But for the work of making anything you are a very very very very very expert on offering all things like if you present them with your wife while doing. What. Thank you thank you for that tending Is that allowed is it OK. I assume you can all hear me. All right. I understand that those of you who are thinking of this for credit will not get credit if you don't ask three questions. So you have to work on that. I wasn't sure what was the nature of these or seminars. So I made a decision which is to present a large number of projects twenty somethings. And I would have about one slide each. But we have time. So if for you feel that more interested in another done hesitate to stop me to ask the day it's questions make suggestions clarifications. We don't have to cover them all and I do my best. There is a different type of work that our community produces. Some of it is very complex mathematically complicated. I'll go read McLean involved but you know your head is wrapped around in the it's very difficult. Some of it is very system engineering people are building solution birth by scaffolding complicated modules many theorists thinks that. To be fine tuned parameter tweaking and they produced something incredible was great. Labor and those are very important and I do appreciate them but my style is I'm more attracted towards what I would call beautiful solutions and to define them. I would say that. After you have done your research it should boy down to something so simple that you can actually explain it to somebody in a couple of minutes. The second requirement I have is that I actually any of you could sit down and implement a solution in a few days or so or in this project. I will be presenting to you you will judge whether some of those are beautiful by the definition or not and you will see not all of them are. That. If there is any difficulty in understanding what I'm saying or terminology. Please do not hesitate and intervene. All right so we'll talk about shapes and I made sense. And I split them into things like design analysis compression simulations I have little modules. So this is about designing shapes. I may sions. And this project started several years ago we wanted to have a nice an environment for humans to sculpt shapes. And I am reasonably good with both hands so I felt that for people who are somewhat ambidextrous it would be nice to be able to put your two hands in that virtual space and do things with them. So what we did is we instrumented of these and I need to point was a pointer Here's our try. We in straw man to ease devices or of the previous generation of those so you hold in each hand a device that this capable. Tracking six degrees of freedom. Positions and orientations. OK And you know what we design is an interface through which you would the form shapes. And the principle there is quite simple. Let's do one head. So you put your hand somewhere and you press a button. At this moment will record the coordinate system which I call a frame. And then as you keep the button pressed you move it and that any time you have another frame. So it's a starting fright and ending frame. And when you're done you're ready is the bottom of the ending frame is frozen. So how do we compute the shape of the formation from those given two of those frames. There is a unique screw motion. Which is like a corkscrew it has an axis. It's a rotation a translation with us. But that axis. So that there is a unique screw motion that takes one into the other. And we say we're going to apply that screw motion to the shape but not the entire shape points close to where we grab it. The starting frame would be transformed transformed by the host promotion points farther away will be transformed by less of the screw motion maybe one half maybe one quarter. And that decay function is a cosigner square function that you may have seen previously. OK So this is the principle of what we call twister. When you use both hands. And the region of influence where the decay function is not zero overlap these cost and square functions give you a very nice natural behavior so with both hands you can achieve the right result. So that was very nice we discover that even though it was into it live. The user could and dissipate what would be happening. Doing things like this. Take an ear of a bunny and twisted or bend it was not that convenient was those two hands. Because you had a longer element that you wanted to twist your band and say it wasn't working very well. So invented something else which is with your two hands now you don't control the shape directly you control a ribbon. Like a flexible. Belts. OK And then you put that belt in the shape like if it were butter and your bed is very hot and you sort of sort of divide this and it freezes and you grab it. So you grab the whole shape with a belt. It's the same as if you had one hundred little hands along the belt. And you freeze them grab them and you lift them see how many come with two screws going on like this and you apply the same principle. So that gives us the ability to manipulate shapes. Then I was at a conference and a colleague from Georgia Tech actually from the BE in need of Parkman the biomedical engineering set all well this is really cool because we have a problem that this could solve. So I was all excited and it happens that. They have been working with surgeons who do operations and heart surgery for children born to single ventricle. And these poor children undergo a series of operations that attempt to in some sense rearrange the piping around the heart. And so what the surgeon needs to do is to plan for the operation. Each operation could be done in a couple of different ways maybe more. There are some variations for each option. So what the surgeon wants to do is to actually take the scan of the patient's anatomy. And then work on the patients anatomy grab the arteries yank it from here stick it there. Bend it like this and saying that's how I could do it or I could do it from here. And then they ask well which one is better. So the one that is better is the one where the heart would have less resistance pumping blood and where the blood would go more evenly to both lungs so that one lung would not be. So the guys in B M E Do a fluid simulation of the blood flow all through these new German trees and what they were missing is the interface between the surgeon and the shapes. They used to have the surgeon sketch it on paper and then they would sit down for a couple of weeks and do it in a CAD system when here now. The surgeon does it himself and you discover very quickly that surgeons are very good money plating things like this with their hands in fact they are perfect. They are immediately on the stand. What's going on and quite precise. Of course that their job. So we're working with Dr Cantor at Emory and he has been using the system to prepare for some of the operations. OK but that was quite nice. Later here. That is an excellent question and let me let me phrase it for everybody. Some of these operations that we perform or the volume warping but they do not preserve the physical properties. So the vessels the arteries that they are moving may undergo the formation which are not physically correct. And we do not attempt to provide this simulator for training surgeons nor to simulate reality. This is more in the spirit of a sketch book. So the surgeon know what is possible or not. And yes the answer is if we have more time and more energy we would have any effect. We try to do some physical based modeling of that but in the present incarnation which it is used. It's a purity of design system without and you know about an artery staying roughly circular and cross sections. Although often it does. OK So this is a slightly different area of work very related which we haven't completed. OK So this is not fair. Sickly based. On this problem really like when very very very. Thank you for the question so the day of the anatomy of the patients often has you know it's not a small shape it's an artery it has a lot of intricate details bends and different sharp shapes and the transformation we do are in some sense space warping transformation. They take a chunk of space which contain the shape and they the form it. They need to do some stretching because otherwise you know this stays here this goes there in the middle. Things have to stretch or compress. So in that sense some of those details get a long gaiters or get shortened. And the question if I understand correctly is well what could be done so that these details are behaving more physically in a more correct way and there is a number of techniques that have been studied which try to capture the intrinsic detail of a surface. And then as you're doing as the formation you constrain the piece here in the piece they're trying to solve for the intermediate surface to still recover this detail and be nice to connecting to the rest so that work is going on in progress but we have not incorporated it here in what I have been describing. OK And it is a difficult word because to be correctly you need to understand the elastic physical properties of the material and actually simulate them. Given that we're doing that in real time you need to make sure that your simulation is a compromise between accuracy and real time. If this thing is not done something like more than thirty frames a second. It doesn't work. I mean by that it doesn't war but the surgeon or the user would be frustrated. You would have the feeling that you are over shooting them a system is lagging immediately becomes unusable in the sort of sense of not being nice to use so you need to have about thirty frames a second feedback. In fact most applications require more. The front application but on the similar vein with Dr Sam and I believe we are working at helping him do grafts of Carthew large. Here's what's going on. On the tell us here in your in Europe and call us. You may have a lesion typically older people have additions but sports or sports might have lesions as well. And so he's going to fix this lesion on the card which has to be very smooth because that's where the bones are or sliding by stealing from the femur or some other bone a piece of card. Cutting it as it was sitting there plug making a hole here and put it there. So his job is to find the dumber site such that when he plugs it in it. Not only connects muesli to the surrounding bone around the lesion but also has the same perverts are correct wrist excess because it was manufactured by nature to have these characteristics for functioning correctly. So imagine that doing that manually or visually by hand from C.T. scans it's impossible. So what we do is we actually. Recover a surface model from the scan. Dr Levy paints Zedong a region that he's comfortable with yanking something out because he doesn't want to destroy your card he lives in places where it's useful. And then we automatically find that there's a strong by color coding here. The pieces of that surface which are the best matches in terms of dramatic curvature distribution continuity. And then we position a virtual cylinder we compute that position we compute the orientation that would be best here for them to match and not only we do that calculation but also help him during the operation do the positioning of the tool for proper insertion the extraction. So this is not an easy problem for job metry let's find the best match in shape. It is difficult here because these safe are very smooth. So it's not your typical vision problem or you have sharp features to match. It's sort of there's nothing interesting in the thieves. OK so it's an optimisation. And it's roughly five degrees of freedom there. So it's a huge space. So what we do to accelerate it is we compute some signatures of these elements using a four year transform of of core of a tree circles and we try to match those before we actually compute how good they are. This is a work by my student just in Jan who is finishing his beauty and the idea here is I mean architecture in mechanical CAD. In other applications people design irregular patterns of things here. We made a restaurant made of a number of levels. Each level of rows of Fables each day its role has tables each table has chairs. OK. You can represent visit by the sort of a graph. You say I have a florist and rolls and. Tables and chairs I have five chairs on the table these little letters define transformations from one chair to the next the chairs on the table. This is sort of a seam graph. Now what happens if you go to an airplane for example you'll notice that they have the seats aren't like this. Except some seats are a little bit off some seats are missing. So you would like to preserve this graph structure but you want to indicate exceptions. You're saying are good grass but this should not be here and there should be moved. How would you define those exceptions How would you store them so that if you were to Changi There's a graph maybe have fewer rows your exceptions may survive. So this is what's going on for example you may want to say I want the second chair of the third row of both floors to be read or upon them removed or transformed somehow. How would the user specify that. HOW WOULD BE store it. HOW WOULD BE use it. The idea is very simple to cliques. So every specific ation that Justin does can be done was just two clicks of the mouse. And the idea is the following When I click a single chair. I am specifying a path from the root to that instance. And each time I got for a brand that says repeat three times that passes which of those three times did it take to reach that share and not this one. So a path is a sequence of numbers go left left right but when you have three proceed of going left you say take the first one will second or third one. Which two clicks you have to pass. And you do a bully in them. You do explore and when they disagree. You put a star which means do anything you want or do all three. And it was this little combination basically you can represent not open the Will selections. But a wide variety. It which is sufficient for a good number of applications. OK So there's a very simple interface for designing regular patterns and then designing exceptions in them and storing them so that the part a metric model could rigs they could the whole thing or it. Let's start with this little rectangle this little black square here were pulled out the comptroller polygon. And the person the designer who has created this square really wanted to have a nice curve that is controlled by this control. For example she made like the red curve here which interplay the vertices or maybe the blue curve which is a little bit inside but it looks smoother. To do so we could use a recursive subdivision process which doubles the number of vertices each time one of these is saying I'm going to take midpoint of each edge here I'm working on the top as an example. I'm going to find a better place for it and bulge it out. The better place here is it sits on a cubic that interprets the four points of the two edge vertices of the neighbors. So that's easy to calculate in fact there's a very simple recipe for presenting this point. If you repeat this process for each. And then repeated again for the whole thing and again for the whole thing you converge to this red curve which is called a four point curve. And it is nice. It goes through the vertices but it's only see one continuous which means it's continues in position and derivative. But not the second derivative and that is a problem in many applications as the. Rick functional some people really need a second derivative of or better continue it. Or if you don't like the red curve. You say I want a better curve. So you could say well I am going to split it into two was before by inserting a midpoint. And I'm going to round the corners. Removing the old vertices and stopping them through this blue parable. You can always fit two parabola like this. And the center of the parabola will be the new position of the old vertices. If you repeat that process for each corner. And again and again you end up with what is called a cubic beast blind curve. Now we said OK well why don't we combine them. We'll do a little bit of the red and the one minus a little bit of the blue. And the S. parameter defines how much of the little bit you want. So we call that the J. spines. And they give you a whole family of curves. The beauty of them is that they have these continuities property for example if you constrain. Has to be between zero and four they are C two. Even though at zero you get the four point which is only see one. If you push a little bit farther you can even get a C. for continuous curve which is marvelous. So we use that and we worked with Scott Shafer on retrofitting them so that you can force them to go through the vertices and still have this beautiful property. Now. So what did we say you are going to double the number of vertices each time. So your storage your temporary storage before your end of the curve is doubling you can use the same principle to do surfaces in which. As you do curves in one direction and the curves in the other the storage quadruples. If you want a new mated surfaces you can do the same thing in the third dimension and the problem is that you know if you want to subdivide five six seven eight times to get a very smooth surface. You'll start requiring a lot of storage. So we developed arranging approach which instead of this exponential storage cost has a very small but in our cost our is the number of a course and that's it. So for a curve you need four times our if our is six in twenty four registers. That's it. So it's very good for G.P.U. rendering and the ringing basically works by saying why I'm doing my job here on this curve. I don't need the rest. If I am going to do a subdivision once and then I have enough information to do it again and again and again and then this guy slide by. I want the next guy slide by two megs five by four. So it's like that the rings that are smaller and smaller and go faster and faster. So this idea is very good for running this on the C.P.U. on the G.P.U. and the work free or crime to do is to be able to stream an animation where you send the control frame and then the G.P.S. doing all sort of rendering of the intermediate frames and then you stream another country frame and is doing all this rendering in the on the intermediate frames to between them. And this paper would appear next year I'm. But you can have it on the on the website. All right so now we are in the business of processing geometry. By process and mean to measure things to compare things to change it very often the measures on processing John that we were based on the short was distance to something. For example if I wanted. Establish a correspondence between points on the green curve through corresponding points on the blue curve. I could take a green point P. and say Give me the closest point and Q Nice easy to do. Not is that if this is smooth. This is the right angle because of convincers of that because it's a minimum of the core of the quote of the distance function. But this is typically not the right angle so that correspondence is by definition monster metric. And somehow when you see that is it. It cannot be optimal. OK You want a correspondence between P. and Q Why should it be a symmetric that correspondence. So if you reverse the role of can peel you get a different course point but it's not good. So instead of this big circle here centered there and touching here we make a smaller circle that is Ted Nugent kissing at both ends. It's an escalating US collating circle and Mike has the same angles here at least was attended plains. So this is what we called the ball map and this one is symmetry of course. And it has very nice properties which would investigate a bit more it reduces distortion it doesn't have that much distortion as this one through the map. And actually surprisingly even though. Q. is the closest point to P. and you expect that this is the sort of distance. If you integrate the distances between these points and their closest points you discover the sum of those distances of the integral of those distances is actually longer than if you use this map because you have to be careful what you integrate over that. Now before we go to the next slide look at this scenario here. The green curve and the blue curve are not compatible in the following sense. I can hear. I have for each point P. I have a unique point Q. were if I grow this disc tangent here. I touched you. At one point here. I don't have this relation there are some branches of code that cannot be reached by this disc that also touches people. So we say that this part here is not compatible. So some shapes are not compatible Mind you they are not compatible for the cause of projection either. In fact. It gets worse if you use the cause of projection. So here is an example where the blue and orange curves are both compatible. They are not closest production compatible. So the book about it will give you a bit more power. How many of you know what the house door distance is. All right. I tell you my love story then. So when I was young I used to love her and she loved me too and we always have been in this funny situation where she would live on one island and I would live in another and because we loved each other we would come from as close to the edge possible to each other and so that this and that were separating us was the minimum distance between the two islands. And then you know I did something wrong I still don't know what. But now she hates me. But I still love her. So I want to be as close as possible and because she hates me and she knows where I'm going to she's going to the other extreme of the island as far as possible from I could get close to it and now what separates us is the House of distance in fact to be precise. She can choose which island she prefers. So that measure is measure. Drink. How different two shapes are it's not a very good measure. But you know that's what people use often. And it's reasonably complicated to compute. It's not very good because I don't have a good example. But let's suppose one curve is a circle. The other one is sort of doing a little thing like this comes back and finishes a circle. That little thing could be quite close to the circle and the House of distance would say well they're almost the same little distance but they're very different. So a better distance is the fresher distance. The Frechette distance as you walk on one curve your dog very smart dog walks on the other curve. None of you is allowed to backtrack. You always move forward or stop if you need to but never go back. And the dog isn't a leash. If the dog is very smart tries to minimize the lens of the dish because it hurts if it pulls the lens of the least that is maximum at any point that the maximum length that you need is the fresher distance and this one is even worse to compute it requires an optimisation of the parameters ation So we have shown one that when the two shapes are both compatible. This guy and this guy are the same and in fact they are quite easy to compute they are the diameter of the biggest disk that touches both rapes in that sense. All right so this is some nice terrific a result which we did was colleagues from the in the in France in their system which is a cad vendor of mechanical and architectural cat systems. So we looked at this and said. It's funny because if we remove that. Incompatible region the dotted lines above in some sense we are. Rounding one shape and the radius of the round is controlled by where the other shape is so we should look at the other safe will be now the control shape. And we have a new way of specifying. Roundings or specifically the radius for rounding. So I don't know if you can see but these are true blue sit in. There's a union. There's a sharp concave edge here quite complicated it's a quartic curve and we would like to obtain a nice blend of the surface here. And we would like to control the edges of the blending not as a constant but in some more controllable way. So to do so we define a red shape a control shape. We start maybe it was the blue shape the Soviet Union or some grabbing and pulling. And now we say let's do this business of running the ball between the two shapes and every place that it cannot roll. Will add as a fillets to the shape or if one is inside the other it will remove that rounding. So for example here one shape was blue the conscious control shape was red. We run this ball which does a little strange torus that girls in red use and comes back. And this is what you get if you move there on the controller shaped to be more central this is what you get if your control shape is a plane on this very strands of four Cuba arrangements. You can be a rounding convex sets and concave sets with the same operation. So it's a nice operator. And the most important thing the beauty of this is that it's not only doing its job but we have a mathematical formulation for what it's doing. And it's expressed here in terms of billions. So we can say what is produced very often when you do out. Goritz for computer graphics you say well you know that's what the album does and you ask the people who doesn't produce Well it's what they are going that does. So this of a chicken and egg problem you cannot say this is correct because it is correct in producing wood it produces OK here we have a mathematical formulation of the result and nice increment an algorithm can check whether it is correct or not. So it's always better to be able to formulate what you're trying to compute instead of just saying we get whatever we get it. Well so for example in this situation these two blue things are not touching. And in the end they will be touching. So yes there are political differences may occur and hopefully you desire them but sometimes you may not under subpoena. So this is trying to work with the Jason Williams who is also graduating the idea is the following start with the blue curve. Take a coin of a given radius and roll it over the place the coin is not allowed to go through to go over the blue curve. So it will leave a green region that it cannot reach without getting over the curve. We give this this region a name we call that the mortar or the R. mortar if you have specified the value of our. This is a morphology called Operation you can construct this mortar by doing some growing interest for example. Now we say OK. The intersection of the curve was the mortar can be simplified by putting by tightening it. So instead of the first in the mortar. You know this by construction. Although it doesn't show very well here. It's mostly joined with the rest of the curve and it gives us of a minimum length curve which we call a tightening. Which is a very nice way of making a compromise that does rounding in Philip doing very very pleasant way. So Jason has implemented that in two D. and we know what you're getting we're getting the shortest curve in the mortar and the rest is on touch. So the advantage of this is not that smoothing filtering operation. It doesn't change the shape elsewhere. It just changes the shape where it's needed in the mortar He has also implemented that in three D. using voxels but theoretically we have this sort of debate about what should be the nature of that surface in three D. mathematically. It's not a minimum surface it. If we try to compute the minimum surface it wouldn't do the job but you know the minimal surface for example between two spheres would tend to do this and be just a straight line break. OK so it's a slightly different beast. So we're have approach some mathematician friends to help us with that but it's a little bit difficult. OK or this so sir you may have seen a work in medical area where you would take two scans say of a body part and somebody automatic your money would highlight or would trace a curve. So you have two slices and you want to construct a surface that intra plates. So we decided that if we do our border map as shown on top here. We're not is that actually you can construct a sun in black here. Always a circular trajectory between one point and the corresponding point on the other. By the ball map. Such that the circle trajectory is not only a circle but it is orthogonal to both curves of the contact points. So now what you want is to do a surface reconstruction from the top curve to the bottom curve. If you look from the top and project them both on the same plane. This is the situation. So I can't see this here but there's a bunch of arcs here. So this point correspond to that point as the arc there. If you travel on that arc in the plane and at the same time you're raised was elevator to the next level to synchronize both things you're tracing a circle in projection and you're going up. You're tracing the hell it's the same thing as a screw motions we have seen at the beginning. So each trajectory of each point is ahead. Ix. So this is a pencil of Calyx and it gives very nice surfaces much better than using the cause of projection from one to the other or vice versa. So they look very nice but we said well you know look is looks can we measure how nice they are. And for. Brian. Has implemented a dozen techniques for doing the morphing between one curve and another he has I'm showing here eight or so. And these three are the board map based This one is the one that has a circular trajectories this one is a huge propagation you put this curve very cold this one very hot and you trace the temperature gradients. These to the heat propagation and the circular ball more are the best in terms of the different measures we have tried. And there is now be similar not quite the same but similar the advantage of the circle ball more is that it's trivial to compute compared to the heat propagation which seems to be solved in this domain by adding probably trait of process for a fifty process. So we're pretty happy with this and we have shown that we have the you know in these results are unreadable on the right. But we have compared the things was different measures travel distance. Amount of stretch acceleration surface area and the mean curvature squared. All right let's suppose you recall over a triangle mash frog scanning process laser scanning or some other process that tries to do reverse engineering of the existing shape your laser would be probably touching I mean measuring distances not knowing what is measuring so sharp features like these would typically be missed. As a consequence. When you recover a triangle mesh. Near sharp features. You will have this mess here that you can maybe understand it was the samples are all over the place and try to triangulate to get this time for us which urges very ugly. So the question is under which circumstances and by which algorithm. Could you recover the sharp features many techniques have been proposed we came up with one which has these six very trivial little steps that the coloring of edges vertices triangles to identify the triangles that are on this some verse. And then we basically extend the a building surfaces using the. Normal Intendant information and computer intersections and produce these sharp these sharpened features in addition we apply a subdivision process earth a bit like what we discussed earlier but we have to modified so that instead of producing piecewise flat triangle measures. It produces smooth surfaces. But we wanted to preserve the sharp features that we have recovered. So we don't want to smoothing process to go and sort of blend them. OK so we had to modify the subdivision process to respect the sharp features which we have so carefully identified. It works beautifully well. Even in surfaces which are not mechanical but sort of you know sculpture is the or. I mean models or whatever. So it's a robust than very nice and simple process for recovering features in under sampled representations. This is a work done with my friends in Barcelona. Sort of similar. But here instead of starting was a triangle mesh like a laser scanner. We start with the voting metric model for example an M.R.I. or C.T. scan and so we have then cities are let's suppose your threshold them. And we'll call green the Sam the Vox of course Center is inside below some threshold or above and read the other ones outside. So we have some edges which are red green and then what you want is to break over a model where we have plains blends this sort of roundings sharp edges and to do so what we need is to grow planner representations that stab as many of the red green edges as possible and then we to extend them into second make decisions. And finally the remaining surfaces. To be smooth and from this ugly nonsense to some small surfaces that would connect to the planes nicely and so that was a sort of a tedious much more complicated than Origen expected amount of work to get from here to there. This is an optimisation for dimensional space. There's a lot of delicate guessing of how to rearrange the surface so it's moves and doesn't violate the red green labeling here. So it's constrained by the samples you want to grow a nice curve like here constrained by the red and green samples. Somewhat involved. So I would guess this is less elegant than some of the others. This is a very nice piece of work that we did together was immense. Brian Whited was again the primary developer here and inventor of those things. So what we want is to create a representation of a river vessel. Strong drawn by hand with the centerline and with the thickness. So what we do is we let the user select the good color by clicking and dragging little circle for alleged about color get started and when we go. And in real time you get this series of disks that are computed each one from the previous one by wiggling it computing the best center of the best read years so that you have a lot of good material inside. And a little bit of bad material on both ends. So it's a little local optimization process. So if you had this disk before you'd get this mom you move the center at all. Bit you move the red just to have some good material and some by the material. It works in real time into a deep it takes about the so. There are so are two seconds to do this in three D. from three D. scans of real patients data. It's very robust and it gives you a very nice flexible tool for the user to say I want to cut it here of the extended their what it produces is a bunch of balls and we call them Pearl strings. Now what you would like is to get a nice simple surfaces from those. So the first thing of course we did was OK. Each ball is represented by X.Y.Z. center and radius. So it's a point in four dimensional space we said let's use the j splines of the vision to remember the skirts of that isn't technique to construct a smooth or smooth or curved a recursive subdivision in a four dimensional space and that's what we get this is another example and not is that although it's very nice. It has at some point. Sometimes sharp sort of folds or curvature. So we said could we do better and that we worked with our colleagues from Siemens in fact Greg slabber was a student here it is student here. We worked with with him defining of people eat problem basically to arrange for the surface to be optimized so as to minimize a compromise between the curvature measure and the surface area. And so this is an example of the result of the position not there is that instead of having these sharp things. It is nicer here it is a complicated slow process and the result is still I think not optimal. I still think that this is an open problem given the set of bolts how to find the skin that. Is the smoothest possible and most truly represents what these balls are sampling. All right. I teach a lot of yes. So the question is. I could rom the surface extraction by saying Give me a point of a certain density and I could fit a triangle measured to that we were interested in extracting actually the tubular structure. Not thresholding Furthermore the thresholding is extremely difficult because if you do the marking cube like approaches because of the knowledge of the acquisition process you get a lot of little components which you have to filter out by morphological operators so it's difficult. Plus you don't have a higher level representation of a spine and original function which is very valuable for example if the edges goes like this you say that's bad for the artery. OK maybe there's a little constriction here that we need to take care of. So it gives us segmentation an interpretation a more abstract representation of the sicko triangle mesh. The disadvantage is that this is not good for things that are not long and should be lower. It's not going to do a good job for your liver maybe but it will do a decent job for your arteries your fingers maybe your arms. We have done some comparison Brian spanned the couple of summers and a few months in addition to that at Siemens and here they already had some of the state of the Arctic Nique And so he did some comparison with this. This seems to be extremely fast and. Effective. However. It is not optimal. And it just doesn't work when you're not tracing something which can be measured with his balls crap. I didn't discuss the branching structure but when the ball comes to or going to a branch. We take decisions that we need to follow both branches or just one. And so there are some interesting issues there as well but I don't have a comparison numbers to report because there's no ground truth in some sense. So the best you could do is to have a bunch of humans construct this and measure maybe the House of distance between the two recover and what they recover from so I'm not sure. So in the last few minutes. Let me just teach you a corner table. So you want to represent a triangle mesh. You have a list of vertices X. Y. Z. maybe color if you want. And then you need to capture the connectivity. That is each trap to know that reverses. The way I like to represent that is by two tables the N O V. RI presents the vertex for each corner for a triangle has three corner. Let's suppose that this corner here is called Corner C. This is the vertex that vertex has an ID Maybe vertex three hundred seventy five. So this corner nice to know I'm sitting on vertex three hundred seventy five the Table V. at that entry for that corner will have that number. In addition in the table. This corner would know would find the ID of the opposite corner. That's it. So from these two tables of integers which is very nice to manage you can reconstitute next previous corner as the idea of the triangle. The left and the right ideas and all sorts of cool. Thanks. And that's what I do with my students we use this representation to do all sorts of processing on the mesh and recently. What we discovered with Proust Durand. Is that not only this can be extended to tetrahedra measures which we have done before and other people have done as well but also we can actually get rid of the V. table completely. So we don't need to represent the view table any more amazing because the table was what tells us we diverge is our sitting on. So we reduce the storage by fifty percent. I'm still glossing over the detail of a few extra bits. Furthermore without any additional storage for free. We give you a pointer from each vertex to one of the corners sitting on it. So we can use that corner to visit the neighbors. So we have extended D. the content of this data structure and reduces storage by half and have applied that not only to triangle measure but also to try to draw matches and so this is called the S O T. It's a sort of all table. So we only use the table to be sorted in some smart way and you can read that paper if you want to get more details because I am afraid I'm running out of time but I have some time for questions but. Thank you. Well you get credit for this class. They were all supposed to have three questions each. OK if there is no question. Well I invite you to take a listen. Going to if you have some doubts or interesting ideas e-mail me or come and talk to me. Thank you very much for attending. Thank you thank you.