Well first of all I want to thank Adam for inviting me one. Thank you. Jordy tactlessness for the workshop is an honor and pleasure for me to speak here and also the line into the panelists in which the cops from Korea under attack. I thought I will Turkey for you a fifteen minute version of Trident quest for energy secure but before I do that. Let me get US cents off of the expertise here in this form of China. How many of you have been to China. OK So quite a lot. So I better be careful violent everything from the council via they can stick you put that on. Well I will stop for them to bust in my presentation I'll take a look at China's energy supplier counties from the viewpoint of my security. I want to thank you for president came into the broader loop for our energy security so that I don't have to go back to the literature but I did start to endorse. I certainly concur with what he said about the broad broad literature and its development and security and the second issue. I want to examine here is how kind meets its energy security challenges and then after I want to look very quick case study on how China pursues its always security finally I'll end with a discussion on the implications of trying to sell overseas energy policy for the U.S. in particular before we are launching into a discussion on trying its own energies you're listing a quick look at China and the audience that we are all on the same page or you need to look at China's energy supply mix and consumption mix the arm the impression and then become very clear. China is very cold based economy and then take a look at the country's energy demand trajectory over the last or two decades or so. It's clear that the Chinese energy economy is pretty high high self-sufficient. In contrast musically and engine conked in Japanese energy economy in the southwest and free trade is still over ninety percent currently but they take a look at the new demand growth really is it's quite over overwhelming in a sense because an energy consumption doubled between one hundred eighty four and two thousand and that it doubled again between two thousand and one and two thousand and nine easy in about eight years or so and generally it's a lot has changed for example between. In the eighty's between the eighty's and the thousands. The Chinese and. The Chinese didn't want to Caldwell energy consumption only double but then since two thousand to twenty tensing racial between energy consumption and G.D.P. when about one and the Chinese government started this effort in two thousand and six to bring down energy intensity vite morning percent between two or six and two thousand and ten it looks like the government will miss its target this year but it's quite a commendable effort but does this that activity doesn't reveal the fall of abilities of the Chinese and Indian economy to security to supply security challenges. Let me just quickly are. It was the flavor of the energy supply security challenges facing the Chinese economy or China became or that that natural gas can order two thousand and one comes to natural gas the distribution of natural gas really I'll give you up a consensus about the disconnect between where resources are and where demand is defined as energy security and I think that's pretty much true for a for a lot of other countries and it also true for for oil and coal as well if any look at the map on the left is. Certainly it's obvious that the natural gas resources are primarily scattered around the periphery isn't north north and China central China whereas the dimension is really on the east coast saw a couple issues come up then you have to build a lot of infrastructure to green gas to win or it's it's deposited to where it's needed and the Chinese government have hasn't really started to pay much attention to natural gas until this and this new normal name and now that gas is grown in some trees growing at double digit rate right now and we have that means of growth for me and China quickly became a net importer of natural gas try and concentrate on imports roughly ten percent of natural gas but according to the International Energy Agency's projection China will be importing at least a forty over forty percent went on for. And of the moment. Recently there is a lot of discussion about unconventional natural gas in China particular shale gas and trying to estimate is China has at least the same amount of unconventional natural gas as the US has but it is of course it takes a lot of time to develop the natural gas and you need mice mechanisms to be corrected for unconventional gas to take place and currently natural gas prices are still subsidized and without this price liberalization is difficult to say that natural gas war. Will be where the government hopes it to be for example it took the Chinese government over a decade to even bring the percent about four percent. Right right now that gets you counts for less than four percent of the China's total energy consumption and I don't think the number will go up significantly before the Chinese government reforms its gas prices but I'm happy to talk about natural gas prices if you are injured during the Q. and A session because of my Also for ensuring although coal heat trying on court counts for eighty over eighty percent of the country slightly. Izzie improvise over seventy percent of the country's total energy consumption and if you take a look at the coal it's the same story disconnect between where resources are and where the next AIDS defines energy security challenges in trying to take a look at called really concentrating Northern China and the peripheries again or the East China and Fremont is alone in more in northern China Shakes you change you know Mongolia for over forty percent of the country hold on. I can stand on my eyes. I'm right. So you have this challenge of moving coal on Massey's on where the resources are and where the manse energies which is the East Coast. And then that that massive challenge. Often times cause our own countries room a system and then the sudden the southern China and the east coast China. Oftentimes are designed to supply shortages. Whenever you have severe weather conditions in Northern China only half of you know our fast paced economic development which of course a lot of coal from north in China and in fact whom I see is happening on the price all over in China for last couple years and prices of more than actually are depending on the type of coal use. So call is not cheap in China anymore. Contrary to the conventional wisdom but they're good for the East Coast. That's why missile onsets bill is called the great hole from overseas Australia in Asia and elsewhere to the east coast and secondly it makes a lot of sensible calls for be close to China to develop nuclear that's the primary rationale. Because if you think about nuclear and coal and coal fired power the fuel cost only accounts for one third of the total cost. Whereas coal fired power. You mean you know the fuel cost accounts for roughly equal over forty percent right now China. A little bit higher. Depending on where you are right now. So that's why despite the rapid growth rate of production in China Thailand has became kind of the haven that. Looks like that trend will continue and although I think the whole room of minus imports would be small because you know China has abundant reserves and right now what's what's the bottom there is really in the transportation once the Chinese government restructures its coal supply bases there was more capacity to ship called more color around that that that they more gap. But as Dr came and other analysts have said earlier China. The fact that China became you know becomes a net coal important or have a lot implications for the original coal markets in Asia for example South Korea now is is under pressure to find with placement and Japanese on the same pressure. But the the on the most management challenge and the three security challenge you face in trying to government occurs in the realm of the other sector against things sorting this connect defines the security hole or in addition to that this that there's another way of the story which again is China doesn't have enough coal or oil reserves on the come out of bases all the reserves in China lower their nickel average Neotel all the resources at the very very fast in trying for example a lot of the oil fields around East Coast have been explored for over three years the minority oil if you. For example in north eastern China Dutchy used to produce over fifty million fifty million pounds a year and now it's. It's in a rental for new pounds of muscle. And so all the World Cup level of the oil produced in China now is pretty high and the production cost is very high to comparison with Middle Eastern countries and are in countries that has a lot of implications for all the overseas expansion of Chinese oil companies later on we'll talk about nine hundred ninety three with this dichotomy off actually girls fast mandrels and go in production a whole nother came in there or in forty nine hundred ninety three and since then the trend has made me pretty much you know you see the big you see this is an important time to see continuing to grow always we saw in two thousand. For example in two thousand Knight China's in more humans and one of our fifty percent for the first time close to sixty percent and China now is spending billions of dollars on oil imports and the nominees in two thousand and eight when the Chinese were boy. More expenditure accounted for fourteen percent of China's total importance. That translates into one hundred sixty one dollars and the not number for sure. Go up because of the more the planet is it will continue to go up. According to the the International Energy Agency again by twenty fifth China will be importing actually stole find new and a million barrels a day right now to only imports five point six million of the roughly nine number changes from month to month and sought by then twenty third the import would count for at least seventy five percent of China's total oil consumption and that that really scares a lot of decision makers in China. Why is that one. Why why the Chinese care about energy secure or secure right to go back to the story. Dr Kim just said the basis of this clucked of memory and on matters in China because China in in you know remember joined the old days when China branded the Soviet and then the Soviet cut off. You know all this applies to the two countries that after the relationship soured in the in the sixty's and then of course was under the in marble imposed by the US you know before trying to establish the relation that will match the motions with the U.S. So luck went to memory. I'm really pays a lot of attention to the ability to control supply and certainty over supply and then there is also another factor. Since ninety eight in I'm being the survival of the communist regime in China really hinges on two factors one. It's taken on the girls because there's no all the election China. The system is not a Tory base. It's really economic growth based So economic growth against legitimacy to the regime and then there is another source of that you can see what is which is real nationalism. So the regime now survival of the regime depends on the stool factors. And why it's not linked to to energy security because if you want and you grow your economy in an axis in stable economy and he smiles by the Energies of mines in China are not sufficient. And nice and energy supplies from overseas increases. Although as and some coal now in the future and is all that's one energy security is a is a really emphasized that needs. It's high on the radar screen on Lucia's agenda and there is nothing that's only invited. If you look at you know how China is or where the imports of its oil from for example look at the data into Lauzon to the numbers haven't changed that dramatically since then China in wards night over ninety percent of all from C. lines through us through our through sequence of communications. However over eighty five percent chance all imports trying to travel through this narrow spin off of are the red dots the red dots really here indicates. Beyond the normal area and run out of water we bomb attacks and all the complications in the post nine one one world. This has taken on substance more. And look at the anti other chart of the on the money and the map and then you can get a really good understanding of how to think about the supply security after the sometimes the low and of course mire to the September eleventh attacks the US maintain troops in the countries Japan South Korea ones and gone Central and then after the September eleventh U.S. station choosing Afghanistan Pakistan will do better stand how to say this is the map from a card from The Economist magazine. It's really a well great illustration of this and circumvent the siege mentality Chinese how right now they feel B. C. they feel the same age the feeling startled by the US and then think about that when each or speak unless they talked about the now not mean usual which is actually limited to the time when issue to some extent I think about this the Chinese all trade or any more is have to travel through this this narrow street a lot an increase over time. One by one prices. You must continually walk on Ana's or suppliers round them far cross the narrow street of market and concentrate one area as that's the single concern that really bothers the Chinese come from and the Chinese news and Chinese strategists and to resort that issue. To rezone that's the security challenges the Chinese government is taking a holistic approach to energy security. The Chinese government is down a lot on the supply side with man sign and institutional science. I don't want to go through everything because you know you can read this later on when you have time or you're interested but suffice it to say. The Chinese can really start life and the I think there's a quite good understanding that there's no silver bullet. You have to do everything at your disposal to has your energy security both on post domestically and externally. But also from the supply side and demand side and the and the institutional side and just let me take off a couple of things for example you have trickle vehicles trying to it's electric vehicles right now on a daily basis two thousand cars are added to the street operating right now and this number was discontinued girl and China has about over sixteen million cars and that number will become you know three hundred to four hundred by twenty thirty that of moment drives of oil consumption is this is this massive cultural revolution in China and massive for urbanization each year fifteen million people migrate from the rural area to to the cities in China and rural areas for example urban residents consume three times more energy than rural residents in China as you cannot provide as you know if you were in the shoes of the Chinese you know prison or Chinese premier The first thing you've got to think about in the morning is how I keep the people off the street right. I'm always the the take to the street and then bring the government down rain and thought that's a really overwhelming challenge and let me simply worries about the people with the Chinese government has down on domestic little enhanced oil security and I would do a little his starting a small place early on China's oil security which is really the essential part of my book and which is which was developed on my arm on the basis of my thesis. The Chinese government has over the last couple over the last two decades also dark major major art have taken couple major steps to want to get the oil industry. Ready to deal with the other countries or security challenges and the reforms of the oil industry so that it created a three seem easy send OPAP and soon and then there's not a one cent on hand so trying now from Japan South Korea has a very very powerful national oil companies. Although you also see is this now a growing Japanese out power for the Nazis. Although Japan aims to have some of those these By the mid some big it's Mitsubishi jog mad at Central that actually do the work overseas and to trainees for example since the ninety's. Since one thousand nine hundred eighty the Chinese government reform the oil industry to create create market oriented and competitive and commercial listed entities that are actually ready to take on a challenge. Then in one thousand nine hundred eight in the end the Chinese government in one thousand nine hundred four Chinese government liberalized my seas which gave the oil companies enough profit margin to accumulate profits and then and span overseas. That's actually a major factor. Why these days the Chinese Elsie's have deeper pockets because price rises have little lies the subtle you know in buying from international markets. You know international crisis and sell the midst of an international crisis and have the action at home and overseas the mic a lot of money off from upstream although downstream. That's to constrain because they don't as you has handed over our product my cities. That's the area where the the reforms are still incomplete but the Chinese numbers mean steps to move on up on this one and then the other the other side of the stories as you are traditionally China has no no. S. but this has changed. Look at the amount as perhaps one. Now and not two thousand and eight fifty million cubic meter. I think one Q one Q one. They make of that matter is roughly equal to see. Three times also so. And this is these are two of these are is this is adding up very quickly if your sense of where China will be around twenty three twenty sixteen by twenty six in China will have five hundred million barrels a day of off farm out five hundred million barrels of storage capacity. Now will be the Chinese of the Chinese economy a lot cushion against global fluctuations of oil supplies and. And price volatility. Although it remains to be known how the Chinese government has to use its strategic of national resource because China is not a member of the International Energy Agency. So it doesn't have to abide by all those rules regarding this is a S.P.R. capacity external to the Chinese government together with the Chinese companies or companies have been diversifying importance and from this. This is going to Africa now has become more and more important accounting for one third of China's who are Morse whereas East Asia all the asian the city share all Asia Pacific has really declined. If now it is really not that I'm poor and middle east traditional and consistently important for China accounting for over fifty percent. Well over a little over fifty percent of China's total or you imports and then this is again on the contrast with this Japan South Korea which are very very highly dependent on the Middle East the dependency race the dependency regional is over eight percent for example in case of South Korea where China is on the mom in the Middle East for forty or fifty percent. However because of the reason is the pattern of the Middle East China has to pay for all these oil imports from the the on the east. But you know if you take a deeper look at where China gets its oil companies. Why is the constant in the large proportion still who is concentrated on a small number of Middle Eastern countries so that makes China a little more vulnerable than the US. If you take a look at how the US sources its supply it's the number it looks pretty good sources are from over seventy countries. Whereas China sources are from about forty countries also and in the first the top ten. Supplies over eighty percent of China's total oil supply it's so there is there's a lot of work there for the Cheney for the Chinese companies and the Chinese government to our tool to move forward and then as as I alluded to the solicitor overseas mentioned Now while those in the ninety's the Chinese oil companies is going out campaign which was later indorsed by the Chinese government in two thousand by the former President Johnson me if I'm out of order. This is only our campaign and this Overbeck you know was overseas and has really started to me are I am I am I kept a track of the data model of overseas investment account of my ask me for example concerns of Assman. Between one thousand nine hundred ninety nine in China and invest at least forty or over forty billion dollars overseas and across different countries. Equity all of that is another item that attracts a lot of attention and generates a lot of controversy right now and we're all in total equity all our production of over one million dollars a day but I don't think that that will really play on a significant role in China's own security because over fifty only fifty roughly sixty percent also of equity all it goes back to China Chinese oil companies sell most of the equity oil to the international markets again it's and this is this you know that continent be torn what the state wants and what the oil companies want what the OP and Aussies want which I'll come back later on. Let me go. Then since since since this is the global economic crisis. Spearheaded by a stop some from some prime crises and the Chinese and overseas are really getting more moral and vicious and who are a surgeon and a two thousand I own. For example and take a look at the number two thousand I am Chinese overseas or on an investment. Pete around fifty billion dollars that you are really taking a look now at that number and all that in previous investments in comparison with you. And now so far the total investment has already been about nine or an hours and then you take a look at the price. The Chinese analyses are painful the assets. They're getting more and more aggressive in terms of the premium the they like to pay for example Chinese analyses are the first among the first companies to be awarded to to operate in Iraq for example. And then the other dimension of the story is its banks in China and of course we all know that China's foreign exchange reserves are now are close to three trillion dollars and therefore exchange reserves are currently on a daily basis and depending on the models can be to be on dollars each day and not much money the banks now are looking for opportunities to spend that money and then you know of course we used to measure the government your knees. You know increasingly scarce and the banks are going to help the Chinese and will cease to buy assets overseas and that's that's how it happened in the ninety's when the conceits turned to the banks the banks turned them down but now the banks have now only up and you know in from their doors and knocking on the door saying hey we have money and look at the amount of bonus for oil deals and the Chinese banks have cut a. Out for in our for this and sees since since since last year and by July two thousand I have already signed onto for over fifty billion dollars of our oil for loans deals for example and the Chinese oil and seas have been more aggressive after that since the recession and the Chinese government is busy too and as the oil workers. You know in part on this bull track for oil. The Chinese diplomats are folding calling in their footsteps in the hall the diplomats are everywhere where the oil oil workers are I am just so you know I dismount out of the simple correlation here by buying clothing on the police in the flats on the way or the boy assets are in office where the Chinese top leaders have visited in Africa. That's growing a lot of correlation of course I don't assert that Chinese leaders only go to places where they are all although it's just a why why an important dimension of China's foreign diplomacy of foreign foreign policy but there is this point it's quite significant. Correlation here. I mean I go deeper into this because all the diplomacy if you want to. And then more importantly the kind this government has made a lot of lust taps to reduce the dependence on the street a whole lot by building land based Mormons. For example. Now there are three wise in operation. One is the conflict center. I outline might be the best one in the witch doctor and then there's not many gas. I for one example trying to right now get twenty thousand barrels a day from the kind of I want. And we're not my point. The third phase finishes China will get four hundred thousand barrels a day from now on and this pipeline the capacity is six hundred thousand barrels a day. And then China's doing scats and oil pipeline from them are and this pipeline would give China another four hundred barrels a day of imports from my opponents. Well that my point is important because if China more follow on land based on finds the idea is trying doesn't have to depend so much on the street. I'm a lot and take a look at that as this may all this pipeline from the are all samples and bypasses and bypasses. That's the that's the whole idea. And then all along the East Coast is Chinese companies are accelerating L.G. terminals and that's another alternative uses to onto the hands it's all this theory particularly gas new security as supply and so for short domestically and then the military is increasingly active about oil secure as China depends on foreign energy and the military is taking a hard look at what age can do to protect China's all in for us. You hear a lot about this the pearl of string so to speak once referred to which reforms of the tenets of Chinese government and Chinese companies to build the final islands hospital wards in the South China and in South Asia pops up with there's a lot of our poor in Pakistan and then there is a hammock mantle caught have been told for being caught and then this memoir pipeline will give Trying up the opposition to build a deep water port city. And of course this is half moon on this occasion so all because you can easily build up a great listening post so military you know surveillance operations in those ports and so that's one concern. And then there is another concern that China is is monetize these Navy and by building the first island chain in the Staten Island chain as an attempt to do break out of the control over the Pacific Ocean by the United States and its allies. But again these are just the you know the perceptions and the outside of science analysts have about the China's efforts and let me let me tell you what I think what China has been doing and the state of China's and the security. I think overall in comparison with a couple years ago in comparison was two thousand and five when Sunoco failed to acquire Unocal in the U.S. for example supply security in China has has been slightly improved the international market now is more favorable to China's quest for security because demand has declined in North America and Europe. You know prices have been pretty stable. You know pretty that many don't actually and China still pays a premium for all our fault for Middle Eastern crudes although my colleague from the East West Center said recently the Saudi Arabia has been adjusting that myself for China to make sure Saudi Arabia has a has a foothold in the Asian markets will be interesting to see the competition between Saudi Arabia and Russia for the of the East Asian markets and well the other thing is market reforms are still incomplete in China and governance that is very very weak why why do I say that because you're off the decentralization and reform the Chinese government has literally abolished lined the streets over the children Center and the and all Cs now very very powerful they are now the power for economic affairs and map our political entrepreneurs as well and it's not clear. Oftentimes whether the and all states will listen to the government because the embassies are also partially a listed on the post domestic stock markets and international. Stock markets. So the wear two hats. It's not clear. You know in all of the science scientists like to invoke this theory of principle an agent and a principle that's not necessarily have to we control over the agents because there is the sense that caught in between this operation autonomy and the strategic autonomy the strategically the knowledge and the Chinese commerce you have control over the losses but operationally the analyses are completely autonomous on. The car to be encouraging story is the BIOS the Chinese Elsie's are increasingly co-operative with the international aisle says for example in the case of Angola in case of Iraq and up. Many other places for example cinema just recently unfired unconventional gas gas asset operated of by by by just tested can be tested energy for sample A My sense is that that will go through and it will be the first time that singlet attempts to acquire assets in the U.S. I would be really positive if that goes through that indicates to the Chinese that here. You're welcome to invest here. Don't don't you know. Don't go to those places such as Iran or elsewhere etc. But but the banks. You know as a set of banks are important too and one of the core policy implications. Well you know one of the foreign policy implications. Is that it's pretty troubling actually if you think about this the I.O.C. is the losses in China have become really powerful. But also economical and a political issue and it's not clear whether they pursue their own interests all the. The air they actually are abide by what the state wants them to do and at the same time what the the aisles the Chinese L.C.S. continue to expand overseas and domestically. THE GOVERNOR. Structure in China is just not ready to give you one example the National Energy in the street only has one hundred fourteen people when it was created. How can one hundred fourteen people manage an energy economy that's larger than the US energy economy right now. There we have over five thousand people and in China at the federal level on this issue of this conflict this clash of beaches and foreign policy considerations China certainly are attaching Potence to this pursuit for pursuit of all for you know for oil security but the same time it's Chinese companies investments. Oftentimes get China into. A clash over or over in Iran over Burma or over Sudan with the United States and other countries and then there is also this worry that the cost of all energy security would trump China's foreign policy interests with regard to territorial disputes in evils in India with China's in the East China Sea and in South China Sea and our prayers alluding to the spat between China and Japan over the East China Sea And that's you know the same thing right now in the South China Sea The tension is growing that that means for example and the Chinese have in this in a way you know the have all I think now. Become more hardened on their positions over the South China Sea and the vet I mean he's aligned themselves with the US and THEM by helping their positions that that means I encourage the American companies to develop means developing oil and gas in South China Sea or we can get into you know offshore security issues and then finally in that in an attempt to to China's strand or security and the Chinese navy is modernizing at that pace that has not been seen for quite a while. And this unprecedented and then at some of the pace of naval modernization in China is Vora something for many many countries countries in Southeast Asia and countries in this and then this country as well. And so to what extent can the Chinese government align. It's. Interests to expand its navy and interests to arm to arm security on its oil imports that still is issue and to whether China can can maintain a harmony between the two impulses of the two two important nice. Is still a challenge and has a lot ramifications for this country. So I think that's why there's there's a you know. There's a lot of need for for us to care about energy security and try it out and that's why on that front. I applaud the South the South Korean government for taking the lead in forging on the regional energy security cooperation but I have to say that so far I have been I've been I have not been encouraged by this attempt because most of efforts are still focused on bilateral trilateral or do lateral and there is still no regional cooperation but to that. And we will all work together and hopefully at some point it will have more regional security cooperation and that's something I'm working on right now. Thank you. Thank you.