Also Well thank you I'm genuinely excited to be here. Appreciates you spending your lunch time with me and thank you Ben wall for inviting me today so my idea today to talk about is I want to spend the beginning of my lecture to really motivate why I think we need to rethink supply chain design and then I have one example of how I think we can do that there are many of them in the many of them I spent this morning talking with Ben walk about things he's doing that are very much in line with that and then ultimately you know really thinking this is. The beginning of hopefully a long journey and so there's definitely lots of future research very specific to what I'm talking about but also I'm hoping that there's some discussion about what are ideas to build on this. To get started I want to ask you a bunch of questions so how many of you have purchased something online in the last week is anyone all right what types of stuff have you purchased you know anyone willing to say what they've purchased shoes so OK. First. What you have your dog also OK Any other bizarre things that anyone's willing to say. A dinosaur OK so I would say that's quite a wide assortment from a dinosaur to close right. How long were you willing to wait to get these items are you willing to wait a week. A little bit a couple days right any one time am like one hour delivery. Yeah OK And you know where did you get that delivered to you likely your house probably right and where you're ordering a full. Palette of those things or did you just Or did you order a polyp of dog bones or just like a couple right. And how much were you were you willing to pay for the use where you are willing to pay a lot for shipping so the survey say no I mean that there's not much there so you really contributed to what I would say is a fundamental change in how we need to think about supply chain so Today's customers expect a wide variety of request to be fulfilled extremely quickly with very little warning you didn't forewarn what we need to do in small units so at the peace level and some of the pilot level and some many dispersed locations so we're going to your houses and sort of willing to come to your store and at extremely low cost OK So this is today's customer expectations which I will say is fundamentally different than yesterday so yesterday we were willing to have fixed or locations and the demand would aggregate at those locations and so my hypothesis is today supply chains are optimized for yesterday's customers. And so when you think about what worked really well yesterday we have very fixed networks and so we thought about let's optimize where should we locate those different locations and then once we have those locations how should we optimize the resources that we own and a lot of those resources are big things and we could even think innovatively about that in terms of you know Wal-Mart got famous about doing cross stocking and things like that but it was all built around the fact that I knew where my demand was happening it was very fixed and we had aggregate demand at those locations. And that's what worked well in the past my hypothesis is that's not going to work well in the future and you don't have to take my word for it these are all companies that have either filed for bankruptcy or have closed major numbers of stores in the last six months. And this is by no means an exhaustive list and I think there's a really interesting survey that came out recently that found that only ten percent of global So this is not just a U.S. problem global Burke and mortar retailers are actually profitably fulfilling e-commerce orders so to dissect that means if I'm you know when I'm Macy's or a gap that has physical stores and I also have another channel the online channel if they're using the same supply chain network and using the same decision making and kind of optimization approaches. They're not doing well so ninety per cent of them are actually not affordably making money. So that brings me to the idea that we really need to rethink supply chain and was just the design and I think there's you know two ways to really big categories we can rethink supply chain design we can rethink supply resources so what do we mean by and network what do we mean by resources to fulfill the customer requests and we can also rethink how these demand requests are going to occur I am of the belief that our now now now and we want this fast is not going to go away but we can be innovative about how we deliver that and so today I'm going to talk about rethinking supply resources but I think there's other things you can do in kind of both of these spaces. The best way I think to think about this is through picture. Here's a picture of Seattle downtown and you think of the extra capacity on that road do you think you could move more people or goods on that roadway any ideas any thoughts that full. Any creative ideas of how I could move more people or goods through the road. Sidewalk So yeah we could use the sidewalk sometimes when I give this you can save maybe we have a bike courier in there any other thoughts. Put them in buses. Vertical right you could have some growing something going on right. Crowd shipping. So this is the same picture only without the cars OK so it's very clear there's all kinds of capacity there's all kinds of extra capacity in this picture however we can't think of capacity of the traditional way we thought of capacity in the past we can't think about adding more cars instead we need to think about how can we tap into inside of that car those smaller granularity how do we tap into all of this extra capacity and so I call that underutilized capacity these people are going there anyways Can we somehow tap into that the other thing about capacity is we need to not think about it in terms of ownership so we need to think about if we really want to tap into the if it's not that I owned that person's trunk you know so we need to operationalize a little bit more when we think about capacity so this picture is coming at the heart of my motivation for a lot of my research is I'm interested in tapping into these underutilized resources on demand and I feel that is a potential way to get away from this static fixed network and have a much more dynamic a laugh network OK And there's a ton of analogies to supply chains to my car picture one example is a warehouse or distribution center these by definition are extremely static resources so once you build that it's really hard to kind of make it go up or down however this is commonly what demand looks like or inventory looks like and so if you're building a static fixed resource to fulfill something that looks like this there's a mismatch so there's either underutilized resources so if I build that the blue I have underutilized resources or if I could think about somehow making my resources less fixed and static that would be good. And I actually have a project going on right now that I'm not going to talk about in terms of detail today looking at this from a facility location perspective and looking at how can we build a dynamic elastic Resource Network flex is just an example of this there really on Demand platform kind of Air B.N. B. for warehousing and our interests here is in more the facility location problem and how do you get access to scale how do you compete with Amazon without owning this number of distribution centers that Amazon does. But today I'm going to talk kind of more generally about a different type of on demand platform So Flex is an example of that the two most common on demand platforms that you've probably heard of are an Air B.N. B. So the idea here is that there is a central mechanism or a platform that owns no resources so whoever owns no cars Air B.N. B. owns no facilities hotels instead their value is in first of all tapping into underutilized resources and matching that with demand on demand so in other words you click a button if you want to say I want Hoover and it finds that match and so their value is. Really in that mapping of supply and demand and they're interested in kind of a systematic perspective so they want the maximum number of people to participate in this platform and they also want people to participate continuously so I want to use the server service over and over again so who actually owns the resources there what I'm calling agents so they are you know you're if you're using Air B.N. B. You're the owner of that house that you're renting out and so because nobody owns me the platform doesn't own me my hypothesis is that we need to make sure we're providing discretion and autonomy to these agents and these agents really have an individual perspective you know they own the resource and so I'm going to provide access to that but I want to I own that so I have a preference for that and so there's lots of different players in the space a few come in the supply chain around the bottom but I would say what I'm really interested in is how can we design these systems and how can we operate these systems in such a way that we tap into existing underlies capacity on demand so I'm going back to my car picture I'm interested in underutilized resources and how to tap into them so I could make the case that you know over is a different type of capacity but I don't know if they're necessarily tapping into underutilized capacity they're creating different types of taxi drivers but it's not that they were going there anyway so I would say that's a little bit different of what I'm interested in is if I'm going from point A to Point B. and I have extra capacity can I tap into that any questions comments. You want to. Just. Share Yes So I'm not saying I would agree. Potentially I'm not preventing us from creating extra but I want to have this in mind when I'm designing and some of my algorithms that I'll talk about this is at the heart because I am actually very for providing someone a ride if you're going where I'm going but I don't necessarily want to be an overdrive or in my spare time you know that kind of thing so that's where I would say my focus is yes probably you will attract people that are participating in the platform beyond that. Any other questions or comments All right so let me talk about how this would work operationally so please meet millennial Milli OK And so she gets off of work and she gets a text message and ask her would you like to deliver groceries to others in the community and you know she's a good millennial she wants to make a difference so she clicks us OK and then at that point there are two choices that appear OK so who would you like to deliver to Jane who lives near Milly's home or would you like to deliver to Will who lives downtown. And she actually has plans to go downtown to meet a friend and so she's going to feel like we'll she's going to Ben get notifications on her smartphone about where to go pick up fees if it's a nonprofit and then make the deliveries or this could be a commercial setting where you're getting groceries at your local grocery store and I'm a member of kind of this rewards card and so when I check out I say scan this and they could see You also have these options would you be willing to do the last mile delivery in a kind of ad hoc or crowd sourced way so this could work for either kind of a nonprofit setting or a commercial setting but I think dissects kind of what's happening here OK So first of all we're able to tap and civilians under utilized capacity as needed results in resource alas to city so what I mean by that is if I didn't need someone to make that delivery one tap into her and this allows my resources to be less static and more dynamic both from a spatial perspective as well as a temporal or time perspective so that's great but to do that I really need to entice millet to do this so I am not controlling her she could say no she could have selected neither Jane nor will. And really the platform so who's sending these messages they don't have control over her so they can't force her to do this she's not an employee of the platform. And they also don't have perfect knowledge of what she's doing so most of the night she probably would go home and therefore if they only recommended Will she would have said no when she won the participated OK And so I provide choice for the platform provides choices they're definitely estimated based on some past history but they don't have perfect knowledge about that. Choices so that's good but choice is also have consequences so what happens to Jane you know if they need their groceries to who's going to cover that that would be a reject and because I'm providing choice to someone that participates on this platform that means that they could say no and so to hedge against the people saying no you might want to recommend multiple people the same request and so what happens if both people pick this I only need to make one delivery there are consequences there are others but these are the two kind of major ones. And then if you dissect this if you think about it from kind of a decision making perspective there are actually a lot of decisions require to make this operation happen what choice is why did I recommend Jane and well how many of them should I've recommended more of them what if I compensate What if the platform meaning you know if it's a grocery store they likely have some of their own delivery Caprica paper cap of capabilities so how do I use that and tap into that but there's tradeoffs if I wait too long then I'm really have short time windows and you know how does that all work and many many more so this is really at the heart of my research is to try to think about I want to tap into underutilized resources on demand I want to provide choices to multiple agents which are kind of thought of as ad hoc suppliers but I also need to balance that I need to make sure these demand commitments get made OK So that's the central challenge of a lot of my research yeah one very very well. For us. Right there. Were three years. You know through. You know only. One. So we're. Very. You know or. Most. Part here we're. Learning here so. Yes there's going. To experiences very. Very very past experience but I would say the difference here is technology and the reach of visibility so sharing has started from very beginning of humanity we shared but we only shared with people I knew right so I shared you know I know us all share my resource you know this kind of thing now all of a sudden you have much more reach into who wants a ride and potentially it could be a little bit better tied together both spatial and temporal I.E. potentially but that wasn't really true. Right here. For years. Already so. I. Look. You know. So. Also I think has also helped this so I can I think in the past it didn't work now when I first started talking about this I had to explain what it was some people like I wouldn't get in a car with somebody else now that's just second nature so I also think if we really try this experiment we're not at the same point as we were initially. But you're right there's lots of potentially problems. You. Could. Yeah. OK. So. Let's. See. This. So I would say first of all it's much more complex than just the delivery but I do think fundamentally demand has changed so fundamentally we're not going to physical stores anymore we're getting stuff delivered and I think what's telling is the statistic that they did a survey of a bunch of retailers and you take a given retailer and it's not saying they're not making a profit but they're not making a profit on their e-commerce side so that J.D. a survey they surveyed a bunch of different retailers and some of them could be doing really well financially but they are actually losing money currently on their e-commerce operations and so they might still be around for a really long time but I would say they need to think differently about how they fulfill e-commerce demand then how they fill store demand does that answer. Exactly. Yes. Yeah it's a great question. All right so that was an example of just like one person let's kind of you know bring this hour a little bit more abstractly and if you have multiple agents examples so here I have you know three smilies different agents and we also have some preference we know some preference about these alternatives and just to make it easy we have a capacity of one so each agent can fulfill one and only one request and each alternative only needs one agent to fulfill it just to make life simple so the traditional kind of you have agents and alternatives you could think OK let's use the hungry and method just very centralized optimization I care about how do these alternatives gets matched with the agency and we ignore anything about the preferences but we basically have a dictatorship so if we did that we could say OK based on different utilities of the system you can say I'm going to sign this. This way but here one thing I want to know at the end is the no choice so at some point they have a threshold maybe they're only willing to drive so far out of the way if you go to my driver rider or driver situation and so there is this no choice where if you offer me a or B. I'm just not going to participate and so be centralized systems are really not applicable in this kind of ad hoc purpose because you can end up I recommended three to be and they didn't select. You can say OK well we really care about. The agent so I'm going to provide every alternative to every agent so that's a very decentralized approach so each one can see a B. and C. agent two can see a B. and C. and so forth the problem there is we have my office decision making so the price of anarchy takes happening and so here you have two and three both warning this one request and then B.'s nobody picks. Yes. There is a difference in the sense. This is a very important part of which I explore is what is the value of how much information they have but the one thing here is I should probably add the five as they have utilities here so thinking about how traditionally didn't they just cared about the wait time of the rider so that maybe a different utility than the agents which maybe you want to end up close to their destination so what I'm using for the centralized system even if you assume they know everything about what's happening then you could do this and if you know exactly even though no choice you can assign them things such that they don't pick no choice so there is some aspects of information and I will actually do you tell more of that as I go along. So one of the issues with said Fly systems is if they truly are kind of the very simplified version is all I care about is my platform totally ignoring everything else that's probably not a good idea because you have to use these people to participate but will get back to yes information about how they can estimate what the agents are doing becomes really crucial. So this is obviously a very simplified example but so what I'm proposing is a much more integrated or hierarchical approach which tries to combine these two benefits so the good thing about centralize is that able to take a systematic perspective so that you don't get my office behavior not two people are picking the same one or you're trying to kind of prevent that on the flip side we like to centralize in the sense that you take into account that these have utilities and they have agency and we want to provide them so the idea here is what if we could personalize my recommendation So number one get sure all of them but you only get showed a three just showed C. for example and in that case you know in this very simple example you know then. Each one of them are getting picked on and so they're all better than the no choice their might not be their first choice but they are willing to participate in my platform. Similar except stable Matt marriage cares about do I really care about my first choice and of somebody else's so I would say we care more about are you willing to participate it might not be the best utility for the agent it's similar to stable marriage but not exactly so stable marriage and will show I have actually compare results to that in some ways prioritize the agents a little too much and you could reduce your systematic performance. But there are similarities to the actually we'll compare our two stable matching problem other questions. OK So that is a ton of research questions very much joint work with my Ph D. student CD So when I think about how do I design the system that I really want to tap into ad hoc suppliers if we think about well what alternatives should a platform recommend to multiple agencies given this finite resource capacity how can we develop a new hierarchical method to balance the need for demand commitments and choice what is the performance of this compared to these kind of more traditional approaches and then one thing that's really at the heart of what I think is exciting and kind of as a proof of concept is understanding choice in these systems. And so many new sizer how many choices I should give to someone I think is an interesting kind of central driving a lot of the development of these models so the current state of the knowledge in terms of resource sharing platforms there is a definitely growing set of research in this area so it started with more descriptive economy but there are definitely prescriptive models thinking about how can we develop resource sharing systems more specifically in terms of dynamic ride sharing crowdsource delivery there is actually a growing growing population of literature with some of the authors in the room and if you think about these approaches you can put them into kind of broad categories centralized approaches and I don't mean just the hunger in method more complicated than that there are kind of two ways to think about it there are some papers that say I want my suppliers to have preferences but you have to bid day in advance so it's not on demand and then they take into account these preferences in these bids but there's a lag or there's some latency and then there are ones that taking a centralized optimization to match supply and demand and they are motivated I would say by similar ideas that I'm motivated by but they use constraints to enforce that so you may say I'm only going to have a max Tor distance so I add a constraint for my optimization model or a number of stops or you want to enforce that there's this is a stable match when it's made and I'm There's also a paper that fits really well with what I'm doing that's getting older from Powell that had nothing to do with resource sharing but they're interested in accepting rejecting it and you know doing some this patching that actually has a lot of similarities the difference here is they have a single dispatcher they don't care as much about the multiple editions and there's also decentralized approaches this is just one of them there's actually many literature there so the gap in terms of this specifically on demand distribution platforms is no one's really looked at the hierarchical. Roaches to this process so looking at that there is a central decision maker that makes maybe recommendations but there's also a decision being made by these suppliers and so that's where our research is contributing to this body of literature and you can say well there's been a lot of literature in by Level Optimization words by far not the first one to do that sort of an optimization from traditional network design so you design a road and then people decide how to travel on that road those are all by level higher fickle literature but existing work typically fits into two of these things you have either you know the probably most common is this one you decided you were assortment so think about a traditional store what is put on the shelves you decide at once and then individual shoppers go but they all have the same assortment similar to a road network you design a road once and then yes there's individuals that make decisions but you don't have a personalized road for each person right so a lot of the Buy level work is actually one. Aggregate decision followed by everyone sharing that there's also work that looks at OK I'm going to give you an independent decision but there's no interaction between them. Versus the stuff that we're looking at is that we're interested in making personalized recommendations to multiple agents but it matters not just the decisions that I send from my platform it also matters if you select the same one as this person selects the same one there's interaction OK What we really care about is we want to prevent rejections We basically want to make sure that we serve these requests and so it is OK if you say no as long as he says yes right and so there is interaction between this agent's selections of what are interdependent that influences the performance of our system. One. So. So. There's. Yes. Yes. Or only yes so the stuff I'm presenting today I'm assuming a snapshot but that definitely future research is that OK if you have a duplicate I just right now have a tie breaker that says OK which one gets this but you can have this in a very dynamic setting and that you would say that then gets starts back as a request and that is the future work of this definitely So right now I assume there is one round and we deal with the consequences of that round based on some. But future research is to make that point. And I won't participate in the future exactly so and I think that part to me is really interesting is how do you make sure that this is a viable system and in some ways I'm trying to encourage participation as much as I mean thing and the participation is decided if I want to participate and no one's there that's not good and if I have people there and no one wants to participate but also that. So this is really what I'm interested in is trying to understand how can I engage participation through this idea of choice so to give you a framework on the X. axis is the number of choices so in my example I gave two choices I gave well and Jane you could think about more choices and so what I think would be interesting is this black line OK So initially this is just kind of hypothesized if I only give you one choice and the platform is not exactly sure what I'm going to do so they have some information about you but there's error in that estimation if I only give you one choice is a high chance that's a choice I don't want and I reject. So if I give you another choice there's a higher chance that I would actually accept something however that only works up to a point because you lose performance and the Y. axis here is the platform's objective or the system's objective because I'm willing to maybe give you one that you want but the platform really wants you to take another one that you don't take also at some point you get this aspect of you're offering them to everybody and then you go you have a lot of duplicate and you have myopic decision making so I'm really interested in this like black curve that's kind of a proof of concept is first of all is there kind of an optimal number of choices what influences those Does this increase participation and then comparing it to a kind of centralized essentially solution. And seeing what what happens does that make sense you know what's going on. So you know kind of when resources are finite for this example and we'll see this with some of our preliminary results is the centralized solution gives you only one and then if it's not the one you want then you reject it some of them will pick the decent allies one gives you all ten and everyone sees all ten and therefore it can be myopic So can we do better than those two systems dictatorship here is an upper bound in the sense that might not be achievable in the sense that I just care about what's the best for the system assuming I can force you to actually do that which is why it's an upper bound for. This. Group. So I. Don't. Want to yes so inside of here I'm also caring about which choices so I care about which ones as well as how many and so if you count which ones you know count that's how many so I am definitely interested in both and our method actually optimizes which ones but kind of a more fundamental research question and I think this is interesting but yes I'm optimizing which ones as well. So our very kind of preliminary model is a bi level optimization framework it's also a meter follower game so the leader makes X. I.J. decisions which are binary that says I'm going to recommend you this option. And there are different constraints here and we can add more but the one thing I want to emphasize is in the objective function these. Are rejections and duplicates at this moment so there the performance is influenced by what a bunch of people select and the lower level so you can think about it network wise the X.'s are kind of showing what am I showing to the agents and then the agents responds on the second level they are only able to select something that was actually recommended and we assume they maximize the utility of their selection but their utility U.I. J could be different than the systems utility see I.J. which I'll explain in a few other slides. This is definitely a first step model a major assumptions with all of these being planned to be relaxed if we are taking a snapshot view so we assume we have a set of available requests and a set of available agents we are only caring about one sided autonomy right now so requests will take any deliveries from any supplier so suppliers are the only ones that have autonomy and here we are assuming these U.I. J.s the platform can fully understand and estimate which is a major assumption that we relax in the future slides so one thing is OK typical this is a discrete buy level optimization program known to be extremely computationally expensive. And so we graph it is a short level as it is so what we do is we transform this by Level Optimization model into a single level optimization model using logical statements so if we know the preference profile of an agent so this agent prefers one over to over three and so forth then we can write statements that say if I recommend you one then you would select one because it's the one you want the most where assuming they're picking the best one if I don't recommend you one but I recommend you to you with flex to if I recommend you to and three you would pick two you know you could think about there's all these combinations there is exponentially many of them but you can write them all out. If then statements are obviously not linear constraints but you can introduce new decision variable T. i j which is a binary decision variable and you can see there's coefficients will either be plus one negative one or zero and so you can take this for every supplier you can then create the constraints and so about allows us to instead of having a buy level optimization approach we have a single level and we've taken out the objective function and then built in the constraint. OK And so the performance of this red line is using take eighty conditions the purple line is what I just showed you and then so it's definitely an improvement we were able to solve much bigger problem sizes much more quickly however you know in an on demand system we need to be fast and so because of time I won't explain but the Green Line is a stick approach that we're still working on but we're getting some promising results of a much faster recommendation and comparing that the main idea is can we somehow project the to you I js and C.I. J's the alignment between the system and the user and can we use that to solve a problem there so we're giving some promising results there. But due to time or Mathematica. So we now basically have a model that we're able to use to kind of get at some insights and to me about what is exciting about research as I find that the model is useful to get insights into the real system the other things we employ is we input C.I. J's and you are just C.I. J's are the platforms benefit of making this match and you I.J. is that the agent's benefit of making that match. This is definitely ongoing work but we can think about a data model that you would have information because people are participating in your platform you would know the current location you want to have some predicted destinations of where this person is going they're going home they're going downtown those types of things they're definitely predicted in some probabilities you could have from past history rating and some other character sets for each arriving request so you would know their origin their destinations the time window and other characteristic information and you know you can see something like this and you can start estimating using the data. And you edges the main thing out to point out is the stuff in yellow are things that you. We're going to estimate using the data from the platform but there are things some error term you're not going to be sure exactly what these people are doing and so we are currently working on their skull for your travel data sets available and trying to use them to kind of start estimating some of this from real data that's available but from our perspective today think about this yellow is some number that the platforms able to estimate plus some error term. And so I actually made it even simpler so we actually ran an optimization simulation set up using our data are using our model and the idea here is we randomly generated zero D. pairs and then what we care about the platform is we're just simplified we care about how long does this rider have to wait so we care about what time where the driver is now how long does it take to get to them so that's what we're going to use as the platforms benefit of making a match the drivers benefit is how much do they need to detour after I drop them off so if this person is going there but they really need to end up here that's the minimum of that distance. But the one thing to realize is the platform has a really good understanding of what the rider is doing because they put in their origin and destination but the driver Remember we're trying to entice them to participate I don't tell them exactly my plans for the evening so there is some error term and so here we thought they were going to go here but their destination is actually here so using kind of a random utility model framework the red part is the actual utility of that person the blue part is what the platform estimated user was going to do. The other thing that's important is remember we're trying to entice participation so the way we put this in there is we said there is some threshold that I'm willing to go out of the way the platform can as. To make up but there's also an error and if the distance there is larger than that threshold I'm not going to participate so if you recommend me something and it's longer than that I'm going to leave the system without words. So to do that we ran this optimization simulation set up I know there's a lot of information here but we basically generate origin and destination and we have some other input values and then the optimization engine we test for different types so we test our by Level Optimization formula I just showed you we test a hunger in method that only use a C.I. J So ignores that there's agents and they have utilities. We have a decentralized which really is an optimization we just show everything to everyone and then we also do many to many stable matching and so we do all cave to cave choices so of one is one to one stable matching all the way here we're doing up to ten so that's what's going on in the green part so out of the green part we run four different ways of doing this and out of that we basically get a recommendation set so we get a set of things we recommend to people and then what we do is we actually simulate what are people actually going to pick and we're using maximize utility so the part that simulation is really simple but we're just generating these errors and then saying What are they actually picking not what to the system think they were going to pick and then get the actual performance out of. That makes sense. Right so I won't go through all the details but we do a full factorial analysis I think about different correlation potentially with riders and drivers destinations and origin. Different penalties and different error rates. And here are some preliminary results probably like anyone my grad students gave me because last night I heard them so they're definitely preliminary and I actually have a legend is incorrect. What is let's walk through some of the lines that are solid are the ones that are coming out of the optimization and we haven't done the simulation so you could think of those as if I had perfect knowledge about exactly what everyone did those are the solid lines and the red is the centralized system the blue is the stable matching and the reason it goes off like this is because that K. The K. we assume you can make a choice miss but then in the simulation we enforce that you only can make one so that's why we're up the green line is our model and yes of the green line is our model we are maximizing So we want to big number. And then the dotted lines are what comes out of the simulation so we're actually simulating choice so one thing the thing here is the red line centralize does really well if we know exactly what what the person is going to do that would make sense to do that the minute the platform is not able to perfectly estimate what these agents are doing then all of a sudden which is the dotted lines all of a sudden our model does better so if you look at this one this has low error this is the same instance with high error. So the number of choices that's best for ours is a one over here so the green is the biggest here it's around six the green where is the biggest line here. If you measure the best here the green versus table matching this one is pretty close the green is a little bit better but not by much so in this instance stable matching approach would do really well this one the green is way better than either of those two. The other things that we thought were interesting so there are around three thousand different instances and so what we did is out of our integrated approach when does it make sense to provide choice and so a large portion of them you know there are you does it make sense to provide choice even in our integrated model. And the large portion of them say OK give a decentralized approach but if you sum up everything between two and nine that's forty three percent of the instances so this is kind of a proof of concept to me to say that there is some value in trying to understand choice in these systems and they could potentially improve the platform's performance. And then we ran a number of a no vote here of the dependent variable is the platforms objective function so we're trying to understand what influences the platforms objective and all factors are significant but what's interesting is the things that really matter so these are ways to think about if I'm going to design a platform system what do I need to think about so what we found is that the threshold of no choice has a huge influence and that should make sense if you're kind of willing to do anything if I show you. That alternative that's not the best for you but it's the best for the system I'll take it anyways but if you're really picky then I really need to be careful about how I'm making these recommendations and how many estimation errors definitely play a big role and then if you really care about making sure you have participation so rejection is what you care about then that's also the most important if you don't care about rejection and you just have plenty of people participating then just do basically dictatorship. And I think just one or two more. Of this is looking at the performance gap so here's the integrated model objective function versus table matching and the integrated versus the centralized approach. Some preliminary insights is that this performance gap is also influenced by all of our factors but what I think is really interesting is what influences those so the stable matching if you're going to do that you better be really good at estimating utilities and that should make sense if I'm going to recommend something to you that you feel as stable as the you know you're not willing to change you better make sure you know what those are versus a centralized approach what is interesting is your detour threshold is really the most important so if you're willing to participate versus not if you're willing to participate you have a huge structural. Then just use a centralized approach but if that is more sensitive then it makes sense to use a more integrated approach. Right so in terms of contributions and preliminary insights. We created a new approach to really look at the supplier choice so that's what I'm very much interested in and we transformed it from a programming perspective. And Illustrated performance improvement and I really you know when I view this is a proof of concept that I think providing choice to agents hand improve a platform's objective and the value of and choice increases as these different things happen I will say perfectly concept is important here because in terms of future research this is basically what my N.S.F. career said was what I just presented to you was basically preliminary insights and then future research is expanding upon many many more ideas so from a recommendation model the most obvious thing is I'm doing a deterministic optimization and then simulating the utilities put that into the optimization in terms of compensation and I think there are some interesting things is how can we influence suppliers utilities so if there's one that's way out in the boonies no one wants is there ways to personalize that incentives so bad is something I'm interested in oftentimes if you really care about making sure that the demand gets fulfilled you likely will also have some sort of resource that is owned by the platform and so where the tradeoffs with that. And then there's all the stuff with dynamic model and so when and how to update decisions so obviously you have dynamically arriving requests but there's also things I think are super interesting about how do you generate trust in this network and how do you update the information once a supplier is done how do I update both should I have them participate again and second of all how do I update their view of them from the platform so all my data needs to be updated and can I be. Smart about what I recommend such that I get good data and estimate my utilities in a really good way which we're finding is you know preliminary results is a really important thing if you want to get better performance. And then in terms of evaluation I'm interested in kind of I'm calling the three E.'s efficiency effectiveness and equity and one reason for that is one of my use cases is thinking about how do we make deliveries to nonprofits so this is a map put out by the U.S.D.A. of people living in what they call a food desert which is defined here as having no car and then no supermarket within a mile and so if you think about right now there are definitely people trying to solve this problem things like Meals on Wheels regex's a local nonprofit but when you talk to them they say OK I'm glad to get your volunteer support but you have to show up every Monday morning and every monday when you make those deliver It's so that's obviously limiting the supply capacity that is available so you know thinking about the bone when you're old generation you know can we create a more on demand volunteer basis where you want to help but you want to help on your own terms and so I think that's something that's also very exciting from a nonprofit perspective so with that I think we need to rethink supply chain design I think there's lots of interesting things happening I put this up here is that I'm very interested in you know new mathematical models and algorithms to valuate new systems and processes to get ultimately insights. And that's my presentation I would love any questions concerns comments now or offline that have. Very. Low. Form. For children from.