Because time is a little time is a way of finding yourself in the universe when you fall there's a feeling like three long ago told you these liberation where it is and when the act of timing is imagines a number and that's makes it very simple but there's also something fundamentally different about time firstly because I has a direction here in the room the state seems to have a direction daily you tell the service between up and down well as the direction in which things fall when you drop so you don't think that some deed or either of the fundamental architectural reality this is a local no money was the Earth is right there falling you are not out there in space floating far away from anything there will be no your bridges we are down left right we're back with all the different ways of saying see the Create he or she lives are the years that there's a direction of htat past and future is for you to lazy to measure boolean values are utterly different from each other so we call that difference the arrow of the head as itself in many ways whether it's automobiles are saying hers or society is out something's changed with time and here in a way I show you these pictures well enough harsh you know no one was on the back with one from the rest so. You certainly haven't they. Know these are just predictable that. We don't yet have a forum for is happening any time soon so that our own time the fact that evolution from the past through the present future as the proverbial rationalist or exists in many different ways isn't the feature of the world we live once you understand it better think about the different ways it does matter. So all of us in this room here through that when we were born we were younger. And in the future we will be older or we were all be equally or young the ages for the particular consistent predictable way less were better than but still we have known calories and we matter in the past only remember the future we can predict the future but I hope nobody in this room and the memory of the future or let me know we never see or hear memories of. We don't have only a grasp of the future of fossil records of the future or anything like. We do we have the village make a choice now I will look back at the few good shoes right now say this is a boring lecturer now only he cannot choose right now say hard this is always going to have been a boring leisure I will not have a car manufacturers you do not believe that. They give choice for a man like you know our noses are causing the fact we think that because at first you act really good to yourself or when you bump a glass of wine or you say the cause of the wine glass falling was my elbow did you not say the cause of the moving my elbow with the wine glass was going to fall something and move like. Hell all this is so natural and green in the obvious that we almost don't think. If you were sort of say an ancient Greek thinker about the nature of reality arrow of time was tough possibly the invitee there was dust in the bridge to the past what has already happened in the future hasn't happened yet obviously there is a general thing comes along all this new project of the laws of physics that we get from you the order of offer anyone money that we have that. When you look at the deep down was this it they can have a poverty but they don't distinguish between the past and there is no arrow of time in the young. So for example if you have a billiard table and you all bump into each other's hair all these were imaginings of the business billiard tables and there's no friction no noise no just of a list every experiment and let's say you made a movie of that. And you played a movie backwards so nobody will be able to see how well you are playing that movie and we're back. To the rules of Microsoft's fundamental dancers were everywhere you things did happen in one direction and you have it exactly backwards direction as well same thing is true for that angle in there or think things through the planet to be around the sun and this is true whether you're writing you or teach or Maxwell or Albert Einstein or ed with all of our best. Anything fundamental laws of physics have all of these the past two or three. So how can it be that one of the most I'll just be sure of our everyday world the profound difference in asd. And yet our best description of the world and keep up all these known there between us. We don't know all the details very clearly has something to do with the difference between a small number of moving pieces just a couple of walls of the in each other versus large macroscopic off one hinge of the macroscopic world of many many molecules of water for example we experience behaviors that see he remembers that we have one directly time but not the other we start with a glass of water or warm water with an ice cube a bowl of all enjoy a glass of cool water they're for. I Just Tell You have a glass of water right now and I think play the movie backwards where did that come from. Based on macroscopic information alone you don't have the against me in the glass of water and eating it would last one macroscopic behavior the world seems to not be reversible in the same way that the microscope there was. So clearly this has something to do with the actual the direction of stuff in the ether so the first step for the scientific understanding of this is to invent dark and the joining events is entropy entropy is the concept of those three here in the region necessary. On the ladder you have when your room used one like and on the right you have what your room will look like to the near future. And your beams of light characterizing how Massy we're just sort of the word this word in our collection of stuff whether it's molecules in a glass of water or cream mixing in the coffee or in. The books in the papers the reviewer of the Left to their own things go for the bigger ration of low entropy orderly and nicely remain poorly invigoration of higher end of the room my lonesome were no primary hard to fix it it will naturally come messy right now to Sally. Left it all by itself if you start with amassing room it will never clean itself up sorry about that this is a fundamental law of nature the rooms do not leave them selves up we call this law the second law of the mother who is the sexiest of the laws of the region and makes the first floor just as energy is the server to be honest I only remember the zero the laws of the Second Law of this is one of the best laws at all visit the second was as the entropy. This orderly friend of yours mixed up it. Increases were asking me into the closed system over time of course you're allowed to clean your room more often encourage the leader or lower the entropy of the. Model of one body to be greater to get who are in it that people go. Into that is not in a closed system left to themselves objects in the first get mastered their answer be brief and underwrote in that very explicitly orderly or a low entropy system it is very very easy to turn that into a broken they were just rambling but it is very different holding back never happened this human experience so in the scrambled eggs that each one on the road you get. So this is a relationship between ha an entropy namely as time goes from the past to the future entropy increases this is one manifestation of the arrow of time what are the points I want to make in a lecture is this is the single thing that underlies all your Majesty the memory goes out easy it's all because entropy is increasing. And you get married I'm understanding what entropy really adds are minors understanding was handed down by this guy one big ball. Now ball and as far as I'm concerned this is a tombstone in the end he really that she was in every single this is the spiders who she eagerly he has an equation on his tombstone. And in the air I always tell the students that I am what we should always be using what is the leader of the Almighty on Sunday I hope this is a very light enough myself I won the war of the whole world just one month evolution on Hoffman's genes. Lose definition of entropy now the I mean already been around there was sort of interesting little bit of the intersection between science technology and nationalism in the nineteenth century the really easy hundred the French were upset because the British kept building better steam engine and the sort of French engineers are seen are not always very tenderly friendly lays a well in the World country steam and what he shows that even the best possible steam engine certainly be addition to some degree wage there's a lot of usable energy it was Rudolph I'll see here to formalize Karnos relation to something called the growth of energy and it was both an absolute that we tried to define and. The only means by that is also in the south and east and some of his friends actually Well here's tungsten these were very serious who believe that the world was made of. It was not uncommon belief among this is of the time and this and already caught on in the world as Mayor Adams but if it were strong like that belong. There were business like he said as this is he shouldn't harm the Valhalla it was you and me there isn't one as well I'm also viable hypothesis I thought as he should have no role in explaining the world the way you see around you just sounds familiar from more modern contact football when his friend said even though he didn't see the error he helped explains users of the world of the music in particular Bolton said if you ran the ARA then I don't need to postulate the growth of venture the independent law of nature I think you're right there for the behavior of the ARA So imagine for example. Harvey this is why wait here if you're applying this is you know this can't be coffee he screams offloads on top of coffee this is the relic you were some terrible liar or you were these they're aware of something and it looks like agreement Harvey Illinois is that all it says I believe this is made out or molecules now say for the coffee then when I look at that I don't see individual atoms in Mali I see the green in the coffee so that means is that there are many different ways and the range of the individual atoms that would look the same shit. There's a certain number of ways like foreign exchange various screen molecules or other remote you or I could exchange various call them You'll love it all and it will look the same that first off why can't you just start interchange the beam and off each month else is there any color there. So there's a certain counting you didn't know of the number of ways you could have a range between molecules in the column of fuel and that this number tell you arrangements of both the same macroscopic in the higher entropy to the ratio there are many more ways to arrange the individual molecules that looks the same macroscopic So there's if your cell phone was progressing from that picture that you're sure that they're sure you know the time you are left or right just from your everyday. Entropy is increasing what Holtzmann sad is that the reason why actually increases from here to here and never eat really matter how well you serve coffee you're not going the next themselves. Simply because there are many many more ways arrange the atoms and molecules in a high entropy figuration in a low entropy. That the entropy resolver. Mind is not an absolute law this is the mystical law it is overwhelmingly probable that you start in the low and you can degree it will all who are high energy one because there are more ways the minds of the than the lower. So that is the reason holds for the second law is simply a matter absolute So to some extent. That counts as an explanation for why entropy has to be right and balls with himself on this was an explanation there were one or all each the physical philosophical debates in the late night eventually about whether or not this really counted as most. Likely yet even the very short answer. He didn't realize it away can answer the next so the point is think of all the different possible configurations of stuff and then divide those continuations and what are called macros they are I do stage or in the same actors they look the same that are started by an actress they are many little sticks in their lower ones out of just a few so Paul Smith is correct when he says that if you start a lawyer these days just wander off and basically the only probability you will end up with high injuries. The problem is why you starting a low injuries day to begin with you started a random place this enormously more likely you just start high. So what also is doing is explaining why starting today the entropy of the universe will be higher tomorrow and you know why but this logic would also imply that the end of the universe was higher yesterday. If all you know is that of a year in this injury media these days here most of your futures go up higher in the world of your past Homma from higher entropy as well. You're not completely explain the real world in which we think the enemy of the universe was lower in the. Well I let you think for a few seconds of the question Ilya universe today why was the enemy of the universe lower yesterday. OK now we know the answer is because the end of universe was even lower than eighty four yesterday. I say that I'm very very Why was there any lower or yesterday the answer was even lower than anywhere that. And this is it the correct answer is know that I am and this is a fact about the universe and this logic goes back thirteen point eight billion years do you believe that the reason why answer B. has been increasing in the past were really years of this. Is not because of the fundamental deep down microscope it was this it is because of it and this will give this year the big bang so we call this half hypothesis the fact that the early universe started in the city very very low and what it means is that the explanation for the arrow on or observed universe is very analogous to the explanation for the arrow spaces here in this room remember we tell the difference between up and down the narrow space of a bird or rack. Because of the down was because the live in the city of the influential are back in the earth. Likewise the reason for the arrow of time for a direction time is not because of the event was there but the only lives in the aftermath we end up in one full event namely the Big Bang and Big Bang is what side of the universe for all the subsequent Lucian and the reason that. So that explains why interviews increasing yet you Grant be that the Big Bang had a very very Only it does not explain why the big. That has a following that is now an offer of quality and we get sort of leader head so you have the answer is nobody had any idea of moving while. I try figure out the answer I asked and later years I will share you some ideas that might not be right and so I'm very very close at each word this is brief where there are good ideas or go on so my job here is to find people this is a really really important problem so that some young person in the audience will solve this problem and then when you're giving your Nobel Prize exactly speak you will remember this lecture that was hard really I interested in understanding why the envy of the big bang is so small. So this past hypothesis the small and the Big Bang and claim these flames are all the arrows of time so I have to look through all the possibilities but let me give you one example one of the last group call asymmetry of understanding access to the past and the future the fact that we remember the past enough to. Go back to remember the past eater is not some mystical property of our brain it made a statement about heart attacks here in the world we have photographs of the past year record of the past the way we don't have records of the future so why is there is invalid we ask. So I like to examine this particular model system called the broken act that you're walking down the street one day on the sidewalk you see it broken at your first thought is how I must in the physics lecture you look like well talking about X. rays you know will never get so what I want you to do is think about the possible future revolutions of that if I just is there for a long time a reason or my timeline and walk away a dog might come by and eat it were some person. Cleans it up there's a possibility of those very very very high E. the range of motions of the egg might resemble each one program is not Anatomy with overwhelming probability but it could. Now ask yourself what about the last evolution of the. If you only look at the fundamental Gene down microscope it was busy with the SAT of all as trajectories or evolutions of the adding exactly the same exact way as they just sort of all possible future evolution but in your mind you know that one of them is overwhelmingly likely one namely that this used to be unbroken and if someone wrong. How do you know. What is it gives us an enormous leverage over almost all of the things that could have GA the past we answer is it seems we're the place of the Deep down you know the banks are so low as. You know earlier than down meaning this very very more in the past when you look for exact reserves existed Well what we know today and the low entropy that exacerbating reconstruction in the. Given lower the big bang and the evidence of the egg on the sidewalk you infer the existence of the UN broken egg in the back as a model for how all kinds of memory work always rely on this past life. So what we want to do today is explain why the early universe low after why was it like. So this is done all of your rational cosmologists I will tell you what the real early years was actually like this is a photograph taken of the universe one second after the big THAT. Looks like that this is all right you're not laughing now you. Are really a photograph just look quite far but why does one second after the big bang universe. Was completely each of them it was it was dense it was smooth it was rapidly expanding it was so hard it was radiating to meet the band that all the way of life possible radiator in almost the same in all directions the Big Bang is not a point in an object in resisting space it is the beginning of the whole universe so it does not look like some explosion seen from far away you ever see it in the middle of that of the big bang you know your life this is what it was like This is what the sign of the universe to you would look like let's say one second because we have no idea what happens at zero star of the day we have no idea what happens it will be actually call the Big Bang that's the moment when our understanding of the universe fails up even once a year you gravity make sense we can make guesses and hypotheses but if people tell you things like the big bang in the universe there's something for the Big Bang or you go for the Big Bang is like you know what we're all veterans other than are you are being like you we don't know what happened before the big one second it looks like this unless things go what happens is the worst experience. And cool so at this after. Three hundred thousand years after the big red this is time the moment in history in the universe is going to be as transparent earlier this moment it was so hot that you couldn't make out like drawings were slamming into other electrons with such energy that they didn't tend to stick to the common nuclei that make the entire online I am after this time it's cool and the what happens is told me combinations the electrons join up with the protons of the loop they are unique am their data for the universe now transparent more than the photons just pumping in. The laughter on the free electrons and yet very boring nothing was seen and heard of your days after this point zero tolerance the free street rewards E.U. leaders and landed some also good moment around the earth so the center is on the wrong satellite one of the sounds go in orbit around the earth and what we see is that university come a little bit more lucky on one of these three this is really a state of this is really in at least breaking in the differences in our recent differences in temperature of one morning one hundred hours Heinie time here for the average or from place to place for those differences in temperature like real surfaces and the density and temperature of matter in the. One the PSNI gravity having done the actual work what gravity does this is a region where there's a slightly over dense slightly more articles in this part of the universe the somewhere else in gravity pulls particles toward that region and slightly and here they are and yeah. So gradually works to gradually turn up the contrast of the universe really perfectly smooth to a little bit lucky to our universe today that looks like that this is an excerpt from the Hubble over do you feel these are individual galaxies he lives in the Milky Way Elysee Palace in the fallow billion dollars worth of nitrogen and we live in a universe about a hundred billion galaxies in the age of the universe the hundred billion he measured in your years so I don't know what the significance of that is but for dollars one hundred billion is the only number each and. Every one of these little sparkly Hello Reds are right there is a galaxy roughly the same size or the way the really the story and leave them really. And then probably have planets very large and there right there there are many agencies of technology there and marketers and that look if there's a lot wondering maybe one of the big bang as media. So in most cosmologists lectures the history of the universe the end there the implicit being that we are look only Asian the cause we're losing them here first of all the universe we can see with all the apple. Says we're finally past the future an equal footing we should be plowing into the future so we don't have got a grasp of the future for years of the universe will look like one quadrillion years from the day one what really hears and that they're seen is STILL isn't because after time after wish all of the stars will have this all about you the universe the bright star light right now the stars at a finite amount of time earlier you all so one of the last are burns out in the universe that nothing in it but black holes and rocks rocks in the center of planets and stars so this is a dark and lonely universe but it's still not done all that was going to happen is those rocks are going to fall in a lot of holes and then you the universe with nothing but black hole in a black hole all each other and you're left with a huge super massive black hole moving away from each other. But even that's not yet because Stephen Hawking told us in the ninety's that in these things even black holes give off radiation like holes very very gradually leak out their energy into the surrounding universe of the former very very very low energy photons another part of it takes a long time but eventually even those black holes will completely evaporated away so the final picture is this photograph of the universe ten to one hundred years after the Big Bang when the last black hole as a battery. This is the number that when I was your age the whole the Google easily the word been taken over by the word ten or one hundred isn't actually the number ten and one hundred words who will. And all the love and universe is nothing at all and easy to imagine I eased covered the universe not only expanding but exhilarating just to galaxies are moving believe much faster and faster so evil we acceleration all of us old dark energy will never stop we all know the words matter where you are but the simple model says this will simply continue forever the worst luck with the last will and the out getting more and more dark cold and lonely as your future court. Hearing is really the mother in you. However the story as wonderful as it. Raises a question also of another conflict so here is the use of the word from one second. There we are in the middle of the story was I am over the years. So sometimes you will hear the question really if the universe is history is just a story of entropy increases of more more disorder and they also read how as it is even more so something is explicitly complex and orderly as human beings or other life forms here on earth could have arisen out of under-educated mindless evolution so hard that answers are that is that you know the earth is not a closed system second long it will not say that the entropy of the earth has either e resort to open systems changing environment but that explanation doesn't explain still why in those allowed light actually did happen that complex structures arose here on but that's because you're confusing entropy with. Complexity were simplicity so if you look at this picture the first picture once at the end of the exact this is very very low interest. But it's also seemingly simple right I mean literally in the white rectangle that's it. If you look at the last picture and the one hundred years is now higher there's a lot more pastries because everything is a stand in a way everything. Is. Also extremely simple it's not like rectangle. These are the the same texture just the color you know about. It in which we were the interview with in the midst of the trees of the universe was on black. We actually led in the exciting part of this review were stars are burning where it is interesting structure where there are galaxies and landholders interesting stuff going on so although Andrew beat us increases increases you. Complexity increases and decreases. And this is a robust heat here in both systems the same thing happened in the hockey on the last low entropy but simple all the reward all the coffee on the bar on the right high entropy most simple there everything's Next up in the middle is where it got home last night and rolls of the cream or mixing in a fractal pattern with a call in requires more information on the back and also she tell me what is happening there in the middle. This is robustly a complexity is not eat any of that your legal advice. The appearance of complexity relies on the fact that entropy is increasing from a low or too high back and there's life on earth is not just consistent with the second law it's the haunting of the sun and again to make that a little bit more quantitative this is a. I was there will outline that last city for me underneath the range of ocean a likely place for things that they know that are going on there and resemble the first heroes of life on earth for the we'll know what happens with life here on earth is yours one hundred your theory this is a hearing like my muscles like the G L I sat next to Mike and I met for the first time I want an airplane I was reading of this is very very well yes I believe that usually when that happens when your players avoid. Being actually listening we chit chat and he goes yes I can tell you what the purpose of life here. But yet people say that you don't know where they might look. Like you were there are a purpose of life the purpose of life is a high class need carbon dioxide smoking that's not evil you know. What he has in mind is in the early editions of the earth and that he in the period before there was anything more than just rocks there was in his heel of a lot of carbon dioxide a lot of hydrogen looks relatively speaking is a low entropy invigoration you take the same basic institutionalising into a lot of higher entropy regime you can turn that carbon dioxide methane. Streaming yet on his off engine replacing them with hybrids The problem is that the engine immediate steps decrease the entropy burst rather than if you see so there's no easy task from Harley off the mat here is a complex that requires a series of metabolic reactions have a low isn't very good way so Russell's theory is that the precursor to life was a series of chemical Old Crow metabolic pathways to get taken advantage of the low entropy environment it was then and eventually sort of not so. Read it broke free of the poorest drop it was warning sign the cell membrane and kept on going this is what is all the metabolism of birth dearie in contrast with the replication first year nobody knows what the right year but the point is that life in this here is simply an outgrowth of this is the desire to want to put it that way to increase its entropy. And then once you get life darling I know this is a bit of a side like the you know your captive audience looking you. Once you get like really good deeds on the increase of entropy There's a wonderful little book written by Erwin Schrodinger these dances off of the forty earned wages in this particular torture pack. In this book called What is lying through your says life is something that seems to be moving along after a sort of stop you expected good stuff so goldfish like goldfish bowl water whatever brought in the whole water will just sit there on the lending put an ice cube move all water will just come out of the goldfish in the bowl of water it will die if it's Michael this means you need all of it even knowing where it really was on what is what is going on there what's going on is the food you give the goal is actually is energy free energy energy in a concentrated low entropy form and the goldfish increases the entropy of the stuff you get in and I'm going at the end used to me is integrity and mobility This is a microcosm what happens here on the earth this is almost like these artists why they really are lectured in this serious water I wrote. This is a vector of the Earth's biosphere you know we get light from the Sun Yes someone what is the song ever done for us the money holy of the sun gives us energy it and the. Right that's not exactly right we get back to the. Almost exactly the same that we get from the sun the differences we get like the sun in the visible or the radiated in the infrared. For every one photon we get from the sun the slushie photons back in the universe each with once once you know the energy on. Which means you increase the entropy of that radiation by a factor of plants we get a low entropy energy from the Sun The Sun is a bright spot in the coals car we use it to others in the size that you work to take lecture notes and things like that many very very out of hours with one wire using the free energy of the first increasing it had to do that like doing at measure A alive when you were active. All right another this resigned stuff with by all these of the last very long. Holiday. Hardware worry he said that the reason why entropy is the only reason over the all the numbers is a combination of old and insight there are more ways the high and low entropy we're not done on this is the idea the interview was very low near the big so that the dog challenge because knowledge of why was the passage of this through evolution was not done right he knew about this so he proposed and I hear this is one of those ideas you proposed this so I'm Barassi as you propose it all and leave it on is this is. What we have no involvement here and then even There's a moment in the eighteen nineteen century you know US generals are the one who can issue the big bang or anything like that he thought the universe was eternal Newtonian absolute space. There are. Particles bumping into each other it was infinitely all. If that's true he's going to university usually be in virtually every infinite time to pull over the last gasp as we speak with you. But because he was all he knew that started Michael will be in the maximum and we say there will be an evil rare love wages down lower entropy in the race which would then relax that. It's just stating that in this room if you take the air in this room and are enough to leave it there for ever you'll see you need one to ation all the air molecules rushed why after the room and then rush back into time will take on everything that happened much more for you than the age of the universe but if you have infinitely long ways it will eventually happen with probability one. So also and in that sense she like years with her now will love it like every post knowledge of the enthralling principle and the multiverse what he says is the universe didn't leave a field and most of the time easy Libya but if you wait long enough in there for the region there we want to ease the lower edge of the city. And you a very very very long have been a long way you're only a few blocks away and what he says this is the size of our Milky Way galaxy always the center of the time to be our entire world so easily and probably will be a whole and probably always a very explicit the most of the universe is that you know that you can have life only you can enter the park you're living we only have one in those rare moments of the universe where entropy going down and then will come back up again so there's a selection of that you will only find observers in those parts of the whole or the earth where the entropy is really very loved here for years on supplies things are told that we find our. Well in a small part of the giant universe that is hospitable to the emergence of life. In turns out the US is original idea of the first one to say that if you go back to the literature the first example I could find was this easy this is Lucretia a Roman holiday who like all men was in Paris he was stuck with all of this playing in the verges of order and complexity you know well that was just out of the interior so he says this year to Madison in Latin is actually Xander but when he says it is surely the Adams does not hold council signing orders be flexing their teeth minds with play in the place in motion and who goes where does the Romans or. Rather Are they shuffled and tumbled in anyway in the course of the endless time their puppet is going along chances on almost in combination and lastly all into such an arrangement as we create this universe is exactly what the idea that once around the media each other late morning our new universe will look like. Fortunately there's also in the creature scenario is one hundred percent wrong we know it's not right don't fear that we're all the random population. So this was pointed out like this guy our direction 1930's and what he did is I looked mostly shuddered on what he proposed the idea he thought about it a little more quantitative he ran the numbers so engines as of course in the elite live really there will be a peaceful fluctuation lower entries. But we know how frequently they happen we know this small fluctuations happen more money than large ones. In fact true scientists of the group made of all the illegals is either lying or still that ass were dumped at the same general so you have many. These are fluctuations when you're waiting for something particular to happen or the emergence of intelligent life were single intelligent conscious of server in the past you should ask yourself what is the minimum time in the fluctuations of issues that were need to happen in order to reach that English and there is not yet another way to leave fluctuating the whole Milky Way galaxy will be all the other stars are you know as he was playing us we knew perfectly fine just with us wading into the solar system. And then he said no he didn't say these words were paraphrasing here. You know that matter I don't know you guys I'm waiting for one to meet you looks way to exist just overwhelmingly likely post for the situation are all on the universe. And then back to what we really just want to some conscious observers and information processing system that observers even we have a body it's just easy enough after we go green the sort of lives one of us look around the room we live we all of them die. Slowly overwhelming majority of the reserves in this old money in the east in the closely universe are just somebody's brain that lives for a little couple seconds and then you know these are now holes in the brain. This is an image from your own mind mislabelled the idea it's not all holes in the brain underneath the juice not only is it neat mostly right. Now you have a logic right you know why is this. The universe we live in we're not saying this is a good idea we're doing the wrong and that is a complicated little of the glory one just for getting up close and great many books way into this room with us in the sewing room mind all of us really here our mental state that we think there is stuff for. In this scenario yes indeed existence of this room is still overwhelmingly likely the rest of the numbers are empty and really. And that all of our impressions was true outside our reasoning with the laws of physics and math and logic randomly books where you are very so healthy true that the stereo flunkies rack is a good reason to think it is correct so we reject was your final of. How they were readers of the article New York Times they did not quite appreciate as the author so those of us like me were quoted in the article a little piece of hate mail. From young George away for YEARS and YEARS OLD use various sounds in this article of news and tales and write he was a very loose on the family. So George writes I don't know if you exist but like I do not agree with your article and I do not believe that mumbojumbo can do well isn't working for us but I know how to deal with it a lot of the world isn't here under my nose but if you do I can say I'm sorry. Sincerely A ten year old who knows a little more this song be bold or. He asks something well I'm alone too much time. Please let me leave you with your son with yours growing up in a place precious Well OK you'll eat or. Eat M.R.E. we're not saying you will just say the same if he looking as he did that so how can we do better one of the lessons one learns by giving one of those off is that one's credibility always goes off the road picture of our city. I like you maybe all of them are taking to the sort of insult challenge all of us say and says in order to make an apple pie must first invent the universe. There's some there's something easy theory just recently written about why the picture of the level of ice or any purpose whatsoever you know what must look like. So what to say to mean by this or that surely all know the force that without the universe at all there would be analyzed. But there's a slightly deeper meaning if you're not making up your Harley that legalizes eat apples ease each other Sutter. That eat apple orchard. Sugar Lancy that we eat and that means you need the earth and the biosphere and the sun and that you can eat the same way in the universe and the thing. That might be what your logic is anyway but that logic is not correct in the holes in the creationist scenario if you have a randomly punch we will never be ensemble of matter the way and yet an alibi is just too late. Since the only real way the outlaws come from. Both a liar like that communism would it would reveal that origins and so we think in our universe pieces of our eyes reggaeton this is about four years or five years. So he wants to look for all of my whole saidin universe the universe as it wished when there is an apple pie there was an apple orchard in the wilds furious when you see a low entropy city on one side of the sign this higher energy the only lifeline is lower and there is a long line holding the end of the universe of all ages you invent a scenario in which that. Alley wall. Myself have made reference to what I want to tell us about one possible way one off and that is that the universe is eternal. We think of the Big Bang was false and you know it was not the beginning of time we don't know whether it is or not but there was more universe before the Big Bang with the special property that if we are here. And should be increasing upward time goes up and down the increase in that way but it also is increasing that way once you get down part of the arrow find point in one direction we're both we call the future but as you know already over the past the Arabs line the other way so that the whole nagging is a matter with respect to time and money and I think issues for that are you actually make it happen in a natural way so our suggestion by this I mean me and Jennifer Chan was a right to work with what she used to baby universe. Unabashedly speculative part of the idea but you know the general relativity says space and time are flexible financial change in response to the influence of matter never quantum mechanics says that you can denounce Classical of existence of particular configuration he will fluctuate around so he believe of those of the same time it is natural to believe that space itself will be easily sort of fluctuate a little bit have a little bit and if you wait on long enough time taking legal sniffles will sort of pension off and go their own life and use all equations for this it happens rarely but there's a non-zero chance some will hold it will actually so what you have are more or less here along and over. Usually it was the last true one in the end but the conditions are right you can get inflation in front of all your A lot of that lowball him explain. An alien universe with hundreds of billions of galaxies the universe to tend to eat photons and articles you seem to have in and out so the point is that from and here and the space you did make a little model there's a vague universe that expands in exactly the way that our universe seems to have evolved these the universe is naturally again small Vanessa's move because smaller universes are easier today than Lord one engines good ones will survive longer dance were really one's will to last there's a selection the fact once again that the kinds of universes you will find yourself in actually look like they came from something alive in low entropy that well along the way you're not ever decreasing the entropy then either you're taking the original universe to start with then adding the enemy of the whole universe so the entropy of the multiverse increases in this model for ever and ever. And the best part of it is like I said you can play this game in both directions of time so imagine the E.G. any here in the middle and high into the vertical axis you haven't any wife. And your son hauls upward upward or it was as if there is some chance some probability reading this freeze time all you and you can enjoy all the little baby universe recently state and all and then entropy increases the structure grows and there's an air of Eventually it will last and you can see why it will have its own children and like in the real world the very soul and never talk to their parents or you know there's nothing you say should be versus there. Plus you can tell the same story down where you know you saw it and see why it's an universe you go down where the fundamental laws of this as you said in the beginning don't have any here. The Past Lives of the future they don't treat them any differently so there they are new creations of the universe as an arrow line going up this way there he the same thing going down that way there are the people living in this city call this the future and say we are in their past. We call this the future and they are they are our situations completely soon after the people down here have a narrow verse five hours a day of loneliness one day if universe nobody sees them legs are scrambling we're falling I'm mixing you say that this was a low entropy direction I mean this is the higher. They think that our arrow on. The whole wall she verse is so natural with respect. So the nice thing about this is that the Arab life is not well yet so hold your hand is a matter of with respect to time did increase of and your be as a natural means your business model of entropy had always in reason you not hit from a legal agreement but actually like involved in the model you just increase and change for after the life of the universe is one eternal G.-D. now we invoke the universe to make this happen those may or may not be possible we haven't named one in the lab yet I don't know whether anyone has seen and that. Ends up at least part of the structure in that we can imagine models we wish we didn't cheat like making the universe low entropy at any moment yes numerously always go low go down on the fact that entropy is changing dramatically in our local region is explained rather than possibly So once you know that you're with us always some other model that's on the line we understand the arrow of time so. I want to keep to the end of my. There's a lesson for the old one is that there's a lot we will understand and in the end. We understand why interviews it given that. We understand that everything that can help explain every day was out in. The second thing is there is something really big you mean work going on for years and foreign policy why we're starting to slowly day in English myself explain it all Polish gold may or may not explain it I do there's a bit over ninety nine percent of all the holes on the more than a. Plain song you just have to explain it so here we hear anybody believe the talk of power they claim you have three of the universe demand that you explain why the early universe low and very optimistic that there is something that will be explained in life I.E. you are some of us look for you coming back in your your heart and the reason we have all why. Can't. There. Be. A. Way out our last warning. That you are you fine let me reassure you quietly. Leave me alone and my dear. They are. Very. Likely to. Say the least but. There are no lightning. You know one of the following. The story all along. Was he sure there are some owners won't want to hear your. New article for six and it says it all going on any number of. Things we love OK one more level. Was a. Clue there you never will yes or you can anyway there's. Nothing curious. Hit me. For the radio you're in and. So you can hear my phone for a rally my brain Thank you. But the question now is and the song was out thanks for the. Answers there are no rules that are no laws. Say to me that we don't want a. Whole system we have you were. On. Something told me. That all flows are easing. Up will be no. Part of this is that we're very. Close and there is no need for closing out. Any. One thing. Easily. Yes So. Much to I will tell you all the. More you tell the story of the numbers of how the reason why you're. So. In some ghastly Is it all I guess I think was what was the value of energy going on the problem is we don't have the one role way to help you Lee and the rest on some gravity you don't know the whole species stage and you lose all manner of all. However we know it to very important limits you think you're liable. To want to limit rallies here only so and. Then you're looking at anybody else as the lumpiness to it is moot then you Helly and we as a really in the same order I use the card so in this case the universe history five years any more servile universe is about to be. The other living understand it is when you're like all the other funny clothes and often have the ear you have yet the black hole in the area. So that turns out the yellow one million solar mass planet. In a one million solar mass but old and nine years. So our galaxy I like old little the seven million or. So the entropy of the black hole after more yelling order and the end of the all the known life particle. In the. Day the Universe is dominated by all I hold and yet I never have and. Then you know they have they can possibly yet another thing is the way of all the laws the answer is out and one hundred twenty three. So the on the other side with the B.B. universe is the universe you can be using an interview. Well not. So you have heard someone say he's not actually my hair universe causing it to be other I'm going to lose this is bigger than as a tree grows where you can use a young Iraqis on the border there's a slightly more cities or even a little I mean how. Many stations are just under the river for nothing. Is really a stationary. Word isn't really looks like you're standing with another word is it looks like a like thing all the way to go and you hear a sign on. The whole thing from here going up in that direction and that those employees actually were I mean looked like this. And that was our last second wall of the ring and a little snapshot of this high level of the universe in which energies matter the. Faculty that he goes like this for when they're using you know. All right with my phone go over there. With. Me three. He was. Sending. Me and says he you know you. Think well you. That is a yes out of the question is like the only see the sunset over here the arrow of time you were somewhere else and you now see it so there's a sense it would like eternal sense the answer is yes isn't our whole origin and here so probably be true the universe all like up here across the sea here but that's really all black because we came out of the university the Asian event here it looks like the big man so nothing as one of the gang members were the truth in terms of imagery or records were held up at the wrong here or there even without using out energy and information you can see what happened with it. So you're. Saying. Yeah you know there's a belief in this picture but this is very late he resists and liable if you were standing outside your server after years and we're not going to go easy there's any national space what one looks like you is that on Mars we brought together will need a black hole we say. So in Access I looks like a light pole on the other side I need one like last night light so that even in this room right now you would have. The energy easily enough that we really. Don't want to leave the room right here but it's not really a black hole is that it is this is different if you want to handle nature this is only. Really interesting it is really a funny little thing that once a week then. Certainly charges come he's expecting entire life wallers of it. The reason. That very. Very. Yes. And we're. All a very good question that answers I can only. Ask you the universe really is more matter than and I have. Photons vary on their order and on and on and on. How fortunate it is the result of the war very often and why there are so Orsini close on whatever yet but we don't know why you want to live here it is you don't know why it went away or is it possible that. The moon landing heralds high temperature that it out yet. And I say it is accurate. For however it is very very possible that the imbalance in the Marion Barry everybody here is a random. And someone going right just. Makes a. Very silly theory here. I am like. You. Are very good so here you were any here you were a grown up person living in this world with me and he sees the thermal equilibrium there you know that rolls are low he just why you are in the living room and you would think that there is no way for a to get happy one direction rather than the other but secretly you're sort of on the low back of the danger of you know the. Here is a head way at the end of the first really crease aiming like making it even worse. So you're not really nice to see the looks that way you can get all the university increase the energy of all of that so you learned one way lessons are fast thinking. If going from here where you can get off when he. Couldn't you also don't was overly versus knowing you are right. The answer is yes but there you would think that was less like that in the interview easy process rather than entropy he says because this universe has some value to better and that can only go up like any of the universes that will happen when. We do universes get orders from universe how would you rate the conservation. Gas Conservation that you use a wonderful question because I know the answer to that one so. It turns out the high any other energy is a smaller one in General Rose are the ones on the reverse of that. There is no formula for the energy located in the state but there is a formula for the energy you go whole universe all the one in that universe is closer to something like us here with me my full version of the sphere formulas and ending with the total energy equals zero. Total like charges one zero total of every concert one of the in this movie University exactly zero you can be very very informally think of that as saying that the energy in average radiation and stuff is positive the energy in the curvature of spacetime is negative anything and so the nice thing about this all one of the one of the many many high thing about this whole thing is that energy is totally These are made in a number of years. Versus you you know that you find it. So has been the musician you really see something else is here surely you are so little interest can actually see what other day to yourself and yourself is the idea that there is one central or regional ancestors for all the rest. So yes that is the idea there are these universes that we have there on the the way there are you if there is a single universe this moment in time but if you are the one to imagine today there have been many many more than you will use. As long as a finite number you will have this charity eight years ago things were even worse than. Saudis were lost that. Was. Really. Like. Each. Of us. Here. In the. Past. So I think what he says that you learn this reading. Because you can read all sorts of nonsense through and I know you read other there's something holding that lead voice she served in one of. The. So you can J.D. quantum mechanics we have a world where these things are that real I think if you perceive it also racial like the particles beneath on why is the particles really our part was the particles over here over there one of them and he says that the world exists is a super position of all those things happening in one and the only choice experiments are one to go over the whole details but you start somewhere you go through some complicated the ration where the system is doing your thing and then in the end you made an observation. And how you talk about what happened in the middle is a fact in my little survey here me so in some sense like making a choice later you affect what happens for me that. We end up with in the detail is just that is a really really bad way for me about something that is very very simple and it has all that not only have you think the world is fundamentally just cried when I was really really. Like particles that are truly spinning off lies or how they are going through ones that were the there's only this kind of or I swear I'm an as an electron though you may hear as the last place or the right slit if you don't observe it it looks like it interferes I observe the end of a certain way he sort of inside whether he left in one slip or you know if you're that only. That only makes sense that he's doing here is something all the electron that you are does with us or does if you think there is something totally up to you like it was perfectly happy for ridge line that he's here this is only right so I think that these descriptions of little each choice experiment as information or influence policy backward in time or just heard Misha's these readings of the rules on here. In hell than myself. I don't want some form of. Census through here. And you see. You know. Yeah. Someone says he's. Going to move here yeah. My guess is really see exactly News this is why you hear this is not a. Good situation or this is good for generations this is a very good question and this I need Also what about you for me I don't know the answer this one but I was one out of three here so this isn't more is you know like anything like this is a. Vacuum energy is in peril the jurors face. Is the answer to the question How many versions of energy are there in every cubic centimeter of space here there's nothing else in the article no wars there's no money and we think the answer is and why it hurts every view is that you know they are lower berth on the universe today than he was and he was the same company. So we can the numbers will just keep pushing accuracy for ever more in didn't hear right so you might ask well what happens during those and here was something going on with your story are they resist for a long how I believe the following thing. Even though he said one hundred seventy of the black holes you already there are. If you live in a universe with a non-zero vacuum that is highly like all he says were inside the rises rather they are slightly. Universes that are already celebrating universes and then also have a temperature they also are dealing with radiation. So it's like a loss is gas with radiation and it lasts forever which is exactly like Olson's you know so the idea was that in all we hold this interest very even really nothing will back matters if you wait long enough they're only fluctuating out of the nothingness of the quantum vacuum if you like your feet safely home free. So. How long is used to believe that up until all the years ago and now only ninety nine point nine percent of all of this leave with their leader that they were all. They had Lizzie at the scene and me all the but you know listen to me. That story of fluctuations and he's very close again turns out that he mis understanding that you're the one from the hand and the physical. Physically and actually we don't know where these particles or the bumping into each other will be popular quantum mechanics says it is not that we don't know where things are so they don't really have a way of the spread out and just there's the other questions are let us talk about in this situation energy space it sees release nation secretly not only in all life was it was a mistake is usually not only at all either or you can also see there is literally nothing happening in this and he says are very happy right in particular there are the ones we usually so there will be no morals with very low range of civilization how to deal with this so we may have a story that we tell usual cause last little Lucian. Room here here this is the only hard it is your universe hospitable you. Did you and desires to be just friends this really weighty throughout our I was one myself. And we were. Years for me but that's a very good question as well yes you know. Why my theory is awesome. Like we'll see how it was. OK The point is that. Everyone. In this scenario if it were right he runs that. Way you can make a universally. And sound wrong. But this is merely General Assembly General Zinni and entered in this thing. Yet the outline of. This is the whole universe all of one and you can start hearing very small place there in the end of the lecture we need to see but inflation this little sign of the universe is still there and we're the engine back. Not only by us losing the density very very large and very small so the hope is that humanity even the little one will start small as it stands. And see yes in the heart so that all you. Need on the pole now stars in this universe those particularly large she's made all your life and billions are the lies he left the probability of making his little things are. WAY higher than all billion of them are just the smallest and harmlessly like the small that. We have our last one. Of the reasons you have a question. To. Answer your. Last question that. I would like to see those are these rescues worry you must be on your. So in this equation this is not Jose. Probably I talk to each other here is not the way in which actually Raul has his reasons why he joined the argument also break it and we sort of know what is for you the heinies rocky so you assume that. These are the kinds of fees and demands and you could argue that these two ladies are all this one from each other in the sense of the council go so wrong if she appears to be something like Ridge on the Foreign Office that's really so it turns out very unflattering that the numbers don't back you up if the universe is big anything then life will never close up look right in your life holder job or wife or just friends are part forever and ever and the salary universe there is a price for if you're somebody but more than that size you'll never come together better how long you wait so there's only by reaching the phase in which Michael will come together and lead on the other hand he goes on as the National Black Hole that very he helped lead the energy of the photon intially say that every year he's the leader and the interview while so I can make the race maximize the emperor has no black holes in any space everything is personal for we're a lonely yes. And it never really numbers a wonderful place and our leisure.