You're wrong. They are your are you are right you're wrong thing. All right. And that role here is just one of the reasons you know you for this is the technology right and wrong that our conversation where you say I'm sorry I'm an hour or so for your very first experience here put your money on my doorstep. Gary I think over the years when I look around here. I find the box office on my hand around my house hearing on the domestic priorities in front of her and so began to go and I are here. Hi welcome to our house. He said. Never mind the foreign policy thing. I don't know what I'm about to die. I don't know why I was that guy really we are all here are a little history a little history back and you're determined of you you know you've read the data set down for the guy you can find your answer. Or whether or not you are doing very very right for us you're seeing some people in my life where you know there are all very significant built out that they are so far from the stuff that we are all saying why aren't I. You know they're all is that hostile you know those who do this sitter. When you have until around one zero zero zero I just did it just it was really there was a way that you know you forever know that you're kind of very civil with the law enforcement officer that I was for are going. So if you try hard enough. Here we are over thirty many are still not going to you really have to go on the guy behind you is the right. Peoples around me for far too few are for folks on the far right. Far right there on the left of the aisle you're on TALK to come around just to the over the spirit of those who don't get off the air for your love for the last five seasons definitely very very much. Right here and I suspect there are states going to their car race again if they do it on Monday night and once monkeys account for the state of mind there are one percent of Americans still know nothing about them and their primary which is this may not occur or I didn't want to learn more about you and I really today is how I was once right. Pretty much going for the future of the story is that the one percent from the homeless of course having better say I already thought it was OK for those who don't and those who aren't there are going through yet just government sources of a lot of dollars and that your success people who have health insurance that you already do all these things you know really trying to form your life here tonight. The issue you do with money sex with those things. I'm good at I answer off the second I was waiting for me I think just give me my current situation if I like your doctor or I'm outside it well I think possibly hospitals are wise for me to know her and that's our You mustn't take cruises Do they like case for why yes that was definitely down there in the ring that is a hold of my heart. Are you sure are right we aren't I think so I thought I was like something that was about more present I was better received by her the viewers of this were simply Right now you are I think there's a pretty sure thing that a theory from nothing by any good. Listen to your destiny really meet your truth. No longer course or everything's great it's time for you here in the US for free with no fear. Are you. That's all you are for us are our chains and you ran for basic life right for that doctor right. So very you know where he's going to work Medicare Medicaid services for four weeks prior service never met me and I do find it so hard. Yes. Here are the kind of movie for exactly the reason round three right will be with us on the phone Everest. All right so my favorite you know in a little weird science science you know you know what people I now think was he was one of the folks on the dial for yeah I'm right and just generally you know we really was in the Top forty. Yeah it's early on in your mind and I'm willing to know why because on the level I hear just you know why did you write over time to get rid of my shoes are saying is that all right you're right you get on here two hundred percent over the next twenty five hundred forty five. Are you just kind of all right first time. The song and then about the one with her was that basically the dynamic of mankind boxer who looked at her enough for the well off to go on. He was the first person there are very next sixty five guys I'm loving every minute here right now run health insurance for people over sixty five Medicaid for the for the fore. Well for the last night. There'll be no more love or bring any present of time for us to the violence for good right down right guys. Just like to know what it is sending to you to sign up our bills being married by Congress the Congress and other for the US I mean your party going to keep it. Forty three going to the press and I think forty five probably And I think you know what I'm doing right when he says I or your government over here or you're going to have us or you're going to hear it and we're going to try to see what's missing the boat before you really got on that you know get health insurance reform forty five million people in America right now for today but there was a fifty million missing and nobody got a problem. I was finally I mean I look back you know some of it are very hard to not scientists who are very elite women. You know. In the Senate give you a very easy task telling us to use you for your kindness and we're going to be here with us. So the reason our first stop your asses never want to get you into the problem in all probability get with me. It's all right we'll give you a program and you want to rely on those going right over you mind because you're going to do tomorrow night before sunrise and reading your resume. I mean every person on. And I thought it was when I was there. That it is so troubling to me that tells you things about your your parents. What is it in our office in mind or he said I want my power to you know also those who are coming to go. It's very leadership. This is where I began to be and I was all right. My friends were saying this actually I was on its game on which I thought all of those on the right are saying you know what I am there. All right. I'm not you. I just know everything going on and that's all over the world. All right. While you were you know I inspire you know this goes to our first of two thousand and nine and you know when I'm saying to me wrong I'm very good is a really good usually are to find the right way to the White House was filled with the fires that are now missing. So I could find a way to get across to find the story of our listeners losing their main sources and center on the main news you see more on the news any time you see who they are in the city. So the Iraqi people. Very thing about building bridges for our freedom. If you make your fires in the same United flight we will be doing an officer on the fact that it is illegal that there are only three hours for a single night when you get the sun. Actually you sat looking for healthcare. What was going to take how still it was going to get there. I think you are right but some point is that now with if you go for original assessment was created or that it was going to be that so hard to get out of the market. I'm sorry I don't want to know your plans for the moment a man but rather the guy number goes because it's not funny. If there are he said he needed a shelter or is about on the side we have to be around for the man here to make it easy. You are actually going to lower taxes and they're basically understand that they're going to ask them are rebuilding your photos and you give us something bracing the market you guys are firing on the center literally a superstar with a party. I don't see that feeling sorry for your leader of the party. The basic party before it's run by the way he's going to be right there. So he's the party here somewhere around the rest of fifty eight fifty nine or ninety five already with me in the Senate for America to be felt safe for all right here. Maybe I can remember times right. They say by arson hearings we can all you know care through houses to care for and those are smart people managed and using something outside that they are writing right side up our side of business that's going to see this coming season. So the steps leading up to be carried out on the more secure because if you proposition. People really aren't seen to leave out the numbers while. However there was a seller you got three where you the amount of the number from fifty to sixty was pretty minor problems fire them red state and you know for dismissal. So the little number there are some of them are as I say my experiences of putting this in an IRA and a whole thirty forty against six. I think they are I was referring to your you find the area around her very first. We want to get more on the right. Are still providing much coverage people are something you should hire someone with a slight Nystrom said I know you're for the family for the summer of two thousand and eight is it. Why are you wondering leave it all on your if you're with us all through the reddest really your problem. I still I hear things are what I still want it to be in the way things look like we're all right. And Congress are calling us good. First we are what you do the minority standing and you're sitting there and you know I literally do most here in the Senate and there's a lot of you know right as opposed to what are really many people on the right hand starting to say you want to get stuck in the first every month and I was sort of the ones that are getting off recess the guys are scary. Before we already are you in the Senate. I want to see Sarah was. Do I hear you know the on the right stuff and you're right I mean we really are in Congress coming from a very war on the Gulf Coast who are telling me with our legal rights issues we're sorry I'll let you lose the forgiveness of those are really see the light and I saw the You mustn't see him I was in the service of people I worked with I'll also have said if you know him and you keep on this government that you're going to everybody you know right now. I mean how do you know how are people already foreign or is it a new form here for the last meal for there was presently expressed in this time I know you and I are. Can you ask about the right man. We're not going to say I'm there while you fall down on the bill White House and he's under fire. You know I don't know if you guys come around. I'm serious. You are something else sarongs just want to go outside and incentives for something over how closely the storms the fire feeders your three hours or so if you're looking for work tonight. Do they do take the building. I think her sentiments are I'm so honored to have this bill is that a minority. And if it is really one person are your member of the artist you're filled with found her goes right. You can write down or you might think you know. Yes it's still not safe. If you see his life before your face is there you know every night right before your you know time getting him to see you see yourself. You know what I'm still having you know I won't get it's still hard for us and for our Or you know let's talk about how you're hardly ever right on the set. You're going to like there's a rule when they were holding up for the first time the aisle Center towers fell. And then there are those that will. So how is this going to the officer or the congressman or the process if they really are like that who is now going to church or might prefer to just hear you all and have them want to do the church wedding and so I think the moral of the story to leadership are still there are a medication which is very unique to me never to refuse a current and or minus a little preview for someone like the doctor. So I'm not there know them or from our pharmacy or feet around to see what do you know I just want everything to be with you on that basis or in that room I'll do that as a writer twenty four billion dollars have been there and you should know that you do feel that my colleagues at heart and I use their meeting in Saudi Arabia and the reason I meet America for so true. Thank you for being all right. I buy you think that your work in the movies even more of it is down on me but for years this was the shelf for the harvest where I left my office for the man to pay for the rest of the last year just to find the first question was what was Responses to get sent by well I mean you're talking. He basically said it's a little bit down the river and it was a producer for the resources numbers at the start I will do my slicer you know something I said separately I think anything is going to be game or what I call all their stuff around that's so beautiful and you know it's easy if you hands down. You know you're right on the fire right now. So we don't go back out for what we are so sure of it was a very very close a very long run. And it was his goal in there to see the European allies. You know long and hard and we really knew that our problems are of course you are going to be there and so he's not on your feet and you have to have the perfect person. It's only going to see you probably were trying to figure it out and you tell you what the record that I was doing by the rigorously so that you go to the U.S. really there are ten and I still found all the talk about earlier is a good sign for playing our senior people you know you're not just a higher level of really knowing what you are and believe it would otherwise. Well I was so amazed and I'll say for foreigners taking power was you don't know what to do for yourself. It is I don't feel that you get enough with it. I just see you. It's almost like our biggest So that's kind of your bill was passed very very current source of the light. Well and good for you you for your first thereafter I wasn't very morning having to do it very often for a service or you know by hand exactly do you think you're going to reduce our current I mean you're going to do with it. I'll just stay with longer and then he said no you're going after all the great things you're used to facing this planet. You know that's a good value for the system as a great power but unless you put I think people into the territory. This is going to fall on the far right for people of all the oil and just basic science. So you're the best artist getting you into these things so our society legged stool for here. I just feel that a little bit more people have offered the first thing that's been covered and maybe better for the same part of doctors and he's a married guy whether or not they're going to get it. Find it now I'm really sorry but you know I'm sorry but it is a period where there is there are always knocking him around because he will die so far all I really do for you my. Right before I left the premiss office. All right. Some of these are done a good offer. They're pretty good I think of it. So I put something in the past around that. So the ones who haven't paid for it and those are all things for all they care about is that there is a man or a time that will really awful racing to find out how many here. There are people enough to live our lives. It will be enough for you but I'm sure it's just awful that. I know you from the story and I'm excited to be one person here. That's really are. I have a few times you know people saying they went in excess of all this and I either live or die. So that's the difference from the numbers since you have ten of those before we see them for the serious and well I mean I thought I was over the last longer term you want. All right now. That was a time yesterday when it was time to do your thinking the name on the back was actually you know the problem when you find ten years ago it was I will never want to believe here back there are you there and why are you your best friend. I mean by not right. As you said earlier before. Came out for our next hour of mystery to go play very very very worried because if you are what are we right for anybody forty three are working for more than the law right or wrong for swimming forty. I mean we were there for you to put words in your mind later when you were asked for All right. Yesterday I'm not going to believe. The only thing style. From Congress especially the Senate democratic reforms and this real American mice. I thought was if you think yeah the last guy and the you are me again everybody. Four million exactly right. So basically you have said today for the middle class tax you heard I say I'm enough of it. Good place right now I'll sit there and ask for a star like this so that we get to the center and change the amount of care about while they do it. That is a place where there are families. So basically at this point in the healthcare bill passed through your time has come out of this not do anything pieces because we're friends. You're the city you know your life just was due for a crew that. You know for all our IN THE FAMILY with that you're right here you know why. But I have no leverage against getting a little bit of my name on the film you know they're doing it on T.V. You brought this on right is the point is they want to work with the Congress going to be there willing to bet on the last day for the next four or so as people back on. So they're trying to access the favors and get their health insurance and I was already sort of very close or all of that if you are standing right in here and what he does know to see that this is safe. So far are you know you know folks around you and I'm looking sorry for those are facing you know they found me you're not you know maybe a bit better here are the little housing facilities. Those are the people feel like there is you know really what they are going through the U.S. Senate. Well the senators in a letter to the White House they say we really think you Garci really wrong and I think you are right. You're really hearing my say don't say forget this fix it. Sixty if you like it don't force it but they're really coming to you because I know I was listening very closely. Eighty four. There are some forty people who have three more or less how they're going to the back to get it on the way but I think they're really really thought you know or you know who the people who are there are people who know why that is here you know they're just very bad really hard to fight the federal government running for office basically I might ask somebody. Do you know anything with the theory and then you have the you have a city that you know Farai. He had her I was due to drive two days more than I There are people who are there are there with all that ha ha ha waiting and for it to be you if you want to see or hear that I'm sorry only viral. There are people so hot you know how hot it was I. All right we're going to stand up for the second was there. Time for really for our honest are you on her way yet. So that's awful. It's either you are on or you know you are right and you just sit around here. You know just say they are right. My fault. My God I really think it was the car and he we actually trigger of course I felt really sorry for the person changing find me here was possible from the inside as if he were something you were you know you saw here you are here. Right so firstly it is the one thing I say are things in their power to put in the paper with good manners and I don't owe her if you love going with my way or you're going to be criticizing her for America from her I thought you know here's a director who they are going to hear from the ones who are just. These are all media is a need for somebody and he began to live right there right. He was a hiker we're going to find anything. All right. Where are you going to get your beauty will you make sure that you know my reason that you're OK So there you go and there he met here it is it was holding on to see if it were going to work through that you know whether you will be you know if you are so that it was for you my friend and I'm really saying really here you know you are here and you know even involved in you know minute here so one of the really very things like you know you find it on both of us here. He did Nigerian government are a part of our world. OK So this is about. I think it's right policy everywhere. And so when do we create before you know where he'd be right over to you hearing how awful it is for one of the one who work for him there on the line that he's here. We were sitting here minus right here. Or call your crazy man for position here is his trial if there is no news if you're the reason I know your story was the right call for your client the right thing for our son is that. All right kind O. yours are hard wired good higher ground good US to my good I am not calling her your I mean you know her history and most everything for her son sure there is a record for sure. Are you sorry. So you want this year as a way to deal with the war. So if you think I'll leave it right you guys are going to say I'm the people I think I may be the big guy. So we did do those are exactly young right now people who are writing to Microsoft that they really have a really serious offer like this are I tell you or you know how they are people saying well you're what interests you. If you're going to go down you know you're one of the next thing or are we trying to do more of the I think they are so are they with you and your policy. Using he said very clearly if you listen to me or I might actually know there's little whistle thing right here. He should be here you have a theory if you have more than one you have one. What's the whole basis of prosecuting homes right now. Well yeah I think you know your heart really hit your that are real. I was right but if you know what your piece is No worries it maters your it is our govt our and your heritage. Here. Cause you're going to reduce my Medicare very seriously here so really we really are sitting for more. I know but I mean I hear it all be very happy because he writes reminds me you're not here on the Danziger to do that. I can see that you're being told. See that's the only thing I do see on here changes in a foreign currency. I'm sure my buddy. You know that's why I asked for change. So people who are on the scene from there for actually calculated value from one percent. You know you can order a bit here for the next morning and I think you have to tell me then all over for those pieces are still a nice movie for around and change the whole it's almost like a last horse for all those numbers are they. It's is almost it was or was like a lady I learned sort of like the movies of the night he supposedly his wife. It's easy for me remember that this is our son is the last night. If you want to eat a legislative change the deal he might do for me might sound like a lot of the things you believe are strong as it seems to be pretty far from home for the want to see something while he just loves it with. That your mind is that we believe that we don't have anything to talk about whether you want to be hard to do here are you going to stand there or for a minute they gave you that are you really Mr Right. This was very quickly thought of me. Do you think you see this kind of thing with your well just to follow I don't I have a quick follow on a question. I mean in effect I mean we more or less united states one of the subsidizes pharmaceutical costs for the rest of the industrialized world. You know we have to pay high prices for drugs because drug pharma firms come to say well we can't charge these prices in any other country and just seems a political to what you're saying but my question is he didn't talk he didn't mention too much about the court battle and the Supreme Court decision that more or less this. It didn't completely up hold Obama Care but it has more or less sort. That decision kind of this up held it in a large way. Now with the shutdown in Obamacare being the object of contention there as the shift legist you know in attacking this kind of moved away from the courts and back to Congress decisively or do you think that this these battles will continue to be fought in the courts. There was some hour over one week about one hundred sixty metres of secret papers secured by something that is for this report the report of a child now. I know I'm a man you don't mean that I'm far cookies. That's the right values for me was only for new cars to ferry some space for the stationary bike and the challenge. How do you hear you can talk back or conversely that you know the most important. I think yes just from more on the way or the yeah you shouldn't go to the car or I mean exactly. It's a guy. It's not a story but it is a tax and so you know humanitarian story but I was so good at it and I have stated here in America that while Rossi is an outside force to expand even to be very very present already that we are millions of people who otherwise we're going to do the arithmetic again. So there are really himself off me working for him what he said was the reason they don't want to do it if they live on their you know what always happens to be. This is all you are feeling. Are you going to be three or four dollars out there. Yeah you who are supposed to be America the case the parents of the town think they are or is going to stay here. Don't ask me how are they looking for work. If you know it's a good feeling. One hundred I think wrongly and when you're dealing with a very virus filled with medication and I was never on the list on her. So for me to feel it's not really I don't really feel.