[00:00:00] >> Welcome to the scenic technique of Evan our series. Past week I call word the or our program of scenic for those who did not and last week scenic stands for Southeastern nanotechnology infrastructure corridor our. It is a innocent funded program and it's of minded about 16 in u.s. cities across the United States with the goal to open up our infrastructure capabilities related to nanotechnology and of course micro technology to the extraordinarily user community who needs to use these tools sets coming from board academia as well as industry so that's a goal for the program the producer will be talking about software graphene methods of fabrication Dole This is our baby not to we have another 4 lined up so all it's all. [00:00:53] In the month of May is on Wednesdays on Thursdays you'll get your if you're a study only if your reminders and the link to all softly the graphic basically the fabrication of microfluidics devices using soft lithograph in that there. Is a very popular approach but the reasons one the it has cost effective Another $1.00 is because of its simplicity and so I want to give a little primer on microfluidics are not going to come out a lot as a separate lecture I used to do in our short courses but today I want to because after the graph is our main focus I want to give a quick. [00:01:35] Review of microfluidic so much of what is microfluidics basically source study of flawed flaws and design of carbon and such as conduits valves Pons makes just interconnects on micro meter length scale for example one. It's between you know the scale that been operated in these devices pretty much one micron 100 Michael which is a bore one millimeter is the maximum. [00:02:02] So as you can see how tiny is might be a simple example of the diameter of a human hair it's about 80 Micron. Where it basically dives into disciplinary field you know where disciplines such as engineering physics chemistry biology micro technology medical science and biotechnology researchers from these disciplines actively forcibly microfluidic research. [00:02:29] So it took off early ninety's and the lots of commercial products are a little one such product. The pregnancy desperate that's displayed there and I like the little court called in simpler dance microfluidic devices are a lot like a couple of chips with the plumbing so what is my current y. working for Dick's number of advantages you know think about small I want you you know you're trying something new you don't want to miss your reagents because it's very expensive and so you want to play in a small way in a pilot scale probably send a semi pilot scale so you so a small human so you don't waste your agents you can go back fabrications meme's. [00:03:15] Devices can be integrated into the monarch of. Our commission can be done as I said less religion and so you have a quicker detection time and the good part is it's a portable mentation. You know many times. Think about our decisions like c.b.c. they go to fields and like a remote areas in developing countries where they may not find a sophisticated lab settings and so all they need is a tiny little portable instrumentation where they can get the results just like that obviously little bit because the cost and when you use less regions are obviously result in less waste it and so faster as is you get a high quality data and you can have a better stat sticks because you can kind of a number of. [00:04:02] Experiments and so it's very convenient because it's small and so all you can see that contact footprint to some of the applications of microfluidics you know you can use it in biology classes chemical analysis a mickle in biology or sensing biochemical and drive delivery. The little molecule separations metal So this is an optics that a lot of nice youtube videos on microfluidics of children don't see that of you are going to even a chance so coming to our topic of focus suffer the graphic so what to suffer lithographic let's start with that simple question if their 1st real family have techniques it's not just a stand let stand alone technique it's several methods which we will see today wife or father getting replicating structures using elastomeric stamps models and for the masks the junk soft because it uses a last American material most notably the though a chemical that's used to speed E.M.'s. [00:05:08] The acronym billionaire stands for poly diamond the Psylocke saying We'll talk a little bit more aboard p.m.s. hour we'll talk about its properties and why it's such a great medium for a soft lithographic let's do a little historical. Significance one of the star political significance it's an odd little bit of thought of the graphic for patterning materials it was developed at Howard's. [00:05:34] Whitesides lab by Dr unions and Dr Whitesides in 1908 Dr g. at Georgia Tech currently. Though all this example of a graphic complements the gunman tional little graphic techniques you know conventionally we think about for a little graphic. And so soften the graphic comes along side work order and paragraph and kind of complements the technique to please note that for the lithographic the purpose of sort of the graph is to create small structures of features on a silicon wafer using fortresses you can patent because you need to sometimes block certain parts of the silicon wafer so you can walk on the action being or you can let lies it in gold or whatnot so for those purposes this is this is a very important and crucial technique in semiconductor industry you know very important process and it's very inevitable. [00:06:37] In the semiconductor world. So why we need to have some new developments in this area you know because technology demands a different applications think about Microelectronics we have thought of the graphic which is a key process but then Microelectronics you know Morkel different areas of focus you know it basically starting with research. [00:07:02] You know creating memes devices micro reactors another area microanalysis micro sensors my graphics and Mark acknowledges So I asked different applications it was all obviously got to have some simplified my 3rd. To care to the needs of that assertion years old that's why we don't want to stop the thought of the graphene we want to go to the complementary techniques such as Graffy and non-portable the graphic methods which means sometimes you can directly use Jet lab printers which we have enough presently to directly factor not print. [00:07:43] The patents polymer battens are the substrates like a silicon wafer some social. Stuff is arriving so how we can do a rapid prototyping What is that our preprogramed diving procedure as you can see if someone has an idea. Of what you want to exactly do and fabricate you can use a cad software and then make a design back and a design or patent and then you can always use the image printing to make a mask. [00:08:14] Once you made your mask it will use the force of the graphic process to make a master more because this is something this is exactly the malt that enables the medium a stamp to come out of it and then once directly onto the glass so once you have amassed a mold which is one of the key company interns after the graph you don't you can make the pretty a must have once you have a stamp then all you do is take the stand and then attach it but the glass you can bond it and then now you have a beautiful microfluidic structure of the device and that's all on our program diving procedure that. [00:08:54] We lable in this methodology so like to do it it just fabrications the process through which we make my food it just dipped our call of basically a little graph you know basically I want to go a little bit basics on 4th of the graffitti and then so that will really help the the listeners particularly those who are new in this area that are kitchens we had participants who want to nobble this new year and they're not act to researchers and there we have a don't they want a little bit understand so they can expand the heart of sons of their own research into their new areas and so it's always good to talk a little bit on the basics as well I know there are some advanced researchers here and that's where we are so this is done just to benefit the the newcomers to this field don't know there are actually 2 types of lithographic in one in making a mark of chip are involved in the like a floating device design one as for the graphic All it does is you make a more honestly can be for. [00:10:03] You know using a u.v. light to etch or a mole a certain part so that's basically the fault of the Rocky and soft lithographic as you using them all to make a chip from the p.m.s. polymer So all you do is now you have them all now you pour your p.m.s. and then you remove the after curing the predicament so you'll be able to nicely the more the stamp of the previous you know that's one of the key company and you remove work from the mall and then now you attach and so that's sort of the graphics I think about for the liver entry and start of the graphic sort of the graph is more of are used for creating. [00:10:43] Are the master mos and then suffer the graphicness and it helps to. You know kind of 4 of create a premium a stamp and then wonder. I want to do weekly cover the nitty gritty of fabrication of my floating device so it's extremely important these are 4 main companies will cover in this lecture one as the part one which I will talk about clean and then we'll talk a little bit about 4 of the graphics and then we'll go to staff at the Guthrie and then I sets off the graph is not one stand alone method you know there's a lot of technique you know if there's a complementary techniques towards the single one which is a replica holding and then so that will also help and will come handy later on or not as such as we like to use talk coming to the plumed on what is a clean up Lyndall is an end run and in which particulates temperature humidity are tightly controlled why we're controlling these because we want to protect the sense to wake up and process scenes from contamination more accurately a clean room as a country or a level of contamination that is specified by the by 2 things One is the particles how many particles are there in one cubic foot doc your big meter does pacified particle size so if you think about one cubic foot you know think about a cube in a space so within that within that area you know how many particulates can be there there is a destruction and what could be the sizes of these particulates can it be 100 microns or what are the smallest should be there to call it a clean bill so these are very very important and so federal standard 2 or 90 that's a document that defines what a clean rumors you know it establishes standard classes of air cleanliness for airborne particle of levels in clean rooms and clean zones so there's a standard method available protocol that's be followed the politicly interim. [00:12:46] The only way to control these contamination is to control the total environment you know in the sense you know the air flow rates directions pressurization temperature humidity a specialized filtration all needed to tightly control. You know. The kind of the level of cleanliness in the plane so why I cleaned it all because contamination is the process or act that causes materials are so obvious as to be contaminated right there are many talk about contaminants that are basically 2 categories of stuff is contaminated contaminants that can ruin the process that's been done inside a clean one for the contaminants could be a full audit could be particularly. [00:13:33] You know stand alone free floating particulates inside cleaned or are there could be nice formation of firms in say a nano scale like 10 nanometer. On a silicon wafer it can grow in your process ultimately because it won't there won't be ideation Prout there there won't be additional profit Artesian to do the. [00:13:55] You know the entire process and so these got them in scan and produce clear defect in your meaning it's a circular that's why it's extremely important to control these contaminants in a clean room settings so as he said in order for them contaminants of only 10 malam meters. [00:14:13] Now think about human error but that's about 100000 Hannah meters single strain of a human hair the bit there's a 100000. But think about in this case only 10 nanometers just sufficient the full thickness that can drastically reduce the coding ideations on a day for such and so it's widely accepted that particulates of half of my God find 5 Mike are not larger by the target so those other size restrictions inside that. [00:14:45] One cubic foot area and then there is also depending on the class of the cleaned on the result of so how many particulates of fine fine like on could be inside of them and that depends on the class of between seen the next next slate as well so this is going time and contamination comes along we need to know the Argile rate it could be from facilities it could be from walls. [00:15:10] It could be from room here we are birds it could be from people. You know skin flicks constantly We shred that sense from our barn Yes We go inside and that's why clean them losers. Guard to have a bunny so got a full blown clean garment as they go inside the cleaned it could be from cosmetics pull of your. [00:15:32] Spittle someone speaks a little harder then open up and then then spittle can be a mess. So all debris some clothing or so on it could be also told generated through works. You know there are other airborne such as bacteria as in someone's cell phone and then it can be also product generated like silicon chips and and all those things can add to the contamination inside the cleaned. [00:16:04] You can see some of the images of these contaminants if you have not seen talking about the ball and other gene out of Poland season if you're not seen in the parliament you can see the in the 1st image those of bland parlance. Right there and then you can see the cumbersome bulldust Midrand dust and you can see there was a dust particle which just this one sitting on bubble financial structure that was fabricated You can see the one paper and that's why we don't let the regular papers of the bends to go inside the cleaned all men are cleaned up or whites will provide the plane to be able and the fence to be used inside the plane and you can think about the human here as well though where there would there's a board 100000 that 100000 an image so that as I said there are different types of cleaned rooms. [00:17:02] Typically office building the particle it's. Great at. 1000000 particulates can be brawling out on a half or so you know and you're all working from home you can think about our Holmes. And if it's a class 100 clean coal one should not find more than $100.00 particulates are 100 particles within that one cubic foot space think about a cumulus airspace one should not find more than $100.00 particulates within that one cubic foot space and again as he said there's a size restriction on the particulates so it should not be more than half of my car. [00:17:47] Of this particulates and so likewise if it's glass 1000 that's 1000 particulates and within that one cubic foot and class $10000.00 should not be more than $10000.00 articulates within that one cubic foot and the particulates So it's not should not exceed more than half of my cause. Coming to the photograph you know poser for the lithograph used to create small structures of features on a silicon wafer using fortresses. [00:18:14] If you just are made out of order assessed by edging order you know removing the exposed area by you elect to leave it the process uses one gotta dig a silicon wafer primer clean it well spend caught with your fork to resist and then you have to do a pretty baking step so that the solvent trapped in the forest can be remote and then they are the explosive through the mask where you have actual design in your mask whatever you want to see on your silicon wafer that need to be transferred from your mask the pattern that is there in your mask and then once you expose it that you like goes through and then we'll also learn about what is a clear field or a dark field mask and the past 2 and 4 assists in the next are coming slides and so you have to do the development which is nothing but you have to rinse of the developer or part of. [00:19:07] Your love for as a liquid basically where you Delap it and it enables the certain regions to be gone where depending on the forest you use and so you get a very clear act and that's transferred. Onto your silicon wafer and then you do the post baking again to remove those solvent so for the masking here in front of the graphic for the graphic is a pattern transfer idea think about you know here in that mask you have this kind of the window pared down and these. [00:19:44] The area's color black is the opaque area where lights cannot pass through the one on the white the window these areas like can pass through those are clear and so it passes through play out of this battle involving are being created you have a forest cover work for a lot of those we have already covered with this forest or resist you know we can hide in front of this brown color or because that's the way it looks. [00:20:15] And so you're able to plan for through the year we light. Exposure again depending on the photo resist and you can use different wavelengths he liked and so you are able to pass through past the light and so this pattern as nicely transferred here this feature as exactly transfer here and so. [00:20:40] There are 2 types of mask one is a clear field mask another one is a dark 3 mask in a clear field mask this blessed region is opaque these regions like can pass through and it can go right to your way for where you have already your spin cord for president sitting right there waiting for the light to hit the Think of all this is technically. [00:21:08] A 5 inch mask basically most of our tools I can't figure to fold into a for capability and so we have to use a 5 inch mask so this is he has a clear. And so this is a big region that late cannot pass through this region where the slate can pass through this region and that's why we call it clear field mask but if in the case of darkfield mask this Legion is clearer and this region outside the place sign is opaque are blocked basically by crop and so basically the masks are made by sort of lime glass and by the it all is used to block that interns to create the package and so you can see here this is that's why this car darkfield mass. [00:21:55] Fortress is a light sensor material it's used in several industry processes such as sort of the graffitti and for the engineering to form a back and core being on to the surface that's very simple if you can this clearly listen to this so as I said we are using one of those a clear field mouse and so we all we want to do was we want to see how tall different types of Resist have passed to resist and negative resist being here with the same intensity light that is exposed through the 4 the mask in this case we're using clear free mask and we want to see what part in the stands for depending on the rest of us type of races do you is alter the silicon wafer So this is a 4 in silicon wafer so as I said that our pool types of fortresses we call it fast of water assist when the exposure to u.v. light removes the rest so all it does is I'm passing the u.v. light and this is the clear area where the light passes through and so it hits the silicon wafer were put out of the spark and there's a full Love think about this brown color scoured fully on the circle it's fully said spend quarter for a spin there so when you ask are you really like that hits this area. [00:23:16] And it removes of priority the before the river for a stair it was remote and so whatever the reason that was opaque are blocked the your light was blocked that area alone stays here so that over the fortress are still more on exposing to u.v. light that is called a pastoralist But in this case come here that's just it just just the opposite you know where over the light was exposed in this case the fortress a stays here are maintained audit remains there remember this is that you were late coming in but of this only in the center part when you use the nectar bestest it's kind of a block and so these regions are exposed and soul wherever it kind of the fortress remains that or. [00:24:10] Negative forests of think of all of this latest coming in it is hitting the silicon wafer and through a certain part and if the light hits the silicon wafer of color black forest of that area is removed it's part pastoralist again if it's a negative recist better the latest coming on to the way for the world but for purposes that area remains are maintained that assist the rest remained and so those are called negative for progress this is important to note sourdough Popham a simple part of the plans for all we do was Anytime you see this. [00:24:48] Silicon wafer in the silicon wafer is circular but then this is a class section you know you're seeing the not the top view you're seeing the cross-sectional view of a silicon wafer So think about you know seeing the silicon wafer through this. Through this Ok so this is silicon wafer and taught all you do is now you take it spin Court it has been going to sort of a level in the cli in terms. [00:25:14] You can spend on assists and soul and then you use the u.v. light Most times we use I like. You we light our exposure it's basically $360.00 by now meters and sold This is the mask that's sitting on top of the fortress That's the whole the light goes through the clear area these areas are opiate where the black one as it's a big white one it's clear the light hits it and so it it think about here the light hits the 4 presidents and so in this case what happened was that over the light hit that area for resistors Rimmel. [00:25:55] No I want to hear you say this is a pastor for a system because here they form a simpler more think about the scenario here Demir the latest coming him and so here are. In the latest getting directly the. Resistance and so they form a state here the next course regions are gone towards what did I say of and I said that over the light you relate hits and different remained are if the fortress is maintained it does a negative for us to remember when the light goes through the forest just in that for area where the light is exposed is remote it's a past of water system if it remained are maintained then it's a negative for purposes so that's all you need to know for most part if you are not familiar with 4 of the graphic so we'll learn a little bit past of the negative process and cons of using 2 types of resist one as the pastor for presses as I said in this example they exposed regional. [00:27:10] As little more and so it's passed to voters they exposed region state and selected for a solid number of different kinds of organisers do you can look into the literature alone and spend much time but I want to talk a little bit on the advantages of what advantages are you know you can get a higher resolution it's basically act as best. [00:27:32] Telepresence mostly act as pleased to see very easy. Easy to process and therefore support a sister once well but then for the negative for the rest it's again more sense Joe It has a better chemical that extends because you know how it works as well overlaid as exports they're the polymers are cross-linked you will be able to see a little bit more when we talk about is 08 which is used to make the master malls in our south lithographic process and there is the way it is easy parts in this polymer varied enables a class linking So anytime there's a cross-linking. [00:28:08] You know it becomes very less templates and again it's the advantages it's less expensive there are disadvantages for a pasta reserve less sense Joe but in this case there's less that there's a low but then it also uses the are getting besides coal stuff you think of it techniques we're going to see. [00:28:31] Mainly the 1st step make which is the mark of fluids device fabrication and then really really big order to the rest of the form that it's not in Africa as and generally are shot courses where part spends will go to the clean drill. And have a hands on fabrication of these microphone it devices and wheels for that purpose actually because I do I start to question so I want to cover that in advantage as well. [00:29:00] So I left America R.P.M.'s taps already a Mustang amp. As I said been in the stands for Ali and I'm of those I like saying its appeal amount and suffer the gravity of the doubt that you may not be able to close the loop of creating the market through the device sold so deep so that's why you need a yes you a master more so you Master more discrete So depending on what you have here you will get the pattern according to that you will get the pattern the premiums the. [00:29:32] Stamp of the best on the the morgue that's why it's called a morgue because as you know what the were you born in so the more when you take it out you're going to get the simpler package so must a more created from microfluidic micro little graphic techniques you can do the photo lithograph you can do my commissioning You can also do the way you've been writing so any time you made one is with Master more you can do it you can use the same thing to create for different stamps. [00:30:02] Same design but then you can try it all perfectly times dog cleared it up really in a stand as I said depending on the mall you will get your medium us stamp so the member this morning has the Squier patterns it has the. Dips in the shape of Squier sense of when you use the media most in in this mall then you can pull it out then you would see the similar pattern. [00:30:30] Transfer to that medium a step so if its a coin if you will then you would see the conical really in a stamp efforts trying to just our lines then have them or is not dangerous then the speedy m a stamp is also anxious you will be able to see so this is what here there are mainly 3 important steps. [00:30:54] To create a market for a device number one as creating a master more we use a suite polymer to create a mass of all sole this is the entire structure we call a master mode so basically we create these patterns. Any damage of polymer Michael the color i Reporters aren't so all these as you read polymers. [00:31:19] Then we create the master mall using a photo of the graphic process once you have the master mold all you do is you report media mass 3 polymer order the master Lord the any damp medium as for this lecture think about the lavender light lavender color so you are able to afford it now all you do is after curing the pedia mess because you know unsupported slip with the New York. [00:31:47] You are at now you're able to simply peel it Philip from the master more and then you get a stand alone be able to stand. So once you have the stand it's great because all you do is you use those glass silicon dioxide. You know you take a class. [00:32:07] And then you're able to one that one of the medium a stamp once it's wanted now you can see again I'm just telling the cross-sectional view you can see all these are nice clenches you know Harvey Collyer gaps these are all like nicely seemed well sealed because the good part here is you're talking about coal oil and the oil and boiling because the p.d. I'm standing nicely well and really wants to your house your glass plate or silicon dioxide now it's tightly down so all you know if you're careful if you're experienced Michel really digs device have a good very Then you can all why the leak is and so on so forth we'll talk that little bit more in detail I want to give your all picture before assume and into the actual process Sigman steps let's talk about a sweet Master more as I said is really master mold fabrication is a 1st step. [00:32:59] And yes wait master malled will serve as a pact and template for p.d. miscasting So it's a it's a template then you use the template to clean it or you cast it medium or something that it's a commonly used the parts to be a part Cbest negative thought resist now you should remember and I say negative for president the exposure of light onto the polymer the polymer stays there it maintained oddly means because any damn the light is exposed it can last lens when it passed links it cannot be removed by any solvent particle in the case of a sweet it stays there for ever it's it's not easy to the lower cross-link it's really material from the silicon wafer it's extremely difficult. [00:33:47] And soul negative the 1st pillar for president reports exposed to the uni becomes cross-linked while the remainder of the firms remain soluble and can be washed away during the element so that's all the bottle looks when you order it from Micro cam they will send you a nice bottle they have excellent have Absolutely. [00:34:06] All of these recipes available so it's our chemical happily fight you passing based negative insist I be functional articulate transparent and for the image a bit of near you which as I line which is a 360 nanometer So the cured phones are microstructure our very 1st step to solving on the assets and this is difficult or more does excellent thermal and mechanical stability it's well suited for fabricating permanent structures. [00:34:35] Lol this is the cross-linking like Alison what happens to issue 8 when you know do the 4 Order lithographic process the 8 letter 1st to the Eat Eat part see groups you can see here part 4 and bottom for the past groups. It's in the chemical here as a basis for now in the valley lie still ether it's of this finale lie still ether is the is the polymer and soul you can see the what happens is any time of when you have the desire cross-link a here and so when you expose that the polymer film which was already been called on to the silicon wafer and grow the masked men who expose it all it does is it as of 4 To act of competent in the formulation. [00:35:27] You call it forecasts a generator was just drive try are a lot of life and hours of one insult so that is very ready for proactive so any time you expose light on probably the the polymer it has already the. Dialog life and cell phone himself which is a 4 pack go for gas and generator it immediately generates an asset so anytime the **** of the generator and considering the kind of the he passes polymer because anytime there is are. [00:35:58] Parts to a thing which is triangular it's very highly strained the ring so any time when you hit that with an acid it kind of pots open so nicely and so when it pops opens then it can go on nicely castings to the neighboring a sweet molecules and then makes the robust film but it is very difficult for more. [00:36:18] So therefore going to be actual produce is an asset and so the acid. Kind of our tax the oxygen on the backswing and so it all park opens and then it's the nice class linking and that's the process for a 3rd of the process there so you can see how nicely these interesting as the way it structures were fabricated this is a simple example you can create this kind of a star like structure. [00:36:45] Or you can creeds followers trenchers and other patterns but these are patterns exactly to be good from the formats to let's talk a little bit of or really a mass. I can mend in the time I'm doing well so medium a stance for Polygon metals I like same so it's a silicon based on last summer so you can see in the formulation you'll have Psylocke seen all of the marsh and then silence and grass cross linkers and so there is also a platinum base catalyst which will dock with you now so usually you have to mix the little nurse with cross-link or others in the ratio of then this to one so that's a leave me do. [00:37:27] I sample be very 25 could have of this all of them are then we also need 2.5 grams of grass encouraged and then nicely mix said there's already a platinum based catalyst which kind of effects the cross-linking. When you know nicely cast Ling's And then there's a 1000000000 less foam idea maybe some of the properties and benefits does a fantastic properties in itself that's next us sort of a candidate for the microfluidic device fabrication the optical property it's transparent why we need to do that plaster and fallen because when you've got all cells inside of Mike of Rudy device then you would be able to image it through a kind of a microscope or other microscopic techniques so it's electrical properties are it has insulating breakdown. [00:38:22] All the age of 2 white 10 paws 7 per meter and so what that does is it makes it a great candidate for spark electronics because smart electronics are plaques high performance mechanically flexible and electrically conducting polymer And so this kind of far makes it really a mess of best candidate for such applications mechanically it has a high end smallest It's a 70 below passable. [00:38:50] And so it conforms to the surface and not violent ice saw that's why it's good that you're just poured it on to the hour the silicon Master more it can formally cause. And so the thermally again. You can see the insulating it has a good thermal conductivity so this can be used to insulate heated solution sometimes most times some of the applications needs electrons to be fabricated on the sides of the microwave device. [00:39:21] And so when that happens when you are placed at an electrical potential or left electric potential then it can get stand that as well so that's why thermal conductivity as one of the factors as well interface sharply doesn't also Office energy and so when it has a loss if a synergy it's easy to identify at least that on the more probability is also a solid here so all that's why anytime a new floor floors are liquids or water inside the channel. [00:39:52] It's not so simple meal to liquids water so that makes it a wide you know any what does seeping through the medium the system it's nontoxic saw it's a good thing it's nontoxic because it can be implanted in a Bible or some other device fabric and it can be implanted in my will as well though all its you know it can be accessed by exposure to last though there are lots of good characteristics and benefits in using B.M.'s. [00:40:23] So as I said. It once you have a pretty much film then all you do is take a glass plate and then simply want it. Pretty amazing in itself as a hydrophobic and. You know because it's coming out of the are there more there could be other debris still sitting there I'll tell you why we need to do arcs and last night these come to clean the surface of the medium a stamp as well as this office of the art the substrate in our case glass it has to be cleanse are these colored cleaned. [00:40:57] Using arcs and blast not so once you do that now you're opening up. It's a real ability or readiness to bond very runs up on pregnant in arcs and blast not really a muscles to itself blast silicon silicon nitrite and some plastic materials without that clearly is out this is the next door slides are very important let's see exactly after doing some primers I want to tell how exactly the process works so soft leather graphic process number one as I said 1st step. [00:41:31] Just got to go up and make it as we've mastered all to photograph a standard protocol used to create as we master more you take a silicon wafer spin cord it but it is you 8 negative for a system then depending on the mask you use and you can you know whatever the pattern you want here it you want to Senor more master model you can use that mask and in this case it's a simple. [00:42:01] You know mask design with a single channel that is right there you can think of any width of the channel. And so will all I'm doing as I put the mask on top of this you wait and then exposing it with you a light. And as I said they hear it it goes through it's a negative or dresses sort of number the area that was exposed to you really like that is here just stays there are remains there and that's why you see the rest of the areas which was not exposed nicely washed using the developer and the area that was exposed simply stays there and so it now give you a nice more so think about this is a silicon wafer and no no you have packed and this is your more here this is your is your weight sitting right here this is the mold and that's what it is right there and depending on the feature size you will get the channel or the trenchers. [00:43:03] In your medium last stand depending on the this feature size you will see that application in the Williamstown So that's a same thing but very little and I glance I'm just going to skip that and we want to see the step through which is now you have the master I'm already using photographic all you do with us now you create a p.d. I'm a staff role once you master maulers ready I'm not doing anything new just taking the master mauled from my previous slide and then I'm slightly lies ing it so what asylum ization. [00:43:40] We use put fluorinated like Laura silent for fluorinated like Laura silent way do we do that. Because think about it you want to pour they want you not only just able to stand this mall you want to pour Pedia mass and you want to make sure the nice for style the removal of medium a stamp you want medium to stick to your master more and then you're kind of pulling it and then you're breaking the parts so you want them nicely it's like something like you play a nice butter on top of the when your play buttered then that's easily after killing you can nicely do it and that but in this case 3rd floor unaided like Laura Siling So you operate silently at it we do usually overnight so those are very guards are nice style needed. [00:44:34] In order layer so once that is done now you can take your p.m.s. that you all of the mic stand in one of the show with the or medium as an across clinker and you're pouring it. And you're nicely pulling it and now you're doing it for the hour one and during the previous Because you knew poor dead beat him was in a liquid state I mean it's like a honey that you poured it that kind of was ghastly maintain and so now you are throwing it putting those and your foreigners are well and then you're curing it so once you're cured now as I told you we have played this barter so that you can nicely the move your stack you know now we laugh all you do is take the silicon wafer gently peel it off and once you build the medium a stamp from the wall now you've got your more back so as I said you can play the sort of people later in the side just do it less and then that because it's easy to make them last of all so once you have the premium a stamp all you do was take the bin you must have now the date the glass plate that you want to wanted to and just do the glass but it meant I remember why it why we do it last night but it meant because when your previous stand from your more there may be debris sitting there because you're already out of place some stylization those floor and. [00:45:57] Molecules can be sitting in this area really want to bond this is the active warning area where they may be some degrees there may be some need a box a or some other debris sitting right on top of the glass. So you wanted the expose those offices that are going to be bonded in side the glass my chamber and use the x. and last night and x. Glassman nicely discounts the surface once the discomfort surface now you take it home simply want it and now you're able to. [00:46:30] You have a glass and then you have a wandered a nicely go and really want to be a mess now you have your challenge right here where did you can always have the inlet and outlet and then you can pass liquid one start you there could be all played very can get flushing it and do your own work so that's a nicely fabricated microfluidic device so all this is the same thing in a carton format so they can master more medium or you port and then and then you can release that William s. Now you can always punch a holes and create inlet and outlet though the blast part of it meant so the stuff is can be cleaned and then do the bonding so that other stuff of the graphic techniques which will go through and you know there's something called a replica morning we are all you do is this is already micro packed and William a stamp in of this are needed for different applications but this is a Brady I'm a stamp you take the medium a stamp and border of the polymer and cured it once you have cured it below where the media mass and once you peel away your Pedia mask you just got the opposite in doing that application and that is the m. doest are the mbox layer of polymers and then you can use this so this is like a replica morning which means you already made up medium a stand now you are just repeating or using that pretty much stand by some more than this case and that's why it's called replica morning. [00:48:06] The next one is very interesting applications this isn't use basically such as use the stick we think it's called micro contact printing. Think about stamps you know you have a stamp and then you just order on top of a paper or anything now your plans for what are the patterns there in your stamp out of the paper the same idea here so my contact printing is a straightforward method of preparation of micro and managed to touch yourself is this and all it does is the stamp is like eat you have to take our radium s. with these features back and already with the help of your mold and so you just dip it in ink Now you take it and then so whatever the ink color can be transferred on to the White Paper same idea here. [00:48:59] You know you take the Mord medium is more now will import water or the liquid. You know you want to pack on and so all I'll give you some example in the next life and so now you know you have medium a stamp that soak inside this in color any material that you want to plant for Bill is substrate and so Law Once you've done that now you take that and simply stamp it so whatever that is in the stamp can be transferred to your substrate that's the. [00:49:34] Contact and being so here you can see a number of applications celebration Bodine mobilizations surface grafting in many plan a particle deposition so you have video of a stamp you know you have the ink here pick it and then simply. So that whatever is in the opinion that it can be transferred so you can use that for us television you can patent cells are the substrate it can immobilize proteins are the substrate like silicon wafer or any other substrate like glass surface grafting and then their position of metal so whatever it is in the in the. [00:50:13] Container here that you're soaking your Pedia Mustapha with that will be transferred right here on the substrates so this is some micro-finance from already so all this is a similar idea so you have again your medium tap that fabricated Now all you do is take a pre polymer and then you brought for that and the potential and the nicely level it so you are levelling it and then all you do is you know you let that arbor step onto that directly and then do more what So once you pressed it. [00:50:52] You are able to remove it from the substrate so you 1st cured Rocchio of the people they bleep all know you pour and then you would cure them or the stamp and then now you have back and plan for this is some examples of that this is also very interesting concept here it's called Michael Holding in categories. [00:51:12] Can call it mimic So here are you already have the substrate and the B.M.'s already wanted are you know you can the bad unless there are patterns of Binyam as layer must 1st be brought back to the substrate so and then only go as if you just put a drop of specific pretty polymer in these trenches. [00:51:37] Opening sensor because of the capillary force the sub sent directly the the pre polymer substance sucked inside the these trenches and now you cure it and then remove your pm s. now you're able to transfer it so so that a number of different techniques available to do that don't run so far introduction we learn about some basics and might float x.. [00:52:00] We learned about why and how stuff that r.t. can be done and and some of the aspects of claimed will we learn a little bit of our form of the Graffy and then we coward the. They suffer the wrath aspect a little bit more in detail and then we cower in brief about the other stuff of the graphic techniques So in conclusion of this is a very introductory guide to Michael's Roddick's after the grotty soul. [00:52:30] Takes more time. In designing and thought and research and discussions and designing a nice migratory fabrication of microfluidic devices and Soul The good thing is if you have colleagues or friends in your labs you can go ahead and just shadow them and see how they're doing it at the strip polyclinics nanotechnology aren't at scenic presently we do have staff expertise available for a microfluidic. [00:53:01] Device start occasionally we also have a dedicated lithographic bit in our bag Lyndall that has all the necessary tool sets to fabricate. A desired my computing device so you can always take the help of our experts with that I want to go a little promote of the upcoming technical they've been our by my colleague Devon drop is our president even expert so he'll talk about the Knicks and act on the end of the deficit stuff that is enabling nanotechnology though that next week. [00:53:33] Some May 7th. Lemon in my view in all these when I was 11 am there are also other learning opportunities. Virtual learning opportunities sole our staff suddenly little staff members of a level to provide 3 consultations which will and so if you have any questions related to micro-manage had occasion not materials characterization Dalen just in your research you can always kind of with us you can also discuss the process feasibility and so there are rest of the technical Mebane are listed here next week we have done with the graphics by Devon drowned and then the following week up the hunch and darker more for another grotty and the capabilities at our facility and then followed by that. [00:54:21] May 21st we have met Michael mentioning. There in our by Richard Shaffer and then the last one the last week of May is by document all dharmas talk about what edge crossing carefully and so this is our. Signature you read the instruction of comics nanotechnology and scenic facility not a fan so when are they when are they all this time we are focusing on nanotechnology and Infectious Diseases that Gnostics and that appear dicks we have are they in their month of May We have the civility we have in our soul feel free to join that comment that said. [00:55:01] Maybe this is important for you do not solve it you can buy stuff for these events at the website scenic dot ca that dot the source scenic not Zyrtec darkie to you which is right here and there that I want to say a big thank you for your attention and any questions I can take I know I just have some time here. [00:55:24] And I also am available anytime to sort of doctor we have one on line question that with the method to the cat. It. What is your choice of. The 4 f. And I think Henri then coded type. O. in this case we. Reported this a good or if the. [00:55:53] After the for the lithographic reading the s. to read it would that in a designate or not clean draw mine field graphs of the Star Island isolation agents particularly the us a birth lot in it like lot of asylum before couple of grabs and that's more than enough and then we leave all night and then it does the trick. [00:56:24] All right we have another when the channel by the mall you have wedding if you are just small was just model I mean. Venting means you mean the leakage issues or. You can also send me an email and I'll be glad to reply you more vailable pretty much you can send me email or call me. [00:57:03] Though all my information will be available in the Georgia Tech site. His response well known liquid may not go into the channel now the original question why. Do you have a wedding if you and he parking about the liquid may not go into the channel. This is going to be very too small rate because technically. [00:57:30] You know you have to design in a way that it will are you know that is after Mum design and solutions. I can get more information on that later as well a lot of kind of father folks too I think is more technical related question so you need to think through this. [00:57:52] And I will be so glad to do a little bit more and then respond. To grow I'll respond to that. When using a p b m a what kind of ratio can be achieved. We have done. You know as in our regular workshops we do a standard fabrication there with there's a lot. [00:58:22] $100.00 microns the channel size and the height could be about for d.d. so you can calculate one of the conditions required to bond the medium term you know as I said you can you can you know have the p.t. Mustang built off from your master malt they said because you're pleading that but there's silence ation agent and so there will be debris sitting in the surface so there is a killer it won't buy it can be a challenge you have to do a simple x. in plaster. [00:58:58] And then you'll be able to do this is standard x. and blast noticeably in our doorstep I can I can send that if you can send me email is a space are already available in the system and that's what that's what we do in our short courses when we do the hands on with the throat and the. [00:59:18] Missionary to all of the chamber and then we just the regular 20 seconds x. and last night is just more than enough to clean the surface internal challenges we created and the beauty of us. You can those I mean we tried that this is our standard protocol for creating a premium as device you can do that via aging but then I've not done it basically so you can weaken the effort of that I look over there well thank you for your valuable time I know that. [01:00:03] You know I always prefer to go very elaborate informations that will help the audience and so they are appreciative of Will ability. Ok don't want to go would be crass linker process. Let me I mean for the. Yeah so. That's the as you can see you know the platinum base catalyst you know does the trick of far you know combining the Psylocke Sonali Gomarsall and across thinker so all you do is stand the still wonder a sure and make sure and so you'll be able to nicely cross-linked and I don't know what for the explanation you needed and that this is a very very straightforward reaction that's not involved in a complicated mechanism here and there and as I said you know we can always interact we are available any time and that's a good thing about our part as Levine says that we don't train our users extremely users as well and leave them really provide we come alongside and half our staff expertise for free there's not separate charge for one solution 3 others are you can always make use of those opportunities again I would like to thank you for all of you and I appreciate your very liberty and how our wonderful rest of the day.