it's and thank you for the invitation enjoy meeting with great work that's being done by three students and postdocs here it's always very exciting how does that work can you hear me alright it's always great yeah energetic energized and exciting to come on these visits you get to see all the really neat research and the highlights of the work that's being done in the different groups and I always go back really energized and motivated about all the great science that our weakness being done by friends and collaborators at other universities show thanks thanks again for the invitation so today I wanted to talk to you a little bit about one of the things that we'd worked on over the last couple of years we work on all kinds of different things we do computational material science or computational chemistry using quantum mechanical simulation methods and so it's really easy for us on a computer to just switch systems as easy as is sometimes to just retype the names of some atoms now it takes a lot of expertise to actually model those systems correctly but it gives us a lot of flexibility where we can go in and use some of these fundamental modeling tools that can describe material systems or molecular systems and to be able to do design and engineering of those systems from a very fundamental aspect I'm gonna tell you about this one story today that was that we've done over the last couple of years involving computational design of organic public habit catalysts in photocatalyst and this was done by my former student turned away limb and our collaborators in the chemistry department student named Jordan thereö and a chemistry faculty member named here at Miyake so as you probably all know we make a lot of plastics we make about 600 billion pounds of plastics a year most of that is done by chemical engineers and so that's a lot of material so we better be very good at doing it and they're making quantities on that scale that's about 300 pounds per person in the US and about 85 pounds per person around the world so a lot of plastic most of this is done by free radical polymerization some free radical polymerization you chained together monomers to make a polymer and you do that by having some initial radical that attacks a monomer and transfers a radical to that monomer which then that radical attacks the next monomer and grow the chain and the radicals transfer that radical attacks the next monomer to transfer the radical to the growth a chain longer and so you end up getting these oligomers a poem or chains and they can be very long and of course but the length of these polymers for example determines the properties of materials that you make now free radicals are quite reactive so you get all kinds of different structures here's just a few cartoon examples of the kinds of structures that you might make with free radical polymerizations again you have the initiating radical they start with it caps one end of the polymer and then you can get structures of different lengths and they can be brand structures etc but you get and then when they terminate you'll have eventually your growing polymer that's a radical we'll find another radical and those radical to react with each other and Clint and that will terminate your polymerization so the problem with this again is you get this whole variety of different structures and if those different structures you get this broad range of molecular weights so this broad distribution gives you oftentimes low quality materials so things like low-density polyethylene you can sell them for basically the price of whatever your city decides to charge you for passive bags at the grocery store Boulder it's ten cents a bag mainly because they don't want you using plastic bags but they're basically disposable materials and so if you really want to do better than this you're gonna have to somehow gain control over this process the problem is is that these radicals are very reactive most of them are made by free radical generation either thermally or using light activation in thermal activation you take molecules for example like this one heat them up and it fragments into three species - and these two radicals those radicals go off and react with monomer to grow polymer in light activated polymerization you'll have photo absorbing molecules like this one that absorb the light and then photo dissociate to create these two fragments those two fragments or radicals that can you then go off in reactive monomer can grow your polymer and again these radicals are very reactive they're hard to control and poorly controlled radicals lead to quality control structures large dispersity dispersity is one of our metrics that the breath of that molecular weight distribution when that's broad it means basically that our reactions are not very selective and as Temuco generators usually we're looking for very selective reactions and a free radical polymerization you really don't get much selectivity in terms of the types of polymers and you grow okay so how do we avoid this problem with free radical generation and get an more controlled polymerization well one way to do it is by using what's called reversible deactivation and in reversible deactivation you form this equilibrium between the active radical form of the growing polymer and the dormant form so you're drawing this polymer and if you can cap it with some terminating group or some capping group that is no longer radical and it's dormant and it doesn't grow and if the rate of deactivation is much faster than the rate of activation you will you can gain control over the polymerization and what that does is it lowers the the concentration of radicals so fast deactivation lowers the concentration radicals and when your radical concentration is low the probability for biomolecular termination is low so and by molecular termination and you have these two rolling polymers coming together and and bonding to each other that's a large addition molecular way all at once and it really adds to your molecular weight distribution significantly to give you these nice bra distributions so yeah we can have kinetics where we can design react your activity so that we have this dormant state that's preferred over this active state and just a low concentration of our active radical we can pain control over and clamors ation and so instead of just having our normal radical chain growth polymerization we have these dormant States and you rapidly go into these dormant States and then slowly going back into active form that grows for a while Dorman active road-going active grow at that time so we really want to control those kinds of kinetics and design systems that do that so if you do that this is just a cartoon but again get much narrower molecular weight distributions and there's much narrower molecular weight distributions if we can make it much narrower it gives us higher control over the structure more valuable materials so the metric again that's used typically for describing this molecular weight distribution is dispersity so it's basically how broad is the molecular weight distribution you're trying to get the dispersed ities as close to one as possible so in some radical polymerization processes some processes can get down very close to one some of them don't get down very close to one so this is our metric versus how well we're doing in terms of controlling the radical polymerization and controlling the molecular weight distribution the typical type of controlled radical polymerization that's the news recently and that we started studying I'm going to talk about the day called atom transfer radical polymerization and an atom transfer radical polymerization you have this growing polymer it has a leaving group on it this is the dormant form you activate it somehow into its radical form radical reacts with monomer do polymerization and then at some point you have deactivation which you hope is fast and that takes you back to this dormant form and going from active form to dormant form mostly involves taking this leaving group off to activate and putting the leaving group back on the activated so that's called atom transfer radical polymerization and it's typically catalyzed by catalysts that contain different types of mostly transition metals and copper so and and this this has gained a lot of interest over the years and one of the beautiful so much interest actually shown you this subplot here this is the cumulative number of publications between 1995 and 2012 on atom transfer radical polymerization just one type of controlled radical polymerization so Green is atom transfer Reauthorization a PRP and between 1995 when it was discovered by Manish SP in 2012 it had about 13,000 publications on that on that process it's a lot of interest in this and the reason there's so much interested in this is again because this is one process for growing gaining control over these structures over the polymer structure so using a TRP can gain control over the composition the topology the functionality and control over architecture and by gaining control over these structural properties of the system you can then open up different applications for where to apply those materials that you make with a TRP so that sounds great that's the way a lot of people sell a TRP but then the next question might be well why don't we see a lot more of these applications actually happen there are some applications but it's not as big as what you'd expect especially considering there's been 13,000 about six years ago it's probably up to 20 something thousand now publications on this topic well one of the main objections to this has been that when you catalyze a TRP you well this is what matters chessy says the primary objection to commercial introduction materials prepared by a PRP was the presence of a significant amount of the transition metal catalyst complex in the final product so that could be a problem for a number of reasons if you're doing biomaterials oftentimes you want we don't want transition metals in your biomaterials that end up being implanted into your patients for example if you're doing electronic materials or opto electronic materials you don't want metals in there because they'll kill things like your your electronic carriers and makes the materials that you're doing like a a let's say organic transistor or organic LED it kills those devices so this is really limited the application just this metal looks in there of course you could separate out the metal chemical gears are good at doing separations but it you still need some metal in there and it adds another unit operation another step to the process and it's really not ideal it'd be better not to have the metal in there in the first place so HRP mainly takes place by two different mechanisms the first mechanism is called reductive quenching and in reductive quenching I start with a photo catalyst that photo catalyst I'm gonna make the person on the video camera and the reductive crunchy cycle we start with our ground state pole catalyst we shine light on it and we go to an excited state in that excited state it reacts with the sacrificial donor typically in a mean and it transfers an electron to this excited state of the public catalyst to make the anion of the photo catalyst that anion then transfers an electron to my initiator this initiator may be my initial initiating radical or it may be the polymer that's already added a certain number of monomer units to it when I transfer an electron to the initiator this leaving group comes off creates the radical radical reacts with monomer new polymerization so if I start my find ground state of my photo catalyst and I'm just showing the top to highest energy electrons sitting in me though the highest occupied molecular orbital I shine light on this and that photo excites the photo catalyst so I promote an electron to a higher energy orbital and then in this excited state this sacrificial donor these electrons have enough energy to reduce the excited state basically the back fill that hole that's left behind by the photo excitation so it does that there's an electron transfer that gives me the negatively-charged photocatalyst now this electron is high-energy it has a lot of reducing potential and I can transfer it to things like initiators that I want to activate and so this is a pretty interesting system one example of this was reported by Troy in 2011 it has the diversity it's between 1.7 and 3.8 say 1.7 and 3 point that's actually not great you want to get as close to 1 as possible even 1.7 is not that good I'd consider that just ok so if you look at this there's a couple of problems with it and the first problem you might notice is that let me transfer an electron from the sacrificial donor to the excited state we produce a radical now this radical is in addition to the radical over here of my growing polymer that I want to activate so now I have two radicals I'm trying to control the radicals and now I'm introducing additional radicals as byproducts in my system that's probably not a good idea as an engineer I'm trying to I'm trying to increase selectivity and usually you do that by not introducing additional side reactions so this has some inherent problems and because of those inherent problem it's really hard to get those like this versity is lower than then somewhere in this particular range so another mechanism an alternative mechanism is called oxidative quenching an oxidative clenching I take my photocatalyst excited with light and then this excited state I transfer an electron directly to my initiating molecule either the growing polymer or my original initiator and then that electron transfer activates this where the leaving group comes off goes here and I have a radical reacts with monomer to grow polymer and then there's our deactivation step that takes me back to my ground state of the photo catalysts and the dormant state of the growing polymer so an example of oxidative quenching is catalyzed by this iridium so this Iridium catalyst can catalyze a TRP hawker discovered it and reported in 2012 it's dispersed these are naturally lower than molecules that catalyze through the reductive Crunchie cycle dispersity is about 1.2 is is about as far down as they've been able to get for these types of catalysts pretty good 1.2 is pretty good but still not fantastic so we like the new better than that okay so just a little bit more of the photo physics it turns most you know this is something that a lot of my colleagues and a lot of my students don't spend a lot of time with but there's a there's a lot of opportunity in photocatalysis and for chemical engineers to go in and start working more in photocatalysis and some of us do already but not very many of us and if you're going to be a good engineer in a picker area it's good to understand fundamentals that govern how these processes work so I'm gonna tell you a little bit about about some of these photo physical processes so the first one is going to be activation where iphoto excite my photocatalyst and then do a direct electron transfer so here's my ground state of my photo catalysts and in this ground state of the photo catalyst I shine light on it that activates it oops that activates it promotes an electron into an excited state now Bo tongs carry no spin so notice when I did that photo excitation the two electrons I allowed the one electrons absorb the energy from light that I didn't allow it to flip it spin and so that conserved a momentum in the excited state of the photo catalyst this is pretty simple there's enough reducing potential of this electron to transfer directly to a lower energy orbital of my initiator molecule and so we'll do that and when it does that my initiator gets activated this extra electron density goes off with the leaving group so so that's just that's the simplest bull excitation going from say the homo to the LUMO and a direct electron transfer from the excited state o slightly more complicated complex process slightly more is where my photo excitation isn't into the lowest excited orbital it's in the sub-orbital it's higher in energy than the lowest higher than the LUMO the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital and this particular photo excitation I start with my ground state with my photocatalyst I shine light on it the phone excite it it promotes the electron now into a higher energy orbital not the lowest one now this might happen because it has those two states are most strongly coupled by the electric field of the light that's called dipole couple and so when these are strongly dipole couple I have strong absorption and I can do that excitation well from that excited state I can have what's called an internal conversion so an internal conversion just takes that excited electron and it just relaxes that electron into a lower energy orbital but still into an excited state so still an excited orbital so this is still excited I gave up some energy and then from there I can do an electron transfer so this can happen sometimes it's best if this is strongly absorbing and then and this may be the next higher orbital it can be orbitals even higher in energy that can happen in cases where there's strong oscillator strength or strong electronic dipole coupling between these two states so that happens sometimes and then there's a third possibility this is just three of actually many and this is where the electron transfers from a triplet state so I start with my ground state of my photocatalyst and I shine light on it as I already mentioned I excite into a singlet state that means like the spins are all paired my spin doesn't change during that photo excitation it stays spin down as it gets promoted to the higher energy level from there I can flip the spin so this is called an inter system crossing that means you're crossing from the set of singlet States to the set of triplet States when I have a net spin here of 1/2 plus 1/2 that's a spin of 1/2 this one out that's 1 that's a net spin of one that those are called triplet States so in this triplet state I'll easily bit of energy but if they can transfer that electron over to my initiator nice thing about about me stripping the triplet state and the previous states and they could have really long lifetime some of these have really long lifetime so designing molecules going in and designing my molecules specifically so they have long lifetimes for example if I could design the state knock should go backwards like it if I could go through a triplet that has a really long lifetime it has enough time to stay in this excited state and wander around and collide with an initiator that it can then transfer electrons you otherwise if a lifetime short it will just go back to the ground state before it has time to transfer the electron and the energy from the photon that originally gone okay so that's just a little bit of the some of these photo physical processes in general kind of language that we use to describe them okay so now it's back to the mechanism we really want to understand the mechanism and we want to understand the specific steps in the mechanism so we can can design molecules to control these reactions so here's my initiating molecule with that leaving group after I've already added and monomer units to it I activate it by transferring electron to it to create my radical and live evening group it react the radical reacts with monomer nuclearization and now I have this branched mechanism where I can either do biomolecular termination or I can do deactivation and the faster I can make deactivation relative to by molecular termination the more control I'm going to have over structure the better my diversity is going to be so I'm really trying to control the relative rates of deactivation versus by molecular termination I need fast deactivation so that's kind of a theme in the research that we've conducted was designing molecules that would have been undergo very fast the activation and what were the principles that we could use and exploit in the design of molecules he spoke at Allah to make them deactivate quickly okay so there's our mechanism again this photo catalysts that I'd mentioned that Hocker discovered back in 2012 it is a metal containing a PRP catalyst as a metal in it so that's not ideal we'd rather not have a metal in there we don't want to separate it out later and in many applications you don't let that metal there it has a reduction potential of negative one point seven volts so for my friends to do electrochemistry they'd say that has plenty of juice to do electron transfers to many different systems that you might want to reduce so for example the types of initiators that we could have that would be at the end groups of these drilling polymers or the initial initiators have reduction potentials of about negative 0.7 volts these these four cases here and these are these are typical initiators negative point seven versus negative one point seven I have about an extra volt of reduction potential so there's plenty of thermodynamic driving force to get the electron transfers to go with this photo catalysts but again that photo catalyst has iridium in it and it's not only iridium which is a met and it's not only has a metal which we'd like to get rid of the metal but it's iridium it's the rarest of the rare metals and I see publications all the time where people are talking about using iridium and if I'm thinking about scaling up the process I'm thinking I'm gonna scale up across US and make 600 billion pounds of something annually the thing is a catalyst but still I'd rather not use a metal that's as rare as iridium is so there's other other choices maybe we can do something and that's use a catalyst that's not only more environmentally friendly more friendly and biomaterials etc but also that is something so non toxic more available less expensive etc may be something that you might even buy at the grocery store so I buy these kinds of things that we're storing eat them occasionally they you should be eating these because things are nice and colorful that means they absorb an indivisible and they're relatively inexpensive we can light pounds of this stuff so and again I just need these Provo fours these molecules that absorb light that are naturally occurring systems I just needed them to have reduction potentials in their excited States that's more negative than 0.7 volts so here's just three examples of many many naturally occurring organic chromophores so Laura Steen yes and why and alizarin red they all absorb in the visible for fifty five forty 420 nanometers they're all organics they have reduction potentials that are all more negative than 0.7 negative one point three into one point one eighty to one point six so at least in terms of being organic absorbing light absorbing light in the right range not having and having reduction potentials that are sufficiently negative these all look pretty good now I'm going to tell you about other design criteria in addition to those that we need but you can you can start to see how sure organic molecules might not be a bad class of systems that we could use for doing different types of catalysis for example a TRP okay so here's some motivating questions that we had back it's been three years now when our collaborators came to us and told us about their idea about using organic catalysts new photo polymerization by a TRP and there it Miyake when he came to talk to me he basically had a design in mind a molecule mind and we're computational so he said to me which of whether this molecule you think if this molecule would work for a TRP that's basically the question will this work for a TRP and the reason he asked that was because they figured it was going to take them anywhere from six to nine months to figure out how to synthesize it and they didn't want to waste a year for example to synthesize it when it wasn't a very good choice and so they were hoping that we can give them advice about what molecules might be the best ones to synthesize if this wasn't a good choice so some of the questions that we came up initially with were we're gonna do design of a TLT catalyst can Organo based catalyst replace transition metal catalyst rate ERP pan organic catalyst achieve low dispersity high conversions and high molecular weight control of your polymer materials an organic catalyst she can write an account must be sufficiently strong reducing agents they probably already answered that question and high-performance organic coder kind of must be activated by visible light it'd be nice to have visible light instead of ultraviolet ultraviolets takes a lot of energy to produce ultraviolet light and with that much energy and your photons we can imagine you now have enough energy to activate other reactions and again we're trying to avoid side reactions we we want selectivity we learn and control structure so visible light better than UV light and then finally can we design high-performance photocatalyst in general using types of computational chemistry methods that have been around for a while but engineers chemical engineers like myself have been using over the last couple decades now to try to design catalysts and other systems to make them better options for different engineering applications so here's the here's three existing catalysts when we started our work three years ago so here's hawkers Iridium catalyst or he told you it contains a metal even worse means iridium it absorbs invisible that's good and it's dispersity is just okay one point to getting out about one way to that's that's reasonable but it's not fantastic Walker also published on a different organic catalyst so this is better in the sense it's an organic it's a fantasizing and it unfortunately absorbs in the UV so that wasn't so good it's dispersed --'tis again we're pretty good but and reasonable but didn't quite get down to the range where we really wanted again this was the first organic molecule that my collaborator had worked on it works ok it's all organic that was good it absorbs an invisible that's good but it's really hard to get the dispersant he's low enough down to one point three again reasonable but not fantastic so the kinds of designs that we came up with or collaborators to go off in and work on we were hoping can perform better than the existing catalyst otherwise there'd be no reason to view this research and to come talk to you about it today so one of the first designs that I'm going to tell you about that we came up with is molecules called phenazines they look like this and they are all organic they absorb in the visible and we can get the dispersed to these below 1.1 even without much often without any optimization really just some conditions that we try occasionally we get this person below 1.1 they work really well I'll tell you a little bit about the thought and the thought process that went into designing and selecting these molecules okay a little bit more of the photo physics just to give you another step or detail so in total excitation of my full catalyst from its brown state that can go into the LUMO or the photo excitation can excite an electron and there's some higher energy level we want that to be fast and efficient so we want to design molecules that have high absorbance we don't want to waste photons so so we we basically want this to be a efficient process we would really like to avoid fluorescence fluorescence just means that it reinvents the photon and you just waste it and so we rather avoid fluorescence and if the undergoes internal conversion from this high-energy excited state to a lower energy excited state we'd also like this state to not undergo fluorescence a big much rather have it go off and do an electron transfer to activate the initiator so in order to have fast photo excitation I want to have the ground state of the photocatalyst have a nuclear wave function the open that's a lot with the new nuclear wave function of the excited state so back if you can remember your physical chemistry course that you took I took many many years ago this is sometimes called a franck-condon factor or it is called a franck-condon factor and the idea is if you're gonna absorb a photon absorb light then this is like the symptoms like a simple harmonic oscillator you need the atoms in the molecule to basically be in the same positions in the ground state and in the excited state when you absorb that Photon that's the basic idea and so sometimes the lowest energy excited state doesn't have the atoms in the same position as the as the ground state and so you won't have you won't have excitation into this state here it will be into some higher state where there's a lot of overlap of the nuclear coordinates here and here if you then do internal conversion down in this lowest energy excited state its nuclear wave function doesn't overlap very well with wave functions on the ground state nuclear wave functions the atomic positions so this can we need it we need the nuclear overlap to have excitations but it's good to avoid nuclear overlap when we want to avoid fluorescence and so when I mentioned that we can have photo excitation and then an internal conversion to lower energy excited state that can get me out of a state that has high nuclear overlap and now this singlet state can have long lifetimes and wander around and find an initiator and then transfer an electron through the activation okay so again we could this this is helpful to make photo excitation fast and then fluorescence this fluorescence from the states slow another way I can slow down fluorescence and make my lifetime so my excited state long is by doing these inter system crossing so photo excitation and then flip the spin so if I'm gonna flip the spin inter system crossing I'm going to change the angular momentum okay when you change the angular momentum when we know in physics angler mention is conserved in processes right supposed to be conserved well spin is angular momentum so something has to carry away that angular momentum how do you do that well one way to do that is basically it requires an animation that ice skaters are really good at this ice skaters when they go into a spin they are learning to spin they can control the rate and spinning by coupling vibration with with the spin so when they push their arms out they increase the rotational inertia and slow down the spin when they pull into a tight spin they speed up the spin so you can couple vibrations with spin molecules are pretty good at this to some molecules so we pick molecules specifically that can do this so that they can have fast intercept and crossings so if we can go into this triplet if now what we call spin forbidden quantum Kathleen can go back to the ground state a canceled rest it can go back to nothing but it can fluoresce so that's a no that's a second way we can increase the lifetime of these two excited state to allow them to go off and do electron transfers any reduction okay again we went fast an activation step and we want to especially a fast deactivation step all right so let's get a little bit more into this and this is a tool if you're gonna do photo photo photo physical processes photocatalysis you learn to use tools like this Jablonski diagram that shows you all the different processes that you can have photo excitations fluorescence internal conversions inter system crossing set cetera each one of these conversions of one state of molecule to another and that's one thing we do as chemical engineers right that's a big thing that temperatures do we convert molecules from one form to another to add value in this case we're converting one type of molecule into another are basically by the same it's a different state of the molecule so how can we control these conversions well we need to know the rules for those conversions and the rules come from quantum mechanics so for fluorescence sorry for photo absorption photoexcitation the symmetries have to be have to allow the excitation it has to be spin allowed so the spin doesn't change there has to be high nuclear overlap like we talked about and asked me dipole couple that is me what the ground state and the excited States didn't couple through the electric field of the light the fluorescence is just the reverse of excitation so the same thing rules for internal conversions for example like these ones we talked about we just went large nuclear overlaps or if you want to avoid them we had like so a low E nuclear overlaps again for inter system crossing we want vibronic coupling like our ice skater okay so how do we do this so we basically need to design molecules that can satisfy all those kinds of properties so sufficiently negative electron reduction potentials you want molecules that have high molar absorptivity they absorb light we want absorb visible light we went slow fluorescence we want so inter system crossing Zoar internal conversions fast electron transfers or fast deactivations so so we want to design molecules they can do all that that's a lot to ask but this doesn't always work alone i won't i won't go into any of this in detail but we've worked on a lot of other organic systems that that we learned a lot of the photo physics from that we can then transfer over to these systems and that's something that we learn a lot in research right is that when you learn the physical principles from one system you can then oftentimes transfer those principles over to designing or understanding other systems so this was like a system that absorbs light and down converts photons using pentacene and another system we looked at was photo i sorry electro chemical reduction of co2 the fuels again using aromatic organics like pyridine and it again used a lot of the same kinds of principles that we're going to exploit today and then another system i'm not going to go into detail but we looked at a different type of photo polymerization these molecules that look a lot like our phenazines where you absorb light really quickly and then very slowly over a period of time let that energy out through polymerization which is a in or analogous to the dark reactions of photosynthesis so a lot of other systems use similar kind of principles and we we exploited these okay so so again so let's let's look at our hypothetical mechanism and start looking at these different molecules Co start with our ground state and excite excited with light in this excited state and either do an electron transfer to activate a PRP and then deactivation this is the deactivation part or my singlet excited state can go to the triplet and then I can do electron transfer to activate through the triplet a trp mechanism and then I can deactivate send my catalyst back to its ground state so that was our hypothetical mechanism let's see if we can start working on molecules that actually do this I'm not going to talk about this in the interest of time but there's all kinds of checks that you can do and examining the photo polymerization to see if it really is a TRP and whether the elector weight grows the time and the diversity comes down the conversion whether you can turn the reaction on and off by light and whether you can do things like block polymerization so I won't get into that I want to talk about is starting music calculations we did lots of calculations we calculated the reduction potentials of the excited States we calculated the dipole coupling of the ground state to the excited state see if it'll absorb light we calculated the reduction potential in the triplet States we calculated the geometries of the different states relative to each other to see how much the geometry of the molecule changed as I can't transfer the electrons so this is just one set of data in this case it's the reduction potentials for about 200 different designs that we look at and behind reduction potentials is negative is 3 volts and then these ones down here we're not viable I want to be more negative than negative 0.8 so up here somewhere and here's the these phenazine type molecules they were quite negative reduction potentials these other designs that my collaborator is going to look at looked okay but they weren't very negative turns out that the actual candidate he was looking at was this one which actually looked didn't look good at all so we told him don't try that one try these guys here's that phenazine here's hawkers beneth isay has a very similar reduction potential but aren't catalyst works significantly better the question was why and then here's that Iridium catalyst that Hawker discovered as a really negative reduction potential doesn't work nearly as well so that was just one set of calculations we did all these we looked for all these other properties and show you some of the calculations some of them is just what does the these what are the reduction potentials but also what do the excited states look like what is the nature of these excited States okay so so one thing here's our this is phenazine and this is the triplet excited state so like I have this triplet excited state if you look at the triplet excited state and then after I transfer an electron to do the activation that's negative two point two four volts a lot of reduction potential the geometry is almost the same that's good is we gonna do electron transfers you don't want the molecules geometry to relax very much that would be what's called a high reorganization energy and it really slows down electron transfers or it slow down your activation now the other part of this is we're going to transfer that electron to our initiator take the end of our polymer if I put an electron on that and don't let the molecule relax it takes negative 2.6 volts more negative than this and this this is not permanent reliable this this electron transfer will happen but I fixed the geometry I can do that on a computer in the real system then this molecule relaxes as it accepts the electron and it when it relaxes the bromine comes off as a bromide leaving group and that's called an adiabatic electron transfer or an associative electron has and it only takes negative point seven eight volts which is less negative than negative two point four so this should happen so activation should be pretty fast the more important step is deactivation so in deactivation here's my oxidized photocatalyst so after I've photo excited my catalyst and then transfer of the electron this is the oxidized state of the photo catalyst it takes point 1 3 volts to put an electron back on the photo catalyst to take it back to its ground state point 1 3 that should be pretty easy if I try to put an electron take an electron off of my growing polymer and don't let the polymer take the bromide back at the same time that's point nine seven volts that's not more negative than point 1 3 so this shouldn't happen but again the molecule isn't fixed it relaxes and so if it relaxes the bromide comes on as the electron transfers off onto my photo catalyst then that's only negative point seven eight volts which is more negative than point 1 3 so that should happen but catalysis you can see a little bit of a problem here we teach this in undergraduate kinetics usually right what's the problem it's a three body event I need to have my oxides photocatalyst my bromide leaving group that's gonna cap the polymer growth and my radical polymer all in one place at one time we know three body events are rare so in kinetics they'll tell you that's a really slow step that's probably not gonna happen we want the activation to be fast right this is not what you would think you'd do to get a fast deactivation read by the event that's not gonna work but what turns out it doesn't work why is that well it's because this bromide and the oxide photo callus this is negatively charged the oxidized floating health is a cation this forms an ion pair complex their Coulomb eclis attracted to each other and when they do that the bromide is attracted to the cation photocatalyst that's bound by about eight Bakehouse per mole doesn't sound like a lot but the equilibrium constant of the bound complex is about 10 to the fifth or so at room temperature so that keeps them together and now this can collide with the end of my growing polymer like a pseudo to body event and set to be pretty fast and then the bromide transfers back to cap off the growing polymer simultaneous with the electron transferring back to the oxides floater panels so no reorganization energies so what does the what does experiment look like for these we handed this molecule and others off to my collaborator we handed four of them over they were commercially certain they were synthesizable in two steps from commercially available and inexpensive reagents we kind of lucked out that wasn't part of our design criteria that we I'm I'm a beautician but it kind of lucked out that they just happen designs that were easy for them to to make molecular weight control as a function of conversion was very linear dispersity was intrinsically low got down to about 1.2 business without any optimization of process relations in fact when they did change some of the conditions again not my optimization but it's trying different ratios of monomer to initiator to photocatalyst they got different molecular weights and different conversions and they got different diversities and several of these dispersants were very promising again without any optimization 1.1 1.1 eight one point one eight one point one two though that's in a very good range again we haven't even done we've done the design part of the catalyst but not the design part of the process yet my collaborators then took those molecules and they did block copolymer block block memorization with them a green polymer for a while with one monomer when they ran out of that monomer they introduced another monomer and then used that big polymer to initiate with a TRP the next polymerization to add another block of polymer then when that monomer is done they added another monomer you to add another block and so they can make these block copolymers again that was one of the things that makes a TRP a TRP so Lecter weight grew with conversion this version was went down with conversion to turn on and off of light and you get this block copolymers ation or you retain the polymer chain and groups so it really look like a TRP so while this paper was under review he noticed something this is the lower lying electron of the excited state this is the higher energy electron of the excited state these are the orbitals these two have electron donating groups out here on the shtetl hoop and both of the electrons sit on the core of the catalyst they don't work so well these two the lower lying electron is sitting on the core the higher lying electron sits out here on the phenyl group and these worked better so he said wow those working better we should design molecules that automatically do that so we picked a couple additional designs where we put natural groups out here and these natural groups give us a lower energy excited electron sitting on the core and a higher energy excited electron sitting out here on the natural group turns out they absorb in the visible they have nice negative reduction potentials the dispersity is 1.03 so again without any optimization we're getting really close to one somehow these are better I can talk about that more detail if anyone's interested but these are better full of pellets and so what happens is for these we're both the electron sit on the core I we call that a localized excitation when the electron gets excited it stays in the same general region localized excitation when I put electron withdrawing groups out here it lowers the energy of the orbitals sitting out here and and so they come down they come down in energy and my full excitation is still into a localized excitation that looks like this but then I have an internal conversion right transfer an electron from this part of the molecule into that orbital and then this and we call that a charge transfer state these two electrons are sitting on different parts of the molecule and that makes for better photo catalyst so when we design molecules where you have local excitations that don't work as well when we change the polarity of the solvent we don't see any shift in the fluorescence but for these charge transfer excited state that we design when my experimental collaborators go off and synthesize them when they change the political solvent that more polar solvent stabilizes this charge transfer excited state and redshifts it and you can see this without a chromatic effect that occurs in this register so mechanism looks like sight to this first excite to singlet and then you enter conversion to this charge transfer excited state and then you can activate either singlet or triplet HPRP okay just a couple of other things if we're gonna design these photo catalysts that do this charge transfer what about just having these these are fucked or not - these these designs have only one group out here the transfer the electron to instead of having groups on both sides of molecule it's only on one side and when we pick these ions like this we've got really good nature people look at how in this particular product this is called a phenoxy beam letter weight control is great this person again is really low without optimization it looks very similar to hawkers fantasising case where there's no sulfur here instead of an oxygen they don't get as good look and weight control dispersity is kind of all over the place and just doesn't work as well so and the reason is in the case of the finnex Izzie sorry Senate denizens and kanata's Eanes they look at the excited state the oxidized state and the ground state that are involved in activation and deactivation for the phenazines structures all the various each other same thing for citizens they look very similar not much not much geometry change but for this venoth I see when you have a sulfur there excited state the oxidized catalyst and the ground state have very significantly different molecular structures so there's a lot of reorganization energy and that really slows down the electron transfer for deactivation which means you lose control over the deactivation and you get this larger this person and then one last thing you can do other things to make these even better for example if these pendants if they're not two things you could put by phenyl groups out here really increase the coupling to the electric field and get very strong adsorption and tails that then go well into the visible and absorb light very well in the visible and these work great for protocol so with that the answers are yes we can have organic catalysts that request transition no catalyst we think we've answered that Organic catalysts can achieve low disperse these high conversions and molecular weight control especially if you design knowing the mechanism these catalysts can be very strong reducing agents that's been careful to not just look at reducing potential but also these other properties for deactivation especially they can be activated by visible light you can design to absorb invisible we figured out what this mechanism is the different steps involved that mechanism and it exploited that and yes see these photo catalysts perform really well they perform so well that even without optimization they're already competing with other ATP catalysts that had been developed over a period of five ten fifteen years or so so if that I'd like to thank you and thank our funding sources and then let you know that you can come and visit us in Boulder we have several faculty positions open probably for the next several years for those postdocs and graduate students will be graduating next few years you hope you apply to our open positions I'd like to thank you for your attention and taking questions [Applause] yeah so there's a so it's kind of the LEDs it's kind of the reverse process a lot of it's the reverse process for the chromophore it's a lot of the quantum mechanical rules that govern whether it works as a as an LED vitamin er are similar to what you need for Toma for now some of them are what's the right way to put this some of them are the opposite of what you need but very similar photo physics goes into it because a lot not all of it there's a lot of it's the reverse process so yes that's a good observation and act some of the some of my students and other people we've talked to it basically says like well why don't we propose not only due to these organic photo redox catalysts but let's also propose to do the reverse process where we can do very similar engineering and design for those systems yeah we have it so the vibronic coupling hey you know those are a kind of pain in the neck to calculate and my student was getting ready to send his thesis and I pushed and pushed and pushed and I try and I and I pulled and pulled and pull and I he you is like no I need to graduate and those are really hard to calculate so unfortunately those are left undone so at this point we're assuming that that's what's happening we pick designs to explore in the first place that we knew would likely have that my bonnet coupling so in some ways he was telling me is like well these these kinds of heterocyclic aromatics naturally do this vibronic coupling you're gonna make me do all these really hard calculations and learn a lot I was annoyed bad part learn a lot and and really not get to any better design we already know they're gonna work and they and they the other thing was experiment or any shoulder work to so he was not very motivated and he he went off and did his post talking it's it's they're undone ah yeah that's an interesting question I mean some of these systems do you know pan breakdown they're exposed to light and oxygen at the same time for example is one thing that's a degradation process for some of them we don't really look at degradation processes in general but they're stable enough to work with and these molecules I mean they're stable enough to sit in grocery store it's very similar molecules and and the edible for some time and we see similar things we don't have to my collaborators don't do too much in terms of special treatment of these systems they do remove oxygen in the experiments they remove the oxygen because the oxygen can quench these excited States and you just end up with very low conversions because they're fighting against oxidative reductions that quench these guys but in terms of degradation they I think they do pretty well I'm but again I'm a theory so I don't spend a whole lot of time examining those more practical aspects I shouldn't have an engineer yeah so they do they oftentimes do this and meet some of them sometimes they've done it meet monitor but they've also done it in solution they do it both ways it could be I mean there are parts where you end up getting into transport limited regimes where either by molecular termination or the excited States wandering around when you get to high conversion so it's like wandering around trying to find a monomer that hasn't reacted yet it could be pretty slow when you get to very few monomers left they've done both my collaborators have done both meat monomer solutions but also diluted so so for example electron transfers to roots on the growing polymer yeah yeah that's yeah we've wondered about some of those we haven't really seen anything specific for those kinds of side reactions you don't see evidence of products of weird side reactions but you're right there's a there's there's quite a bit of reduction potential and there's a lot of reduction potential who knows which reactions can be now active but it might be that some of those processes are kind of dead ends they you transfer an electron and they don't actually go anywhere one of the side reactions that my my collaborators found later was that some of these radicals will come back and attack the rings of the photocatalyst and so you can sometimes get your monomer oh sorry oh yeah you're growing polymer to attack the the ring of your photocatalyst now the photo catalysts tend to be pre low concentration but the same concept activated form the concentrations are similar to the growing polymer and you know that that's one of the minority products you can get yes my my clap it has relatively low quantum efficiency overall in terms of how many photons actually end up going into making polymer but it's but it's relatively high in terms of other photocatalysis systems or photo polymerization so so yeah so in these two cases here if you're you know you have ring systems and so in these polycyclic aromatic s-- those rings are relatively rigid that can help with limiting the amount of reorganization but this is the ring system as well but with that sulfur there that adds a lot of strain in the molecule and that strain that strain a big sulfur sitting in that in that ring basically lowers the energy of some of these distorted states relative to the planar state and so one is to try to stick with and heterocyclic aromatics that it cuts to only things like from the first row or boron oxygen nitrogen etc so first something you want to avoid to kick house per mole reorganization energy is is pretty good we love it if it were lower than that but that's but these particular designs that's about as low as you can get you can imagine other types of reorganization but we don't see it these rings you can imagine they might rotate some afternoo an electron transfer to create the charge transfer excited state but we actually we actually didn't see that this this is still kind of orthogonal to the core of the molecule but but generally you want relatively rigid molecules and that seems to work mostly but it works so well in identify z8k cows so 8k customer will take a small for this women this is deactivation going from two point three to four point one doesn't sound like that much right that's only one point eight may cost a little more reorganization energy so a trick to you learning kinetics is one point three seven cake house per mole is a factor of ten and a rate constant at room temperature some 1.37 this is one point eight cake a little different the one point eight divided by one point three seven is like one point three one and so ten to the one point three one is like twenty point six so that's twenty point six times slower if that's the difference in energy about twenty point six times slower because I have a one point eight kcal per mole so so it's really hard to control things like realization energy when you're looking at differences that small so in some cases you get get kind of a little bit lucky we we would like to say that we designed purposely for that but we kind of lucked out and those designs just happen to have both your organization