He's going to talk to us about design. Or not. Just what. You. All OK so. Thank you Matthew Can everyone hear me now yes and this is it working for the camera man to OK Great OK So yes I thank you Matthew for the introduction. So what I mean by micro can be microbial communities So basically if you look at nature and you look at microbes in nature usually they don't exist in isolation as a sort of pure species they exist in communities of multiple species that essentially interact with each other and the Senshi the difference pc's provide benefits to each other and this creates an incentive for them to live together in a community communities that are almost ubiquitous so. Some examples here are the communities that are used in wastewater treatment. The communities. Of. Plankton that exist in the oceans we have our own internal community our digestive system we're very dependent on our community for our health and there are things like microbial mats and we'll see some of these examples in more data hours or go through so. And so as a measured communities are. Ubiquitous in nature and that clearly is because being in a community. Gives advantages so that suggests that micro will communities can also be advantageous in industrial applications and. If you look at what you market a lot of the Classical are more traditional. Applications of biotechnology they are mainly based on communities rather than individual species. What I really want to talk about today is the exciting potential for the design of novel technological processes based on the systematic design of micro macro fool communities for man's purpose. OK so. This design problem poses holds great potential and and one of this large I'll do as I'll go through some of the the potential that's been advocated in a number of papers that have appeared in the recent years so you know the primary benefit is the is the capability to perform complex multi-step conversion of chemical products so. Typically the range of metabolic products you can achieve from a single market organism is limited but obviously if you can. Use several market organisms that are that are using the products from from another organize them as raw materials and others that are using the products from that isn't what ails him in principle you can create a much more complex synthetic network and make more complex products. Obviously a lot of work has been to been done on the genetic manipulation of single market organisms to achieve a goal but there are limits on that on what can be done. And leave the marker awesome stable and productive. So. Consortium so should provide a path maybe to achieve the same goals that genetic manipulation can be done without genetic manipulation or with with only limited genetic manipulation to each member of the consortium rather than having to totally reprogram the genome of a single organism. A word that a that appeared in a paper just published this idea this year is this idea of what's called emergent bison. Capabilities So this is the idea that if you have two marker on the road working on the substrate they make you can make certain products but if you combine those marketing organisms together working on the same substrate there's an interaction which enables them to make a novel and had a product that wouldn't exist unless the two organisms were in a consortium and this opens up the idea of discovering novel by so the direct routes that will be enabled by a consortium so by being together you can make something very complex that you couldn't make if you want your own on a single substrate. Another issue which are more more more serious that will give some discussion about in this talk of the sort of key words robustness resilience and stability. So. Russell resilience resilience is perhaps the ability to. Resist invasion from other species and your culture our give a good example of that robustness is obviously the ability to still produce good outcomes even though you have a large variations in the in the inputs of the system and stability here is often used to refer to the genome essentially the. Genome of the species remain stable and we're capable as a state of the species remained the same and you don't have kind of evolution away from a desired behavior so after genetic manipulation and robust and resilience I think particularly are the key to low cost reductions of biofuels and chemicals and go into this issue in much more detail the final thing I want to talk about very much is that. By films are socially created by consort here and that's obviously one of the way in which. Consort here can can grow together interact and everything and biofilms provide a way of sort of creating designed spatial structures for R.T. applications. OK now. Looking at this from a sort of design process engineering perspective. Communities are inherently dynamic systems because the world is constantly changing and essentially microbes have to respond to a constantly changing world and. Resilience the stability of modulating it through the environment and the interactions between the organisms but if we can understand this don't have any behavior and these interactions then we can talk about designing or synthesizing artificial marker but all colleges for particular engineering purposes now perhaps this shows my bias but as an engineer our I am a great believer that if if if we're going to take it undertake a design and since this task then we have to really understand the components of the system that we're going to build We're going to build a system from and we have to understand their interactions and these become the car very complex and very complicated. And the ability to sue intuitively understand what's going on becomes harder and harder with a system with more components and more complexity so we need mathematical models to assist us arm in understanding a complex system like this and we're going to use these to analyze synthesize design and optimize artificial communities now a particular thing that we would like from our mathematical model is that it's a predictive model so and I contrast that with say a data is data very small data base model into. Because of model that basically just fits what's already been observed a predictive model has some cope and some extrapolate of capability you can go beyond what's been observed and can be used to discover novel or synthesize novel behavior and what I want to talk about in really the rest of my talk is a class of models that I think offer a kind of the ability to address on all of these desirable characteristics. OK so the the model that the models are going to talk about are based on this idea of flux balance analysis of a marker organism so so basically what we have is we have a bunch of candidate species that we want to consider as candidates to be put under or consortia and we have to have a basic model for each species that we're we're going to be interested in candidates for our design and flexible and provides a way of giving these models now the metabolic network inside of a circle is a century of very complex reaction no work then involve thousands of reactions and thousands of species and essentially this is the the cells chemical manufacturing capability this represents what the cell can manufacture chemically and. These days it's very easy to identify the metabolic network that exist inside a marker organism at a at a sort of rough level you can basically identify it from the genome so so you can sequence the genome and mark an organism that enables you to and identify what enzymes can be expressed by that genome and then that tells you which flux is each basically potential flux in a reaction network has a specific guidance I'm so that tells you what basically connections exist in the network. And they have also used to build a model of the synthetic capabilities of the cell Now obviously there's a lot of other stuff goes along there are so you know a lot of the motifs are repeated in nature so so once you understand certain basic structures in in the metabolic network those are repeated almost every organism in nature and classes of organisms like say algae will have a lot of repeated units that are conservative in evolution so so what's happened is this it's been explosion in the availability of these detailed descriptions of the metabolisms of Mark organisms and these this this graph here shows the socially how of the number and the size of the model says in Christian times and you know a typical state of the are more will know how involves several files and fluxes several thousand reactions in these networks. OK so. The flux patterns model sort of give us a unit operation model for each individual cell and arm the it comes in this form of associate stoichiometry matrix times of flux vector and what we make is a pseudo So if you study approximation what we say is that the metabolism of the cell is in steady state relative to the dynamics of its extrasolar environment because essentially the time scales the solo time scales are much smaller than the reactor time scales now just given this information in from the information about our constraints on the values of these fluxes that particularly these are the fluxes that are exchanged with the environment there's not a unique solution to these equations there are many fluxes that can satisfy those so the typical hypothesis is to say is to say that the the cell has a evolutionary imperative to maximize its production of by. Mass so we set up an optimization problem that the but the production of biomass is one of the fluxes in the model and we say this cell tries to maximize its biomass subject to its Took a matter of constraints and it's strange for us constraints so this creates an optimization problem that describes the behavior the cell and it's a certain special type of optimization problem called a linear program and this is about the simplest type of what an isolation problem you can have so now from the point of view of a systems engineer I can start thinking of models of cells as modules that basically different pieces and they're just modules that I can I can think about and I can work with now what I want to do is I want to embed my model of my species into a say reactor or model some kind of model of the extracellular environment or the consortium so a very simple example might be your world's third reactor and the battery actor has a set of mass balance equations that describe. The how the concentrations of the various substrates and products. Change inside the bar reactor and then them and then there's a two way interaction between this model and the model of the species in the sense that X. the concentrations in the after effect the Fluxus exchange fluxes that are possible and the solution of the linear program which is the flux distribution the cell effects that the mass balances the dynamic mass balances because the cell is absorbing substrate and producing product. So we we have what we call the resulting model is what we call a dynamical system with a linear program invaded we have a system of ordinary differential equations are whose right hand sides are coupled with the. Solution of a linear program or a set of linear programs corresponding to the species in our consortium. So that's the basic model so. Let me now talk a bit about one of the applications we're thinking about we're developing for for this type of modeling framework so. What we're going to look at is the potential of using algae to make biofuels and chemicals century to replace petroleum as the feed stock into the petrochemical industry. And algae The big advantage of ology is is that they in principle they conceive much greater productivity of biomass than terrestrial energy costs and in principle the life cycle can be carbon neutral because essentially what the algae is doing is it's taking C O two out of the out of the atmosphere and then the sutures being released again when the car burns the fuel and the syrup to just recycles through the atmosphere. It's not necessary to use freshwater in fact wastewater of seawater are better because they're a source of nutrients and one of the ideas is is that you could you could you basically ideal conditions for so algae farming on on the massive scale that we would have to do it for biofuels productions could take place in coastal desert regions like Zahar in North Africa where you can essentially go out into the desert dig a hole in the sand line it with plastic pump seawater into it and grow an algae culture to make biofuels OK so now if that sounds that sounds like if you will idea why are we not doing that now and the why we're not doing now is it's currently not economic to do this it's just that you cannot compete with the with the. Current cost per trillion and this is due to the high cost costs of both the capital you have to invest and potentially the substrate that you have to use and there are two sort of main strategies for implementing algae farming one is is what's called the closed Photo by reactor and this is essentially a closed you know highly sophisticated reactor system and this is a response to the fact that if I have a algae old all model culture. It's not able to it hasn't any resilience to defend against invasion and competition and predation So you put it in a sterile. But that that becomes very capital intensive to build and very costly to operate because you have to keep it clean the algae will turn to grow on the walls and you have to sort of scrape it off the walls otherwise it blocks the sunlight and reduces effectively so so proud of our actors are definitely a feasible technology but they can be very expensive in terms of covering the operating costs now the cheap alternative is the pond in the desert idea so this is this is what's called the pond by reactor and literally you just it looks a bit like the stadium in Rome I've got better pictures later on but basically you have a paddle wheel and this pumps water around in a in a stadium shape and you introduce an elegy culture here and then it basically goes round and grows and then you continuously harvest algae arm out of the system and you just have sunlight as shining armor or on as your energy source Now the trouble with an open Ponson is that. Other species and predators can get in they just get carried in by the environment and. The productivity of these systems can be very very low because basically something gets in your craw pour out commits your algae and you don't make any money so one of the things I want to talk about in this talk is the idea of crop protection mechanisms of these cheap open systems and this is going to be based on the idea of communities in consortia to provide crop protection. Another limitation of open poems is the carbon limited essentially the the limiting substrate for most of the day for the algae is the availability of C O two in the way the C O two gets in system it diffuses from the atmosphere and there's basically not enough here too in the in the atmosphere to really stretch the algae the algae could process much more C O two if it was available so I'm going to show here the idea of combining. An algae with the C O two producing Narcan organism to increase the productivity of the production and there are enough quantities result so but first let me talk about crop protection so this is like a long term goal so this is this is from that appeared a couple of years ago and it's a paper by a college asserts it's quite interesting that chemical engineers are reading your columns your papers and I think it's interesting that reading the collision five. So the idea of these guys is that if you if you look at a natural system so so Massachusetts in the summer you can go out into the woods and you can come across a pond and sometimes these ponds are really green stinky fettered palms and what the green stinky Poland is is a very productive. Ector that isn't being destroyed by predators or competition so that's a very resilient ecosystem and they believe the reason that those ecosystems are very resilient is because their consort here it's not a single species of algae it's actually. A whole bunch of different species and a bunch of bacteria species as well interacting together in a consortia and it may actually include certain mild predators in the overall design of the of the ecology arm and the idea is that by having a consortium or including for example predators all the ecological niches in the system are filled so that if it if another species or invader comes along arm it's ecological niches already filled so it can't get established or it's much harder for educated stablish so so a more aggressive predator can't get established because there's already a mild predator and system and the idea that they advocate in this paper is that you know if you want to build a cheap algae system then what you should do is actually design a synthetic consorting or along these lines that then would give you the quote protection he would like now. They talk about this problem as a qualitative problem. I'm not quite sure how they plan to address it rather than just sort of randomly putting species together and trying them out in the lab with our dynamic flux ballance analysis framework. It provides us a way to systematically approach this kind of design problem the design of a of a synthetic because gee for resilient algae growth. Using modeling and computation or tools and hopefully that can save a lot of experimental effort. Now over see. We need. The scale models to. To to approach these problems are we obviously have the and that at the lowest level we have our biological and you can logical model which is obviously the the flux patterns models of individual species and the kind of interactions that can take place. I mean the species and then there's an immediate scale we have our sort of bar reactor which is a sort of chemical engineering unit operation model but with these biological components as part of it and then at an even bigger level we have how we're going to design the overall process that just includes the reactor as one components. I would say sort of this part of the task is pretty well established and the even a lot of work even on the algae are in this area so the key component is being able to sort of put in the biological part of the problem in this overall parcel. And ultimately the idea is that you know we could be contemplating designing a console cheer for a specific engineering purpose we could have sort of a library of species that we would have identified that might be useful we would oversee do all of the literature search to to identify useful species but we have a bunch of candidate species to put it into our consorts here and then using our modeling and simulation optimization framework we can do instead look at studies to see how. Different choices for this can sort of behave we can search over different different compas different species to put into the consortia and we can potentially systematically optimize. The conditions on the and the composition of consortia to achieve our engineering goal and you know at some point look that back to experimental validation arm because models are obviously not always not always perfect you probably have to go around this loop several times before you get a satisfactory solution but the idea is that going through this loop is going to involve ultimately a lot less experimental work rather than just sort of randomly throwing the species into a B. current and seeing what happens. And kind of that kind of just just to start this kind of a lot of equations but it's kind of showing. How you might put together. A multi species model base a consortium model based on. The expanse models for each individual species OK. So. What I'm going to talk about now is is so so far you've talked about the sort of big picture vision that we're we're trying to go after and now I want to talk about specifically some of the computational tools that we've started to develop to address to address this grand challenge. So. Our model in its simplest form is this idea of a dynamical system with a linear program so we have differential equations representing the behavior of concentrations and so of of parables in the extra set of environment and then we have. A. Linear program representing all of our species and this guy is the is what's called the solution vector of the linear program so so kind of there are two things associated with the sun lotion of the lunar program one is is the is the the value of the cost function at the optimal solution that's a scalar the solution vector is basically it's a vector it's that it's the vector of Fluxus at the optimal solution of the new program. And in principle the interaction is through the solution vector not necessarily the objective function. Now. We came across two key issues in terms of realizing reliable technology to simulate models of this mathematical form arm. The first issue is that typically in flux parlance analysis the solution vector is no not unique it's not that the singleton set arm and the the sort of maximizing biomass argument. Reduces the non-unique now split it often doesn't. Eliminate it or what can happen is you can start off with a situation where the solutions are unique and then you run your simulation and time passes and suddenly that the solution becomes non-unique now the non uniqueness is a problem because the the. Differential Equation solves the dynamic simulators basically want this right hand side to be unique in new value and if it's not unique they they basically go haywire. The second issue is that. I can start off in a situation where the the linear program is feasible which means that you know that there are there are there are there's at least one flux vector that satisfies all constraints but at some later point in time it become infeasible and so it's true that at that point your simulation has to stop. And. Detecting when this happens reliably turns out to be quite a tricky thing to do are described in more detail but what I'm going to show is that an idea called Hauraki a lot to my station can be used to address both of these issues and create. A reliable simulator so. What's the idea of hierarchical optimization so forget about the math just look at the picture so if I have a linear program the feasible set so that's a set of feasible solutions of a lunar program is appalling So this is that light blue region that's what apology. So so any point in this search is a feasible solution now when I when I take my objective function my objective function has this thing called the cost factor and that's the gradient of the objective function and that's a constant factor for a linear program because there's a linear function so we can draw the direction of the cost factor in the space I want to linear program is trying to do is it's trying to move. As far away in the negative direction of the negative direction of the cost factor and still remain feasible so we can see in this simple example if I try and move in the negative this direction as far as possible as they end up here along this line here. And in this case. This whole face here of the polyhedral set is an optimal solution so this is the case when the optimal solution is not unique when it's not a singleton so any of these points minimize is feasible or minimizes the first object or so this is the case now what hierarchical optimization sare this is I optimized respect to the first objective and then I pin my problem of the value of the optimal first objective and that essentially reduces the feasible set for my problem just to this line here and then I introduce a secondary object if I'm trying not to my AS respect to that So in this case my secondary objective has this point in this direction so now if I'm forced to sit on this line and I'm using this object if that I'm pushed to this point here and I make the solution unique and the idea of hierarchical optimization is if you want to make the so-called exchange Fluxus which these are essentially the fluxes that cross the boundary of the unique so if I can base what modeling them out. What I can do is I can set up the Hauraki your objectives that if I progressively optimize and then real optimize and then real optimize I can be guaranteed at the end of the day that I make this this vector. Unique and in that way I can be guaranteed to have a unique solution for my problem always now. That solves the unique but it also raises a modeling issue because in order to come up with this model I have to decide what my Hauraki are for objectives is you know typically you put biomass production at the top of the objective. But what you put a secondary tertiary quarterly quarterly objectives. That's a modeling issue and and really has to be considered when you're putting together your model of your Marco Reus and we've already we've already encountered situations where you can make good and bad choices there so you may have to play around with the model a bit before you can decide on a good hierarchy that will give you good behavior that really reproduces reality. OK now. As a matter of the second issue is infeasible linear programs. And. What we're interested in is is basically how. The. The the physical set of the linear program changes with what is what's called the right hand side factor so so all of the influence of the dynamic parables of the differential equation on your program can be lumped into effect to be here and now we're interested in how this value function changes is a function of B. and in fact it's very nicely behaved and in terms of the way that functions can behave so it's a convert what's called a convex piecewise linear. It's actually Lipschitz continue but it's only it's defined essentially on this set airth which is the set of B. for which a solution of of the set of inequalities inequalities exist so the set of B.'s for which there is a fee that will satisfy a few pulls be invigorating for Syria now the problem with this airth is or is is that it's what's called it close set now. And century or close there is a set that will contain its boundary if it has a boundary. Typical ody theory assumes that the set on which your right hand so function is to find is an open set and an open set as it is a set that doesn't contain its boundary if it has a boundary. So and we'll see why this this close set so she creates creates us a challenge for for for applying standard numerical methods that essentially assume that there's an open set there and essentially the linear program is only going to be feasible while my my simulation arm makes the right hand side stay inside that set. This is easier explained of the picture OK So so this this F. is my set of right hand sides that. Create a feasible LP and. And basically it's a set that contains its boundary that's what the blue boundary line shows now as an example this is this is this this is a simple simulation of. I think it's. I for mounting a glucose silo some extra arm and what I'm showing here is the is the concentration of the very the two substrates of the by. In the culture and what happens is that it's got a preferably. The glucose first so it doesn't touch the silos and it starts eating the glucose so that sort of might correspond to it starting here in the F circuit and it carries along happily eating glucose I'm happy to have you happily until it reached this point here and this point here is when it's used up all it's not glucose at that point what it does is it switches its metabolism and it starts eating Xylo So that's when it starts eating Siler now now the issue is that kind of in comparison to eating glucose eatings is a bit marginal for the cell that's a bit and so when you read things that are low so you actually sit on the boundary of this is feasible said and you sort of cruise along the boundary. Happily until this point here which is when you've eaten up all of us and at that point kind of the cells die because it's got no more substrate have to go or really what happens is it can't maintain a steady state metabolism because there's nothing left to eat anymore but you know that in the in this list here that's called cell death so so this is the point where the simulation really becomes unfeasible this is where the part where you should really stop the simulation. The trouble is with. Many of the naive approaches that have been pro proposed to simulate these systems the simulation often fails around here where you bump into the boundary and the reason the simulation fails is the numerical methods again and this is based on this open set idea many of the numerical methods in order to do what they need to do they're sort of sampling around this point and this sampling process kind of means that you could sample. Infeasible point outside the set at which point your linear program says I mean feasible and then the numerical the numerical integrated doesn't know how to deal with that information and there are sort of hacks to try to make this work but typically what after what you see is that fails or it sort of it some methods can sort of crawl along but it takes an enormous amount of effort and how. What we've come up with this is kind of. A sort of more elegant solution of the problem that creates a much more reliable numerical solution and what we do is essentially we extend the demand on which the linear program is defined and we extend it to the whole space so that's what this picture is trying to solve so an idea in Linear Programming is this thing called the Phase one linear program. And the idea the role of the Phase one linear program has in algorithms is to find a feasible point if one exists and the way you do it is you set up a problem that's always guaranteed to be feasible but if you can find a certain solution of that problem then it will be a feasible point and that's Dan by introducing these new variables air switcher called slack variables and you can see that S S equals B. and vehicle zero is always a feasible solution of these set of constraints so this this problem always has a feasible solution. Now to find a feasible point what you truck what you do is you minimize the sum of the slacks and the slats are non-negative so that the smallest you can make that is zero but if you can make the slack zero you found of the that satisfies the constraints on the fees so the fray essentially phase one LP is another LP that you solve it. It's guaranteed to be feasible and if the optimal solution comes out as zero then you found a feasible point if it's greater than zero you know it's unfeasible. And the way we solve the feasibility issue is that we put the Phase one objective in as the sort of zeroth level now the first level and so before we consider biomass we conserve the feasibility problem and if we have the feasibility problem at the top of the hierarchy the probe the program is feasible everywhere I can I can basically simulate I can simulate I can simulate this whole trajectory and I can even define a sort of an extension of after it becomes the actual problem comes in feasible and that makes the simulation very very reliably because this is no longer a boundary of the set so it's fine if I sample around these points and what also means is that is in the simulator you can basically monitor the value of the sky and while the sky zero you know it's feasible in the moment it comes off zero you know you've become an infeasible So it's very easy to see when you hit the death the death face and the simulation. OK so. That's the boring bit of the talk now we'll do some simulations now we've got this this simulation capability you will use it to simulate it so so this is a better picture of one of these raceway. And you say it's like it's like a stadium in Rome and you basically. You know introduce a culture and here you've got this paddle wheel it pushes it pushes the water around and then you harvest again just before it's come around again and it's essentially continuously faired and continuously harvested. You pull off you pull off so initially when you harvest you pull off the cells and you. Brake the the cells are up and down if you've operative correctly the algae have sort of accumulated Leopard's inside them and that's the leopard's of a major product if you're making a biofuel but you also can recycle some of the substrate so so first approximation you can think of this as a plug for a reactor and you can sort of just approximate it as a sequence of continuous terse with a recycle and then we have sunlight that's driving the system so if we look at sort of one of our C.S.T. are in the church chain here. Are can sort your model. Is going to be a model that metabolic reconstruction of the algae and then the other organisms I want to put on the heart and sort here. Then there will be exchange of of farm substrates between the members of the console tier and that's going to be inside a well stirred reactor model and then the mass balance of the well star reactor will involve inlet and outlet terms. Sirrah to an oxygen exchange for their atmosphere and a sort of model for sunlight and pinching on the reactor and the key thing to note here is that the sunlight is periodic or twenty four hour cycle and we have light and dark faces so this is this is a model of light intensity but during the course of the day. OK so. The model we're going to use for algae is is this thing this is a it's a detailed model this is a large scale metabolic model of something called climbing on us and heart I all I can say is it's the fruit fly of algae it's that it's the one that everybody started and that's why there's so much information about it and and what this is a very complex model but and it clears a lot of features but most importantly basically when there's light it's going to use to. Solve the C O two and acetate is carbon source and it's going to produce oxygen during the dark period it consumes acetate to maintain our maintain it's metabolism and it produces zero to an Associates which is between these different metabolic. Modes. OK now. Because this system is forced by sunlight it doesn't have a steady state it has something called a slightly steady state so what that means is that if you run it for long enough and you look at how the concentrations and everything else changes in the. Over twenty four hour period the wave becomes identical you just repeat the same basically the initial condition at the beginning of the day equals the final condition of the end of the day you just repeat that cycle so I'm showing you some of those why I've waveforms at the site itself and how in this case the way you get the steady state is you start it from some initial position and then you just run it long enough till it settles down to the sucker state there are more sophisticated ways of doing that but that's what we did here. But these are relatively quick simulations to do it doesn't take that long to do. So this is the result of doing a monoculture with algae and I guess the kind of important things to see is that that this is sort of during the night the population the the concentration of algae goes down because of the outflow out of the system and the algae isn't growing but then when the sunlight comes back the algae starts growing again and you have this sort of this is this is roughly dollar and this is roughly dusk OK and. And. Another interesting feature is how the concentration of dissolved oxygen and dissolved C O two change in the bar to. Of the day the most important thing is that you know what happens during that during most of the day is the C O two concentration is driven to a very very low value with the that the algae is limited by the social mass transfer of Syria to from the atmosphere. So. So the idea here is to create a consort year by introducing another organism that produces C O two in situ and that can boost the growth of the algae arm and what I'm going to do here is going because it was convenient to model is good because there are good models I'm going to use a model of yeast and again there's a very well developed model of yeast which is large scale. And this will exhibit both aerobic and anaerobic growth and so she requires glucose is the carbon source so so the feed the yeast is going to eat glucose and produce C O two which then the algae is going to eat. So this is what happens in the coal culture so now we've got both yeast and algae present and the key thing to spot here is that the the the algae concentration is increased by five more than fifty percent so and we didn't do it we haven't done the optimization here this was kind of just the first simulation we run so so essentially the introduction of the yeast boosts the for productivity of the use substantially and what you see in terms of the dissolved gases is that. The Especially there's more C O two available so during the day the increased availability of Syria to really boosts the productivity of the of the of the algae and more generous also produced as well. OK. So aren't going to skip over that so. So another thing that's got another thing that's going on here. Maybe I should explain that so so what what I'm showing here is two different simulations in which I've changed my hierarchy of objectives I'm outta my station and basically what's happened with the dotted line is I made a bad choice and you see suddenly that in simulation too there's virtually no oxygen present a top. And what happened here is that we. What we said is that one of the old stories I think that the one of the objects is for the algae is to maximize oxygen consumption whereas this line is minimizing oxygen consumption so the algae both consumes and produces oxygen and if it maximizes oxygen combustion there's this limitation the model in the sense that the the ton the the flux of hydrogen ions into the algae is not limited so if it can absolve if it can. Suck in unlimited amounts of oxygen it just makes water to make energy so that's really a limitation of the model so what so so we had to go to the we had to go the other objective but we also had to introduce a model for the PH of the solution arm so that we were we were getting the hydrogen ion concentration correct so that involved introducing a bunch of equilibrium equations corresponding to the ON IT chemistry taking place in the in the air and that that makes the model a so-called differential algebraic equation system with an linear program value because now we have a nobody we have the algebra chips and we have the linear programs but given the tool we developed it was very easy to take what we have developed an interface. That two of the DA solve a problem nobody saw of and this was all done with a tool that we developed to Matlab and it really was a matter of of an afternoon's work for my questions to make this change in the model because the that the competition at all was so flexible and so when you go in and you put the PH buttons into the model you don't see a dramatic change but you can argue that that's more realistic. Are. And but now you get an idea of how the the concentrations of the various ions are changing also in the PH and the culture. So this shows now before I just show the results for one serious three are now I'm pushing for serious start serious three hours in a chain so that's obviously a bigger simulation I got two species in foresee astri arse and you can see as as you go along the trail of C S three rs your concentration increases and that again you get the dissolved gases in each of the four seriously ass. OK. I was going to tell you a bit about the the the microbial mat and the other Stone National Park survey sickly it's a model of this top layer of that this is this is basically a source large that grows on the bottom of the of the thermal ponds and and and there's a there's a consort here of three species in that top lair focus of this only takes place in that top layer because like carbon penetrate. And so these are you know I'll skip through this is a it's a. Lot a lot of simulation results here but the idea is that the if you start this this model from a bunch of different initial conditions or you just run it I think if you see what we're doing is. We're running it for mostly here on the day night cycle what you find is that is that it always approaches the same site city state and what's very interesting about this model is it predicts the experimentally observed ratio of two of the species in the consortia and previous models of always we've always had to provide that ratio as an input or is this model predicts that parameter. OK so. I. Don't really have time to talk about sensitivity No it's not my station but for those of you who care about those things we're working on on our own techniques to to use these simulations and more complex situations but I'll go to my conclusions. So. So what I've talked about is some of the motivation and some of the sort of technology of doing details modeling and simulation of by a process is based on microbial consort here and the clear idea behind this is dynamic facts plans analysis and we've made numerical importations of our of our numerical tools available from the web page of much of my group and there's a tool in Fortran which is more difficult to use but it's much more efficient and could do much bigger problems but there's also a tool to Matlab which is much easier to use. And I mean if you want to get into this side of care if you use the matlab at all and there and then if you get hooked on them then you can become a big boy and work on Fortran and or girl. And so on and I didn't really have time to talk about some of the that the more sophisticated develops in terms of sensitivity analysis not my station arm I think there's a there's a lot of potential for future work in this area are we there's a lot of work in. So she doing systematic mathematical programming based optimization of these type of models on the big issue is that. The models are are non differentiable So we have to do with one smoothness. Are if we if we have a systematic optimization capability we can use those to optimize the operation of power chemical processes based on single or multiple species we can use it to design artificial or cultures where we try and combine different combinations species together and we can also use this to actually identify the moles in the first place so it can be used to design optimal experiments for model scrutinization and parameter estimation for actually building the metabolic models in the first place. If you think about the extra layer of Vironment the extracellular environment can be described by a range of different types of differential equations they can be O.D.S. different. Partial Differential Equations partial differential algebra and so they're all of these all of these kind of numerical models that we need to deal with can be extended to include Lps and. This can create some very very large scale simulation problems so to give an example of this I'm starting a collaboration with a colleague at MIT who is an oceanographer and he's interested in how our own populations the populations of algae of different species in the ocean change with say death in the ocean and apparently there are phenomena where you know algae sort of float up and down in the depths and that and the different species go to different depths and this happens on a day night cycle so that they can explore various changes taking place and and you if you have a P.D.F. model of the of the flow of the ocean on the heat transfer on the ocean you could put in. Algae models and models of other of other kind of. Punkin species and you can start to understand Tom some of these phenomena are in a lot of detail. I think another interesting question is that there are more sophisticated. For experiment small noses that involve other types of convex hull to my social problems and we need to develop the theory and algorithms for this and of course. The applications of this seem to be you know enormous we talk about Barfield production we talk about. Bacterial mats we talk about oceanography. You can talk about bio fuel productions from sugars etc etc etc. OK so. I'll just acknowledge my group members. As a post-doc he's taken the leadership role on this project or microchip Jose income ill who are Ph D. students of contributed various aspects of the project and also like to make a big thank you to my cancer not your mass who got me interested in this topic in the first place so thank you for your attention and. Thanks. But. I think. You know. That. Yes OK So so there's kind of a broader chemical in engendering question right so so the in principle when you take the. Out you harvest the lip hurts and then what's left is carbohydrates and proteins and some other stuff. In principle those carbohydrates could then be processed to create chokers doesn't have to be a group for something that something that the the the other organism pretty good but if you look at the overall carbon balance the overall carbon balance is limited by the rate that C O two going to fuse into the pond so so the question the quicker the question is you know. If you want to have a completely closed system that doesn't have an import of a chauffeur from outside you're probably limited of how much sugar you can use but you could also you know you know we haven't done that calculation on the overall carbon balance so I don't know where you know what that whether that's limiting or not. But again you know I mean glucose is a very expensive carbon source you could think about importing something much cheaper and choosing your organism in such a way to process that so so I mean ultimately the you know if you want to go beyond the carbon balance the economics would decide you know whether it's worth introducing more substrate. Yeah I think those are all great questions it's. You know I think that you know it's. I think as time goes on we'll start having you know ways to address those questions systematically You know I think the. You know I think that the the idea of ecological niches is important. As. So that gives you some guidance you know what the ecological niches are and try to make sure that they're filled. There are also things like nutrient requirements. Either you know do you want to supply nitrogen or do you want to introduce an organism that can produce nitrogen. Which it will be twelve is a very important thing as well so basically there are only certain bacteria that can make the trial so you know if you start worrying about B twelve you're going to have to have something that produces B. twelve and you're in the open sort of so so you know. You know it's a it's almost like a it's a classic chemical engineering design problem right you you you have to think about what you need and what ecological niches you need to fill the new you have to start thinking about what species you want to do that and what are the potential interactions what's I mean. For those of you know what superstructure optimization that might be a way to sort of set up a big growth there. But you know that there are I think there are potential ways to set that up as a as a kind of interrupt my social problem to sort of at least generate kind of. How the model share them yeah. Well I mean there are I mean there are a couple of ways that can happen. The picture helps right for. The typical way is you know a socially all of these are metabolites and they're basically excrete it by one. Species into their extrasolar medium and then they were absorbed out of their exercise or medium by another species so so the the interaction is essentially through the reactor dynamics. But there are other. Interactions sometimes that are more. Controlled So basically species will sort of be physically located you know they they may actually kind of like what you know there are algae that will hot basically shelter. Bacteria on their cell walls because you know an algae is enormous in comparison to a bacteria so this is happens I think with the B. twelve producing. Bacteria and they're the interaction is much kind of more direct it's not through the interstellar medium. But you can you basically model that with a knowledge of what's called not a broken strain rather than the than a dynamic mass balance constraint but you can model either type of interaction. Yes Yeah well yes you know because kind of here are right on the if you look at these two guys right these guys are kind of. You know taking both acetate and ammonia. That are produced by either the. Earth side of bacteria so they they will compete they compete for the substrate now and and you know that kind of like the so the saga study that state you see depends on how that that competition plays out so you can you know you can you can produce different steady state populations depending on the conditions of the system because that competition plays out.