So that will speak about sums of course but we will begin a long time ago in a galaxy far far away there was a graph OK so I'm going to index the Verde season my graph I just want to end and a subset of the graph to the stable set. Also sometimes called an independent set if no two. In S. are connected by an edge of the graph so you see here a picture of a bunch of stable sets in the graph. And now well so what I want to do is I want to study a stable set geometrically so instead of just having a subset of every stable set I'm going to associate a characteristic vector so it's going to be that there in R. N. and it's the number of how am I going to index the stables and I'm just going to put one if the vertex is in the stable set and I want to zero if the vertex is not in a stable set. OK So was this now what can I do now I can form of politics is just the convex hollow all the characteristic of actors or wall the stable sets and the grab G. and I call it step G. so that you want sort of the important thing to know is that I don't take only maximal stable sets I really take all of the stable sets So for example zero is always going to be stable Set politics because empty set is trivially stable OK So this is the definition of the stable set politics. So well first well there are two questions that you might have. One is why would I do such a thing so this is kind of a standard construction in common to optimisation if you want to let's say find the maximal size stable set or if you have weights and roots you might want to find a maximal weighted stable set well so if you have a good description. Of this fall then the century maximizing say finding a stable set of maximal size is just maximizing a linear function which is the sum of excise or this politics that is going to maximize at a vertex this vertex is going to give you a stable set of maximal size OK So the thing is that what we need is a good description of a stable set polygon of course I gave you the description I defined of this the conduct solvable by introverted C.S. but this is not good this is so far you know it does not really contribute very much for me it's just like saying that I have all of the stable sets so what we really need is a good description and so what we need is the dual description so the dual description means that I want to describe the stable said not by brute force used but by inequalities OK So I mean for a new policy all dispositive also the question is how to get the inequality so let me give you some inequalities that are trivially true for the stable set follow so because it's in that stable said by characteristic that there is this means that any point in the politics has to have a non non negative coordinate right all coordinates are not negative and all coordinates how less than or equal to one so this is obvious but of course this just defines for me the cube right but I really want to define the stable set follow it up so how how do I construct more inequalities that are valid on the stable set Poly to. It so I want more linear inequalities that are valid on the stable set volatile but of course if I have a linear inequality that is valid on the politics with some factors not for me to be valid on all of the virtue C's OK So let me invite the set of all of the roots of C's of the stable set volatile so T. is just a set of all the characteristic vectors and the set of all the characteristic of all of the stable sets and now OK now we have this is the second question How why is this all related to sums of squares So where does this come. So what I want to use sky for you is an algebraic method. To generate linear inequalities that are valid and I guess this was supposed to be so basically what I want to just have to use an algebraic method to generate inequalities that are valid on this finite set of points this is where sounds of course coming OK So so the question for us is how to generate linear inequalities that are valid on this finite set and if I generate enough then perhaps I will really cut out the polytope exactly how do we generated So that's were sums of course common So let me construct let me try to construct linear functionals that are obviously going to be not negative. Now what do I mean by obviously negative well so you know if I give you a linear function you might wonder I mean how do I know that it is not negative OK so low so basically what I will what I'm trying to build up functions that are going to be so negative on T. that there is not going to be any question So what do I mean so let's imagine that I give you a linear functional and I can write it algebraically as a sum of squares of polynomials Plus another polynomial that is ear on C.. OK then I claim that this linear function if I can do it this linear function is obviously a negative one T. Y. is that while because some of the squares are not negative everywhere that's that's a good thing there's no question that sounds of course are negative for now if I add to it Apollo normal that is zero on T. that does not perturbed its values on T. right so therefore this means that some of course is not negative so it's not a negative one and now I add something that zero on C. so it doesn't affect me at all right so this means that these guys are in fact you know if I can write a functional like this then L. is clearly non-negative on C.. So but of course the thing is that I'm not really interested in very conflict. It is so you could see you could think of this as you could think of this expression as being a certificate of negativity on T.V. If I give you that if I give you an expression like this and it's provides for me a certificate now I know that the function has no negative C. but. For computational reasons I'm not really interested in the extremely long certificates I mean because this is a finite set you can sort of prove that these expressions exist in general right in your functional if you for the negative can be certified like this but what you want to look at are functions that we can compute were ordered certificates that we can compute And so what this means that what we want to do is you want to try and create the degree of the scale of the problem normals that we are allowed to square OK so what we're going to do is we're going to loop at linear functionals that can be written as a sum of squares so fall enormous of degree at most K. plus something that is zero on C. so I'm going to try and get the degree so I'm not only allowed to square simple things and then I can add to it something from C. and if I can somehow cancel a bunch of things to get a linear function I know that those are the functions that I'm interested in OK and such a linear function so I'm going to call them K S O S S O S stands for sums of squares case stands for the truncated degree OK So these are the function of them interested in so these are let me just say that maybe in order to ease our linear function is that I can write as a sum of squares of simple things plot something that is zero on C. OK. Are there questions right now. So we will get so we haven't gotten through the to the bottom of a slight I will get to the bottom of the slide in in a second. And your other questions yeah. I well so the thing is that your case so sums of squares you know if I if I add the mob that will have high degree by I have the freedom to add to it something that is zero on T. so that can cancel things out it might not seem that might seem like strange phenomena doesn't fact happen if I add things that are your own to you that can cancel all of the terms of high degree. OK. We're OK great so the of course then you know the next thing that should to wonder is well when I say I add something that is zero on T. is that easy to describe in a what are the things that are zero in T. because if I'm adding something that's potentially very complicated then you know I mean this looks nice in principle but what are things that are zero and see if they're very complicated and I'm not really sure what I'm cancelling my higher degree terms with so in this case because we're working with this comes from a comment or optimisation problem fact it's very easy to describe all polynomials that vanish or so they are generated by these guys so the ideal this or that vanishing T. has very simple generators so one is I mean because so far we decided to index. Index the stable sets these are zero one that So this means that you know for every coordinate they have X. a square it is equal to excite that just means that we're talking about zero one doctors so now what are the other equations so the other equations are so whenever I N J Were number wrote excise connected to vertex J by an edge I throw in X. side. Now while why is that it's because you know if I have to work to see is that are connected by an edge both of them cannot be in the stable set right so this means that one of the coordinates one of them was not present so one of the coordinates is going to be equal to zero so going to vanish and in fact these are all. All of the everything else is generated by these guys so this is a very nice description of this idea so it's actually easier for me to say what our problem normal is there are going to do than Ashanti OK So but so this is the plan so this is kind of my plan of attack how do I generate lean your inequalities that are valid on the whole on this finite set. Of. Stable set of index stable sets Well I try to write the linear inequality as a sum of squares of degree at most K. and then add to it something that is zero in C. and hopefully I can cancel I can cancel higher degree terms and truly get a linear functional OK. All rates. So what does this do so now let's look let's look instead at. Sequence OK so I have the set of an equality that comes from sums of squares of degree at most K So let's look instead at the convex bodies that they describe So this all of these inequalities are going to describe some convex bodies so I'm going to call th K. so like the key theatre body is the set of points in our in which are actually cut out by the linear functionals that comes from some discourse of degree at most K. so this provides for me a sequence of relaxations all of my original stable set stable set volatile sits inside all of them but of course you know about these guys are nested so the first line you know constant sums of scores of Lynn year is going to be potentially bigger than the second one potentially bigger and then they nest national until I should get to the stable set volatile and in fact this is going to terminate finite me at some point at some point I'm going to fight big degree high enough I'm actually going to pick up all of the facets of the stable said politics but of course I mean if I mean well OK fine I think it's not really us. Interesting what we want to know is when does this terminate for small values so bam OK So and then there is a theorem of Lovaza So this tells you what happens. When the when does this when does this relaxation in fact terminate in the first step so the first realisation So the first thing that a body is equal to exactly the stable Set politics if and only if the graph is perfect so this is kind of interesting but. The behavior of these guys is not very well understood so if I ask you for what graph G. doesn't happen then the second you know now is for the second is equal to the stable set policy of this is completely completely open so the reason is that somehow well when you look at when you look at this I mean you can really define you can really define disperse relaxation not just for a stable set Pollard or for a new politics and somehow to have the first relaxation being equal to the politics of this is a very restrictive condition you can pretty quickly say you know for which probably does the but which probably does the sap and of course then you later need to realise for which graphs does this happen but when you ask for which volatile does it happen that the second relaxation is exactly equal to the power then somehow this is not restricted were enough to be able to say much at least so far. And let's see so basic I mean for me I just want to bring the sin as a motivating example so another thing that I just wanted to add of the wards. Feta function mean something to you that right now would have seen the first relaxation really is like the lower state of function in disguise even though most of the time when you see the definition of the law of our state a function you do not talk about sums of squares OK so so somehow this is discussed yet. That. So this is the this is coming up right so all right so basically I just wanted to make this stable set as a motivating example so here are so here are sort of my mean points that I want to illustrate by this example so what what exactly were we doing. So basically we wanted to study all non-negative linear functional so in a certain set right but what we did instead we relax and we said well we cannot really study all non-negative guys about lead just only study things that are sums of squares write sums of course and then for computation reasons we truncate it by degree Now the reason why is the same you good right why I mean well some of course intuitively it's clear why this is good because some of the squares are obviously in a negative but this doesn't mean that it has to be computationally good right so the reason this is good is because some of the squares can really be handled by semi definite programming so what we're doing is really like the law of our state of function is really semi definite relaxation that's how it's usually gets defined so what we're really doing is constructing some specific semi definite relaxation. And somehow there are a lot of open questions so I already mentioned like what happens when the second one does the second relaxation really hit the stable set follow it so you know you can ask it for witchcraft does this happen before we stable Seppala dog so you can just ask for which followed you can define the same relaxation for and you probably don't doesn't really have to be the stable set one. And this is. Completely completely open and the difficulty really comes from the fact that we truncate by degree if we don't try and get by degree then it's pretty easy and you know even if you have more complicated sets doesn't have to be you know just finite set of sets of points there are some powerful tools from realize geometry that tell you that good things you know once you lead the degree around to infinity good things are bound to happen. But that's not really sort of interesting for us you want to know what happens when we truncate the degree. New generally want to try and get the degree to be a pretty low this gives a sort of good relaxations right and then then somehow these tools which had their your powerful and very general do not apply and. So then this is kind of the difficulty of the analysis then the final thing the kind of is lower state of function that often familiar semi definite relaxations are actually sums of squares relaxation in disguise I mean you do not have to think of them or some. But they happen to be some of the squares if I if you look at them in the right way they really come from sums of squares like pretty sure that the government's Williamson max card relaxation you could look at as sums of squares relaxation Also if you if you are familiar with work or Frank Valentijn on kissing number so spears which is really like independent numbers of infinite graphs so stable set number of infinite graphs also in that case you can think about it as a sums of squares relaxation so somehow sums of squares are stationed there specific semi definite relaxations but they happen to occur fairly naturally OK And this is I mean this is what so do so me I just want to motivate using sums of squares as a way to handle negativity so. I mean I also work on common Atauro questions but not really sort of exclusively common authorial questions so we're about to we're about to shift gears a little bit. So are there questions right now. We're good all right so. We're shifting gears OK so now I'm just going to think about pollen normals that are not now negative on a certain set but I'm going to think about polynomials that are not negative everywhere right so polynomials that are really global in the negative. And of course I can still think about sums of squares but now when when things are negative. Some some phenomena that we have observed cannot happen for example there is no degree cancellation you know there is no way that I can write a polynomial of. Degree. To Dia sums of squares of things of higher degree and another thing that happens if a polynomial is not negative then we can make it home with genius by adding an extra variable and then multiplying all of the terms by an appropriate power of the extra be able to make all of them anonymous have the same degree and this actually from Paul normal was not negative it will keep being negative right then if the polynomial was a sum of squares that it will keep being a sum of squares So what does this mean so the bottom line is that if I want to study globally in a negative fall normals I might as well study globally non-negative how much genius problem is also called forms in one more variable so that's what we're going to do we're just From now on if I say probably normal i will mean a homage genius polynomial and now OK so now let me fix so and it's going to be a number of variables two D. is going to be the degree so. All fall in normal sin this man U. they're both variables of degree two D.. Form a vector space form a large vector space inside this vector space see it in the sit two sets that are we're interested me the set of non-negative polynomials and the set of sums of squares but somehow an interesting things happen these are not just sets in fact they are fool dimensional close convex cones it's pretty easy to see why they're convex or so for example what does it take to be a convex going this means that if I take two points in the cone and I add them the sum was still in the cone and if I take two non-negative problem normals and I add them it's still not negative right so it's pretty clear that these are two candidates goes it's also pretty easy to show that they're closed. OK so now what is the first thing that you would ask is Well when a. Two things equal right when at least two candidates crones equal so the whole subject of study of course and the negative almost were started by a theorem of Hilbert. We should say she qualified classified all of the cases where there is equality so there is a quality only in the following sort of three families of cases case one and equal studio two very robust better remember this is two variables how much genius The same is one variable not homogeneous it's pretty easy to show that any non-negative problem normal and one variable is a sum of squares case two to D. Of course two this is the case of chord radix forms so that's pretty easy to do by diagonalization of course forms and Case three is an equal three to four so so called two hundred cortex and in all other cases in all other cases there exist no negative forms that are not sums of squares and so it's kind of interesting Hubert's proof was non-constructive But later in know by now there are several papers some papers so resonate there particularly nicely provide some explicit examples in explicit family so the first example was due to Matson but now there are sort of meanings out what somehow it still it still seems hard it still seems hard to construct explicit examples of non-negative polynomials that are not sums of squares so you could ask well maybe OK So these are two convex cones right but maybe they're close to each other maybe you know this is go this is kind of a mental picture you know here is some of us who are as they sit inside the negative cone force and not two dimensional but maybe these two sets are really close to each other that's why we really have problems picking off things you know that are now in one but not in the other but because we have convex set so we can actually try to address this thing by measuring their size well located cones are on bounded objects right we cannot really measure the size of the cones so what can we do we. And slice it was a hyper plane because slice it was a hyper place so in fact we have to compact objects. So we have to compact objects so once we have two compact objects we can take volumes right so we can really take volumes so now by there is a little bit of a carry out so if I take a compact set and I blow it out by a factor one plus Sept so on the volume is going to be multiplied by Y. plus absolute want ourselves on to the ambient dimension so if my Ambien dimension is large then I'm still in trouble because even if I blow it out by a small factor the volume is really going to get blown out of proportion so what we need to do is we need to take the volume and raise it to the power one over Ambien Dimension This takes care of this effect OK So OK And so now we have sort of bad news that says So let's take this ratio volume of the slice of the non-negative problem most divided by the volume of a slice of sums of squares raise it to the power of one over dimension how does it behave so we're going to be in the regime where we keep the degree the same so for example we talk about all polynomials of degree four and we'll let number of their books run to infinity then we can actually get the sort of exact awesome thought ICS exact awesome fabrics of this. Of the of this behavior so well so what happens why is the news bad so let's look at the case when the total degrees for so the total degree from east to D.D. So two D. is forced to do so then already it says that this normalized ratio values behaves like and to the power of one half right so this is already bad so this means that a convex sets the set of non-negative problem Norma's is really much much bigger than the set of sums of squares. OK but there is there is some actually is somewhat mysterious things that happen OK so mysterious and well not really mystery in one but you know I swept a lot of things under the rug by saying that there are these some constancy. One and see two these constants are in fact as usual extremely ugly so what it means is that the ratio is only guaranteed to be very large for a very large value so event so for a larger Savan the value so when so large that you might say you don't really care about well as from the point of view of complexity of course you do but. Basically if I cannot guarantee that this ratio is above one I mean using this bound for the way when N. is let's say a billion then you know maybe there is something something wrong here and. Listen thing that you might ask yourself is Do I really do I really really care about random polynomials I mean if I take a polynomial or something like That's a degree and a thousand variables that's going to have a lot of Manami else it's going to have so many more normals that will never want to write it down. So this means that basically what you well if you really want to write things down and work with something in many variables they better have some structure so really you might not really ever wonder about the random but you might want to know about something that has some structure so this brings me to the. Last flight of the talk so if you can force a lot of structure then there is some hope. For what happened so I'm going to really enforce a lot of structure on on my problem or some going to do when you look at symmetric polynomials so this means polynomials that are going to be invariant with respect to any permutation of variables there so if I look at symmetric followers and I look at the ratio volumes I don't even need to normalize it by the one over him in the mention this that is not grow infinitely large for any degree D. for any well and you need to D. and in fact for degree for this ratio I actually go through one so when I look at symmetric non-negative problem normals and I look at symmetric sums of squares as engrossed. The infinity of the situations on how get so well it's not monotonic but it gets better and better and you get some more and more of not negative problem normals So this is good news and another good news i even if you want to analyze. It and even if you want to analyze let's say all non-negative follow Mills You could try to look at what happens for small cases where the cones are not the same so the two smaller skaters are three variables degree six and four variables degree four because that's just outside of the case where there is a quality during record ticks and in this case we have in some sense a full description of when the qualities that separates us from the negative follow males but in his own right now it's not so clear what to do with this will description how to sort of piece it together in the overall analysis but there is a hope of some understanding of what happens in the negative problems and some of course and especially it's interesting I mean what happens in the present I mean this is really a lot of structure symmetric problem of several I'm really cutting down my freedom by a lot when I was six or symmetric problem on the so what happens when I require less structure OK So this is all that I wanted to say so thank you very much for your attention. I. Know actually if you allow rational functions then in fact any non-negative problem on THIS WAS Hilbert seventeenth problem any non-negative polynomial is a sum of squares of rational functions. That's right that's right it's the same the problem is that it's hard to know what to use as denominators So there is sort of there that's good that's it somewhat to cool and to a degree truncation in a certain sense it's hard to know how do you use denominators of limited degree. So essentially So the there is the say in the So again this is I would say the flavor of the idea is the same there is a very powerful result from realize that says that good things are going to happen if you allow yourself sort of arbitrary but then you ask well what happens if I don't allow myself arbitrary degree but what happens if I if I only allow myself denominators of small degree and then somehow it gets very murky very difficult to analyze and so there is not much known. What happens when the degree of the numb there is not very large. And. Then OK so it's they in fact it's not it's not in a sense it's not really an answer it were it's it's it's actually it's a strengthening of the actual some of the squarest relax a you can really you can model this with some of those who are so large a degree so in a sense it's so let me put it this way so usually usually the result Well one way to state the result is the following so if I have a negative polynomial P. O. X. I can multiply it by a sum of scores and in the end I will have a sum of scores this is this is equivalent to being a sum of course of rational functions so the only question is how to find this multiplier of small degree but you can still state it as a semi definite program you could say for given a fix problem normal does there exist a multiplier of something degree that makes it a sum of squares this will still be some indefinite relaxation so you can so you can say that this you can strengthen the sum of squares relaxation by asking for some of the squares with a certain multiplier OK and this will give you a stronger semi definite relaxation. Yeah. That's right so I mean essentially OK let me and this is this is the arrow also brings us to something General from algebra so basically what is special about the entire world zero infinity is defined by X. create in the requote two zero right so this means that really what are things that are obviously not negative for this well sums of squares right this is obviously a negative I can also multiply by X. right this is going to be obviously in a negative right so and now the question is when does it happen that. Basically you know I can just throw in more inequalities right so I have something that's defined by I have a semi algebraic said defined by inequalities and I ask is it true that every negative problem normal can be written as sums of squares sent potentially multiplied by someone equalities OK end so depending on so depending on your assumptions so for example if your set this compact then the answer is true always you know in many dimensions in variables if your set is not compact this happens to be true sometimes or it often happens to be true if kind of like here you allow multipliers So if you allow multipliers if you say not and I don't want to write my negative problem of the sum of squares about allow someone who has multipliers then this is always true and all of the serum sort of by the name of positive it's kind of like no shell and such except you know positive because we're talking about in The Call it is opposed to zeros and then you attach a certain name to it there is shingles positives Jones outs and was general. But is so you attach names to sort of apply to a specific situation what kind of said Do you have and so there are certain flavors of theorems that tell you that but generally this is something like this is true if you just mom or if you modify your statement enough like if you allow multiplies or if your set is compact this will always be true. We need to. Thank you.