:48.02] [00:32:45.10] program so this year the convenor [00:32:49.14] [00:32:48.02] building course is an innovative [00:32:51.23] [00:32:49.14] sustainable design came online and we've [00:32:53.09] [00:32:51.23] got a lot of interest in that building [00:32:54.20] [00:32:53.09] and a lot of folks who want to come [00:32:55.16] [00:32:54.20] through that building [00:32:57.23] [00:32:55.16] and learn everything that they can so [00:32:59.04] [00:32:57.23] we're actually training the core of [00:33:02.01] [00:32:59.04] volunteers students who are gonna be in [00:33:03.12] [00:33:02.01] charge of leading those those tour [00:33:04.23] [00:33:03.12] groups and it could be anyone who comes [00:33:06.20] [00:33:04.23] through from a group of sixth graders to [00:33:09.02] [00:33:06.20] a team of architects and so that's a [00:33:10.19] [00:33:09.02] really great example it's a really great [00:33:14.15] [00:33:10.19] program to one just share you know I [00:33:16.10] [00:33:14.15] assume that you're in this room that [00:33:18.23] [00:33:16.10] you're passionate about these issues to [00:33:20.17] [00:33:18.23] share that passion with others but also [00:33:22.03] [00:33:20.17] just a great experience of getting in [00:33:23.21] [00:33:22.03] front of people and talking in a [00:33:28.04] [00:33:23.21] relatively low-risk environment now [00:33:31.05] [00:33:28.04] beyond that we do a lot kind of [00:33:33.01] [00:33:31.05] consulting with student groups so you [00:33:34.03] [00:33:33.01] guys have probably heard the phrase [00:33:36.03] [00:33:34.03] Living Learning Lab Georgia Tech is a [00:33:37.20] [00:33:36.03] Living Learning Lab what does that mean [00:33:40.10] [00:33:37.20] it means we love opportunities where [00:33:42.12] [00:33:40.10] students can work on projects where [00:33:45.12] [00:33:42.12] they're either testing or exploring data [00:33:47.23] [00:33:45.12] from the Institute proper so we actually [00:33:50.05] [00:33:47.23] tend to overlap a lot with SLS in this [00:33:51.15] [00:33:50.05] regards where student groups will come [00:33:53.21] [00:33:51.15] to us with an idea for a project and [00:33:55.11] [00:33:53.21] we'll work with them to actually [00:33:57.23] [00:33:55.11] implement it right now we have a group [00:33:59.16] [00:33:57.23] of students who found these great shower [00:34:01.19] [00:33:59.16] heads they tell you in a digital readout [00:34:03.16] [00:34:01.19] of how many gallons of water are coming [00:34:06.03] [00:34:03.16] out of a shower head they also tell you [00:34:08.07] [00:34:06.03] when the shower head gets hot this [00:34:09.22] [00:34:08.07] actually addresses two issues as it [00:34:12.09] [00:34:09.22] relates to conserving water and we're [00:34:14.11] [00:34:12.09] actually don't put them in our dorms so [00:34:17.01] [00:34:14.11] a pilot dorm this year so things like [00:34:18.18] [00:34:17.01] that just making sure that when students [00:34:20.21] [00:34:18.18] have to access to data they have access [00:34:23.08] [00:34:20.21] to the resources the people but then [00:34:24.23] [00:34:23.08] also trying to alleviate any burdens [00:34:26.14] [00:34:24.23] start getting these things in place [00:34:28.14] [00:34:26.14] because ultimately our [00:34:32.05] [00:34:28.14] students you guys have so many amazing [00:34:34.19] [00:34:32.05] ideas and the campus really is a better [00:34:37.07] [00:34:34.19] place for us thinking about ways in [00:34:40.08] [00:34:37.07] which we can integrate them in okay so [00:34:43.21] [00:34:40.08] I'm gonna turn over to look I don't have [00:34:46.07] [00:34:43.21] any slides so I'm gonna stay here but my [00:34:48.14] [00:34:46.07] name is Lilly I'm a fourth year chemical [00:34:50.20] [00:34:48.14] engineering student and in some way or [00:34:52.08] [00:34:50.20] another throughout my time at Tech I [00:34:53.23] [00:34:52.08] have been involved with either the [00:34:55.17] [00:34:53.23] programming or the resources coming out [00:34:57.13] [00:34:55.17] of all three of these spaces [00:34:59.10] [00:34:57.13] my primary involvement has been with [00:35:01.00] [00:34:59.10] alternative service breaks so I work [00:35:04.08] [00:35:01.00] very closely with Sarah as the president [00:35:05.20] [00:35:04.08] alternative service breaks that's been [00:35:07.17] [00:35:05.20] an organization I've been involved with [00:35:10.09] [00:35:07.17] since my freshman year so with that [00:35:12.15] [00:35:10.09] organization I've been on four trips to [00:35:14.06] [00:35:12.15] international to domestic I've been on [00:35:18.21] [00:35:14.06] one to Costa Rica serving sea turtle [00:35:20.15] [00:35:18.21] habitat preservation and community [00:35:24.01] [00:35:20.15] gardening one to Belize doing eco health [00:35:25.16] [00:35:24.01] and community development building at [00:35:27.06] [00:35:25.16] health clinic and enrolled in a rural [00:35:29.10] [00:35:27.06] community there I went on a trip to [00:35:31.09] [00:35:29.10] Houston after hurricane Harvey to do [00:35:33.21] [00:35:31.09] flood relief and I went on a trip to [00:35:35.07] [00:35:33.21] Savannah Georgia to work with their [00:35:37.03] [00:35:35.07] Humane Society so kind of a full [00:35:38.22] [00:35:37.03] spectrum in terms of location and [00:35:40.21] [00:35:38.22] service and that has been an [00:35:43.20] [00:35:40.21] organization that has really impacted me [00:35:46.00] [00:35:43.20] in my college experience now that I [00:35:48.18] [00:35:46.00] prepare to graduate and I'm very much in [00:35:50.23] [00:35:48.18] in the process of doing the whole job [00:35:52.12] [00:35:50.23] search and interviewing things there's [00:35:54.15] [00:35:52.12] priorities and perspectives that those [00:35:56.05] [00:35:54.15] service experiences [00:35:57.20] [00:35:56.05] didn't need that are really informing [00:36:00.10] [00:35:57.20] the decisions that I'm making now for [00:36:01.22] [00:36:00.10] the rest of my life that I don't think [00:36:04.01] [00:36:01.22] would be as important to when I came to [00:36:06.18] [00:36:04.01] college that's also a program I want to [00:36:08.22] [00:36:06.18] highlight ages students and staff [00:36:11.09] [00:36:08.22] students in the form of participants and [00:36:12.23] [00:36:11.09] chip readers but we also have staff [00:36:14.12] [00:36:12.23] advisers on all of our trips [00:36:15.17] [00:36:14.12] I think it's an equally rewarding [00:36:17.21] [00:36:15.17] experience for both parties I've made [00:36:19.19] [00:36:17.21] some really great connections with staff [00:36:21.16] [00:36:19.19] members and other students on my trips [00:36:24.20] [00:36:21.16] with ASB and that's been an organization [00:36:27.05] [00:36:24.20] that as I've been in the leadership role [00:36:28.21] [00:36:27.05] of a student organization we've kind of [00:36:31.01] [00:36:28.21] worked with other parts of civic [00:36:33.11] [00:36:31.01] engagement to expand our programming [00:36:35.22] [00:36:33.11] especially as it relates to trips or [00:36:37.08] [00:36:35.22] service opportunities more in the [00:36:38.18] [00:36:37.08] Atlanta community so we worked a lot [00:36:42.02] [00:36:38.18] with Sarah on making experiences that [00:36:43.20] [00:36:42.02] continue the service when students can [00:36:45.14] [00:36:43.20] come back to Atlanta we've also worked [00:36:49.00] [00:36:45.14] with SLS with their advisers on some of [00:36:51.00] [00:36:49.00] their partnership principles and making [00:36:52.11] [00:36:51.00] sure that the community partners that [00:36:55.13] [00:36:52.11] we're selecting are sustainable and that [00:36:57.05] [00:36:55.13] the projects were picking are a really [00:36:59.02] [00:36:57.05] good fit for the program that was that [00:37:00.18] [00:36:59.02] we're doing and also building in some [00:37:03.06] [00:37:00.18] kind of educational components for our [00:37:05.07] [00:37:03.06] trips so that the students and the staff [00:37:07.16] [00:37:05.07] who participate get a more holistic [00:37:09.12] [00:37:07.16] experience and get a broader perspective [00:37:11.11] [00:37:09.12] and are able to come back and apply [00:37:13.14] [00:37:11.11] those things back into the tech and [00:37:14.15] [00:37:13.14] Atlantic [00:37:16.04] [00:37:14.15] and then actually engaged with [00:37:18.07] [00:37:16.04] sustainability in a kind of completely [00:37:20.07] [00:37:18.07] different way I've been involved with [00:37:22.20] [00:37:20.07] research in mechanical engineering lab [00:37:25.13] [00:37:22.20] IBP for almost three years now and just [00:37:27.09] [00:37:25.13] in those three years I've seen kind of a [00:37:29.13] [00:37:27.09] huge shift in sustainability I think [00:37:31.16] [00:37:29.13] I've seen it campus-wide but like you [00:37:33.05] [00:37:31.16] mentioned the styrofoam recycling [00:37:36.14] [00:37:33.05] project justjust in the kind of general [00:37:40.13] [00:37:36.14] interest in my lab of the kind of energy [00:37:42.04] [00:37:40.13] and resources that we're using needs to [00:37:46.02] [00:37:42.04] leave our our biosafety cabinets on when [00:37:48.06] [00:37:46.02] we didn't need them and now it's other [00:37:49.22] [00:37:48.06] practice that if no one's doing it you [00:37:52.02] [00:37:49.22] shut it down because the statistics are [00:37:53.23] [00:37:52.02] alarming it's the amount of energy that [00:37:58.03] [00:37:53.23] they suck so yeah all three of these [00:38:01.03] [00:37:58.03] organs are offices spaces I think have [00:38:02.18] [00:38:01.03] had an impact on me [00:38:04.06] [00:38:02.18] in my time at Georgia Tech and and I've [00:38:06.02] [00:38:04.06] been able to utilize if not through [00:38:07.14] [00:38:06.02] their direct programming all of their [00:38:09.21] [00:38:07.14] resources in terms of online resources [00:38:12.06] [00:38:09.21] or or in person people resources to be [00:38:15.19] [00:38:12.06] able to build out the kind of program [00:38:15.19] [00:38:16.07] okay so my name is Mike fourth year [00:38:21.12] [00:38:20.08] international affairs I have [00:38:23.14] [00:38:21.12] concentration in city planning London [00:38:25.09] [00:38:23.14] similar to Lilly I've had kind of [00:38:26.16] [00:38:25.09] engagement of all of these offices [00:38:33.09] [00:38:26.16] offices specifically with SLS I've been [00:38:36.09] [00:38:33.09] working there since my freshman year so [00:38:38.11] [00:38:36.09] my engagement with campus sustainability [00:38:41.06] [00:38:38.11] in the SLS office has pretty much been [00:38:43.02] [00:38:41.06] throughout my entire career at Georgia [00:38:45.02] [00:38:43.02] Tech it's kind of led me to where I am [00:38:47.11] [00:38:45.02] now as far as my decisions what I [00:38:49.00] [00:38:47.11] decided I wanted to do with my career [00:38:52.09] [00:38:49.00] path go further but having a role in [00:38:54.03] [00:38:52.09] those offices has allowed me to kind of [00:38:56.15] [00:38:54.03] see the back side of operations and [00:38:58.16] [00:38:56.15] things that take a forest taking care of [00:39:01.04] [00:38:58.16] sustainability the composting probably [00:39:03.03] [00:39:01.04] came along for West Village and that [00:39:05.01] [00:39:03.03] work started out I was an integral part [00:39:07.07] [00:39:05.01] to that team and helping doing a waste [00:39:09.08] [00:39:07.07] audits and going out and working on the [00:39:11.06] [00:39:09.08] signage to making sure that students [00:39:12.10] [00:39:11.06] were actually understand [00:39:14.22] [00:39:12.10] engaging with students so that when we [00:39:17.06] [00:39:14.22] communicated out things need to be done [00:39:19.07] [00:39:17.06] they were understanding or actually [00:39:21.23] [00:39:19.07] preventing perfect presenting others [00:39:23.18] [00:39:21.23] excuse me clicked information that we [00:39:25.19] [00:39:23.18] need it in order to improve signing and [00:39:28.04] [00:39:25.19] improve communication so that their [00:39:29.21] [00:39:28.04] handles easier for them to understand [00:39:32.03] [00:39:29.21] how to come across in a recycle and for [00:39:34.08] [00:39:32.03] us we were too busy dealing with [00:39:37.00] [00:39:34.08] infiltration into our streams and having [00:39:39.03] [00:39:37.00] to landfill a bunch of composting and [00:39:42.02] [00:39:39.03] recycling because of miscommunication as [00:39:43.06] [00:39:42.02] well with civic engagement [00:39:46.04] [00:39:43.06] I didn't alternative service training to [00:39:48.04] [00:39:46.04] Spring Breaks three Springs three weeks [00:39:50.04] [00:39:48.04] ago I was working on crow reef [00:39:52.12] [00:39:50.04] restoration around Florida which was [00:39:54.12] [00:39:52.12] really awesome time made a lot of great [00:39:56.16] [00:39:54.12] friends from that trip but a lot of each [00:39:59.05] [00:39:56.16] gotta see the engagement part from the [00:40:01.20] [00:39:59.05] students back online working outside of [00:40:04.19] [00:40:01.20] your normal Georgia Tech community with [00:40:06.15] [00:40:04.19] alternate service breaks out first time [00:40:08.01] [00:40:06.15] I've ever done something like that [00:40:09.16] [00:40:08.01] and it was really an eye-opening [00:40:11.14] [00:40:09.16] experience to be able to say hey I'm [00:40:12.20] [00:40:11.14] going to take my spring break my [00:40:15.02] [00:40:12.20] vacation time where I used to go to the [00:40:16.19] [00:40:15.02] beach with friends and hang out I'm [00:40:18.22] [00:40:16.19] actually gonna go do to something that [00:40:21.02] [00:40:18.22] beneficial to communities whether it's [00:40:23.04] [00:40:21.02] my community or communities around the [00:40:26.16] [00:40:23.04] nation so engaging on all of those [00:40:29.17] [00:40:26.16] fronts has been really exciting or so - [00:40:32.02] [00:40:29.17] to the point of and doused in captures [00:40:33.22] [00:40:32.02] against the started to improve to see [00:40:36.05] [00:40:33.22] improvements sustainability and its [00:40:39.10] [00:40:36.05] aspects on campus the convener building [00:40:41.08] [00:40:39.10] was an awesome experience that I got to [00:40:42.19] [00:40:41.08] be a part of as well [00:40:44.21] [00:40:42.19] student speaker for the launch of the [00:40:47.17] [00:40:44.21] building that was really right for me to [00:40:49.22] [00:40:47.17] kind of integrate myself into it [00:40:52.06] [00:40:49.22] workouts going on knowing that was going [00:40:54.13] [00:40:52.06] to be a very big project a very rigorous [00:40:57.19] [00:40:54.13] project and so now being on the back end [00:40:59.18] [00:40:57.19] of the completion of the building I'm [00:41:02.00] [00:40:59.18] doing tours for it as well like surfing [00:41:04.02] [00:41:02.00] and that kind of allows me to be full [00:41:05.20] [00:41:04.02] circle with the building where I was [00:41:07.21] [00:41:05.20] there when it started I'm here as I [00:41:10.21] [00:41:07.21] finish my career you know I'm excited to [00:41:12.16] [00:41:10.21] see what the bulletin used to produce [00:41:15.11] [00:41:12.16] engagement embracing from students and [00:41:16.23] [00:41:15.11] people from the community as well [00:41:18.16] [00:41:16.23] because I think that's going to be one [00:41:20.10] [00:41:18.16] of the biggest parts of Georgia Tech's [00:41:22.10] [00:41:20.10] continued relationship with [00:41:24.12] [00:41:22.10] sustainability and civic engagement is [00:41:26.21] [00:41:24.12] that as we go forward into the future [00:41:29.08] [00:41:26.21] and continuing to involve the community [00:41:32.08] [00:41:29.08] as local right in our backyards [00:41:34.07] [00:41:32.08] you know especially when you're looking [00:41:36.18] [00:41:34.07] at these cities in the West and you know [00:41:38.07] [00:41:36.18] by the city and all [00:41:40.01] [00:41:38.07] cities where you know people will live [00:41:41.22] [00:41:40.01] right next herb take and you have [00:41:43.19] [00:41:41.22] students and people who don't even [00:41:46.03] [00:41:43.19] believe that they can get into tech [00:41:48.02] [00:41:46.03] because of the fact that they're never [00:41:50.06] [00:41:48.02] getting the opportunity to come here and [00:41:52.10] [00:41:50.06] to engage with us on different fronts [00:41:54.18] [00:41:52.10] and so going forward as long as we [00:41:56.23] [00:41:54.18] continue to engage these communities [00:41:58.18] [00:41:56.23] engage students with these communities [00:42:01.03] [00:41:58.18] and build that relationship I see a [00:42:02.18] [00:42:01.03] great future in Georgia Tech's [00:42:07.08] [00:42:02.18] sustainability inequity water supply [00:42:07.08] [00:42:11.20] we'd be happy to take questions at this [00:42:16.22] [00:42:14.21] point [00:42:16.22] [00:42:18.16] plants expand the composting and you [00:42:23.16] [00:42:28.14] yes so we're we're we we've hit the the [00:42:36.11] [00:42:33.16] amount of money where we can continue [00:42:37.23] [00:42:36.11] doing the templates so we're trying to [00:42:40.06] [00:42:37.23] do a polarity which is a bit of a [00:42:42.11] [00:42:40.06] process but once that's up and running [00:42:43.23] [00:42:42.11] basically any department who wants to [00:42:47.15] [00:42:43.23] participate can use that as a vehicle [00:42:49.02] [00:42:47.15] through it now if you're just in doing [00:42:50.13] [00:42:49.02] it now we can talk you could just set it [00:42:53.08] [00:42:50.13] up yeah it's pretty simple we have a [00:42:57.01] [00:42:53.08] great local vendor who very much ties [00:42:58.19] [00:42:57.01] into our there principles of equity they [00:43:00.19] [00:42:58.19] pay most $50 an hour [00:43:04.10] [00:43:00.19] and we can chat but yes hopefully we [00:43:07.14] [00:43:04.10] would love to see it throughout campus [00:43:07.14] [00:43:10.00] so we don't go through a colonic who's [00:43:13.22] [00:43:11.15] that [00:43:13.22] [00:43:24.17] other questions [00:43:27.19] [00:43:42.06] [Applause] [00:43:47.06] [00:43:52.10] you [00:43:54.11]