Good afternoon welcome to our event on health systems My name is from the archives can you talk I'm the director of the Center for Health and Human a theory and systems here in Georgia Tech and also a member in the School of Industrial and systems engineering I know that they were love you came here from other parts of Atlanta some of you came here from out of town so big welcome to all of you whether you are from Georgia Tech or other organizations visiting us today especially on this rainy weather day so we really appreciate you all being here so we have a fantastic program ahead of us with wonderful speakers we will start with a deputy fire station and then continue into our panel but I would like to say a couple of words before we begin and then of course we have our posters outside which I hope all of you are going to visit during the break. So. Is I imagine them the director for the center of our health and humanitarian systems the center has been around for about 11 years and we do a lot of work both in the health systems area and also humanitarian systems our activities focus on education outreach and collaborative projects and research with our partners some of our partners are here in Georgia others are in other parts of the country and then we also have partners in other parts of the world so it's been a fantastic journey being part of the center from its early days upon till today and I also want to acknowledge a lot of people on campus and outside our friends who made this possible by working with us over the years and some of them were in this room so please visit our center to find out the site to find out more about our activities so I also would like to acknowledge our organizers who have worked tirelessly to put together the program for this year so I'm going to go and if they are here if they could please stand and be recognized bet my net I guess she's not here today with us Mike Best It's my. So the taxi I know she is out of town she is right here Thank you Sherry and Bill targe right here so let you know that I began. And as you all know if you've been involved in the organization of such a new rant it takes a village to put it together so many many people across campus worked tirelessly to put together all the logistics and other details of this of this event so let's give them a B. count as well. And of course I would like to thank our speakers fire speakers moderator panelists and all of you our participants for being with us today thank you so health systems we are going to talk about the next generations title it would be fun to look back and see how things were some years ago and it was a bit scary for me to look at some of these pictures so I'm glad that we made some progress in terms of how do you practice health care and health systems today and the kinds of technologies that we use so this is kind of our Thankfully you are here today and you know 100 years before moment. But this by all our progress is held to still remains to be one of the biggest challenges that we face both in the United States and around the world so it's if you look at the United Nations the millennium development goals you'll see that several of them are directly related to health and then there are a couple of them that indirectly relate to how to for example if you look at the. Extreme poverty and hunger we know that there is a relationship between health and wellbeing and the economic development in a particularly In warrant education they don't much think to health so we see a lot of linkages either directly or indirectly to health so distilled remains a big challenge for us both in the United States and and worldwide. Mine is solve some problems at least in the individual level so describe just shows us the disparities in terms of health and wellbeing and how it relates to the income of people and as you might expect as income goes up so does the health condition which is a sad reality for us that we still have these disparities in this day and age and there are pretty severe but money doesn't solve all problems especially if you look at the mission level respond a lot of money on health care yet really look at the art comes and it doesn't show up in the outcomes so we are still behind. Compared to other nations in terms of the held outcomes in this country even though we are spending a lot more than some of the other developed nations so that's another that again remains another big challenge for us in the health system space. So this is just the picture that shows some of the complexities in health systems we have a lot of pregnant a sham. Issues in prevention preventive services actually keeping people healthy. Versus dealing with the complications after they. Emerge and we also have issues once treatment is completed following up and making sure that we maintain health and that being so all of these to remain as significant issue still in this country despite all the progress progress that we have made so part of the reason is that it's complex so if you might look at the sand say well this looks very complicated but it is many of you in the room know health systems are a lot more complex than these these ruby Goldberg kind of systems that we see. We have multiple stakeholders who play a role their incentives are sometimes not aligned they have their own objectives and they are not always on the same page in terms of their object those behave different physical spaces health care is delivered or preventive services take place including our schools workplaces our communities so it's really not just limited to clinics and hospital it expands beyond those are those physical spaces we sometimes have limitations on information in terms of what people here what we can communicate to them how much of the information they retain So there's all the complicated things and then of course we always have some sort of answer to that either at the individual level or at the Kwame a level or a system level so when we think about this entire system we see the complexity and it's not just the physical well being but we also have the mental health and wellbeing and those are obviously very much linked to each other and impact each other both ways so that further adds to the complexity that we have. So there are many many government organizations you can pull out chords from a lot of different places in terms of some of these challenges complexity. And highlighting the need for joining our forces from different units different organizations rather than working in silos to make a difference so I just pulled one chord here this is from a C.D.C. report but you can easily find other chords pointing out the same the same observations. So what we are going to do today is to discuss some topics that relate to transforming health systems particularly we want to think about ways you can change health systems from secure to health care so even though you call it health care. You know a lot of part activities in health system space focus on secure somebody gets sick and then they seek treatment we treat them and and so on and so forth so there is of course effort spent on the other side as well on prevention but can we actually grow that more so that we can do more health care and less secure moving forward so that's going to be some of our focus areas today so we hope that the event facilitates dialogue across organizations sectors because we have a lot of different organizations represented here a lot of sectors are presented here from public health to hospitals and clinics to education and so on so hopefully there's going to be some cross-pollination of ideas and maybe some new collaborations so we hope to identify some emerging topics as well as ongoing talent has which might motivate new research here at Georgia Tech we are on Georgia Tech campus but we also several of our friends from other universities in Atlanta joining us today so we hope that some new research ideas and collaborations might start thanks to this event. And there we also would like to get ideas about how we can improve our education of tomorrow's leaders and the next generation and health systems we also have several students in the audience who are joining us today and hopefully what they hear is going to be inspiring the inspirational to them both in terms of their education as well as their future careers so one nice thing about Georgia Tech is that our students get a little hands on experiences while they are here through projects co-ops internships as well as some of the other things that they do in our classes so they have a little opportunity for learning and implementing what they learn in different areas health systems being one of them so hopeful that this event will also serve as an inspiration for education as well. So one area that the Center for Health and humidity and systems emphasizes is systems is the name implies and systems engineering in particularly the principles from systems engineering as well as the overall concept of systems thinking has been sucked his will be implemented in a variety of industries over the years many factoring airlines finance and so on and so forth and we have seen an increasing use of Health Systems Engineering in health systems as well. So we are very very happy that the collaborations are increasing but there is definitely more room to grow there and potential for bigger impact of systems engineering in in the health care area so this really. Could expand from individual applications implementations as well as education and training again the idea is to not look at the individual pieces of the system and only focus on those but really expand our R.T. thinking to the to the system as a whole so that we can actually see if you take a particularly action here what's the impact not only in this limited area but more broadly within the system across the different different units. So going back to our to our complex. Health Systems picture hope this is thems engineering can actually make a difference and it utilizes a lot of different tools and methodology that I'm sure you all have heard. In in your in your brokerage occasion so for example we use predictive analytics descriptive and other ticks that look said historically how have you done in the system what are some of the transfer basically understanding how we came to where we are and what our current status is so quantify and understanding rugby are we use predictive analytics by utilizing machine learning or other kinds of techniques to see where things might be going from here particularly if you take certain actions we want to understand what the future might look like and then we also use prescriptive analytics which utilizers tools such as optimisation simulation and others busily trying to find out the best combination of actions the best the location of limited resources so that we can achieve certain goals considering. Constraints or other priorities within our system so those are some of the things that are utilized within the systems engineering framework. So because I'm a professor I like to give homework so here's your homework for today so is the sit in the room and listen to these various presentations and discussions and also as you engage with our posts or presenters during the break please think about what kind of knowledge you can take for yourself. For your colleagues your organization and also for the constitutions that your organization serves so please keep thinking about this and take some notes think about what action you can take as an individual. Or in your professional role and what action can you actually motivate others to take so you can be a change agent you all can make a difference so please think about these and yet share your thoughts with your with your network and your colleagues hope of it leads to some to some positive change so. I would like to also acknowledge the are France organizations who contributed to this demand by sponsoring the School of Industrial and systems engineering and the Institute for people on technology have been the core sponsors for this around so we are grateful to them for their ongoing support and again I invite all of you to visit our centers website and please contact me or in your bar colleagues understand 3rd if you leave it at the South or if you have. Any ideas questions and so on.